Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include <tracking/eventTimeExtraction/findlets/HitBasedT0Extractor.h>
9 #include <tracking/eventTimeExtraction/findlets/BaseEventTimeExtractor.icc.h>
11 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/utilities/StringManipulation.h>
13 #include <framework/core/ModuleParamList.h>
15 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
16 #include <framework/utilities/ScopeGuard.h>
18 #include <TH1D.h>
19 #include <TF1.h>
20 #include <TFitResult.h>
21 #include <TCanvas.h>
23 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
25 #include <memory>
27 using namespace Belle2;
28 using namespace TrackFindingCDC;
31 {
32  return "Extracts the T0 time of an event only using CDC Hits";
33 }
36 {
37  m_eventMetaData.isRequired();
38  Super::initialize();
39 }
42  const std::string& prefix)
43 {
44  moduleParamList->addParameter(prefixed(prefix, "searchWindow"),
45  m_param_searchWindow,
46  "Size of the time distance (in ns) to search for t0 in both direction from the current best t0",
47  m_param_searchWindow);
49  moduleParamList->addParameter(prefixed(prefix, "fitWindow"),
50  m_param_fitWindow,
51  "Size of the time distance (in ns) to used for fitting",
52  m_param_fitWindow);
54  moduleParamList->addParameter(prefixed(prefix, "refitWindow"),
55  m_param_refitWindow,
56  "Size of the time distance (in ns) to used for re-fitting",
57  m_param_refitWindow);
59  moduleParamList->addParameter(prefixed(prefix, "binCountTimeHistogram"),
60  m_param_binCountTimeHistogram,
61  "Number of bins in the timing histogram used for fitting",
62  m_param_binCountTimeHistogram);
64  moduleParamList->addParameter(prefixed(prefix, "rejectByBackgroundFlag"),
65  m_param_rejectByBackgroundFlag,
66  "Don't consider hits if they have the background flag set",
67  m_param_rejectByBackgroundFlag);
69  moduleParamList->addParameter(prefixed(prefix, "rejectIfNotTakenFlag"),
70  m_param_rejectIfNotTakenFlag,
71  "Don't consider hits which have not been assigned during track finding. The CDC track finding has "
72  "to be run before for this flag to be useful.",
73  m_param_rejectIfNotTakenFlag);
75  moduleParamList->addParameter(prefixed(prefix, "rejectIfChiSquareLargerThan"),
76  m_param_rejectIfChiSquareLargerThan,
77  "consider the t0 fit failed which have larger chi2 than this number",
78  m_param_rejectIfChiSquareLargerThan);
80  moduleParamList->addParameter(prefixed(prefix, "rejectIfUncertaintyLargerThan"),
81  m_param_rejectIfUncertaintyLargerThan,
82  "consider the t0 fit if the uncertainty on t0 is larger than this value",
83  m_param_rejectIfUncertaintyLargerThan);
85  moduleParamList->addParameter(prefixed(prefix, "storeAllFits"),
86  m_param_storeAllFits,
87  "store images for all fits",
88  m_param_storeAllFits);
90  moduleParamList->addParameter(prefixed(prefix, "minHitCount"),
91  m_param_minHitCount,
92  "Minimum amount of hits which is required to try the extraction",
93  m_param_minHitCount);
95  Super::exposeParameters(moduleParamList, prefix);
96 }
98 void HitBasedT0Extractor::apply(std::vector<CDCWireHit>& inputWireHits)
99 {
100  const auto timeHistogramName = "HitBasedT0Extractor_time_hist";
101  const std::string debugImageName = "HitBasedT0Extractor_debug_" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>
102  (m_eventMetaData->getEvent()) + ".png";
104  auto timingHistgram = TH1D(timeHistogramName, timeHistogramName,
105  m_param_binCountTimeHistogram, -m_param_fitWindow,
106  m_param_fitWindow);
108  // Enable batch mode - we do not want to show the canvas etc.
