Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include <framework/dataobjects/Helix.h>
10 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
12 #include <boost/math/special_functions/sign.hpp>
13 #include <boost/math/special_functions/sinc.hpp>
14 #include <boost/math/tools/precision.hpp>
16 #include <Math/VectorUtil.h>
17 #include <TMatrixD.h>
19 #include <cassert>
21 using namespace Belle2;
22 using namespace HelixParameterIndex;
24 Helix::Helix():
25  m_d0(0.0),
26  m_phi0(0.0),
27  m_omega(0.0),
28  m_z0(0.0),
29  m_tanLambda(0.0)
30 {
31 }
33 Helix::Helix(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& position,
34  const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& momentum,
35  const short int charge,
36  const double bZ)
37 {
38  setCartesian(position, momentum, charge, bZ);
39 }
41 Helix::Helix(const double& d0,
42  const double& phi0,
43  const double& omega,
44  const double& z0,
45  const double& tanLambda)
46  : m_d0(d0),
47  m_phi0(phi0),
48  m_omega(omega),
49  m_z0(z0),
50  m_tanLambda(tanLambda)
51 {
52 }
54 double Helix::getPerigeeX() const
55 {
56  return getD0() * getSinPhi0();
57 }
59 double Helix::getPerigeeY() const
60 {
61  return -getD0() * getCosPhi0();
62 }
64 double Helix::getPerigeeZ() const
65 {
66  return getZ0();
67 }
69 ROOT::Math::XYZVector Helix::getPerigee() const
70 {
71  return ROOT::Math::XYZVector(getPerigeeX(), getPerigeeY(), getPerigeeZ());
72 }
74 double Helix::getMomentumX(const double bZ) const
75 {
76  return getCosPhi0() * getTransverseMomentum(bZ);
77 }
79 double Helix::getMomentumY(const double bZ) const
80 {
81  return getSinPhi0() * getTransverseMomentum(bZ);
82 }
84 double Helix::getMomentumZ(const double bZ) const
85 {
86  return getTanLambda() * getTransverseMomentum(bZ);
87 }
89 ROOT::Math::XYZVector Helix:: getMomentum(const double bZ) const
90 {
91  return ROOT::Math::XYZVector(getMomentumX(bZ), getMomentumY(bZ), getMomentumZ(bZ));
92 }
94 ROOT::Math::XYZVector Helix::getDirection() const
95 {
96  return ROOT::Math::XYZVector(getCosPhi0(), getSinPhi0(), getTanLambda());
97 }
99 double Helix::getTransverseMomentum(const double bZ) const
100 {
101  return 1 / std::fabs(getAlpha(bZ) * getOmega());
102 }
104 double Helix::getKappa(const double bZ) const
105 {
106  return getOmega() * getAlpha(bZ);
107 }
109 double Helix::getAlpha(const double bZ)
110 {
111  return 1.0 / (bZ * Const::speedOfLight) * 1E4;
112 }
114 short Helix::getChargeSign() const
115 {
116  return boost::math::sign(getOmega());
117 }
119 void Helix::reverse()
120 {
121  // All except z0 have to be taken to their opposites
122  m_d0 = -m_d0; //d0
123  m_phi0 = reversePhi(m_phi0);
124  m_omega = -m_omega;
125  m_tanLambda = -m_tanLambda;
126 }
128 double Helix::getArcLength2DAtCylindricalR(const double& cylindricalR) const
129 {
130  // Slight trick here
131  // Since the sought point is on the helix we treat it as the perigee
132  // and the origin as the point to extrapolate to.
133  // We know the distance of the origin to the circle, which is just d0
134  // The direct distance from the origin to the imaginary perigee is just the given cylindricalR.
