Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /* Own header. */
10 #include <klm/calibration/KLMCalibrationChecker.h>
12 /* KLM headers. */
13 #include <klm/dataobjects/bklm/BKLMElementNumbers.h>
14 #include <klm/dataobjects/eklm/EKLMElementNumbers.h>
15 #include <klm/dataobjects/KLMChannelIndex.h>
16 #include <klm/dbobjects/bklm/BKLMAlignment.h>
17 #include <klm/dbobjects/eklm/EKLMAlignment.h>
18 #include <klm/dbobjects/eklm/EKLMSegmentAlignment.h>
19 #include <klm/dbobjects/KLMStripEfficiency.h>
20 #include <klm/dbobjects/KLMTimeCableDelay.h>
21 #include <klm/dbobjects/KLMTimeConstants.h>
23 /* Belle II headers. */
24 #include <framework/database/Database.h>
25 #include <framework/database/DBStore.h>
26 #include <framework/database/Configuration.h>
27 #include <framework/datastore/DataStore.h>
29 /* ROOT include. */
30 #include <TCanvas.h>
31 #include <TFile.h>
32 #include <TH1F.h>
33 #include <TString.h>
34 #include <TTree.h>
36 using namespace Belle2;
39  m_experiment(0),
40  m_run(0),
41  m_ElementNumbers(&(KLMElementNumbers::Instance()))
42 {
43 }
46 {
47 }
49 void KLMCalibrationChecker::setExperimentRun(int experiment, int run)
50 {
51  m_experiment = experiment;
52  m_run = run;
53  if (m_EventMetaData.isValid()) {
54  m_EventMetaData->setExperiment(experiment);
55  m_EventMetaData->setRun(run);
56  }
57 }
60 {
61  /* Mimic a module initialization. */
63  m_EventMetaData.registerInDataStore();
65  if (!m_EventMetaData.isValid())
66  m_EventMetaData.construct(1, m_run, m_experiment);
67  /* Database instance and configuration. */
68  DBStore& dbStore = DBStore::Instance();
69  dbStore.update();
70  dbStore.updateEvent();
71  auto& dbConfiguration = Conditions::Configuration::getInstance();
72  if ((m_testingPayloadName != "") and (m_GlobalTagName == ""))
73  dbConfiguration.prependTestingPayloadLocation(m_testingPayloadName);
74  else if ((m_testingPayloadName == "") and (m_GlobalTagName != ""))
75  dbConfiguration.prependGlobalTag(m_GlobalTagName);
76  else
77  B2FATAL("Setting both testing payload and Global Tag or setting no one of them.");
78 }
81 {
82  /* Reset both DataStore and Database. */
84  Database::Instance().reset(false);
85  DBStore::Instance().reset(false);
86 }
89 {
90  /* Initialize the database. */
92  /* Now we can read the payload. */
93  DBObjPtr<BKLMAlignment> bklmAlignment;
94  DBObjPtr<EKLMAlignment> eklmAlignment;
95  DBObjPtr<EKLMSegmentAlignment> eklmSegmentAlignment;
96  DBObjPtr<BKLMAlignment> bklmAlignmentErrors("BKLMAlignment_ERRORS");
97  DBObjPtr<EKLMAlignment> eklmAlignmentErrors("EKLMAlignment_ERRORS");
98  DBObjPtr<EKLMSegmentAlignment> eklmSegmentAlignmentErrors("EKLMSegmentAlignment_ERRORS");
99  DBObjPtr<BKLMAlignment> bklmAlignmentCorrections("BKLMAlignment_CORRECTIONS");
100  DBObjPtr<EKLMAlignment> eklmAlignmentCorrections("EKLMAlignment_CORRECTIONS");
101  DBObjPtr<EKLMSegmentAlignment> eklmSegmentAlignmentCorrections("EKLMSegmentAlignment_CORRECTIONS");
102  if (!bklmAlignment.isValid() ||
103  !eklmAlignment.isValid() ||
104  !eklmSegmentAlignment.isValid() ||
105  !bklmAlignmentErrors.isValid() ||
106  !eklmAlignmentErrors.isValid() ||
107  !eklmSegmentAlignmentErrors.isValid() ||
108  !bklmAlignmentCorrections.isValid() ||
109  !eklmAlignmentCorrections.isValid() ||
110  !eklmSegmentAlignmentCorrections.isValid())
111  B2FATAL("Alignment data are not valid.");
112  if (m_GlobalTagName != "") {
113  printPayloadInformation(bklmAlignment);
114  printPayloadInformation(eklmAlignment);
