11 #include <framework/datastore/RelationsObject.h>
13 #include <Math/Vector3D.h>
58 void addThrustB(
const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& thrustB);
65 void addThrustO(
const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& thrustO);
100 void addR2(
float R2);
107 void addKsfwFS0(
const std::vector<float>& ksfwFS0);
114 void addKsfwFS1(
const std::vector<float>& ksfwFS1);
This is a class for collecting variables used in continuum suppression.
float getThrustOm() const
Get magnitude of ROE thrust axis.
std::vector< float > m_cleoConesROE
vector of Cleo Cones constructed from only ROE particles
std::vector< float > m_cleoConesALL
vector of Cleo Cones constructed from all final state particles
float getR2() const
Get reduced Fox-Wolfram moment R2.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_thrustB
B thrust axis.
float getCosTBTO() const
Get cosine of the angle between the thrust axis of the B and the thrust axis of the ROE.
std::vector< float > m_ksfwFS0
vector of KSFW moments, Et, and mm2 for final state = 0
void addR2(float R2)
Add reduced Fox-Wolfram moment R2.
std::vector< float > getKsfwFS1() const
Get vector of KSFW moments, Et, and mm2 for final state = 1.
float m_cosTBz
cosine of the angle between the thrust axis of the B and the z-axis
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getThrustB() const
Get B thrust axis.
void addThrustBm(float thrustBm)
Add magnitude of B thrust axis.
void addCleoConesALL(const std::vector< float > &cleoConesALL)
Add vector of Cleo Cones constructed of all final state particles.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_thrustO
ROE thrust axis.
std::vector< float > m_ksfwFS1
vector of KSFW moments, Et, and mm2 for final state = 1
float getThrustBm() const
Get magnitude of B thrust axis.
void addCleoConesROE(const std::vector< float > &cleoConesROE)
Add vector of Cleo Cones constructed of only ROE particles.
float m_cosTBTO
cosine of the angle between the thrust axis of the B and the thrust axis of the ROE
void addThrustB(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &thrustB)
Add ROE thrust axis.
void addCosTBz(float cosTBz)
Add cosine of the angle between the thrust axis of the B and the z-axis.
void addThrustOm(float thrustOm)
Add magnitude of ROE thrust axis.
float getCosTBz() const
Get cosine of the angle between the thrust axis of the B and the z-axis.
float m_thrustOm
magnitude of ROE thrust axis
void addKsfwFS0(const std::vector< float > &ksfwFS0)
Add vector of KSFW moments, Et, and mm2 for final state = 0.
void addThrustO(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &thrustO)
Add ROE thrust axis.
void addKsfwFS1(const std::vector< float > &ksfwFS1)
Add vector of KSFW moments, Et, and mm2 for final state = 1.
std::vector< float > getCleoConesALL() const
Get vector of Cleo Cones constructed of all final state particles.
void addCosTBTO(float cosTBTO)
Add cosine of the angle between the thrust axis of the B and the thrust axis of the ROE.
float m_R2
reduced Fox-Wolfram moment R2
float m_thrustBm
magnitude of B thrust axis
Default constructor.
std::vector< float > getKsfwFS0() const
Get vector of KSFW moments, Et, and mm2 for final state = 0.
std::vector< float > getCleoConesROE() const
Get vector of Cleo Cones constructed of only ROE particles.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getThrustO() const
Get ROE thrust axis.
Defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray.
ClassDef(RelationsInterface, 0)
defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.