Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <analysis/modules/MCDecayFinder/MCDecayFinderModule.h>
10 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
11 #include <analysis/DecayDescriptor/ParticleListName.h>
12 #include <analysis/utility/EvtPDLUtil.h>
13 #include <analysis/utility/MCMatching.h>
15 #include <string>
16 #include <memory>
18 using namespace std;
19 using namespace Belle2;
21 // Register module in the framework
22 REG_MODULE(MCDecayFinder);
24 MCDecayFinderModule::MCDecayFinderModule() : Module(), m_isSelfConjugatedParticle(false)
25 {
26  //Set module properties
27  setDescription("Find decays in MCParticle list matching a given DecayString and create Particles from them.");
28  //Parameter definition
29  addParam("decayString", m_strDecay, "DecayDescriptor string.");
30  addParam("listName", m_listName, "Name of the output particle list");
31  addParam("appendAllDaughters", m_appendAllDaughters,
32  "If true, all daughters of the matched MCParticle will be added in the order defined at the MCParticle. "
33  "If false, only the daughters described in the given decayString will be appended to the output particle.",
34  false);
35  addParam("skipNonPrimaryDaughters", m_skipNonPrimaryDaughters,
36  "If true, the secondary MC daughters will be skipped to append to the output particles. Default: true",
37  true);
38  addParam("writeOut", m_writeOut,
39  "If true, the output ParticleList will be saved by RootOutput. If false, it will be ignored when writing the file.", false);
40 }
43 {
44  bool valid = m_decaydescriptor.init(m_strDecay);
45  if (!valid)
46  B2ERROR("Invalid input DecayString: " << m_strDecay);
51  B2DEBUG(10, "particle list name: " << m_listName);
52  B2DEBUG(10, "antiparticle list name: " << m_antiListName);
55  // Register output particle list, particle store and relation to MCParticles
59  m_outputList.registerInDataStore(m_listName, flags);
60  m_particles.registerInDataStore(flags);
61  m_extraInfoMap.registerInDataStore();
62  m_particles.registerRelationTo(m_mcparticles, DataStore::c_Event, flags);
65  m_antiOutputList.registerInDataStore(m_antiListName, flags);
66  }
67 }
70 {
71  if (not m_extraInfoMap)
72  m_extraInfoMap.create();
74  // Create output particle list
75  const int motherPDG = m_decaydescriptor.getMother()->getPDGCode();
76  m_outputList.create();
77  m_outputList->initialize(motherPDG, m_listName);
80  m_antiOutputList.create();
81  m_antiOutputList->initialize(-1 * motherPDG, m_antiListName);
82  m_outputList->bindAntiParticleList(*(m_antiOutputList));
83  }
85  // loop over all MCParticles
86  int nMCParticles = m_mcparticles.getEntries();
87  for (int i = 0; i < nMCParticles; i++) {
89  if (abs(m_mcparticles[i]->getPDG()) != abs(motherPDG))
90  continue;
92  for (int iCC = 0; iCC < 2; iCC++) {
93  int arrayIndex = -1;
94  std::unique_ptr<DecayTree<MCParticle>> decay(match(m_mcparticles[i], m_decaydescriptor, iCC, arrayIndex));
96  MCParticle* mcp = decay->getObj();
97  if (!mcp) continue;
99  B2DEBUG(19, "Match!");
101  if (m_appendAllDaughters) {
102  // if m_appendAllDaughters is True, create a new Particle appending all daughters
103  Particle* newParticle = m_particles.appendNew(mcp);
104  newParticle->addRelationTo(mcp);
106  for (auto mcDaughter : mcp->getDaughters()) {
107  if (mcDaughter->hasStatus(MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle) or not m_skipNonPrimaryDaughters
108  or abs(mcp->getPDG()) == Const::Lambda.getPDGCode()) { // Lambda's daughters are not primary but it is not FSP at mcmatching
110  auto partDaughter = createParticleRecursively(mcDaughter, m_skipNonPrimaryDaughters);
111  newParticle->appendDaughter(partDaughter, /* updateType = */ false); // particleSource remain c_MCParticle
112  }
113  }
114  addUniqueParticleToList(newParticle);
116  } else if (arrayIndex == -1) {
117  // Particle is not created when no daughter is described in decayString
118  Particle* newParticle = m_particles.appendNew(mcp);
119  newParticle->addRelationTo(mcp);
121  addUniqueParticleToList(newParticle);
122  } else {
