Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #pragma once
11 #include <top/reconstruction_cpp/TOPTrack.h>
12 #include <top/reconstruction_cpp/InverseRaytracer.h>
13 #include <top/reconstruction_cpp/FastRaytracer.h>
14 #include <top/reconstruction_cpp/YScanner.h>
15 #include <top/reconstruction_cpp/SignalPDF.h>
16 #include <top/reconstruction_cpp/BackgroundPDF.h>
17 #include <top/reconstruction_cpp/DeltaRayPDF.h>
18 #include <top/geometry/TOPGeometryPar.h>
19 #include <vector>
20 #include <map>
21 #include <set>
22 #include <limits>
24 namespace Belle2 {
29  namespace TOP {
36  public:
41  enum EPDFOption {
42  c_Rough = 0,
43  c_Fine = 1,
44  c_Optimal = 2
45  };
50  enum EStoreOption {
51  c_Reduced = 0,
52  c_Full = 1
53  };
58  struct LogL {
59  double logL = 0;
60  double expPhotons = 0;
61  unsigned numPhotons = 0;
67  explicit LogL(double phot): logL(-phot), expPhotons(phot)
68  {}
69  };
74  struct Pull {
75  int pixelID = 0;
76  double time = 0;
77  double peakT0 = 0;
78  double ttsT0 = 0;
79  double sigma = 0;
80  double phiCer = 0;
81  double wt = 0;
93  Pull(int pix, double t, double t0, double tts0, double sig, double phi, double w):
94  pixelID(pix), time(t), peakT0(t0), ttsT0(tts0), sigma(sig), phiCer(phi), wt(w)
95  {}
96  };
106  PDFConstructor(const TOPTrack& track, const Const::ChargedStable& hypothesis,
107  EPDFOption PDFOption = c_Optimal, EStoreOption storeOption = c_Reduced, double overrideMass = 0);
113  bool isValid() const {return m_valid;}
118  void switchOffDeltaRayPDF() const {m_deltaPDFOn = false;}
123  void switchOnDeltaRayPDF() const {m_deltaPDFOn = true;}
129  void switchDeltaRayPDF(bool deltaPDFOn) const {m_deltaPDFOn = deltaPDFOn;}
135  int getModuleID() const {return m_moduleID;}
147  const std::vector<TOPTrack::SelectedHit>& getSelectedHits() const {return m_selectedHits;}
153  double getBkgRate() const {return m_bkgRate;}
159  double getCosTotal() const {return m_cosTotal;}
166  double getCosCerenkovAngle(double E) const;
172  const std::vector<SignalPDF>& getSignalPDF() const {return m_signalPDFs;}
184  const DeltaRayPDF& getDeltaRayPDF() const {return m_deltaRayPDF;}
190  double getExpectedSignalPhotons() const {return m_signalPhotons;}
196  double getExpectedDeltaPhotons() const {return m_deltaPDFOn ? m_deltaPhotons : 0;}
203  double getExpectedBkgPhotons() const
204  {
205  double photons = m_bkgPhotons;
206  for (const auto* other : m_pdfOtherTracks) {
207  photons += other->getExpectedSignalPhotons() + other->getExpectedDeltaPhotons();
208  }
209  return photons;
210  }
216  double getExpectedPhotons() const
217  {
219  }
227  double getExpectedSignalPhotons(double minTime, double maxTime) const
228  {
229  double ps = 0;
230  for (const auto& signalPDF : m_signalPDFs) {
231  ps += signalPDF.getIntegral(minTime, maxTime);
232  }
233  return ps * m_signalPhotons;
234  }
242  double getExpectedDeltaPhotons(double minTime, double maxTime) const
243  {
244  return m_deltaPDFOn ? m_deltaRayPDF.getIntegral(minTime, maxTime) * m_deltaPhotons : 0;
245  }
254  double getExpectedBkgPhotons(double minTime, double maxTime) const
255  {
256  double photons = (maxTime - minTime) / (m_maxTime - m_minTime) * m_bkgPhotons;
257  for (const auto* other : m_pdfOtherTracks) {
258  photons += other->getExpectedSignalPhotons(minTime, maxTime) + other->getExpectedDeltaPhotons(minTime, maxTime);
259  }
260  return photons;
261  }
269  double getExpectedPhotons(double minTime, double maxTime) const
270  {
271  return getExpectedSignalPhotons(minTime, maxTime) + getExpectedDeltaPhotons(minTime, maxTime) +
272  getExpectedBkgPhotons(minTime, maxTime);
