9 #include <analysis/dataobjects/ContinuumSuppression.h>
std::vector< float > m_cleoConesROE
vector of Cleo Cones constructed from only ROE particles
std::vector< float > m_cleoConesALL
vector of Cleo Cones constructed from all final state particles
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_thrustB
B thrust axis.
std::vector< float > m_ksfwFS0
vector of KSFW moments, Et, and mm2 for final state = 0
void addR2(float R2)
Add reduced Fox-Wolfram moment R2.
float m_cosTBz
cosine of the angle between the thrust axis of the B and the z-axis
void addThrustBm(float thrustBm)
Add magnitude of B thrust axis.
void addCleoConesALL(const std::vector< float > &cleoConesALL)
Add vector of Cleo Cones constructed of all final state particles.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_thrustO
ROE thrust axis.
std::vector< float > m_ksfwFS1
vector of KSFW moments, Et, and mm2 for final state = 1
void addCleoConesROE(const std::vector< float > &cleoConesROE)
Add vector of Cleo Cones constructed of only ROE particles.
float m_cosTBTO
cosine of the angle between the thrust axis of the B and the thrust axis of the ROE
void addThrustB(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &thrustB)
Add ROE thrust axis.
void addCosTBz(float cosTBz)
Add cosine of the angle between the thrust axis of the B and the z-axis.
void addThrustOm(float thrustOm)
Add magnitude of ROE thrust axis.
float m_thrustOm
magnitude of ROE thrust axis
void addKsfwFS0(const std::vector< float > &ksfwFS0)
Add vector of KSFW moments, Et, and mm2 for final state = 0.
void addThrustO(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &thrustO)
Add ROE thrust axis.
void addKsfwFS1(const std::vector< float > &ksfwFS1)
Add vector of KSFW moments, Et, and mm2 for final state = 1.
void addCosTBTO(float cosTBTO)
Add cosine of the angle between the thrust axis of the B and the thrust axis of the ROE.
float m_R2
reduced Fox-Wolfram moment R2
float m_thrustBm
magnitude of B thrust axis
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.