115  printPayloadInformation(eklmSegmentAlignment);
116  printPayloadInformation(bklmAlignmentErrors);
117  printPayloadInformation(eklmAlignmentErrors);
118  printPayloadInformation(eklmSegmentAlignmentErrors);
119  printPayloadInformation(bklmAlignmentCorrections);
120  printPayloadInformation(eklmAlignmentCorrections);
121  printPayloadInformation(eklmSegmentAlignmentCorrections);
122  }
123  /* Create trees with alignment results. */
124  int section, sector, layer, plane, segment, param;
125  float value, correction, error;
126  TFile* alignmentResults = new TFile(m_AlignmentResultsFile.c_str(),
127  "recreate");
128  TTree* bklmModuleTree = new TTree("bklm_module",
129  "BKLM module alignment data.");
130  bklmModuleTree->Branch("experiment", &m_experiment, "experiment/I");
131  bklmModuleTree->Branch("run", &m_run, "run/I");
132  bklmModuleTree->Branch("section", &section, "section/I");
133  bklmModuleTree->Branch("sector", &sector, "sector/I");
134  bklmModuleTree->Branch("layer", &layer, "layer/I");
135  bklmModuleTree->Branch("param", &param, "param/I");
136  bklmModuleTree->Branch("value", &value, "value/F");
137  bklmModuleTree->Branch("correction", &correction, "correction/F");
138  bklmModuleTree->Branch("error", &error, "error/F");
139  TTree* eklmModuleTree = new TTree("eklm_module",
140  "EKLM module alignment data.");
141  eklmModuleTree->Branch("experiment", &m_experiment, "experiment/I");
142  eklmModuleTree->Branch("run", &m_run, "run/I");
143  eklmModuleTree->Branch("section", &section, "section/I");
144  eklmModuleTree->Branch("sector", &sector, "sector/I");
145  eklmModuleTree->Branch("layer", &layer, "layer/I");
146  eklmModuleTree->Branch("param", &param, "param/I");
147  eklmModuleTree->Branch("value", &value, "value/F");
148  eklmModuleTree->Branch("correction", &correction, "correction/F");
149  eklmModuleTree->Branch("error", &error, "error/F");
150  TTree* eklmSegmentTree = new TTree("eklm_segment",
151  "EKLM segment alignment data.");
152  eklmSegmentTree->Branch("experiment", &m_experiment, "experiment/I");
153  eklmSegmentTree->Branch("run", &m_run, "run/I");
154  eklmSegmentTree->Branch("section", &section, "section/I");
155  eklmSegmentTree->Branch("sector", &sector, "sector/I");
156  eklmSegmentTree->Branch("layer", &layer, "layer/I");
157  eklmSegmentTree->Branch("plane", &plane, "plane/I");
158  eklmSegmentTree->Branch("segment", &segment, "segment/I");
159  eklmSegmentTree->Branch("param", &param, "param/I");
160  eklmSegmentTree->Branch("value", &value, "value/F");
161  eklmSegmentTree->Branch("correction", &correction, "correction/F");
162  eklmSegmentTree->Branch("error", &error, "error/F");
163  const KLMAlignmentData* alignment, *alignmentError, *alignmentCorrection;
164  KLMAlignmentData zeroAlignment(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
166  for (KLMChannelIndex& klmModule : klmModules) {
167  KLMModuleNumber module = klmModule.getKLMModuleNumber();
168  if (klmModule.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM) {
169  alignment = bklmAlignment->getModuleAlignment(module);
170  alignmentError = bklmAlignmentErrors->getModuleAlignment(module);
171  alignmentCorrection =
172  bklmAlignmentCorrections->getModuleAlignment(module);
173  } else {
174  alignment = eklmAlignment->getModuleAlignment(module);
175  alignmentError = eklmAlignmentErrors->getModuleAlignment(module);
176  alignmentCorrection =
177  eklmAlignmentCorrections->getModuleAlignment(module);
178  }
179  if (alignment == nullptr)
