17 #include "analysis/OrcaKinFit/JetFitObject.h"
18 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
36 namespace OrcaKinFit {
39 JetFitObject::JetFitObject(
double E,
double theta,
double phi,
40 double DE,
double Dtheta,
double Dphi,
42 : ctheta(0), stheta(0), cphi(0), sphi(0),
43 p2(0), p(0), pt(0), px(0), py(0), pz(0), dpdE(0), dptdE(0),
44 dpxdE(0), dpydE(0), dpzdE(0), dpxdtheta(0), dpydtheta(0), chi2(0)
47 assert(
int(NPAR) <=
58 adjustEThetaPhi(m,
E, theta, phi);
60 setParam(1, theta,
61 setParam(2, phi,
70 paramCycl[2] = 2.*M_PI;
73 B2DEBUG(15,
"JetFitObject::JetFitObject: E = " <<
74 B2DEBUG(15,
"JetFitObject::JetFitObject: getParam(0) = " << getParam(0));
75 B2DEBUG(15,
"JetFitObject::JetFitObject: " << *
76 B2DEBUG(15,
"mpar= " << mpar[0] <<
", " << mpar[1] <<
", " << mpar[2]);
80 JetFitObject::~JetFitObject() =
84 p2(0), p(0), pt(0), px(0), py(0), pz(0), dpdE(0), dptdE(0),
85 dpxdE(0), dpydE(0), dpzdE(0), dpxdtheta(0), dpydtheta(0), chi2(0)
105 if (
const auto* psource =
dynamic_cast<const JetFitObject*
>(&source)) {
106 if (psource !=
this) {
120 case 1:
return "theta";
121 case 2:
return "phi";
132 bool mirrored_e =
136 assert(iE >= 0 && iE < idim);
140 B2INFO(
"JetFitObject::updateParams: mirrored E!\n");
145 double massPlusEpsilon =
mass * (1.0000001);
146 if (e < massPlusEpsilon) e = massPlusEpsilon;
147 result = result || ((e -
par[0]) * (e -
par[0]) > eps2 *
154 assert(ith >= 0 && ith < idim);
161 result = result || ((th -
par[1]) * (th -
par[1]) > eps2 *
168 assert(iph >= 0 && iph < idim);
175 result = result || ((ph -
par[2]) * (ph -
par[2]) > eps2 *
186 assert(ilocal >= 0 && ilocal < NPAR);
189 case 0:
return dpxdE;
190 case 1:
return dpxdtheta;
198 assert(ilocal >= 0 && ilocal < NPAR);
201 case 0:
return dpydE;
202 case 1:
return dpydtheta;
210 assert(ilocal >= 0 && ilocal < NPAR);
213 case 0:
return dpzdE;
222 assert(ilocal >= 0 && ilocal < NPAR);
233 assert(ilocal >= 0 && ilocal < NPAR);
234 B2INFO(
"JetFitObject::getError (ilocal = " << ilocal <<
") = " <<
240 assert(ilocal >= 0 && ilocal < NPAR);
241 assert(jlocal >= 0 && jlocal < NPAR);
242 return cov[ilocal][jlocal];
272 assert(metaSet == 0);
275 return getDE(ilocal);
294 double JetFitObject::getSecondDerivative_Meta_Local(
int iMeta,
int ilocal,
int jlocal,
int metaSet)
296 assert(metaSet == 0);
299 if (jlocal < ilocal) {
305 double d2pdE2 = (
mass != 0) ? -
mass *
mass / (p * p * p) : 0;
306 double d2ptdE2 = d2pdE2 * stheta;
315 if (ilocal == 0 && jlocal == 0)
return d2ptdE2 * cphi;
316 else if (ilocal == 0 && jlocal == 1)
return dpzdE * cphi;
317 else if (ilocal == 0 && jlocal == 2)
return -dpydE;
318 else if (ilocal == 1 && jlocal == 1)
return -px;
319 else if (ilocal == 1 && jlocal == 2)
return -dpydtheta;
320 else if (ilocal == 2 && jlocal == 2)
return -px;
323 if (ilocal == 0 && jlocal == 0)
return d2ptdE2 * sphi;
324 else if (ilocal == 0 && jlocal == 1)
return dpzdE * sphi;
325 else if (ilocal == 0 && jlocal == 2)
return dpxdE;
326 else if (ilocal == 1 && jlocal == 1)
return -py;
327 else if (ilocal == 1 && jlocal == 2)
return dpxdtheta;
328 else if (ilocal == 2 && jlocal == 2)
return -py;
331 if (ilocal == 0 && jlocal == 0)
return d2pdE2 * ctheta;
333 else if (ilocal == 0 && jlocal == 1)
return -dptdE;
