Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * Forked from *
6  * *
7  * Further information about the fit engine and the user interface *
8  * provided in MarlinKinfit can be found at *
9  * *
10  * and in the LCNotes LC-TOOL-2009-001 and LC-TOOL-2009-004 available *
11  * from *
12  * *
13  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
14  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
15  **************************************************************************/
17 #undef NDEBUG
19 #include "analysis/OrcaKinFit/NewtonFitterGSL.h"
21 #include<iostream>
22 #include<cmath>
23 #include<cassert>
25 #include "analysis/OrcaKinFit/BaseFitObject.h"
26 #include "analysis/OrcaKinFit/BaseHardConstraint.h"
27 #include "analysis/OrcaKinFit/BaseSoftConstraint.h"
28 #include "analysis/OrcaKinFit/BaseTracer.h"
29 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
31 #include <gsl/gsl_block.h>
32 #include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
33 #include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
34 #include <gsl/gsl_permutation.h>
35 #include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
36 #include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
37 #include <gsl/gsl_cdf.h>
39 using std::abs;
41 static int nitdebug = 100;
42 static int nitcalc = 0;
43 static int nitsvd = 0;
45 namespace Belle2 {
50  namespace OrcaKinFit {
52 // constructor
54  : npar(0), ncon(0), nsoft(0), nunm(0), ierr(0), nit(0), fitprob(0), chi2(0),
55  idim(0),
56  x(nullptr), xold(nullptr), xbest(nullptr), dx(nullptr), dxscal(nullptr), grad(nullptr), y(nullptr), yscal(nullptr),
57  perr(nullptr), v1(nullptr), v2(nullptr), Meval(nullptr),
58  M(nullptr), Mscal(nullptr), M1(nullptr), M2(nullptr), M3(nullptr), M4(nullptr), M5(nullptr), Mevec(nullptr),
59  CC(nullptr), CC1(nullptr), CCinv(nullptr), permM(nullptr), ws(nullptr),
60  wsdim(0), chi2best(0),
61  chi2new(0),
62  chi2old(0),
63  fvalbest(0), scale(0), scalebest(0), stepsize(0), stepbest(0),
64  scalevals{}, fvals{},
65  imerit(1),
66  debug(0)
67  {}
69 // destructor
71  {
73  if (x) gsl_vector_free(x);
74  if (xold) gsl_vector_free(xold);
75  if (xbest) gsl_vector_free(xbest);
76  if (dx) gsl_vector_free(dx);
77  if (dxscal) gsl_vector_free(dxscal);
78  if (grad) gsl_vector_free(grad);
79  if (y) gsl_vector_free(y);
80  if (yscal) gsl_vector_free(yscal);
81  if (perr) gsl_vector_free(perr);
82  if (v1) gsl_vector_free(v1);
83  if (v2) gsl_vector_free(v2);
84  if (Meval) gsl_vector_free(Meval);
85  if (M) gsl_matrix_free(M);
86  if (Mscal) gsl_matrix_free(Mscal);
87  if (M1) gsl_matrix_free(M1);
88  if (M2) gsl_matrix_free(M2);
89  if (M3) gsl_matrix_free(M3);
90  if (M4) gsl_matrix_free(M4);
91  if (M5) gsl_matrix_free(M5);
92  if (Mevec) gsl_matrix_free(Mevec);
93  if (CC) gsl_matrix_free(CC);
94  if (CC1) gsl_matrix_free(CC1);
95  if (CCinv) gsl_matrix_free(CCinv);
96  if (permM) gsl_permutation_free(permM);
97  if (ws) gsl_eigen_symmv_free(ws);
99  x = nullptr;
100  xold = nullptr;
101  xbest = nullptr;
102  dx = nullptr;
103  dxscal = nullptr;
104  grad = nullptr;
105  y = nullptr;
106  yscal = nullptr;
107  perr = nullptr;
108  v1 = nullptr;
109  v2 = nullptr;
110  Meval = nullptr;
111  M = nullptr;
112  Mscal = nullptr;
113  M1 = nullptr;
114  M2 = nullptr;
115  M3 = nullptr;
116  M4 = nullptr;
117  M5 = nullptr;
118  Mevec = nullptr;
119  CC = nullptr;
120  CC1 = nullptr;
121  CCinv = nullptr;
122  permM = nullptr;
123  ws = nullptr; wsdim = 0;
124  }
129  {
131  // order parameters etc
132  initialize();
134  // initialize eta, etasv, y
135  assert(x && (unsigned int)x->size == idim);
136  assert(dx && (unsigned int)dx->size == idim);
137  assert(y && (unsigned int)y->size == idim);
138  assert(perr && (unsigned int)perr->size == idim);
139  assert(v1 && (unsigned int)v1->size == idim);
140  assert(v2 && (unsigned int)v2->size == idim);
141  assert(Meval && (unsigned int)Meval->size == idim);
142  assert(M && (unsigned int)M->size1 == idim);
143  assert(M1 && (unsigned int)M1->size1 == idim);
144  assert(Mevec && (unsigned int)Mevec->size1 == idim);
145  assert(permM && (unsigned int)permM->size == idim);
147  gsl_vector_set_zero(x);
148  gsl_vector_set_zero(y);
149  gsl_vector_set_all(perr, 1);
151  // Store old x values in xold
152  fillxold();
153  // make sure parameters are consistent
154  updateParams(xold);
155  fillxold();
156  // Get starting values into x
157  gsl_vector_memcpy(x, xold);
162 #ifndef FIT_TRACEOFF
163  if (tracer) tracer->initialize(*this);
164 #endif
166  bool converged = false;
167  ierr = 0;
169  chi2new = calcChi2();
170  nit = 0;
171  if (debug > 1) {
172  B2INFO("Fit objects:\n");
173  for (auto fo : fitobjects) {
174  assert(fo);
175  B2INFO(fo->getName() << ": " << *fo << ", chi2=" << fo->getChi2());
176  for (int ilocal = 0; ilocal < fo->getNPar(); ++ilocal) {
