Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /* Own header. */
10 #include <klm/modules/KLMClusterEfficiency/KLMClusterEfficiencyModule.h>
12 /* KLM headers. */
13 #include <klm/dataobjects/KLMHit2d.h>
15 /* Basf2 headers. */
16 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
18 /* ROOT headers. */
19 #include <Math/VectorUtil.h>
20 #include <TCanvas.h>
21 #include <TH2F.h>
22 #include <TMarker.h>
23 #include <TStyle.h>
25 using namespace Belle2;
27 REG_MODULE(KLMClusterEfficiency);
30  m_OutputFile(nullptr), m_ClusterTree(nullptr), m_ReconstructionTree(nullptr),
31  m_DecayVertexX(0), m_DecayVertexY(0), m_DecayVertexZ(0),
32  m_MaxDecayVertexHitAngle(0), m_ClusterX(0), m_ClusterY(0), m_ClusterZ(0),
33  m_MaxClusterHitAngle(0), m_KL0Clusters(0), m_PartlyKL0Clusters(0),
34  m_OtherClusters(0), m_NonreconstructedKL0(0),
35  m_ReconstructedKL01Cluster{0, 0, 0}, m_ExactlyReconstructedKL0(0),
36  m_ReconstructedKL02Clusters{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
37  m_ReconstructedKL03Clusters(0)
38 {
39  setDescription("Module for KLM cluster reconstruction efficiency studies.");
40  addParam("SaveClusterData", m_SaveClusterData,
41  "Whether to save cluster data or not.", false);
42  addParam("SaveReconstructionData", m_SaveReconstructionData,
43  "Whether to save reconstruction data or not.", true);
44  addParam("OutputFile", m_OutputFileName, "Output file.",
45  std::string("KLMClusterEfficiency.root"));
46  addParam("EventsClusterHistograms", m_EventsClusterHistograms,
47  "Draw cluster histograms for this number of events.", 0);
48 }
51 {
52 }
55 {
57  m_OutputFile = new TFile(m_OutputFileName.c_str(), "recreate");
58  if (m_SaveClusterData) {
59  m_ClusterTree = new TTree("klm_cluster", "");
60  m_ClusterTree->Branch("DecayVertexX", &m_DecayVertexX, "DecayVertexX/F");
61  m_ClusterTree->Branch("DecayVertexY", &m_DecayVertexY, "DecayVertexY/F");
62  m_ClusterTree->Branch("DecayVertexZ", &m_DecayVertexZ, "DecayVertexZ/F");
63  m_ClusterTree->Branch("MaxDecayVertexHitAngle", &m_MaxDecayVertexHitAngle,
64  "MaxDecayVertexHitAngle/F");
65  m_ClusterTree->Branch("ClusterX", &m_ClusterX, "ClusterX/F");
66  m_ClusterTree->Branch("ClusterY", &m_ClusterY, "ClusterY/F");
67  m_ClusterTree->Branch("ClusterZ", &m_ClusterZ, "ClusterZ/F");
68  m_ClusterTree->Branch("MaxClusterHitAngle", &m_MaxClusterHitAngle,
69  "MaxClusterHitAngle/F");
70  }
72  m_ReconstructionTree = new TTree("klm_reconstruction", "");
73  m_ReconstructionTree->Branch("KL0Clusters", &m_KL0Clusters,
74  "KL0Clusters/I");
75  m_ReconstructionTree->Branch("PartlyKL0Clusters", &m_PartlyKL0Clusters,
76  "PartlyKL0Clusters/I");
77  m_ReconstructionTree->Branch("OtherClusters", &m_OtherClusters,
78  "OtherClusters/I");
79  m_ReconstructionTree->Branch("NonreconstructedKL0", &m_NonreconstructedKL0,
80  "NonreconstructedKL0/I");
81  m_ReconstructionTree->Branch("ReconstructedKL01Cluster",
83  "ReconstructedKL01Cluster[3]/I");
84  m_ReconstructionTree->Branch("ReconstructedKL02Clusters",
86  "ReconstructedKL02Clusters[6]/I");
87  m_ReconstructionTree->Branch("ReconstructedKL03Clusters",
89  "ReconstructedKL03Clusters/I");
90  }
91  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
92 }
95 {
96 }
99 {
100  static int nevent = 0;
101  /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
102  char str[128];
103  int i1, i2, i3, n1, n2, n3;
104  int bs1, bs2, es1, es2;
105  ROOT::Math::XYZVector clusterPosition;
106  ROOT::Math::XYZVector decayVertex, hitPosition;
107  float angle;
108  /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
109  bool haveKL0;
110  n1 = m_KLMClusters.getEntries();
111  for (i1 = 0; i1 < n1; i1++) {
