Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <trg/ecl/modules/trgeclDQM/TRGECLEventTimingDQMModule.h>
10 #include <framework/core/HistoModule.h>
11 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
12 #include <iostream>
13 #include <string>
14 using namespace Belle2;
20 {
22  setDescription("ECL trigger event timing histograms");
27  m_histEventT0FineXMin = -150;
30  for (int iii = 0; iii < c_NBinEventT0; iii++) {
31  if (iii <= 1) {
32  m_histEventT0NBin.push_back(100);
33  m_histEventT0XMin.push_back(-200);
34  m_histEventT0XMax.push_back(200);
35  } else if (iii <= 5) {
36  m_histEventT0NBin.push_back(100);
37  m_histEventT0XMin.push_back(-100);
38  m_histEventT0XMax.push_back(100);
39  } else {
40  m_histEventT0NBin.push_back(50);
41  m_histEventT0XMin.push_back(-50);
42  m_histEventT0XMax.push_back(50);
43  }
44  }
45 }
49 {
50  delete m_trgecl_map;
51 }
54 {
56  TDirectory* oldDir = gDirectory;
57  oldDir->mkdir("TRGECLEventTiming")->cd();
59  m_histMaxTCE =
60  new TH1F("h_MaxTCE",
61  "[TRGECL] Most Energetic TC Energy ; max TC Energy (ADC) ; Entries / 10 ADC",
62  140, 0, 1400);
64  new TH1F("h_MaxTCId",
65  "[TRGECL] Most Energetic TC ID ; max TC ID ; Entries",
66  578, 0, 578);
68  new TH1F("h_MaxTCThetaId",
69  "[TRGECL] Most Energetic TC Theta ID ; max TC #theta ID ; Entries",
70  19, 0, 19);
72  new TH1F("h_EventTimingQuality",
73  "[TRGECL] Event timing quality ; Event timing quality ; Entries",
74  4, 0, 4);
77  new TH1F("h_EventT0Coarse",
78  "[TRGECL] EventT0 with coarse event timing ; EventT0 (ns) ; Entries / 2 ns",
81  new TH1F("h_EventT0Fine",
82  "[TRGECL] EventT0 with fine event timing ; EventT0 (ns) ; Entries / 2 ns",
85  // set label for h_EventTimingQuality
86  m_histEventTimingQuality->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "None");
87  m_histEventTimingQuality->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "Coarse");
88  m_histEventTimingQuality->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "Fine");
89  m_histEventTimingQuality->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "Super fine");
91  // EventT0 histograms for different TC energy region
92  for (int energyBin = 0; energyBin < c_NBinEventT0; energyBin++) {
94  // set TC energy(ADC) ranges for each histogram
95  std::stringstream ss1, ss2;
96  ss1 << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << std::to_string(10 + 20 * energyBin);
97  ss2 << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << std::to_string(10 + 20 * (energyBin + 1));
98  TString ECUT1 = ss1.str() + "to" + ss2.str();
99  TString ECUT2 = ss1.str() + "-" + ss2.str();
101  // EventT0
102  m_histEventT0[energyBin] =
103  new TH1F("h_EventT0_MaxTCE_" + ECUT1 + "",
104  "[TRGECL] EventT0 MaxTCE (" + ECUT2 + " ADC) ; EventT0 (ns); Entries / 2 ns",
105  m_histEventT0NBin[energyBin],
106  m_histEventT0XMin[energyBin],
107  m_histEventT0XMax[energyBin]);
108  }
110  oldDir->cd();
111 }
114 {
115  m_eventT0.isOptional();
117 }
120 {
122  if (!m_eventT0.isValid()) {
123  B2DEBUG(20, "No EventT0 is found.");
124  return;
125  }
127  if (!m_objTrgSummary.isValid()) {
128  B2DEBUG(20, "No TRGSummary is found.");
129  return;
130  }
132  m_histMaxTCE->Reset();
133  m_histMaxTCId->Reset();
134  m_histMaxTCThetaId->Reset();
135  m_histEventTimingQuality->Reset();
136  m_histEventT0Coarse->Reset();
137  m_histEventT0Fine->Reset();
139  for (int energyBin = 0; energyBin < c_NBinEventT0; energyBin++) {
140  m_histEventT0[energyBin]->Reset();
141  }
143 }
146 {
148  // check TRGSummary object
149  if (!m_objTrgSummary.isValid()) {
150  B2DEBUG(20, "TRGSummary object not available");
151  return;
152  }
156  int m_L1TimingSrc = m_objTrgSummary->getTimType();
157  // accept only event that L1 timing is from ECL trigger
158  if (m_L1TimingSrc != 0) {
159  B2DEBUG(20, "This event is not deternied by ECL trigger.");
160  return ;
161  }
163  // Skip this event if there is no EventT0, to avoid crashing other DQM
164  if (!m_eventT0.isOptional()) {
165  B2DEBUG(20, "No EventT0 is found.");
166  return;
167  }
169  // Determine if there is a valid EventT0 to use and then extract the information about it
170  if (!m_eventT0.isValid()) {
171  B2DEBUG(20, "No valid EventT0 is found.");
172  return ;
173  }
175  // get event timing window of ecl trigger
176  int evt_win = -1000;
177  int evt_time_win = -1000;
179  evt_win = iii.getEvtWin();
180  evt_time_win = iii.getEvtTimeWin();
181  }
182  int flag_win_a = -1;
183  int flag_win_b = -1;
184  if (evt_win == 3) {
