Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <top/geometry/TOPGeometryPar.h>
11 #include <framework/gearbox/GearDir.h>
12 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
13 #include <framework/logging/LogSystem.h>
14 #include <framework/geometry/BFieldManager.h>
15 #include <geometry/Materials.h>
16 #include <iostream>
17 #include <TSpline.h>
18 #include <algorithm>
19 #include <set>
20 #include <cmath>
22 using namespace std;
24 namespace Belle2 {
30  namespace TOP {
32  TOPGeometryPar* TOPGeometryPar::s_instance = 0;
33  const double TOPGeometryPar::c_hc = 1239.84193; // [eV*nm]
35  TOPGeometryPar::~TOPGeometryPar()
36  {
37  if (m_geo) delete m_geo;
38  if (m_geoDB) delete m_geoDB;
39  s_instance = 0;
40  }
43  TOPGeometryPar* TOPGeometryPar::Instance()
44  {
45  if (!s_instance) {
46  s_instance = new TOPGeometryPar();
47  }
48  return s_instance;
49  }
52  void TOPGeometryPar::Initialize(const GearDir& content)
53  {
55  m_fromDB = false;
56  m_valid = false;
58  if (m_geo) delete m_geo;
59  m_geo = createConfiguration(content);
60  if (!m_geo->isConsistent()) {
61  B2ERROR("TOPGeometryPar::createConfiguration: geometry not consistently defined");
62  return;
63  }
65  GearDir frontEndMapping(content, "FrontEndMapping");
66  m_frontEndMapper.initialize(frontEndMapping);
67  if (!m_frontEndMapper.isValid()) {
68  return;
69  }
71  GearDir channelMapping0(content, "ChannelMapping[@type='IRS3B']");
72  m_channelMapperIRS3B.initialize(channelMapping0);
73  if (!m_channelMapperIRS3B.isValid()) {
74  return;
75  }
77  GearDir channelMapping1(content, "ChannelMapping[@type='IRSX']");
78  m_channelMapperIRSX.initialize(channelMapping1);
79  if (!m_channelMapperIRSX.isValid()) {
80  return;
81  }
82  m_valid = true;
84  finalizeInitialization();
86  }
89  void TOPGeometryPar::Initialize()
90  {
91  m_fromDB = true;
92  m_valid = false;
94  if (m_geoDB) delete m_geoDB;
95  m_geoDB = new DBObjPtr<TOPGeometry>();
97  if (!m_geoDB->isValid()) {
98  B2ERROR("TOPGeometry: no payload found in database");
99  return;
100  }
101  if ((*m_geoDB)->getWavelengthFilter().getName().empty()) {
102  m_oldPayload = true;
103  B2WARNING("TOPGeometry: obsolete payload revision (pixel independent PDE) - please, check global tag");
104  }
105  if ((*m_geoDB)->getTTSes().empty()) {
106  B2WARNING("TOPGeometry: obsolete payload revision (nominal TTS only) - please, check global tag");
107  }
108  if ((*m_geoDB)->arePDETuningFactorsEmpty()) {
109  B2WARNING("TOPGeometry: old payload revision (before bugfix and update of optical properties)");
110  }
112  // Make sure that we abort as soon as the geometry changes
113  m_geoDB->addCallback([]() {
114  B2FATAL("Geometry cannot change during processing, "
115  "aborting (component TOP)");
116  });
118  m_frontEndMapper.initialize();
119  if (!m_frontEndMapper.isValid()) {
120  B2ERROR("TOPFrontEndMaps: no payload found in database");
121  return;
122  }
124  m_channelMapperIRSX.initialize();
125  if (!m_channelMapperIRSX.isValid()) {
126  B2ERROR("TOPChannelMaps: no payload found in database");
127  return;
128  }
129  m_valid = true;
131  finalizeInitialization();
133  }
135  void TOPGeometryPar::finalizeInitialization()
136  {
137  // set B field flag
138  m_BfieldOn = (BFieldManager::getField(0, 0, 0).R() / Unit::T) > 0.1;
140  // add call backs for PMT data
141  m_pmtInstalled.addCallback(this, &TOPGeometryPar::clearCache);
142  m_pmtQEData.addCallback(this, &TOPGeometryPar::clearCache);
144  // print geometry if the debug level for 'top' is set 10000
145  const auto& logSystem = LogSystem::Instance();
146  if (logSystem.isLevelEnabled(LogConfig::c_Debug, 10000, "top")) {
147  getGeometry()->print();
148  if (m_oldPayload) {
149  cout << "Envelope QE same as nominal quantum efficiency" << endl << endl;
150  return;
151  }
152  if (m_envelopeQE.isEmpty()) setEnvelopeQE();
153  m_envelopeQE.print("Envelope QE");
154  }
155  }
157  void TOPGeometryPar::clearCache()
158  {
159  m_envelopeQE.clear();
160  m_pmts.clear();
161  m_relEfficiencies.clear();
162  m_pmtTypes.clear();
163  }
165  const TOPGeometry* TOPGeometryPar::getGeometry() const
166  {
167  if (!m_valid) B2FATAL("No geometry available for TOP");
169  TOPGeometry::useBasf2Units();
170  if (m_fromDB) {
171  return &(**m_geoDB);
172  } else {
173  return m_geo;
174  }
175  }
177  double TOPGeometryPar::getPMTEfficiencyEnvelope(double energy) const
178  {
179  double lambda = c_hc / energy;
181  if (m_oldPayload) { // filter transmittance is included in nominal QE, return it!
182  return getGeometry()->getNominalQE().getEfficiency(lambda);
183  }
185  if (m_envelopeQE.isEmpty()) setEnvelopeQE();
186  return m_envelopeQE.getEfficiency(lambda);
187  }
189  double TOPGeometryPar::getPMTEfficiency(double energy,
190  int moduleID, int pmtID,
191  double x, double y) const
192  {
193  const auto* geo = getGeometry();
194  if (!geo->isModuleIDValid(moduleID)) return 0;
196  double lambda = c_hc / energy;
198  if (m_oldPayload) { // filter transmittance is included in nominal QE, return it!
199  return geo->getNominalQE().getEfficiency(lambda);
200  }
202  if (m_pmts.empty()) mapPmtQEToPositions();
204  int id = getUniquePmtID(moduleID, pmtID);
205  const auto* pmtQE = m_pmts[id];
206  if (!pmtQE) return 0;
208  const auto& pmtArray = geo->getModule(moduleID).getPMTArray();
209  auto pmtPixel = pmtArray.getPMT().getPixelID(x, y);
210  if (pmtPixel == 0) return 0;
212  auto pixelID = pmtArray.getPixelID(pmtID, pmtPixel);
213  auto channel = getChannelMapper().getChannel(pixelID);
215  double RQE = geo->getPDETuningFactor(getPMTType(moduleID, pmtID));
216  if (m_channelRQE.isValid()) RQE *= m_channelRQE->getRQE(moduleID, channel);
218  return pmtQE->getEfficiency(pmtPixel, lambda, m_BfieldOn) * RQE;
220  }
223  double TOPGeometryPar::getRelativePixelEfficiency(int moduleID, int pixelID) const
224  {
226  auto channel = getChannelMapper().getChannel(pixelID);
227  auto pmtID = getChannelMapper().getPmtID(pixelID);
229  double RQE = getGeometry()->getPDETuningFactor(getPMTType(moduleID, pmtID));
230  if (m_channelRQE.isValid()) RQE *= m_channelRQE->getRQE(moduleID, channel);
232  double thrEffi = 1.0;
233  if (m_thresholdEff.isValid()) thrEffi = m_thresholdEff->getThrEff(moduleID, channel);
235  if (m_oldPayload) { // nominal QE is used
236  return RQE * thrEffi;
237  }
239  if (m_relEfficiencies.empty()) prepareRelEfficiencies();
241  int id = getUniquePixelID(moduleID, pixelID);
242  return m_relEfficiencies[id] * RQE * thrEffi;
243  }
246  unsigned TOPGeometryPar::getPMTType(int moduleID, int pmtID) const
247  {
248  if (m_pmtTypes.empty()) mapPmtTypeToPositions();
250  int id = getUniquePmtID(moduleID, pmtID);
251  return m_pmtTypes[id];
252  }
255  const TOPNominalTTS& TOPGeometryPar::getTTS(int moduleID, int pmtID) const
256  {
257  auto pmtType = getPMTType(moduleID, pmtID);
258  return getGeometry()->getTTS(pmtType);
259  }
262  void TOPGeometryPar::setEnvelopeQE() const
263  {
264  if (m_pmtQEData.getEntries() == 0) {
265  B2ERROR("DBArray TOPPmtQEs is empty");
266  return;
267  }
269  double lambdaFirst = 0;
270  for (const auto& pmt : m_pmtQEData) {
271  if (pmt.getLambdaFirst() > 0) {
272  lambdaFirst = pmt.getLambdaFirst();
273  break;
274  }
275  }
276  if (lambdaFirst == 0) {
277  B2ERROR("DBArray TOPPmtQEs: lambdaFirst of all PMT found to be less or equal 0");
278  return;
279  }
280  for (const auto& pmt : m_pmtQEData) {
281  if (pmt.getLambdaFirst() > 0) {
282  lambdaFirst = std::min(lambdaFirst, pmt.getLambdaFirst());
283  }
284  }
286  double lambdaStep = 0;
287  for (const auto& pmt : m_pmtQEData) {
288  if (pmt.getLambdaStep() > 0) {
289  lambdaStep = pmt.getLambdaStep();
290  break;
291  }
292  }
293  if (lambdaStep == 0) {
294  B2ERROR("DBArray TOPPmtQEs: lambdaStep of all PMT found to be less or equal 0");
295  return;
296  }
297  for (const auto& pmt : m_pmtQEData) {
298  if (pmt.getLambdaStep() > 0) {
299  lambdaStep = std::min(lambdaStep, pmt.getLambdaStep());
300  }
301  }
303  std::map<std::string, const TOPPmtInstallation*> map;
304  for (const auto& pmt : m_pmtInstalled) {
305  map[pmt.getSerialNumber()] = &pmt;
306  }
307  const auto* geo = getGeometry();
309  std::vector<float> envelopeQE;
310  for (const auto& pmt : m_pmtQEData) {
311  float ce = pmt.getCE(m_BfieldOn);
312  auto pmtInstalled = map[pmt.getSerialNumber()];
313  if (pmtInstalled) ce *= geo->getPDETuningFactor(pmtInstalled->getType());
314  if (pmt.getLambdaFirst() == lambdaFirst and pmt.getLambdaStep() == lambdaStep) {
315  const auto& envelope = pmt.getEnvelopeQE();
316  if (envelopeQE.size() < envelope.size()) {
317  envelopeQE.resize(envelope.size() - envelopeQE.size(), 0);
318  }
319  for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(envelopeQE.size(), envelope.size()); i++) {
320  envelopeQE[i] = std::max(envelopeQE[i], envelope[i] * ce);
321  }
322  } else {
323  double lambdaLast = pmt.getLambdaLast();
324  int nExtra = (lambdaLast - lambdaFirst) / lambdaStep + 1 - envelopeQE.size();
325  if (nExtra > 0) envelopeQE.resize(nExtra, 0);
326  for (size_t i = 0; i < envelopeQE.size(); i++) {
327  float qe = pmt.getEnvelopeQE(lambdaFirst + lambdaStep * i);
328  envelopeQE[i] = std::max(envelopeQE[i], qe * ce);
329  }
330  }
331  }
333  m_envelopeQE.set(lambdaFirst, lambdaStep, 1.0, envelopeQE, "EnvelopeQE");
335  B2INFO("TOPGeometryPar: envelope of PMT dependent QE has been set");
337  }
340  void TOPGeometryPar::mapPmtQEToPositions() const
341  {
342  m_pmts.clear();
344  std::map<std::string, const TOPPmtQE*> map;
345  for (const auto& pmt : m_pmtQEData) {
346  map[pmt.getSerialNumber()] = &pmt;
347  }
348  for (const auto& pmt : m_pmtInstalled) {
349  int id = getUniquePmtID(pmt.getSlotNumber(), pmt.getPosition());
350  m_pmts[id] = map[pmt.getSerialNumber()];
351  }
353  B2INFO("TOPGeometryPar: QE of PMT's mapped to positions, size = " << m_pmts.size());
354  }
357  void TOPGeometryPar::mapPmtTypeToPositions() const
358  {
359  for (const auto& pmt : m_pmtInstalled) {
360  int id = getUniquePmtID(pmt.getSlotNumber(), pmt.getPosition());
361  m_pmtTypes[id] = pmt.getType();
362  }
364  B2INFO("TOPGeometryPar: PMT types mapped to positions, size = "
365  << m_pmtTypes.size());
368  std::set<unsigned> types;
369  for (const auto& pmt : m_pmtInstalled) {
370  types.insert(pmt.getType());
371  }
372  const auto* geo = getGeometry();
373  for (const auto& type : types) {
374  if (geo->getTTS(type).getPMTType() != type) {
375  B2WARNING("No TTS found for an installed PMT type. Nominal one will be used."
376  << LogVar("PMT type", type));
377  }
378  }
380  }
383  void TOPGeometryPar::prepareRelEfficiencies() const
384  {
385  m_relEfficiencies.clear();
386  if (m_pmts.empty()) mapPmtQEToPositions();
388  const auto* geo = getGeometry();
390  const auto& nominalQE = geo->getNominalQE();
391  double s0 = integralOfQE(nominalQE.getQE(), nominalQE.getCE(),
392  nominalQE.getLambdaFirst(), nominalQE.getLambdaStep());
394  for (const auto& module : geo->getModules()) {
395  auto moduleID = module.getModuleID();
396  const auto& pmtArray = module.getPMTArray();
397  int numPMTs = pmtArray.getSize();
398  int numPMTPixels = pmtArray.getPMT().getNumPixels();
399  for (int pmtID = 1; pmtID <= numPMTs; pmtID++) {
400  const auto* pmtQE = m_pmts[getUniquePmtID(moduleID, pmtID)];
401  for (int pmtPixel = 1; pmtPixel <= numPMTPixels; pmtPixel++) {
402  double s = 0;
403  if (pmtQE) {
404  s = integralOfQE(pmtQE->getQE(pmtPixel), pmtQE->getCE(m_BfieldOn),
405  pmtQE->getLambdaFirst(), pmtQE->getLambdaStep());
406  }
407  auto pixelID = pmtArray.getPixelID(pmtID, pmtPixel);
408  auto id = getUniquePixelID(moduleID, pixelID);
409  m_relEfficiencies[id] = s / s0;
410  }
411  }
412  }
414  B2INFO("TOPGeometryPar: pixel relative quantum efficiencies have been set, size = "
415  << m_relEfficiencies.size());
416  }
419  double TOPGeometryPar::integralOfQE(const std::vector<float>& qe, double ce,
420  double lambdaFirst, double lambdaStep) const
421  {
422  if (qe.empty()) return 0;
424  double s = 0;
425  double lambda = lambdaFirst;
426  double f1 = qe[0] / (lambda * lambda);
427  for (size_t i = 1; i < qe.size(); i++) {
428  lambda += lambdaStep;
429  double f2 = qe[i] / (lambda * lambda);
430  s += (f1 + f2) / 2;
431  f1 = f2;
432  }
433  return s * c_hc * lambdaStep * ce;
434  }
437  TOPGeometry* TOPGeometryPar::createConfiguration(const GearDir& content)
438  {
439  TOPGeometry* geo = new TOPGeometry("TOPGeometry");
441  // PMT array
443  GearDir pmtParams(content, "PMTs/PMT");
444  TOPGeoPMT pmt(pmtParams.getLength("ModuleXSize"),
445  pmtParams.getLength("ModuleYSize"),
446  pmtParams.getLength("ModuleZSize") +
447  pmtParams.getLength("WindowThickness") +
448  pmtParams.getLength("BottomThickness"));
449  pmt.setWallThickness(pmtParams.getLength("ModuleWall"));
450  pmt.setWallMaterial(pmtParams.getString("wallMaterial"));
451  pmt.setFillMaterial(pmtParams.getString("fillMaterial"));
452  pmt.setSensVolume(pmtParams.getLength("SensXSize"),
453  pmtParams.getLength("SensYSize"),
454  pmtParams.getLength("SensThickness"),
455  pmtParams.getString("sensMaterial"));
456  pmt.setNumPixels(pmtParams.getInt("PadXNum"),
457  pmtParams.getInt("PadYNum"));
458  pmt.setWindow(pmtParams.getLength("WindowThickness"),
459  pmtParams.getString("winMaterial"));
460  pmt.setBottom(pmtParams.getLength("BottomThickness"),
461  pmtParams.getString("botMaterial"));
463  auto& materials = geometry::Materials::getInstance();
464  GearDir reflEdgeSurfParams(pmtParams, "reflectiveEdge/Surface");
465  pmt.setReflEdge(pmtParams.getLength("reflectiveEdge/width"),
466  pmtParams.getLength("reflectiveEdge/thickness"),
467  materials.createOpticalSurfaceConfig(reflEdgeSurfParams));
469  GearDir arrayParams(content, "PMTs");
470  TOPGeoPMTArray pmtArray(arrayParams.getInt("nPMTx"),
471  arrayParams.getInt("nPMTy"),
472  arrayParams.getLength("Xgap"),
473  arrayParams.getLength("Ygap"),
474  arrayParams.getString("stackMaterial"),
475  pmt);
476  pmtArray.setSiliconeCookie(arrayParams.getLength("siliconeCookie/thickness"),
477  arrayParams.getString("siliconeCookie/material"));
478  pmtArray.setWavelengthFilter(arrayParams.getLength("wavelengthFilter/thickness"),
479  arrayParams.getString("wavelengthFilter/material"));
480  pmtArray.setAirGap(arrayParams.getLength("airGap", 0));
481  double decoupledFraction = arrayParams.getDouble("decoupledFraction", 0);
483  // modules
485  GearDir moduleParams(content, "Modules");
486  GearDir glueParams(moduleParams, "Glue");
487  int numModules = moduleParams.getNumberNodes("Module");
488  for (int slotID = 1; slotID <= numModules; slotID++) {
489  std::string gearName = "Module[@slotID='" + std::to_string(slotID) + "']";
490  GearDir slotParams(moduleParams, gearName);
