12 #include <framework/geometry/B2Vector3.h>
86 std::pair<double, double>
quantiles = {0.005, 1. - 0.005};
B2Vector3< double > B2Vector3D
typedef for common usage with double
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
simple struct containing all the configuration data needed for the SecMapTrainer.
double pTmin
stores pTCuts for min pT allowed for this .
std::vector< double > vSectorDivider
Defines the sectors boundaries in normalized v coordinates (i.e.
double pTSmear
allows smearing of the cuts.
std::vector< int > pdgCodesAllowed
Stores all the pdgCodes which are allowed to be used by the SecMap.
double mField
Magnetic field value to be set for the filters.
double seedMaxDist2IPXY
Stores a cut for maximum distance of the seed in xy of the given virtual IP.
std::pair< double, double > quantiles
the quantiles to be chosen in the end for determining the cuts first is quantile, second is 1-quantil...
std::vector< double > uSectorDivider
Defines the sectors boundaries in normalized u coordinates (i.e.
double rarenessThreshold
defined 1 == 100%, if relative frequency of sec-combi to the outer-sector is less than threshold,...
std::string secMapName
Sets the human readable proto-name of the sectorMap.
B2Vector3D vIP
Stores the position of the assumed position of the interaction point - The virtual IP.
ClassDef(SectorMapConfig, 2)
needed for the root library
double seedMaxDist2IPZ
Stores a cut for maximum distance of the seed in z of the given virtual IP.
double pTmax
stores pTCuts for min (.first) and max (.second) ptCut.
unsigned nHitsMin
Stores the minimal number of hits a TC must have to be accepted as TC (vIP-Hits are ignored).
std::vector< int > allowedLayers
stores allowed layers to be used (including virtual IP with layer 0).