Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
SVDDQMExpressRecoModule Class Reference

SVD DQM Module for Express Reco. More...

#include <SVDDQMExpressRecoModule.h>

Inheritance diagram for SVDDQMExpressRecoModule:
Collaboration diagram for SVDDQMExpressRecoModule:

Public Types

enum  EModulePropFlags {
  c_Input = 1 ,
  c_Output = 2 ,
  c_ParallelProcessingCertified = 4 ,
  c_HistogramManager = 8 ,
  c_InternalSerializer = 16 ,
  c_TerminateInAllProcesses = 32 ,
  c_DontCollectStatistics = 64
 Each module can be tagged with property flags, which indicate certain features of the module. More...
typedef ModuleCondition::EAfterConditionPath EAfterConditionPath
 Forward the EAfterConditionPath definition from the ModuleCondition.

Public Member Functions

 SVDDQMExpressRecoModule ()
 SVDDQMExpressRecoModule (const SVDDQMExpressRecoModule &)=delete
 Copy constructor (disabled)
SVDDQMExpressRecoModuleoperator= (const SVDDQMExpressRecoModule &)=delete
 Operator = (disabled)
void initialize () override final
 Module function initialize.
void terminate () override final
 Module function terminate.
void beginRun () override final
 Module function beginRun.
void event () override final
 Module function event.
void defineHisto () override final
 Histogram definitions such as TH1(), TH2(), TNtuple(), TTree().... More...
virtual void endRun () override
 Function to process end_run record.
virtual std::vector< std::string > getFileNames (bool outputFiles)
 Return a list of output filenames for this modules. More...
const std::string & getName () const
 Returns the name of the module. More...
const std::string & getType () const
 Returns the type of the module (i.e. More...
const std::string & getPackage () const
 Returns the package this module is in.
const std::string & getDescription () const
 Returns the description of the module.
void setName (const std::string &name)
 Set the name of the module. More...
void setPropertyFlags (unsigned int propertyFlags)
 Sets the flags for the module properties. More...
LogConfiggetLogConfig ()
 Returns the log system configuration.
void setLogConfig (const LogConfig &logConfig)
 Set the log system configuration.
void setLogLevel (int logLevel)
 Configure the log level.
void setDebugLevel (int debugLevel)
 Configure the debug messaging level.
void setAbortLevel (int abortLevel)
 Configure the abort log level.
void setLogInfo (int logLevel, unsigned int logInfo)
 Configure the printed log information for the given level. More...
void if_value (const std::string &expression, const std::shared_ptr< Path > &path, EAfterConditionPath afterConditionPath=EAfterConditionPath::c_End)
 Add a condition to the module. More...
void if_false (const std::shared_ptr< Path > &path, EAfterConditionPath afterConditionPath=EAfterConditionPath::c_End)
 A simplified version to add a condition to the module. More...
void if_true (const std::shared_ptr< Path > &path, EAfterConditionPath afterConditionPath=EAfterConditionPath::c_End)
 A simplified version to set the condition of the module. More...
bool hasCondition () const
 Returns true if at least one condition was set for the module.
const ModuleConditiongetCondition () const
 Return a pointer to the first condition (or nullptr, if none was set)
const std::vector< ModuleCondition > & getAllConditions () const
 Return all set conditions for this module.
bool evalCondition () const
 If at least one condition was set, it is evaluated and true returned if at least one condition returns true. More...
std::shared_ptr< PathgetConditionPath () const
 Returns the path of the last true condition (if there is at least one, else reaturn a null pointer). More...
Module::EAfterConditionPath getAfterConditionPath () const
 What to do after the conditional path is finished. More...
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Path > > getAllConditionPaths () const
 Return all condition paths currently set (no matter if the condition is true or not).
bool hasProperties (unsigned int propertyFlags) const
 Returns true if all specified property flags are available in this module. More...
bool hasUnsetForcedParams () const
 Returns true and prints error message if the module has unset parameters which the user has to set in the steering file.
const ModuleParamListgetParamList () const
 Return module param list.
template<typename T >
ModuleParam< T > & getParam (const std::string &name) const
 Returns a reference to a parameter. More...
bool hasReturnValue () const
 Return true if this module has a valid return value set.
int getReturnValue () const
 Return the return value set by this module. More...
std::shared_ptr< PathElementclone () const override
 Create an independent copy of this module. More...
std::shared_ptr< boost::python::list > getParamInfoListPython () const
 Returns a python list of all parameters. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void exposePythonAPI ()
 Exposes methods of the Module class to Python.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void def_initialize ()
 Wrappers to make the methods without "def_" prefix callable from Python. More...
virtual void def_beginRun ()
 Wrapper method for the virtual function beginRun() that has the implementation to be used in a call from Python.
virtual void def_event ()
 Wrapper method for the virtual function event() that has the implementation to be used in a call from Python.
virtual void def_endRun ()
 This method can receive that the current run ends as a call from the Python side. More...
virtual void def_terminate ()
 Wrapper method for the virtual function terminate() that has the implementation to be used in a call from Python.
void setDescription (const std::string &description)
 Sets the description of the module. More...
void setType (const std::string &type)
 Set the module type. More...
template<typename T >
void addParam (const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
 Adds a new parameter to the module. More...
template<typename T >
void addParam (const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description)
 Adds a new enforced parameter to the module. More...
void setReturnValue (int value)
 Sets the return value for this module as integer. More...
void setReturnValue (bool value)
 Sets the return value for this module as bool. More...
void setParamList (const ModuleParamList &params)
 Replace existing parameter list.

Private Member Functions

std::list< ModulePtrgetModules () const override
 no submodules, return empty list
std::string getPathString () const override
 return the module name.
void setParamPython (const std::string &name, const boost::python::object &pyObj)
 Implements a method for setting boost::python objects. More...
void setParamPythonDict (const boost::python::dict &dictionary)
 Implements a method for reading the parameter values from a boost::python dictionary. More...