491  TOPGeoModule module(slotID,
492  slotParams.getLength("Radius"),
493  slotParams.getAngle("Phi"),
494  slotParams.getLength("BackwardZ"));
495  int cNumber = slotParams.getInt("ConstructionNumber");
496  module.setModuleCNumber(cNumber);
497  module.setName(addNumber(module.getName(), cNumber));
499  auto prism = createPrism(content, slotParams.getString("Prism"));
500  prism.setName(addNumber(prism.getName(), cNumber));
501  module.setPrism(prism);
503  auto barSegment2 = createBarSegment(content, slotParams.getString("BarSegment2"));
504  barSegment2.setName(addNumber(barSegment2.getName() + "2-", cNumber));
505  barSegment2.setGlue(glueParams.getLength("Thicknes1"),
506  glueParams.getString("GlueMaterial"));
507  module.setBarSegment2(barSegment2);
509  auto barSegment1 = createBarSegment(content, slotParams.getString("BarSegment1"));
510  barSegment1.setName(addNumber(barSegment1.getName() + "1-", cNumber));
511  barSegment1.setGlue(glueParams.getLength("Thicknes2"),
512  glueParams.getString("GlueMaterial"));
513  module.setBarSegment1(barSegment1);
515  auto mirror = createMirrorSegment(content, slotParams.getString("Mirror"));
516  mirror.setName(addNumber(mirror.getName(), cNumber));
517  mirror.setGlue(glueParams.getLength("Thicknes3"),
518  glueParams.getString("GlueMaterial"));
519  module.setMirrorSegment(mirror);
521  module.setPMTArray(pmtArray);
522  if (decoupledFraction > 0) module.generateDecoupledPMTs(decoupledFraction);
524  geo->appendModule(module);
525  }
527  // displaced geometry (if defined)
529  GearDir displacedGeometry(content, "DisplacedGeometry");
530  if (displacedGeometry) {
531  if (displacedGeometry.getInt("SwitchON") != 0) {
532  B2WARNING("TOP: displaced geometry is activated");
533  for (const GearDir& slot : displacedGeometry.getNodes("Slot")) {
534  int moduleID = slot.getInt("@ID");
535  if (!geo->isModuleIDValid(moduleID)) {
536  B2WARNING("TOPGeometryPar: DisplacedGeometry.xml: invalid moduleID."
537  << LogVar("moduleID", moduleID));
538  continue;
539  }
540  TOPGeoModuleDisplacement moduleDispl(slot.getLength("x"),
541  slot.getLength("y"),
542  slot.getLength("z"),
543  slot.getAngle("alpha"),
544  slot.getAngle("beta"),
545  slot.getAngle("gamma"));
546  auto& module = const_cast<TOPGeoModule&>(geo->getModule(moduleID));
547  module.setModuleDisplacement(moduleDispl);
548  }
549  }
550  }
552  // displaced PMT arrays (if defined)
554  GearDir displacedPMTArrays(content, "DisplacedPMTArrays");
555  if (displacedPMTArrays) {
556  if (displacedPMTArrays.getInt("SwitchON") != 0) {
557  B2WARNING("TOP: displaced PMT arrays are activated");
558  for (const GearDir& slot : displacedPMTArrays.getNodes("Slot")) {
559  int moduleID = slot.getInt("@ID");
560  if (!geo->isModuleIDValid(moduleID)) {
561  B2WARNING("TOPGeometryPar: DisplacedPMTArrays.xml: invalid moduleID."
562  << LogVar("moduleID", moduleID));
563  continue;
564  }
565  TOPGeoPMTArrayDisplacement arrayDispl(slot.getLength("x"),
566  slot.getLength("y"),
567  slot.getAngle("alpha"));
568  auto& module = const_cast<TOPGeoModule&>(geo->getModule(moduleID));
569  module.setPMTArrayDisplacement(arrayDispl);
570  }
571  }
572  }
574  // broken glues (if any)
576  GearDir brokenGlues(content, "BrokenGlues");
577  if (brokenGlues) {
578  if (brokenGlues.getInt("SwitchON") != 0) {
579  auto material = brokenGlues.getString("material");
580  for (const GearDir& slot : brokenGlues.getNodes("Slot")) {
581  int moduleID = slot.getInt("@ID");
582  if (!geo->isModuleIDValid(moduleID)) {
583  B2WARNING("TOPGeometryPar: BrokenGlues.xml: invalid moduleID."
584  << LogVar("moduleID", moduleID));
585  continue;
586  }
587  auto& module = const_cast<TOPGeoModule&>(geo->getModule(moduleID));
588  for (const GearDir& glue : slot.getNodes("Glue")) {
589  int glueID = glue.getInt("@ID");
590  double fraction = glue.getDouble("fraction");
591  if (fraction <= 0) continue;
592  double angle = glue.getAngle("angle");
593  module.setBrokenGlue(glueID, fraction, angle, material);
594  }
595  }
596  }
597  }
599  // peel-off cookies (if any)
601  GearDir peelOff(content, "PeelOffCookies");
602  if (peelOff) {
603  if (peelOff.getInt("SwitchON") != 0) {
604  auto material = peelOff.getString("material");
605  double thickness = peelOff.getLength("thickness");
606  for (const GearDir& slot : peelOff.getNodes("Slot")) {
607  int moduleID = slot.getInt("@ID");