109  auto batchGuard = ScopeGuard::guardBatchMode();
111  TCanvas canvas(debugImageName.c_str(), debugImageName.c_str(), 800, 600);
113  if (inputWireHits.size() == 0) {
114  B2WARNING("No input CDC hits available for the CDC hit based t0 extraction.");
115  return;
116  }
118  for (auto const& wireHit : inputWireHits) {
120  if (m_param_rejectByBackgroundFlag
121  && wireHit.getAutomatonCell().hasBackgroundFlag())
122  continue;
124  if (m_param_rejectIfNotTakenFlag
125  && !wireHit.getAutomatonCell().hasTakenFlag())
126  continue;
128  // the taken flag is also set for background hits. Therefore we must
129  // also hits to be also classified as background to not get flooded
130  // with background hits
131  if (m_param_rejectIfNotTakenFlag
132  && wireHit.getAutomatonCell().hasTakenFlag()
133  && wireHit.getAutomatonCell().hasBackgroundFlag())
134  continue;
136  // Attention: at this stage we use the drift time that was set when the WireHits were created.
137  // We will just *assume* that it was zero at this time!
138  timingHistgram.Fill(wireHit.getDriftTime());
139  }
141  if (timingHistgram.GetEntries() < m_param_minHitCount) {
142  B2DEBUG(25, "Only " << timingHistgram.GetEntries() << " hits satisfied the requirements for t0 extraction, " << m_param_minHitCount
143  << " are required.");
144  return;
145  }
147  // add an overall offset of 1 to not have to care about empty bins in
148  // the cumulated plot
149  timingHistgram.SetBinContent(1, timingHistgram.GetBinContent(1) + 1);
151  B2DEBUG(25,
152  "Filled histogram with " << timingHistgram.GetEntries() << " Entries");
154  std::unique_ptr<TH1> cumTimingHistogram(timingHistgram.GetCumulative());
155  // detach histogram from any directory so we can delete it ourselves
156  cumTimingHistogram->SetDirectory(0);
158  // set the error for each bin taking into account that the bin content is the
159  // cumulated content of previous bins
160  double errPrevBin = 0.0f;
161  double errThisBin = 0.0f;
162  for (int i = 0; i < cumTimingHistogram->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
163  if (i > 0) {
164  const double prevEntries = cumTimingHistogram->GetBinContent(i - 1);
165  const double addedEntries = cumTimingHistogram->GetBinContent(i) - prevEntries;
166  if (addedEntries > 0.0) {
167  // combine the error of the previous bin with the new entries of this bin
168  const double errNewEntries = 1.0 / std::sqrt(addedEntries);
169  errThisBin = errPrevBin + errNewEntries;
170  }
172  } else {
173  if (cumTimingHistogram->GetBinContent(i) > 0) {
174  errThisBin = 1.0 / std::sqrt(cumTimingHistogram->GetBinContent(i));
175  }
176  }
178  cumTimingHistogram->SetBinError(i, errThisBin);
179  errPrevBin = errThisBin;
180  }
182  if (m_param_storeAllFits) {
183  cumTimingHistogram->Draw();
184  }
186  auto rangeBkg = std::make_pair(-m_param_fitWindow, -m_param_searchWindow);
187  auto rangeSig = std::make_pair(m_param_searchWindow, m_param_fitWindow);
188  // fit the background and signal side of the time distribution
189  TF1 fitfuncBkg = TF1("HitBasedT0Extractor_fit_bkg", "[0]*x + [1]",
190  rangeBkg.first, rangeBkg.second);
191  TF1 fitfuncSig = TF1("HitBasedT0Extractor_fit_sig", "[0]*x + [1]",
192  rangeSig.first, rangeSig.second);
194  auto fitresBkg = cumTimingHistogram->Fit(&fitfuncBkg, "LQS", "",
195  rangeBkg.first, rangeBkg.second);
196  auto fitresSig = cumTimingHistogram->Fit(&fitfuncSig, "LQS", "",
197  rangeSig.first, rangeSig.second);
199  if (m_param_storeAllFits) {
200  fitfuncBkg.Draw("SAME");
201  fitfuncSig.Draw("SAME");
202  }
204  TF1 fitfuncSegmented = TF1("HitBasedT0Extractor_fit_seg",
205  "[1]*(x+TMath::Abs(x+[3])) + [2]*(x-TMath::Abs(x+[3])) + [0]",
206  -m_param_fitWindow, m_param_fitWindow);
208  if (fitresSig->IsValid() && fitresBkg->IsValid()) {
209  double t0_estimate = (fitresBkg->Parameter(1) - fitresSig->Parameter(1))
210  / (fitresSig->Parameter(0) - fitresBkg->Parameter(0));
212  // apply segmented fit
213  std::array<double, 4> fit_params = { 0, // = overall background offset