273  }
283  double getPDFValue(int pixelID, double time, double timeErr, double sigt = 0) const
284  {
285  return pdfValue(pixelID, time, timeErr, sigt) / getExpectedPhotons();
286  }
292  LogL getLogL() const;
300  LogL getLogL(double t0, double sigt = 0) const {return getLogL(t0, m_minTime, m_maxTime, sigt);}
310  LogL getLogL(double t0, double minTime, double maxTime, double sigt = 0) const;
324  LogL getBackgroundLogL(double minTime, double maxTime) const;
332  const std::vector<LogL>& getPixelLogLs(double t0, double sigt = 0) const
333  {return getPixelLogLs(t0, m_minTime, m_maxTime, sigt);}
343  const std::vector<LogL>& getPixelLogLs(double t0, double minTime, double maxTime, double sigt = 0) const;
349  const std::vector<Pull>& getPulls() const;
356  int getNCalls_setPDF(SignalPDF::EPeakType type) const {return m_ncallsSetPDF[type];}
370  const std::map <double, YScanner::Derivatives>& getDerivatives() const {return m_derivatives;}
376  void appendPDFOther(const PDFConstructor* pdfOther)
377  {
378  if (not pdfOther) return;
379  m_pdfOtherTracks.push_back(pdfOther);
380  }
385  void clearPDFOther() {m_pdfOtherTracks.clear();}
388  private:
393  struct PrismSolution {
394  double len = 0;
395  double L = 0;
396  double cosFic = 0;
397  double sinFic = 0;
398  };
416  int solve(double xD, double zD, int, double, double,
417  const TOPTrack::AssumedEmission& assumedEmission,
418  const InverseRaytracer::CerenkovAngle& cer, double step = 0) const
419  {
420  return inverseRaytracer->solveDirect(xD, zD, assumedEmission, cer, step);
421  }
422  };
443  int solve(double xD, double zD, int Nxm, double xmMin, double xmMax,
444  const TOPTrack::AssumedEmission& assumedEmission,
445  const InverseRaytracer::CerenkovAngle& cer, double step = 0) const
446  {
447  return inverseRaytracer->solveReflected(xD, zD, Nxm, xmMin, xmMax, assumedEmission, cer, step);
448  }
449  };
461  template<class T>
462  void setSignalPDF(T& t, unsigned col, double xD, double zD, int Nxm = 0, double xmMin = 0, double xmMax = 0);
469  const InverseRaytracer::CerenkovAngle& cerenkovAngle(double dE = 0);
474  void setSignalPDF();
479  void setSignalPDF_direct();
484  void setSignalPDF_reflected();
489  void setSignalPDF_prism();
497  void setSignalPDF_reflected(int Nxm, double xmMin, double xmMax);
507  bool detectionPositionX(double xM, int Nxm, std::vector<double>& xDs, double& minLen);
517  bool doRaytracingCorrections(const InverseRaytracer::Solution& sol, double dFic_dx, double xD);
526  double deltaXD(double dFic, const InverseRaytracer::Solution& sol, double xD);
536  bool setDerivatives(YScanner::Derivatives& D, double dL, double de, double dFic);
546  bool raytrace(const FastRaytracer& rayTracer, double dL = 0, double de = 0, double dFic = 0);
557  double propagationLosses(double E, double propLen, int nx, int ny, SignalPDF::EPeakType type) const;
565  void expandSignalPDF(unsigned col, const YScanner::Derivatives& D, SignalPDF::EPeakType type);
574  bool rangeOfX(double z, double& xmi, double& xma);
586  double findReflectionExtreme(double xE, double zE, double zD, int Nxm, double A,
587  const RaytracerBase::Mirror& mirror) const;
599  double derivativeOfReflectedX(double x, double xe, double ze, double zd) const;
609  bool prismRaytrace(const PrismSolution& sol, double dL = 0, double dFic = 0, double de = 0);
618  PrismSolution prismSolution(const PixelPositions::PixelData& pixel, unsigned k, int nx);
626  PrismSolution prismSolution(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& rD, double L);
636  double pdfValueSignalDelta(int pixelID, double time, double timeErr, double sigt = 0) const;