Private Attributes

StoreObjPtr< TRGSummarym_objTrgSummary
 Trigger Summary data object.
StoreObjPtr< SVDEventInfom_svdEventInfo
 SVDEventInfo data object.
bool m_desynchSVDTime = false
 if TRUE: svdTime back in SVD time reference
StoreObjPtr< SoftwareTriggerResultm_resultStoreObjectPointer
 Store Object for reading the trigger decision.
bool m_skipRejectedEvents = true
 if true skip events rejected by HLT (default)
bool m_additionalPlots = false
 additional plots flag
TList * m_histoList = nullptr
 list of cumulative histograms
int m_expNumber = 0
 experiment number
int m_runNumber = 0
 run number
int m_ShowAllHistos = 0
 Flag to show all histos in DQM, default = 0 (do not show)
float m_CutSVDCharge = 0.0
 cut for accepting strips to hitmap histogram default = 0 ADU
float m_CutSVDClusterCharge = 0.0
 cut for accepting clusters to hitmap histogram, default = 0 ke-
std::string m_histogramDirectoryName
 Name of the histogram directory in ROOT file.
std::string m_storeNoZSSVDShaperDigitsName
 not zero-suppressed SVDShaperDigits StoreArray name
std::string m_storeSVDShaperDigitsName
 SVDShaperDigits StoreArray name.
std::string m_storeSVDClustersName
 SVDClusters StoreArray name.
TH1F * m_nEvents = nullptr
 number of events
TH1F * m_hitMapCountsU = nullptr
 Hitmaps u of Digits.
TH1F * m_hitMapCountsV = nullptr
 Hitmaps v of Digits.
TH1F * m_hitMapClCountsU = nullptr
 Hitmaps u of Clusters.
TH1F * m_hitMapClCountsV = nullptr
 Hitmaps v of Clusters.
TH1F * m_hitMapCountsChip = nullptr
 Hitmaps of digits on chips.
TH1F * m_hitMapClCountsChip = nullptr
 Hitmaps of clusters on chips.
TH1F ** m_firedU = nullptr
 Fired u strips per event.
TH1F ** m_firedV = nullptr
 Fired v strips per event.
TH1F ** m_clustersU = nullptr
 number of u clusters per event
TH1F ** m_clustersV = nullptr
 number of v clusters per event
TH1F ** m_clusterChargeU = nullptr
 u charge of clusters
TH1F ** m_clusterChargeV = nullptr
 v charge of clusters
TH1F * m_clusterChargeUAll = nullptr
 u charge of clusters for all sensors
TH1F * m_clusterChargeVAll = nullptr
 v charge of clusters for all sensors
TH1F * m_clusterChargeU3 = nullptr
 u charge of clusters for layer 3 sensors
TH1F * m_clusterChargeV3 = nullptr
 v charge of clusters for layer 3 sensors
TH1F * m_clusterChargeU456 = nullptr
 u charge of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors
TH1F * m_clusterChargeV456 = nullptr
 v charge of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors
TH1F ** m_clusterSNRU = nullptr
 u SNR of clusters per sensor
TH1F ** m_clusterSNRV = nullptr
 v SNR of clusters per sensor
TH1F * m_clusterSNRUAll = nullptr
 u SNR of clusters for all sensors
TH1F * m_clusterSNRVAll = nullptr
 v SNR of clusters for all sensors
TH1F * m_clusterSNRU3 = nullptr
 u SNR of clusters for layer 3 sensors
TH1F * m_clusterSNRV3 = nullptr
 v SNR of clusters for layer 3 sensors
TH1F * m_clusterSNRU456 = nullptr
 u SNR of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors
TH1F * m_clusterSNRV456 = nullptr
 v SNR of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors
TH1F * m_stripMaxBinUAll = nullptr
 u MaxBin of strips for all sensors (offline Zero Suppression)
TH1F * m_stripMaxBinVAll = nullptr
 v MaxBin of strips for all sensors (offline Zero Suppression)
TH1F * m_stripMaxBinU3 = nullptr
 u MaxBin of strips for layer 3 sensors (offline Zero Suppression)
TH1F * m_stripMaxBinV3 = nullptr
 v MaxBin of strips for layer 3 sensors (offline Zero Suppression)
TH1F * m_stripMaxBinU6 = nullptr
 u MaxBin of strips for layer 6 sensors (offline Zero Suppression)
TH1F * m_stripMaxBinV6 = nullptr
 v MaxBin of strips for layer 6 sensors (offline Zero Suppression)
TH1F ** m_stripSignalU = nullptr
 u charge of strips
TH1F ** m_stripSignalV = nullptr
 v charge of strips
TH1F ** m_stripCountU = nullptr
 u strip count
TH1F ** m_stripCountV = nullptr
 v strip count
TH1F ** m_onlineZSstripCountU = nullptr
 u strip count (online Zero Suppression)
TH1F ** m_onlineZSstripCountV = nullptr
 v strip count (online Zero Suppression
TH1F ** m_stripCountGroupId0U = nullptr
 U strip count for cluster time group Id = 0.
TH1F ** m_stripCountGroupId0V = nullptr
 V strip count for cluster time group Id = 0.
TH1F ** m_strip3CountU = nullptr
 u strip count for 3 samples
TH1F ** m_strip3CountV = nullptr
 v strip count for 3 samples
TH1F ** m_onlineZSstrip3CountU = nullptr
 u strip count (online Zero Suppression) for 3 samples
TH1F ** m_onlineZSstrip3CountV = nullptr
 v strip count (online Zero Suppression for 3 samples
TH1F ** m_strip6CountU = nullptr
 u strip count for 6 samples
TH1F ** m_strip6CountV = nullptr
 v strip count for 3 samples
TH1F ** m_onlineZSstrip6CountU = nullptr
 u strip count (online Zero Suppression) for 6 samples
TH1F ** m_onlineZSstrip6CountV = nullptr
 v strip count (online Zero Suppression for 6 samples
TH1F ** m_clusterSizeU = nullptr
 u size
TH1F ** m_clusterSizeV = nullptr
 v size
TH2F * m_clusterTimeGroupIdU = nullptr
 time group id for U side
TH2F * m_clusterTimeGroupIdV = nullptr
 time group id for V side
TH2F * m_clusterTime3GroupIdU = nullptr
 time group id for U side for fine trigger
TH2F * m_clusterTime3GroupIdV = nullptr
 time group id for V side for fine trigger
TH2F * m_clusterTime6GroupIdU = nullptr
 time group id for U side for coarse trigger
TH2F * m_clusterTime6GroupIdV = nullptr
 time group id for V side for coarse trigger
TH1F ** m_clusterTimeU = nullptr
 u time
TH1F ** m_clusterTimeV = nullptr
 v time
TH1F * m_clusterTimeUAll = nullptr
 u time of clusters for all sensors
TH1F * m_clusterTimeVAll = nullptr
 v time of clusters for all sensors
TH1F * m_clusterTimeU3 = nullptr
 u Time of clusters for layer 3 sensors
TH1F * m_clusterTimeV3 = nullptr
 v Time of clusters for layer 3 sensors
TH1F * m_clusterTimeU456 = nullptr
 u Time of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors
TH1F * m_clusterTimeV456 = nullptr
 v Time of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors
TH1F * m_cluster3TimeU3 = nullptr
 u Time of clusters for layer 3 sensors for 3 samples
TH1F * m_cluster3TimeV3 = nullptr
 v Time of clusters for layer 3 sensors for 3 samples
TH1F * m_cluster3TimeU456 = nullptr
 u Time of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors for 3 samples
TH1F * m_cluster3TimeV456 = nullptr
 v Time of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors for 3 samples
TH1F * m_cluster6TimeU3 = nullptr
 u Time of clusters for layer 3 sensors for 6 samples
TH1F * m_cluster6TimeV3 = nullptr
 v Time of clusters for layer 3 sensors for 6 samples
TH1F * m_cluster6TimeU456 = nullptr
 u Time of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors for 6 samples
TH1F * m_cluster6TimeV456 = nullptr
 v Time of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors for 6 samples
TH2F ** m_hitMapU = nullptr
 Hitmaps pixels for u.
TH2F ** m_hitMapV = nullptr
 Hitmaps pixels for v.
TH1F ** m_hitMapUCl = nullptr
 Hitmaps clusters for u.
TH1F ** m_hitMapVCl = nullptr
 Hitmaps clusters for v.
std::string m_name
 The name of the module, saved as a string (user-modifiable)
std::string m_type
 The type of the module, saved as a string.
std::string m_package
 Package this module is found in (may be empty).
std::string m_description
 The description of the module.
unsigned int m_propertyFlags
 The properties of the module as bitwise or (with |) of EModulePropFlags.
LogConfig m_logConfig
 The log system configuration of the module.
ModuleParamList m_moduleParamList
 List storing and managing all parameter of the module.
bool m_hasReturnValue
 True, if the return value is set.
int m_returnValue
 The return value.
std::vector< ModuleConditionm_conditions
 Module condition, only non-null if set.

Detailed Description

SVD DQM Module for Express Reco.

Definition at line 34 of file SVDDQMExpressRecoModule.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EModulePropFlags

enum EModulePropFlags

Each module can be tagged with property flags, which indicate certain features of the module.


This module is an input module (reads data).


This module is an output module (writes data).


This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data store, in particular, the module must not write any files.)


This module is used to manage histograms accumulated by other modules.


This module is an internal serializer/deserializer for parallel processing.


When using parallel processing, call this module's terminate() function in all processes().

This will also ensure that there is exactly one process (single-core if no parallel modules found) or at least one input, one main and one output process.


No statistics is collected for this module.

Definition at line 77 of file Module.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

std::shared_ptr< PathElement > clone ( ) const

Create an independent copy of this module.

Note that parameters are shared, so changing them on a cloned module will also affect the original module.

Implements PathElement.

Definition at line 179 of file

◆ def_endRun()

virtual void def_endRun ( )

This method can receive that the current run ends as a call from the Python side.

For regular C++-Modules that forwards the call to the regular endRun() method.

Reimplemented in PyModule.

Definition at line 439 of file Module.h.

◆ def_initialize()

virtual void def_initialize ( )

Wrappers to make the methods without "def_" prefix callable from Python.

Overridden in PyModule. Wrapper method for the virtual function initialize() that has the implementation to be used in a call from Python.

Reimplemented in PyModule.

Definition at line 420 of file Module.h.