608  if (!geo->isModuleIDValid(moduleID)) {
609  B2WARNING("TOPGeometryPar: PeelOffCookiess.xml: invalid moduleID."
610  << LogVar("moduleID", moduleID));
611  continue;
612  }
613  auto& module = const_cast<TOPGeoModule&>(geo->getModule(moduleID));
614  module.setPeelOffRegions(thickness, material);
615  for (const GearDir& region : slot.getNodes("Region")) {
616  int regionID = region.getInt("@ID");
617  double fraction = region.getDouble("fraction");
618  if (fraction <= 0) continue;
619  double angle = region.getAngle("angle");
620  module.appendPeelOffRegion(regionID, fraction, angle);
621  }
622  }
623  }
624  }
626  // front-end electronics geometry
628  GearDir feParams(content, "FrontEndGeo");
629  GearDir fbParams(feParams, "FrontBoard");
630  TOPGeoFrontEnd frontEnd;
631  frontEnd.setFrontBoard(fbParams.getLength("width"),
632  fbParams.getLength("height"),
633  fbParams.getLength("thickness"),
634  fbParams.getLength("gap"),
635  fbParams.getLength("y"),
636  fbParams.getString("material"));
637  GearDir hvParams(feParams, "HVBoard");
638  frontEnd.setHVBoard(hvParams.getLength("width"),
639  hvParams.getLength("length"),
640  hvParams.getLength("thickness"),
641  hvParams.getLength("gap"),
642  hvParams.getLength("y"),
643  hvParams.getString("material"));
644  GearDir bsParams(feParams, "BoardStack");
645  frontEnd.setBoardStack(bsParams.getLength("width"),
646  bsParams.getLength("height"),
647  bsParams.getLength("length"),
648  bsParams.getLength("gap"),
649  bsParams.getLength("y"),
650  bsParams.getString("material"),
651  bsParams.getLength("spacerWidth"),
652  bsParams.getString("spacerMaterial"));
653  geo->setFrontEnd(frontEnd, feParams.getInt("numBoardStacks"));
655  // QBB
657  GearDir qbbParams(content, "QBB");
658  TOPGeoQBB qbb(qbbParams.getLength("width"),
659  qbbParams.getLength("length"),
660  qbbParams.getLength("prismPosition"),
661  qbbParams.getString("material"));
663  GearDir outerPanelParams(qbbParams, "outerPanel");
664  TOPGeoHoneycombPanel outerPanel(outerPanelParams.getLength("width"),
665  outerPanelParams.getLength("length"),
666  outerPanelParams.getLength("minThickness"),
667  outerPanelParams.getLength("maxThickness"),
668  outerPanelParams.getLength("radius"),
669  outerPanelParams.getLength("edgeWidth"),
670  outerPanelParams.getLength("y"),
671  outerPanelParams.getInt("N"),
672  outerPanelParams.getString("material"),
673  outerPanelParams.getString("edgeMaterial"),
674  "TOPOuterHoneycombPanel");
675  qbb.setOuterPanel(outerPanel);
677  GearDir innerPanelParams(qbbParams, "innerPanel");
678  TOPGeoHoneycombPanel innerPanel(innerPanelParams.getLength("width"),
679  innerPanelParams.getLength("length"),
680  innerPanelParams.getLength("minThickness"),
681  innerPanelParams.getLength("maxThickness"),
682  innerPanelParams.getLength("radius"),
683  innerPanelParams.getLength("edgeWidth"),
684  innerPanelParams.getLength("y"),
685  innerPanelParams.getInt("N"),
686  innerPanelParams.getString("material"),
687  innerPanelParams.getString("edgeMaterial"),
688  "TOPInnerHoneycombPanel");
689  qbb.setInnerPanel(innerPanel);
691  GearDir sideRailsParams(qbbParams, "sideRails");
692  TOPGeoSideRails sideRails(sideRailsParams.getLength("thickness"),
693  sideRailsParams.getLength("reducedThickness"),
694  sideRailsParams.getLength("height"),
695  sideRailsParams.getString("material"));
696  qbb.setSideRails(sideRails);
698  GearDir prismEnclParams(qbbParams, "prismEnclosure");
699  TOPGeoPrismEnclosure prismEncl(prismEnclParams.getLength("length"),
700  prismEnclParams.getLength("height"),
701  prismEnclParams.getAngle("angle"),
702  prismEnclParams.getLength("bottomThickness"),
703  prismEnclParams.getLength("sideThickness"),
704  prismEnclParams.getLength("backThickness"),
705  prismEnclParams.getLength("frontThickness"),
706  prismEnclParams.getLength("extensionThickness"),
707  prismEnclParams.getString("material"));
708  qbb.setPrismEnclosure(prismEncl);
710  GearDir endPlateParams(qbbParams, "forwardEndPlate");
711  TOPGeoEndPlate endPlate(endPlateParams.getLength("thickness"),
712  endPlateParams.getLength("height"),
713  endPlateParams.getString("material"),
714  "TOPForwardEndPlate");
715  qbb.setEndPlate(endPlate);
717  GearDir coldPlateParams(qbbParams, "coldPlate");
718  TOPGeoColdPlate coldPlate(coldPlateParams.getLength("baseThickness"),
719  coldPlateParams.getString("baseMaterial"),
720  coldPlateParams.getLength("coolThickness"),
721  coldPlateParams.getLength("coolWidth"),
722  coldPlateParams.getString("coolMaterial"));
723  qbb.setColdPlate(coldPlate);
725  geo->setQBB(qbb);
727  // nominal QE
729  GearDir qeParams(content, "QE");
730  std::vector<float> qeData;
731  for (const GearDir& Qeffi : qeParams.getNodes("Qeffi")) {
732  qeData.push_back(Qeffi.getDouble(""));
733  }
734  TOPNominalQE nominalQE(qeParams.getLength("LambdaFirst") / Unit::nm,
735  qeParams.getLength("LambdaStep") / Unit::nm,
736  qeParams.getDouble("ColEffi"),
737  qeData);
738  geo->setNominalQE(nominalQE);
740  // nominal TTS
742  GearDir ttsParams(content, "PMTs/TTS");
743  TOPNominalTTS nominalTTS("TOPNominalTTS");
744  for (const GearDir& Gauss : ttsParams.getNodes("Gauss")) {