180  B2FATAL("Incomplete KLM alignment data.");
181  if ((alignmentError == nullptr) && (alignmentCorrection == nullptr)) {
182  B2WARNING("Alignment is not determined for KLM module."
183  << LogVar("Module", module));
184  alignmentError = &zeroAlignment;
185  alignmentCorrection = &zeroAlignment;
186  } else if ((alignmentError == nullptr) ||
187  (alignmentCorrection == nullptr)) {
188  B2FATAL("Inconsistent undtermined parameters.");
189  }
190  section = klmModule.getSection();
191  sector = klmModule.getSector();
192  layer = klmModule.getLayer();
194  value = alignment->getDeltaU();
195  error = alignmentError->getDeltaU();
196  correction = alignmentCorrection->getDeltaU();
197  if (klmModule.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM)
198  bklmModuleTree->Fill();
199  else
200  eklmModuleTree->Fill();
201  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
203  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
204  value = alignment->getDeltaV();
205  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
206  error = alignmentError->getDeltaV();
207  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
208  correction = alignmentCorrection->getDeltaV();
209  if (klmModule.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM)
210  bklmModuleTree->Fill();
211  else
212  eklmModuleTree->Fill();
213  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
215  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
216  value = alignment->getDeltaW();
217  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
218  error = alignmentError->getDeltaW();
219  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
220  correction = alignmentCorrection->getDeltaW();
221  if (klmModule.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM)
222  bklmModuleTree->Fill();
223  else
224  eklmModuleTree->Fill();
225  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
227  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
228  value = alignment->getDeltaAlpha();
229  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
230  error = alignmentError->getDeltaAlpha();
231  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
232  correction = alignmentCorrection->getDeltaAlpha();
233  if (klmModule.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM)
234  bklmModuleTree->Fill();
235  else
236  eklmModuleTree->Fill();
237  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
239  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
240  value = alignment->getDeltaBeta();
241  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
242  error = alignmentError->getDeltaBeta();
243  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
244  correction = alignmentCorrection->getDeltaBeta();
245  if (klmModule.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM)
246  bklmModuleTree->Fill();
247  else
248  eklmModuleTree->Fill();
249  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
251  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
252  value = alignment->getDeltaGamma();
253  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
254  error = alignmentError->getDeltaGamma();
255  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
256  correction = alignmentCorrection->getDeltaGamma();
257  if (klmModule.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM)
258  bklmModuleTree->Fill();
259  else
260  eklmModuleTree->Fill();
261  }
264  eklmSegment = eklmSegments.beginEKLM();
265  eklmSegment.useEKLMSegments();
266  for (; eklmSegment != eklmSegments.endEKLM(); ++eklmSegment) {
267  int eklmSegmentNumber = eklmSegment.getEKLMSegmentNumber();
268  alignment = eklmSegmentAlignment->getSegmentAlignment(eklmSegmentNumber);
269  alignmentError =
270  eklmSegmentAlignmentErrors->getSegmentAlignment(eklmSegmentNumber);
271  alignmentCorrection =
272  eklmSegmentAlignmentCorrections->getSegmentAlignment(eklmSegmentNumber);
273  if (alignment == nullptr)
274  B2FATAL("Incomplete KLM alignment data.");
275  if ((alignmentError == nullptr) && (alignmentCorrection == nullptr)) {
276  /*
277  * The segment alignment is not determined now.
278  * TODO: If it will be turned on in the future, add a warning here.