◆ defineHisto()

void defineHisto ( )

Histogram definitions such as TH1(), TH2(), TNtuple(), TTree()....

are supposed to be placed in this function.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 79 of file

80 {
81  auto gTools = VXD::GeoCache::getInstance().getGeoTools();
82  if (gTools->getNumberOfLayers() == 0) {
83  B2FATAL("Missing geometry for VXD, check steering file.");
84  }
85  if (gTools->getNumberOfSVDLayers() == 0) {
86  B2WARNING("Missing geometry for SVD, SVD-DQM is skipped.");
87  return;
88  }
90  // Create a separate histogram directories and cd into it.
91  TDirectory* oldDir = gDirectory;
92  if (m_histogramDirectoryName != "") {
93  oldDir->mkdir(m_histogramDirectoryName.c_str());// do not use return value with ->cd(), its ZERO if dir already exists
94  oldDir->cd(m_histogramDirectoryName.c_str());
95  }
97  // basic constants presets:
98  int nSVDSensors = gTools->getNumberOfSVDSensors();
99  int nSVDChips = gTools->getTotalSVDChips();
101  // number of events counter
102  m_nEvents = new TH1F("SVDDQM_nEvents", "SVD Number of Events", 1, -0.5, 0.5);
103  m_nEvents->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("N events");
104  m_histoList->Add(m_nEvents);
106  // Create basic histograms:
107  // basic counters per sensor:
108  m_hitMapCountsU = new TH1F("SVDDQM_StripCountsU", "SVD Integrated Number of ZS5 Fired U-Strips per sensor",
109  nSVDSensors, 0, nSVDSensors);
110  m_hitMapCountsU->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sensor ID");
111  m_hitMapCountsU->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts");
113  m_hitMapCountsV = new TH1F("SVDDQM_StripCountsV", "SVD Integrated Number of ZS5 Fired V-Strips per sensor",
114  nSVDSensors, 0, nSVDSensors);
115  m_hitMapCountsV->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sensor ID");
116  m_hitMapCountsV->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts");
118  m_hitMapClCountsU = new TH1F("SVDDQM_ClusterCountsU", "SVD Integrated Number of U-Clusters per sensor",
119  nSVDSensors, 0, nSVDSensors);
120  m_hitMapClCountsU->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sensor ID");
121  m_hitMapClCountsU->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts");
123  m_hitMapClCountsV = new TH1F("SVDDQM_ClusterCountsV", "SVD Integrated Number of V-Clusters per sensor",
124  nSVDSensors, 0, nSVDSensors);
125  m_hitMapClCountsV->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sensor ID");
126  m_hitMapClCountsV->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts");
128  for (int i = 0; i < nSVDSensors; i++) {
129  VxdID id = gTools->getSensorIDFromSVDIndex(i);
130  int iLayer = id.getLayerNumber();
131  int iLadder = id.getLadderNumber();
132  int iSensor = id.getSensorNumber();
133  TString AxisTicks = Form("%i_%i_%i", iLayer, iLadder, iSensor);
134  m_hitMapCountsU->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, AxisTicks.Data());
135  m_hitMapCountsV->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, AxisTicks.Data());
136  m_hitMapClCountsU->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, AxisTicks.Data());
137  m_hitMapClCountsV->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, AxisTicks.Data());
138  }
140  // basic counters per chip:
141  m_hitMapCountsChip = new TH1F("SVDDQM_StripCountsChip", "SVD Integrated Number of ZS5 Fired Strips per chip",
142  nSVDChips, 0, nSVDChips);
143  m_hitMapCountsChip->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip ID");
144  m_hitMapCountsChip->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts");
146  m_hitMapClCountsChip = new TH1F("SVDDQM_ClusterCountsChip", "SVD Integrated Number of Clusters per chip",
147  nSVDChips, 0, nSVDChips);
148  m_hitMapClCountsChip->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip ID");
149  m_hitMapClCountsChip->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts");
152  if (m_additionalPlots) {
153  m_firedU = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
154  m_firedV = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
155  m_clustersU = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
156  m_clustersV = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
157  m_stripSignalU = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
158  m_stripSignalV = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
159  }
161  m_clusterChargeU = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
162  m_clusterChargeV = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
163  m_clusterSNRU = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
164  m_clusterSNRV = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
166  m_stripCountU = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
167  m_stripCountV = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
168  m_strip3CountU = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
169  m_strip3CountV = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
170  m_strip6CountU = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
171  m_strip6CountV = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
173  m_stripCountGroupId0U = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
174  m_stripCountGroupId0V = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
176  m_onlineZSstripCountU = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
177  m_onlineZSstripCountV = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
178  m_onlineZSstrip3CountU = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
179  m_onlineZSstrip3CountV = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
180  m_onlineZSstrip6CountU = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
181  m_onlineZSstrip6CountV = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
183  m_clusterSizeU = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
184  m_clusterSizeV = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
185  m_clusterTimeU = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
186  m_clusterTimeV = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
188  int ChargeBins = 80;
189  float ChargeMax = 80;
190  int SNRBins = 50;
191  float SNRMax = 100;
192  int TimeBins = 300;
193  float TimeMin = -150;
194  float TimeMax = 150;
196  int GroupIdBins = 21;
197  float GroupIdMin = -1.5;
198  float GroupIdMax = 19.5;
200  int MaxBinBins = 6;
201  int MaxBinMax = 6;
203  TString refFrame = "in FTSW reference";
204  if (m_desynchSVDTime)
205  refFrame = "in SVD reference";
208  //----------------------------------------------------------------
209  // Charge of clusters for all sensors
210  //----------------------------------------------------------------
211  string name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterChargeUAll"));
212  string title = str(format("SVD U-Cluster Charge for all sensors"));
213  m_clusterChargeUAll = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), ChargeBins, 0, ChargeMax);
214  m_clusterChargeUAll->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster charge [ke-]");
215  m_clusterChargeUAll->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
217  name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterChargeVAll"));
218  title = str(format("SVD V-Cluster Charge for all sensors"));
219  m_clusterChargeVAll = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), ChargeBins, 0, ChargeMax);
220  m_clusterChargeVAll->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster charge [ke-]");
221  m_clusterChargeVAll->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
223  //----------------------------------------------------------------
224  // Charge of clusters for L3/L456 sensors
225  //----------------------------------------------------------------
226  name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterChargeU3"));
227  title = str(format("SVD U-Cluster Charge for layer 3 sensors"));
228  m_clusterChargeU3 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), ChargeBins, 0, ChargeMax);
229  m_clusterChargeU3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster charge [ke-]");
230  m_clusterChargeU3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
232  name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterChargeV3"));
233  title = str(format("SVD V-Cluster Charge for layer 3 sensors"));
234  m_clusterChargeV3 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), ChargeBins, 0, ChargeMax);
235  m_clusterChargeV3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster charge [ke-]");
236  m_clusterChargeV3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
239  name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterChargeU456"));
240  title = str(format("SVD U-Cluster Charge for layers 4,5,6 sensors"));
241  m_clusterChargeU456 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), ChargeBins, 0, ChargeMax);
242  m_clusterChargeU456->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster charge [ke-]");
243  m_clusterChargeU456->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
246  name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterChargeV456"));
247  title = str(format("SVD V-Cluster Charge for layers 4,5,6 sensors"));
248  m_clusterChargeV456 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), ChargeBins, 0, ChargeMax);
249  m_clusterChargeV456->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster charge [ke-]");
250  m_clusterChargeV456->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
253  //----------------------------------------------------------------
254  // SNR of clusters for all sensors
255  //----------------------------------------------------------------
256  name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterSNRUAll"));
257  title = str(format("SVD U-Cluster SNR for all sensors"));
258  m_clusterSNRUAll = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), SNRBins, 0, SNRMax); // max = ~ 60
259  m_clusterSNRUAll->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster SNR");
260  m_clusterSNRUAll->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
262  name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterSNRVAll"));
263  title = str(format("SVD V-Cluster SNR for all sensors"));
