Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /* Own header. */
10 #include <ecl/calibration/eclCosmicEAlgorithm.h>
12 /* ECL headers. */
13 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLElementNumbers.h>
14 #include <ecl/dbobjects/ECLCrystalCalib.h>
16 /* ROOT headers. */
17 #include <TF1.h>
18 #include <TFile.h>
19 #include <TH2F.h>
20 #include <TMath.h>
21 #include <TROOT.h>
23 using namespace std;
24 using namespace Belle2;
25 using namespace ECL;
28 // cppcheck-suppress constParameter ; TF1 fit functions cannot have const parameters
29 double eclCosmicNovoConst(double* x, double* par)
30 {
31  double qc = 0.;
33  double peak = par[1];
34  double width = par[2];
35  double sln4 = sqrt(log(4));
36  double y = par[3] * sln4;
37  double tail = -log(y + sqrt(1 + y * y)) / sln4;
39  if (TMath::Abs(tail) < 1.e-7) {
40  qc = 0.5 * TMath::Power(((x[0] - peak) / width), 2);
41  } else {
42  const double qa = tail * sqrt(log(4.));
43  const double qb = sinh(qa) / qa;
44  const double qx = (x[0] - peak) / width * qb;
45  const double qy = 1. + tail * qx;
47  if (qy > 1.E-7)
48  qc = 0.5 * (TMath::Power((log(qy) / tail), 2) + tail * tail);
49  else
50  qc = 15.0;
51  }
52  return par[0] * exp(-qc) + par[4];
53 }
55 eclCosmicEAlgorithm::eclCosmicEAlgorithm(): CalibrationAlgorithm("eclCosmicECollector"), cellIDLo(1),
56  cellIDHi(ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals),
57  minEntries(150), maxIterations(10), tRatioMin(0.2), tRatioMax(0.25), performFits(true), findExpValues(false), storeConst(0)
58 {
60  "Perform energy calibration of ecl crystals by fitting a Novosibirsk function to energy deposited by cosmic rays"
61  );
62 }
65 {
69  double limitTol = 0.0005; /*< tolerance for checking if a parameter is at the limit */
70  double minFitLimit = 1e-25; /*< cut off for labeling a fit as poor */
71  double minFitProbIter = 1e-8; /*< cut off for labeling a fit as poor if it also has many iterations */
72  double constRatio = 0.5; /*< Novosibirsk normalization must be greater than constRatio x constant term */
73  double peakMin(0.5), peakMax(1.75); /*< range for peak of measured energy distribution */
74  double peakTol = limitTol * (peakMax - peakMin); /*< fit is at limit if it is within peakTol of min or max */
75  double effSigMin(0.08), effSigMax(0.5); /*< range for effective sigma of measured energy distribution */
76  double effSigTol = limitTol * (effSigMax - effSigMin);
77  double etaMin(-3.), etaMax(1.); /*< Novosibirsk tail parameter range */
78  double etaNom(-0.41); /*< Nominal tail parameter */
79  double etaTol = limitTol * (etaMax - etaMin);
80  double constTol = 0.1; /*< if constant is less than constTol, it will be fixed to 0 */
83  gROOT->SetBatch();
87  TH1F* dummy;
88  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("EnvsCrysSameRing");
89  if (dummy) {delete dummy;}
90  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("EnvsCrysDifferentRing");
91  if (dummy) {delete dummy;}
92  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("IntegralVsCrysSame");
93  if (dummy) {delete dummy;}
94  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("IntegralVsCrysDifferent");
95  if (dummy) {delete dummy;}
96  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("AverageExpECrysSame");
97  if (dummy) {delete dummy;}
98  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("AverageExpECrysDifferent");
99  if (dummy) {delete dummy;}
100  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("AverageElecCalibSame");
101  if (dummy) {delete dummy;}
102  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("AverageElecCalibDifferent");
103  if (dummy) {delete dummy;}
104  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("AverageInitialCalibSame");
105  if (dummy) {delete dummy;}
106  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("AverageInitialCalibDifferent");