334 else if (ilocal == 0 && jlocal == 2)
return 0;
335 else if (ilocal == 1 && jlocal == 1)
return -pz;
336 else if (ilocal == 1 && jlocal == 2)
return 0;
337 else if (ilocal == 2 && jlocal == 2)
return 0;
347 void JetFitObject::updateCache()
351 double theta =
369 fourMomentum.setValues(e, px, py, pz);
372 dptdE = dpdE * stheta;
373 dpxdE = dptdE * cphi;
374 dpydE = dptdE * sphi;
375 dpzdE = dpdE * ctheta;
377 dpxdtheta = pz * cphi;
378 dpydtheta = pz * sphi;
395 B2INFO(
"JetFitObject::adjustEThetaPhi: mirrored E!\n");
397 theta = M_PI - theta;
405 if (theta < -M_PI || theta > M_PI) {
406 while (theta < -M_PI) theta += 2 * M_PI;
407 while (theta > M_PI) theta -= 2 * M_PI;
412 B2INFO(
"JetFitObject::adjustEThetaPhi: mirrored theta!\n");
414 phi = phi > 0 ? phi - M_PI : phi + M_PI;
416 }
else if (theta > M_PI) {
417 B2INFO(
"JetFitObject::adjustEThetaPhi: mirrored theta!\n");
418 theta = 2 * M_PI - theta;
419 phi = phi > 0 ? phi - M_PI : phi + M_PI;
422 if (phi < -M_PI || phi > M_PI) {
423 while (phi < -M_PI) phi += 2 * M_PI;
424 while (phi > M_PI) phi -= 2 * M_PI;
bool cachevalid
flag for valid cache
virtual int getGlobalParNum(int ilocal) const
Get global parameter number of parameter ilocal.
virtual bool isParamFixed(int ilocal) const
Returns whether parameter is fixed.
double par[BaseDefs::MAXPAR]
fit parameters
void invalidateCache() const
invalidate any cached quantities
double cov[BaseDefs::MAXPAR][BaseDefs::MAXPAR]
local covariance matrix
Class for jets with (E, eta, phi) in kinematic fits.
virtual double getDPx(int ilocal) const override
Return d p_x / d par_ilocal (derivative of px w.r.t. local parameter ilocal)
virtual JetFitObject & assign(const BaseFitObject &source) override
Assign from anther object, if of same type.
static bool adjustEThetaPhi(const double &m, double &E, double &theta, double &phi)
Adjust E, theta and phi such that E>=m, 0<=theta<=pi, -pi <= phi < pi; returns true if anything was c...
virtual double getDPy(int ilocal) const override
Return d p_y / d par_ilocal (derivative of py w.r.t. local parameter ilocal)
virtual double getDE(int ilocal) const override
Return d E / d par_ilocal (derivative of E w.r.t. local parameter ilocal)
JetFitObject & operator=(const JetFitObject &rhs)
virtual JetFitObject * copy() const override
Return a new copy of itself.
virtual const char * getParamName(int ilocal) const override
Get name of parameter ilocal.
virtual double getDPz(int ilocal) const override
Return d p_z / d par_ilocal (derivative of pz w.r.t. local parameter ilocal)
virtual double getFirstDerivative_Meta_Local(int iMeta, int ilocal, int metaSet) const override
add derivatives to vector der of size idim pxfact*dpx/dx_i + pyfact*dpy/dx_i + pzfact*dpz/dx_i + efac...
virtual bool updateParams(double p[], int idim) override
Read values from global vector, readjust vector; return: significant change.
virtual double getCov(int ilocal, int jlocal) const override
Get covariance between parameters ilocal and jlocal.
virtual double getError(int ilocal) const override
Get error of parameter ilocal.
double mass
mass of particle
virtual ParticleFitObject & assign(const BaseFitObject &source) override
Assign from anther object, if of same type.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.