264  m_clusterSNRVAll = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), SNRBins, 0, SNRMax);
265  m_clusterSNRVAll->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster SNR");
266  m_clusterSNRVAll->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
268  //----------------------------------------------------------------
269  // SNR of clusters for L3/L456 sensors
270  //----------------------------------------------------------------
271  name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterSNRU3"));
272  title = str(format("SVD U-Cluster SNR for layer 3 sensors"));
273  m_clusterSNRU3 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), SNRBins, 0, SNRMax);
274  m_clusterSNRU3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster SNR");
275  m_clusterSNRU3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
277  name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterSNRV3"));
278  title = str(format("SVD V-Cluster SNR for layer 3 sensors"));
279  m_clusterSNRV3 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), SNRBins, 0, SNRMax);
280  m_clusterSNRV3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster SNR");
281  m_clusterSNRV3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
284  name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterSNRU456"));
285  title = str(format("SVD U-Cluster SNR for layers 4,5,6 sensors"));
286  m_clusterSNRU456 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), SNRBins, 0, SNRMax);
287  m_clusterSNRU456->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster SNR");
288  m_clusterSNRU456->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
290  name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterSNRV456"));
291  title = str(format("SVD V-Cluster SNR for layers 4,5,6 sensors"));
292  m_clusterSNRV456 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), SNRBins, 0, SNRMax);
293  m_clusterSNRV456->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster SNR");
294  m_clusterSNRV456->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
296  //----------------------------------------------------------------
297  // Cluster time distribution for all sensors
298  //----------------------------------------------------------------
299  TString Name = "SVDDQM_ClusterTimeUAll";
300  TString Title = Form("SVD U-Cluster Time %s for all sensors", refFrame.Data());
301  m_clusterTimeUAll = new TH1F(Name.Data(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
302  m_clusterTimeUAll->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
303  m_clusterTimeUAll->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
305  Name = "SVDDQM_ClusterTimeVAll";
306  Title = Form("SVD V-Cluster Time %s for all sensors", refFrame.Data());
307  m_clusterTimeVAll = new TH1F(Name.Data(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
308  m_clusterTimeVAll->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
309  m_clusterTimeVAll->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
311  //----------------------------------------------------------------
312  // Time of clusters for L3/L456 sensors
313  //----------------------------------------------------------------
314  Name = "SVDDQM_ClusterTimeU3";
315  Title = Form("SVD U-Cluster Time %s for layer 3 sensors", refFrame.Data());
316  m_clusterTimeU3 = new TH1F(Name.Data(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
317  m_clusterTimeU3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
318  m_clusterTimeU3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
320  name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterTimeV3"));
321  Title = Form("SVD V-Cluster Time %s for layer 3 sensors", refFrame.Data());
322  m_clusterTimeV3 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
323  m_clusterTimeV3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
324  m_clusterTimeV3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
327  name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterTimeU456"));
328  Title = Form("SVD U-Cluster Time %s for layers 4,5,6 sensors", refFrame.Data());
329  m_clusterTimeU456 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
330  m_clusterTimeU456->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
331  m_clusterTimeU456->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
333  name = str(format("SVDDQM_ClusterTimeV456"));
334  Title = Form("SVD V-Cluster Time %s for layers 4,5,6 sensors", refFrame.Data());
335  m_clusterTimeV456 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
336  m_clusterTimeV456->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
337  m_clusterTimeV456->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
340  //----------------------------------------------------------------
341  // Time of clusters for L3/L456 sensors for 3 samples
342  //----------------------------------------------------------------
343  Name = "SVDDQM_Cluster3TimeU3";
344  Title = Form("SVD U-Cluster Time %s for layer 3 sensors for 3 samples", refFrame.Data());
345  m_cluster3TimeU3 = new TH1F(Name.Data(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
346  m_cluster3TimeU3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
347  m_cluster3TimeU3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
349  name = str(format("SVDDQM_Cluster3TimeV3"));
350  Title = Form("SVD V-Cluster Time %s for layer 3 sensors for 3 samples", refFrame.Data());
351  m_cluster3TimeV3 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
352  m_cluster3TimeV3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
353  m_cluster3TimeV3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
356  name = str(format("SVDDQM_Cluster3TimeU456"));
357  Title = Form("SVD U-Cluster Time %s for layers 4,5,6 sensors for 3 samples", refFrame.Data());
358  m_cluster3TimeU456 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
359  m_cluster3TimeU456->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
360  m_cluster3TimeU456->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
362  name = str(format("SVDDQM_Cluster3TimeV456"));
363  Title = Form("SVD V-Cluster Time %s for layers 4,5,6 sensors for 3 samples", refFrame.Data());
364  m_cluster3TimeV456 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
365  m_cluster3TimeV456->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
366  m_cluster3TimeV456->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
369  //----------------------------------------------------------------
370  // Time of clusters for L3/L456 sensors for 6 samples
371  //----------------------------------------------------------------
372  Name = "SVDDQM_Cluster6TimeU3";
373  Title = Form("SVD U-Cluster Time %s for layer 3 sensors for 6 samples", refFrame.Data());
374  m_cluster6TimeU3 = new TH1F(Name.Data(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
375  m_cluster6TimeU3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
376  m_cluster6TimeU3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
378  name = str(format("SVDDQM_Cluster6TimeV3"));
379  Title = Form("SVD V-Cluster Time %s for layer 3 sensors for 6 samples", refFrame.Data());
380  m_cluster6TimeV3 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
381  m_cluster6TimeV3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
382  m_cluster6TimeV3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
385  name = str(format("SVDDQM_Cluster6TimeU456"));
386  Title = Form("SVD U-Cluster Time %s for layers 4,5,6 sensors for 6 samples", refFrame.Data());
387  m_cluster6TimeU456 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
388  m_cluster6TimeU456->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
389  m_cluster6TimeU456->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
391  name = str(format("SVDDQM_Cluster6TimeV456"));
392  Title = Form("SVD V-Cluster Time %s for layers 4,5,6 sensors for 6 samples", refFrame.Data());
393  m_cluster6TimeV456 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
394  m_cluster6TimeV456->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
395  m_cluster6TimeV456->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
399  //----------------------------------------------------------------
400  // Cluster time group Id vs cluster time for U/V sensors
401  //----------------------------------------------------------------
402  Name = "SVDDQM_ClusterTimeGroupIdU";
403  Title = Form("SVD cluster Time Group Id %s vs cluster time for U/P Side", refFrame.Data());
404  m_clusterTimeGroupIdU = new TH2F(Name.Data(), Title.Data(), TimeBins / 2, TimeMin, TimeMax, GroupIdBins, GroupIdMin, GroupIdMax);
405  m_clusterTimeGroupIdU->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
406  m_clusterTimeGroupIdU->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("cluster group id");
408  Name = "SVDDQM_ClusterTimeGroupIdV";
409  Title = Form("SVD cluster Time Group Id %s vs cluster time for V/N Side", refFrame.Data());
410  m_clusterTimeGroupIdV = new TH2F(Name.Data(), Title.Data(), TimeBins / 2, TimeMin, TimeMax, GroupIdBins, GroupIdMin, GroupIdMax);
411  m_clusterTimeGroupIdV->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
412  m_clusterTimeGroupIdV->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("cluster group id");
415  //----------------------------------------------------------------
416  // Cluster time group Id vs cluster time for U/V sensors for coarse and fine trigger
417  //----------------------------------------------------------------
418  Name = "SVDDQM_cluster6TimeGroupIdU";
419  Title = Form("SVD cluster Time Group Id %s vs cluster time for U/P Side for coarse trigger", refFrame.Data());
420  m_clusterTime6GroupIdU = new TH2F(Name.Data(), Title.Data(), TimeBins / 2, TimeMin, TimeMax, GroupIdBins, GroupIdMin, GroupIdMax);
421  m_clusterTime6GroupIdU->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
422  m_clusterTime6GroupIdU->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("cluster group id");
424  Name = "SVDDQM_cluster6TimeGroupIdV";
425  Title = Form("SVD cluster Time Group Id %s vs cluster time for V/N Side for coarse trigger", refFrame.Data());
426  m_clusterTime6GroupIdV = new TH2F(Name.Data(), Title.Data(), TimeBins / 2, TimeMin, TimeMax, GroupIdBins, GroupIdMin, GroupIdMax);