177  if (!fo->isParamFixed(ilocal)) {
178  int iglobal = fo->getGlobalParNum(ilocal);
179  B2INFO(" par " << fo->getParamName(ilocal) << ": local: " << ilocal << ": global: " << iglobal
180  << " value=" << fo->getParam(ilocal) << " +- " << fo->getError(ilocal));
181  if (fo->isParamMeasured(ilocal))
182  B2INFO(" measured: " << fo->getMParam(ilocal));
183  } else {
184  B2INFO(" par " << fo->getParamName(ilocal) << ": local: " << ilocal << " -- fixed -- "
185  << " value=" << fo->getParam(ilocal) << " +- " << fo->getError(ilocal));
187  }
188  }
189  }
190  B2INFO("constraints:\n");
191  for (auto i = constraints.begin(); i != constraints.end(); ++i) {
192  BaseHardConstraint* c = *i;
193  assert(c);
194  B2INFO(i - constraints.begin() << " " << c->getName() << ": " << c->getValue() << "+-" << c->getError());
195  int kglobal = c->getGlobalNum();
196  B2INFO(" global number: " << kglobal);
197  }
198  B2INFO("soft constraints:\n");
199  for (auto i = softconstraints.begin(); i != softconstraints.end(); ++i) {
200  BaseSoftConstraint* c = *i;
201  assert(c);
202  B2INFO(i - softconstraints.begin() << " " << c->getName() << ": " << c->getValue() << "+-" << c->getError()
203  << ", chi2: " << c->getChi2());
204  }
205  }
207  do {
209  chi2old = chi2new;
211  if (nit == 0 || nit < nitdebug) {
212  B2DEBUG(11, "===================\nStarting iteration " << nit);
213  std::string printout = "\n Fit objects:\n";
214  for (auto fo : fitobjects) {
215  assert(fo);
216  printout += fo->getName();
217  printout += ", chi2=" ;
218  printout += fo->getChi2();
219  printout += "\n";
220  }
221  printout += "constraints:\n";
222  for (auto c : constraints) {
223  assert(c);
224  printout += c->getName() ;
225  printout += ": ";
226  printout += c->getValue();
227  printout += "+-" ;
228  printout += c->getError() ;
229  printout += "\n";
230  }
231  printout += "soft constraints:\n";
232  for (auto c : softconstraints) {
233  assert(c);
234  printout += c->getName() ;
235  printout += ": ";
236  printout += c->getValue() ;
237  printout += "+-" ;
238  printout += c->getError();
239  printout += ", chi2: ";
240  printout += c->getChi2() ;
241  printout += "\n";
242  }
243  B2DEBUG(12, printout);
244  }
246  // Store old x values in xold
247  fillxold();
248  // Fill errors into perr
249  fillperr();
251  // Compose M:
252  calcM();
254  // Now, calculate the result vector y with the values of the derivatives
255  // d chi^2/d x
256  calcy();
258  if (nit == 0 || nit < nitdebug) {
259  B2DEBUG(13, "After setting up equations: \n");
260  debug_print(M, "M");
261  debug_print(Mscal, "Mscal");
262  debug_print(y, "y");
263  debug_print(yscal, "yscal");
264  debug_print(perr, "perr");
265  debug_print(x, "x");
266  debug_print(xold, "xold");
267  }
269  scalevals[0] = 0;
270  fvals[0] = 0.5 * pow(gsl_blas_dnrm2(yscal), 2);
271  fvalbest = fvals[0];
272  stepsize = 0;
273  scalebest = 0;
274  stepbest = 0;
276  int ifail = calcDx();
277  if (ifail != 0) {
278  B2INFO("NewtonFitterGSL::fit: calcDx: ifail=" << ifail);
279  ierr = 2;
280  break;
281  }
282  // Update values in Fitobjects
283  updateParams(xbest);
285  if (debug > 1) {
286  debug_print(xbest, "new parameters");
287  }
289  calcy();
290  B2DEBUG(13, "New fval: " << 0.5 * pow(gsl_blas_dnrm2(yscal), 2));
291  chi2new = calcChi2();
292  B2DEBUG(13, "chi2: " << chi2old << " -> " << chi2new);
294  if (nit == 0 || nit < nitdebug) {
295  B2DEBUG(13, "After solving equations: \n");
296  debug_print(xbest, "xbest");
297  }
300 // *-- Convergence criteria
302  if (nit < nitdebug) {
303  B2DEBUG(11, "old chi2: " << chi2old << ", new chi2: " << chi2new << ", diff=" << chi2old - chi2new);
304  }
305  ++nit;
306  if (nit > 200) ierr = 1;
308  converged = (abs(chi2new - chi2old) < 0.001 && fvalbest < 1E-3 &&
309  (fvalbest < 1E-6 || abs(fvals[0] - fvalbest) < 0.2 * fvalbest));
311 // if (abs (chi2new - chi2old) >= 0.001)
312 // B2INFO( "abs (chi2new - chi2old)=" << abs (chi2new - chi2old) << " -> try again\n");
313 // if (fvalbest >= 1E-3)
314 // B2INFO("fvalbest=" << fvalbest << " -> try again\n");
315 // if (fvalbest >= 1E-6 && abs(fvals[0]-fvalbest) >= 0.2*fvalbest )
316 // B2INFO("fvalbest=" << fvalbest
317 // << ", abs(fvals[0]-fvalbest)=" << abs(fvals[0]-fvalbest)<< " -> try again\n");
318 // if (stepbest >= 1E-3)
319 // B2INFO("stepbest=" << stepbest << " -> try again\n");
320 // B2INFO( "converged=" << converged);
321  if (converged) {
322  B2DEBUG(10, "abs (chi2new - chi2old)=" << abs(chi2new - chi2old) << "\n"
323  << "fvalbest=" << fvalbest << "\n"
324  << "abs(fvals[0]-fvalbest)=" << abs(fvals[0] - fvalbest) << "\n");
325  }
327 #ifndef FIT_TRACEOFF
328  if (tracer) tracer->step(*this);
329 #endif
331  } while (!(converged || ierr));
333 // *-- End of iterations - calculate errors.
