Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include <svd/modules/svdTimeCalibrationCollector/SVDClusterTimeShifterCollectorModule.h>
10 using namespace Belle2;
12 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
13 // Register the Module
14 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
15 REG_MODULE(SVDClusterTimeShifterCollector);
17 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
18 // Implementation
19 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
22 {
23  //Set module properties
25  setDescription("Collector module used to create the histograms needed for the SVD 6-Sample CoG, 3-Sample CoG and 3-Sample ELS Time calibration. "
26  "This is for the cluster-size dependent correction of the calibrated time.");
29  addParam("SVDClustersOnTrackPrefix", m_svdClustersOnTrackPrefix, "set prefix of the list of clusters on track",
31  addParam("TimeAlgorithms", m_timeAlgorithms, "set list of time algorithms", m_timeAlgorithms);
32  addParam("MaxClusterSize", m_maxClusterSize, "Maximum size of SVD clusters", m_maxClusterSize);
33  addParam("EventT0Name", m_eventT0Name, "Name of the EventT0 list", m_eventT0Name);
34 }
37 {
39  for (auto alg : m_timeAlgorithms) {
41  m_svdClustersOnTrack[alg].isRequired((m_svdClustersOnTrackPrefix + '_' + alg).data());
42  }
43  m_eventT0.isRequired(m_eventT0Name);
45  // getting all the svd sensors
47  std::vector<Belle2::VxdID> allSensors;
48  for (auto layer : geoCache.getLayers(VXD::SensorInfoBase::SVD))
49  for (auto ladder : geoCache.getLadders(layer)) {
50  for (Belle2::VxdID sensor : geoCache.getSensors(ladder))
51  allSensors.push_back(sensor);
52  break;
53  }
55  int numberOfSensorBin = 2 * int(allSensors.size());
56  B2INFO("Number of SensorBin: " << numberOfSensorBin);
58  for (auto alg : m_timeAlgorithms) {
59  TH3F* __hClusterSizeVsTimeResidual__ = new TH3F(("__hClusterSizeVsTimeResidual__" + alg).data(),
60  ("ClusterSize vs " + alg + " Time Residual").data(),
61  400, -50., 50., m_maxClusterSize, 0.5, m_maxClusterSize + 0.5,
62  numberOfSensorBin, + 0.5, numberOfSensorBin + 0.5);
63  __hClusterSizeVsTimeResidual__->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Sensor");
64  __hClusterSizeVsTimeResidual__->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Cluster Size");
65  __hClusterSizeVsTimeResidual__->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Cluster Time - EventT0 (ns)");
66  registerObject<TH3F>(__hClusterSizeVsTimeResidual__->GetName(), __hClusterSizeVsTimeResidual__);
67  }
69  TH1F* __hBinToSensorMap__ = new TH1F("__hBinToSensorMap__", "__BinToSensorMap__",
70  numberOfSensorBin, + 0.5, numberOfSensorBin + 0.5);
71  int tmpBinCnt = 0;
72  for (auto sensor : allSensors) {
73  for (auto view : {'U', 'V'}) {
74  tmpBinCnt++;
75  TString binLabel = TString::Format("L%iS%iS%c", sensor.getLayerNumber(), sensor.getSensorNumber(), view);
76  __hBinToSensorMap__->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(tmpBinCnt, binLabel);
77  }
78  }
79  registerObject<TH1F>(__hBinToSensorMap__->GetName(), __hBinToSensorMap__);
80 }
83 {
84  for (auto alg : m_timeAlgorithms)
85  getObjectPtr<TH3F>(("__hClusterSizeVsTimeResidual__" + alg).data())->Reset();
86  getObjectPtr<TH1F>("__hBinToSensorMap__")->Reset();
87 }
90 {
91  float eventT0 = 0;
92  // Set the CDC event t0 value if it exists
93  if (m_eventT0->hasTemporaryEventT0(Const::EDetector::CDC)) {
94  const auto evtT0CDC = m_eventT0->getBestCDCTemporaryEventT0();
95  eventT0 = evtT0CDC->eventT0;
96  } else {return;}
98  // Fill histograms clusters on tracks
99  for (auto alg : m_timeAlgorithms) {
101  if (!m_svdClustersOnTrack[alg].isValid()) {
102  B2WARNING("!!!! List is not Valid: isValid() = " << m_svdClustersOnTrack[alg].isValid());
103  return;
104  }
105  for (const auto& svdCluster : m_svdClustersOnTrack[alg]) {
107  // get cluster time
108  float clusterTime = svdCluster.getClsTime();
109  int clusterSize = svdCluster.getSize();
110  if (clusterSize > m_maxClusterSize) clusterSize = m_maxClusterSize;
112  TString binLabel = TString::Format("L%iS%iS%c",
113  svdCluster.getSensorID().getLayerNumber(),
114  svdCluster.getSensorID().getSensorNumber(),
115  svdCluster.isUCluster() ? 'U' : 'V');
116  int sensorBin = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("__hBinToSensorMap__")->GetXaxis()->FindBin(binLabel.Data());
117  double sensorBinCenter = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("__hBinToSensorMap__")->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(sensorBin);
118  getObjectPtr<TH3F>(("__hClusterSizeVsTimeResidual__" + alg).data())->Fill(clusterTime - eventT0, clusterSize, sensorBinCenter);
119  }
120  } // loop over alg
121 }
Calibration collector module base class.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
StoreObjPtr< EventT0 > m_eventT0
EventT0 store object pointer.
std::string m_svdClustersOnTrackPrefix
Name Prefix of the SVDClustersOnTracks store array.
std::string m_eventT0Name
Name of the EventT0 store object pointer used as parameter of the module.
void startRun() override final
Called when entering a new run.
std::vector< std::string > m_timeAlgorithms
List of time algorithms to calibrate.
std::map< TString, StoreArray< SVDCluster > > m_svdClustersOnTrack
SVDClusters store array.
Class to faciliate easy access to sensor information of the VXD like coordinate transformations or pi...
Definition: GeoCache.h:39
static GeoCache & getInstance()
Return a reference to the singleton instance.
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
Register the Module.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.