646  double pdfValue(int pixelID, double time, double timeErr, double sigt = 0) const;
653  void initializePixelLogLs(double minTime, double maxTime) const;
659  void appendPulls(const TOPTrack::SelectedHit& hit) const;
661  int m_moduleID = 0;
662  const TOPTrack& m_track;
666  std::vector<FastRaytracer> m_rayTracers;
667  const YScanner* m_yScanner = 0;
672  bool m_valid = false;
674  double m_beta = 0;
675  double m_tof = 0;
676  double m_groupIndex = 0;
678  double m_cosTotal = 0;
679  double m_minTime = 0;
680  double m_maxTime = 0;
681  std::vector<TOPTrack::SelectedHit> m_selectedHits;
682  double m_bkgRate = 0;
684  std::vector<SignalPDF> m_signalPDFs;
685  double m_signalPhotons = 0;
686  double m_bkgPhotons = 0;
687  double m_deltaPhotons = 0;
689  std::map<double, InverseRaytracer::CerenkovAngle> m_cerenkovAngles;
690  double m_dFic = 0;
691  double m_Fic = 0;
692  mutable std::map <SignalPDF::EPeakType, int> m_ncallsSetPDF;
693  mutable std::map <SignalPDF::EPeakType, int> m_ncallsExpandPDF;
694  mutable std::vector<LogL> m_pixelLLs;
695  mutable std::vector<Pull> m_pulls;
696  mutable bool m_deltaPDFOn = true;
697  std::map <double, YScanner::Derivatives> m_derivatives;
698  mutable std::set<int> m_zeroPixels;
700  std::vector<const PDFConstructor*> m_pdfOtherTracks;
702  };
704  //--- inline functions ------------------------------------------------------------
706  inline double PDFConstructor::pdfValueSignalDelta(int pixelID, double time, double timeErr, double sigt) const
707  {
708  unsigned k = pixelID - 1;
709  if (k < m_signalPDFs.size() and m_valid) {
710  double f = m_signalPhotons * m_signalPDFs[k].getPDFValue(time, timeErr, sigt);
711  if (m_deltaPDFOn) f += m_deltaPhotons * m_deltaRayPDF.getPDFValue(pixelID, time);
712  return f;
713  }
714  return 0;
715  }
717  inline double PDFConstructor::pdfValue(int pixelID, double time, double timeErr, double sigt) const
718  {
720  if (not m_valid) return 0;
722  double f = pdfValueSignalDelta(pixelID, time, timeErr, sigt); // signal
723  f += m_bkgPhotons * m_backgroundPDF->getPDFValue(pixelID); // uniform background
724  for (const auto* other : m_pdfOtherTracks) f += other->pdfValueSignalDelta(pixelID, time, timeErr, sigt); // other tracks
726  return f;
727  }
729  inline double PDFConstructor::deltaXD(double dFic, const InverseRaytracer::Solution& sol, double xD)
730  {
731  m_dFic = dFic;
733  if (not m_fastRaytracer->getPropagationStatus()) return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
734  return m_fastRaytracer->getXD() - xD;
735  }
737  inline double PDFConstructor::getCosCerenkovAngle(double E) const
738  {
739  double refind = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getPhaseIndex(E);
740  return std::min(1 / m_beta / refind, 1.0);
741  }
744  {
745  auto& cer = m_cerenkovAngles[dE];
746  if (cer.cosThc == 0 and cer.sinThc == 0) {
747  double meanE = m_yScanner->getMeanEnergy();
748  double cosThc = getCosCerenkovAngle(meanE + dE);
749  cer = InverseRaytracer::CerenkovAngle(cosThc);
750  }
751  return cer;
752  }
755  template<class T>
756  void PDFConstructor::setSignalPDF(T& t, unsigned col, double xD, double zD, int Nxm, double xmMin, double xmMax)
757  {
758  m_ncallsSetPDF[t.type]++;
761  t.inverseRaytracer = m_inverseRaytracer;
763  // central solutions
765  int i0 = t.solve(xD, zD, Nxm, xmMin, xmMax, m_track.getEmissionPoint(), cerenkovAngle());
766  if (i0 < 0 or not m_inverseRaytracer->getStatus()) return;
767  int n = 0;
768  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
769  if (not m_inverseRaytracer->getStatus(i)) continue;