123  // Particle is already created
126  }
128  }
129  }
130 }
132 DecayTree<MCParticle>* MCDecayFinderModule::match(const MCParticle* mcp, const DecayDescriptor* d, bool isCC, int& arrayIndex)
133 {
134  // Suffixes used in this method:
135  // P = Information from MCParticle
136  // D = Information from DecayDescriptor
138  // Create empty DecayTree as return value
139  auto* decay = new DecayTree<MCParticle>();
141  // Load PDG codes and compare,
142  const int iPDGD = d->getMother()->getPDGCode();
143  const int iPDGP = mcp->getPDG();
144  const bool isSelfConjugatedParticle = !(EvtPDLUtil::hasAntiParticle(iPDGD));
146  if (!isCC && iPDGD != iPDGP) return decay;
147  else if (isCC && (iPDGD != -iPDGP && !isSelfConjugatedParticle)) return decay;
148  else if (isCC && (iPDGD != iPDGP && isSelfConjugatedParticle)) return decay;
149  B2DEBUG(19, "PDG code matched: " << iPDGP);
151  // Get number of daughters in the decay descriptor.
152  // If no daughters in decay descriptor, no more checks needed.
153  const int nDaughtersD = d->getNDaughters();
154  if (nDaughtersD == 0) {
155  B2DEBUG(19, "DecayDescriptor has no Daughters, everything OK!");
156  decay->setObj(const_cast<MCParticle*>(mcp));
157  return decay; // arrayIndex is not set
158  }
160  // Get daughters of MCParticle
161  vector<const MCParticle*> daughtersP;
162  int nDaughtersRecursiveD = 0;
163  if (d->isIgnoreIntermediate()) {
164  appendParticles(mcp, daughtersP);
165  // Get number of daughter recursively if missing intermediate states are accepted.
166  nDaughtersRecursiveD = getNDaughtersRecursive(d);
167  } else {
168  const vector<MCParticle*>& tmpDaughtersP = mcp->getDaughters();
169  for (auto daug : tmpDaughtersP)
170  daughtersP.push_back(daug);
171  nDaughtersRecursiveD = nDaughtersD;
172  }
174  // The MCParticle must have at least as many daughters as the decaydescriptor
175  if (nDaughtersRecursiveD > (int)daughtersP.size()) {
176  B2DEBUG(10, "DecayDescriptor has more daughters than MCParticle!");
177  return decay;
178  }
180  // nested daughter has to be called at first to avoid overlap
181  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> daughtersDepthMapD; // first: -1*depth, second:iDD
182  for (int iDD = 0; iDD < nDaughtersD; iDD++) {
183  int depth = 1; // to be incremented
184  countMaxDepthOfNest(d->getDaughter(iDD), depth);
186  daughtersDepthMapD.push_back({-1 * depth, iDD});
187  }
188  // sorted in ascending order = the deepest nested daughter will come first
189  std::sort(daughtersDepthMapD.begin(), daughtersDepthMapD.end());
191  // loop over all daughters of the decay descriptor
192  for (auto pair : daughtersDepthMapD) {
193  int iDD = pair.second;
194  // check if there is an unmatched particle daughter matching this decay descriptor daughter
195  bool isMatchDaughter = false;
196  auto itDP = daughtersP.begin();
197  while (itDP != daughtersP.end()) {
198  const MCParticle* daugP = *itDP;
200  int tmp; // array index of a created daughter Particle (not to be used)
201  DecayTree<MCParticle>* daughter = match(daugP, d->getDaughter(iDD), isCC, tmp);
202  if (!daughter->getObj()) {
203  ++itDP;
204  delete daughter;
205  continue;
206  }
207  // Matching daughter found, remove it from list of unmatched particle daughters
208  decay->append(daughter);
209  isMatchDaughter = true;
210  itDP = daughtersP.erase(itDP);
212  // if the matched daughter has daughters, they are also removed from the list
213  if (d->isIgnoreIntermediate() and d->getDaughter(iDD)->getNDaughters() != 0) {
214  vector<const MCParticle*> grandDaughtersP;
215  if (d->getDaughter(iDD)->isIgnoreIntermediate()) {
216  appendParticles(daugP, grandDaughtersP);
217  } else {
218  const vector<MCParticle*>& tmpGrandDaughtersP = daugP->getDaughters();
219  for (auto grandDaugP : tmpGrandDaughtersP)
220  grandDaughtersP.push_back(grandDaugP);
221  }
223  for (auto grandDaugP : grandDaughtersP) {
224  auto jtDP = itDP;
225  while (jtDP != daughtersP.end()) {
226  const MCParticle* daugP_j = *jtDP;
227  // if a grand-daughter matched a daughter, remove it.