337  if (!ierr) {
339  calcCovMatrix();
341  // update errors in fitobjects
342  for (auto& fitobject : fitobjects) {
343  for (int ilocal = 0; ilocal < fitobject->getNPar(); ++ilocal) {
344  int iglobal = fitobject->getGlobalParNum(ilocal);
345  for (int jlocal = ilocal; jlocal < fitobject->getNPar(); ++jlocal) {
346  int jglobal = fitobject->getGlobalParNum(jlocal);
347  if (iglobal >= 0 && jglobal >= 0)
348  fitobject->setCov(ilocal, jlocal, gsl_matrix_get(CCinv, iglobal, jglobal));
349  }//CCinv
350  }
351  }
352  }
355  std::string printout = "\n ========= END =========\n";
356  printout += "Fit objects:\n";
357  for (auto fo : fitobjects) {
358  assert(fo);
359  printout += fo->getName() ;
360  printout += ": ";
361  printout += ", chi2=" ;
362  printout += fo->getChi2() ;
363  printout += "\n";
364  }
365  printout += "constraints:\n";
366  for (auto c : constraints) {
367  assert(c);
368  printout += c->getName();
369  printout += ": ";
370  printout += c->getValue();
371  printout += "+-" ;
372  printout += c->getError();
373  printout += "\n";
374  }
375  printout += "=============================================\n";
376  B2DEBUG(11, printout);
378 // *-- Turn chisq into probability.
379  fitprob = (chi2new >= 0 && ncon + nsoft - nunm > 0) ? gsl_cdf_chisq_Q(chi2new, ncon + nsoft - nunm) : -1;
381 #ifndef FIT_TRACEOFF
382  if (tracer) tracer->finish(*this);
383 #endif
385  B2DEBUG(10, "NewtonFitterGSL::fit: converged=" << converged
386  << ", nit=" << nit << ", fitprob=" << fitprob);
388  if (ierr > 0) fitprob = -1;
390  return fitprob;
392  }
395  {
396  covValid = false;
398  // tell fitobjects the global ordering of their parameters:
399  npar = 0;
400  nunm = 0;
402  for (auto& fitobject : fitobjects) {
403  for (int ilocal = 0; ilocal < fitobject->getNPar(); ++ilocal) {
404  if (!fitobject->isParamFixed(ilocal)) {
405  B2DEBUG(13, "NewtonFitterGSL::initialize: parameter " << ilocal
406  << " of fitobject " << fitobject->getName()
407  << " gets global number " << npar);
408  fitobject->setGlobalParNum(ilocal, npar);
409  ++npar;
410  if (!fitobject->isParamMeasured(ilocal)) ++nunm;
411  }
412  }
413  }
415  // set number of constraints
416  ncon = constraints.size();
417  // Tell the constraints their numbers
418  for (int icon = 0; icon < ncon; ++icon) {
419  BaseHardConstraint* c = constraints[icon];
420  assert(c);
421  B2DEBUG(13, "NewtonFitterGSL::initialize: constraint " << c->getName()
422  << " gets global number " << npar + icon);
423  c->setGlobalNum(npar + icon);
424  B2DEBUG(14, "Constraint " << icon << " -> global " << c->getGlobalNum());
425  }
427  nsoft = softconstraints.size();
429  if (nunm > ncon + nsoft) {
430  B2ERROR("NewtonFitterGSL::initialize: nunm=" << nunm << " > ncon+nsoft="
431  << ncon << "+" << nsoft);
432  }
434  idim = npar + ncon;
436  ini_gsl_vector(x, idim);
437  ini_gsl_vector(xold, idim);
438  ini_gsl_vector(xbest, idim);
439  ini_gsl_vector(dx, idim);
440  ini_gsl_vector(dxscal, idim);
441  ini_gsl_vector(grad, idim);
442  ini_gsl_vector(y, idim);
443  ini_gsl_vector(yscal, idim);
444  ini_gsl_vector(perr, idim);
445  ini_gsl_vector(v1, idim);
446  ini_gsl_vector(v2, idim);
447  ini_gsl_vector(Meval, idim);
449  ini_gsl_matrix(M, idim, idim);
450  ini_gsl_matrix(Mscal, idim, idim);
451  ini_gsl_matrix(M1, idim, idim);
452  ini_gsl_matrix(M2, idim, idim);
453  ini_gsl_matrix(M3, idim, idim);
454  ini_gsl_matrix(M4, idim, idim);
455  ini_gsl_matrix(M5, idim, idim);
456  ini_gsl_matrix(Mevec, idim, idim);
457  ini_gsl_matrix(CC, idim, idim);
458  ini_gsl_matrix(CC1, idim, idim);
459  ini_gsl_matrix(CCinv, idim, idim);
461  ini_gsl_permutation(permM, idim);
463  if (ws && wsdim != idim) {
464  gsl_eigen_symmv_free(ws);
465  ws = nullptr;
466  }
467  if (ws == nullptr) ws = gsl_eigen_symmv_alloc(idim);
468  wsdim = idim;
470  return true;
472  }
475  {
476  chi2 = 0;
477  for (auto fo : fitobjects) {
478  assert(fo);
479  chi2 += fo->getChi2();
480  }
481  for (auto bsc : softconstraints) {
482  assert(bsc);
483  chi2 += bsc->getChi2();
484  }
485  return chi2;
486  }
488  void NewtonFitterGSL::printMy(const double Ma[], const double yo[], int idime)
489  {
490  for (int i = 0; i < idime; ++i) {
491  B2INFO(i << " [ " << Ma[idime * i + 0]);
492  for (int j = 1; j < idime; ++j) B2INFO(", " << Ma[idime * i + j]);
493  B2INFO("] [" << yo[i] << "]\n");
494  }
495  }
497  int NewtonFitterGSL::getError() const {return ierr;}
498  double NewtonFitterGSL::getProbability() const {return fitprob;}
499  double NewtonFitterGSL::getChi2() const {return chi2;}
500  int NewtonFitterGSL::getDoF() const {return ncon + nsoft - nunm;}
501  int NewtonFitterGSL::getIterations() const {return nit;}
504  {
505  B2DEBUG(11, "entering calcDx");
506  nitcalc++;