770  const auto& solutions = m_inverseRaytracer->getSolutions(i);
771  const auto& sol = solutions[i0];
772  double time = m_tof + sol.len * m_groupIndex / Const::speedOfLight;
773  if (time > m_maxTime + 1.0) continue;
774  n++;
775  }
776  if (n == 0) return;
778  // solutions with xD displaced by dx
780  double dx = 0.1; // cm
781  int i_dx = t.solve(xD + dx, zD, Nxm, xmMin, xmMax, m_track.getEmissionPoint(), cerenkovAngle(), dx);
782  if (i_dx < 0) return;
783  int k = 0;
784  while (m_inverseRaytracer->isNymDifferent()) { // get rid of discontinuities
785  if (k > 8) {
786  B2DEBUG(20, "TOP::PDFConstructor::setSignalPDF: failed to find the same Nym (dx)");
787  return;
788  }
789  dx = - dx / 2;
790  i_dx = t.solve(xD + dx, zD, Nxm, xmMin, xmMax, m_track.getEmissionPoint(), cerenkovAngle(), dx);
791  if (i_dx < 0) return;
792  k++;
793  }
795  // loop over the two solutions, do ray-tracing corrections, compute the derivatives and expand PDF in y
797  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
798  if (not m_inverseRaytracer->getStatus(i)) continue;
799  const auto& solutions = m_inverseRaytracer->getSolutions(i);
800  const auto& sol = solutions[i0];
801  const auto& sol_dx = solutions[i_dx];
803  // compute dFic/dx needed in raytracing corrections
805  double dFic_dx = YScanner::Derivatives::dFic_d(sol, sol_dx);
807  // do raytracing corrections
809  m_dFic = 0;
810  bool ok = doRaytracingCorrections(sol, dFic_dx, xD);
811  if (not ok) continue;
812  m_Fic = sol.getFic() + m_dFic;
814  // check if time is still within the reconstruction range
817  if (time > m_maxTime) continue;
819  // compute the derivatives
822  ok = setDerivatives(D, 0.1, 0.1, 0.001);
823  if (not ok) {
824  B2DEBUG(20, "TOP::PDFConstructor::setSignalPDF: failed to determine derivatives: "
825  << LogVar("track momentum", m_track.getMomentumMag())
826  << LogVar("impact local z", m_track.getEmissionPoint().position.Z())
827  << LogVar("xD", xD)
828  << LogVar("Nxm", Nxm)
829  << LogVar("time", time)
830  << LogVar("peak type", t.type));
831  continue;
832  }
833  if (m_storeOption == c_Full) m_derivatives[xD] = D;
835  // expand PDF in y
837  expandSignalPDF(col, D, t.type);
838  }
839  }
841  } // namespace TOP
843 } // namespace Belle2
internal precision of FFTW codelets
Provides a type-safe way to pass members of the chargedStableSet set.
Definition: Const.h:580
static const double speedOfLight
Definition: Const.h:686
Parametrization of background PDF in pixels of single module.
Definition: BackgroundPDF.h:23
double getPDFValue(int pixelID) const
Returns PDF value for given pixel.
Parametrization of delta-ray PDF in pixels of single module.
Definition: DeltaRayPDF.h:27
double getIntegral(double minTime, double maxTime) const
Returns integral of PDF from minTime to maxTime.
Definition: DeltaRayPDF.h:213
double getPDFValue(int pixelID, double time) const
Returns PDF value at given time and pixel.
Fast photon propagation in quartz optics.
Definition: FastRaytracer.h:26
double getPropagationLen() const
Returns total propagation length since initial position.
void propagate(const PhotonState &photon, bool averaging=false) const
Propagate photon to photo-detector plane.
bool getPropagationStatus() const
Returns propagation status.
Definition: FastRaytracer.h:68
double getXD() const
Returns unfolded position in x at virtual Detector plane.
Utility for solving inverse ray-tracing problem.
int solveReflected(double xD, double zD, int Nxm, double xmMin, double xmMax, const TOPTrack::AssumedEmission &assumedEmission, const CerenkovAngle &cer, double step=0) const
Solve inverse ray-tracing for reflected photon.