135  const double dr = getD0();
136  const double deltaCylindricalR = cylindricalR;
137  const double absArcLength2D = calcArcLength2DAtDeltaCylindricalRAndDr(deltaCylindricalR, dr);
138  return absArcLength2D;
139 }
141 double Helix::getArcLength2DAtXY(const double& x, const double& y) const
142 {
143  double dr = 0;
144  double arcLength2D = 0;
145  calcArcLength2DAndDrAtXY(x, y, arcLength2D, dr);
146  return arcLength2D;
147 }
149 double Helix::getArcLength2DAtNormalPlane(const double& byX, const double& byY,
150  const double& nX, const double& nY) const
151 {
152  // Construct the tangential vector to the plan in xy space
153  const double tX = nY;
154  const double tY = -nX;
156  // Fetch the helix parameters
157  const double omega = getOmega();
158  const double cosPhi0 = getCosPhi0();
159  const double sinPhi0 = getSinPhi0();
160  const double d0 = getD0();
162  // Prepare a delta vector, which is the vector from the perigee point to the support point of the plane
163  // Split it in component parallel and a component orthogonal to tangent at the perigee.
164  const double deltaParallel = byX * cosPhi0 + byY * sinPhi0;
165  const double deltaOrthogonal = byY * cosPhi0 - byX * sinPhi0 + d0;
166  const double deltaCylindricalR = hypot(deltaOrthogonal, deltaParallel);
167  const double deltaCylindricalRSquared = deltaCylindricalR * deltaCylindricalR;
169  const double UOrthogonal = 1 + omega * deltaOrthogonal; // called nu in the Karimaki paper.
170  const double UParallel = omega * deltaParallel;
172  // Some commonly used terms - compare Karimaki 1990
173  const double A = 2 * deltaOrthogonal + omega * deltaCylindricalRSquared;
175  const double tParallel = tX * cosPhi0 + tY * sinPhi0;
176  const double tOrthogonal = tY * cosPhi0 - tX * sinPhi0;
177  const double tCylindricalR = (tX * tX + tY * tY);
179  const double c = A / 2;
180  const double b = UParallel * tParallel + UOrthogonal * tOrthogonal;
181  const double a = omega / 2 * tCylindricalR;
183  const double discriminant = ((double)b) * b - 4 * a * c;
184  const double root = sqrt(discriminant);
185  const double bigSum = (b > 0) ? -b - root : -b + root;
187  const double bigOffset = bigSum / 2 / a;
188  const double smallOffset = 2 * c / bigSum;
190  const double distance1 = hypot(byX + bigOffset * tX, byY + bigOffset * tY);
191  const double distance2 = hypot(byX + smallOffset * tX, byY + smallOffset * tY);
193  if (distance1 < distance2) {
194  return getArcLength2DAtXY(byX + bigOffset * tX, byY + bigOffset * tY);
195  } else {
196  return getArcLength2DAtXY(byX + smallOffset * tX, byY + smallOffset * tY);
197  }
198 }
201 ROOT::Math::XYZVector Helix::getPositionAtArcLength2D(const double& arcLength2D) const
202 {
203  /*
204  / \ / \ / \
205  | x | | cos phi0 -sin phi0 | | - sin(chi) / omega |
206  | | = | | * | |
207  | y | | sin phi0 cos phi0 | | -(1 - cos(chi)) / omega - d0 |
208  \ / \ / \ /
210  and
212  z = tanLambda * arclength + z0;
214  where chi = -arcLength2D * omega
216  Here arcLength2D means the arc length of the circle in the xy projection
217  traversed in the forward direction.
