12 #include <calibration/CalibrationAlgorithm.h>
Base class for calibration algorithms.
The result of calibration.
Calibrate ecl crystals using bhabha events.
int crateIDHi
Fit crates with crateID0 in the inclusive range [crateIDLo,crateIDHi].
int cellIDHi
Fit crystals with cellID0 in the inclusive range [cellIDLo,cellIDHi].
int cellIDLo
Fit crystals with cellID0 in the inclusive range [cellIDLo,cellIDHi].
bool debugOutput
Save every histogram and fitted function to debugFilename.
double meanCleanRebinFactor
Rebinning factor for mean calculation.
int crateIDLo
Fit crates with crateID0 in the inclusive range [crateIDLo,crateIDHi].
double meanCleanCutMinFactor
After rebinning, create a mask for bins that have values less than meanCleanCutMinFactor times the ma...
bool savePrevCrysPayload
Save the previous crystal payload values for comparison.
std::string collectorName
Name of the collector.
bool readPrevCrysPayload
Read the previous crystal payload values for comparison.
EResult calibrate() override
..Run algorithm on events
int refCrysPerCrate[52]
List of crystals, one per crate, used as reference time for crystal time calibration.
std::string debugFilenameBase
Name of file with debug output, eclBhabhaTAlgorithm.root by default.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.