107  if (dummy) {delete dummy;}
111  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TH2F>> EnvsCrys;
112  EnvsCrys.push_back(getObjectPtr<TH2F>("EnvsCrysSameRing"));
113  EnvsCrys.push_back(getObjectPtr<TH2F>("EnvsCrysDifferentRing"));
115  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TH1F>> ExpEvsCrys;
116  ExpEvsCrys.push_back(getObjectPtr<TH1F>("ExpEvsCrysSameRing"));
117  ExpEvsCrys.push_back(getObjectPtr<TH1F>("ExpEvsCrysDifferentRing"));
119  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TH1F>> ElecCalibvsCrys;
120  ElecCalibvsCrys.push_back(getObjectPtr<TH1F>("ElecCalibvsCrysSameRing"));
121  ElecCalibvsCrys.push_back(getObjectPtr<TH1F>("ElecCalibvsCrysDifferentRing"));
123  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TH1F>> InitialCalibvsCrys;
124  InitialCalibvsCrys.push_back(getObjectPtr<TH1F>("InitialCalibvsCrysSameRing"));
125  InitialCalibvsCrys.push_back(getObjectPtr<TH1F>("InitialCalibvsCrysDifferentRing"));
127  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TH1F>> CalibEntriesvsCrys;
128  CalibEntriesvsCrys.push_back(getObjectPtr<TH1F>("CalibEntriesvsCrysSameRing"));
129  CalibEntriesvsCrys.push_back(getObjectPtr<TH1F>("CalibEntriesvsCrysDifferentRing"));
131  auto RawDigitAmpvsCrys = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("RawDigitAmpvsCrys");
136  TH1F* IntegralVsCrys[2];
137  IntegralVsCrys[0] = new TH1F("IntegralVsCrysSame", "Integral of EnVsCrys for each crystal, same theta ring;Crystal ID",
140  IntegralVsCrys[1] = new TH1F("IntegralVsCrysDifferent", "Integral of EnVsCrys for each crystal, different theta rings;Crystal ID",
143  TH1F* AverageExpECrys[2];
144  AverageExpECrys[0] = new TH1F("AverageExpECrysSame",
145  "Average expected E per crys from collector, same theta ring;Crystal ID;Energy (GeV)", ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals, 0,
147  AverageExpECrys[1] = new TH1F("AverageExpECrysDifferent",
148  "Average expected E per crys from collector, different theta ring;Crystal ID;Energy (GeV)", ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals, 0,
151  TH1F* AverageElecCalib[2];
152  AverageElecCalib[0] = new TH1F("AverageElecCalibSame",
153  "Average electronics calib const vs crys, same theta ring;Crystal ID;Calibration constant", ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals, 0,
155  AverageElecCalib[1] = new TH1F("AverageElecCalibDifferent",
156  "Average electronics calib const vs crys, different theta rings;Crystal ID;Calibration constant", ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals, 0,
159  TH1F* AverageInitialCalib[2];
160  AverageInitialCalib[0] = new TH1F("AverageInitialCalibSame",
161  "Average initial cosmic calib const vs crys, same theta ring;Crystal ID;Calibration constant", ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals, 0,
163  AverageInitialCalib[1] = new TH1F("AverageInitialCalibDifferent",
164  "Average initial cosmic calib const vs crys, different theta rings;Crystal ID;Calibration constant", ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals,
167  for (int crysID = 0; crysID < ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; crysID++) {
168  int histbin = crysID + 1;
169  for (int idir = 0; idir < 2; idir++) {
170  TH1D* hEnergy = EnvsCrys[idir]->ProjectionY("hEnergy", histbin, histbin);
171  int Integral = hEnergy->Integral();
172  IntegralVsCrys[idir]->SetBinContent(histbin, Integral);
174  double TotEntries = CalibEntriesvsCrys[idir]->GetBinContent(histbin);
176  double expectedE = 0.;
177  if (TotEntries > 0.) {expectedE = ExpEvsCrys[idir]->GetBinContent(histbin) / TotEntries;}
178  AverageExpECrys[idir]->SetBinContent(histbin, expectedE);
179  AverageExpECrys[idir]->SetBinError(histbin, 0.);
181  double calibconst = 0.;
182  if (TotEntries > 0.) {calibconst = ElecCalibvsCrys[idir]->GetBinContent(histbin) / TotEntries;}
