Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include <iostream>
9 #include <cdc/calibration/SpaceResolutionCalibrationAlgorithm.h>
10 #include <cdc/geometry/CDCGeometryPar.h>
11 #include <cdc/dbobjects/CDCSpaceResols.h>
13 #include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
14 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
16 #include "TF1.h"
17 #include "TH1F.h"
18 #include "TH2F.h"
19 #include "TROOT.h"
20 #include "TError.h"
21 #include "TMinuit.h"
22 #include <TStopwatch.h>
24 using namespace std;
25 using namespace Belle2;
26 using namespace CDC;
28 typedef std::array<float, 3> array3;
29 SpaceResolutionCalibrationAlgorithm::SpaceResolutionCalibrationAlgorithm() :
30  CalibrationAlgorithm("CDCCalibrationCollector")
31 {
33  " -------------------------- Position Resolution Calibration Algorithm -------------------------\n"
34  );
35 }
37 {
38  B2INFO("Creating histograms");
39  const int np = floor(1 / m_binWidth);
41  vector<double> yu;
42  vector <double> yb;
43  for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
44  yb.push_back(-0.07 + i * (0.14 / 50));
45  }
46  for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
47  yu.push_back(-0.08 + i * (0.16 / 50));
48  }
50  vector<double> xbin;
51  xbin.push_back(0.);
52  xbin.push_back(0.02);
53  for (int i = 1; i < np; ++i) {
54  xbin.push_back(i * m_binWidth);
55  }
57  for (int il = 0; il < 56; ++il) {
58  for (int lr = 0; lr < 2; ++lr) {
59  for (int al = 0; al < m_nAlphaBins; ++al) {
60  for (int th = 0; th < m_nThetaBins; ++th) {
61  m_hBiased[il][lr][al][th] = new TH2F(Form("hb_%d_%d_%d_%d", il, lr, al, th),
62  Form("lay_%d_lr%d_al_%3.0f_th_%3.0f;Drift Length [cm];#DeltaX", il, lr, m_iAlpha[al], m_iTheta[th]),
63  xbin.size() - 1, &, yb.size() - 1, &;
64  m_hUnbiased[il][lr][al][th] = new TH2F(Form("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d", il, lr, al, th),
65  Form("lay_%d_lr%d_al_%3.0f_th_%3.0f;Drift Length [cm];#DeltaX", il, lr, m_iAlpha[al], m_iTheta[th]),
66  xbin.size() - 1, &, yu.size() - 1, &;
67  }
68  }
69  }
70  }
73  auto tree = getObjectPtr<TTree>("tree");
75  UChar_t lay;
76  Float_t w;
77  Float_t x_u;
78  Float_t x_b;
79  Float_t x_mea;
80  Float_t Pval;
81  Float_t alpha;
82  Float_t theta;
83  Float_t ndf;
84  Float_t absRes_u;
85  Float_t absRes_b;
86  tree->SetBranchAddress("lay", &lay);
87  tree->SetBranchAddress("ndf", &ndf);
88  tree->SetBranchAddress("Pval", &Pval);
89  tree->SetBranchAddress("x_u", &x_u);
90  tree->SetBranchAddress("x_b", &x_b);
91  tree->SetBranchAddress("x_mea", &x_mea);
92  tree->SetBranchAddress("weight", &w);
93  tree->SetBranchAddress("alpha", &alpha);
94  tree->SetBranchAddress("theta", &theta);
96  /* Disable unused branch */
97  std::vector<TString> list_vars = {"lay", "ndf", "Pval", "x_u", "x_b", "x_mea", "weight", "alpha", "theta"};
98  tree->SetBranchStatus("*", 0);
100  for (TString brname : list_vars) {
101  tree->SetBranchStatus(brname, 1);
102  }
105  const Long64_t nEntries = tree->GetEntries();
106  B2INFO("Number of entries: " << nEntries);
107  int ith = -99;
108  int ial = -99;
109  TStopwatch timer;
110  timer.Start();
111  for (Long64_t i = 0; i < nEntries; ++i) {
112  tree->GetEntry(i);
113  if (std::fabs(x_b) < 0.02 || std::fabs(x_u) < 0.02) continue;
114  if (Pval < m_minPval || ndf < m_minNdf) continue;
