14 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
15 #include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
16 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
17 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
18 #include <framework/geometry/B2Vector3.h>
20 #include <mdst/dataobjects/EventLevelTrackingInfo.h>
22 #include <tracking/trackFindingVXD/segmentNetwork/DirectedNodeNetworkContainer.h>
23 #include <tracking/trackFindingVXD/segmentNetwork/TrackNode.h>
24 #include <tracking/spacePointCreation/SpacePoint.h>
25 #include <tracking/dataobjects/FullSecID.h>
26 #include <tracking/trackFindingVXD/filterMap/map/FiltersContainer.h>
61 std::vector<Belle2::TrackNode*>
"Requested secMapName '" <<
m_PARAMsecMapName <<
"' does not exist! Can not continue...");
85 void event()
114 template <
class ObserverType>
121 template <
class ObserverType>
This class contains everything needed by the VXDTF that is not going to change during a RUN,...
static FiltersContainer & getInstance()
one and only way to access the singleton object
Class to identify a sector inside of the VXD.
The Segment Network Producer Module.
bool m_PARAMprintNetworks
If true for each event and each network a file with a graph of the network is created.
unsigned int m_eventCounter
void buildSegmentNetwork()
Use connected SpacePoints to form segments which will stored and linked in a DirectedNodeNetwork<Segm...
unsigned short m_PARAMmaxNetworkSize
Maximal size of SegmentNetwork; if exceeded, filling of SegmentNetwork will be stopped and the event ...
std::string m_PARAMNetworkOutputName
Name for network container data store object created by this module.
void initialize() override
Modul initialization: performing checks on input parameter and registration of network container in d...
unsigned int m_PARAMmaxSegmentConnections
Maximal number of Segment connections; if exceeded, filling of SegmentNetwork will be stopped and the...
StoreObjPtr< EventLevelTrackingInfo > m_eventLevelTrackingInfo
Acccess to the EventLevelTrackingInfo object in the datastore.
void buildActiveSectorNetwork(std::vector< RawSectorData > &collectedData)
Builds a DirectedNodeNetwork<ActiveSector>, containing ActiveSectors which have SpacePoints and compa...
void event() override
Event function.
std::vector< double > m_PARAMVirtualIPCoordinates
Coordinates for virtual interaction point SpacePoint.
std::string m_PARAMEventLevelTrackingInfoName
Name of the EventLevelTrackingInfo that should be used (different one for ROI-finding)
StoreObjPtr< DirectedNodeNetworkContainer > m_network
Access to the DirectedNodeNetwork, which will be produced by this module.
unsigned int m_PARAMmaxTrackNodeAddedConnections
Maximal number of added hit connections; if exceeded, filling of HitNetwork will be stopped and the e...
std::vector< StoreArray< Belle2::SpacePoint > > m_spacePoints
Contains all SPacePoint storeArrays to be evaluated.
Constructor of the module.
unsigned int m_PARAMmaxSegmentAddedConnections
Maximal number of added Segment connections; if exceeded, filling of SegmentNetwork will be stopped a...
std::vector< RawSectorData > matchSpacePointToSectors()
Create TrackNodes from SpacePoints and collect fullSecIDs of 'active' sectors with SpacePoints for th...
VXDTFFilters< SpacePoint > * m_vxdtfFilters
Pointer to the current filters, contains all sectorCombinations and Filters including cuts.
std::vector< double > m_PARAMVirtualIPErrors
Errors on coordinates for virtual interaction point SpacePoint.
void beginRun() override
Begin Run which load the filters from the provided SectorMap and checks if this was successful.
std::string m_PARAMsecMapName
Name of SectorMap used for this instance.
FiltersContainer< SpacePoint > & m_filtersContainer
Reference to container which contains all the sector to filter maps and with it the VXDTFFilters.
bool m_PARAMallFiltersOff
If true, all filters are deactivated for all hit-combinations and therefore all combinations are acce...
B2Vector3D m_virtualIPCoordinates
Member Variables.
unsigned short m_PARAMmaxTrackNodeConnections
Maximal number of hit connections; if exceeded, filling of HitNetwork will be stopped and the event s...
bool m_PARAMprintToMathematica
If true a file containing Mathematica code to generate a graph of the segment network is created.
const StaticSectorType * findSectorForSpacePoint(const SpacePoint &aSP)
Returns pointer to static sector of a provided SpacePoint; returns nullptr if no sector could be foun...
bool buildTrackNodeNetwork()
Evaluate TrackNodes in the ActiveSectors and link them if they fulfill the filter criteria of the Sec...
std::vector< std::string > m_PARAMSpacePointsArrayNames
Module Parameters.
B2Vector3D m_virtualIPErrors
Vector for errors on coordinates of virtual IP.
bool m_PARAMAddVirtualIP
Boolean to set whether to add an additional SpacePoint as a virtual interaction point.
SpacePoint typically is build from 1 PXDCluster or 1-2 SVDClusters.
double getNormalizedLocalV() const
Return normalized local coordinates of the cluster in v (0 <= posV <= 1).
VxdID getVxdID() const
Return the VxdID of the sensor on which the the cluster of the SpacePoint lives.
double getNormalizedLocalU() const
Return normalized local coordinates of the cluster in u (0 <= posU <= 1).
class to describe a static sector of the sector map.
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Class that contains all the static sectors to which the filters are attached.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Simple struct for collecting raw data for a single sector.
bool wasCreated
Whether the sector was already added to the network.
ActiveSector< StaticSectorType, TrackNode > * sector
Stores a sector if one is found, nullptr else.
FullSecID secID
secID of rawSector
const StaticSectorType * staticSector
Stores a static sector.
std::vector< Belle2::TrackNode * > hits
collects the hits found on this sector