12 #include <calibration/CalibrationAlgorithm.h>
Base class for calibration algorithms.
The result of calibration.
class eclCosmiEAlgorithm.
double tRatioMin
Fit range is adjusted so that fit at upper endpoint is between tRatioMin and tRatioMax of peak.
int poorFit
low chi square; fit not useable
int iterations
fit reached max number of iterations, but is useable
int storeConst
controls which values are written to the database.
bool performFits
if false, input histograms are copied to output, but no fits are done.
int cellIDHi
Last cellID to be fit.
int cellIDLo
Parameters to control Novosibirsk fit to signal measured in each crystal.
bool findExpValues
if true, fits are used to find expected energy deposit for each crystal instead of the calibration co...
int minEntries
All crystals to be fit must have at least minEntries events in the fit range.
int notFit
no fit performed
virtual ~eclCosmicEAlgorithm()
virtual EResult calibrate() override
Run algorithm on events.
int noPeak
Novosibirsk component of fit is negligible; fit not useable.
int atLimit
a parameter is at the limit; fit not useable
int maxIterations
no more than maxIteration iterations
double tRatioMax
Fit range is adjusted so that fit at upper endpoint is between tRatioMin and tRatioMax of peak.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.