427  m_clusterTime6GroupIdV->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
428  m_clusterTime6GroupIdV->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("cluster group id");
431  Name = "SVDDQM_cluster3TimeGroupIdU";
432  Title = Form("SVD cluster Time Group Id %s vs cluster time for U/P Side for fine trigger", refFrame.Data());
433  m_clusterTime3GroupIdU = new TH2F(Name.Data(), Title.Data(), TimeBins / 2, TimeMin, TimeMax, GroupIdBins, GroupIdMin, GroupIdMax);
434  m_clusterTime3GroupIdU->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
435  m_clusterTime3GroupIdU->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("cluster group id");
437  Name = "SVDDQM_cluster3TimeGroupIdV";
438  Title = Form("SVD cluster Time Group Id %s vs cluster time for V/N Side for fine trigger", refFrame.Data());
439  m_clusterTime3GroupIdV = new TH2F(Name.Data(), Title.Data(), TimeBins / 2, TimeMin, TimeMax, GroupIdBins, GroupIdMin, GroupIdMax);
440  m_clusterTime3GroupIdV->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
441  m_clusterTime3GroupIdV->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("cluster group id");
444  //----------------------------------------------------------------
445  // MaxBin of strips for all sensors (offline ZS)
446  //----------------------------------------------------------------
447  name = str(format("SVDDQM_StripMaxBinUAll"));
448  title = str(format("SVD U-Strip MaxBin for all sensors"));
449  m_stripMaxBinUAll = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), MaxBinBins, 0, MaxBinMax);
450  m_stripMaxBinUAll->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("max bin");
451  m_stripMaxBinUAll->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
453  name = str(format("SVDDQM_StripMaxBinVAll"));
454  title = str(format("SVD V-Strip MaxBin for all sensors"));
455  m_stripMaxBinVAll = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), MaxBinBins, 0, MaxBinMax);
456  m_stripMaxBinVAll->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("max bin");
457  m_stripMaxBinVAll->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
460  name = str(format("SVDDQM_StripMaxBinU3"));
461  title = str(format("SVD U-Strip MaxBin for layer 3 sensors"));
462  m_stripMaxBinU3 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), MaxBinBins, 0, MaxBinMax);
463  m_stripMaxBinU3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("max bin");
464  m_stripMaxBinU3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
466  name = str(format("SVDDQM_StripMaxBinV3"));
467  title = str(format("SVD V-Strip MaxBin for layer 3 sensors"));
468  m_stripMaxBinV3 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), MaxBinBins, 0, MaxBinMax);
469  m_stripMaxBinV3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("max bin");
470  m_stripMaxBinV3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
473  name = str(format("SVDDQM_StripMaxBinU6"));
474  title = str(format("SVD U-Strip MaxBin for layer 6 sensors"));
475  m_stripMaxBinU6 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), MaxBinBins, 0, MaxBinMax);
476  m_stripMaxBinU6->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("max bin");
477  m_stripMaxBinU6->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
479  name = str(format("SVDDQM_StripMaxBinV6"));
480  title = str(format("SVD V-Strip MaxBin for layer 6 sensors"));
481  m_stripMaxBinV6 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), MaxBinBins, 0, MaxBinMax);
482  m_stripMaxBinV6->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("max bin");
483  m_stripMaxBinV6->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
486  for (int i = 0; i < nSVDSensors; i++) {
487  VxdID id = gTools->getSensorIDFromSVDIndex(i);
488  int iLayer = id.getLayerNumber();
489  int iLadder = id.getLadderNumber();
490  int iSensor = id.getSensorNumber();
491  VxdID sensorID(iLayer, iLadder, iSensor);
492  SVD::SensorInfo SensorInfo = dynamic_cast<const SVD::SensorInfo&>(VXD::GeoCache::get(sensorID));
493  string sensorDescr = str(format("%1%_%2%_%3%") % iLayer % iLadder % iSensor);
495  if (m_additionalPlots) {
496  //----------------------------------------------------------------
497  // Number of fired strips per sensor
498  //----------------------------------------------------------------
499  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_FiredU") % sensorDescr);
500  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Number of Fired U-Strips") % sensorDescr);
501  m_firedU[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 50, 0, 50);
502  m_firedU[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("# fired strips");
503  m_firedU[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
504  m_histoList->Add(m_firedU[i]);
505  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_FiredV") % sensorDescr);
506  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Number of Fired V-Strips") % sensorDescr);
507  m_firedV[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 50, 0, 50);
508  m_firedV[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("# fired strips");
509  m_firedV[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
510  m_histoList->Add(m_firedV[i]);
511  //----------------------------------------------------------------
512  // Number of clusters per sensor
513  //----------------------------------------------------------------
514  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_ClustersU") % sensorDescr);
515  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Number of U-Clusters") % sensorDescr);
516  m_clustersU[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 20, 0, 20);
517  m_clustersU[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("# clusters");
518  m_clustersU[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
519  m_histoList->Add(m_clustersU[i]);
520  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_ClustersV") % sensorDescr);
521  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Number of V-Clusters") % sensorDescr);
522  m_clustersV[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 20, 0, 20);
523  m_clustersV[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("# clusters");
524  m_clustersV[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
525  m_histoList->Add(m_clustersV[i]);
526  //----------------------------------------------------------------
527  // Charge of strips
528  //----------------------------------------------------------------
529  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_ADCStripU") % sensorDescr);
530  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% U-Strip signal in ADC Counts, all 6 APV samples") % sensorDescr);
531  m_stripSignalU[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 256, -0.5, 255.5);
532  m_stripSignalU[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("signal ADC");
533  m_stripSignalU[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
534  m_histoList->Add(m_stripSignalU[i]);
535  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_ADCStripV") % sensorDescr);
536  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% V-Strip signal in ADC Counts, all 6 APV samples") % sensorDescr);
537  m_stripSignalV[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 256, -0.5, 255.5);
538  m_stripSignalV[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("signal ADC");
539  m_stripSignalV[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
540  m_histoList->Add(m_stripSignalV[i]);
541  }
543  //----------------------------------------------------------------
544  // Charge of clusters
545  //----------------------------------------------------------------
546  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_ClusterChargeU") % sensorDescr);
547  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% U-Cluster Charge") % sensorDescr);
548  m_clusterChargeU[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), ChargeBins, 0, ChargeMax);
549  m_clusterChargeU[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster charge [ke-]");
550  m_clusterChargeU[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
551  m_histoList->Add(m_clusterChargeU[i]);
552  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_ClusterChargeV") % sensorDescr);
553  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% V-Cluster Charge") % sensorDescr);
554  m_clusterChargeV[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), ChargeBins, 0, ChargeMax);
555  m_clusterChargeV[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster charge [ke-]");
556  m_clusterChargeV[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
557  m_histoList->Add(m_clusterChargeV[i]);
558  //----------------------------------------------------------------
559  // SNR of clusters
560  //----------------------------------------------------------------
561  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_ClusterSNRU") % sensorDescr);
562  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% U-Cluster SNR") % sensorDescr);
563  m_clusterSNRU[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), SNRBins, 0, SNRMax);
564  m_clusterSNRU[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster SNR");
565  m_clusterSNRU[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
566  m_histoList->Add(m_clusterSNRU[i]);
567  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_ClusterSNRV") % sensorDescr);
568  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% V-Cluster SNR") % sensorDescr);
569  m_clusterSNRV[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), SNRBins, 0, SNRMax);
570  m_clusterSNRV[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster SNR");
571  m_clusterSNRV[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
572  m_histoList->Add(m_clusterSNRV[i]);
574  //----------------------------------------------------------------
575  // Strips Counts
576  //----------------------------------------------------------------
577  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_StripCountU") % sensorDescr);
578  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Integrated Number of ZS5 Fired U-Strip vs Strip Number") % sensorDescr);