183  AverageElecCalib[idir]->SetBinContent(histbin, calibconst);
184  AverageElecCalib[idir]->SetBinError(histbin, 0);
186  calibconst = 0.;
187  if (TotEntries > 0.) {calibconst = InitialCalibvsCrys[idir]->GetBinContent(histbin) / TotEntries;}
188  AverageInitialCalib[idir]->SetBinContent(histbin, calibconst);
189  AverageInitialCalib[idir]->SetBinError(histbin, 0);
190  }
191  }
195  TFile* histfile = new TFile("eclCosmicEAlgorithm.root", "recreate");
196  for (int idir = 0; idir < 2; idir++) {
197  EnvsCrys[idir]->Write();
198  IntegralVsCrys[idir]->Write();
199  AverageExpECrys[idir]->Write();
200  AverageElecCalib[idir]->Write();
201  AverageInitialCalib[idir]->Write();
202  }
203  RawDigitAmpvsCrys->Write();
207  if (!performFits) {
208  B2INFO("eclCosmicEAlgorithm has not been asked to perform fits; copying input histograms and quitting");
209  histfile->Close();
210  return c_NotEnoughData;
211  }
217  bool sufficientData = true;
218  for (int crysID = cellIDLo - 1; crysID < cellIDHi; crysID++) {
219  int histbin = crysID + 1;
220  bool SameLow = IntegralVsCrys[0]->GetBinContent(histbin) < minEntries;
221  bool DifferentLow = IntegralVsCrys[1]->GetBinContent(histbin) < minEntries;
222  if ((SameLow && DifferentLow) || (findExpValues && (SameLow || DifferentLow))) {
223  if (storeConst == 1) {B2INFO("eclCosmicEAlgorithm: cellID " << histbin << " has insufficient statistics: " << IntegralVsCrys[0]->GetBinContent(histbin) << " and " << IntegralVsCrys[1]->GetBinContent(histbin) << ". Requirement is " << minEntries);}
224  sufficientData = false;
225  break;
226  }
227  }
231  if (!sufficientData && storeConst == 1) {
232  histfile->Close();
233  return c_NotEnoughData;
234  }
238  const TString preName[2] = {"SameRing", "DifferentRing"};
240  TH1F* PeakperCrys[2];
241  PeakperCrys[0] = new TH1F("PeakperCrysSame", "Fit peak per crystal, same theta ring;Crystal ID;Peak normalized energy",
244  PeakperCrys[1] = new TH1F("PeakperCrysDifferent", "Fit peak per crystal, different theta ring;Crystal ID;Peak normalized energy",
247  TH1F* SigmaperCrys[2];
248  SigmaperCrys[0] = new TH1F("SigmaperCrysSame", "Fit sigma per crysal, same theta ring;Crystal ID;Sigma (ADC)",
250  SigmaperCrys[1] = new TH1F("SigmaperCrysDifferent", "Fit sigma per crysal, different theta ring;Crystal ID;Sigma (ADC)",
254  TH1F* EtaperCrys[2];
255  EtaperCrys[0] = new TH1F("EtaperCrysSame", "Fit eta per crysal, same theta ring;Crystal ID;Eta", ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals, 0,
257  EtaperCrys[1] = new TH1F("EtaperCrysDifferent", "Fit eta per crysal, different theta ring;Crystal ID;Eta",
260  TH1F* ConstperCrys[2];
261  ConstperCrys[0] = new TH1F("ConstperCrysSame", "Fit constant per crystal, same theta ring;Crystal ID;Constant",
263  ConstperCrys[1] = new TH1F("ConstperCrysDifferent", "Fit constant per crystal, different theta ring;Crystal ID;Constant",
267  TH1F* StatusperCrys[2];
268  StatusperCrys[0] = new TH1F("StatusperCrysSame", "Fit status, same theta ring;Crystal ID;Status", ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals, 0,
270  StatusperCrys[1] = new TH1F("StatusperCrysDifferent", "Fit status, different theta ring;Crystal ID;Status",
274  TH1F* hStatus[2];
275  hStatus[0] = new TH1F("StatusSame", "Fit status, same theta ring", 25, -5, 20);
276  hStatus[1] = new TH1F("StatusDifferent", "Fit status, different theta ring", 25, -5, 20);
278  TH1F* fracPeakUnc[2];
279  fracPeakUnc[0] = new TH1F("fracPeakUncSame", "Fractional uncertainty on peak location, same theta ring", 100, 0, 0.1);
280  fracPeakUnc[1] = new TH1F("fracPeakUncDifferent", "Fractional uncertainty on peak location, different theta ring", 100, 0, 0.1);
282  TH1F* hfitProb[2];
283  hfitProb[0] = new TH1F("fitProbSame", "Probability of fit, same theta ring", 200, 0, 0.02);
284  hfitProb[1] = new TH1F("fitProbDifferent", "Probability of fit, different theta ring", 200, 0, 0.02);
287  TH1F* ExpEnergyperCrys[2];
288  ExpEnergyperCrys[0] = new TH1F("ExpEnergyperCrysSame", "Expected energy per crystal, same theta ring;Crystal ID;Peak energy (GeV)",
290  ExpEnergyperCrys[1] = new TH1F("ExpEnergyperCrysDifferent",
291  "Expected energy per crystal, different theta ring;Crystal ID;Peak energy (GeV)", ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals, 0,
294  TH1F* CalibvsCrys = new TH1F("CalibvsCrys", "Energy calibration constant from cosmics;Crystal ID;Calibration constant",
300  bool allFitsOK = true;
301  for (int crysID = cellIDLo - 1; crysID < cellIDHi; crysID++) {
302  int histbin = crysID + 1;
303  for (int idir = 0; idir < 2; idir++) {
306  TString hname = preName[idir];
307  hname += "Enormalized";
308  hname += crysID;
309  TH1D* hEnergy = EnvsCrys[idir]->ProjectionY(hname, histbin, histbin);
312  double histMin = hEnergy->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
313  double histMax = hEnergy->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
314  TF1* func = new TF1("eclCosmicNovoConst", eclCosmicNovoConst, histMin, histMax, 5);
315  func->SetParNames("normalization", "peak", "effSigma", "eta", "const");
316  func->SetParLimits(1, peakMin, peakMax);
317  func->SetParLimits(2, effSigMin, effSigMax);
318  func->SetParLimits(3, etaMin, etaMax);
321  hEnergy->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(peakMin, peakMax);
322  int maxBin = hEnergy->GetMaximumBin();
323  double peakE = hEnergy->GetBinLowEdge(maxBin);
324  double peakEUnc = 0.;
325  double normalization = hEnergy->GetMaximum();
326  double effSigma = hEnergy->GetRMS();
327  double sigmaUnc = 0.;
328  hEnergy->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(histMin, histMax);
331  double fitlow = 0.25;
332  double fithigh = peakE + 2.5 * effSigma;
335  int il0 = hEnergy->GetXaxis()->FindBin(fitlow);
336  int il1 = hEnergy->GetXaxis()->FindBin(fitlow + 0.1);
337  double constant = hEnergy->Integral(il0, il1) / (1 + il1 - il0);
338  double constUnc = 0.;
341  double eta = etaNom;
342  double etaUnc = 0.;
345  double dIter = 0.1 * (histMax - histMin) / hEnergy->GetNbinsX();
346  double highold(0.), higholdold(0.);
347  double fitProb(0.);
348  double fitProbDefault(0.);
349  bool fitHist = IntegralVsCrys[idir]->GetBinContent(histbin) >= minEntries; /* fit only if enough events */
350  bool fixConst = false;
351  int nIter = 0;
355  while (fitHist) {
356  nIter++;
359  func->SetParameters(normalization, peakE, effSigma, eta, constant);
360  if (fixConst) { func->FixParameter(4, 0); }
363  hEnergy->Fit(func, "LIQ", "", fitlow, fithigh);
364  normalization = func->GetParameter(0);
365  peakE = func->GetParameter(1);
366  peakEUnc = func->GetParError(1);
367  effSigma = func->GetParameter(2);
368  sigmaUnc = func->GetParError(2);
369  eta = func->GetParameter(3);
370  etaUnc = func->GetParError(3);
371  constant = func->GetParameter(4);
372  constUnc = func->GetParError(4);
373  fitProbDefault = func->GetProb();
376  fitHist = false;
377  double peak = func->Eval(peakE) - constant;
378  double tRatio = (func->Eval(fithigh) - constant) / peak;
379  if (tRatio < tRatioMin || tRatio > tRatioMax) {
380  double targetY = constant + 0.5 * (tRatioMin + tRatioMax) * peak;
381  higholdold = highold;
382  highold = fithigh;
383  fithigh = func->GetX(targetY, peakE, histMax);
384  fitHist = true;
387  if (abs(fithigh - higholdold) < dIter) {fithigh = 0.5 * (highold + higholdold); }
390  if (nIter > maxIterations - 3) {fithigh = 0.33333 * (fithigh + highold + higholdold); }
391  }
394  if (constant < constTol && !fixConst) {
395  constant = 0;
396  fixConst = true;
397  fitHist = true;
398  }
401  if (nIter == maxIterations) {fitHist = false;}
402  B2DEBUG(200, "cellID = " << histbin << " " << nIter << " " << preName[idir] << " " << peakE << " " << constant << " " << tRatio <<
403  " " << fithigh);
405  }
409  fitProb = 0.;
410  if (nIter > 0) {
411  int lowbin = hEnergy->GetXaxis()->FindBin(fitlow);
412  int highbin = hEnergy->GetXaxis()->FindBin(fithigh);
413  int npar = 5;
414  if (fixConst) {npar = 4;}
415  int ndeg = (highbin - lowbin) + 1 - npar;
416  double chisq = 0.;
417  double halfbinwidth = 0.5 * hEnergy->GetBinWidth(1);
418  for (int ib = lowbin; ib <= highbin; ib++) {
419  double yexp = func->Eval(hEnergy->GetBinLowEdge(ib) + halfbinwidth);
420  double yobs = hEnergy->GetBinContent(ib);
421  double dchi2 = (yexp - yobs) * (yexp - yobs) / yexp;
422  chisq += dchi2;
423  }
424  fitProb = 0.5 * (TMath::Prob(chisq, ndeg) + fitProbDefault);
425  }
429  int iStatus = fitOK; // success
430  if (nIter == maxIterations) {iStatus = iterations;} // too many iterations
433  if (normalization < constRatio * constant) {iStatus = noPeak;}
436  if (fitProb <= minFitLimit || (fitProb < minFitProbIter && iStatus == iterations)) {iStatus = poorFit;}
439  if ((peakE < peakMin + peakTol) || (peakE > peakMax - peakTol)) {iStatus = atLimit;}
440  if ((effSigma < effSigMin + effSigTol) || (effSigma > effSigMax - effSigTol)) {iStatus = atLimit;}
441  if ((eta < etaMin + etaTol) || (eta > etaMax - etaTol)) {iStatus = atLimit;}
443  //**..No fit
444  if (nIter == 0) {iStatus = notFit;} // not fit
447  PeakperCrys[idir]->SetBinContent(histbin, peakE);
448  PeakperCrys[idir]->SetBinError(histbin, peakEUnc);
449  SigmaperCrys[idir]->SetBinContent(histbin, effSigma);
450  SigmaperCrys[idir]->SetBinError(histbin, sigmaUnc);
451  EtaperCrys[idir]->SetBinContent(histbin, eta);
452  EtaperCrys[idir]->SetBinError(histbin, etaUnc);
453  ConstperCrys[idir]->SetBinContent(histbin, constant);
454  ConstperCrys[idir]->SetBinError(histbin, constUnc);
455  StatusperCrys[idir]->SetBinContent(histbin, iStatus);
456  hStatus[idir]->Fill(iStatus);
457  fracPeakUnc[idir]->Fill(peakEUnc / peakE);
458  hfitProb[idir]->Fill(fitProb);
461  B2INFO("cellID " << histbin << " " << preName[idir] << " status = " << iStatus << " fit probability = " << fitProb);
462  histfile->cd();
463  hEnergy->Write();
464  }
465  }
469  if (findExpValues) {
472  for (int crysID = 0; crysID < ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; crysID++) {
473  int histbin = crysID + 1;
474  bool atLeastOneOK = false;
475  for (int idir = 0; idir < 2; idir++) {
476  double fitstatus = StatusperCrys[idir]->GetBinContent(histbin);
477  double peakE = PeakperCrys[idir]->GetBinContent(histbin);
478  double peakEUnc = PeakperCrys[idir]->GetBinError(histbin);
480  //**..For failed fits, store the negative of the input expected energy */
481  if (fitstatus < iterations) {
482  if (histbin >= cellIDLo && histbin <= cellIDHi) {
483  B2INFO("eclCosmicEAlgorithm: crystal " << crysID << " " << preName[idir] << " is not a successful fit. Status = " << fitstatus);
484  }
485  peakE = -1.;
486  peakEUnc = 0.;
487  } else {
488  atLeastOneOK = true;
489  }
490  double inputExpE = abs(AverageExpECrys[idir]->GetBinContent(histbin));
491  ExpEnergyperCrys[idir]->SetBinContent(histbin, inputExpE * peakE);
492  ExpEnergyperCrys[idir]->SetBinError(histbin, inputExpE * peakEUnc / peakE);
493  }
494  if (!atLeastOneOK) {allFitsOK = false;}
495  }
499  } else {
502  for (int crysID = 0; crysID < ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; crysID++) {
503  int histbin = crysID + 1;
504  double calibConst[2] = {};
505  double calibConstUnc[2] = {999999., 999999.};
506  double weight[2] = {};
507  bool bothFitsBad = true;
508  for (int idir = 0; idir < 2; idir++) {
511  double peakE = PeakperCrys[idir]->GetBinContent(histbin);
512  double fracPeakEUnc = PeakperCrys[idir]->GetBinError(histbin) / peakE;
513  double inputConst = AverageInitialCalib[idir]->GetBinContent(histbin);
514  double fitstatus = StatusperCrys[idir]->GetBinContent(histbin);
515  double inputExpE = AverageExpECrys[idir]->GetBinContent(histbin);