112  haveKL0 = false;
113  RelationVector<MCParticle> clusterMCParticles =
114  m_KLMClusters[i1]->getRelationsTo<MCParticle>();
115  n2 = clusterMCParticles.size();
116  for (i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2++) {
117  if (clusterMCParticles[i2]->getPDG() == Const::Klong.getPDGCode())
118  haveKL0 = true;
119  }
120  if (haveKL0) {
121  if (n2 == 1)
122  m_KL0Clusters++;
123  else
125  } else
126  m_OtherClusters++;
127  }
128  if (nevent < m_EventsClusterHistograms) {
129  static TH2F* hzx = new TH2F("hzx", "", 100, -300, 420, 100, -320, 320);
130  static TH2F* hzy = new TH2F("hzy", "", 100, -300, 420, 100, -320, 320);
131  static TH2F* hxy = new TH2F("hxy", "", 100, -320, 320, 100, -320, 320);
132  static TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas();
133  static TMarker* clusterMarker = new TMarker(0, 0, 20);
134  static TMarker* hitMarker = new TMarker(0, 0, 21);
135  if (nevent == 0) {
136  hzx->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z, cm");
137  hzx->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("x, cm");
138  hzy->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z, cm");
139  hzy->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y, cm");
140  hxy->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x, cm");
141  hxy->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y, cm");
142  }
143  hzx->Draw();
144  for (i1 = 0; i1 < n1; i1++) {
145  clusterMarker->SetMarkerColor(i1 + 1);
146  hitMarker->SetMarkerColor(i1 + 1);
147  clusterPosition = m_KLMClusters[i1]->getClusterPosition();
148  clusterMarker->DrawMarker(clusterPosition.Z(), clusterPosition.X());
149  RelationVector<KLMHit2d> klmHit2ds =
150  m_KLMClusters[i1]->getRelationsTo<KLMHit2d>();
151  n2 = klmHit2ds.size();
152  for (i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2++) {
153  hitPosition = klmHit2ds[i2]->getPosition();
154  hitMarker->DrawMarker(hitPosition.Z(), hitPosition.X());
155  }
156  }
157  snprintf(str, 128, "clusters%dzx.eps", nevent);
158  c1->Print(str);
159  hzy->Draw();
160  for (i1 = 0; i1 < n1; i1++) {
161  clusterMarker->SetMarkerColor(i1 + 1);
162  hitMarker->SetMarkerColor(i1 + 1);
163  clusterPosition = m_KLMClusters[i1]->getClusterPosition();
164  clusterMarker->DrawMarker(clusterPosition.Z(), clusterPosition.Y());
165  RelationVector<KLMHit2d> klmHit2ds =
166  m_KLMClusters[i1]->getRelationsTo<KLMHit2d>();
167  n2 = klmHit2ds.size();
168  for (i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2++) {
169  hitPosition = klmHit2ds[i2]->getPosition();
170  hitMarker->DrawMarker(hitPosition.Z(), hitPosition.Y());
171  }
172  }
173  snprintf(str, 128, "clusters%dzy.eps", nevent);
174  c1->Print(str);
175  hxy->Draw();
176  for (i1 = 0; i1 < n1; i1++) {
177  clusterMarker->SetMarkerColor(i1 + 1);
178  hitMarker->SetMarkerColor(i1 + 1);
179  clusterPosition = m_KLMClusters[i1]->getClusterPosition();
180  clusterMarker->DrawMarker(clusterPosition.X(), clusterPosition.Y());
181  RelationVector<KLMHit2d> klmHit2ds =
182  m_KLMClusters[i1]->getRelationsTo<KLMHit2d>();
183  n2 = klmHit2ds.size();
184  for (i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2++) {
185  hitPosition = klmHit2ds[i2]->getPosition();
186  hitMarker->DrawMarker(hitPosition.X(), hitPosition.Y());
187  }
188  }
189  snprintf(str, 128, "clusters%dxy.eps", nevent);
190  c1->Print(str);
191  nevent++;
192  }
193  n1 = m_MCParticles.getEntries();
194  for (i1 = 0; i1 < n1; i1++) {
195  if (m_MCParticles[i1]->getPDG() != Const::Klong.getPDGCode())
196  continue;
197  decayVertex = m_MCParticles[i1]->getDecayVertex();
198  m_DecayVertexX = decayVertex.X();