579  m_stripCountU[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 768, -0.5, 767.5);
580  m_stripCountU[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cellID");
581  m_stripCountU[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
582  m_histoList->Add(m_stripCountU[i]);
583  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_StripCountV") % sensorDescr);
584  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Integrated Number of ZS5 Fired V-Strip vs Strip Number") % sensorDescr);
585  m_stripCountV[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 768, -0.5, 767.5);
586  m_stripCountV[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cellID");
587  m_stripCountV[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
588  m_histoList->Add(m_stripCountV[i]);
589  //----------------------------------------------------------------
590  // Strips Counts with online ZS
591  //----------------------------------------------------------------
592  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_OnlineZSStripCountU") % sensorDescr);
593  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Integrated Number of online-ZS Fired U-Strip vs Strip Number") % sensorDescr);
594  m_onlineZSstripCountU[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 768, -0.5, 767.5);
595  m_onlineZSstripCountU[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cellID");
596  m_onlineZSstripCountU[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
598  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_OnlineZSStripCountV") % sensorDescr);
599  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Integrated Number of online-ZS Fired V-Strip vs Strip Number") % sensorDescr);
600  m_onlineZSstripCountV[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 768, -0.5, 767.5);
601  m_onlineZSstripCountV[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cellID");
602  m_onlineZSstripCountV[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
605  //----------------------------------------------------------------
606  // Strips Counts for 3 samples
607  //----------------------------------------------------------------
608  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_Strip3CountU") % sensorDescr);
609  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Integrated Number of ZS5 Fired U-Strip vs Strip Number for 3 samples") % sensorDescr);
610  m_strip3CountU[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 768, -0.5, 767.5);
611  m_strip3CountU[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cellID");
612  m_strip3CountU[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
613  m_histoList->Add(m_strip3CountU[i]);
614  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_Strip3CountV") % sensorDescr);
615  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Integrated Number of ZS5 Fired V-Strip vs Strip Number for 3 samples") % sensorDescr);
616  m_strip3CountV[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 768, -0.5, 767.5);
617  m_strip3CountV[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cellID");
618  m_strip3CountV[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
619  m_histoList->Add(m_strip3CountV[i]);
620  //----------------------------------------------------------------
621  // Strips Counts with online ZS for 3 samples
622  //----------------------------------------------------------------
623  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_OnlineZSStrip3CountU") % sensorDescr);
624  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Integrated Number of online-ZS Fired U-Strip vs Strip Number for 3 samples") % sensorDescr);
625  m_onlineZSstrip3CountU[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 768, -0.5, 767.5);
626  m_onlineZSstrip3CountU[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cellID");
627  m_onlineZSstrip3CountU[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
629  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_OnlineZSStrip3CountV") % sensorDescr);
630  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Integrated Number of online-ZS Fired V-Strip vs Strip Number for 3 samples") % sensorDescr);
631  m_onlineZSstrip3CountV[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 768, -0.5, 767.5);
632  m_onlineZSstrip3CountV[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cellID");
633  m_onlineZSstrip3CountV[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
637  //----------------------------------------------------------------
638  // Strips Counts for 6 samples
639  //----------------------------------------------------------------
640  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_Strip6CountU") % sensorDescr);
641  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Integrated Number of ZS5 Fired U-Strip vs Strip Number for 6 samples") % sensorDescr);
642  m_strip6CountU[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 768, -0.5, 767.5);
643  m_strip6CountU[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cellID");
644  m_strip6CountU[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
645  m_histoList->Add(m_strip6CountU[i]);
646  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_Strip6CountV") % sensorDescr);
647  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Integrated Number of ZS5 Fired V-Strip vs Strip Number for 6 samples") % sensorDescr);
648  m_strip6CountV[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 768, -0.5, 767.5);
649  m_strip6CountV[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cellID");
650  m_strip6CountV[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
651  m_histoList->Add(m_strip6CountV[i]);
652  //----------------------------------------------------------------
653  // Strips Counts with online ZS for 6 samples
654  //----------------------------------------------------------------
655  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_OnlineZSStrip6CountU") % sensorDescr);
656  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Integrated Number of online-ZS Fired U-Strip vs Strip Number for 6 samples") % sensorDescr);
657  m_onlineZSstrip6CountU[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 768, -0.5, 767.5);
658  m_onlineZSstrip6CountU[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cellID");
659  m_onlineZSstrip6CountU[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
661  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_OnlineZSStrip6CountV") % sensorDescr);
662  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Integrated Number of online-ZS Fired V-Strip vs Strip Number for 6 samples") % sensorDescr);
663  m_onlineZSstrip6CountV[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 768, -0.5, 767.5);
664  m_onlineZSstrip6CountV[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cellID");
665  m_onlineZSstrip6CountV[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
669  //----------------------------------------------------------------
670  // Strips Counts for cluster time group id = 0
671  //----------------------------------------------------------------
672  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_StripCountGroupId0U") % sensorDescr);
673  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Integrated NumberFired U-Strip for group Id = 0 vs Strip Number") % sensorDescr);
674  m_stripCountGroupId0U[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 768, -0.5, 767.5);
675  m_stripCountGroupId0U[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cellID");
676  m_stripCountGroupId0U[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
678  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_StripCountGroupId0V") % sensorDescr);
679  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Integrated Number of Fired V-Strip for group Id = 0 vs Strip Number") % sensorDescr);
680  m_stripCountGroupId0V[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 768, -0.5, 767.5);
681  m_stripCountGroupId0V[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cellID");
682  m_stripCountGroupId0V[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
685  //----------------------------------------------------------------
686  // Cluster size distribution
687  //----------------------------------------------------------------
688  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_ClusterSizeU") % sensorDescr);
689  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% U-Cluster Size") % sensorDescr);
690  m_clusterSizeU[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 9, 1, 10);
691  m_clusterSizeU[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster size");
692  m_clusterSizeU[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
693  m_histoList->Add(m_clusterSizeU[i]);
694  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_ClusterSizeV") % sensorDescr);
695  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% V-Cluster Size") % sensorDescr);
696  m_clusterSizeV[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 9, 1, 10);
697  m_clusterSizeV[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster size");
698  m_clusterSizeV[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
699  m_histoList->Add(m_clusterSizeV[i]);
700  //----------------------------------------------------------------
701  // Cluster time distribution
702  //----------------------------------------------------------------
703  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_ClusterTimeU") % sensorDescr);
704  Title = Form("SVD Sensor %s U-Cluster Time %s", sensorDescr.c_str(), refFrame.Data());
705  m_clusterTimeU[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
706  m_clusterTimeU[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
707  m_clusterTimeU[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
708  m_histoList->Add(m_clusterTimeU[i]);
709  name = str(format("SVDDQM_%1%_ClusterTimeV") % sensorDescr);
710  Title = Form("SVD Sensor %s V-Cluster Time %s", sensorDescr.c_str(), refFrame.Data());
711  m_clusterTimeV[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), Title.Data(), TimeBins, TimeMin, TimeMax);
712  m_clusterTimeV[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cluster time (ns)");