745  nominalTTS.appendGaussian(Gauss.getDouble("fraction"),
746  Gauss.getTime("mean"),
747  Gauss.getTime("sigma"));
748  }
749  nominalTTS.normalize();
750  geo->setNominalTTS(nominalTTS);
752  // PMT type dependent TTS
754  GearDir pmtTTSParams(content, "TTSofPMTs");
755  for (const GearDir& ttsPar : pmtTTSParams.getNodes("TTSpar")) {
756  int type = ttsPar.getInt("type");
757  double tuneFactor = ttsPar.getDouble("PDEtuneFactor");
758  TOPNominalTTS tts("TTS of " + ttsPar.getString("@name") + " PMT");
759  tts.setPMTType(type);
760  for (const GearDir& Gauss : ttsPar.getNodes("Gauss")) {
761  tts.appendGaussian(Gauss.getDouble("fraction"),
762  Gauss.getTime("mean"),
763  Gauss.getTime("sigma"));
764  }
765  tts.normalize();
766  geo->appendTTS(tts);
767  geo->appendPDETuningFactor(type, tuneFactor);
768  }
770  // nominal TDC
772  GearDir tdcParams(content, "TDC");
773  if (tdcParams) {
774  TOPNominalTDC nominalTDC(tdcParams.getInt("numWindows"),
775  tdcParams.getInt("subBits"),
776  tdcParams.getTime("syncTimeBase"),
777  tdcParams.getInt("numofBunches"),
778  tdcParams.getTime("offset"),
779  tdcParams.getTime("pileupTime"),
780  tdcParams.getTime("doubleHitResolution"),
781  tdcParams.getTime("timeJitter"),
782  tdcParams.getDouble("efficiency"));
783  nominalTDC.setADCBits(tdcParams.getInt("adcBits"));
784  nominalTDC.setAveragePedestal(tdcParams.getInt("averagePedestal"));
785  geo->setNominalTDC(nominalTDC);
786  } else {
787  TOPNominalTDC nominalTDC(pmtParams.getInt("TDCbits"),
788  pmtParams.getTime("TDCbitwidth"),
789  pmtParams.getTime("TDCoffset", 0),
790  pmtParams.getTime("TDCpileupTime", 0),
791  pmtParams.getTime("TDCdoubleHitResolution", 0),
792  pmtParams.getTime("TDCtimeJitter", 50e-3),
793  pmtParams.getDouble("TDCefficiency", 1));
794  geo->setNominalTDC(nominalTDC);
795  }
797  // single photon signal shape
799  GearDir shapeParams(content, "SignalShape");
800  if (shapeParams) {
801  GearDir noiseBandwidth(shapeParams, "noiseBandwidth");
802  TOPSignalShape signalShape(shapeParams.getArray("sampleValues"),
803  geo->getNominalTDC().getSampleWidth(),
804  shapeParams.getTime("tailTimeConstant"),
805  noiseBandwidth.getDouble("pole1") / 1000,
806  noiseBandwidth.getDouble("pole2") / 1000);
807  geo->setSignalShape(signalShape);
808  }
810  // calibration pulse shape
812  GearDir calpulseParams(content, "CalPulseShape");
813  if (calpulseParams) {
814  GearDir noiseBandwidth(calpulseParams, "noiseBandwidth");
815  TOPSignalShape shape(calpulseParams.getArray("sampleValues"),
816  geo->getNominalTDC().getSampleWidth(),
817  calpulseParams.getTime("tailTimeConstant"),
818  noiseBandwidth.getDouble("pole1") / 1000,
819  noiseBandwidth.getDouble("pole2") / 1000);
820  geo->setCalPulseShape(shape);
821  }
823  // wavelength filter bulk transmittance
825  std::string materialNode = "Materials/Material[@name='TOPWavelengthFilterIHU340']";
826  GearDir filterMaterial(content, materialNode);
827  if (!filterMaterial) {
828  B2FATAL("TOPGeometry: " << materialNode << " not found");
829  }
830  GearDir property(filterMaterial, "Property[@name='ABSLENGTH']");
831  if (!property) {
832  B2FATAL("TOPGeometry: " << materialNode << ", Property ABSLENGTH not found");
833  }
834  int numNodes = property.getNumberNodes("value");
835  if (numNodes > 1) {
836  double conversion = Unit::convertValue(1, property.getString("@unit", "GeV"));
837  std::vector<double> energies;
838  std::vector<double> absLengths;
839  for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
840  GearDir value(property, "value", i + 1);
841  energies.push_back(value.getDouble("@energy") * conversion / Unit::eV);// [eV]
842  absLengths.push_back(value.getDouble() * Unit::mm); // [cm]
843  }
844  TSpline3 spline("absLen",,, energies.size());
845  double lambdaFirst = c_hc / energies.back();
846  double lambdaLast = c_hc / energies[0];
847  double lambdaStep = 5; // [nm]
848  int numSteps = (lambdaLast - lambdaFirst) / lambdaStep + 1;
849  const double filterThickness = arrayParams.getLength("wavelengthFilter/thickness");
850  std::vector<float> bulkTransmittances;
851  for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++) {
852  double wavelength = lambdaFirst + lambdaStep * i;
853  double energy = c_hc / wavelength;
854  double absLen = spline.Eval(energy);
855  bulkTransmittances.push_back(exp(-filterThickness / absLen));
856  }
857  TOPWavelengthFilter filter(lambdaFirst, lambdaStep, bulkTransmittances);
859  } else {
860  B2FATAL("TOPGeometry: " << materialNode
861  << ", Property ABSLENGTH has less than 2 nodes");
862  }
864  return geo;
865  }
868  TOPGeoBarSegment TOPGeometryPar::createBarSegment(const GearDir& content,
869  const std::string& SN)
870  {
871  // dimensions and material
872  GearDir params(content, "QuartzBars/QuartzBar[@SerialNumber='" + SN + "']");
873  TOPGeoBarSegment bar(params.getLength("Width"),
874  params.getLength("Thickness"),
875  params.getLength("Length"),
876  params.getString("Material"));
877  bar.setVendorData(params.getString("Vendor"), SN);
879  // optical surface
880  std::string surfaceName = params.getString("OpticalSurface");
881  double sigmaAlpha = params.getDouble("SigmaAlpha");