279  */
280  alignmentError = &zeroAlignment;
281  alignmentCorrection = &zeroAlignment;
282  } else if ((alignmentError == nullptr) ||
283  (alignmentCorrection == nullptr)) {
284  B2FATAL("Inconsistent undtermined parameters.");
285  }
286  section = eklmSegment.getSection();
287  sector = eklmSegment.getSector();
288  layer = eklmSegment.getLayer();
289  plane = eklmSegment.getPlane();
290  segment = eklmSegment.getStrip();
292  value = alignment->getDeltaU();
293  error = alignmentError->getDeltaU();
294  correction = alignmentCorrection->getDeltaU();
295  eklmSegmentTree->Fill();
296  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
298  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
299  value = alignment->getDeltaV();
300  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
301  error = alignmentError->getDeltaV();
302  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
303  correction = alignmentCorrection->getDeltaV();
304  eklmSegmentTree->Fill();
305  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
307  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
308  value = alignment->getDeltaW();
309  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
310  error = alignmentError->getDeltaW();
311  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
312  correction = alignmentCorrection->getDeltaW();
313  eklmSegmentTree->Fill();
314  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
316  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
317  value = alignment->getDeltaAlpha();
318  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
319  error = alignmentError->getDeltaAlpha();
320  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
321  correction = alignmentCorrection->getDeltaAlpha();
322  eklmSegmentTree->Fill();
323  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
325  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
326  value = alignment->getDeltaBeta();
327  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
328  error = alignmentError->getDeltaBeta();
329  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
330  correction = alignmentCorrection->getDeltaBeta();
331  eklmSegmentTree->Fill();
332  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
334  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
335  value = alignment->getDeltaGamma();
336  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
337  error = alignmentError->getDeltaGamma();
338  /* cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment */
339  correction = alignmentCorrection->getDeltaGamma();
340  eklmSegmentTree->Fill();
341  }
342  bklmModuleTree->Write();
343  eklmModuleTree->Write();
344  eklmSegmentTree->Write();
345  delete bklmModuleTree;
346  delete eklmModuleTree;
347  delete eklmSegmentTree;
348  delete alignmentResults;
349  /* Reset the database. Needed to avoid mess if we call this method multiple times with different GTs. */
350  resetDatabase();
351 }
354 {
355  /* Initialize the database. */
357  /* Now we can read the payload. */
358  DBObjPtr<KLMStripEfficiency> stripEfficiency;
359  if (!stripEfficiency.isValid())
360  B2FATAL("Strip efficiency data are not valid.");
361  if (m_GlobalTagName != "")
362  printPayloadInformation(stripEfficiency);
363  /* Create trees with strip efficiency measurement results. */
364  int subdetector, section, sector, layer, plane;
365  float efficiency, error;
366  TFile* stripEfficiencyResults =
367  new TFile(m_StripEfficiencyResultsFile.c_str(), "recreate");
368  TTree* efficiencyTree = new TTree("efficiency", "KLM strip efficiency data.");
369  efficiencyTree->Branch("experiment", &m_experiment, "experiment/I");
370  efficiencyTree->Branch("run", &m_run, "run/I");
371  efficiencyTree->Branch("subdetector", &subdetector, "subdetector/I");
372  efficiencyTree->Branch("section", &section, "section/I");
373  efficiencyTree->Branch("sector", &sector, "sector/I");
374  efficiencyTree->Branch("layer", &layer, "layer/I");
375  efficiencyTree->Branch("plane", &plane, "plane/I");
376  efficiencyTree->Branch("efficiency", &efficiency, "efficiency/F");
377  efficiencyTree->Branch("error", &error, "error/F");
379  for (KLMChannelIndex& klmPlane : klmPlanes) {
380  subdetector = klmPlane.getSubdetector();
381  section = klmPlane.getSection();
382  sector = klmPlane.getSector();
383  layer = klmPlane.getLayer();