116  for (int k = 0; k < m_nAlphaBins; ++k) {
117  if (alpha < m_upperAlpha[k]) {
118  ial = k;
119  break;
120  }
121  }
123  for (int j = 0; j < m_nThetaBins; ++j) {
124  if (theta < m_upperTheta[j]) {
125  ith = j;
126  break;
127  }
128  }
130  int ilr = x_u > 0 ? 1 : 0;
132  if (ial == -99 || ith == -99) {
133  TString command = Form("Error in alpha=%3.2f and theta = %3.2f>> error", alpha, theta);
134  B2FATAL("ERROR" << command);
135  }
137  absRes_u = fabs(x_mea) - fabs(x_u);
138  absRes_b = fabs(x_mea) - fabs(x_b);
140  int ilay = static_cast<int>(lay);
141  m_hUnbiased[ilay][ilr][ial][ith]->Fill(fabs(x_u), absRes_u, w);
142  m_hBiased[ilay][ilr][ial][ith]->Fill(fabs(x_b), absRes_b, w);
143  }
145  timer.Stop();
146  B2INFO("Time to fill histograms: " << timer.RealTime() << "s");
148  B2INFO("Start to obtain the biased and unbiased sigmas...");
149  TF1* gb = new TF1("gb", "gaus", -0.05, 0.05);
150  TF1* gu = new TF1("gu", "gaus", -0.06, 0.06);
151  TF1* g0b = new TF1("g0b", "gaus", -0.015, 0.07);
152  TF1* g0u = new TF1("g0u", "gaus", -0.015, 0.08);
154  std::vector<double> sigma;
155  std::vector<double> dsigma;
156  std::vector<double> s2;
157  std::vector<double> ds2;
158  std::vector<double> xl;
159  std::vector<double> dxl;
160  std::vector<double> dxl0;
162  ofstream ofss("IntReso.dat");
163  const int ib1 = int(0.1 / m_binWidth) + 1;
164  int firstbin = 1;
165  int minEntry = 10;
166  for (int il = 0; il < 56; ++il) {
167  for (int lr = 0; lr < 2; ++lr) {
168  for (int al = 0; al < m_nAlphaBins; ++al) {
169  for (int th = 0; th < m_nThetaBins; ++th) {
171  B2DEBUG(21, "layer-lr-al-th " << il << " - " << lr << " - " << al << " - " << th);
172  if (m_hBiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetEntries() < 5000) {
173  m_fitStatus[il][lr][al][th] = -1;
174  continue;
175  }
177  auto* proYb = m_hBiased[il][lr][al][th]->ProjectionY();
178  auto* proYu = m_hUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->ProjectionY();
180  g0b->SetParLimits(0, 0, m_hBiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetEntries() * 5);
181  g0u->SetParLimits(0, 0, m_hUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetEntries() * 5);
182  g0b->SetParLimits(1, -0.01, 0.004);
183  g0u->SetParLimits(1, -0.01, 0.004);
184  g0b->SetParLimits(2, 0.0, proYb->GetRMS() * 5);
185  g0u->SetParLimits(2, 0.0, proYu->GetRMS() * 5);
187  g0b->SetParameter(0, m_hBiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetEntries());
188  g0u->SetParameter(0, m_hUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetEntries());
189  g0b->SetParameter(1, 0);
190  g0u->SetParameter(1, 0);
191  g0b->SetParameter(2, proYb->GetRMS());
192  g0u->SetParameter(2, proYu->GetRMS());
194  B2DEBUG(21, "Nentries: " << m_hBiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetEntries());
195  m_hBiased[il][lr][al][th]->SetDirectory(0);
196  m_hUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->SetDirectory(0);
198  // With biased track fit result
200  // Apply slice fit for the region near sense wire
201  m_hBiased[il][lr][al][th]->FitSlicesY(g0b, firstbin, ib1, minEntry);
203  // mean
204  m_hMeanBiased[il][lr][al][th] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hb_%d_%d_%d_%d_1", il, lr, al, th))->Clone(Form("hb_%d_%d_%d_%d_m", il,
205  lr, al,
206  th));
207  // sigma
208  m_hSigmaBiased[il][lr][al][th] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hb_%d_%d_%d_%d_2", il, lr, al, th))->Clone(Form("hb_%d_%d_%d_%d_s",
209  il, lr, al,
210  th));
211  m_hMeanBiased[il][lr][al][th]->SetDirectory(0);
212  m_hSigmaBiased[il][lr][al][th]->SetDirectory(0);
214  //Apply slice fit for other regions
215  m_hBiased[il][lr][al][th]->FitSlicesY(gb, ib1 + 1, np, minEntry);
216  // mean
217  m_hMeanBiased[il][lr][al][th]->Add((TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hb_%d_%d_%d_%d_1", il, lr, al, th)));
218  //sigma
219  m_hSigmaBiased[il][lr][al][th]->Add((TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hb_%d_%d_%d_%d_2", il, lr, al, th)));
220  B2DEBUG(21, "entries (2nd): " << m_hSigmaBiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetEntries());
222  // With unbiased track fit result
224  // Apply slice fit for the region near sense wire
225  m_hUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->FitSlicesY(g0u, firstbin, ib1, minEntry);
226  // mean
227  m_hMeanUnbiased[il][lr][al][th] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d_1", il, lr, al, th))->Clone(Form("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d_m",
228  il, lr, al,
229  th));
230  // sigma
231  m_hSigmaUnbiased[il][lr][al][th] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d_2", il, lr, al, th))->Clone(Form("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d_s",
232  il, lr, al,
233  th));
234  m_hMeanUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->SetDirectory(0);
235  m_hSigmaUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->SetDirectory(0);
238  //Apply slice fit for other regions
239  m_hUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->FitSlicesY(gu, ib1 + 1, np, minEntry);
240  //mean
241  m_hMeanUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->Add((TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d_1", il, lr, al, th)));
242  //sigma
243  m_hSigmaUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->Add((TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d_2", il, lr, al, th)));
244  if (!m_hSigmaUnbiased[il][lr][al][th] || !m_hSigmaBiased[il][lr][al][th]) {
245  B2WARNING("sliced histo not found");
246  m_fitStatus[il][lr][al][th] = -1;
247  continue;
248  }
249  //clean up container before adding new values.
250  xl.clear();
251  dxl.clear();
252  dxl0.clear();
253  sigma.clear();
254  dsigma.clear();
255  s2.clear();
256  ds2.clear();
259  for (int j = 1; j < m_hSigmaUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetNbinsX(); j++) {
260  if (m_hSigmaUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetBinContent(j) == 0) continue;
261  if (m_hSigmaBiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetBinContent(j) == 0) continue;
262  double sb = m_hSigmaBiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetBinContent(j);
263  double su = m_hSigmaUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetBinContent(j);
265  double dsb = m_hSigmaBiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetBinError(j);
266  double dsu = m_hSigmaUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetBinError(j);
267  double XL = m_hSigmaBiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(j);
268  double dXL = (m_hSigmaBiased[il][lr][al][th]->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(j)) / 2;
269  double s_int = std::sqrt(sb * su);
270  double ds_int = 0.5 * s_int * (dsb / sb + dsu / su);
271  if (ds_int > 0.02) continue;
272  xl.push_back(XL);
273  dxl.push_back(dXL);
274  dxl0.push_back(0.);
275  sigma.push_back(s_int);
276  dsigma.push_back(ds_int);
277  s2.push_back(s_int * s_int);
278  ds2.push_back(2 * s_int * ds_int);
279  ofss << il << " " << lr << " " << al << " " << th << " " << j << " " << XL << " " << dXL << " " << s_int << " " <<
280  ds_int << endl;
281  }
283  if (xl.size() < 7 || xl.size() > Max_np) {
284  m_fitStatus[il][lr][al][th] = -1;
285  B2WARNING("number of element might out of range"); continue;
286  }
288  //Intrinsic resolution
289  B2DEBUG(21, "Create Histo for layer-lr: " << il << " " << lr);
290  m_graph[il][lr][al][th] = new TGraphErrors(xl.size(), &, &, &, &;
291  m_graph[il][lr][al][th]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
292  m_graph[il][lr][al][th]->SetMarkerStyle(8);
293  m_graph[il][lr][al][th]->SetTitle(Form("Layer_%d lr%d #alpha = %3.0f #theta = %3.0f", il, lr, m_iAlpha[al], m_iTheta[th]));
294  m_graph[il][lr][al][th]->SetName(Form("lay%d_lr%d_al%d_th%d", il, lr, al, th));
296  //square of sigma for fitting
297  m_gFit[il][lr][al][th] = new TGraphErrors(xl.size(), &, &, &, &;
298  m_gFit[il][lr][al][th]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
299  m_gFit[il][lr][al][th]->SetMarkerStyle(8);
300  m_gFit[il][lr][al][th]->SetTitle(Form("L%d lr%d #alpha = %3.0f #theta = %3.0f ", il, lr, m_iAlpha[al], m_iTheta[th]));
301  m_gFit[il][lr][al][th]->SetName(Form("sigma2_lay%d_lr%d_al%d_th%d", il, lr, al, th));
303  gDirectory->Delete("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d_0");
304  }
305  }
306  }
307  }
308  ofss.close();
310 }
313 {
315  B2INFO("Start calibration");
316  gPrintViaErrorHandler = true; // Suppress huge log output from TMinuit
317  gROOT->SetBatch(1);
318  gErrorIgnoreLevel = 3001;
320  const auto exprun = getRunList()[0];
321  B2INFO("ExpRun used for DB Geometry : " << exprun.first << " " << exprun.second);
322  updateDBObjPtrs(1, exprun.second, exprun.first);
323  // B2INFO("Creating CDCGeometryPar object");
324  // CDC::CDCGeometryPar::Instance(&(*m_cdcGeo));
326  prepare();
327  createHisto();
329  TF1* func = new TF1("func", "[0]/(x*x + [1])+[2]* x+[3]+[4]*exp([5]*(x-[6])*(x-[6]))", 0, 1.);
330  TH1F* hprob = new TH1F("h1", "", 20, 0, 1);
331  double upFit;
332  double intp6;
334  for (int i = 0; i < 56; ++i) {
335  for (int lr = 0; lr < 2; ++lr) {
336  for (int al = 0; al < m_nAlphaBins; ++al) {
337  for (int th = 0; th < m_nThetaBins; ++th) {
338  if (!m_gFit[i][lr][al][th]) continue;
339  if (m_fitStatus[i][lr][al][th] != -1) { /*if graph exist, do fitting*/
340  upFit = getUpperBoundaryForFit(m_gFit[i][lr][al][th]);
341  intp6 = upFit + 0.2;
342  B2DEBUG(199, "xmax for fitting: " << upFit);
344  func->SetParameters(5E-6, 0.007, 1E-4, 1E-5, 0.00008, -30, intp6);
345  func->SetParLimits(0, 1E-7, 1E-4);
346  func->SetParLimits(1, 0.0045, 0.02);
347  func->SetParLimits(2, 1E-6, 0.0005);
348  func->SetParLimits(3, 1E-8, 0.0005);
349  func->SetParLimits(4, 0., 0.001);
350  func->SetParLimits(5, -40, 0.);
351  func->SetParLimits(6, intp6 - 0.5, intp6 + 0.2);
353  B2DEBUG(21, "Fitting for layer: " << i << "lr: " << lr << " ial" << al << " ith:" << th);