507  // from x_(n+1) = x_n - y/y' = x_n - M^(-1)*y we have M*(x_n-x_(n+1)) = y,
508  // which we solve for dx = x_n-x_(n+1) and hence x_(n+1) = x_n-dx
510  gsl_matrix_memcpy(M1, Mscal);
513  int ifail = 0;
515  int signum;
516  int result = gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(M1, permM, &signum);
517  B2DEBUG(11, "calcDx: gsl_linalg_LU_decomp result=" << result);
518  // Solve M1*dx = y
519  ifail = gsl_linalg_LU_solve(M1, permM, yscal, dxscal);
520  B2DEBUG(11, "calcDx: gsl_linalg_LU_solve result=" << ifail);
522  if (ifail != 0) {
523  B2ERROR("NewtonFitter::calcDx: ifail from gsl_linalg_LU_solve=" << ifail);
524 // return calcDxSVD();
525  return -1;
526  }
527  stepsize = std::abs(gsl_vector_get(dxscal, gsl_blas_idamax(dxscal)));
529  // dx = dxscal*perr (component wise)
530  gsl_vector_memcpy(dx, dxscal);
531  gsl_vector_mul(dx, perr);
533  // optimize scale
535  gsl_vector_memcpy(xbest, xold);
536  chi2best = chi2old;
538  optimizeScale();
540  if (scalebest < 0.01) {
541  B2DEBUG(11, "NewtonFitter::calcDx: reverting to calcDxSVD\n");
542  return calcDxSVD();
543  }
545  return 0;
546  }
549  {
551  nitsvd++;
552  // from x_(n+1) = x_n - y/y' = x_n - M^(-1)*y we have M*(x_n-x_(n+1)) = y,
553  // which we solve for dx = x_n-x_(n+1) and hence x_(n+1) = x_n-dx
555  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < idim; ++i) assert(gsl_vector_get(perr, i) > 0);
557  // Get eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Mscal
558  int ierrc = 0;
559  gsl_matrix_memcpy(M1, Mscal);
560  B2DEBUG(13, "NewtonFitterGSL::calcDxSVD: Calling gsl_eigen_symmv");
561  ierrc = gsl_eigen_symmv(M1, Meval, Mevec, ws);
562  B2DEBUG(13, "NewtonFitterGSL::calcDxSVD: result of gsl_eigen_symmv: ");
563  if (ierrc != 0) {
564  B2ERROR("NewtonFitter::calcDxSVD: ierr=" << ierrc << "from gsl_eigen_symmv!\n");
565  }
566  // Sort the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in descending order in magnitude
567  ierrc = gsl_eigen_symmv_sort(Meval, Mevec, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_ABS_DESC);
568  if (ierrc != 0) {
569  B2ERROR("NewtonFitter::calcDxSVD: ierr=" << ierrc << "from gsl_eigen_symmv_sort!\n");
570  }
573  // The eigenvectors are stored in the columns of Mevec;
574  // the eigenvectors are orthonormal, therefore Mevec^T = Mevec^-1
575  // Therefore, Mscal = Mevec * diag(Meval)* Mevec^T, and
576  // Mscal^-1 = (Mevec^T)^-1 * diag(Meval)^-1 * Mevec^-1
577  // = Mevec * diag(Meval)^-1 * Mevec^T
578  // So, the solution of M*dx = y is given by
579  // dx = M^-1 * y = Mevec * diag(Meval)^-1 * Mevec^-1 *y
580  // = Mevec * v2
581  // For the pseudoinverse, the last elements of Meveal^-1 are set
582  // to 0, therefore the last elements of v2 will be 0,
583  // therefore we can restrict the calculation of Mevec * v2
584  // to the first ndim rows.
585  // So, we calculate v2 only once, with only the inverse of zero eigenvalues
586  // set to 0, and then calculate Mevec * v2 for fewer and fewer rows
589  // Now M = U * s * V^T
590  // We want to solve M*dx = y, hence dx = V * s^-1 * U^T * y
591  // Calculate UTy first; we need only the first ndim entries
592  unsigned int ndim = 0;
593  while (ndim < idim && gsl_vector_get(Meval, ndim) != 0) ++ndim;
595  if (ndim < idim) {
596  B2INFO("calcDxSVD: idim = " << idim << " > ndim = " << ndim);
597  }
600  // Calculate v2 = 1*Mevec^T*y + 0*v2
601  gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1, Mevec, yscal, 0, v2);
603  // Divide by nonzero eigenvalues
604  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < idim; ++i) {
605  if (double e = gsl_vector_get(Meval, i)) gsl_vector_set(v2, i, gsl_vector_get(v2, i) / e);
606  else gsl_vector_set(v2, i, 0);
607  }
609  stepsize = 0;
611  do {
612  gsl_vector_view v2part = gsl_vector_subvector(v2, 0, ndim);
613  gsl_matrix_view Mevecpart = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Mevec, 0, 0, idim, ndim);
615  // Calculate dx = 1*Mevecpart^T*v2 + 0*dx
616  gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1, &Mevecpart.matrix, &v2part.vector, 0, dxscal);
617  // get maximum element
618 // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < idim; ++i) {
619 // if(std::abs(gsl_vector_get (dxscal, i))>stepsize)
620 // stepsize=std::abs(gsl_vector_get (dxscal, i));
621 // }
622  stepsize = std::abs(gsl_vector_get(dxscal, gsl_blas_idamax(dxscal)));
624  // dx = dxscal*perr (component wise)
625  gsl_vector_memcpy(dx, dxscal);
626  gsl_vector_mul(dx, perr);
628  if (debug > 1) {
629  B2INFO("calcDxSVD: Optimizing scale for ndim=" << ndim);
630  debug_print(dxscal, "dxscal");
631  }
633  optimizeScale();
635  --ndim;
637  if (scalebest < 0.01 || ndim < idim - 1) {
638  B2DEBUG(11, "ndim=" << ndim << ", scalebest=" << scalebest);
639  }
640  } while (ndim > 0 && scalebest < 0.01);
643  return 0;
644  }