713  m_clusterTimeV[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count");
714  m_histoList->Add(m_clusterTimeV[i]);
715  }
717  for (int i = 0; i < nSVDChips; i++) {
718  VxdID id = gTools->getChipIDFromSVDIndex(i);
719  int iLayer = id.getLayerNumber();
720  int iLadder = id.getLadderNumber();
721  int iSensor = id.getSensorNumber();
722  int iChip = gTools->getSVDChipNumber(id);
723  int IsU = gTools->isSVDSideU(id);
724  TString AxisTicks = Form("%i_%i_%i_u%i", iLayer, iLadder, iSensor, iChip);
725  if (!IsU)
726  AxisTicks = Form("%i_%i_%i_v%i", iLayer, iLadder, iSensor, iChip);
727  m_hitMapCountsChip->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, AxisTicks.Data());
728  m_hitMapClCountsChip->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, AxisTicks.Data());
729  }
733  //----------------------------------------------------------------
734  // Additional histograms for out of ExpressReco
735  //----------------------------------------------------------------
737  if (m_ShowAllHistos == 1) {
738  TDirectory* dirShowAll = nullptr;
739  dirShowAll = oldDir->mkdir("SVDDQMAll");
740  dirShowAll->cd();
742  m_hitMapU = new TH2F*[nSVDSensors];
743  m_hitMapV = new TH2F*[nSVDSensors];
744  m_hitMapUCl = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
745  m_hitMapVCl = new TH1F*[nSVDSensors];
746  for (int i = 0; i < nSVDSensors; i++) {
747  VxdID id = gTools->getSensorIDFromSVDIndex(i);
748  int iLayer = id.getLayerNumber();
749  int iLadder = id.getLadderNumber();
750  int iSensor = id.getSensorNumber();
751  VxdID sensorID(iLayer, iLadder, iSensor);
752  SVD::SensorInfo SensorInfo = dynamic_cast<const SVD::SensorInfo&>(VXD::GeoCache::get(sensorID));
753  string sensorDescr = str(format("%1%_%2%_%3%") % iLayer % iLadder % iSensor);
754  //----------------------------------------------------------------
755  // Hitmaps: Number of strips by coordinate
756  //----------------------------------------------------------------
757  name = str(format("SVD_%1%_StripHitmapU") % sensorDescr);
758  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Strip Hitmap in U") % sensorDescr);
759  int nStrips = SensorInfo.getUCells();
760  m_hitMapU[i] = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), nStrips, 0, nStrips, SVDShaperDigit::c_nAPVSamples, 0,
762  m_hitMapU[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("u position [pitch units]");
763  m_hitMapU[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("timebin [time units]");
764  m_hitMapU[i]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("hits");
765  m_histoList->Add(m_hitMapU[i]);
766  name = str(format("SVD_%1%_StripHitmapV") % sensorDescr);
767  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Strip Hitmap in V") % sensorDescr);
768  nStrips = SensorInfo.getVCells();
769  m_hitMapV[i] = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), nStrips, 0, nStrips, SVDShaperDigit::c_nAPVSamples, 0,
771  m_hitMapV[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("v position [pitch units]");
772  m_hitMapV[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("timebin [time units]");
773  m_hitMapV[i]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("hits");
774  m_histoList->Add(m_hitMapV[i]);
775  //----------------------------------------------------------------
776  // Hitmaps: Number of clusters by coordinate
777  //----------------------------------------------------------------
778  name = str(format("SVD_%1%_HitmapClstU") % sensorDescr);
779  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Hitmap Clusters in U") % sensorDescr);
780  nStrips = SensorInfo.getUCells();
781  m_hitMapUCl[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), nStrips, 0, nStrips);
782  m_hitMapUCl[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("u position [pitch units]");
783  m_hitMapUCl[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("hits");
784  m_histoList->Add(m_hitMapUCl[i]);
785  name = str(format("SVD_%1%_HitmapClstV") % sensorDescr);
786  title = str(format("SVD Sensor %1% Hitmap Clusters in V") % sensorDescr);
787  nStrips = SensorInfo.getVCells();
788  m_hitMapVCl[i] = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), nStrips, 0, nStrips);
789  m_hitMapVCl[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("v position [pitch units]");
790  m_hitMapVCl[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("hits");
791  m_histoList->Add(m_hitMapVCl[i]);
792  }
793  }
795  oldDir->cd();
796 }
TH1F ** m_hitMapUCl
Hitmaps clusters for u.
TH1F ** m_clustersV
number of v clusters per event
TH1F ** m_onlineZSstrip6CountV
v strip count (online Zero Suppression for 6 samples
TH1F * m_clusterSNRVAll
v SNR of clusters for all sensors
TH1F * m_cluster3TimeV3
v Time of clusters for layer 3 sensors for 3 samples
TH1F * m_clusterTimeV456
v Time of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors
TH1F * m_clusterSNRUAll
u SNR of clusters for all sensors
TH1F * m_clusterChargeU3
u charge of clusters for layer 3 sensors
TH2F * m_clusterTimeGroupIdV
time group id for V side
TH1F * m_clusterSNRV3
v SNR of clusters for layer 3 sensors
TH1F * m_hitMapCountsV
Hitmaps v of Digits.
TH2F ** m_hitMapU
Hitmaps pixels for u.
TH1F * m_cluster3TimeU3
u Time of clusters for layer 3 sensors for 3 samples
TH1F * m_stripMaxBinU6
u MaxBin of strips for layer 6 sensors (offline Zero Suppression)
TH1F * m_clusterTimeUAll
u time of clusters for all sensors
TH1F * m_hitMapClCountsU
Hitmaps u of Clusters.
TH1F * m_hitMapCountsU
Hitmaps u of Digits.
TH1F ** m_clusterSNRV
v SNR of clusters per sensor
TH1F ** m_clusterChargeV
v charge of clusters
TH1F ** m_stripSignalU
u charge of strips
TH1F * m_clusterChargeUAll
u charge of clusters for all sensors
TH1F * m_clusterChargeU456
u charge of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors
TH2F * m_clusterTime6GroupIdU
time group id for U side for coarse trigger
TH1F * m_clusterTimeV3
v Time of clusters for layer 3 sensors
TH1F ** m_clusterSNRU
u SNR of clusters per sensor
TH1F ** m_hitMapVCl
Hitmaps clusters for v.
TH1F * m_stripMaxBinV3
v MaxBin of strips for layer 3 sensors (offline Zero Suppression)
TH1F * m_clusterTimeVAll
v time of clusters for all sensors
TH2F * m_clusterTime6GroupIdV
time group id for V side for coarse trigger
TH1F ** m_onlineZSstripCountV
v strip count (online Zero Suppression
TH1F ** m_stripSignalV
v charge of strips
TH1F ** m_strip6CountU
u strip count for 6 samples
TH1F * m_cluster6TimeU3
u Time of clusters for layer 3 sensors for 6 samples
TH2F * m_clusterTime3GroupIdU
time group id for U side for fine trigger
std::string m_histogramDirectoryName
Name of the histogram directory in ROOT file.
TH1F * m_clusterChargeVAll
v charge of clusters for all sensors
TH1F ** m_onlineZSstrip6CountU
u strip count (online Zero Suppression) for 6 samples
TH1F * m_clusterSNRU3
u SNR of clusters for layer 3 sensors
TH1F * m_cluster6TimeU456
u Time of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors for 6 samples
TH1F * m_clusterSNRV456
v SNR of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors
TH1F * m_stripMaxBinUAll
u MaxBin of strips for all sensors (offline Zero Suppression)
TList * m_histoList
list of cumulative histograms
TH1F ** m_clusterChargeU
u charge of clusters
TH1F * m_hitMapCountsChip
Hitmaps of digits on chips.
TH1F * m_clusterChargeV3
v charge of clusters for layer 3 sensors
TH2F ** m_hitMapV
Hitmaps pixels for v.
TH1F ** m_strip3CountV
v strip count for 3 samples
TH1F * m_stripMaxBinV6
v MaxBin of strips for layer 6 sensors (offline Zero Suppression)
TH1F ** m_stripCountGroupId0V
V strip count for cluster time group Id = 0.
TH1F * m_cluster6TimeV456
v Time of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors for 6 samples
TH1F ** m_firedU
Fired u strips per event.
TH1F * m_clusterTimeU3
u Time of clusters for layer 3 sensors
TH2F * m_clusterTime3GroupIdV
time group id for V side for fine trigger
TH1F * m_clusterSNRU456
u SNR of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors
TH1F ** m_onlineZSstripCountU
u strip count (online Zero Suppression)
int m_ShowAllHistos
Flag to show all histos in DQM, default = 0 (do not show)
bool m_additionalPlots
additional plots flag
TH1F * m_cluster3TimeV456
v Time of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors for 3 samples
TH1F * m_cluster6TimeV3
v Time of clusters for layer 3 sensors for 6 samples
TH1F * m_stripMaxBinU3
u MaxBin of strips for layer 3 sensors (offline Zero Suppression)
bool m_desynchSVDTime
if TRUE: svdTime back in SVD time reference
TH1F * m_cluster3TimeU456
u Time of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors for 3 samples
TH1F ** m_onlineZSstrip3CountU
u strip count (online Zero Suppression) for 3 samples
TH1F ** m_onlineZSstrip3CountV
v strip count (online Zero Suppression for 3 samples
TH1F * m_stripMaxBinVAll
v MaxBin of strips for all sensors (offline Zero Suppression)
TH1F * m_hitMapClCountsChip
Hitmaps of clusters on chips.
TH2F * m_clusterTimeGroupIdU
time group id for U side
TH1F * m_clusterTimeU456
u Time of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors
TH1F ** m_firedV
Fired v strips per event.
TH1F * m_clusterChargeV456
v charge of clusters for layer 4,5,6 sensors
TH1F ** m_strip6CountV
v strip count for 3 samples
TH1F ** m_stripCountGroupId0U
U strip count for cluster time group Id = 0.
TH1F * m_hitMapClCountsV
Hitmaps v of Clusters.
TH1F ** m_clustersU
number of u clusters per event
TH1F ** m_strip3CountU
u strip count for 3 samples
static const std::size_t c_nAPVSamples
Number of APV samples stored.
Specific implementation of SensorInfo for SVD Sensors which provides additional sensor specific infor...
Definition: SensorInfo.h:25
static GeoCache & getInstance()
Return a reference to the singleton instance.
const GeoTools * getGeoTools()
Return a raw pointer to a GeoTools object.
Definition: GeoCache.h:147
static const SensorInfoBase & get(Belle2::VxdID id)
Return a reference to the SensorInfo of a given SensorID.
Definition: GeoCache.h:139
int getVCells() const
Return number of pixel/strips in v direction.
int getUCells() const
Return number of pixel/strips in u direction.
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
baseType getLayerNumber() const
Get the layer id.
Definition: VxdID.h:96

