Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #pragma once
11 #include <TH1F.h>
12 #include <TH2F.h>
13 #include <TGraphErrors.h>
14 #include <calibration/CalibrationAlgorithm.h>
15 #include <cdc/dbobjects/CDCGeometry.h>
16 #include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
18 namespace Belle2 {
23  namespace CDC {
29  // typedef std::array<float, 3> array3; /**< angle bin info. */
30  public:
39  void setDebug(bool debug = false) {m_debug = debug; }
42  void setMinimumNDF(double ndf) {m_minNdf = ndf;}
45  void setMinimumPval(double pval) {m_minPval = pval;}
48  void setBinWidth(double bw) {m_binWidth = bw;}
51  void setBField(bool bfield) {m_bField = bfield;}
54  void setStoreHisto(bool storeHist = false) {m_storeHisto = storeHist;}
57  void enableTextOutput(bool output = true) {m_textOutput = output;}
60  void setOutputFileName(std::string outputname) {m_outputFileName.assign(outputname);}
63  void setHistFileName(const std::string& name) {m_histName = "histSigma_" + name + ".root";}
66  void setThreshold(double th = 0.6) {m_threshold = th;}
68  protected:
70  EResult calibrate() override;
72  void createHisto();
74  void storeHisto();
76  void write();
78  void prepare();
81  double getUpperBoundaryForFit(TGraphErrors* graph)
82  {
83  double ymax = 0;
84  double xmax = 0;
85  int imax = 0;
86  double x, y;
87  int unCount = floor(0.05 / m_binWidth);
88  int N = graph->GetN();
89  int Nstart = floor(0.5 * (N - unCount));
90  int Nend = N - unCount;
91  for (int i = Nstart; i < Nend; ++i) {
92  graph->GetPoint(i, x, y);
93  if (graph->GetErrorY(i) > 0.06E-3) continue;
94  if (y > ymax) {
95  xmax = x; ymax = y;
96  imax = i;
97  }
98  }
99  if (imax <= Nstart) {
100  graph->GetPoint(Nend, x, y);
101  xmax = x;
102  }
103  return xmax;
104  }
106  private:
107  static const int Max_nalpha = 18;
108  static const int Max_ntheta = 7;
109  static const unsigned short Max_np = 40;
111  double m_minNdf = 5;
112  double m_minPval = 0.;
113  double m_binWidth = 0.05;
114  bool m_debug = false;
115  bool m_storeHisto = false;
116  bool m_bField = true;
117  double m_threshold = 0.6 ;
118  double m_sigma[56][2][18][7][8];
119  TGraphErrors* m_gFit[56][2][18][7];
120  TGraphErrors* m_graph[56][2][18][7];
121  TH2F* m_hBiased[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta];
127  int m_fitStatus[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta] = {{{{0}}}} ;
131  float m_lowerAlpha[18];
132  float m_upperAlpha[18];
133  float m_iAlpha[18];
134  float m_lowerTheta[7];
135  float m_upperTheta[7];
136  float m_iTheta[7];
137  unsigned short m_sigmaParamMode = 0;
139  double m_sigmaPost[56][2][18][7][8];
140  unsigned short m_sigmaParamModePost;
142  bool m_textOutput = false;
143  std::string m_outputFileName = "sigma_new.dat";
144  std::string m_histName = "histSigma.root";
146  };
147  }
149 }
void setStoreHisto(bool storeHist=false)
Store histograms durring the calibration or not.
TH1F * m_hSigmaBiased[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
sigma histogram of biased residual
void setOutputFileName(std::string outputname)
output file name
void prepare()
Prepare the calibration of space resolution.
double m_threshold
minimal requirement for the fraction of fitted results
unsigned short m_sigmaParamMode
sigma mode for this calibration.
unsigned short m_sigmaParamModePost
sigma mode before this calibration.
TH1F * m_hMeanBiased[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
mean histogram biased residual
double m_sigmaPost[56][2][18][7][8]
sigma prameters before calibration
double getUpperBoundaryForFit(TGraphErrors *graph)
search max point at boundary region
void setMinimumNDF(double ndf)
minimum NDF required for track
TH2F * m_hBiased[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
2D histogram of biased residual
static const unsigned short Max_np
Maximum number of point =1/binwidth.
void enableTextOutput(bool output=true)
Enable text output of calibration result.
bool m_bField
Work with BField, fit range and initial parameters is different incase B and noB.
TH1F * m_hSigmaUnbiased[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
sigma histogram of ubiased residual
void setHistFileName(const std::string &name)
Set name for histogram output.
TH1F * m_hMeanUnbiased[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
mean histogram of unbiased residual
void setThreshold(double th=0.6)
Set threshold for the fraction of fitted results.
TGraphErrors * m_gFit[56][2][18][7]
sigma*sigma graph for fit
int m_fitStatus[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
Fit flag; 1:OK ; 0:error.
TH2F * m_hUnbiased[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
2D histogram of unbiased residual
Base class for calibration algorithms.
The result of calibration.
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.