12 #include <analysis/VertexFitting/KFit/KFitConst.h>
13 #include <analysis/VertexFitting/KFit/KFitError.h>
14 #include <analysis/VertexFitting/KFit/KFitBase.h>
16 #include <framework/geometry/B2Vector3.h>
90 double getCHIsq(
const override;
Class to store reconstructed particles.
KFitBase is a base class for kinematical fitters.
ECode is a error code enumerate.
KFitTrack is a container of the track information (Lorentz vector, position, and error matrix),...
VertexFitKFit is a derived class from KFitBase to perform vertex-constraint kinematical fit.
enum KFitError::ECode setIpTubeProfile(const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &p, const HepPoint3D &x, const CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &e, const double q)
Set a virtual IP-tube track for the vertex constraint fit.
enum KFitError::ECode doFit5(void)
Perform a fixed-vertex-position fit mainly for slow pion.
enum KFitError::ECode setKnownVertex(const bool flag=true)
Tell the object to perform a fit with vertex position fixed.
enum KFitError::ECode prepareInputMatrix(void) override
Build grand matrices for minimum search from input-track properties.
enum KFitError::ECode doFit4(void)
Perform a IP-ellipsoid and vertex-constraint fit.
enum KFitError::ECode calculateNDF(void) override
Calculate an NDF of the fit.
enum KFitError::ECode setInitialVertex(const HepPoint3D &v)
Set an initial vertex point for the vertex-vertex constraint fit.
double getCHIsq(void) const override
Get a chi-square of the fit.
KFitTrack m_TubeTrack
Entity of the virtual IP-tube track.
Construct an object with no argument.
enum KFitError::ECode deleteTube(void)
Delete the virtual tube track to m_Tracks just after the internal minimization call.
bool m_FlagTube
Flag if to perform IP-tube constraint fit.
bool m_FlagKnownVertex
Flag controlled by setKnownVertex().
enum KFitError::ECode updateMother(Particle *mother)
Update mother particle.
const CLHEP::HepSymMatrix getVertexError(void) const
Get a fitted vertex error matrix.
enum KFitError::ECode prepareInputSubMatrix(void) override
Build sub-matrices for minimum search from input-track properties.
CLHEP::HepSymMatrix m_BeamError
Error matrix modeling the IP ellipsoid.
enum KFitError::ECode doFit(void)
Perform a vertex-constraint fit.
double getTrackPartCHIsq(void) const
Get a sum of the chi-square associated to the input tracks.
enum KFitError::ECode doFit3(void)
Perform a standard vertex-constraint fit including IP-tube constraint.
Destruct the object.
enum KFitError::ECode makeCoreMatrix(void) override
Build matrices using the kinematical constraint.
HepPoint3D m_AfterVertex
Vertex position after the fit.
std::vector< CLHEP::HepMatrix > m_AfterTrackVertexError
Array of vertex error matrices after the fit.
double m_EachCHIsq[KFitConst::kMaxTrackCount2]
Container of chi-square's of the input tracks.
double getTrackCHIsq(const int id) const override
Get a chi-square of the track.
enum KFitError::ECode setCorrelationMode(const bool m)
Tell the object to perform a fit with track correlations.
int getTrackPartNDF(void) const
Get an NDF relevant to the getTrackPartCHIsq().
bool m_FlagBeam
Flag if to perform IP-ellipsoid constraint fit.
int m_iTrackTube
ID of the virtual tube track in the m_Tracks.
enum KFitError::ECode setIpProfile(const HepPoint3D &ip, const CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &ipe)
Set an IP-ellipsoid shape for the vertex constraint fit.
const HepPoint3D getVertex(const int flag=KFitConst::kAfterFit) const
Get a vertex position.
double m_CHIsqVertex
chi-square of the fit excluding IP-constraint part.
double getCHIsqVertex(void) const
Get a chi-square of the fit excluding IP-constraint part.
enum KFitError::ECode appendTube(void)
Add the virtual tube track to m_Tracks just before the internal minimization call.
CLHEP::HepSymMatrix m_AfterVertexError
Vertex error matrix after the fit.
bool m_CorrelationMode
Flag controlled by setCorrelationMode().
enum KFitError::ECode prepareOutputMatrix(void) override
Build an output error matrix.
const CLHEP::HepMatrix getTrackVertexError(const int id) const
Get a vertex error matrix of the track.
HepPoint3D m_BeforeVertex
Vertex position before the fit.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
static const int kMaxTrackCount2
Maximum track size (internal use)
static const int kAfterFit
Input parameter to specify after-fit when setting/getting a track attribute.