Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /* Own header. */
10 #include <ecl/calibration/eclNOptimalAlgorithm.h>
12 /* ECL headers. */
13 #include <ecl/calibration/tools.h>
14 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLElementNumbers.h>
15 #include <ecl/dbobjects/ECLnOptimal.h>
17 /* Basf2 headers. */
18 #include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
19 #include <framework/database/DBStore.h>
20 #include <framework/dataobjects/EventMetaData.h>
21 #include <framework/datastore/DataStore.h>
22 #include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
24 /* ROOT headers. */
25 #include <TF1.h>
26 #include <TH2F.h>
27 #include <TMath.h>
28 #include <TROOT.h>
30 using namespace std;
31 using namespace Belle2;
32 using namespace ECL;
33 using namespace Calibration;
35 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 //..Structure
38 // 1. Setup
39 // - from collector histograms, read in job parameters and group number for each crystal
40 // - get the existing payload, which we will use as the starting point for nOptimal
41 // - write out histograms from collector and from the existing payload
42 //
43 // 2. Create histograms to store many items from many fits
44 //
45 // 3. Loop over each energy and group to find the optimal number of crystals
46 // - start by checking the current value of nOptimal, then check smaller and larger
47 // values of number of summed crystals. For value, find:
48 // - peak contained energy divided by generated energy by fitting the histogram
49 // range that includes 50% of events;
50 // - corresponding bias = sum of ECLCalDigits minus mc true energy;
51 // - resolution = one-half of minimum range that includes 68.3% of events
52 // - after finding the value of nOptimal with best resolution, also find the
53 // resolution for the current reconstruction.
54 // - store everything in diagnostic histograms.
55 //
56 // 4. Having found nOptimal for that group/energy, find the bias and peak fractional
57 // contained energy for adjacent energies. This enables energy interpolation
58 // when the payloads are used.
59 //
60 // 5. Generate and store the actual payload
63 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 //..Some helper functions
67 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 //..Fit the minimum range of bins that contain the specified number of events.
69 std::vector<int> eclNOptimalFitRange(TH1D* h, const double& fraction)
70 {
71  const double target = fraction * h->GetEntries();
72  const int nBins = h->GetNbinsX();
74  //..Start at the histogram maximum
75  int iLo = h->GetMaximumBin();
76  int iHi = iLo;
77  double sum = h->Integral(iLo, iHi);
79  //..Add one bin at a time
80  while (sum < target and (iLo > 1 or iHi < nBins)) {
81  double nextLo = 0.;
82  if (iLo > 1) {nextLo = h->GetBinContent(iLo - 1);}
83  double nextHi = 0.;
84  if (iHi < nBins) {nextHi = h->GetBinContent(iHi + 1);}
85  if (nextLo > nextHi) {
86  sum += nextLo;
87  iLo--;
88  } else {
89  sum += nextHi;
90  iHi++;
91  }
92  }
94  std::vector<int> iBins;
95  iBins.push_back(iLo);
96  iBins.push_back(iHi);
97  return iBins;
99 }
101 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 //..Resolution is the minimum range that contains 68.3% of entries
103 double eclNOptimalResolution(TH1D* h, int& iLo75, int& iHi75)
104 {
106  //..Search among the bin range that contains 75% of events for the smallest
107  // range that contains at least 68.3%. If more than one, pick the one with
108  // the most events.
109  const int nBins = h->GetNbinsX();
110  const double target = 0.683 * h->GetEntries();
112  //..Copy the histogram contents for speed of access
113  // Recall that the first histogram bin is 1, not 0.
114  std::vector<double> intVector;
115  intVector.push_back(h->GetBinContent(1));
116  for (int iL = 2; iL <= nBins; iL++) {
117  double nextIntegral = intVector[iL - 2] + h->GetBinContent(iL);
118  intVector.push_back(nextIntegral);
119  }
121  //..Now search all possible ranges
122  int iLo = iLo75;
123  int iHi = iHi75;
124  double maxIntegral = intVector[iHi - 1] - intVector[iLo - 2];
125  for (int iL = iLo75; iL <= iHi75; iL++) {
126  for (int iH = iL; iH <= iHi75; iH++) {
128  // sum[iL, iH] = sum[1, iH] - sum[1,iL-1] = intVector[iH-1] - intVector[iL-2]
129  double integral = intVector[iH - 1] - intVector[iL - 2];
130  if ((integral > target and (iH - iL) < (iHi - iLo)) or
131  (integral > target and (iH - iL) == (iHi - iLo) and integral > maxIntegral)
132  ) {
133  iLo = iL;
134  iHi = iH;
135  maxIntegral = integral;
136  }
137  }
138  }
140  //..Refine the range to exactly 68.3% by subtracting a fraction of the first or last bin.
141  // Use fit to estimate distribution of events across the bin.
142  const double overage = h->Integral(iLo, iHi) - target;
143  const double dx = (h->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() - h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin()) / nBins;
145  //..Fraction of the first bin we could exclude
146  double xLow = h->GetBinLowEdge(iLo);
147  double fracEntriesToExcludeLo = overage / h->GetBinContent(iLo);
148  double fracBinToExcludeLo = fracEntriesToExcludeLo;
150  //..Use the slope from the fit extrapolated to this point unless it is 0
151  TF1* func = (TF1*)h->GetFunction("eclNOptimalNovo");
152  double f0 = func->Eval(xLow);
153  double f1 = func->Eval(xLow + dx);
154  if (abs(f1 - f0) > 1.) {
155  fracBinToExcludeLo = (sqrt(f0 * f0 + fracEntriesToExcludeLo * (f1 * f1 - f0 * f0)) - f0) / (f1 - f0);
156  }
158  //..Last bin. In this case, we want the integral from the low edge of the bin to
159  // be the fraction of events to keep in the range, not the fraction to exclude.
160  double xHigh = h->GetBinLowEdge(iHi + 1);
161  f0 = func->Eval(xHigh - dx);
162  f1 = func->Eval(xHigh);
163  double fracEntriesToExcludeHi = overage / h->GetBinContent(iHi);
164  double fracEntriesToInclude = 1. - fracEntriesToExcludeHi;
165  double fracBinToInclude = fracEntriesToInclude;
166  if (abs(f1 - f0) > 1.) {
167  fracBinToInclude = (sqrt(f0 * f0 + fracEntriesToInclude * (f1 * f1 - f0 * f0)) - f0) / (f1 - f0);
168  }
169  double fracBinToExcludeHi = 1. - fracBinToInclude;
171  //..Exclude the first bin or last bin fraction, whichever gives better resolution
172  double rangeBins = 1 + iHi - iLo - max(fracBinToExcludeLo, fracBinToExcludeHi);
173  return 0.5 * dx * rangeBins;
175 }
177 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
178 //..Novosibirsk; H. Ikeda et al. / NIM A 441 (2000) 401-426
179 double eclNOptimalNovo(const double* x, const double* par)
180 {
182  double peak = par[1];
183  double width = par[2];
184  double sln4 = sqrt(log(4));
185  double y = par[3] * sln4;
186  double tail = -log(y + sqrt(1 + y * y)) / sln4;
187  double qc = 0.;
189  if (TMath::Abs(tail) < 1.e-7)
190  qc = 0.5 * TMath::Power(((x[0] - peak) / width), 2);
191  else {
192  double qa = tail * sqrt(log(4.));
193  double qb = sinh(qa) / qa;
194  double qx = (x[0] - peak) / width * qb;
195  double qy = 1. + tail * qx;
197  if (qy > 1.E-7)
198  qc = 0.5 * (TMath::Power((log(qy) / tail), 2) + tail * tail);
199  else
200  qc = 15.0;
201  }
203  return par[0] * exp(-qc);
204 }
206 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
207 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
208 //..Constructor
210 eclNOptimalAlgorithm::eclNOptimalAlgorithm(): CalibrationAlgorithm("eclNOptimalCollector")
211 {
213  "Use single gamma MC to find the optimal number of crystals to sum for cluster energy"
214  );
215 }
217 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
218 //..Calibrate
220 {
222  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
223  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
224  //..Algorithm set up
226  //..Get started
227  B2INFO("Starting eclNOptimalAlgorithm");
228  gROOT->SetBatch();
230  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
231  //..Read in parameter histograms created by the collector and fix normalization
232  auto inputParameters = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("inputParameters");
233  const int lastBin = inputParameters->GetNbinsX();
234  const double scale = inputParameters->GetBinContent(lastBin); // number of times inputParameters was filled
235  for (int ib = 1; ib < lastBin; ib++) {
236  double param = inputParameters->GetBinContent(ib);
237  inputParameters->SetBinContent(ib, param / scale);
238  inputParameters->SetBinError(ib, 0.);
239  }
241  //..Also read in and normalize group number for each cellID
242  auto groupNumberOfEachCellID = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("groupNumberOfEachCellID");
243  for (int ic = 1; ic <= ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; ic++) {
244  const double groupNum = groupNumberOfEachCellID->GetBinContent(ic);
245  groupNumberOfEachCellID->SetBinContent(ic, groupNum / scale);
246  groupNumberOfEachCellID->SetBinError(ic, 0.);
247  }
249  //..Couple of diagnostic histograms
250  auto entriesPerThetaIdEnergy = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("entriesPerThetaIdEnergy");
251  auto mcEnergyDiff = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("mcEnergyDiff");
253  //..Write these to disk.
254  TFile* histFile = new TFile("eclNOptimalAlgorithm.root", "recreate");
255  inputParameters->Write();
256  groupNumberOfEachCellID->Write();
257  entriesPerThetaIdEnergy->Write();
258  mcEnergyDiff->Write();
260  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
261  //..Parameters from the inputParameters histogram
262  const int nCrystalGroups = (int)(inputParameters->GetBinContent(1) + 0.5);
263  const int nEnergies = (int)(inputParameters->GetBinContent(2) + 0.5);
264  const int nLeakReg = 3; // 3 regions forward barrel backward
265  auto generatedE = create2Dvector<float>(nLeakReg, nEnergies);
266  int bin = 2; // bin 1 = nCrystalGroups, bin 2 = nEnergies, bin 3 = first energy
267  for (int ireg = 0; ireg < nLeakReg; ireg++) {
268  for (int ie = 0; ie < nEnergies; ie++) {
269  bin++;
270  generatedE[ireg][ie] = inputParameters->GetBinContent(bin);
271  }
272  }
273  B2INFO("nCrystalGroups = " << nCrystalGroups);
275  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
276  //..Experiment and run number, for reading existing payload from database
277  const auto exprun = getRunList();
278  const int iExp = exprun[0].first;
279  const int iRun = exprun[0].second;
280  B2INFO("Experiment, run = " << iExp << ", " << iRun);
283  // simulate the initialize() phase where we can register objects in the DataStore
285  evtPtr.registerInDataStore();
287  // now construct the event metadata
288  evtPtr.construct(1, iRun, iExp);
289  // and update the database contents
290  DBStore& dbstore = DBStore::Instance();
291  dbstore.update();
292  // this is only needed it the payload might be intra-run dependent,
293  // that is if it might change during one run as well
294  dbstore.updateEvent();
296  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
297  //..Get existing payload
298  B2INFO("eclNOptimalAlgorithm: reading previous payload");
299  DBObjPtr<ECLnOptimal> existingECLnOptimal;
300  std::vector<float> eUpperBoundariesFwdPrev = existingECLnOptimal->getUpperBoundariesFwd();
301  std::vector<float> eUpperBoundariesBrlPrev = existingECLnOptimal->getUpperBoundariesBrl();
302  std::vector<float> eUpperBoundariesBwdPrev = existingECLnOptimal->getUpperBoundariesBwd();
303  TH2F nOptimal2DPrev = existingECLnOptimal->getNOptimal();
304  nOptimal2DPrev.SetName("nOptimal2DPrev");
306  const int nPrevE = eUpperBoundariesFwdPrev.size();
307  B2INFO("Energy upper boundaries from previous payload for each region");
308  for (int ie = 0; ie < nPrevE; ie++) {
309  B2INFO(" " << ie << " " << eUpperBoundariesFwdPrev[ie] << " " << eUpperBoundariesBrlPrev[ie] << " " << eUpperBoundariesBwdPrev[ie]);
310  }
312  //..Write out
313  histFile->cd();
314  nOptimal2DPrev.Write();
316  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
317  //..Use existing payload to get the initial nOptimal value for each group
318  std::vector< std::vector<int> > initialNOptimal;
319  initialNOptimal.resize(nCrystalGroups, std::vector<int>(nEnergies, 0));
321  //..Couple of histograms of relevant quantities
322  TH2F* nInitialPerGroup = new TH2F("nInitialPerGroup", "initial nCrys, energy point vs group number;group;energy point",
323  nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
324  TH2F* generatedEPerGroup = new TH2F("generatedEPerGroup", "Generated energy, energy point vs group number;group;energy point",
325  nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
326  TH1F* firstCellIDPerGroup = new TH1F("firstCellIDPerGroup", "First cellID of group;group", nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups);
327  TH1F* nCrystalsPerGroup = new TH1F("nCrystalsPerGroup", "Number of crystals per group;group", nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups);
328  std::vector<int> crystalsPerGroup;
329  crystalsPerGroup.resize(nCrystalGroups, 0);
331  const int nCrystalsTotal = ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals;
332  for (int cellID = 1; cellID <= nCrystalsTotal; cellID++) {
334  //..Group number of this cellID
335  int iGroup = (int)(0.5 + groupNumberOfEachCellID->GetBinContent(cellID));
337  //..Energy boundaries of previous payload, which depend on the ECL region
338  std::vector<float> eUpperBoundariesPrev = eUpperBoundariesBrlPrev;
339  int iRegion = 1; // barrel
340  if (ECLElementNumbers::isForward(cellID)) {
341  eUpperBoundariesPrev = eUpperBoundariesFwdPrev;
342  iRegion = 0;
343  } else if (ECLElementNumbers::isBackward(cellID)) {
344  eUpperBoundariesPrev = eUpperBoundariesBwdPrev;
345  iRegion = 2;
346  }
348  //..For each test energy, get the nOptimal for this cellID from previous payload.
349  // iEnergy is the energy bin of the previous payload, which is equal to ie if
350  // the test energies have not changed.
351  for (int ie = 0; ie < nEnergies; ie++) {
352  float energy = generatedE[iRegion][ie];
353  int iEnergy = 0;
354  while (energy > eUpperBoundariesPrev[iEnergy]) {iEnergy++;}
355  initialNOptimal[iGroup][ie] = (int)(0.5 + nOptimal2DPrev.GetBinContent(iGroup + 1, iEnergy + 1));
356  if (ie != iEnergy) {
357  B2INFO("ie iEnergy mismatch: cellID " << cellID << " ie " << ie << " iEnergy " << iEnergy);
358  }
360  //..Store in diagnostic histograms
361  generatedEPerGroup->SetBinContent(iGroup + 1, ie + 1, energy);
362  nInitialPerGroup->SetBinContent(iGroup + 1, ie + 1, initialNOptimal[iGroup][ie]);
363  }
365  //..Count crystals in this group
366  if (crystalsPerGroup[iGroup] == 0) {
367  firstCellIDPerGroup->SetBinContent(iGroup + 1, cellID);
368  firstCellIDPerGroup->SetBinError(iGroup + 1, 0.);
369  }
370  crystalsPerGroup[iGroup]++;
371  }
373  //..Write out these histograms
374  for (int ig = 0; ig < nCrystalGroups; ig++) {
375  nCrystalsPerGroup->SetBinContent(ig + 1, crystalsPerGroup[ig]);
376  nCrystalsPerGroup->SetBinError(ig + 1, 0.);
377  }
378  histFile->cd();
379  nInitialPerGroup->Write();
380  generatedEPerGroup->Write();
381  firstCellIDPerGroup->Write();
382  nCrystalsPerGroup->Write();
383  B2INFO("Wrote initial diagnostic histograms");
385  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
386  //..Write out all the 2D histograms
387  for (int ig = 0; ig < nCrystalGroups; ig++) {
388  for (int ie = 0; ie < nEnergies; ie++) {
389  std::string name = "eSum_" + std::to_string(ig) + "_" + std::to_string(ie);
390  auto eSum = getObjectPtr<TH2F>(name);
391  name = "biasSum_" + std::to_string(ig) + "_" + std::to_string(ie);
392  auto biasSum = getObjectPtr<TH2F>(name);
393  histFile->cd();
394  eSum->Write();
395  biasSum->Write();
396  }
397  }
398  B2INFO("Wrote eSum and biasSum histograms");
400  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
401  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
402  //..Find nOptimal and corresponding bias for each group/energy point
404  //..Histograms to store fit results
405  TH2F* nOptimalPerGroup = new TH2F("nOptimalPerGroup", "nOptimal;group;energy point", nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups, nEnergies,
406  0., nEnergies);
407  TH2F* changeInNOptimal = new TH2F("changeInNOptimal", "nOptimal minus nInitial;group;energy point", nCrystalGroups, 0.,
408  nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
409  TH2F* binsInFit = new TH2F("binsInFit", "Number of bins used in Novo fit, energy point vs group number;group;energy point",
410  nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
411  TH2F* maxEntriesPerHist = new TH2F("maxEntriesPerHist",
412  "Max entries in histogram bin, energy point vs group number;group;energy point", nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0.,
413  nEnergies);
414  TH2F* peakPerGroup = new TH2F("peakPerGroup", "peak energy, energy point vs group number;group;energy point", nCrystalGroups, 0.,
415  nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
416  TH2F* effSigmaPerGroup = new TH2F("effSigmaPerGroup", "fit effective sigma, energy point vs group number;group;energy point",
417  nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
418  TH2F* etaPerGroup = new TH2F("etaPerGroup", "fit eta, energy point vs group number;group;energy point", nCrystalGroups, 0.,
419  nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
420  TH2F* fitProbPerGroup = new TH2F("fitProbPerGroup", "fit probability, energy point vs group number;group;energy point",
421  nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
422  TH2F* resolutionPerGroup = new TH2F("resolutionPerGroup", "resolution/(peak-bias), energy point vs group number;group;energy point",
423  nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
424  TH2F* fracContainedEPerGroup = new TH2F("fracContainedEPerGroup",
425  "peak fraction of energy contained in nOpt crystals;group;energy point", nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0.,
426  nEnergies);
428  TH2F* biasPerGroup = new TH2F("biasPerGroup", "bias (GeV), energy point vs group number;group;energy point", nCrystalGroups, 0.,
429  nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
430  TH2F* sigmaBiasPerGroup = new TH2F("sigmaBiasPerGroup", "sigma bias (GeV), energy point vs group number;group;energy point",
431  nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
433  TH2F* existingResolutionPerGroup = new TH2F("existingResolutionPerGroup",
434  "existing resolution/peak, energy point vs group number;group;energy point", nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0.,
435  nEnergies);
437  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
438  //..Loop over all groups and energy points
440  //..Fit function Novosibirsk (xmin, xmax, nparameters)
441  TF1* func = new TF1("eclNOptimalNovo", eclNOptimalNovo, 0.4, 1.4, 4);
442  func->SetLineColor(kRed);
444  for (int ig = 0; ig < nCrystalGroups; ig++) {
445  for (int ie = 0; ie < nEnergies; ie++) {
447  //..Read in the energy sum vs nCrys for the group and energy point
448  std::string name = "eSum_" + std::to_string(ig) + "_" + std::to_string(ie);
449  auto eSum = getObjectPtr<TH2F>(name);
451  //..Also the corresponding bias histgram
452  std::string biasName = "biasSum_" + std::to_string(ig) + "_" + std::to_string(ie);
453  auto biasSum = getObjectPtr<TH2F>(biasName);
455  //..And the generated energy
456  const double genEnergy = generatedEPerGroup->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1);
458  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
459  //..Extract the eSum distributions for various nCrys (=nCrysSumToFit) and fit them
460  // to find the best resolution.
461  const int nCrysBins = eSum->GetNbinsX();
462  const int nCrysMax = nCrysBins - 1; // the last bin is eSum for existing reco
464  //..Items to be found and stored in the following while loop
465  TH1D* eSumOpt{nullptr}; // 1D projection with the best resolution
466  int nFitBins = 0; // keep track of how many bins are included in the fit
467  double bestFractionalResolution = 999.;
468  double existingFractionalResolution = 999.;
469  double biasForNOpt = 0.; // bias from backgrounds for optimal nCrys
470  double biasSigmaForNOpt = 0.; // sigma bias
471  int nOpt = 0;
473  //..Start with the previous optimal value, then try fewer, if possible, then
474  // try more, if possible. End by finding the resolution for the
475  // reconstruction used to produce the single photon MC samples.
476  const int initialnCrysSumToFit = initialNOptimal[ig][ie];
477  int nCrysSumToFit = initialnCrysSumToFit;
478  while (nCrysSumToFit > 0) {
480  TH1D* hEnergy = (TH1D*)eSum->ProjectionY("hEnergy", nCrysSumToFit, nCrysSumToFit);
481  TString newName = name + "_" + std::to_string(nCrysSumToFit);
482  hEnergy->SetName(newName);
484  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
485  //..Check stats, and rebin as required
486  const double minESumEntries = 800.;
487  if (hEnergy->GetEntries() < minESumEntries) {
488  B2INFO("Insuffient entries in eSum: " << hEnergy->GetEntries() << " for group " << ig << " energy point " << ie);
489  histFile->Close();
490  B2INFO("closed histFile; quitting");
491  return c_NotEnoughData;
492  }
494  //..Rebin if the maximum bin has too few entries
495  const double minPeakValue = 300.;
496  while (hEnergy->GetMaximum() < minPeakValue) {hEnergy->Rebin(2);}
498  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
499  //..Find 50% range for Novo fit to find peak value. Rebin if there are too many bins
500  double fitFraction = 0.5;
501  int iLo = 1;
502  int iHi = hEnergy->GetNbinsX();
503  const int maxBinsToFit = 59;
504  while ((iHi - iLo) > maxBinsToFit) {
505  std::vector<int> iBins = eclNOptimalFitRange(hEnergy, fitFraction);
506  iLo = iBins[0];
507  iHi = iBins[1];
508  if ((iHi - iLo) > maxBinsToFit) {hEnergy->Rebin(2);}
509  }
511  //..Fit range
512  const int nBinsX = hEnergy->GetNbinsX();
513  const double fitlow = hEnergy->GetBinLowEdge(iLo);
514  const double fithigh = hEnergy->GetBinLowEdge(iHi + 1);
515  double sum = hEnergy->Integral(iLo, iHi);
516  B2INFO("group " << ig << " ie " << ie << " name " << name << " newName " << newName << " nBinsX " << nBinsX << " 50% target: " <<
517  fitFraction * hEnergy->GetEntries() << " iLo: " << iLo << " iHi: " << iHi << " sum: " << sum);
519  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
520  //..Set up the fit. Initial values
521  double normalization = hEnergy->GetMaximum();
522  const int iMax = hEnergy->GetMaximumBin();
523  double peak = hEnergy->GetBinLowEdge(iMax);
524  double effSigma = 0.5 * (fithigh - fitlow);
525  double eta = 0.4; // typical value for good fits
527  func->SetParameters(normalization, peak, effSigma, eta);
528  func->SetParNames("normalization", "peak", "effSigma", "eta");
530  //..Parameter ranges
531  func->SetParLimits(1, fitlow, fithigh);
532  func->SetParLimits(2, 0., 2.*effSigma);
533  func->SetParLimits(3, -1, 3);
535  //..If there is only one crystal, fix eta to a special value
536  if (nCrysSumToFit == 1) {
537  const double etaForOneCrystal = 0.95;
538  func->SetParameter(3, etaForOneCrystal);
539  func->SetParLimits(3, etaForOneCrystal, etaForOneCrystal);
540  }
542  //..Fit
543  hEnergy->Fit(func, "LIEQ", "", fitlow, fithigh);
545  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
546  //..Find the bias = sum of CalDigits minus sum of MC truth for this nCrys
547  // Bias is the mid point of the minimum range that contains 68.3% of events
548  double bias = 0.;
549  double biasSigma = 0.;
550  if (nCrysSumToFit < nCrysBins) {
551  TH1D* hBias = (TH1D*)biasSum->ProjectionY("hBias", nCrysSumToFit, nCrysSumToFit);
552  fitFraction = 0.683;
553  std::vector<int> jBins = eclNOptimalFitRange(hBias, fitFraction);
554  const double lowEdge = hBias->GetBinLowEdge(jBins[0]);
555  const double highEdge = hBias->GetBinLowEdge(jBins[1] + 1);
556  bias = 0.5 * (lowEdge + highEdge);
557  biasSigma = 0.5 * (highEdge - lowEdge);
558  }
560  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
561  //..Resolution is half the smallest range that contains 68.3% of events.
562  // Speed up the process by only looking among the range that contains 75%.
563  fitFraction = 0.75;
564  std::vector<int> iBins = eclNOptimalFitRange(hEnergy, fitFraction);
565  const double resolution = eclNOptimalResolution(hEnergy, iBins[0], iBins[1]);
567  //..Correct for the bias from background when calculating fractional resolution.
568  // Note that variable resolution = (E_hi - E_lo)/E_gen is dimensionless,
569  // variable peak = E_peak/E_gen is dimensionless, but variable bias has units GeV
570  peak = func->GetParameter(1);
571  const double fractionalResolution = resolution / (peak - bias / genEnergy);
573  //..Record information if this is the best resolution (and is not the existing
574  // resolution case).
575  if (fractionalResolution < bestFractionalResolution and nCrysSumToFit != nCrysBins) {
576  bestFractionalResolution = fractionalResolution;
577  nOpt = nCrysSumToFit;
578  eSumOpt = hEnergy;
579  nFitBins = 1 + iHi - iLo;
580  biasForNOpt = bias;
581  biasSigmaForNOpt = biasSigma;
582  } else if (nCrysSumToFit == nCrysBins) {
583  existingFractionalResolution = fractionalResolution;
584  }
586  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
587  //..Logic to decide what to do next
589  //..keep checking different N until resolution is this much worse than best value
590  const double resTolerance = 1.05;
591  if (nCrysSumToFit == initialnCrysSumToFit) {
593  //..After testing the previous nOptimal, try one fewer if possible
594  if (nCrysSumToFit > 1) {
595  nCrysSumToFit--;
596  } else {
597  nCrysSumToFit++;
598  }
599  } else if (nCrysSumToFit < initialnCrysSumToFit) {
601  //..Trying fewer crystals. If this is the best so far, try one
602  // fewer, if possible. Otherwise, try more crystals.
603  if (fractionalResolution < resTolerance* bestFractionalResolution and nCrysSumToFit > 1) {
604  nCrysSumToFit--;
605  } else if (initialnCrysSumToFit != nCrysMax) {
606  nCrysSumToFit = initialnCrysSumToFit + 1;
607  } else {
608  nCrysSumToFit = nCrysBins;
609  }
610  } else if (nCrysSumToFit < nCrysBins) { // nCrysSumToFit is always > initialnCrysSumToFit
612  //..Trying more crystals. If this is the best, try one more, if
613  // possible. Otherwise, do the current reconstruction case (nCrysSumToFit = nCrysBins)
614  if (fractionalResolution < resTolerance * bestFractionalResolution and nCrysSumToFit < nCrysMax) {
615  nCrysSumToFit++;
616  } else {
617  nCrysSumToFit = nCrysBins;
618  }
619  } else if (nCrysSumToFit == nCrysBins) {
621  //..This is the current resolution case, so we are done
622  nCrysSumToFit = 0;
623  }
625  } // while(nCrysSumToFit > 0)
626  B2INFO(" ig: " << ig << " ie: " << ie << " initial nOpt: " << initialnCrysSumToFit << " final nOpt: " << nOpt);
628  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
629  //..Store everything in diagnostic histograms
631  //..Extract the function from the nOptimal histogram
632  TF1* funcOpt = (TF1*)eSumOpt->GetFunction("eclNOptimalNovo");
634  nOptimalPerGroup->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, nOpt);
636  changeInNOptimal->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, nOpt - initialnCrysSumToFit);
637  changeInNOptimal->SetBinError(ig + 1, ie + 1, 0.);
639  biasPerGroup->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, biasForNOpt);
640  biasPerGroup->SetBinError(ig + 1, ie + 1, 0.);
642  sigmaBiasPerGroup->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, biasSigmaForNOpt);
643  sigmaBiasPerGroup->SetBinError(ig + 1, ie + 1, 0.);
645  binsInFit->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, nFitBins);
646  binsInFit->SetBinError(ig + 1, ie + 1, 0.);
648  maxEntriesPerHist->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, eSumOpt->GetMaximum());
649  maxEntriesPerHist->SetBinError(ig + 1, ie + 1, 0.);
651  const double peakOpt = funcOpt->GetParameter(1);
652  const double peakOptUnc = funcOpt->GetParError(1);
653  peakPerGroup->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, peakOpt);
654  peakPerGroup->SetBinError(ig + 1, ie + 1, peakOptUnc);
656  const double genE = generatedEPerGroup->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1);
657  const double peakCor = peakOpt - biasForNOpt / genE;
658  fracContainedEPerGroup->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, peakCor);
659  fracContainedEPerGroup->SetBinError(ig + 1, ie + 1, peakOptUnc);
661  effSigmaPerGroup->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, funcOpt->GetParameter(2));
662  effSigmaPerGroup->SetBinError(ig + 1, ie + 1, funcOpt->GetParError(2));
664  etaPerGroup->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, funcOpt->GetParameter(3));
665  etaPerGroup->SetBinError(ig + 1, ie + 1, funcOpt->GetParError(3));
667  fitProbPerGroup->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, funcOpt->GetProb());
668  fitProbPerGroup->SetBinError(ig + 1, ie + 1, 0.);
670  resolutionPerGroup->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, bestFractionalResolution);
671  resolutionPerGroup->SetBinError(ig + 1, ie + 1, 0.);
673  existingResolutionPerGroup->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, existingFractionalResolution);
674  existingResolutionPerGroup->SetBinError(ig + 1, ie + 1, 0.);
676  //..Write out to disk
677  histFile->cd();
678  eSumOpt->Write();
680  }
681  }
683  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
684  //..Write out fit summary histograms
685  histFile->cd();
686  changeInNOptimal->Write();
687  biasPerGroup->Write();
688  sigmaBiasPerGroup->Write();
689  binsInFit->Write();
690  maxEntriesPerHist->Write();
691  peakPerGroup->Write();
692  effSigmaPerGroup->Write();
693  etaPerGroup->Write();
694  fitProbPerGroup->Write();
695  resolutionPerGroup->Write();
696  existingResolutionPerGroup->Write();
697  fracContainedEPerGroup->Write();
699  B2INFO("Wrote fit summary histograms");
701  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
702  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
703  //..Find bias and fraction contained energy in nOpt crystals for the energy bins
704  // adjacent to each of the group / energy points.
706  //..Histograms to store results
707  TH2F* fracContainedAdjacent[2];
708  TH2F* biasAdjacent[2];
709  const TString updown[2] = {"lower", "higher"};
710  for (int ia = 0; ia < 2; ia++) {
711  TString name = "fracContainedAdjacent_" + std::to_string(ia);
712  TString title = "peak fraction of energy contained in nOpt crystals, " + updown[ia] + " E;group;energy point";
713  fracContainedAdjacent[ia] = new TH2F(name, title, nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
715  name = "biasAdjacent_" + std::to_string(ia);
716  title = "bias (GeV) in nOpt crystals, " + updown[ia] + " E;group;energy point";
717  biasAdjacent[ia] = new TH2F(name, title, nCrystalGroups, 0., nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
718  }
720  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
721  //..Loop over all groups and energy points
722  for (int ig = 0; ig < nCrystalGroups; ig++) {
723  for (int ie = 0; ie < nEnergies; ie++) {
725  //..nOpt for this point
726  const int nOpt = nOptimalPerGroup->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1);
728  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
729  //..Two adjacent energy points
730  for (int ia = 0; ia < 2; ia++) {
731  const int ieAdj = ie + 2 * ia - 1; // ie +/- 1
732  double eFracPeakAdj = fracContainedEPerGroup->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1);
733  double biasAdj = biasPerGroup->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1);
735  //..Need this to be a valid energy point to do anything more
736  if (ieAdj >= 0 and ieAdj < nEnergies) {
738  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
739  //..Find the bias
740  std::string biasName = "biasSum_" + std::to_string(ig) + "_" + std::to_string(ieAdj);
741  auto biasSum = getObjectPtr<TH2F>(biasName);
742  TH1D* hBias = (TH1D*)biasSum->ProjectionY("hBias", nOpt, nOpt);
744  //..Bias is the mid-point of the range containing 68.3% of events
745  double fitFraction = 0.683;
746  std::vector<int> jBins = eclNOptimalFitRange(hBias, fitFraction);
747  const double lowEdge = hBias->GetBinLowEdge(jBins[0]);
748  const double highEdge = hBias->GetBinLowEdge(jBins[1] + 1);
749  biasAdj = 0.5 * (lowEdge + highEdge);
751  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
752  //..Get the eSum distribution to be fit
753  std::string name = "eSum_" + std::to_string(ig) + "_" + std::to_string(ieAdj);
754  auto eSum = getObjectPtr<TH2F>(name);