646  void NewtonFitterGSL::ini_gsl_permutation(gsl_permutation*& p, unsigned int size)
647  {
648  if (p) {
649  if (p->size != size) {
650  gsl_permutation_free(p);
651  if (size > 0) p = gsl_permutation_alloc(size);
652  else p = nullptr;
653  }
654  } else if (size > 0) p = gsl_permutation_alloc(size);
655  }
657  void NewtonFitterGSL::ini_gsl_vector(gsl_vector*& v, unsigned int size)
658  {
660  if (v) {
661  if (v->size != size) {
662  gsl_vector_free(v);
663  if (size > 0) v = gsl_vector_alloc(size);
664  else v = nullptr;
665  }
666  } else if (size > 0) v = gsl_vector_alloc(size);
667  }
669  void NewtonFitterGSL::ini_gsl_matrix(gsl_matrix*& m, unsigned int size1, unsigned int size2)
670  {
671  if (m) {
672  if (m->size1 != size1 || m->size2 != size2) {
673  gsl_matrix_free(m);
674  if (size1 * size2 > 0) m = gsl_matrix_alloc(size1, size2);
675  else m = nullptr;
676  }
677  } else if (size1 * size2 > 0) m = gsl_matrix_alloc(size1, size2);
678  }
680  void NewtonFitterGSL::debug_print(gsl_matrix* m, const char* name)
681  {
682  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m->size1; ++i)
683  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m->size2; ++j)
684  if (gsl_matrix_get(m, i, j) != 0)
685  B2INFO(name << "[" << i << "][" << j << "]=" << gsl_matrix_get(m, i, j));
686  }
688  void NewtonFitterGSL::debug_print(gsl_vector* v, const char* name)
689  {
690  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v->size; ++i)
691  if (gsl_vector_get(v, i) != 0)
692  B2INFO(name << "[" << i << "]=" << gsl_vector_get(v, i));
693  }
695  int NewtonFitterGSL::getNcon() const {return ncon;}
696  int NewtonFitterGSL::getNsoft() const {return nsoft;}
697  int NewtonFitterGSL::getNunm() const {return nunm;}
698  int NewtonFitterGSL::getNpar() const {return npar;}
700  bool NewtonFitterGSL::updateParams(gsl_vector* xnew)
701  {
702  assert(xnew);
703  assert(xnew->size == idim);
704  bool significant = false;
705  for (auto i = fitobjects.begin(); i != fitobjects.end(); ++i) {
706  BaseFitObject* fo = *i;
707  assert(fo);
708  bool s = fo->updateParams(xnew->block->data, xnew->size);
709  significant |= s;
710  if (nit < nitdebug && s) {
711  B2DEBUG(11, "Significant update for FO " << i - fitobjects.begin() << " ("
712  << fo->getName() << ")\n");
713  }
714  }
715  return significant;
716  }
719  void NewtonFitterGSL::fillxold()
720  {
721  assert(xold);
722  assert(xold->size == idim);
723  for (auto fo : fitobjects) {
724  assert(fo);
725  for (int ilocal = 0; ilocal < fo->getNPar(); ++ilocal) {
726  if (!fo->isParamFixed(ilocal)) {
727  int iglobal = fo->getGlobalParNum(ilocal);
728  assert(iglobal >= 0 && iglobal < npar);
729  gsl_vector_set(xold, iglobal, fo->getParam(ilocal));
730  }
731  }
732  }
733  for (auto c : constraints) {
734  assert(c);
735  int iglobal = c->getGlobalNum();
736  assert(iglobal >= 0 && iglobal < (int)idim);
737  gsl_vector_set(xold, iglobal, gsl_vector_get(x, iglobal));
738  }
739  }
741  void NewtonFitterGSL::fillperr()
742  {
743  assert(perr);
744  assert(perr->size == idim);
745  gsl_vector_set_all(perr, 1);
746  for (auto fo : fitobjects) {
747  assert(fo);
748  for (int ilocal = 0; ilocal < fo->getNPar(); ++ilocal) {
749  if (!fo->isParamFixed(ilocal)) {
750  int iglobal = fo->getGlobalParNum(ilocal);
751  assert(iglobal >= 0 && iglobal < npar);
752  double e = std::abs(fo->getError(ilocal));
753  gsl_vector_set(perr, iglobal, e ? e : 1);
754  }
755  }
756  }
757  for (auto c : constraints) {
758  assert(c);
759  int iglobal = c->getGlobalNum();
760  assert(iglobal >= 0 && iglobal < (int)idim);
761  double e = c->getError();
762  gsl_vector_set(perr, iglobal, e ? 1 / e : 1);
763  }
764  }
766  int NewtonFitterGSL::calcM(bool errorpropagation)
767  {
768  assert(M);
769  assert(M->size1 == idim && M->size2 == idim);
771  gsl_matrix_set_zero(M);
773  // First, all terms d^2 chi^2/dx1 dx2
774  for (auto fo : fitobjects) {
775  assert(fo);
776  fo->addToGlobalChi2DerMatrix(M->block->data, M->tda);
777  }
778  if (debug > 3) {
779  B2INFO("After adding covariances from fit objects:\n");
780  debug_print(M, "M");
781  }
783  // Second, all terms d^2 chi^2/dlambda dx,
784  // i.e. the first derivatives of the constraints,
785  // plus the second derivatives times the lambda values
786  for (auto c : constraints) {
787  assert(c);
788  int kglobal = c->getGlobalNum();
789  assert(kglobal >= 0 && kglobal < (int)idim);
790  c->add1stDerivativesToMatrix(M->block->data, M->tda);
791  if (debug > 3) {
792  B2INFO("After adding first derivatives of constraint " << c->getName());
793  debug_print(M, "M");
794  B2INFO("errorpropagation = " << errorpropagation);
795  }
796  // for error propagation after fit,
797  //2nd derivatives of constraints times lambda should _not_ be included!
798  if (!errorpropagation) c->add2ndDerivativesToMatrix(M->block->data, M->tda, gsl_vector_get(x, kglobal));
799  }
800  if (debug > 3) {
801  B2INFO("After adding derivatives of constraints::\n");
802  debug_print(M, "M");
803  B2INFO("===========================================::\n");
804  }
807  // Finally, treat the soft constraints
809  for (auto bsc : softconstraints) {
810  assert(bsc);
811  bsc->add2ndDerivativesToMatrix(M->block->data, M->tda);
812  }
813  if (debug > 3) {
814  B2INFO("After adding soft constraints::\n");
815  debug_print(M, "M");
816  B2INFO("===========================================::\n");
817  }
819  // Rescale columns and rows by perr
820  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < idim; ++i)
821  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < idim; ++j)
822  gsl_matrix_set(Mscal, i, j,
823  gsl_vector_get(perr, i)*gsl_vector_get(perr, j)*gsl_matrix_get(M, i, j));
825  return 0;
826  }
829  int NewtonFitterGSL::calcy()
830  {
831  assert(y);
832  assert(y->size == idim);
833  gsl_vector_set_zero(y);
834  // First, for the parameters
835  for (auto fo : fitobjects) {
836  assert(fo);
837  fo->addToGlobalChi2DerVector(y->block->data, y->size);
838  }
840  // Now add lambda*derivatives of constraints,
841  // And finally, the derivatives w.r.t. to the constraints, i.e. the constraints themselves
842  for (auto c : constraints) {
843  assert(c);
844  int kglobal = c->getGlobalNum();
845  assert(kglobal >= 0 && kglobal < (int)idim);
846  c->addToGlobalChi2DerVector(y->block->data, y->size, gsl_vector_get(x, kglobal));
847  gsl_vector_set(y, kglobal, c->getValue());
848  }
850  // Finally, treat the soft constraints
852  for (auto bsc : softconstraints) {
853  assert(bsc);
854  bsc->addToGlobalChi2DerVector(y->block->data, y->size);
855  }
856  gsl_vector_memcpy(yscal, y);
857  gsl_vector_mul(yscal, perr);
858  return 0;
859  }
861  int NewtonFitterGSL::optimizeScale()
862  {
863  updateParams(xold);
864  calcy();
865  if (debug > 1) {
866  B2INFO("NewtonFitterGSL::optimizeScale");
867  debug_print(xold, "xold");
868  debug_print(yscal, "yscal");
869  debug_print(dx, "dx");
870  debug_print(dxscal, "dxscal");
871  }
872  scalevals[0] = 0;
873  fvals[0] = 0.5 * pow(gsl_blas_dnrm2(yscal), 2);
874  B2DEBUG(11, "NewtonFitterGSL::optimizeScale: fvals[0] = " << fvals[0]);
875  // -dx is a direction
876  // we want to minimize f=0.5*|y|^2 in that direction with y=grad chi2
877  // The gradient grad f is given by grad f = d^chi^2/dxi dxj * dchi^2/dxj
878  // = Mscal*yscal
880  // Calculate grad = 1*Mscal*yscal + 0*grad
881  gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1, Mscal, yscal, 0, grad);
882  if (debug > 1) {
883  debug_print(grad, "grad");
884  }
886  // Code adapted from Numerical Recipes (3rd ed), page 479
887  // routine lnsrch
889  int nite = 0;
891  static const double ALF = 1E-4;
893  stepsize = std::abs(gsl_vector_get(dxscal, gsl_blas_idamax(dxscal)));
894  static const double maxstepsize = 5;
895  double scalefactor = maxstepsize / stepsize;
896  if (stepsize > maxstepsize) {
897  gsl_vector_scale(dxscal, maxstepsize / stepsize);
898  B2DEBUG(12, "NewtonFitterGSL::optimizeScale: Rescaling dxscal by factor " << scalefactor);
899  stepsize = std::abs(gsl_vector_get(dxscal, gsl_blas_idamax(dxscal)));
900  if (debug > 1) {
901  debug_print(dxscal, "dxscal");
902  }
903  }
905  double slope;
906  gsl_blas_ddot(dxscal, grad, &slope);
907  slope *= -1;
908  B2DEBUG(12, "NewtonFitterGSL::optimizeScale: slope=" << slope
909  << ", 2*fvals[0]*factor=" << 2 * fvals[0]*scalefactor);
911  scale = 1;
912  double tmpscale, scaleold = 1;
913  do {
914  // sets x = xold
915  gsl_vector_memcpy(x, xold);
916  // x = scale*dx + x
917  if (debug > 1) {
918  debug_print(x, "x(1)");
919  }
920  gsl_blas_daxpy(-scale, dx, x);
921  if (debug > 1) {
922  debug_print(x, "x(2)");
923  }
925  updateParams(x);
926  calcy();
927  if (debug > 1) {
928  debug_print(x, "x(3)");
929  debug_print(yscal, "yscal");
930  }
931  ++nite;
932  scalevals[nite] = scale;
933  fvals[nite] = 0.5 * pow(gsl_blas_dnrm2(yscal), 2);
935  chi2new = calcChi2();
938 // if (chi2new <= chi2best && fvals[nite] <= fvalbest) {
939 // if ((fvals[nite] < fvalbest && chi2new <= chi2best) ||
940 // (fvals[nite] < 1E-4 && chi2new < chi2best)) {
941  if ((fvals[nite] < fvalbest)) {
942  B2DEBUG(13, "new best value: "
943  << " scale " << scalevals[nite] << " -> |y|^2 = " << fvals[nite]
944  << ", chi2=" << chi2new << ", old best chi2: " << chi2best);
945  gsl_vector_memcpy(xbest, x);
946  chi2best = chi2new;
947  fvalbest = fvals[nite];
948  scalebest = scale;
949  stepbest = scale * stepsize;
950  }
952  if (fvals[nite] < fvals[0] + ALF * scale * slope) break;
953  if (nite == 1) {
954  tmpscale = -slope / (2 * (fvals[nite] - fvals[0] - slope));
955  B2DEBUG(13, "quadratic estimate for best scale: " << tmpscale);
956  } else {
957  double rhs1 = fvals[nite] - fvals[0] - scale * slope;
958  double rhs2 = fvals[nite - 1] - fvals[0] - scaleold * slope;
959  double a = (rhs1 / (scale * scale) - rhs2 / (scaleold * scaleold)) / (scale - scaleold);
960  double b = (-scaleold * rhs1 / (scale * scale) + scale * rhs2 / (scaleold * scaleold)) / (scale - scaleold);
961  if (a == 0) tmpscale = -slope / (2 * b);
962  else {
963  double disc = b * b - 3 * a * slope;
964  if (disc < 0) tmpscale = 0.5 * scale;
965  else if (b <= 0) tmpscale = (-b + sqrt(disc)) / (3 * a);
966  else tmpscale = -slope / (b + sqrt(disc));
967  }
968  B2DEBUG(13, "cubic estimate for best scale: " << tmpscale);
969  if (tmpscale > 0.5 * scale) tmpscale = 0.5 * scale;
970  }
971  scaleold = scale;
972  scale = (tmpscale < 0.1 * scale) ? 0.1 * scale : tmpscale;
973  B2DEBUG(11, "New scale: " << scale);
975  } while (nite < NITMAX && scale > 0.0001);
977  if (debug > 1) {
978  for (int it = 0; it <= nite; ++it) {
979  B2INFO(" scale " << scalevals[it] << " -> |y|^2 = " << fvals[it]
980  << " should be " << fvals[0] + ALF * scale * slope);
981  }
982  }
983  return chi2best < chi2old;
984  }
986  int NewtonFitterGSL::invertM()
987  {
988  gsl_matrix_memcpy(M1, M);
990  int ifail = 0;
992  int signum;
993  // Calculate LU decomposition of M into M1
994  int result = gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(M1, permM, &signum);
995  B2DEBUG(11, "invertM: gsl_linalg_LU_decomp result=" << result);
996  // Calculate inverse of M
997  ifail = gsl_linalg_LU_invert(M1, permM, M);
998  B2DEBUG(11, "invertM: gsl_linalg_LU_solve result=" << ifail);
1000  if (ifail != 0) {
1001  B2ERROR("NewtonFitter::invert: ifail from gsl_linalg_LU_invert=" << ifail);
1002  }
1003  return ifail;
1004  }
1006  void NewtonFitterGSL::setDebug(int debuglevel)
1007  {
1008  debug = debuglevel;
1009  }
1012  void NewtonFitterGSL::calcCovMatrix()
1013  {
1014  // Set up equation system M*dadeta + dydeta = 0
1015  // here, dadeta is d a / d eta, i.e. the derivatives of the fitted
1016  // parameters a w.r.t. to the measured parameters eta,
1017  // and dydeta is the derivative of the set of equations
1018  // w.r.t eta, i.e. simply d^2 chi^2 / d a d eta.
1019  // Now, if chi2 = (a-eta)^T*Vinv((a-eta), we have simply
1020  // d^2 chi^2 / d a d eta = - d^2 chi^2 / d a d a
1021  // and can use the method addToGlobalChi2DerMatrix.
1023  gsl_matrix_set_zero(M1);
1024  gsl_matrix_set_zero(M2);
1025  // First, all terms d^2 chi^2/dx1 dx2
1026  for (auto fo : fitobjects) {
1027  assert(fo);
1028  fo->addToGlobalChi2DerMatrix(M1->block->data, M1->tda);
1029  fo->addToGlobCov(M2->block->data, M2->tda);
1030  }
1032  // multiply by -1
1033  gsl_matrix_scale(M1, -1);
1035  // JL: dy/eta are the derivatives of the "objective function" with respect to the MEASURED parameters.
1036  // Since the soft constraints do not depend on the measured, but only on the fitted (!) parameters,
1037  // dy/deta stays -1*M1 also in the presence of soft constraints!
1038  gsl_matrix_view dydeta = gsl_matrix_submatrix(M1, 0, 0, idim, npar);
1039  gsl_matrix_view Cov_eta = gsl_matrix_submatrix(M2, 0, 0, npar, npar);
1041  if (debug > 3) {
1042  B2INFO("NewtonFitterGSL::calcCovMatrix\n");
1043  debug_print(&dydeta.matrix, "dydeta");
1044  debug_print(&Cov_eta.matrix, "Cov_eta"); \
1045  }
1047  // JL: calculates d^2 chi^2 / dx1 dx2 + first (!) derivatives of hard & soft constraints, and the
1048  // second derivatives of the soft constraints times the values of the fitted parameters
1049  // - all of the with respect to the FITTED parameters, therefore with soft constraints like in the fit itself.