384  plane = klmPlane.getPlane();
386  subdetector, section, sector, layer, plane, 1);
387  efficiency = stripEfficiency->getEfficiency(channel);
388  error = stripEfficiency->getEfficiencyError(channel);
389  efficiencyTree->Fill();
390  }
391  efficiencyTree->Write();
392  delete efficiencyTree;
393  delete stripEfficiencyResults;
394  /* Reset the database. Needed to avoid mess if we call this method multiple times with different GTs. */
395  resetDatabase();
396 }
399 {
400  /* Initialize the database. */
402  /* Now we can read the payload. */
403  DBObjPtr<KLMStripEfficiency> stripEfficiency;
404  if (not stripEfficiency.isValid())
405  B2FATAL("Strip efficiency data are not valid.");
406  if (m_GlobalTagName != "")
407  printPayloadInformation(stripEfficiency);
408  /* Finally, loop over KLM sectors to check the efficiency. */
410  TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas();
411  for (KLMChannelIndex& klmSector : klmSectors) {
412  int subdetector = klmSector.getSubdetector();
413  int section = klmSector.getSection();
414  int sector = klmSector.getSector();
415  /* Setup the histogram. */
416  TH1F* hist = new TH1F("plane_histogram", "", 30, 0.5, 30.5);
417  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
418  hist->SetMinimum(0.4);
419  hist->SetMaximum(1.);
420  hist->SetMarkerStyle(20);
421  hist->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
422  TString title;
423  if (subdetector == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM) {
425  title.Form("BKLM backward sector %d", sector);
426  else
427  title.Form("BKLM forward sector %d", sector);
428  hist->SetTitle(title.Data());
429  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Layer - 1) * 2 + plane + 1");
430  for (int layer = 1; layer <= BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber(); layer++) {
431  for (int plane = 0; plane <= BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalPlaneNumber(); plane++) {
432  int bin = (layer - 1) * 2 + plane + 1;
433  float efficiency = stripEfficiency->getBarrelEfficiency(section, sector, layer, plane, 2);
434  float efficiencyError = stripEfficiency->getBarrelEfficiencyError(section, sector, layer, plane, 2);
435  hist->SetBinContent(bin, efficiency);
436  hist->SetBinError(bin, efficiencyError);
437  }
438  }
439  } else {
440  if (section == EKLMElementNumbers::c_BackwardSection) {
441  hist->SetBins(24, 0.5, 24.5);
442  title.Form("EKLM backward sector %d", sector);
443  } else {
444  hist->SetBins(28, 0.5, 28.5);
445  title.Form("EKLM forward sector %d", sector);
446  }
447  hist->SetTitle(title.Data());
448  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Layer - 1) * 2 + plane");
449  const EKLMElementNumbers* elementNumbersEKLM = &(EKLMElementNumbers::Instance());
450  for (int layer = 1; layer <= elementNumbersEKLM->getMaximalDetectorLayerNumber(section); layer++) {
451  for (int plane = 1; plane <= EKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalPlaneNumber(); plane++) {
452  int bin = (layer - 1) * 2 + plane;
453  float efficiency = stripEfficiency->getEndcapEfficiency(section, sector, layer, plane, 2);
454  float efficiencyError = stripEfficiency->getEndcapEfficiencyError(section, sector, layer, plane, 2);
455  hist->SetBinContent(bin, efficiency);
456  hist->SetBinError(bin, efficiencyError);
457  }
458  }
459  }
460  hist->Draw("e");
461  TString name;
462  name.Form("efficiency_subdetector_%d_section_%d_sector_%d.pdf", subdetector, section, sector);
463  canvas->Print(name.Data());
464  canvas->Update();
465  delete hist;
466  }
467  delete canvas;
468  /* Reset the database. Needed to avoid mess if we call this method multiple times with different GTs. */
469  resetDatabase();
470 }
474 {
475  /* Initialize the database. */
477  /* Now we can read the payload. */
478  DBObjPtr<KLMTimeCableDelay> timeCableDelay;
479  if (!timeCableDelay.isValid())
480  B2FATAL("Time Cable delay data are not valid.");
481  if (m_GlobalTagName != "")
482  printPayloadInformation(timeCableDelay);
483  /* Create trees with time cable delay measurement results. */
484  int subdetector, section, sector, layer, plane, strip, channelNumber;
485  double timeDelay;
486  TFile* timeCableDelayResults =
487  new TFile(m_TimeCableDelayResultsFile.c_str(), "recreate");
488  TTree* cableDelayTree = new TTree("cabledelay", "KLM timecabledelay data");