◆ evalCondition()

bool evalCondition ( ) const

If at least one condition was set, it is evaluated and true returned if at least one condition returns true.

If no condition or result value was defined, the method returns false. Otherwise, the condition is evaluated and true returned, if at least one condition returns true. To speed up the evaluation, the condition strings were already parsed in the method if_value().

True if at least one condition and return value exists and at least one condition expression was evaluated to true.

Definition at line 96 of file

◆ getAfterConditionPath()

Module::EAfterConditionPath getAfterConditionPath ( ) const

What to do after the conditional path is finished.

(defaults to c_End if no condition is set)

Definition at line 133 of file

◆ getConditionPath()

std::shared_ptr< Path > getConditionPath ( ) const

Returns the path of the last true condition (if there is at least one, else reaturn a null pointer).

Definition at line 113 of file

◆ getFileNames()

virtual std::vector<std::string> getFileNames ( bool  outputFiles)

Return a list of output filenames for this modules.

This will be called when basf2 is run with "--dry-run" if the module has set either the c_Input or c_Output properties.

If the parameter outputFiles is false (for modules with c_Input) the list of input filenames should be returned (if any). If outputFiles is true (for modules with c_Output) the list of output files should be returned (if any).

If a module has sat both properties this member is called twice, once for each property.

The module should return the actual list of requested input or produced output filenames (including handling of input/output overrides) so that the grid system can handle input/output files correctly.

This function should return the same value when called multiple times. This is especially important when taking the input/output overrides from Environment as they get consumed when obtained so the finalized list of output files should be stored for subsequent calls.

Reimplemented in RootOutputModule, StorageRootOutputModule, and RootInputModule.

Definition at line 134 of file Module.h.

◆ getName()

const std::string& getName ( ) const

Returns the name of the module.

This can be changed via e.g. set_name() in the steering file to give more useful names if there is more than one module of the same type.

For identifying the type of a module, using getType() (or type() in Python) is recommended.

Definition at line 187 of file Module.h.

◆ getParamInfoListPython()

std::shared_ptr< boost::python::list > getParamInfoListPython ( ) const

Returns a python list of all parameters.

Each item in the list consists of the name of the parameter, a string describing its type, a python list of all default values and the description of the parameter.

A python list containing the parameters of this parameter list.

Definition at line 279 of file

◆ getReturnValue()

int getReturnValue ( ) const

Return the return value set by this module.

This value is only meaningful if hasReturnValue() is true

Definition at line 381 of file Module.h.

◆ getType()

const std::string & getType ( ) const

Returns the type of the module (i.e.

class name minus 'Module')

Definition at line 41 of file

◆ hasProperties()

bool hasProperties ( unsigned int  propertyFlags) const

Returns true if all specified property flags are available in this module.

propertyFlagsOred EModulePropFlags which should be compared with the module flags.

Definition at line 160 of file

◆ if_false()

void if_false ( const std::shared_ptr< Path > &  path,
EAfterConditionPath  afterConditionPath = EAfterConditionPath::c_End 

A simplified version to add a condition to the module.

Please note that successive calls of this function will add more than one condition to the module. If more than one condition results in true, only the last of them will be used.

Please be careful: Avoid creating cyclic paths, e.g. by linking a condition to a path which is processed before the path where this module is located in.

It is equivalent to the if_value() method, using the expression "<1". This method is meant to be used together with the setReturnValue(bool value) method.

pathShared pointer to the Path which will be executed if the return value is false.
afterConditionPathWhat to do after executing 'path'.

Definition at line 85 of file

◆ if_true()

void if_true ( const std::shared_ptr< Path > &  path,
EAfterConditionPath  afterConditionPath = EAfterConditionPath::c_End 

A simplified version to set the condition of the module.

Please note that successive calls of this function will add more than one condition to the module. If more than one condition results in true, only the last of them will be used.

Please be careful: Avoid creating cyclic paths, e.g. by linking a condition to a path which is processed before the path where this module is located in.

It is equivalent to the if_value() method, using the expression ">=1". This method is meant to be used together with the setReturnValue(bool value) method.

pathShared pointer to the Path which will be executed if the return value is true.
afterConditionPathWhat to do after executing 'path'.

Definition at line 90 of file

◆ if_value()

void if_value ( const std::string &  expression,
const std::shared_ptr< Path > &  path,
EAfterConditionPath  afterConditionPath = EAfterConditionPath::c_End 

Add a condition to the module.

Please note that successive calls of this function will add more than one condition to the module. If more than one condition results in true, only the last of them will be used.

See or ModuleCondition for a description of the syntax.

Please be careful: Avoid creating cyclic paths, e.g. by linking a condition to a path which is processed before the path where this module is located in.

expressionThe expression of the condition.
pathShared pointer to the Path which will be executed if the condition is evaluated to true.
afterConditionPathWhat to do after executing 'path'.

Definition at line 79 of file

◆ setDescription()

void setDescription ( const std::string &  description)

Sets the description of the module.

descriptionA description of the module.

Definition at line 214 of file

◆ setLogInfo()

void setLogInfo ( int  logLevel,
unsigned int  logInfo 

Configure the printed log information for the given level.

logLevelThe log level (one of LogConfig::ELogLevel)
logInfoWhat kind of info should be printed? ORed combination of LogConfig::ELogInfo flags.

Definition at line 73 of file

◆ setName()

void setName ( const std::string &  name)

Set the name of the module.

The module name is set when using the REG_MODULE macro, but the module can be renamed before calling process() using the set_name() function in your steering file.
nameThe name of the module

Definition at line 214 of file Module.h.

◆ setParamPython()

void setParamPython ( const std::string &  name,
const boost::python::object &  pyObj 

Implements a method for setting boost::python objects.

The method supports the following types: list, dict, int, double, string, bool The conversion of the python object to the C++ type and the final storage of the parameter value is done in the ModuleParam class.

nameThe unique name of the parameter.
pyObjThe object which should be converted and stored as the parameter value.

Definition at line 234 of file

◆ setParamPythonDict()

void setParamPythonDict ( const boost::python::dict &  dictionary)

Implements a method for reading the parameter values from a boost::python dictionary.

The key of the dictionary has to be the name of the parameter and the value has to be of one of the supported parameter types.

dictionaryThe python dictionary from which the parameter values are read.

Definition at line 249 of file

◆ setPropertyFlags()

void setPropertyFlags ( unsigned int  propertyFlags)

Sets the flags for the module properties.

propertyFlagsbitwise OR of EModulePropFlags

Definition at line 208 of file

◆ setReturnValue() [1/2]

void setReturnValue ( bool  value)

Sets the return value for this module as bool.

The bool value is saved as an integer with the convention 1 meaning true and 0 meaning false. The value can be used in the steering file to divide the analysis chain into several paths.

valueThe value of the return value.

Definition at line 227 of file

◆ setReturnValue() [2/2]

void setReturnValue ( int  value)

Sets the return value for this module as integer.

The value can be used in the steering file to divide the analysis chain into several paths.

valueThe value of the return value.

Definition at line 220 of file

◆ setType()

void setType ( const std::string &  type)

Set the module type.

Only for use by internal modules (which don't use the normal REG_MODULE mechanism).

Definition at line 48 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: