Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <pxd/modules/pxdPerformanceCollector/PXDPerformanceCollectorModule.h>
11 #include <framework/datastore/RelationArray.h>
13 #include <vxd/geometry/GeoCache.h>
14 #include <pxd/geometry/SensorInfo.h>
15 #include <pxd/reconstruction/PXDGainCalibrator.h>
16 #include <pxd/utilities/PXDUtilities.h>
18 #include <TTree.h>
19 #include <TH1I.h>
20 #include <TH2F.h>
21 //#include <TEfficiency.h>
23 #include <boost/format.hpp>
25 using namespace std;
26 using boost::format;
27 using namespace Belle2;
28 using namespace Belle2::PXD;
30 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
31 // Register the Module
32 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
33 REG_MODULE(PXDPerformanceCollector);
35 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
36 // Implementation
37 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
39 PXDPerformanceCollectorModule::PXDPerformanceCollectorModule() : CalibrationCollectorModule()
40  , m_selectedEff(true), m_selectedRes(true)
41  , m_pxd2TrackEvent()
42  , m_deltaD0oSqrt2(0.0), m_deltaZ0oSqrt2(0.0)
43  , m_signal(0), m_estimated(0.0)
44  , m_run(0), m_exp(0)
45 {
46  // Set module properties
47  setDescription("Calibration collector module for CDST data.");
50  addParam("minPt", m_minPt, "Minimum pt cut", float(1.0));
51  addParam("minClusterCharge", m_minClusterCharge, "Minimum cluster charge cut", int(0));
52  addParam("minClusterSize", m_minClusterSize, "Minimum cluster size cut ", int(2));
53  addParam("maxClusterSize", m_maxClusterSize, "Maximum cluster size cut ", int(6));
54  addParam("nBinsU", m_nBinsU, "Number of gain corrections per sensor along u side", int(4));
55  addParam("nBinsV", m_nBinsV, "Number of gain corrections per sensor along v side", int(6));
56  addParam("gainPayloadName", m_gainName, "Payload name for Gain to be read from DB", string(""));
57  addParam("fillChargeRatioHistogram", m_fillChargeRatioHistogram,
58  "Flag to fill Ratio (cluster charge to the expected MPV) histograms", bool(true));
59  addParam("fillChargeTree", m_fillChargeTree, "Flag to fill cluster charge with the estimated MPV to TTree", bool(false));
60  addParam("fillEventTree", m_fillEventTree, "Flag to fill event tree for validation", bool(false));
62  // additional parameters for validation. Considering modularAnalysis for more flexible controls.
63  addParam("minPt4Eff", m_minPt4Eff, "Minimum pt cut for efficiency validation", float(2.0));
64  addParam("maxAbsVx", m_maxAbsVx, "Minimum abs(Vx) cut in cm for efficiency validation", float(0.03));
65  addParam("maxAbsVy", m_maxAbsVy, "Minimum abs(Vy) cut in cm for efficiency validation", float(0.03));
66  addParam("maxAbsVz", m_maxAbsVz, "Minimum abs(Vz) cut in cm for efficiency validation", float(0.155));
68  addParam("minPt4Res", m_minPt4Res, "Minimum pt cut for resolution validation", float(1.0));
69  addParam("minSVDHits", m_minSVDHits, "Minimum number of SVD hits foor resolution validation", int(8));
70  addParam("minCDCHits", m_minCDCHits, "Minimum number of CDC hits foor resolution validation", int(21));
71  addParam("maxAbsLambda", m_maxAbsLambda, "Maximum absolute dip angle (lambda)", float(0.5));
72  addParam("minPBetaSinTheta3o2", m_minPBetaSinTheta3o2, "Minimum p*Beta*sin(theta_0)^{3/2}", float(2));
73  addParam("maxAbsZ0", m_maxAbsZ0, "Maximum abs(z0)", float(1));
74  addParam("maxAbsD0", m_maxAbsD0, "Maximum abs(d0)", float(0.3));
77 }
79 void PXDPerformanceCollectorModule::prepare() // Do your initialise() stuff here
80 {
83  if (m_nBinsU == 0) {
84  B2WARNING("Number of bins along u side incremented from 0->1");
85  m_nBinsU = 1;
86  }
88  if (m_nBinsV == 0) {