516  if (fitstatus >= iterations && inputConst == 0) {B2FATAL("eclCosmicEAlgorithm: input calibration = 0 for idir = " << idir << " and crysID = " << crysID);}
518  //** Find constant only if fit was successful and we have a value for the expected energy */
519  if (fitstatus >= iterations && inputExpE > 0.) {
520  calibConst[idir] = abs(inputConst) / peakE;
521  calibConstUnc[idir] = calibConst[idir] * fracPeakEUnc / peakE;
522  weight[idir] = 1. / (calibConstUnc[idir] * calibConstUnc[idir]);
523  bothFitsBad = false;
524  }
525  if (fitstatus < iterations && histbin >= cellIDLo && histbin <= cellIDHi) {
526  B2INFO("eclCosmicEAlgorithm: cellID " << histbin << " " << preName[idir] << " is not a successful fit. Status = " << fitstatus);
527  } else if (inputExpE < 0. && histbin >= cellIDLo && histbin <= cellIDHi) {
528  B2WARNING("eclCosmicEAlgorithm: cellID " << histbin << " " << preName[idir] << " has no expected energy. Status = " << fitstatus);
529  }
530  }
534  double averageConst;
535  double averageConstUnc;
538  if (bothFitsBad) {
539  if (histbin >= cellIDLo && histbin <= cellIDHi) {B2INFO("eclCosmicEAlgorithm: no constant found for cellID = " << histbin << " status = " << StatusperCrys[0]->GetBinContent(histbin) << " and " << StatusperCrys[1]->GetBinContent(histbin));}
540  averageConst = -1.*abs(AverageInitialCalib[0]->GetBinContent(histbin));
541  averageConstUnc = 0.;
542  } else {
543  averageConst = (calibConst[0] * weight[0] + calibConst[1] * weight[1]) / (weight[0] + weight[1]);
544  averageConstUnc = 1. / sqrt(weight[0] + weight[1]);
545  }
546  CalibvsCrys->SetBinContent(histbin, averageConst);
547  CalibvsCrys->SetBinError(histbin, averageConstUnc);
548  }
549  }
553  bool DBsuccess = false;
554  if (storeConst == 0 || (storeConst == 1 && allFitsOK)) {
555  DBsuccess = true;
558  if (findExpValues) {
559  std::vector<std::string> DBname = {"ECLExpCosmicESame", "ECLExpCosmicEDifferent"};
560  for (int idir = 0; idir < 2; idir++) {
561  std::vector<float> tempE;
562  std::vector<float> tempUnc;
563  for (int crysID = 0; crysID < ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; crysID++) {
564  int histbin = crysID + 1;
565  tempE.push_back(ExpEnergyperCrys[idir]->GetBinContent(histbin));
566  tempUnc.push_back(ExpEnergyperCrys[idir]->GetBinError(histbin));
567  }
568  ECLCrystalCalib* ExpectedE = new ECLCrystalCalib();
569  ExpectedE->setCalibVector(tempE, tempUnc);
570  saveCalibration(ExpectedE, DBname[idir]);
571  B2INFO("eclCosmicEAlgorithm: successfully stored expected values for " << DBname[idir]);
572  }
575  } else {
576  std::vector<float> tempCalib;
577  std::vector<float> tempCalibUnc;
578  for (int crysID = 0; crysID < ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; crysID++) {
579  int histbin = crysID + 1;
580  tempCalib.push_back(CalibvsCrys->GetBinContent(histbin));
581  tempCalibUnc.push_back(CalibvsCrys->GetBinError(histbin));
582  }
583  ECLCrystalCalib* CosmicECalib = new ECLCrystalCalib();
584  CosmicECalib->setCalibVector(tempCalib, tempCalibUnc);
585  saveCalibration(CosmicECalib, "ECLCrystalEnergyCosmic");
586  B2INFO("eclCosmicEAlgorithm: successfully stored calibration constants");
587  }
588  }
591  for (int idir = 0; idir < 2; idir++) {
592  PeakperCrys[idir]->Write();
593  SigmaperCrys[idir]->Write();
594  EtaperCrys[idir]->Write();
595  ConstperCrys[idir]->Write();
596  StatusperCrys[idir]->Write();
597  hStatus[idir]->Write();
598  fracPeakUnc[idir]->Write();
599  hfitProb[idir]->Write();
600  }
603  if (findExpValues) {
604  ExpEnergyperCrys[0]->Write();
605  ExpEnergyperCrys[1]->Write();
606  } else {
607  CalibvsCrys->Write();
608  }
609  histfile->Close();
613  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("PeakperCrysSame"); delete dummy;
614  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("SigmaperCrysSame"); delete dummy;