228  if (grandDaugP == daugP_j)
229  jtDP = daughtersP.erase(jtDP);
230  else
231  ++jtDP;
232  }
233  }
234  }
236  break;
237  }
238  if (!isMatchDaughter) {
239  return decay;
240  }
241  }
243  // Ok, it seems that everything from the DecayDescriptor could be matched.
244  decay->setObj(const_cast<MCParticle*>(mcp));
246  Particle* newParticle = buildParticleFromDecayTree(decay, d);
247  int status = MCMatching::getMCErrors(newParticle);
248  if (status != MCMatching::c_Correct) { // isSignal != 1
249  B2DEBUG(10, "isSignal is not True. There was an additional particle left.");
250  decay->setObj(nullptr);
251  return decay;
252  }
254  arrayIndex = newParticle->getArrayIndex();
256  B2DEBUG(19, "Match found!");
257  return decay;
258 }
260 void MCDecayFinderModule::appendParticles(const MCParticle* gen, vector<const MCParticle*>& children)
261 {
262  if (MCMatching::isFSP(gen->getPDG())) {
263  if (gen->getPDG() != Const::Kshort.getPDGCode()) // exception for K_S0
264  return; //stop at the bottom of the MC decay tree (ignore secondaries)
266  // Currently the decay of "FSP" cannot be specified except for K_S0,
267  // e.g. photon-conversion: gamma -> e+ e-, decay-in-flight: K+ -> mu+ nu_mu
268  }
270  const vector<MCParticle*>& genDaughters = gen->getDaughters();
271  for (auto daug : genDaughters) {
272  children.push_back(daug);
273  appendParticles(daug, children);
274  }
275 }
278 {
279  const int nDaughter = d->getNDaughters();
280  if (nDaughter == 0) return nDaughter;
282  int nDaughterRecursive = nDaughter;
283  for (int iDaug = 0; iDaug < nDaughter; iDaug++) {
284  const DecayDescriptor* dDaug = d->getDaughter(iDaug);
286  nDaughterRecursive += getNDaughtersRecursive(dDaug);
287  }
289  return nDaughterRecursive;
290 }
293 {
294  int maxDepth = 0;
295  for (int i = 0; i < d->getNDaughters(); i++) {
296  int tmp_depth = 1;
297  countMaxDepthOfNest(d->getDaughter(i), tmp_depth);
299  if (tmp_depth > maxDepth)
300  maxDepth = tmp_depth;
301  }
303  depth += maxDepth;
304 }
307 {
308  auto newParticle = buildParticleFromDecayTree(decay, dd);
309  int status = MCMatching::getMCErrors(newParticle);
310  return (status == MCMatching::c_Correct);
311 }
315 {
316  const int nDaughters = dd->getNDaughters();
317  const vector<DecayTree<MCParticle>*> decayDaughters = decay->getDaughters();
319  // sanity check
320  if ((int)decayDaughters.size() != nDaughters) {
321  B2ERROR("MCDecayFinderModule::buildParticleFromDecayTree Inconsistency on the number daughters between DecayTree and DecayDescriptor");
322  return nullptr;
323  }
325  // build particle from head of DecayTree
326  MCParticle* mcp = decay->getObj();
327  Particle* newParticle = m_particles.appendNew(mcp);
328  newParticle->addRelationTo(mcp);
330  int property = dd->getProperty();
331  property |= dd->getMother()->getProperty();
332  newParticle->setProperty(property);
334  // if nDaughters is 0 but mcp is not FSP, all primary daughters are appended for mcmatching
335  if (nDaughters == 0 and not MCMatching::isFSP(mcp->getPDG())) {
336  for (auto mcDaughter : mcp->getDaughters()) {
337  if (mcDaughter->hasStatus(MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle) or
338  (abs(mcp->getPDG()) == Const::Lambda.getPDGCode())) { // Lambda's daughters are not primary but it is not FSP at mcmatching
340  auto partDaughter = createParticleRecursively(mcDaughter, true); // for mcmatching non-primary should be omitted
341  newParticle->appendDaughter(partDaughter, false);
342  }
343  }
344  }
347  // Daughters of DecayTree were filled in ascending order of depth of nest.
