10 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/findlets/base/Findlet.h>
11 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/findlets/minimal/EPreferredDirection.h>
13 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/topology/ISuperLayer.h>
14 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/topology/EWirePosition.h>
16 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/geometry/Vector3D.h>
18 #include <cdc/geometry/CDCGeometryParConstants.h>
20 #include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
21 #include <cdc/dbobjects/CDClayerTimeCut.h>
34 class TDCCountTranslatorBase;
35 class ADCCountTranslatorBase;
37 namespace TrackFindingCDC {
114 std::array<float, ISuperLayerUtil::c_N>
m_maxDriftTimes = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
Class for accessing objects in the database.
The Module parameter list class.
Class representing a hit wire in the central drift chamber.
Interface for a minimal algorithm part that wants to expose some parameters to a module.
A three dimensional vector.
Combines the geometrical information and the raw hit information into wire hits, which can be used fr...
std::string m_param_wirePosition
Parameter : Geometry set to be used. Either "base", "misalign" or " aligned".
EPreferredDirection m_flightTimeEstimation
Method for the initial time of flight estimation.
std::array< bool, ISuperLayerUtil::c_N > m_useSuperLayers
Bits for the used super layers.
void initialize() final
Signals the beginning of the event processing.
void beginRun() final
Signal the beginning of a new run.
EWirePosition m_wirePosition
Geometry set to be used.
std::vector< int > m_param_useMCParticleIds
Parameter : Indices of the Monte Carlo particles for which hits should be used.
std::tuple< double, double, double > m_param_triggerPoint
Parameter : Location of the flight time zero.
std::unique_ptr< CDC::TDCCountTranslatorBase > m_tdcCountTranslator
TDC Count translator to be used to calculate the initial dirft length estiamtes.
std::string getDescription() final
Short description of the findlet.
std::string m_param_flightTimeEstimation
Parameter : Method for the initial time of flight estimation as string.
Default destructor.
std::vector< uint > m_param_useLayers
Parameter : List of layers to be used.
DBObjPtr< CDClayerTimeCut > m_DBCDClayerTimeCut
Cut for approximate drift time (super-layer dependent)
std::vector< uint > m_param_ignoreLayers
Parameter : List of layers to be ignored in tracking e.g. for simulating too high occupancy.
void exposeParameters(ModuleParamList *moduleParamList, const std::string &prefix) final
Expose the parameters to a module.
std::tuple< double, double > m_param_useDegreeSector
Parameter : Angular range in degrees for which hits should be unpacked.
std::array< bool, c_maxNSenseLayers > m_useLayers
Bits for the used layers.
Default constructor.
std::unique_ptr< CDC::ADCCountTranslatorBase > m_adcCountTranslator
ADC Count translator to be used to calculate the charge deposit in the drift cell.
std::vector< int > m_param_useSuperLayers
Parameter : List of super layers to be used - mostly for debugging.
bool m_param_ignoreWireSag
Parameter : Switch to deactivate the sag of the wires for the concerns of the track finders.
void apply(std::vector< CDCWireHit > &outputWireHits) final
Main algorithm creating the wire hits.
std::array< Vector2D, 2 > m_useSector
Unit vectors denoting the sector for which hits should be created.
std::array< float, ISuperLayerUtil::c_N > m_maxDriftTimes
Cut for approximate drift time (super-layer dependent)
bool m_param_useBadWires
Parameter : If true, the hits on bad wires are not ignored.
std::vector< float > m_param_maxDriftTimes
Parameter : Cut for approximate drift time (super-layer dependent)
bool m_param_useSecondHits
Parameter : If true, the second hit information will be used to create Wire Hits.
Vector3D m_triggerPoint
Central location of the flight time zero position. Usually the location of the trigger.
HepGeom::Vector3D< double > Vector3D
3D Vector
Wire position set.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.