11 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
12 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
13 #include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h>
14 #include <tracking/dataobjects/hitXP.h>
57 void event()
This module from a data root file builds a tree of hitXP (see the class to know all the informations ...
std::vector< double > m_EmomentumEntryX
exteral momentum at entry point, coordinate x
std::vector< int > m_EclusterV
external flag of v-cluster
TFile * m_outputFile
output file
std::vector< double > m_EomegaEntry
external omega parameter at entry point
std::vector< hitXP > m_hitXPSel
selected vector of hitXP
TTree * m_treeTiSel
tight selected output tree
TTree * m_tree
full output tree
std::vector< double > m_Etanlambda0
external tanlambda parameter at IP
std::vector< double > m_EtanlambdaEntry
external tanlambda parameter at entry point
TTree * m_treeExt
external output tree
std::vector< int > m_EPDGID
external PDGID
std::vector< int > m_EsensorLayer
external layer of the hit
int m_Eprimary
external flag for primary particles
std::vector< double > m_EmomentumEntryY
exteral momentum at entry point, coordinate x
void initialize() override
Initialize the Module.
int m_eventNumberTiSel
tight selected interative number of the event in the run
bool c_addTree
parameter to produce additional tree
void event() override
This method is the core of the module.
TFile * m_outputFileSel
selected output file
TTree * m_treeSel
selected output tree
std::vector< double > m_EpositionLocalEntryZ
exteral local position at entry point, coordinate z
std::vector< int > m_Ereconstructed
external flag of track-reconstruction or not
std::vector< double > m_EmomentumEntryZ
exteral momentum at entry point, coordinate x
std::vector< double > m_Etime
external time of the hit
void endRun() override
This method is called if the current run ends.
std::vector< double > m_Ephi0Entry
external phi0 parameter at entry point
std::vector< double > m_Ed00
external d0 parameter at IP
std::vector< int > m_EsensorSensor
external sensor of the hit
int m_trackNumberSel
selected iterative number of the track in the run
void terminate() override
This method is called at the end of the event processing.
std::vector< double > m_Emomentum0X
extral momentum at IP, coordinate x
std::vector< double > m_Eposition0X
extral position at IP, coordinate x
std::vector< double > m_EpositionLocalEntryY
exteral local position at entry point, coordinate y
int m_trackIterator
iterator used to count track (m_trackNumber)
std::vector< int > m_EsensorLadder
external ladder of the hit
std::vector< double > m_EpositionLocalEntryX
exteral local position at entry point, coordinate x
std::vector< double > m_Emomentum0Y
extral momentum at IP, coordinate y
std::vector< int > m_EclusterU
external flag of u-cluster
int m_EeventNumber
external iterator of event in the run
std::vector< double > m_EpositionEntryX
exteral position at entry point, coordinate x
int m_numberHitPerTrackTiSel
tight selected counter of the number of the hit for each track
std::vector< hitXP > m_hitXPTiSel
tight selected vector of hitXP
int m_eventNumber
interative number of the event in the run
int m_numberHitPerTrack
counter of the number of the hit for each track
TFile * m_outputFileTiSel
tight selected output file
void beginRun() override
Called when entering a new run.
int m_trackNumber
iterative number of the track in the run
std::set< hitXP, hitXP::timeCompare > m_hitXPSet
set of the hitXP, used to order tn time he hit
TFile * m_outputFileExt
external output file
std::vector< double > m_EpositionEntryZ
exteral position at entry point, coordinate z
int m_eventNumberSel
selected interative number of the event in the run
std::vector< double > m_Emomentum0Z
extral momentum at IP, coordinate z
int m_trackNumberTiSel
tight selected iterative number of the track in the run
std::vector< double > m_Ephi00
external phi0 parameter at IP
std::vector< double > m_Echarge
external charge
int m_numberHitPerTrackSel
selected counter of the number of the hit for each track
std::vector< hitXP > m_hitXP
vector of the hitXP, used to fill the output tree
int m_EtrackNumber
external iterator of track in the run
std::vector< double > m_EpositionEntryY
exteral position at entry point, coordinate y
int m_eventIterator
iterator used to count event number (m_eventNumber)
std::vector< double > m_Ed0Entry
external d0 parameter at entry point
StoreArray< MCParticle > m_MCParticles
MCParticles StoreArray.
std::vector< double > m_Ez00
external z0 parameter at IP
std::vector< double > m_Eomega0
external omega parameter at IP
std::vector< double > m_Eposition0Z
extral position at IP, coordinate z
int m_EnumberHitPerTrack
external numer of the hit for each track
std::vector< double > m_Eposition0Y
extral position at IP, coordinate y
std::vector< double > m_Ez0Entry
external z0 parameter at entry point
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.