199  m_DecayVertexY = decayVertex.Y();
200  m_DecayVertexZ = decayVertex.Z();
202  RelationVector<KLMHit2d> mcKLMHit2ds =
203  m_MCParticles[i1]->getRelationsFrom<KLMHit2d>();
204  n2 = mcKLMHit2ds.size();
205  for (i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2++) {
206  hitPosition = mcKLMHit2ds[i2]->getPosition();
207  angle = ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Angle(decayVertex, hitPosition);
208  if (angle > m_MaxDecayVertexHitAngle)
209  m_MaxDecayVertexHitAngle = angle;
210  }
211  RelationVector<KLMCluster> kl0Clusters =
212  m_MCParticles[i1]->getRelationsFrom<KLMCluster>();
213  n2 = kl0Clusters.size();
214  if (n2 == 0)
216  else if (n2 == 1) {
217  RelationVector<KLMHit2d> klmHit2ds =
218  kl0Clusters[0]->getRelationsTo<KLMHit2d>();
219  bs1 = 0;
220  es1 = 0;
221  for (const KLMHit2d& hit2d : klmHit2ds) {
222  if (hit2d.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM)
223  bs1++;
224  else
225  es1++;
226  }
227  if (bs1 > 0) {
228  if (es1 > 0)
230  else
232  } else if (es1 > 0)
234  RelationVector<MCParticle> m_MCParticles2 =
235  kl0Clusters[0]->getRelationsTo<MCParticle>();
236  if (m_MCParticles2.size() == 1) {
237  if (m_MCParticles2.weight(0) == 1)
239  }
240  } else if (n2 == 2) {
241  RelationVector<KLMHit2d> klmHit2ds1 =
242  kl0Clusters[0]->getRelationsTo<KLMHit2d>();
243  RelationVector<KLMHit2d> klmHit2ds2 =
244  kl0Clusters[1]->getRelationsTo<KLMHit2d>();
245  bs1 = 0;
246  bs2 = 0;
247  es1 = 0;
248  es2 = 0;
249  for (const KLMHit2d& hit2d : klmHit2ds1) {
250  if (hit2d.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM)
251  bs1++;
252  else
253  es1++;
254  }
255  for (const KLMHit2d& hit2d : klmHit2ds2) {
256  if (hit2d.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM)
257  bs2++;
258  else
259  es2++;
260  }
261  if (bs1 > 0 && bs2 > 0) {
262  if (es1 > 0 && es2 > 0) {
264  } else if ((es1 > 0 && es2 == 0) || (es1 == 0 && es2 > 0)) {
266  } else if (es1 == 0 && es2 == 0) {
268  }
269  } else if (bs1 > 0 && bs2 == 0) {
270  if (es1 > 0 && es2 > 0) {
272  } else if (es1 == 0 && es2 > 0) {
274  }
275  } else if (bs1 == 0 && bs2 > 0) {
276  if (es1 > 0 && es2 > 0) {
278  } else if (es1 > 0 && es2 == 0) {
280  }
281  } else if (bs1 == 0 && bs2 == 0) {
282  if (es1 > 0 && es2 > 0) {
284  }
285  }
286  } else if (n2 >= 3)
288  if (m_SaveClusterData) {
289  for (i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2++) {
290  clusterPosition = kl0Clusters[i2]->getClusterPosition();
291  m_ClusterX = clusterPosition.X();
292  m_ClusterY = clusterPosition.Y();
293  m_ClusterZ = clusterPosition.Z();
295  RelationVector<KLMHit2d> klmHit2ds =
296  kl0Clusters[i2]->getRelationsTo<KLMHit2d>();
297  n3 = klmHit2ds.size();
298  for (i3 = 0; i3 < n3; i3++) {
299  hitPosition = klmHit2ds[i3]->getPosition();
300  angle = ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Angle(clusterPosition, hitPosition);
301  if (angle > m_MaxClusterHitAngle)
302  m_MaxClusterHitAngle = angle;
303  }
304  m_ClusterTree->Fill();
305  }
306  }
307  }
308 }
311 {
312 }
315 {
316  int i, rec1Cluster, rec2Clusters;
317  rec1Cluster = 0;
318  rec2Clusters = 0;
319  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
320  rec1Cluster = rec1Cluster + m_ReconstructedKL01Cluster[i];
321  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
322  rec2Clusters = rec2Clusters + m_ReconstructedKL02Clusters[i];
323  /* Always printed once, not necessary to use LogVar. */
324  B2INFO("Total number of KLM clusters: " << m_KL0Clusters +
326  B2INFO("K_L0 clusters: " << m_KL0Clusters);
327  B2INFO("(K_L0+other) clusters: " << m_PartlyKL0Clusters);