348  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> daughtersDepthMapD; // first: -1*depth, second:iDD
349  for (int iDD = 0; iDD < nDaughters; iDD++) {
350  auto daugD = dd->getDaughter(iDD);
352  int depth = 1; // to be incremented
353  countMaxDepthOfNest(daugD, depth);
354  daughtersDepthMapD.push_back({-1 * depth, iDD});
355  }
356  std::sort(daughtersDepthMapD.begin(), daughtersDepthMapD.end());
358  for (int iDD = 0; iDD < nDaughters; iDD++) {
360  int index_decayDaughter = 0;
361  for (auto pair : daughtersDepthMapD) {
362  if (pair.second == iDD) break;
363  index_decayDaughter++;
364  }
366  Particle* partDaughter = buildParticleFromDecayTree(decayDaughters[index_decayDaughter], dd->getDaughter(iDD));
368  int daughterProperty = dd->getDaughter(iDD)->getMother()->getProperty();
369  newParticle->appendDaughter(partDaughter, false, daughterProperty);
370  }
372  return newParticle;
373 }
375 Particle* MCDecayFinderModule::createParticleRecursively(const MCParticle* mcp, bool skipNonPrimaryDaughters)
376 {
377  Particle* newParticle = m_particles.appendNew(mcp);
378  newParticle->addRelationTo(mcp);
380  for (auto mcDaughter : mcp->getDaughters()) {
381  if (mcDaughter->hasStatus(MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle) or not skipNonPrimaryDaughters
382  or abs(mcp->getPDG()) == Const::Lambda.getPDGCode()) { // Lambda's daughters are not primary but it is not FSP at mcmatching
383  auto partDaughter = createParticleRecursively(mcDaughter, skipNonPrimaryDaughters);
384  newParticle->appendDaughter(partDaughter, false);
385  }
386  }
388  return newParticle;
389 }
392 {
394  for (auto existingParticle : *m_outputList) {
395  if (existingParticle.isCopyOf(newParticle))
396  return;
397  }
399  m_outputList->addParticle(newParticle);
400 }
int getPDGCode() const
PDG code.
Definition: Const.h:464
static const ParticleType Lambda
Lambda particle.
Definition: Const.h:670
static const ParticleType Kshort
K^0_S particle.
Definition: Const.h:668
Flags describing behaviours of objects etc.
Definition: DataStore.h:69
@ c_WriteOut
Object/array should be saved by output modules.
Definition: DataStore.h:70
@ c_DontWriteOut
Object/array should be NOT saved by output modules.
Definition: DataStore.h:71
@ c_Event
Different object in each event, all objects/arrays are invalidated after event() function has been ca...
Definition: DataStore.h:59
int getPDGCode() const
Return PDG code.
int getProperty() const
return property of the particle.