89  B2WARNING("Number of bins along v side incremented from 0->1");
90  m_nBinsV = 1;
91  }
93  auto gTools = VXD::GeoCache::getInstance().getGeoTools();
94  int nPXDSensors = gTools->getNumberOfPXDSensors();
96  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
97  // PXDClusterCounter: Count the number of PXDClusters and store charge for each uBin/vBin pair
98  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100  auto hPXDClusterCounter = new TH1I("hPXDClusterCounter", "Number of clusters found in data sample",
101  m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV * nPXDSensors, 0,
102  m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV * nPXDSensors);
103  hPXDClusterCounter->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("bin id");
104  hPXDClusterCounter->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
105  auto hPXDClusterChargeRatio = new TH2F("hPXDClusterChargeRatio", "Charge ratio of clusters found in data sample",
106  m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV * nPXDSensors, 0,
107  m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV * nPXDSensors,
108  400, 0., 4.);
109  hPXDClusterChargeRatio->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("bin id");
110  hPXDClusterChargeRatio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Cluster charge ratio (relative to expected MPV)");
111  //auto hPXDTrackClusterCounter = new TH1I("hPXDTrackClusterCounter", "Number of clusters found in data sample",
112  //m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV * nPXDSensors, 0,
113  //m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV * nPXDSensors);
114  //hPXDTrackClusterCounter->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("bin id");
115  //hPXDTrackClusterCounter->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
116  //auto hPXDTrackPointCounter = new TH1I("hPXDTrackPointCounter", "Number of clusters found in data sample",
117  //m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV * nPXDSensors, 0,
118  //m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV * nPXDSensors);
119  //hPXDTrackPointCounter->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("bin id");
120  //hPXDTrackPointCounter->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
121  for (int iSensor = 0; iSensor < nPXDSensors; iSensor++) {
122  for (int uBin = 0; uBin < m_nBinsU; uBin++) {
123  for (int vBin = 0; vBin < m_nBinsV; vBin++) {
124  VxdID id = gTools->getSensorIDFromPXDIndex(iSensor);
125  string sensorDescr = id;
126  hPXDClusterCounter->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iSensor * m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV + uBin * m_nBinsV + vBin + 1,
127  str(format("%1%_%2%_%3%") % sensorDescr % uBin % vBin).c_str());
129  hPXDClusterChargeRatio->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iSensor * m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV + uBin * m_nBinsV + vBin + 1,
130  str(format("%1%_%2%_%3%") % sensorDescr % uBin % vBin).c_str());
131  //hPXDTrackClusterCounter->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iSensor * m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV + uBin * m_nBinsV + vBin + 1,
132  //str(format("%1%_%2%_%3%") % sensorDescr % uBin % vBin).c_str());
133  //hPXDTrackPointCounter->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iSensor * m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV + uBin * m_nBinsV + vBin + 1,
134  //str(format("%1%_%2%_%3%") % sensorDescr % uBin % vBin).c_str());
135  }
136  }
137  }
139  registerObject<TH1I>("PXDClusterCounter", hPXDClusterCounter);
141  registerObject<TH2F>("PXDClusterChargeRatio", hPXDClusterChargeRatio);
143  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
144  // PXDTrackClusterCounter: Count the number of PXDClustersFrom tracks (the same track selection as for track points)
145  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
146  auto hPXDTrackClusterCounter = (TH1I*)hPXDClusterCounter->Clone("hPXDTrackClusterCounter");
147  hPXDTrackClusterCounter->SetTitle("Number of track clusters");
148  hPXDTrackClusterCounter->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of track clusters");
149  registerObject<TH1I>("PXDTrackClusterCounter", hPXDTrackClusterCounter);
151  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
152  // PXDTrackPointCounter: Count the number of PXDClustersFrom tracks (the same track selection as for track points)
153  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
154  auto hPXDTrackPointCounter = (TH1I*)hPXDClusterCounter->Clone("hPXDTrackPointCounter");
155  hPXDTrackPointCounter->SetTitle("Number of track points");
156  hPXDTrackPointCounter->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of track points");
157  registerObject<TH1I>("PXDTrackPointCounter", hPXDTrackPointCounter);
159  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
160  // PXDTrees for gain calibration: One tree to store the calibration data for each grid bin
161  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
163  if (m_fillChargeTree) // only fill the tree when required
164  for (int iSensor = 0; iSensor < nPXDSensors; iSensor++) {
165  for (int uBin = 0; uBin < m_nBinsU; uBin++) {
166  for (int vBin = 0; vBin < m_nBinsV; vBin++) {
167  VxdID id = gTools->getSensorIDFromPXDIndex(iSensor);
168  auto layerNumber = id.getLayerNumber();
169  auto ladderNumber = id.getLadderNumber();
170  auto sensorNumber = id.getSensorNumber();
171  string treename = str(format("tree_%1%_%2%_%3%_%4%_%5%") % layerNumber % ladderNumber % sensorNumber % uBin % vBin);
172  auto tree = new TTree(treename.c_str(), treename.c_str());
173  tree->Branch<int>("signal", &m_signal);
174  tree->Branch<float>("estimated", &m_estimated);
175  registerObject<TTree>(treename, tree);
176  }
177  }
178  }
180  // TEfficiency for validation, no Reset() and may be questionable for merging
181  //auto effPXDLayer1 = new TEfficiency("PXDLayer1Efficiency", "Efficiency of PXD innner layer;#phi;#z [cm];#epsilon", 730, -M_PI, M_PI, 400, -3.2, 6.2);
182  //auto effPXDLayer2 = new TEfficiency("PXDLayer2Efficiency", "Efficiency of PXD outer layer;#phi;#z [cm];#epsilon", 128, 1.4, 2.5, 400, -4.2, 8.2);
183  //registerObject<TEfficiency>("PXDLayer1Efficiency", effPXDLayer1);
184  //registerObject<TEfficiency>("PXDLayer2Efficiency", effPXDLayer2);
185  auto hTotalHitsLayer1 = new TH2F("hTotalHitsLayer1", "Total number of hits from layer 1;#phi;z [cm]", 730, -M_PI, M_PI, 400,
186  -3.2, 6.2);
187  auto hPassedHitsLayer1 = new TH2F("hPassedHitsLayer1", "Passed number of hits from layer 1;#phi;z [cm]", 730, -M_PI, M_PI, 400,
188  -3.2, 6.2);
189  auto hTotalHitsLayer2 = new TH2F("hTotalHitsLayer2", "Total number of hits from layer 2;#phi;z [cm]", 128, 1.4, 2.5, 400,
190  -4.2, 8.2);
191  auto hPassedHitsLayer2 = new TH2F("hPassedHitsLayer2", "Passed number of hits from layer 2;#phi;z [cm]", 128, 1.4, 2.5, 400,
192  -4.2, 8.2);
193  registerObject<TH2F>("hTotalHitsLayer1", hTotalHitsLayer1);
194  registerObject<TH2F>("hPassedHitsLayer1", hPassedHitsLayer1);
195  registerObject<TH2F>("hTotalHitsLayer2", hTotalHitsLayer2);
196  registerObject<TH2F>("hPassedHitsLayer2", hPassedHitsLayer2);
198  // trees for correctd d0 and z0 to the IP
199  auto treeD0Z0 = new TTree("tree_d0z0", "TTree of corrected d0 and z0");
200  treeD0Z0->Branch<float>("d0", &m_deltaD0oSqrt2);
