Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #pragma once
11 #include <tracking/trackFitting/measurementCreator/measurements/PlanarMomentumMeasurement.h>
12 #include <tracking/vxdMomentumEstimation/VXDMomentumEstimation.h>
13 #include <tracking/vxdMomentumEstimation/VXDMomentumEstimationTools.h>
14 #include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h>
15 #include <tracking/dataobjects/RecoTrack.h>
17 namespace Belle2 {
26  template <class HitType>
29  public:
34  PlanarVXDMomentumMeasurement(const genfit::PlanarMeasurement& parentElement, HitType* hit, const Belle2::RecoTrack* recoTrack) :
35  PlanarMomentumMeasurement(parentElement), m_hit(hit), m_recoTrack(recoTrack)
36  {
37  rawHitCoords_.ResizeTo(1);
38  rawHitCov_.ResizeTo(1, 1);
40  setHitId(hit->getArrayIndex());
41  setDetId(getDetId());
42  }
45  virtual genfit::AbsMeasurement* clone() const override {return new PlanarVXDMomentumMeasurement(*this);}
48  virtual std::vector<genfit::MeasurementOnPlane*> constructMeasurementsOnPlane(const genfit::StateOnPlane& state) const override;
52  {
53  m_correctionFitParameters = correctionFitParameters;
54  }
57  void setSigma(double sigma)
58  {
59  m_sigma = sigma;
60  }
64  {
65  m_fitParameters = fitParameters;
66  }
69  void setUseMCInformation(bool useMCInformation)
70  {
71  m_useMCInformation = useMCInformation;
72  }
75  void setUseThickness(bool useThickness)
76  {
77  m_useThickness = useThickness;
78  }
81  void setUseTrackingSeeds(bool useTrackingSeeds)
82  {
83  m_useTrackingSeeds = useTrackingSeeds;
84  }
87  HitType* getHit() const
88  {
89  return m_hit;
90  }
92  private:
98  bool m_useThickness = false;
100  bool m_useMCInformation = true;
102  bool m_useTrackingSeeds = false;
104  double m_sigma = 0.03;
107  HitType* m_hit = nullptr;
109  const RecoTrack* m_recoTrack = nullptr;
112  int getDetId() const
113  {
114  return -1;
115  }
116  };
121  template <class HitType>
123  const genfit::StateOnPlane& state) const
124  {
128  TVectorD rawHitCoordinates(1);
129  TMatrixDSym rawHitCovariance(1);
131  // Copy the information from the current state
132  const B2Vector3D& statePosition(state.getPos());
133  const B2Vector3D& stateMomentum(state.getMom());
134  short stateCharge = state.getCharge();
137  // Copy the information from the reco track.
138  const B2Vector3D& trackPosition(m_recoTrack->getPositionSeed());
139  const B2Vector3D& trackMomentum(m_recoTrack->getMomentumSeed());
140  short trackCharge = m_recoTrack->getChargeSeed();
142  // Copy the information from the mc particle (if there is one)
143  MCParticle* relatedMCParticle = m_hit->template getRelated<MCParticle>("MCParticles");
145  ROOT::Math::XYZVector mcMomentum;
146  ROOT::Math::XYZVector mcPosition;
147  short mcCharge;
149  if (relatedMCParticle == nullptr) {
150  mcMomentum = ROOT::Math::XYZVector(trackMomentum);
151  mcPosition = ROOT::Math::XYZVector(trackPosition);
152  mcCharge = trackCharge;
153  } else {
154  mcMomentum = relatedMCParticle->getMomentum();
155  mcPosition = relatedMCParticle->getProductionVertex();
156  mcCharge = relatedMCParticle->getCharge();
157  }
159  // Copy information from the mc hit
160  const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& hitMCMomentum = momentumEstimationTools.getEntryMomentumOfMCParticle(*m_hit);
161  const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& hitMCPosition = momentumEstimationTools.getEntryPositionOfMCParticle(*m_hit);
164  if (m_useThickness) {
165  rawHitCoordinates(0) = momentumEstimator.estimateQOverPWithThickness(*m_hit, stateCharge, m_fitParameters,
166  m_correctionFitParameters);
167  } else {
168  if (m_useTrackingSeeds) {
169  if (m_useMCInformation) {
170  rawHitCoordinates(0) = momentumEstimator.estimateQOverP(*m_hit, mcMomentum, mcPosition, mcCharge,
171  m_fitParameters,
172  m_correctionFitParameters);
174  } else {
175  rawHitCoordinates(0) = momentumEstimator.estimateQOverP(*m_hit, ROOT::Math::XYZVector(trackMomentum),
176  ROOT::Math::XYZVector(trackPosition), trackCharge,
177  m_fitParameters,
178  m_correctionFitParameters);
179  }
180  } else {
181  if (m_useMCInformation) {
182  rawHitCoordinates(0) = momentumEstimator.estimateQOverP(*m_hit, hitMCMomentum, hitMCPosition, stateCharge,
183  m_fitParameters,
184  m_correctionFitParameters);
185  } else {
186  rawHitCoordinates(0) = momentumEstimator.estimateQOverP(*m_hit, ROOT::Math::XYZVector(stateMomentum),
187  ROOT::Math::XYZVector(statePosition), stateCharge,
188  m_fitParameters,
189  m_correctionFitParameters);
190  }
191  }
192  }
194  rawHitCovariance(0, 0) = m_sigma;
196  genfit::MeasurementOnPlane* mop = new genfit::MeasurementOnPlane(rawHitCoordinates, rawHitCovariance,
197  state.getPlane(), state.getRep(), constructHMatrix(state.getRep()));
198  return {mop};
199  }
202  template<>
206  template<>
210 }
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getProductionVertex() const
Return production vertex position.