218  */
220  // First calculating the position assuming the circle center lies on the y axes (phi0 = 0)
221  // Rotate to the right phi position afterwards
222  // Using the sinus cardinalis yields expressions that are smooth in the limit of omega -> 0
224  // Do calculations in double
225  const double chi = -arcLength2D * getOmega();
226  const double chiHalf = chi / 2.0;
228  using boost::math::sinc_pi;
230  const double x = arcLength2D * sinc_pi(chi);
231  const double y = arcLength2D * sinc_pi(chiHalf) * sin(chiHalf) - getD0();
233  // const double z = s * tan lambda + z0
234  const double z = fma((double)arcLength2D, getTanLambda(), getZ0());
236  // Unrotated position
237  ROOT::Math::XYZVector position(x, y, z);
239  // Rotate to the right phi0 position
240  position = ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::RotateZ(position, getPhi0());
242  return position;
243 }
245 ROOT::Math::XYZVector Helix::getTangentialAtArcLength2D(const double& arcLength2D) const
246 {
247  const double omega = getOmega();
248  const double phi0 = getPhi0();
249  const double tanLambda = getTanLambda();
251  const double chi = - omega * arcLength2D;
253  const double tx = cos(chi + phi0);
254  const double ty = sin(chi + phi0);
255  const double tz = tanLambda;
257  ROOT::Math::XYZVector tangential(tx, ty, tz);
258  return tangential;
259 }
261 ROOT::Math::XYZVector Helix::getUnitTangentialAtArcLength2D(const double& arcLength2D) const
262 {
263  ROOT::Math::XYZVector unitTangential = getTangentialAtArcLength2D(arcLength2D);
264  const double norm = hypot(1, getTanLambda());
265  const double invNorm = 1 / norm;
266  unitTangential *= invNorm;
267  return unitTangential;
268 }
270 ROOT::Math::XYZVector Helix::getMomentumAtArcLength2D(const double& arcLength2D, const double& bz) const
271 {
272  ROOT::Math::XYZVector momentum = getTangentialAtArcLength2D(arcLength2D);
273  const double pr = getTransverseMomentum(bz);
274  momentum *= pr;
276  return momentum;
277 }
279 double Helix::passiveMoveBy(const double& byX,
280  const double& byY,
281  const double& byZ)
282 {
283  // First calculate the distance of the new origin to the helix in the xy projection
284  double new_d0 = 0;
285  double arcLength2D = 0;
286  calcArcLength2DAndDrAtXY(byX, byY, arcLength2D, new_d0);
288  // Third the new phi0 and z0 can be calculated from the arc length
289  double chi = -arcLength2D * getOmega();
290  double new_phi0 = m_phi0 + chi;
291  double new_z0 = getZ0() - byZ + getTanLambda() * arcLength2D;
294  m_d0 = new_d0;
295  m_phi0 = new_phi0;
296  m_z0 = new_z0;
298  return arcLength2D;
299 }
301 TMatrixD Helix::calcPassiveMoveByJacobian(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& by, const double expandBelowChi) const
302 {
303  TMatrixD jacobian(5, 5);
304  calcPassiveMoveByJacobian(by.X(), by.Y(), jacobian, expandBelowChi);
305  return jacobian;
306 }
309 void Helix::calcPassiveMoveByJacobian(const double& byX,
310  const double& byY,
311  TMatrixD& jacobian,
312  const double expandBelowChi) const
313 {
314  // 0. Preparations
315  // Initialise the return value to a unit matrix
316  jacobian.UnitMatrix();
317  assert(jacobian.GetNrows() == jacobian.GetNcols());
318  assert(jacobian.GetNrows() == 5 or jacobian.GetNrows() == 6);
320  // Fetch the helix parameters
321  const double omega = getOmega();
322  const double cosPhi0 = getCosPhi0();
323  const double sinPhi0 = getSinPhi0();
324  const double d0 = getD0();
325  const double tanLambda = getTanLambda();
327  // Prepare a delta vector, which is the vector from the perigee point to the new origin
328  // Split it in component parallel and a component orthogonal to tangent at the perigee.
329  const double deltaParallel = byX * cosPhi0 + byY * sinPhi0;
330  const double deltaOrthogonal = byY * cosPhi0 - byX * sinPhi0 + d0;
331  const double deltaCylindricalR = hypot(deltaOrthogonal, deltaParallel);
332  const double deltaCylindricalRSquared = deltaCylindricalR * deltaCylindricalR;
334  // Some commonly used terms - compare Karimaki 1990
335  const double A = 2 * deltaOrthogonal + omega * deltaCylindricalRSquared;
336  const double USquared = 1 + omega * A;
337  const double U = sqrt(USquared);
338  const double UOrthogonal = 1 + omega * deltaOrthogonal; // called nu in the Karimaki paper.
339  const double UParallel = omega * deltaParallel;
340  // Note U is a vector pointing from the middle of the projected circle scaled by a factor omega.
341  const double u = 1 + omega * d0; // just called u in the Karimaki paper.
343  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
344  // 1. Set the parts related to the xy coordinates
345  // Fills the upper left 3x3 corner of the jacobain
347  // a. Calculate the row related to omega
348  // The row related to omega is not different from the unit jacobian initialised above.