354  B2DEBUG(21, "Fit status before fit:" << m_fitStatus[i][lr][al][th]);
356  for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
358  B2DEBUG(21, "loop: " << j);
359  B2DEBUG(21, "Int p6: " << intp6);
360  B2DEBUG(21, "Number of Point: " << m_gFit[i][lr][al][th]->GetN());
361  Int_t stat = m_gFit[i][lr][al][th]->Fit("func", "MQE", "", 0.05, upFit);
362  B2DEBUG(21, "stat of fit" << stat);
363  std::string Fit_status = gMinuit->fCstatu.Data();
364  B2DEBUG(21, "FIT STATUS: " << Fit_status);
365  if (Fit_status == "OK" || Fit_status == "SUCCESSFUL" || Fit_status == "CALL LIMIT"
366  || Fit_status == "PROBLEMS") {//need to found better way
367  if (fabs(func->Eval(0.3)) > 0.00035 || func->Eval(0.3) < 0) {
368  func->SetParameters(5E-6, 0.007, 1E-4, 1E-7, 0.0007, -30, intp6 + 0.05 * j);
369  func->SetParLimits(6, intp6 + 0.05 * j - 0.5, intp6 + 0.05 * j + 0.2);
370  // func->SetParameters(defaultparsmall);
371  m_fitStatus[i][lr][al][th] = 0;
372  } else {
373  B2DEBUG(21, "Prob of fit: " << func->GetProb());
374  m_fitStatus[i][lr][al][th] = 1;
375  break;
376  }
377  } else {
378  m_fitStatus[i][lr][al][th] = 0;
379  func->SetParameters(5E-6, 0.007, 1E-4, 1E-7, 0.0007, -30, intp6 + 0.05 * j);
380  func->SetParLimits(6, intp6 + 0.05 * j - 0.5, intp6 + 0.05 * j + 0.2);
381  upFit += 0.025;
382  if (j == 9) {
383  // TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 600, 600);
384  // m_gFit[i][lr][al][th]->Draw();
385  // c1->SaveAs(Form("Sigma_Fit_Error_%s_%d_%d_%d_%d.png", Fit_status.c_str(), i, lr, al, th));
386  // B2WARNING("Fit error: " << i << " " << lr << " " << al << " " << th);
387  }
388  }
389  }
390  if (m_fitStatus[i][lr][al][th] == 1) {
391  B2DEBUG(21, "ProbFit: Lay_lr_al_th: " << i << " " << lr << " " << al << " " << th << func->GetProb());
392  hprob->Fill(func->GetProb());
393  func->GetParameters(m_sigma[i][lr][al][th]);
394  }
395  }
396  }
397  }
398  }
399  }
401  write();
402  storeHisto();
404  const int nTotal = 56 * 2 * m_nAlphaBins * m_nThetaBins;
405  int nFitCompleted = 0;
406  for (int l = 0; l < 56; ++l) {
407  for (int lr = 0; lr < 2; ++lr) {
408  for (int al = 0; al < m_nAlphaBins; ++al) {
409  for (int th = 0; th < m_nThetaBins; ++th) {
410  if (m_fitStatus[l][lr][al][th] == 1) {
411  nFitCompleted += 1;
412  }
413  }
414  }
415  }
416  }
418  if (static_cast<double>(nFitCompleted) / nTotal < m_threshold) {
419  B2WARNING("Less than " << m_threshold * 100 << " % of Sigmas were fitted.");
420  return c_NotEnoughData;
421  }
423  return c_OK;
424 }
427 {
428  B2INFO("saving histograms");
430  TFile* ff = new TFile(m_histName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
431  TDirectory* top = gDirectory;
432  TDirectory* Direct[56];
434  auto hNDF = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("hNDF");
435  auto hPval = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("hPval");
436  auto hEvtT0 = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("hEventT0");
437  //store NDF, P-val. EventT0 histogram for monitoring during calibration
438  if (hNDF && hPval && hEvtT0) {
439  hEvtT0->Write();
440  hPval->Write();
441  hNDF->Write();
442  }
445  for (int il = 0; il < 56; ++il) {
446  top->cd();
447  Direct[il] = gDirectory->mkdir(Form("lay_%d", il));
448  Direct[il]->cd();
450  for (int lr = 0; lr < 2; ++lr) {