201  treeD0Z0->Branch<float>("z0", &m_deltaZ0oSqrt2);
202  registerObject<TTree>("tree_d0z0", treeD0Z0);
204  // dbtree
205  auto dbtree = new TTree("dbtree", "dbtree");
206  dbtree->Branch<int>("run", &m_run);
207  dbtree->Branch<int>("exp", &m_exp);
208  dbtree->Branch<PXDGainMapPar>("gainMap", &m_gainMap);
209  registerObject<TTree>("dbtree", dbtree);
211  if (m_fillEventTree) {
212  auto tree = new TTree("pxd", "PXD 2-track events");
213  tree->Branch<PXD2TrackEvent>("PXD2TrackEvent", &m_pxd2TrackEvent, 8000, 1);
214  registerObject<TTree>("pxd", tree);
215  }
216 }
218 void PXDPerformanceCollectorModule::startRun() // Do your beginRun() stuff here
219 {
220  m_run = m_evtMetaData->getRun();
221  m_exp = m_evtMetaData->getExperiment();
222  if (m_gainName.length()) {
224  m_gainMap = *gainMap;
225  } else {
227  }
228  getObjectPtr<TTree>("dbtree")->Fill();
229 }
231 void PXDPerformanceCollectorModule::collect() // Do your event() stuff here
232 {
233  // If no input, nothing to do
234  if (!m_pxd2TrackEvents) return;
236  // Beam spot
237  DBObjPtr<BeamSpot> beamSpotDB;
238  auto ip = beamSpotDB->getIPPosition();
240  // Actually only one event holder / event
241  for (auto& pxd2TrackEvent : m_pxd2TrackEvents) {
242  m_selectedRes = true;
243  m_selectedEff = true;
245  auto vertex = pxd2TrackEvent.getVertex();
246  vertex -= ip; // correct vertex relative to ip
247  if (fabs(vertex.X()) > m_maxAbsVx ||
248  fabs(vertex.Y()) > m_maxAbsVy ||
249  fabs(vertex.Z()) > m_maxAbsVz)
250  m_selectedEff = false;
252  // track level selection and collection
253  collectFromTrack(pxd2TrackEvent.getTrackP());
254  collectFromTrack(pxd2TrackEvent.getTrackM());
256  // event level collection
257  collectDeltaIP(pxd2TrackEvent);
259  if (m_fillEventTree) {
260  m_pxd2TrackEvent = pxd2TrackEvent;
261  getObjectPtr<TTree>("pxd")->Fill();
262  }
263  }
265 }
268 {
269  if (!m_selectedRes) return;
270  auto d0p_1 = event.getTrackP().d0p;
271  auto d0p_2 = event.getTrackM().d0p;
272  auto z0p_1 = event.getTrackP().z0p;
273  auto z0p_2 = event.getTrackM().z0p;
274  m_deltaD0oSqrt2 = (d0p_1 + d0p_2) / sqrt(2.);
275  m_deltaZ0oSqrt2 = (z0p_1 - z0p_2) / sqrt(2.);
277  // Fill the tree of impact parameters
278  getObjectPtr<TTree>("tree_d0z0")->Fill();
279 }
282 {
283  auto gTools = VXD::GeoCache::getInstance().getGeoTools();
284  bool selected4Gain = true;
285  bool selected4Eff = true;
287  if ( < m_minPt) selected4Gain = false;
288  if ( < m_minPt4Eff) selected4Eff = false; // just applied on track level
290  // Track level filtering for resolution validation
291  if ( < m_minPt4Res) m_selectedRes = false;
292  if (track.nPXDHits < 1 || track.nCDCHits < m_minCDCHits || track.nSVDHits < m_minSVDHits)
293  m_selectedRes = false;
294  if (fabs(track.d0p) > m_maxAbsD0 || fabs(track.z0p) > m_maxAbsZ0)
295  m_selectedRes = false;
296  auto lambda0 = atan(track.tanLambda);
297  if (fabs(lambda0) > m_maxAbsLambda)
298  m_selectedRes = false;
299  auto sinTheta0 = 1. / sqrt(1. + pow(track.tanLambda, 2));
300  auto pBetaSinTheta3o2 = * 1.0 * sqrt(sinTheta0);
301  if (pBetaSinTheta3o2 < m_minPBetaSinTheta3o2)
302  m_selectedRes = false;
304  for (auto& trackCluster : track.trackClusters) {
305  bool selectedCluster = true;
306  auto cluster = trackCluster.cluster;
307  auto intersection = trackCluster.intersection;
308  auto usedInTrack = trackCluster.usedInTrack;
310  // Check for valid cluster and intersection
311  if (!usedInTrack || intersection.chargeMPV <= 0)
312  selectedCluster = false;
314  // Apply cluster selection cuts
315  if (cluster.charge < m_minClusterCharge || cluster.size < m_minClusterSize || cluster.size > m_maxClusterSize)
316  selectedCluster = false;