Definition: MCParticle.h:189
float getCharge() const
Return the particle charge defined in TDatabasePDG.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentum() const
Return momentum.
Definition: MCParticle.h:198
Measurement class implementing a planar hit geometry (1 or 2D) with only a momentum measurement.
Measurement class implementing a planar hit geometry (1 or 2D) with a momentum measurement based on t...
void setUseTrackingSeeds(bool useTrackingSeeds)
Set whether to use tracking seeds not the current state.
VXDMomentumEstimation< HitType >::CorrectionFitParameters m_correctionFitParameters
Parameters for the correction function.
void setSigma(double sigma)
Set the measurement sigma.
bool m_useMCInformation
Use the seeds of the track finder or the seeds of the MC particles.
void setUseMCInformation(bool useMCInformation)
Set whether to use mc information.
const RecoTrack * m_recoTrack
RecoTrack for which the hit is created.
void setUseThickness(bool useThickness)
Set whether to use the thickness.
void setCorrectionFitParameters(const typename VXDMomentumEstimation< HitType >::CorrectionFitParameters &correctionFitParameters)
Set the correction fit parameters.
virtual genfit::AbsMeasurement * clone() const override
Clone the measurement.
PlanarVXDMomentumMeasurement(const genfit::PlanarMeasurement &parentElement, HitType *hit, const Belle2::RecoTrack *recoTrack)
Initialize the momentum measurement with a planar measurement as a parent, the corresponding hit and ...
bool m_useTrackingSeeds
Use the tracking seeds in the origin for calculating the path length rather than the current state.
VXDMomentumEstimation< HitType >::FitParameters m_fitParameters
Parameters for the main function.
double m_sigma
Value of the measurement sigma.
bool m_useThickness
Use the thickness of the clusters of the path length for estimating dX.
HitType * getHit() const
Get the underlaying hit (cluster).
void setFitParameters(const typename VXDMomentumEstimation< HitType >::FitParameters &fitParameters)
Set the fit parameters.
int getDetId() const
Return the detector ID.
This is the Reconstruction Event-Data Model Track.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:79
Tools needed for the VXD momentum estimation to, e.g.
static const VXDMomentumEstimationTools & getInstance()
Use this class as singleton.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getEntryMomentumOfMCParticle(const ClusterType &) const
Return the momentum of the simulated MCParticle at this cluster (by using the TrueHit associated with...
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getEntryPositionOfMCParticle(const ClusterType &) const
Return the entry position of the simulated MCParticle at this cluster (by using the TrueHit associate...
Class doing the momentum estimation from dEdX for SVDClusters and PXDClusters.
double estimateQOverP(const ClusterType &cluster, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &momentum, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &position, short charge, const FitParameters &fitParameters, const CorrectionFitParameters &correctionFitParameters) const
Main function: Estimate p over q for the given cluster and the path length calculated using the given...
double estimateQOverPWithThickness(const ClusterType &cluster, short charge, const FitParameters &fitParameters, const CorrectionFitParameters &correctionFitParameters) const
Main function: Estimate p over q for the given cluster and the thickness of the cluster with the fit ...
static const VXDMomentumEstimation & getInstance()
Use this class as a singleton.
Contains the measurement and covariance in raw detector coordinates.
Measured coordinates on a plane.
Measurement class implementing a planar hit geometry (1 or 2D).
A state with arbitrary dimension defined in a DetPlane.
Definition: StateOnPlane.h:47
virtual std::vector< genfit::MeasurementOnPlane * > constructMeasurementsOnPlane(const genfit::StateOnPlane &state) const override
Construct the measurement on the plane set in the parent element.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.