451  for (int al = 0; al < m_nAlphaBins; ++al) {
452  for (int th = 0; th < m_nThetaBins; ++th) {
453  if (!m_graph[il][lr][al][th]) continue;
454  if (!m_gFit[il][lr][al][th]) continue;
455  if (m_fitStatus[il][lr][al][th] == 1) {
456  m_hBiased[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
457  m_hUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
458  m_hMeanBiased[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
459  m_hSigmaBiased[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
460  m_hMeanUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
461  m_hSigmaUnbiased[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
462  m_graph[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
463  m_gFit[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
464  }
465  }
466  }
467  }
468  }
469  ff->Close();
470  B2INFO("Finish store histogram");
472 }
474 {
475  B2INFO("Writing calibrated sigma's");
476  int nfitted = 0;
477  int nfailure = 0;
479  CDCSpaceResols* dbSigma = new CDCSpaceResols();
481  const float deg2rad = M_PI / 180.0;
483  for (unsigned short i = 0; i < m_nAlphaBins; ++i) {
484  std::array<float, 3> alpha3 = {m_lowerAlpha[i]* deg2rad,
485  m_upperAlpha[i]* deg2rad,
486  m_iAlpha[i]* deg2rad
487  };
488  dbSigma->setAlphaBin(alpha3);
489  }
492  for (unsigned short i = 0; i < m_nThetaBins; ++i) {
493  std::array<float, 3> theta3 = {m_lowerTheta[i]* deg2rad,
494  m_upperTheta[i]* deg2rad,
495  m_iTheta[i]* deg2rad
496  };
497  dbSigma->setThetaBin(theta3);
498  }
501  for (int ialpha = 0; ialpha < m_nAlphaBins; ++ialpha) {
502  for (int itheta = 0; itheta < m_nThetaBins; ++itheta) {
503  for (int iCL = 0; iCL < 56; ++iCL) {
504  for (int iLR = 1; iLR >= 0; --iLR) {
505  std::vector<float> sgbuff;
506  if (m_fitStatus[iCL][iLR][ialpha][itheta] == 1) {
507  nfitted += 1; // inclement number of successfully fitted sigma's
508  for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
509  sgbuff.push_back(m_sigma[iCL][iLR][ialpha][itheta][i]);
510  }
511  } else {
512  //B2WARNING("Fitting error and old sigma will be used. (Layer " << iCL << ") (lr = " << iLR <<
513  // ") (al = " << ialpha << ") (th = " << itheta << ")");
514  nfailure += 1; // inclement number of fit failed sigma's
515  for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
516  sgbuff.push_back(m_sigmaPost[iCL][iLR][ialpha][itheta][i]);
517  }
518  }
519  dbSigma->setSigmaParams(iCL, iLR, ialpha, itheta, sgbuff);
520  }
521  }
522  }
523  }
525  if (m_textOutput == true) {
526  dbSigma->outputToFile(m_outputFileName);
527  }
529  saveCalibration(dbSigma, "CDCSpaceResols");
531  B2RESULT("Number of histogram: " << 56 * 2 * m_nAlphaBins * m_nThetaBins);
532  B2RESULT("Histos succesfully fitted: " << nfitted);
533  B2RESULT("Histos fit failure: " << nfailure);
536 }
539 {
540  B2INFO("Prepare calibration of space resolution");
542  const double rad2deg = 180 / M_PI;
544  DBObjPtr<CDCSpaceResols> dbSigma;
546  m_nAlphaBins = dbSigma->getNoOfAlphaBins();
547  m_nThetaBins = dbSigma->getNoOfThetaBins();
549  B2INFO("Number of alpha bins: " << m_nAlphaBins);
550  for (int i = 0; i < m_nAlphaBins; ++i) {
551  array3 alpha = dbSigma->getAlphaBin(i);
552  m_lowerAlpha[i] = alpha[0] * rad2deg;
553  m_upperAlpha[i] = alpha[1] * rad2deg;
554  m_iAlpha[i] = alpha[2] * rad2deg;
555  }