214  fitresSig->Parameter(0), // signal hits slope
215  fitresBkg->Parameter(0), // background hits slope
216  0.0 // breaking point shift
217  };
219  // use t0 estimate if it is something useful
220  if (std::abs(t0_estimate) < m_param_searchWindow) {
221  fit_params[3] = t0_estimate;
222  }
224  fitfuncSegmented.SetParameters(;
226  auto fitresFull = cumTimingHistogram->Fit(&fitfuncSegmented, "QS", "", -m_param_fitWindow, m_param_fitWindow);
227  if (m_param_storeAllFits) {
228  fitfuncSegmented.Draw("SAME");
229  }
231  // refit with a fixed window around the extracted t0 to remove a possible bias
232  // because we fitted a large part of the signal side in the first iteration
233  const double fitted_t0_first = -fitresFull->Parameter(3);
234  bool refitSuccess = false;
235  if (std::abs(fitted_t0_first) < m_param_searchWindow) {
236  fitresFull = cumTimingHistogram->Fit(&fitfuncSegmented, "QS", "",
237  fitted_t0_first - m_param_refitWindow, fitted_t0_first + m_param_refitWindow);
238  refitSuccess = true;
239  } else {
240  B2DEBUG(25, "First t0 estimate not in proper range" << fitted_t0_first);
241  }
243  if (m_param_storeAllFits) {
244  fitfuncSegmented.Draw("SAME");
245  }
247  // actually store this result ?
248  if (refitSuccess && fitresFull->IsValid()) {
249  const double fitted_t0 = -fitresFull->Parameter(3);
250  const double fitted_t0_error = fitresFull->Error(3);
252  const double norm_chi2 = fitresFull->Chi2() / double(fitresFull->Ndf());
254  B2DEBUG(25, "T0 fit with t0 " << fitted_t0 << " +- " << fitted_t0_error << " and normalized chi2 " << norm_chi2 << " and " <<
255  timingHistgram.GetEntries() << " hits");
257  // check if all the criteria required for a "good fit" have been met
258  if (norm_chi2 > m_param_rejectIfChiSquareLargerThan) {
259  B2DEBUG(25,
260  "T0 fit has too large Chi2 " << fitresFull->Chi2());
261  } else if (std::abs(fitted_t0_error) > m_param_rejectIfUncertaintyLargerThan) {
262  B2DEBUG(25,
263  "T0 fit has too large error " << fitted_t0_error);
264  } else {
266  // Since drift times are corrected for EventT0 (in RealisticTDCCountTranslator), if any other T0 modules were executed before, add the EventT0 offset back.
267  // This leads to "absolute" event T0 determination which should be consistent with other T0 modules.
268  double lastEventT0 = m_eventT0->hasEventT0() ? m_eventT0->getEventT0() : 0;
269  EventT0::EventT0Component eventT0Component(fitted_t0 + lastEventT0, fitted_t0_error, Const::CDC, "hit based", norm_chi2);
270  m_eventT0->addTemporaryEventT0(eventT0Component);
271  m_eventT0->setEventT0(eventT0Component);
272  m_wasSuccessful = true;
273  B2DEBUG(25,
274  "Successful t0 extraction with CDC hits: " << fitted_t0 << " +- " << fitted_t0_error);
275  }
276  } else {
277  B2DEBUG(25,
278  "Cannot fit t0 from CDC hits only. Won't set EventT0 for now.");
279  }
280  } else {
281  B2DEBUG(25,
282  "Cannot extract background or signal segment because fit failed. Won't set EventT0 for now.");
283  }
285  if (m_param_storeAllFits) {
286  canvas.Draw();
287  canvas.SaveAs(debugImageName.c_str());
288  }
289 }
void initialize() override final
Initialize the event meta data.
std::string getDescription() override final
Short description of the findlet.
void apply(std::vector< TrackFindingCDC::CDCWireHit > &inputWireHits) override final
Collects all Wire Hits and executes the t0 fit.
void exposeParameters(ModuleParamList *moduleParamList, const std::string &prefix) override final
Expose the parameters to a module.
The Module parameter list class.
static ScopeGuard guardBatchMode(bool batchMode=true)
Create a ScopeGuard to turn ROOT into batch mode and restore the initial batch mode status after the ...
Definition: ScopeGuard.h:352
void addParameter(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module list.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Structure for storing the extracted event t0s together with its detector and its uncertainty.
Definition: EventT0.h:33