882  GearDir surfaceParams(content, "Modules/Surface[@name='" + surfaceName + "']");
883  auto& materials = geometry::Materials::getInstance();
884  auto quartzSurface = materials.createOpticalSurfaceConfig(surfaceParams);
885  bar.setSurface(quartzSurface, sigmaAlpha);
887  return bar;
888  }
891  TOPGeoMirrorSegment TOPGeometryPar::createMirrorSegment(const GearDir& content,
892  const std::string& SN)
893  {
894  // dimensions and material
895  GearDir params(content, "Mirrors/Mirror[@SerialNumber='" + SN + "']");
896  TOPGeoMirrorSegment mirror(params.getLength("Width"),
897  params.getLength("Thickness"),
898  params.getLength("Length"),
899  params.getString("Material"));
900  mirror.setVendorData(params.getString("Vendor"), SN);
901  mirror.setRadius(params.getLength("Radius"));
902  mirror.setCenterOfCurvature(params.getLength("Xpos"), params.getLength("Ypos"));
904  // mirror reflective coating
905  auto& materials = geometry::Materials::getInstance();
906  GearDir coatingParams(params, "Surface");
907  mirror.setCoating(params.getLength("mirrorThickness"), "Al",
908  materials.createOpticalSurfaceConfig(coatingParams));
910  // optical surface
911  std::string surfaceName = params.getString("OpticalSurface");
912  double sigmaAlpha = params.getDouble("SigmaAlpha");
913  GearDir surfaceParams(content, "Modules/Surface[@name='" + surfaceName + "']");
914  auto quartzSurface = materials.createOpticalSurfaceConfig(surfaceParams);
915  mirror.setSurface(quartzSurface, sigmaAlpha);
917  return mirror;
918  }
921  TOPGeoPrism TOPGeometryPar::createPrism(const GearDir& content,
922  const std::string& SN)
923  {
924  // dimensions and material
925  GearDir params(content, "Prisms/Prism[@SerialNumber='" + SN + "']");
926  TOPGeoPrism prism(params.getLength("Width"),
927  params.getLength("Thickness"),
928  params.getLength("Length"),
929  params.getLength("ExitThickness"),
930  0.,
931  params.getString("Material"));
932  prism.setAngle(params.getAngle("Angle"));
933  prism.setVendorData(params.getString("Vendor"), SN);
935  // optical surface
936  std::string surfaceName = params.getString("OpticalSurface");
937  double sigmaAlpha = params.getDouble("SigmaAlpha");
938  GearDir surfaceParams(content, "Modules/Surface[@name='" + surfaceName + "']");
939  auto& materials = geometry::Materials::getInstance();
940  auto quartzSurface = materials.createOpticalSurfaceConfig(surfaceParams);
941  prism.setSurface(quartzSurface, sigmaAlpha);
943  return prism;
944  }
946  std::string TOPGeometryPar::addNumber(const std::string& str, unsigned number)
947  {
948  stringstream ss;
949  if (number < 10) {
950  ss << str << "0" << number;
951  } else {
952  ss << str << number;
953  }
954  string out;
955  ss >> out;
956  return out;
957  }
959  double TOPGeometryPar::refractiveIndex(double lambda) const
960  {
961  // parameters of SellMeier equation (Matsuoka-san, 24.11.2018)
962  // from the specs of Corning HPFS 7980
963  //
964  const double b[] = {0.683740494, 0.420323613, 0.585027480};
965  const double c[] = {0.00460352869, 0.0133968856, 64.4932732};
967  double x = pow(lambda * 0.001, 2);
968  double y = 1;
969  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
970  y += b[i] * x / (x - c[i]);
971  }
972  return sqrt(y);
973  }
975  double TOPGeometryPar::getPhaseIndex(double energy) const
976  {
977  double lambda = c_hc / energy;
978  return refractiveIndex(lambda);
979  }
981  double TOPGeometryPar::getGroupIndex(double energy) const
982  {
983  double lambda = c_hc / energy;
984  double dl = 1.0; // [nm]
985  double n = refractiveIndex(lambda);
986  double dndl = (refractiveIndex(lambda + dl / 2) - refractiveIndex(lambda - dl / 2)) / dl;
987  return n / (1 + lambda / n * dndl);
988  }
990  } // End namespace TOP
992 } // End namespace Belle2
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
GearDir is the basic class used for accessing the parameter store.
Definition: GearDir.h:31
virtual int getNumberNodes(const std::string &path="") const override
Return the number of nodes a given path will expand to.
Definition: GearDir.h:58
virtual std::string getString(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false) override
Get the parameter path as a string.
Definition: GearDir.h:69
Geometry parameters of a quartz bar segment.
void setVendorData(const std::string &vendor, const std::string &serialNumber)
Sets vendor's name and serial number.
void setSurface(const GeoOpticalSurface &surface, double sigmaAlpha)
Sets optical surface.
Geometry parameters of cold plate (simplified)
Geometry parameters of forward end plate (simplified)
Geometry parameters of board stack (front-end electronic module)
void setBoardStack(double width, double height, double length, double gap, double y, const std::string &material, double spacerWidth, const std::string &spacerMaterial)
Sets board stack data.
void setHVBoard(double width, double length, double thickness, double gap, double y, const std::string &material)
Sets HV board data.
void setFrontBoard(double width, double height, double thickness, double gap, double y, const std::string &material)
Sets front board data.
Geometry parameters of honeycomb panel.