349  // jacobian(iOmega, iOmega) = 1.0; // From UnitMatrix above.
351  // b. Calculate the row related to d0
352  const double new_d0 = A / (1 + U);
354  jacobian(iD0, iOmega) = (deltaCylindricalR + new_d0) * (deltaCylindricalR - new_d0) / 2 / U;
355  jacobian(iD0, iPhi0) = - u * deltaParallel / U;
356  jacobian(iD0, iD0) = UOrthogonal / U;
358  // c. Calculate the row related to phi0
359  // Also calculate the derivatives of the arc length
360  // which are need for the row related to z.
361  const double dArcLength2D_dD0 = - UParallel / USquared;
362  const double dArcLength2D_dPhi0 = (omega * deltaCylindricalRSquared + deltaOrthogonal - d0 * UOrthogonal) / USquared;
364  jacobian(iPhi0, iD0) = - dArcLength2D_dD0 * omega;
365  jacobian(iPhi0, iPhi0) = u * UOrthogonal / USquared;
366  jacobian(iPhi0, iOmega) = -deltaParallel / USquared;
368  // For jacobian(iPhi0, iOmega) we have to dig deeper
369  // since the normal equations have a divergence for omega -> 0.
370  // This hinders not only the straight line case but extrapolations between points which are close together,
371  // like it happens when the current perigee is very close the new perigee.
372  // To have a smooth transition in this limit we have to carefully
373  // factor out the divergent quotients and approximate them with their taylor series.
375  const double chi = -atan2(UParallel, UOrthogonal);
376  double arcLength2D = 0;
377  double dArcLength2D_dOmega = 0;
379  if (fabs(chi) < std::min(expandBelowChi, M_PI / 2.0)) {
380  // Never expand for the far side of the circle by limiting the expandBelow to maximally half a pi.
381  // Close side of the circle
382  double principleArcLength2D = deltaParallel / UOrthogonal;
383  const double dPrincipleArcLength2D_dOmega = - principleArcLength2D * deltaOrthogonal / UOrthogonal;
385  const double x = principleArcLength2D * omega;
386  const double f = calcATanXDividedByX(x);
387  const double df_dx = calcDerivativeOfATanXDividedByX(x);
389  arcLength2D = principleArcLength2D * f;
390  dArcLength2D_dOmega = (f + x * df_dx) * dPrincipleArcLength2D_dOmega + principleArcLength2D * df_dx * principleArcLength2D;
391  } else {
392  // Far side of the circle
393  // If the far side of the circle is a well definied concept, omega is high enough that
394  // we can divide by it.
395  // Otherwise nothing can rescue us since the far side of the circle is so far away that no reasonable extrapolation can be made.
396  arcLength2D = - chi / omega;
397  dArcLength2D_dOmega = (-arcLength2D - jacobian(iPhi0, iOmega)) / omega;
398  }
400  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
401  // 2. Set the parts related to the z coordinate
402  // Since tanLambda stays the same there are no entries for tanLambda in the jacobian matrix
403  // For the new z0' = z0 + arcLength2D * tanLambda
404  jacobian(iZ0, iD0) = tanLambda * dArcLength2D_dD0;
405  jacobian(iZ0, iPhi0) = tanLambda * dArcLength2D_dPhi0;
406  jacobian(iZ0, iOmega) = tanLambda * dArcLength2D_dOmega;
407  jacobian(iZ0, iZ0) = 1.0; // From UnitMatrix above.
408  jacobian(iZ0, iTanLambda) = arcLength2D;
410  if (jacobian.GetNrows() == 6) {
411  // Also write the derivates of arcLength2D to the jacobian if the matrix size has space for them.
