13 #include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
24 typedef boost::multi_array<c5elem, 5> c5array;
25 typedef c5array::index c5index;
30 typedef boost::multi_array<c3elem, 3> c3array;
31 typedef c3array::index c3index;
35 typedef boost::multi_array<c2elem, 2> c2array;
36 typedef c2array::index c2index;
37 typedef std::vector<c3index> cell_index;
38 typedef unsigned short ushort;
unsigned short c2elem
TS-Id to 1/32 phi-sector mapping is stored in a 2D array.
unsigned short c3elem
The Hough space is a 3D array (omega, phi, theta)
unsigned short c5elem
Store hit patterns in a 5D array (hitid, prio, omega, phi, theta)
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Default binning in a (7/32) phi-sector.