318  if (cluster.pxdID <= 0) {
319  B2FATAL("Unexpected cluster module id : " << cluster.pxdID);
321  }
323  // Fill tree or histograms for gain calibration
324  if (selected4Gain && selectedCluster) {
326  // Compute variables from cluster needed for gain estimation
327  m_signal = cluster.charge;
328  m_estimated = intersection.chargeMPV;
330  VxdID sensorID = PXD::getVxdIDFromPXDModuleID(cluster.pxdID);
331  const PXD::SensorInfo& Info = dynamic_cast<const PXD::SensorInfo&>(VXD::GeoCache::get(sensorID));
332  auto uID = Info.getUCellID(cluster.posU);
333  auto vID = Info.getVCellID(cluster.posV);
334  auto iSensor = gTools->getPXDSensorIndex(sensorID);
335  auto layerNumber = sensorID.getLayerNumber();
336  auto ladderNumber = sensorID.getLadderNumber();
337  auto sensorNumber = sensorID.getSensorNumber();
338  auto uBin = PXD::PXDGainCalibrator::getInstance().getBinU(sensorID, uID, vID, m_nBinsU);
339  auto vBin = PXD::PXDGainCalibrator::getInstance().getBinV(sensorID, vID, m_nBinsV);
340  // Calculate bin ID based on iSensor, uBin, vBin and number of bins in u/v
341  int binID = iSensor * m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV + uBin * m_nBinsV + vBin;
343  // Increment the counter
344  getObjectPtr<TH1I>("PXDClusterCounter")->Fill(binID);
346  // Fill variabels into tree
347  if (m_fillChargeTree) {
348  string treename = str(format("tree_%1%_%2%_%3%_%4%_%5%") % layerNumber % ladderNumber % sensorNumber % uBin % vBin);
349  getObjectPtr<TTree>(treename)->Fill();
350  }
352  // Fill cluster charge ratio histogram if enabled
354  double ratio = m_signal / m_estimated;
355  auto axis = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("PXDClusterChargeRatio")->GetYaxis();
356  double maxY = axis->GetBinCenter(axis->GetNbins());
357  // Manipulate too large ratio for better estimation on median.
358  getObjectPtr<TH2F>("PXDClusterChargeRatio")->Fill(binID, TMath::Min(ratio, maxY));
359  }
360  }
362  // Fill effciency
363  if (m_selectedEff && selected4Eff) {
364  auto x = intersection.x;
365  auto y = intersection.y;
366  auto phi = atan2(y, x);
367  auto z = intersection.z;
369  // Get uBin and vBin from a global point.
370  VxdID sensorID = PXD::getVxdIDFromPXDModuleID(cluster.pxdID);
371  const PXD::SensorInfo& Info = dynamic_cast<const PXD::SensorInfo&>(VXD::GeoCache::get(sensorID));
372  auto localPoint = Info.pointToLocal(ROOT::Math::XYZVector(x, y, z));
373  auto uID = Info.getUCellID(localPoint.X());
374  auto vID = Info.getVCellID(localPoint.Y());
375  auto iSensor = gTools->getPXDSensorIndex(sensorID);
376  auto uBin = PXD::PXDGainCalibrator::getInstance().getBinU(sensorID, uID, vID, m_nBinsU);
377  auto vBin = PXD::PXDGainCalibrator::getInstance().getBinV(sensorID, vID, m_nBinsV);
379  // Filling counters
380  getObjectPtr<TH1I>("PXDTrackPointCounter")->Fill(iSensor * m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV + uBin * m_nBinsV + vBin);
381  if (usedInTrack)
382  getObjectPtr<TH1I>("PXDTrackClusterCounter")->Fill(iSensor * m_nBinsU * m_nBinsV + uBin * m_nBinsV + vBin);
384  // Filling 2D histograms
385  if (cluster.pxdID < 2000) {
386  //getObjectPtr<TEfficiency>("PXDLayer1Efficiency")->Fill(usedInTrack,phi,z);
387  getObjectPtr<TH2F>("hTotalHitsLayer1")->Fill(phi, z);
388  if (usedInTrack)
389  getObjectPtr<TH2F>("hPassedHitsLayer1")->Fill(phi, z);
390  } else {
391  //getObjectPtr<TEfficiency>("PXDLayer2Efficiency")->Fill(usedInTrack,phi,z);
392  getObjectPtr<TH2F>("hTotalHitsLayer2")->Fill(phi, z);
393  if (usedInTrack)
394  getObjectPtr<TH2F>("hPassedHitsLayer2")->Fill(phi, z);
395  }
396  }
398  } // end loop trackClusters
400 }
Calibration collector module base class.