557  B2INFO("Number of theta bins: " << m_nThetaBins);
558  for (int i = 0; i < m_nThetaBins; ++i) {
559  array3 theta = dbSigma->getThetaBin(i);
560  m_lowerTheta[i] = theta[0] * rad2deg;
561  m_upperTheta[i] = theta[1] * rad2deg;
562  m_iTheta[i] = theta[2] * rad2deg;
563  }
564  m_sigmaParamModePost = dbSigma->getSigmaParamMode();
566  for (unsigned short iCL = 0; iCL < 56; ++iCL) {
567  for (unsigned short iLR = 0; iLR < 2; ++iLR) {
568  for (unsigned short iA = 0; iA < m_nAlphaBins; ++iA) {
569  for (unsigned short iT = 0; iT < m_nThetaBins; ++iT) {
570  const std::vector<float> params = dbSigma->getSigmaParams(iCL, iLR, iA, iT);
571  unsigned short np = params.size();
572  // std::cout <<"np4sigma= " << np << std::endl;
573  for (unsigned short i = 0; i < np; ++i) {
574  m_sigmaPost[iCL][iLR][iA][iT][i] = params[i];
575  }
576  }
577  }
578  }
579  }
580 }
internal precision of FFTW codelets
Database object for space resolutions.
void setSigmaParams(const SigmaID sigmaID, const std::vector< float > &params)
Set sigma parameters for the specified id.
void setThetaBin(const array3 &theta)
Set theta-angle bin (rad)
void outputToFile(std::string fileName) const
Output the contents in text file format.
void setAlphaBin(const array3 &alpha)
Set alpha-angle bin (rad)
void setSigmaParamMode(unsigned short mode)
Set sigma parameterization mode.
TH1F * m_hSigmaBiased[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
sigma histogram of biased residual
void prepare()
Prepare the calibration of space resolution.
double m_threshold
minimal requirement for the fraction of fitted results
unsigned short m_sigmaParamMode
sigma mode for this calibration.
unsigned short m_sigmaParamModePost
sigma mode before this calibration.
TH1F * m_hMeanBiased[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
mean histogram biased residual
double m_sigmaPost[56][2][18][7][8]
sigma prameters before calibration
double getUpperBoundaryForFit(TGraphErrors *graph)
search max point at boundary region
TH2F * m_hBiased[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
2D histogram of biased residual
static const unsigned short Max_np
Maximum number of point =1/binwidth.
TH1F * m_hSigmaUnbiased[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
sigma histogram of ubiased residual
TH1F * m_hMeanUnbiased[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
mean histogram of unbiased residual
TGraphErrors * m_gFit[56][2][18][7]
sigma*sigma graph for fit
int m_fitStatus[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
Fit flag; 1:OK ; 0:error.
TH2F * m_hUnbiased[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
2D histogram of unbiased residual
Base class for calibration algorithms.
void saveCalibration(TClonesArray *data, const std::string &name)
Store DBArray payload with given name with default IOV.
void updateDBObjPtrs(const unsigned int event, const int run, const int experiment)
Updates any DBObjPtrs by calling update(event) for DBStore.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Set algorithm description (in constructor)
The result of calibration.
@ c_OK
Finished successfuly =0 in Python.
@ c_NotEnoughData
Needs more data =2 in Python.
const std::vector< Calibration::ExpRun > & getRunList() const
Get the list of runs for which calibration is called.
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.