412  jacobian(iArcLength2D, iD0) = dArcLength2D_dD0;
413  jacobian(iArcLength2D, iPhi0) = dArcLength2D_dPhi0;
414  jacobian(iArcLength2D, iOmega) = dArcLength2D_dOmega;
415  jacobian(iArcLength2D, iZ0) = 0.0;
416  jacobian(iArcLength2D, iTanLambda) = 0;
417  jacobian(iArcLength2D, iArcLength2D) = 1.0;
418  }
419 }
421 double Helix::reversePhi(const double& phi)
422 {
423  return std::remainder(phi + M_PI, 2 * M_PI);
424 }
426 double Helix::calcArcLength2DFromSecantLength(const double& secantLength) const
427 {
428  return secantLength * calcSecantLengthToArcLength2DFactor(secantLength);
429 }
432 double Helix::calcSecantLengthToArcLength2DFactor(const double& secantLength) const
433 {
434  double x = secantLength * getOmega() / 2.0;
435  return calcASinXDividedByX(x);
436 }
438 double Helix::calcASinXDividedByX(const double& x)
439 {
440  // Approximation of asin(x) / x
441  // Inspired by BOOST's sinc
445  auto const taylor_n_bound = boost::math::tools::forth_root_epsilon<double>();
447  if (abs(x) >= taylor_n_bound) {
448  if (fabs(x) == 1) {
449  return M_PI / 2.0;
451  } else {
452  return asin(x) / x;
454  }
456  } else {
457  // approximation by taylor series in x at 0 up to order 0
458  double result = 1.0;
460  auto const taylor_0_bound = boost::math::tools::epsilon<double>();
461  if (abs(x) >= taylor_0_bound) {
462  double x2 = x * x;
463  // approximation by taylor series in x at 0 up to order 2
464  result += x2 / 6.0;
466  auto const taylor_2_bound = boost::math::tools::root_epsilon<double>();
467  if (abs(x) >= taylor_2_bound) {
468  // approximation by taylor series in x at 0 up to order 4
469  result += x2 * x2 * (3.0 / 40.0);
470  }
471  }
472  return result;
473  }
475 }
477 double Helix::calcATanXDividedByX(const double& x)
478 {
479  // Approximation of atan(x) / x
480  // Inspired by BOOST's sinc
484  auto const taylor_n_bound = boost::math::tools::forth_root_epsilon<double>();
486  if (abs(x) >= taylor_n_bound) {
487  return atan(x) / x;
489  } else {
490  // approximation by taylor series in x at 0 up to order 0
491  double result = 1.0;
493  auto const taylor_0_bound = boost::math::tools::epsilon<double>();
494  if (abs(x) >= taylor_0_bound) {
495  double x2 = x * x;
496  // approximation by taylor series in x at 0 up to order 2
497  result -= x2 / 3.0;
499  auto const taylor_2_bound = boost::math::tools::root_epsilon<double>();
500  if (abs(x) >= taylor_2_bound) {
501  // approximation by taylor series in x at 0 up to order 4
502  result += x2 * x2 * (1.0 / 5.0);
503  }
504  }
505  return result;
506  }
507 }
509 double Helix::calcDerivativeOfATanXDividedByX(const double& x)
510 {
511  // Approximation of atan(x) / x
512  // Inspired by BOOST's sinc
516  auto const taylor_n_bound = boost::math::tools::forth_root_epsilon<double>();
518  const double x2 = x * x;
519  if (abs(x) >= taylor_n_bound) {
520  const double chi = atan(x);
521  return ((1 - chi / x) / x - chi) / (1 + x2);
523  } else {
524  // approximation by taylor series in x at 0 up to order 0
525  double result = 1.0;
527  auto const taylor_0_bound = boost::math::tools::epsilon<double>();
528  if (abs(x) >= taylor_0_bound) {
529  // approximation by taylor series in x at 0 up to order 2
530  result -= 2.0 * x / 3.0;
532  auto const taylor_2_bound = boost::math::tools::root_epsilon<double>();
533  if (abs(x) >= taylor_2_bound) {
534  // approximation by taylor series in x at 0 up to order 4
535  result += x2 * x * (4.0 / 5.0);
536  }
537  }
538  return result;
539  }
540 }
545 void Helix::calcArcLength2DAndDrAtXY(const double& x, const double& y, double& arcLength2D, double& dr) const
546 {
547  // Prepare common variables
548  const double omega = getOmega();
549  const double cosPhi0 = getCosPhi0();
550  const double sinPhi0 = getSinPhi0();
551  const double d0 = getD0();
553  const double deltaParallel = x * cosPhi0 + y * sinPhi0;
554  const double deltaOrthogonal = y * cosPhi0 - x * sinPhi0 + d0;
555  const double deltaCylindricalR = hypot(deltaOrthogonal, deltaParallel);
556  const double deltaCylindricalRSquared = deltaCylindricalR * deltaCylindricalR;
558  const double A = 2 * deltaOrthogonal + omega * deltaCylindricalRSquared;
559  const double U = sqrt(1 + omega * A);
560  const double UOrthogonal = 1 + omega * deltaOrthogonal; // called nu in the Karimaki paper.