185  if (evt_time_win == -1) {
186  flag_win_a = 2;
187  flag_win_b = 3;
188  } else {
189  flag_win_a = 3;
190  flag_win_b = 4;
191  }
192  } else if (evt_win == 4) {
193  if (evt_time_win == -1) {
194  flag_win_a = 3;
195  flag_win_b = 4;
196  } else {
197  flag_win_a = 4;
198  flag_win_b = 5;
199  }
200  } else {
201  B2DEBUG(20, "L1 timing is out of ETM hit window");
202  return;
203  }
205  // TC information
206  int MaxTCEnergy = 0;
207  int MaxTCId = -1000;
208  int MaxTCThetaId = 0;
209  for (const TRGECLUnpackerStore& iii : m_trgeclUnpackerStores) {
210  // L1 window selection
211  int hit_win = iii.getHitWin();
212  if (!(hit_win == flag_win_a ||
213  hit_win == flag_win_b)) { continue; }
214  int TCId = iii.getTCId();
215  int TCEnergy = iii.getTCEnergy();
216  if (TCId < 1 || TCId > 576 || TCEnergy == 0) { continue; }
217  // select most energetic TC
218  if (TCEnergy > MaxTCEnergy) {
219  MaxTCEnergy = TCEnergy;
220  MaxTCId = TCId;
221  MaxTCThetaId = m_trgecl_map->getTCThetaIdFromTCId(TCId);
222  }
223  }
224  if (MaxTCId == -1000) {
225  B2DEBUG(20, "No max TC is found.");
226  return;
227  }
228  m_histMaxTCE->Fill(MaxTCEnergy);
229  m_histMaxTCId->Fill(MaxTCId);
230  m_histMaxTCThetaId->Fill(MaxTCThetaId);
232  // Event timing quality from TRGSummary
233  // 0=none, 1=coarse, 2=fine, 3=super fine
234  int gdlTimQuality = m_objTrgSummary->getTimQuality();
235  m_histEventTimingQuality->Fill(gdlTimQuality);
237  // get EventT0
238  const double eventT0 =
239  m_eventT0->hasEventT0() ?
240  m_eventT0->getEventT0() : -1000;
242  // EventT0 with coarse or fine event timing
243  if (gdlTimQuality == 1) {
244  // coarse
245  if (eventT0 > m_histEventT0CoarseXMin &&
246  eventT0 < m_histEventT0CoarseXMax) {
247  m_histEventT0Coarse->Fill(eventT0);
248  }
249  } else if (gdlTimQuality >= 2) {
250  // fine or super fine
251  if (eventT0 > m_histEventT0FineXMin &&
252  eventT0 < m_histEventT0FineXMax) {
253  m_histEventT0Fine->Fill(eventT0);
254  }
255  }
257  // set TC energy region for EventT0
258  bool IsMaxTCEnergy[c_NBinEventT0] = {false};
259  int EnergyBinWidth = 20;
260  for (int idx = 0; idx < c_NBinEventT0; idx++) {
261  if (MaxTCEnergy >= 10 + EnergyBinWidth * idx &&
262  MaxTCEnergy <= 10 + EnergyBinWidth * (idx + 1)) {
263  IsMaxTCEnergy[idx] = true;
264  }
265  }
267  // fill EventT0 for different TC energy region
268  for (int binADC = 0 ; binADC < c_NBinEventT0; binADC++) {
269  if (IsMaxTCEnergy[binADC] == true) {
270  if (eventT0 > m_histEventT0XMin[binADC] &&
271  eventT0 < m_histEventT0XMax[binADC]) {
272  m_histEventT0[binADC]->Fill(eventT0);
273  }
274  }
275  }
277 }
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Definition: HistoModule.h:29
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
double m_histEventT0FineXMin
x-axis minimum for EventT0 with fine event timing
StoreObjPtr< EventT0 > m_eventT0
EventT0 data object.
double m_histEventT0FineXMax
x-axis maximum for EventT0 with fine event timing
TH1F * m_histEventTimingQuality
Event Timing Quality from TRGSummary.
std::vector< double > m_histEventT0XMin
x axis minimum for EventT0 histogram
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize the module.
virtual void event() override
This method is called for each event.
StoreArray< TRGECLUnpackerStore > m_trgeclUnpackerStores
Trg ECL UnpakcerStore.
TH1F * m_histEventT0Coarse
EventT0 with coarse event timing.
StoreObjPtr< TRGSummary > m_objTrgSummary
Trigger Summary data object.
virtual void beginRun() override
This method is called for each run.
TH1F * m_histEventT0Fine
EventT0 with fine event timing.
TrgEclMapping * m_trgecl_map
ecl trigger map
std::vector< int > m_histEventT0NBin
the number of bin for EventT0 histogram
StoreArray< TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore > m_trgeclUnpackerEvtStores
Trg ECL UnpakcerEvtStore.
TH1F * m_histEventT0[c_NBinEventT0]
EventT0 for different max TC E region.
double m_histEventT0CoarseXMin
x-axis minimum for EventT0 with coarse event timing
double m_histEventT0CoarseXMax
x-axis maximum for EventT0 with coarse event timing
static const int c_NBinEventT0
The number of EventT0 histogram for different max TC E region.
std::vector< double > m_histEventT0XMax
x axis maximum for EventT0 histogram
virtual void defineHisto() override
Defination of histograms.
A class of TC Mapping.
Definition: TrgEclMapping.h:26
int getTCThetaIdFromTCId(int)
get [TC Theta ID] from [TC ID]
Register the Module.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.