The DecayDescriptor stores information about a decay tree or parts of a decay tree.
bool init(const std::string &str)
Initialise the DecayDescriptor from given string.
const DecayDescriptorParticle * getMother() const
return mother.
int getNDaughters() const
return number of direct daughters.
int getProperty() const
return property of the particle.
const DecayDescriptor * getDaughter(int i) const
return i-th daughter (0 based index).
This is a helper class for the MCDecayFinderModule.
Definition: DecayTree.h:20
Particle * createParticleRecursively(const MCParticle *mcp, bool skipNonPrimaryDaughters)
Create a Particle from the given MCParticle appending all daughters of the MCParticle.
bool m_isSelfConjugatedParticle
Is the particle list for a self-conjugated particle.
std::string m_antiListName
Name of output anti-particle list.
DecayTree< MCParticle > * match(const MCParticle *mcp, const DecayDescriptor *d, bool isCC, int &arrayIndex)
Search for MCParticles matching the given DecayString.
Particle * buildParticleFromDecayTree(const DecayTree< MCParticle > *decay, const DecayDescriptor *dd)
Build a Particle from the given DecayTree and DecayDescriptor.
int getNDaughtersRecursive(const DecayDescriptor *d)
Recursively get number of daughters of given DecayDescriptor.
virtual void initialize() override
Initialises the module.
bool performMCMatching(const DecayTree< MCParticle > *decay, const DecayDescriptor *dd)
Perform the MCMatching on the Particle built from the given DecayTree and DecayDescriptor.
virtual void event() override
Method called for each event.
StoreArray< MCParticle > m_mcparticles
StoreArray of MCParticles.
std::string m_listName
Name of output particle list.
StoreArray< Particle > m_particles
StoreArray of Particles.
StoreObjPtr< ParticleList > m_outputList
output particle list
std::string m_strDecay
Decay string to build the decay descriptor.
void appendParticles(const MCParticle *gen, std::vector< const MCParticle * > &children)
Recursively gather all MC daughters of gen.
void addUniqueParticleToList(Particle *newParticle)
Add a new Particle into the output ParticleList if it does not exist already.
bool m_appendAllDaughters
if true, all daughters are appended
bool m_skipNonPrimaryDaughters
toggle skip of secondary MC daughters
StoreObjPtr< ParticleList > m_antiOutputList
output anti-particle list
DecayDescriptor m_decaydescriptor
Decay descriptor of decays to look for.
bool m_writeOut
toggle output particle list btw.
void countMaxDepthOfNest(const DecayDescriptor *d, int &depth)
Count the max depth of nest from the given DecayDescriptor.
StoreObjPtr< ParticleExtraInfoMap > m_extraInfoMap
object pointer to ParticleExtraInfoMaps
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32
@ c_PrimaryParticle
bit 0: Particle is primary particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:47
std::vector< Belle2::MCParticle * > getDaughters() const
Get vector of all daughter particles, empty vector if none.
int getPDG() const
Return PDG code of particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:112
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
Class to store reconstructed particles.
Definition: Particle.h:75
void setProperty(const int properties)
sets m_properties
Definition: Particle.h:346
void appendDaughter(const Particle *daughter, const bool updateType=true, const int daughterProperty=c_Ordinary)
Appends index of daughter to daughters index array.
void addRelationTo(const RelationsInterface< BASE > *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Add a relation from this object to another object (with caching).
int getArrayIndex() const
Returns this object's array index (in StoreArray), or -1 if not found.
bool isRequired(const std::string &name="")
Ensure this array/object has been registered previously.
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
bool hasAntiParticle(int pdgCode)
Checks if the particle with given pdg code has an anti-particle or not.
std::string antiParticleListName(const std::string &listName)
Returns name of anti-particle-list corresponding to listName.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
@ c_Correct
This Particle and all its daughters are perfectly reconstructed.
Definition: MCMatching.h:34
static int getMCErrors(const Belle2::Particle *particle, const Belle2::MCParticle *mcParticle=nullptr)
Returns quality indicator of the match as a bit pattern where the individual bits indicate the the ty...
static bool isFSP(int pdg)
Returns true if given PDG code indicates a FSP.