328  B2INFO("Other clusters: " << m_OtherClusters);
329  B2INFO("Total number of generated K_L0: " << m_NonreconstructedKL0 +
330  rec1Cluster + rec2Clusters + m_ReconstructedKL03Clusters);
331  B2INFO("Nonreconstructed K_L0: " << m_NonreconstructedKL0);
332  B2INFO("K_L0 reconstructed as 1 cluster (total): " << rec1Cluster);
333  B2INFO("K_L0 reconstructed as 1 cluster (BKLM): " <<
335  B2INFO("K_L0 reconstructed as 1 cluster (BKLM/EKLM): " <<
337  B2INFO("K_L0 reconstructed as 1 cluster (EKLM): " <<
339  B2INFO("K_L0 reconstructed as 1 cluster (exact reconstruction): " <<
341  B2INFO("K_L0 reconstructed as 2 clusters (total): " << rec2Clusters);
342  B2INFO("K_L0 reconstructed as 2 clusters (2 * BKLM): " <<
344  B2INFO("K_L0 reconstructed as 2 clusters (BKLM + BKLM/EKLM): " <<
346  B2INFO("K_L0 reconstructed as 2 clusters (BKLM + EKLM): " <<
348  B2INFO("K_L0 reconstructed as 2 clusters (2 * BKLM/EKLM): " <<
350  B2INFO("K_L0 reconstructed as 2 clusters (BKLM/EKLM + EKLM): " <<
352  B2INFO("K_L0 reconstructed as 2 clusters (2 * EKLM): " <<
354  B2INFO("K_L0 reconstructed as 3 or more clusters: " <<
357  m_ReconstructionTree->Fill();
358  m_OutputFile->cd();
359  m_ReconstructionTree->Write();
360  delete m_ReconstructionTree;
361  }
362  if (m_SaveClusterData) {
363  m_OutputFile->cd();
364  m_ClusterTree->Write();
365  delete m_ClusterTree;
366  }
368  delete m_OutputFile;
369 }
int getPDGCode() const
PDG code.
Definition: Const.h:464
static const ParticleType Klong
K^0_L particle.
Definition: Const.h:669
bool m_SaveClusterData
Whether to save cluster data or not.
float m_DecayVertexZ
MCParticle decay vertex Z coordinate.
float m_DecayVertexX
MCParticle decay vertex X coordinate.
float m_MaxClusterHitAngle
Maximal angle between KLM cluster and its hits.
void event() override
This method is called for each event.
int m_KL0Clusters
Number of clusters from a K_L0.
void endRun() override
This method is called if the current run ends.
void terminate() override
This method is called at the end of the event processing.
int m_ReconstructedKL03Clusters
Number of K_L0 reconstructed as >= 2 clusters.
int m_EventsClusterHistograms
Draw cluster histograms for this number of events.
bool m_SaveReconstructionData
Whether to save reconstruction data or not.
int m_OtherClusters
Number of clusters from other particles.
int m_ExactlyReconstructedKL0
Number of K_L0 reconstructed as 1 cluster, and this cluster should be related only to 1 (K_L0 ) MCPar...
void beginRun() override
Called when entering a new run.
int m_PartlyKL0Clusters
Number of clusters from a K_L0 + other particles.
TTree * m_ReconstructionTree
Reconstruction tree.
StoreArray< KLMCluster > m_KLMClusters
KLM clusters.
int m_ReconstructedKL02Clusters[6]
Number of K_L0 reconstructed as 2 clusters in (2 * BKLM, BKLM + BKLM/EKLM, BKLM + EKLM,...
int m_ReconstructedKL01Cluster[3]
Number of K_L0 reconstructed as 1 cluster in (BKLM, BKLM/EKLM, EKLM).
float m_MaxDecayVertexHitAngle
Maximal angle between MCParticle decay vertex and its hits.
std::string m_OutputFileName
Output file name.
float m_DecayVertexY
MCParticle decay vertex Y coordinate.
StoreArray< MCParticle > m_MCParticles
MC particles.
int m_NonreconstructedKL0
Number of nonreconstructed K_L0.
KLM cluster data.
Definition: KLMCluster.h:28
KLM 2d hit.
Definition: KLMHit2d.h:33
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
Class for type safe access to objects that are referred to in relations.
size_t size() const
Get number of relations.
float weight(int index) const
Get weight with index.
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
Register the Module.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.