1050  calcM(true);
1052  if (debug > 3) {
1053  debug_print(M, "M");
1054  }
1056  // Now, solve M*dadeta = dydeta
1058  // Calculate LU decomposition of M into M3
1059  int signum;
1060  int result = gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(M, permM, &signum);
1062  if (debug > 3) {
1063  B2INFO("invertM: gsl_linalg_LU_decomp result=" << result);
1064  debug_print(M, "M_LU");
1065  }
1067  // Calculate inverse of M, store in M3
1068  int ifail = gsl_linalg_LU_invert(M, permM, M3);
1070  if (debug > 3) {
1071  B2INFO("invertM: gsl_linalg_LU_invert ifail=" << ifail);
1072  debug_print(M3, "Minv");
1073  }
1075  // Calculate dadeta = M3*dydeta
1076  gsl_matrix_set_zero(M4);
1077  gsl_matrix_view dadeta = gsl_matrix_submatrix(M4, 0, 0, idim, npar);
1079  if (debug > 3) {
1080  debug_print(&dadeta.matrix, "dadeta");
1081  }
1083  // dadeta = 1*M*dydeta + 0*dadeta
1084  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, M3, &dydeta.matrix, 0, &dadeta.matrix);
1087  // Now calculate Cov_a = dadeta*Cov_eta*dadeta^T
1089  // First, calculate M3 = Cov_eta*dadeta^T as
1090  gsl_matrix_view M3part = gsl_matrix_submatrix(M3, 0, 0, npar, idim);
1091  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, 1, &Cov_eta.matrix, &dadeta.matrix, 0, &M3part.matrix);
1092  // Now Cov_a = dadeta*M3part
1093  gsl_matrix_set_zero(M5);
1094  gsl_matrix_view Cov_a = gsl_matrix_submatrix(M5, 0, 0, npar, npar);
1095  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &dadeta.matrix, &M3part.matrix, 0, M5);
1096  gsl_matrix_memcpy(CCinv, M5);
1098  if (debug > 3) {
1099  debug_print(&Cov_a.matrix, "Cov_a");
1100  debug_print(CCinv, "full Cov from err prop");
1101  debug_print(M1, "uncorr Cov from err prop");
1102  }
1104  // Finally, copy covariance matrix
1105  if (cov && covDim != npar) {
1106  delete[] cov;
1107  cov = nullptr;
1108  }
1109  covDim = npar;
1110  if (!cov) cov = new double[covDim * covDim];
1111  for (int i = 0; i < covDim; ++i) {
1112  for (int j = 0; j < covDim; ++j) {
1113  cov[i * covDim + j] = gsl_matrix_get(&Cov_a.matrix, i, j);
1114  }
1115  }
1116  covValid = true;
1117  }
1120  double NewtonFitterGSL::meritFunction(double mu)
1121  {
1122  double result = 0;
1123  switch (imerit) {
1124  case 1: // l1 penalty function, Nocedal&Wright Eq. (15.24)
1125  result = chi2;
1126  for (auto c : constraints) {
1127  assert(c);
1128  int kglobal = c->getGlobalNum();
1129  assert(kglobal >= 0 && kglobal < (int)idim);
1130  result += mu * std::fabs(c->getValue());
1131  }
1132  break;
1133  default: assert(0);
1134  }
1135  return result;
1136  }
1138  double NewtonFitterGSL::meritFunctionDeriv()
1139  {
1140  double result = 0;
1141  switch (imerit) {
1142  case 1:
1143  break;
1144  default: assert(0);
1145  }
1146  return result;
1147  }
1149  }// end OrcaKinFit namespace
1151 } // end Belle2 namespace
internal precision of FFTW codelets
virtual bool updateParams(double p[], int idim)
Read values from global vector, readjust vector; return: significant change.
virtual int getNPar() const =0
Get total number of parameters of this FitObject.
virtual void addToGlobalChi2DerMatrix(double *M, int idim) const
Add 2nd derivatives of chi squared to global derivative matrix.
virtual double getError(int ilocal) const
Get error of parameter ilocal.
virtual int getGlobalParNum(int ilocal) const
Get global parameter number of parameter ilocal.
virtual const char * getName() const
Get object's name.
virtual bool isParamFixed(int ilocal) const
Returns whether parameter is fixed.
virtual double getParam(int ilocal) const
Get current value of parameter ilocal.
virtual int addToGlobalChi2DerVector(double *y, int idim) const
Add derivatives of chi squared to global derivative vector.
virtual void addToGlobCov(double *glcov, int idim) const
Add covariance matrix elements to global covariance matrix of size idim x idim.
double * cov
global covariance matrix of last fit problem
Definition: BaseFitter.h:104
bool covValid
Flag whether global covariance is valid.
Definition: BaseFitter.h:105
int covDim
dimension of global covariance matrix
Definition: BaseFitter.h:103
Abstract base class for constraints of kinematic fits.
Abstract base class for soft constraints of kinematic fits.
virtual void step(BaseFitter &fitter)
Called at the end of each step.
virtual void initialize(BaseFitter &fitter)
Called at the start of a new fit (during initialization)
virtual void finish(BaseFitter &fitter)
Called at the end of a fit.
int ncon
total number of hard constraints
int calcDxSVD()
Calculate the vector dx to update the parameters; returns fail code, 0=OK.
int npar
total number of parameters
virtual double calcChi2()
Calculate the chi2.
void printMy(const double M[], const double y[], int idim)
Print a Matrix M and a vector y of dimension idim.
virtual int getNsoft() const
Get the number of soft constraints of the last fit.
virtual double fit() override
The fit method, returns the fit probability.
virtual bool initialize() override
Initialize the fitter.
virtual int getNcon() const
Get the number of hard constraints of the last fit.
int nsoft
total number of soft constraints
virtual int getError() const override
Get the error code of the last fit: 0=OK, 1=failed.
int nunm
total number of unmeasured parameters
int calcDx()
Calculate the vector dx to update the parameters; returns fail code, 0=OK.
virtual int getNunm() const
Get the number of unmeasured parameters of the last fit.
virtual int getIterations() const override
Get the number of iterations of the last fit.
virtual double getProbability() const override
Get the fit probability of the last fit.
virtual void setDebug(int debuglevel)
Set the Debug Level.
virtual int getDoF() const override
Get the number of degrees of freedom of the last fit.
virtual double getChi2() const override
Get the chi**2 of the last fit.
virtual int getNpar() const
Get the number of all parameters of the last fit.
virtual ~NewtonFitterGSL()
Virtual destructor.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.