561  const double UParallel = omega * deltaParallel;
562  // Note U is a vector pointing from the middle of the projected circle scaled by a factor omega.
564  // Calculate dr
565  dr = A / (1 + U);
567  // Calculate the absolute value of the arc length
568  const double chi = -atan2(UParallel, UOrthogonal);
570  if (fabs(chi) < M_PI / 8) { // Rough guess where the critical zone for approximations begins
571  // Close side of the circle
572  double principleArcLength2D = deltaParallel / UOrthogonal;
573  arcLength2D = principleArcLength2D * calcATanXDividedByX(principleArcLength2D * omega);
574  } else {
575  // Far side of the circle
576  // If the far side of the circle is a well definied concept meaning that we have big enough omega.
577  arcLength2D = -chi / omega;
578  }
579 }
581 double Helix::calcArcLength2DAtDeltaCylindricalRAndDr(const double& deltaCylindricalR, const double& dr) const
582 {
583  const double omega = getOmega();
584  double secantLength = sqrt((deltaCylindricalR + dr) * (deltaCylindricalR - dr) / (1 + dr * omega));
585  return calcArcLength2DFromSecantLength(secantLength);
586 }
588 void Helix::setCartesian(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& position,
589  const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& momentum,
590  const short int charge,
591  const double bZ)
592 {
593  assert(abs(charge) <= 1); // Not prepared for doubly-charged particles.
594  const double alpha = getAlpha(bZ);
596  // We allow for the case that position, momentum are not given
597  // exactly in the perigee. Therefore we have to transform the momentum
598  // with the position as the reference point and then move the coordinate system
599  // to the origin.
601  const double x = position.X();
602  const double y = position.Y();
603  const double z = position.Z();
605  const double px = momentum.X();
606  const double py = momentum.Y();
607  const double pz = momentum.Z();
609  const double ptinv = 1 / hypot(px, py);
610  const double omega = charge * ptinv / alpha;
611  const double tanLambda = ptinv * pz;
612  const double phi0 = atan2(py, px);
613  const double z0 = z;
614  const double d0 = 0;
616  m_omega = omega;
617  m_phi0 = phi0;
618  m_d0 = d0;
619  m_tanLambda = tanLambda;
620  m_z0 = z0;
622  passiveMoveBy(-x, -y, 0);
623 }
625 namespace Belle2 {
631  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const Helix& helix)
632  {
633  return output
634  << "Helix("
635  << "d0=" << helix.getD0() << ", "
636  << "phi0=" << helix.getPhi0() << ", "
637  << "omega=" << helix.getOmega() << ", "
638  << "z0=" << helix.getZ0() << ", "
639  << "tanLambda=" << helix.getTanLambda() << ")";
640  }
642 }
Helix parameter class.
Definition: Helix.h:48
Helix(const HepPoint3D &pivot, const HepVector &a, const HepSymMatrix &Ea)
Constructor with pivot, helix parameter a, and its error matrix.
double phi0(void) const
Return helix parameter phi0.
Definition: Helix.h:388
const HepVector & a(void) const
Returns helix parameters.
Definition: Helix.h:428
double dr(void) const
Return helix parameter dr.
Definition: Helix.h:380
Hep3Vector momentum(double dPhi=0.) const
returns momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
HepPoint3D x(double dPhi=0.) const
returns position after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
double cosPhi0(void) const
Return cos phi0.
Definition: Helix.h:500
double sinPhi0(void) const
Return sin phi0.
Definition: Helix.h:492
static const double speedOfLight
Definition: Const.h:686
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &output, const IntervalOfValidity &iov)
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
double atan(double a)
atan for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:34
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.