Geometry parameters of a mirror segment.
void setRadius(double radius)
Sets spherical mirror radius of curvature.
void setCenterOfCurvature(double xc, double yc)
Sets spherical mirror center of curvature.
void setCoating(double thickness, const std::string &material, const GeoOpticalSurface &surface)
Sets parameters of reflective coating.
Displacement parameters of a TOP module.
Geometry parameters of a module (optical components + positioning)
Definition: TOPGeoModule.h:31
Displacement parameters of MCP-PMT array.
Geometry parameters of MCP-PMT array.
void setSiliconeCookie(double thickness, const std::string &material)
Sets silicone cookie.
void setWavelengthFilter(double thickness, const std::string &material)
Sets wavelength filter.
void setAirGap(double gap)
Sets air gap for optically decoupled PMT's.
Geometry parameters of MCP-PMT.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:24
void setBottom(double thickness, const std::string &material)
Sets bottom.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:106
void setWindow(double thickness, const std::string &material)
Sets entrance window.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:95
void setSensVolume(double sizeX, double sizeY, double thickness, const std::string &material)
Sets sensitive volume (photo-cathode)
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:70
void setWallThickness(double thickness)
Sets wall thickness.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:49
void setWallMaterial(const std::string &material)
Sets casing material.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:55
void setNumPixels(unsigned numColumns, unsigned numRows)
Sets number of pixel rows and columns.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:84
void setFillMaterial(const std::string &material)
Sets inside material.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:61
void setReflEdge(double width, double thickness, const GeoOpticalSurface &surf)
Sets reflective edge.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:118
Geometry parameters of prism enclosure (simplified)
Geometry parameters of prism.
Definition: TOPGeoPrism.h:27
void setAngle(double angle)
Recalculates flatLength according to given prism angle.
Definition: TOPGeoPrism.h:93
Geometry parameters of Quartz Bar Box (mother class)
Definition: TOPGeoQBB.h:30
void setOuterPanel(const TOPGeoHoneycombPanel &outerPanel)
Sets outer honeycomb panel.
Definition: TOPGeoQBB.h:66
void setColdPlate(const TOPGeoColdPlate &coldPlate)
Sets forward cold plate.
Definition: TOPGeoQBB.h:96
void setPrismEnclosure(const TOPGeoPrismEnclosure &prismEnclosure)
Sets prism enclosure.
Definition: TOPGeoQBB.h:81
void setSideRails(const TOPGeoSideRails &sideRails)
Sets side rails.
Definition: TOPGeoQBB.h:75
void setInnerPanel(const TOPGeoHoneycombPanel &innerPanel)
Sets inner honeycomb panel.
Definition: TOPGeoQBB.h:57
void setEndPlate(const TOPGeoEndPlate &endPlate)
Sets forward end plate.
Definition: TOPGeoQBB.h:90
Geometry parameters of side rails (simplified)
Geometry parameters of TOP.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:34
void setCalPulseShape(const TOPSignalShape &shape)
Sets calibration pulse shape.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:124
void appendTTS(const TOPNominalTTS &tts)
Appends time transition spread of a particular PMT type.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:99
void setWavelengthFilter(const TOPWavelengthFilter &filter)
Sets wavelength filter transmittance.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:130
const TOPNominalTDC & getNominalTDC() const
Returns nominal time-to-digit conversion parameters.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:218
void setNominalTDC(const TOPNominalTDC &nominalTDC)
Sets nominal time-to-digit conversion parameters.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:112
void setQBB(const TOPGeoQBB &QBB)
Sets quartz bar box.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:81
void setFrontEnd(const TOPGeoFrontEnd &frontEnd, unsigned num=4)
Sets front-end.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:71
void setNominalQE(const TOPNominalQE &nominalQE)
Sets nominal quantum efficiency of PMT.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:87
void appendPDETuningFactor(unsigned type, double factor)
Appends photon detection efficiency tuning factor of a particular PMT type.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:106
void setSignalShape(const TOPSignalShape &signalShape)
Sets single photon signal shape.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:118
void setNominalTTS(const TOPNominalTTS &nominalTTS)
Sets nominal time transition spread of PMT.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:93
Nominal quantum efficiency of PMT.
Definition: TOPNominalQE.h:24
Nominal time-to-digit conversion parameters (simplified model)
Definition: TOPNominalTDC.h:22
double getSampleWidth() const
Returns time difference between two samples.
void setADCBits(unsigned adcBits)
Sets the number of ADC bits.
Definition: TOPNominalTDC.h:96
void setAveragePedestal(int averagePedestal)
Sets average of pedestals.
Nominal time transition spread of PMT.
Definition: TOPNominalTTS.h:23
void setPMTType(unsigned type)
Set type of PMT (see TOPPmtObsoleteData::EType for the defined types)
Definition: TOPNominalTTS.h:60
Normalized shape of single photon pulse (waveform) Pulse must be positive.
Bulk transmittance of wavelength filter.
Singleton class for TOP Geometry Parameters.
double getAngle(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a double converted to the standard angle unit.
Definition: Interface.h:299
std::vector< double > getArray(const std::string &path) const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a list of double values converted to the standard unit.
double getTime(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a double converted to the standard time unit.
Definition: Interface.h:419
double getDouble(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a double.
double getLength(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a double converted to the standard length unit.
Definition: Interface.h:259
std::vector< GearDir > getNodes(const std::string &path="") const
Get vector of GearDirs which point to all the nodes the given path evaluates to.
int getInt(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a int.
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
double normalize()
Normalize the distribution (fractions)
void appendModule(const TOPGeoModule &module)
Appends module (if its ID differs from already appended modules)
bool isModuleIDValid(int moduleID) const
Checks if module exists in m_modules.
const TOPGeoModule & getModule(int moduleID) const
Returns module.
void appendGaussian(double norm, double mean, double sigma)
Append Gaussian.
std::map< ExpRun, std::pair< double, double > > filter(const std::map< ExpRun, std::pair< double, double >> &runs, double cut, std::map< ExpRun, std::pair< double, double >> &runsRemoved)
filter events to remove runs shorter than cut, it stores removed runs in runsRemoved
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.