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
Class PXD2TrackEvent: Event data container for performance and calibration studies.
The payload class for PXD gain corrections.
Definition: PXDGainMapPar.h:43
StoreArray< PXD2TrackEvent > m_pxd2TrackEvents
Required input PXD2TrackEvent
bool m_selectedRes
Flag of selection for resolution validation.
float m_estimated
Estimated cluster charge in ADU.
float m_maxAbsVy
Maximum absolute value for y coordinate of vertex.
int m_nBinsV
Number of corrections per sensor along v side.
bool m_fillChargeRatioHistogram
Flag to fill cluster charge ratio (relative to expected MPV) histograms.
float m_minPBetaSinTheta3o2
Minimum p*Beta*sin(theta_0)^{3/2}.
bool m_selectedEff
Flag of selection for efficiency validation.
std::string m_gainName
Payload name for Gain to be read from DB.
PXDGainMapPar m_gainMap
GainMap to be stored in dbtree.
int m_nBinsU
Number of corrections per sensor along u side.
StoreObjPtr< EventMetaData > m_evtMetaData
Required input EventMetaData.
float m_maxAbsLambda
Maximum absolute dip angle (lambda)
bool m_fillEventTree
Flag to fill event tree for validation.
float m_minPt4Res
Minimum pt cut for resolution monitoring.
int m_exp
Experiment number to be stored in dbtree.
int m_minCDCHits
Minimum number of CDC hits for resolution.
float m_maxAbsVx
Maximum absolute value for x coordinate of vertex.
bool m_fillChargeTree
Flag to fill cluster charge and its estimated MPV in TTree.
void collectFromTrack(const PXD2TrackEvent::baseType &track)
Collect info on track level.
int m_minSVDHits
Minimum number of SVD hits for resolution.
float m_maxAbsVz
Maximum absolute value for z coordinate of vertex.
float m_minPt4Eff
Minimum pt cut for efficiency monitoring.
void collectDeltaIP(const PXD2TrackEvent &event)
Collect info for impact parameter study on event level.
std::string m_store2TrackEventsName
Name of the collection to use for PXD2TrackEvents.
int m_run
Run number to be stored in dbtree.
unsigned short getBinV(VxdID id, unsigned int vid) const
Get gain correction bin along sensor v side.
unsigned short getBinU(VxdID id, unsigned int uid, unsigned int vid) const
Get gain correction bin along sensor u side.
static PXDGainCalibrator & getInstance()
Main (and only) way to access the PXDGainCalibrator.
Specific implementation of SensorInfo for PXD Sensors which provides additional pixel specific inform...
Definition: SensorInfo.h:23
static GeoCache & getInstance()
Return a reference to the singleton instance.
const GeoTools * getGeoTools()
Return a raw pointer to a GeoTools object.
Definition: GeoCache.h:147
static const SensorInfoBase & get(Belle2::VxdID id)
Return a reference to the SensorInfo of a given SensorID.
Definition: GeoCache.h:139
unsigned short getNumberOfPXDSensors() const
Get number of PXD sensors.
Definition: GeoTools.h:133
ROOT::Math::XYZVector pointToLocal(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &global, bool reco=false) const
Convert a point from global to local coordinates.
int getVCellID(double v, bool clamp=false) const
Return the corresponding pixel/strip ID of a given v coordinate.
int getUCellID(double u, double v=0, bool clamp=false) const
Return the corresponding pixel/strip ID of a given u coordinate.
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
baseType getSensorNumber() const
Get the sensor id.
Definition: VxdID.h:100
baseType getLadderNumber() const
Get the ladder id.
Definition: VxdID.h:98
baseType getLayerNumber() const
Get the layer id.
Definition: VxdID.h:96
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
double atan(double a)
atan for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:34
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for simulation and reconstrucion of the PXD.
VxdID getVxdIDFromPXDModuleID(const unsigned short &id)
Helper function to get VxdID from DHE id like module iid.
Definition: PXDUtilities.h:87
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Struct to hold variables from a track which contains a vector of data type like TrackCluster.