489  cableDelayTree->Branch("experiment", &m_experiment, "experiment/I");
490  cableDelayTree->Branch("run", &m_run, "run/I");
491  cableDelayTree->Branch("subdetector", &subdetector, "subdetector/I");
492  cableDelayTree->Branch("section", &section, "section/I");
493  cableDelayTree->Branch("sector", &sector, "sector/I");
494  cableDelayTree->Branch("layer", &layer, "layer/I");
495  cableDelayTree->Branch("plane", &plane, "plane/I");
496  cableDelayTree->Branch("strip", &strip, "strip/I");
497  cableDelayTree->Branch("channelNumber", &channelNumber, "channelNumber/I");
498  cableDelayTree->Branch("timeDelay", &timeDelay, "timeDelay/D");
500  for (KLMChannelIndex& klmStrip : klmStrips) {
501  subdetector = klmStrip.getSubdetector();
502  section = klmStrip.getSection();
503  sector = klmStrip.getSector();
504  layer = klmStrip.getLayer();
505  plane = klmStrip.getPlane();
506  strip = klmStrip.getStrip();
508  subdetector, section, sector, layer, plane, strip);
509  timeDelay = timeCableDelay->getTimeDelay(channel);
510  channelNumber = m_ElementNumbers->channelNumber(subdetector, section, sector, layer, plane, strip);
511  cableDelayTree->Fill();
512  }
513  cableDelayTree->Write();
514  delete cableDelayTree;
515  delete timeCableDelayResults;
516  /* Reset the database. Needed to avoid mess if we call this method multiple times with different GTs. */
517  resetDatabase();
518 }
521 {
522  /* Initialize the database. */
524  /* Now we can read the payload. */
525  DBObjPtr<KLMTimeConstants> timeConstants;
526  if (!timeConstants.isValid())
527  B2FATAL("Time Constants data are not valid.");
528  if (m_GlobalTagName != "")
529  printPayloadInformation(timeConstants);
530  /* Create trees with time constant measurement results. */
531  int subdetector, section, sector, layer, plane, strip, module, channelNumber;
532  float delayEKLM, delayBKLM, delayRPCPhi, delayRPCZ;
533  TFile* timeConstantsResults =
534  new TFile(m_TimeConstantsResultsFile.c_str(), "recreate");
535  TTree* constantsTree = new TTree("constants", "KLM timeConstants data");
536  constantsTree->Branch("experiment", &m_experiment, "experiment/I");
537  constantsTree->Branch("run", &m_run, "run/I");
538  constantsTree->Branch("subdetector", &subdetector, "subdetector/I");
539  constantsTree->Branch("section", &section, "section/I");
540  constantsTree->Branch("sector", &sector, "sector/I");
541  constantsTree->Branch("layer", &layer, "layer/I");
542  constantsTree->Branch("plane", &plane, "plane/I");
543  constantsTree->Branch("strip", &strip, "strip/I");
544  constantsTree->Branch("module", &module, "module/I");
545  constantsTree->Branch("channelNumber", &channelNumber, "channelNumber/I");
546  constantsTree->Branch("delayEKLM", &delayEKLM, "delayEKLM/F");
547  constantsTree->Branch("delayBKLM", &delayBKLM, "delayBKLM/F");
548  constantsTree->Branch("delayRPCPhi", &delayRPCPhi, "delayRPCPhi/F");
549  constantsTree->Branch("delayRPCZ", &delayRPCZ, "delayRPCZ/F");
551  for (KLMChannelIndex& klmStrip : klmStrips) {
552  subdetector = klmStrip.getSubdetector();
553  section = klmStrip.getSection();
554  sector = klmStrip.getSector();
555  layer = klmStrip.getLayer();
556  plane = klmStrip.getPlane();
557  strip = klmStrip.getStrip();
558  channelNumber = m_ElementNumbers->channelNumber(subdetector, section, sector, layer, plane, strip);
559  module = m_ElementNumbers->moduleNumber(subdetector, section, sector, layer);
560  delayEKLM = timeConstants->getDelay(KLMTimeConstants::c_EKLM);
561  delayBKLM = timeConstants->getDelay(KLMTimeConstants::c_BKLM);
562  delayRPCPhi = timeConstants->getDelay(KLMTimeConstants::c_RPCPhi);
563  delayRPCZ = timeConstants->getDelay(KLMTimeConstants::c_RPCZ);
564  constantsTree->Fill();
565  }
566  constantsTree->Write();
567  delete constantsTree;
568  delete timeConstantsResults;
569  /* Reset the database. Needed to avoid mess if we call this method multiple times with different GTs. */
570  resetDatabase();
571 }
static constexpr int getMaximalLayerNumber()
Get maximal layer number (1-based).
static constexpr int getMaximalPlaneNumber()
Get maximal plane number (0-based).
static Configuration & getInstance()
Get a reference to the instance which will be used when the Database is initialized.
bool isValid() const
Check whether a valid object was obtained from the database.