755  TH1D* hEnergy = (TH1D*)eSum->ProjectionY("hEnergy", nOpt, nOpt);
756  TString newName = name + "_" + std::to_string(nOpt);
757  hEnergy->SetName(newName);
759  B2INFO("fit adj ig = " << ig << " ie = " << ie << " ia = " << ia << " " << newName << " " << " entries = " << hEnergy->GetEntries()
760  << " GetMaxiumum = " << hEnergy->GetMaximum());
762  //..Rebin if the maximum bin has too few entries
763  const double minPeakValue = 300.;
764  while (hEnergy->GetMaximum() < minPeakValue) {hEnergy->Rebin(2);}
766  //..Find 50% range for Novo fit. Rebin if there are too many bins
767  fitFraction = 0.5;
768  int iLo = 1;
769  int iHi = hEnergy->GetNbinsX();
770  const int maxBinsToFit = 59;
771  while ((iHi - iLo) > maxBinsToFit) {
772  std::vector<int> iBins = eclNOptimalFitRange(hEnergy, fitFraction);
773  iLo = iBins[0];
774  iHi = iBins[1];
775  if ((iHi - iLo) > maxBinsToFit) {hEnergy->Rebin(2);}
776  }
778  //..Fit parameters
779  const double fitlow = hEnergy->GetBinLowEdge(iLo);
780  const double fithigh = hEnergy->GetBinLowEdge(iHi + 1);
781  double normalization = hEnergy->GetMaximum();
782  const int iMax = hEnergy->GetMaximumBin();
783  double peak = hEnergy->GetBinLowEdge(iMax);
784  double effSigma = 0.5 * (fithigh - fitlow);
785  double eta = 0.4; // typical value for good fits
787  func->SetParameters(normalization, peak, effSigma, eta);
788  func->SetParNames("normalization", "peak", "effSigma", "eta");
790  //..Parameter ranges
791  func->SetParLimits(1, fitlow, fithigh);
792  func->SetParLimits(2, 0., 2.*effSigma);
793  func->SetParLimits(3, -1, 3);
795  //..If there is only one crystal, fix eta to a special value
796  if (nOpt == 1) {
797  const double etaForOneCrystal = 0.95;
798  func->SetParameter(3, etaForOneCrystal);
799  func->SetParLimits(3, etaForOneCrystal, etaForOneCrystal);
800  }
802  //..Fit
803  hEnergy->Fit(func, "LIEQ", "", fitlow, fithigh);
805  //..Fraction of contained energy = peak of fit corrected for bias
806  const double peakAdj = func->GetParameter(1);
807  const double genE = generatedEPerGroup->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ieAdj + 1);
808  eFracPeakAdj = peakAdj - biasAdj / genE;
809  }
811  //..Store
812  fracContainedAdjacent[ia]->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, eFracPeakAdj);
813  biasAdjacent[ia]->SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, biasAdj);
814  } // loop over adjacent energy points
816  B2INFO(" ig " << ig << " ie " << ie << " eFrac (3): "
817  << fracContainedAdjacent[0]->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1) << " "
818  << fracContainedEPerGroup->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1) << " "
819  << fracContainedAdjacent[1]->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1)
820  << " biases (3): "
821  << biasAdjacent[0]->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1) << " "
822  << biasPerGroup->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1) << " "
823  << biasAdjacent[1]->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1)
824  );
825  } // loop over ie
826  } // loop over ig
828  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
829  //..Write out histograms with results for adjacent energy points
830  histFile->cd();
831  fracContainedAdjacent[0]->Write();
832  fracContainedAdjacent[1]->Write();
833  biasAdjacent[0]->Write();
834  biasAdjacent[1]->Write();
836  B2INFO("Wrote adjacent energy point summary histograms");
839  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
840  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
841  //..Prepare the payload contents
842  //..Upper energy boundaries are the mid-point of the log energies
843  auto boundaryE = create2Dvector<float>(nLeakReg, nEnergies);
844  for (int ireg = 0; ireg < nLeakReg; ireg++) {
845  B2INFO("Generated energies and boundaries for region = " << ireg);
846  for (int ie = 0; ie < nEnergies - 1; ie++) {
847  double logE0 = log(generatedE[ireg][ie]);
848  double logE1 = log(generatedE[ireg][ie + 1]);
849  double logBoundary = 0.5 * (logE0 + logE1);
850  boundaryE[ireg][ie] = exp(logBoundary);
851  B2INFO(" " << ie << " " << generatedE[ireg][ie] << " " << boundaryE[ireg][ie] << " GeV");
852  }
854  //..Last boundary is an arbitrarily large number
855  boundaryE[ireg][nEnergies - 1] = 9999.;
856  B2INFO(" " << nEnergies - 1 << " " << generatedE[ireg][nEnergies - 1] << " " << boundaryE[ireg][nEnergies - 1] << " GeV");
857  }
859  //..Group number of each cellID
860  std::vector<int> groupNumber;
861  for (int cellID = 1; cellID <= ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; cellID++) {
862  const int iGroup = (int)(0.5 + groupNumberOfEachCellID->GetBinContent(cellID));
863  groupNumber.push_back(iGroup);
864  }
866  //..Copy results for each group into the payload histogram
867  TH2F nOptimal2D("nOptimal2D", "Optimal nCrys, energy bin vs group number", nCrystalGroups, 0, nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0.,
868  nEnergies);
869  for (int ig = 0; ig < nCrystalGroups; ig++) {
870  for (int ie = 0; ie < nEnergies; ie++) {
871  double nOpt = nOptimalPerGroup->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1);
872  nOptimal2D.SetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1, nOpt);
873  }
874  }
876  //..2D histograms for peak and bias corrections.
877  // Note that these have 3 x bins per group = nominal energy plus adjacent energies.
878  TH2F peakFracEnergy("peakFracEnergy", "peak contained energy over generated E, energy bin vs group number", 3 * nCrystalGroups, 0,
879  nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
880  TH2F bias("bias", "median bias (GeV), energy bin vs group number", 3 * nCrystalGroups, 0, nCrystalGroups, nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
881  TH2F logPeakEnergy("logPeakEnergy", "log peak Energy (GeV), energy bin vs group number", 3 * nCrystalGroups, 0, nCrystalGroups,
882  nEnergies, 0., nEnergies);
883  for (int ig = 0; ig < nCrystalGroups; ig++) {
884  for (int ie = 0; ie < nEnergies; ie++) {
885  const int iy = ie + 1;
886  const int ix = 1 + 3 * ig; // three bins per group in payload histograms
888  //..Peak fractional energy and log peak contained energy (GeV)
890  //..Nominal ig and and ie
891  double peakAdj = fracContainedEPerGroup->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1);
892  const double genE = generatedEPerGroup->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1);
893  double logE = log(genE * peakAdj);
895  peakFracEnergy.SetBinContent(ix, iy, peakAdj);
896  logPeakEnergy.SetBinContent(ix, iy, logE);
898  //..Lower E adjacent point
899  double peakAdj0 = peakAdj;
900  double logE0 = logE;
901  if (ie > 1) {
902  peakAdj0 = fracContainedAdjacent[0]->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1);
903  const double genE0 = generatedEPerGroup->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie);
904  logE0 = log(genE0 * peakAdj0);
905  }
907  peakFracEnergy.SetBinContent(ix + 1, iy, peakAdj0);
908  logPeakEnergy.SetBinContent(ix + 1, iy, logE0);
910  //..Higher E adjacent point
911  double peakAdj1 = peakAdj;
912  double logE1 = logE;
913  if (ie < nEnergies - 1) {
914  peakAdj1 = fracContainedAdjacent[1]->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1);
915  const double genE1 = generatedEPerGroup->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 2);
916  logE1 = log(genE1 * peakAdj1);
917  }
919  peakFracEnergy.SetBinContent(ix + 2, iy, peakAdj1);
920  logPeakEnergy.SetBinContent(ix + 2, iy, logE1);
922  //..Bias
923  double medianBias = biasPerGroup->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1);
924  bias.SetBinContent(ix, iy, medianBias);
925  medianBias = biasAdjacent[0]->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1);
926  bias.SetBinContent(ix + 1, iy, medianBias);
927  medianBias = biasAdjacent[1]->GetBinContent(ig + 1, ie + 1);
928  bias.SetBinContent(ix + 2, iy, medianBias);
929  }
930  }
932  //..Store the histograms
933  histFile->cd();
934  nOptimal2D.Write();
935  peakFracEnergy.Write();
936  logPeakEnergy.Write();
937  bias.Write();
938  histFile->Close();
940  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
941  //..The payload itself
942  ECLnOptimal* optimalNCrys = new ECLnOptimal();
944  //..Energy boundaries
945  for (int ireg = 0; ireg < nLeakReg; ireg++) {
946  std::vector<float> eUpperBoundaries;
947  for (int ie = 0; ie < nEnergies; ie++) {eUpperBoundaries.push_back(boundaryE[ireg][ie]);}
948  if (ireg == 0) {
949  optimalNCrys->setUpperBoundariesFwd(eUpperBoundaries);
950  } else if (ireg == 1) {
951  optimalNCrys->setUpperBoundariesBrl(eUpperBoundaries);
952  } else {
953  optimalNCrys->setUpperBoundariesBwd(eUpperBoundaries);
954  }
955  }
957  //..Group number of each cellID
958  optimalNCrys->setGroupNumber(groupNumber);
960  //..nOptimal histogram
961  optimalNCrys->setNOptimal(nOptimal2D);
963  //..Peak and bias correction histograms
964  optimalNCrys->setPeakFracEnergy(peakFracEnergy);
965  optimalNCrys->setBias(bias);
966  optimalNCrys->setLogPeakEnergy(logPeakEnergy);
968  //..Save the calibration
969  saveCalibration(optimalNCrys, "ECLnOptimal");
970  B2RESULT("eclNOptimalAlgorithm: successfully stored payload ECLnOptimal");
972  //..Done
973  return c_OK;
974 }
Base class for calibration algorithms.
void saveCalibration(TClonesArray *data, const std::string &name)
Store DBArray payload with given name with default IOV.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Set algorithm description (in constructor)
The result of calibration.
@ c_OK
Finished successfuly =0 in Python.
@ c_NotEnoughData
Needs more data =2 in Python.
const std::vector< Calibration::ExpRun > & getRunList() const
Get the list of runs for which calibration is called.
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
Singleton class to cache database objects.
Definition: DBStore.h:31
static DataStore & Instance()
Instance of singleton Store.
void setInitializeActive(bool active)
Setter for m_initializeActive.
virtual EResult calibrate() override
..Run algorithm on events
DB object to store the optimal number of crystals to be used in a cluster energy sum,...
Definition: ECLnOptimal.h:23
void setNOptimal(const TH2F &nOptimal)
Set the 2D histogram of nOptimal.
Definition: ECLnOptimal.h:92
void setLogPeakEnergy(const TH2F &logPeakEnergy)
Set the 2D histogram of log of peak contained energy in GeV.
Definition: ECLnOptimal.h:101
void setGroupNumber(const std::vector< int > &groupNumber)
Set the vector of group numbers for each crystal.
Definition: ECLnOptimal.h:89
void setUpperBoundariesFwd(const std::vector< float > &eUpperBoundariesFwd)
Set vector of energies that specify energy ranges in the forward endcap.
Definition: ECLnOptimal.h:80
void setBias(const TH2F &bias)
Set the 2D histogram of beam background bias (reconstructed - true) (GeV)
Definition: ECLnOptimal.h:98
void setUpperBoundariesBrl(const std::vector< float > &eUpperBoundariesBrl)
Set vector of energies that specify energy ranges in the barrel.
Definition: ECLnOptimal.h:83
void setUpperBoundariesBwd(const std::vector< float > &eUpperBoundariesBwd)
Set vector of energies that specify energy ranges in the backward endcap.
Definition: ECLnOptimal.h:86
void setPeakFracEnergy(const TH2F &peakFracEnergy)
Set the 2D histogram of peak fractional contained energy.
Definition: ECLnOptimal.h:95
bool registerInDataStore(DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut)
Register the object/array in the DataStore.
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
bool construct(Args &&... params)
Construct an object of type T in this StoreObjPtr, using the provided constructor arguments.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:119
static DBStore & Instance()
Instance of a singleton DBStore.
void updateEvent()
Updates all intra-run dependent objects.
void update()
Updates all objects that are outside their interval of validity.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
const int c_NCrystals
Number of crystals.
bool isBackward(int cellId)
Check whether the crystal is in backward ECL.
bool isForward(int cellId)
Check whether the crystal is in forward ECL.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.