615  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("EtaperCrysSame"); delete dummy;
616  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("ConstperCrysSame"); delete dummy;
617  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("StatusperCrysSame"); delete dummy;
618  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("StatusSame"); delete dummy;
619  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("fracPeakUncSame"); delete dummy;
620  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("fitProbSame"); delete dummy;
621  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("ExpEnergyperCrysSame"); delete dummy;
622  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("PeakperCrysDifferent"); delete dummy;
623  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("SigmaperCrysDifferent"); delete dummy;
624  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("EtaperCrysDifferent"); delete dummy;
625  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("ConstperCrysDifferent"); delete dummy;
626  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("StatusperCrysDifferent"); delete dummy;
627  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("StatusDifferent"); delete dummy;
628  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("fracPeakUncDifferent"); delete dummy;
629  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("fitProbDifferent"); delete dummy;
630  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("ExpEnergyperCrysDifferent"); delete dummy;
631  dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("CalibvsCrys"); delete dummy;
635  if (storeConst == -1) {
636  B2INFO("eclCosmicEAlgorithm performed fits but was not asked to store contants");
637  return c_Failure;
638  } else if (!DBsuccess) {
639  if (findExpValues) { B2INFO("eclCosmicEAlgorithm: failed to store expected values"); }
640  else { B2INFO("eclCosmicEAlgorithm: failed to store calibration constants"); }
641  return c_Failure;
642  }
643  return c_OK;
644 }
Base class for calibration algorithms.
void saveCalibration(TClonesArray *data, const std::string &name)
Store DBArray payload with given name with default IOV.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Set algorithm description (in constructor)
The result of calibration.
@ c_OK
Finished successfuly =0 in Python.
@ c_NotEnoughData
Needs more data =2 in Python.
@ c_Failure
Failed =3 in Python.
General DB object to store one calibration number per ECL crystal.
void setCalibVector(const std::vector< float > &CalibConst, const std::vector< float > &CalibConstUnc)
Set vector of constants with uncertainties.
double tRatioMin
Fit range is adjusted so that fit at upper endpoint is between tRatioMin and tRatioMax of peak.
int poorFit
low chi square; fit not useable
int iterations
fit reached max number of iterations, but is useable
int storeConst
controls which values are written to the database.
bool performFits
if false, input histograms are copied to output, but no fits are done.
int cellIDHi
Last cellID to be fit.
int cellIDLo
Parameters to control Novosibirsk fit to signal measured in each crystal.
bool findExpValues
if true, fits are used to find expected energy deposit for each crystal instead of the calibration co...
int minEntries
All crystals to be fit must have at least minEntries events in the fit range.
virtual EResult calibrate() override
Run algorithm on events.
int noPeak
Novosibirsk component of fit is negligible; fit not useable.
int atLimit
a parameter is at the limit; fit not useable
int maxIterations
no more than maxIteration iterations
double tRatioMax
Fit range is adjusted so that fit at upper endpoint is between tRatioMin and tRatioMax of peak.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
const int c_NCrystals
Number of crystals.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.