PhotonState getReconstructedPhoton(const Solution &sol, double DFic=0) const
Returns reconstructed photon at emission for a given solution of inverse raytracing.
bool getStatus() const
Returns status.
bool isNymDifferent() const
Checks if Nym differs between solutions front and back in at least one of the vectors.
int solveDirect(double xD, double zD, const TOPTrack::AssumedEmission &assumedEmission, const CerenkovAngle &cer, double step=0) const
Solve inverse ray-tracing for direct photon.
std::vector< Solution > & getSolutions(unsigned i) const
Returns the solutions of inverse ray-tracing.
void clear() const
Clear the solutions to prepare for the new round.
PDF construction and log likelihood determination for a given track and particle hypothesis.
double m_cosTotal
cosine of total reflection angle
void setSignalPDF_prism()
Sets signal PDF for track crossing prism.
void setSignalPDF()
Sets signal PDF.
double m_bkgRate
estimated background hit rate
const std::map< double, YScanner::Derivatives > & getDerivatives() const
Returns a collection of derivatives for debugging purposes.
LogL getLogL(double t0, double sigt=0) const
Returns extended log likelihood for PDF shifted in time.
const Const::ChargedStable & getHypothesis() const
Returns particle hypothesis.
double getPDFValue(int pixelID, double time, double timeErr, double sigt=0) const
Returns PDF value.
double m_beta
particle hypothesis beta
const InverseRaytracer::CerenkovAngle & cerenkovAngle(double dE=0)
Returns cosine and sine of cerenkov angle.
int getNCalls_setPDF(SignalPDF::EPeakType type) const
Returns number of calls of template function setSignalPDF<T> for a given peak type.
bool detectionPositionX(double xM, int Nxm, std::vector< double > &xDs, double &minLen)
Calculates unfolded detection position from known reflection position on the mirror and emission poin...
void switchOnDeltaRayPDF() const
Include delta-ray PDF in log likelihood calculation (this is default)
const YScanner * m_yScanner
PDF expander in y.
std::vector< SignalPDF > m_signalPDFs
parameterized signal PDF in pixels (index = pixelID - 1)
void setSignalPDF_reflected()
Sets signal PDF for reflected photons.
double getBkgRate() const
Returns estimated background hit rate.
LogL getBackgroundLogL() const
Returns extended log likelihood for background hypothesis using default time window.
void switchOffDeltaRayPDF() const
Exclude delta-ray PDF in log likelihood calculation.
PrismSolution prismSolution(const PixelPositions::PixelData &pixel, unsigned k, int nx)
General solution of inverse raytracing in prism: iterative procedure calling basic solution.
std::map< SignalPDF::EPeakType, int > m_ncallsSetPDF
number of calls to setSignalPDF<T>
LogL getLogL() const
Returns extended log likelihood (using the default time window)
double m_maxTime
time window upper edge
const InverseRaytracer * m_inverseRaytracer
inverse ray-tracer
double m_minTime
time window lower edge
double getExpectedDeltaPhotons() const
Returns the expected number of delta-ray photons within the default time window.
double getExpectedBkgPhotons(double minTime, double maxTime) const
Returns the expected number of background photons within a given time window.
bool isValid() const
Checks the object status.
EStoreOption m_storeOption
signal PDF storing option
double m_Fic
temporary storage for Cerenkov azimuthal angle
double getExpectedSignalPhotons() const
Returns the expected number of signal photons within the default time window.
double getExpectedSignalPhotons(double minTime, double maxTime) const
Returns the expected number of signal photons within a given time window.
double derivativeOfReflectedX(double x, double xe, double ze, double zd) const
Returns the derivative of reflected position at given x.
bool setDerivatives(YScanner::Derivatives &D, double dL, double de, double dFic)
Sets the derivatives (numerically) using forward ray-tracing.
double getExpectedDeltaPhotons(double minTime, double maxTime) const
Returns the expected number of delta-ray photons within a given time window.
double m_groupIndex
group refractive index at mean photon energy
int getNCalls_expandPDF(SignalPDF::EPeakType type) const
Returns number of calls of function expandSignalPDF for a given peak type.
std::vector< const PDFConstructor * > m_pdfOtherTracks
most probable PDF's of other tracks in the module
double m_bkgPhotons
expected number of uniform background photons
const std::vector< LogL > & getPixelLogLs(double t0, double sigt=0) const
Returns extended log likelihoods in pixels for PDF shifted in time.
double propagationLosses(double E, double propLen, int nx, int ny, SignalPDF::EPeakType type) const
Returns photon propagation losses (bulk absorption, surface reflectivity, mirror reflectivity)
int getModuleID() const
Returns slot ID.
double m_deltaPhotons
expected number of delta-ray photons
const std::vector< Pull > & getPulls() const
Returns photon pulls w.r.t PDF peaks.
double getCosCerenkovAngle(double E) const
Returns cosine of Cerenkov angle at given photon energy.
double getCosTotal() const
Returns cosine of total reflection angle.
double m_signalPhotons
expected number of signal photons
std::map< SignalPDF::EPeakType, int > m_ncallsExpandPDF
number of calls to expandSignalPDF
void appendPulls(const TOPTrack::SelectedHit &hit) const
Appends pulls of a photon hit.
double getExpectedPhotons() const
Returns the expected number of all photons within the default time window.
bool m_valid
cross-check flag, true if track is valid and all the pointers above are valid
DeltaRayPDF m_deltaRayPDF
delta-ray PDF
double deltaXD(double dFic, const InverseRaytracer::Solution &sol, double xD)
Returns the difference in xD between ray-traced solution rotated by dFic and input argument.
bool doRaytracingCorrections(const InverseRaytracer::Solution &sol, double dFic_dx, double xD)
Corrects the solution of inverse ray-tracing with fast ray-tracing.
bool raytrace(const FastRaytracer &rayTracer, double dL=0, double de=0, double dFic=0)
Forward ray-tracing (called by setDerivatives)
std::vector< Pull > m_pulls
photon pulls w.r.t PDF peaks
const FastRaytracer * m_fastRaytracer
fast ray-tracer
double findReflectionExtreme(double xE, double zE, double zD, int Nxm, double A, const RaytracerBase::Mirror &mirror) const
Finds the position on the mirror of the extreme reflection.
const std::vector< SignalPDF > & getSignalPDF() const
Returns signal PDF.
const BackgroundPDF * getBackgroundPDF() const
Returns background PDF.
Options for storing signal PDF parameters.
@ c_Reduced
only PDF peak data
@ c_Full
also extra information and derivatives
const TOPTrack & m_track
temporary reference to track at TOP
std::vector< LogL > m_pixelLLs
pixel log likelihoods (index = pixelID - 1)
void appendPDFOther(const PDFConstructor *pdfOther)
Append most probable PDF of other track in this module.
EPDFOption m_PDFOption
signal PDF construction option
const BackgroundPDF * m_backgroundPDF
background PDF
bool m_deltaPDFOn
include/exclude delta-ray PDF in likelihood calculation
const std::vector< TOPTrack::SelectedHit > & getSelectedHits() const
Returns selected photon hits belonging to this slot.
Signal PDF construction options.
@ c_Optimal
y dependent only where necessary
@ c_Fine
y dependent everywhere
@ c_Rough
no dependence on y
std::map< double, InverseRaytracer::CerenkovAngle > m_cerenkovAngles
sine and cosine of Cerenkov angles
double pdfValue(int pixelID, double time, double timeErr, double sigt=0) const
Returns the value of PDF normalized to the number of expected photons.
void expandSignalPDF(unsigned col, const YScanner::Derivatives &D, SignalPDF::EPeakType type)
Expands signal PDF in y (y-scan)
std::vector< FastRaytracer > m_rayTracers
copies of fast ray-tracer used to compute derivatives
const Const::ChargedStable m_hypothesis
particle hypothesis
double getExpectedBkgPhotons() const
Returns the expected number of background photons within the default time window.
const DeltaRayPDF & getDeltaRayPDF() const
Returns delta-ray PDF.
bool prismRaytrace(const PrismSolution &sol, double dL=0, double dFic=0, double de=0)
Do forward raytracing of inverse raytracing solution in prism.
void clearPDFOther()
Clear the container of PDF's of other tracks.
double m_groupIndexDerivative
derivative (dn_g/dE) of group refractive index at mean photon energy
double pdfValueSignalDelta(int pixelID, double time, double timeErr, double sigt=0) const
Returns the value of signal + deltaRay PDF normalized to the number of expected photons.
void switchDeltaRayPDF(bool deltaPDFOn) const
Include or exclude delta-ray PDF in log likelihood calculation.
void initializePixelLogLs(double minTime, double maxTime) const
Initializes pixel log likelihoods.
bool rangeOfX(double z, double &xmi, double &xma)
Estimates range of unfolded x coordinate of the hits on given plane perpendicular to z-axis.
std::vector< TOPTrack::SelectedHit > m_selectedHits
selected photon hits
void setSignalPDF_direct()
Sets signal PDF for direct photons.
double getExpectedPhotons(double minTime, double maxTime) const
Returns the expected number of all photons within a given time window.
std::set< int > m_zeroPixels
collection of pixelID's with zero pdfValue
std::map< double, YScanner::Derivatives > m_derivatives
a map of xD and derivatives
double m_dFic
temporary storage for dFic used in last call to deltaXD
double m_tof
time-of-flight from IP to average photon emission position
PDFConstructor(const TOPTrack &track, const Const::ChargedStable &hypothesis, EPDFOption PDFOption=c_Optimal, EStoreOption storeOption=c_Reduced, double overrideMass=0)
Class constructor.
Enumerator for single PDF peak types.
Definition: SignalPDF.h:32
@ c_Direct
direct photon
Definition: SignalPDF.h:34
@ c_Reflected
reflected photon
Definition: SignalPDF.h:35
static TOPGeometryPar * Instance()
Static method to obtain the pointer to its instance.
double getPhaseIndex(double energy) const
Returns phase refractive index of quartz at given photon energy.
Reconstructed track at TOP.
Definition: TOPTrack.h:39
const TOPTrack::AssumedEmission & getEmissionPoint(double dL=0) const
Returns assumed photon emission position and track direction.
double getMomentumMag() const
Returns momentum magnitude (extrapolated to TOP)
Definition: TOPTrack.h:149
Utility for expanding the PDF in y direction.
Definition: YScanner.h:33
double getMeanEnergy() const
Returns mean photon energy.
Definition: YScanner.h:329
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Sine and cosine of Cerenkov angle.
Solution of inverse ray-tracing.
Structure that enables defining a template function: direct photons.
const SignalPDF::EPeakType type
PDF peak type.
int solve(double xD, double zD, int, double, double, const TOPTrack::AssumedEmission &assumedEmission, const InverseRaytracer::CerenkovAngle &cer, double step=0) const
Solve inverse ray-tracing for direct photon.
const InverseRaytracer * inverseRaytracer
inverse ray-tracer
Structure that enables defining a template function: reflected photons.
const SignalPDF::EPeakType type
PDF peak type.
int solve(double xD, double zD, int Nxm, double xmMin, double xmMax, const TOPTrack::AssumedEmission &assumedEmission, const InverseRaytracer::CerenkovAngle &cer, double step=0) const
Solve inverse ray-tracing for reflected photon.
const InverseRaytracer * inverseRaytracer
inverse ray-tracer
Useful data type for returning the results of log likelihood calculation.
double expPhotons
expected number of photons
LogL(double phot)
unsigned numPhotons
detected number of photons
double logL
extended log likelihood
Solution of inverse raytracing in prism.
double L
emission position distance along particle trajectory
double cosFic
cosine of azimuthal Cerenkov angle
double sinFic
sine of azimuthal Cerenkov angle
Data type for storing photon pull w.r.t PDF peak.
double sigma
peak overall sigma (signal) or 0 (background)
double peakT0
PDF peak time (signal) or minimal PDF peak time in pixel (background)
double ttsT0
TTS gaussian peak time (signal) or 0 (background)
Pull(int pix, double t, double t0, double tts0, double sig, double phi, double w)
double phiCer
azimuthal Cerenkov angle (signal) or 0 (background)
position and size of a pixel
spherical mirror data in module local frame.
Definition: RaytracerBase.h:80
assumed photon emission point in local frame
Definition: TOPTrack.h:74
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint position
Definition: TOPTrack.h:75
selected photon hit from TOPDigits
Definition: TOPTrack.h:83
static double dFic_d(const InverseRaytracer::Solution &sol0, const InverseRaytracer::Solution &sol1)
Calculates the derivative of Cerenkov azimuthal angle.
Definition: YScanner.h:510