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
Singleton class to cache database objects.
Definition: DBStore.h:31
static DataStore & Instance()
Instance of singleton Store.
void setInitializeActive(bool active)
Setter for m_initializeActive.
void reset(EDurability durability)
Frees memory occupied by data store items and removes all objects from the map.
EKLM element numbers.
int getMaximalDetectorLayerNumber(int section) const
Get maximal detector layer number.
static const EKLMElementNumbers & Instance()
static constexpr int getMaximalPlaneNumber()
Get maximal plane number.
KLM Alignment data.
float getDeltaU() const
Get shift in U.
float getDeltaV() const
Get shift in V.
@ c_DeltaAlpha
Rotation in alpha.
@ c_DeltaBeta
Rotation in beta.
@ c_DeltaU
Shift in U (EKLM: local X).
@ c_DeltaGamma
Rotation in gamma (EKLM: rotation in local plane).
@ c_DeltaV
Shift in V (EKLM: local Y).
float getDeltaW() const
Get shift in W.
float getDeltaGamma() const
Get rotation in alpha.
float getDeltaAlpha() const
Get rotation in alpha.
float getDeltaBeta() const
Get rotation in alpha.
void checkTimeCableDelay()
Check time cable delay.
void checkTimeConstants()
Check time constants.
void checkStripEfficiency()
Check strip efficiency.
void resetDatabase()
Reset the database.
void initializeDatabase()
Initialize the database.
void setExperimentRun(int experiment, int run)
Set experiment and run numbers.
void checkAlignment()
Check alignment.
const KLMElementNumbers * m_ElementNumbers
Element numbers.
std::string m_GlobalTagName
Global Tag name.
std::string m_AlignmentResultsFile
Output file for alignment results.
std::string m_testingPayloadName
Testing payload location.
std::string m_TimeCableDelayResultsFile
Output file for time cable delay results.
std::string m_StripEfficiencyResultsFile
Output file for alignment results.
std::string m_TimeConstantsResultsFile
Output file for time constants results.
void createStripEfficiencyHistograms()
Create strip efficiency histograms.
void printPayloadInformation(DBObjPtr< T > &dbObject)
Print payload information.
StoreObjPtr< EventMetaData > m_EventMetaData
Event metadata.
KLM channel index.
KLMChannelIndex & endEKLM()
Last channel for EKLM.
int getLayer() const
Get layer.
int getSection() const
Get section.
int getPlane() const
Get plane.
int getStrip() const
Get strip.
int getEKLMSegmentNumber() const
Get EKLM segment number.
int getSector() const
Get sector.
void useEKLMSegments(bool useSegments=true)
Iterate over EKLM segments instead of strips.
KLMChannelIndex beginEKLM()
First channel for EKLM.
KLM element numbers.
KLMChannelNumber channelNumber(int subdetector, int section, int sector, int layer, int plane, int strip) const
Get channel number.
KLMModuleNumber moduleNumber(int subdetector, int section, int sector, int layer) const
Get module number.
@ c_BKLM
BKLM scintillator.
@ c_EKLM
EKLM scintillator.
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.
void reset(bool keepEntries=false)
Invalidate all payloads.
static Database & Instance()
Instance of a singleton Database.
static DBStore & Instance()
Instance of a singleton DBStore.
void updateEvent()
Updates all intra-run dependent objects.
void update()
Updates all objects that are outside their interval of validity.
static void reset(bool keepConfig=false)
Reset the database instance.
uint16_t KLMChannelNumber
Channel number.
uint16_t KLMModuleNumber
Module number.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.