Belle II Software development
NewV0Fitter Class Reference

Improved V0 fitter class. More...

#include <NewV0Fitter.h>


struct  FittedTrack
 Structure to save track data of the last successful iteration. More...

Public Member Functions

 NewV0Fitter (const std::string &trackFitResultsName="", const std::string &v0sName="", const std::string &v0ValidationVerticesName="", const std::string &recoTracksName="", const std::string &copiedRecoTracksName="CopiedRecoTracks", bool enableValidation=false)
void initializeCuts (double vertexDistanceCut, double vertexChi2Cut, const std::tuple< double, double > &invMassRangeKshort, const std::tuple< double, double > &invMassRangeLambda, const std::tuple< double, double > &invMassRangePhoton)
 Initialization of cuts applied during the fit and store process.
void setFitterMode (int fitterMode)
 Setter for the fitter mode.
bool fitAndStore (const Track *trackPlus, const Track *trackMinus, const Const::ParticleType &v0Hypothesis, bool &isForceStored, bool &isHitRemoved)
 Fit V0 with given hypothesis and store results if fit is successful.

Static Public Member Functions

static std::pair< Const::ParticleType, Const::ParticleTypegetTrackHypotheses (const Const::ParticleType &v0Hypothesis)
 Returns daughter particle types for a given V0 hypothesis.

Private Types

enum  ErrorStatus {
  c_NoTrackRepresentation = -4 ,
  c_VertexFitFailed = -3 ,
  c_ExtrapolationFailed = -2 ,
  c_NotSelected = -1
 Error status codes returned by the vertexFit method. More...
enum  EInnerHitBits {
  c_BitTrackPlus = 0x1 ,
  c_BitTrackMinus = 0x2
 Bits used to signal that track has hits inside the V0 vertex. More...

Private Member Functions

int vertexFit (const RecoTrack *recoTrackPlus, const RecoTrack *recoTrackMinus, int pdgTrackPlus, int pdgTrackMinus, const Const::ParticleType &v0Hypothesis)
 Performs a vertex fit.
const genfit::AbsTrackRep * getTrackRepresentation (const RecoTrack *recoTrack, int pdgCode)
 Returns track representation for a given PDG code.
bool setCardinalRep (genfit::Track &gfTrack, int pdgCode)
 Sets cardinal representation of a given genfit track and PDG code.
bool fitGFRaveVertex (genfit::Track &trackPlus, genfit::Track &trackMinus, genfit::GFRaveVertex &vertex)
 Genfit Rave vertex fit called by vertexFit method.
int extrapolateToVertex (genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &statePlus, genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &stateMinus, const genfit::GFRaveVertex &vertex)
 Extrapolation of both tracks to the vertex.
RecoTrackcopyRecoTrack (const RecoTrack *origRecoTrack, const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &state)
 Make a copy of reco track.
const RecoTrackremoveHitsAndRefit (const RecoTrack *origRecoTrack, const RecoTrack *lastRecoTrack, const Const::ParticleType &ptype)
 Remove track inner hits and refit the track.
int isInnermostClusterShared (const RecoTrack *recoTrackPlus, const RecoTrack *recoTrackMinus)
 Returns bit flags indicating that the innermost cluster is shared between both tracks.
const TrackFitResultsaveTrackFitResult (const FittedTrack &trk, int sharedInnermostCluster)
 Append track fit result to the collection.

Private Attributes

std::string m_recoTracksName
 name of the RecoTracks collection
StoreArray< RecoTrackm_recoTracks
 RecoTracks collection.
StoreArray< TrackFitResultm_trackFitResults
 TrackFitResults collection.
StoreArray< V0m_v0s
 V0s collection.
StoreArray< V0ValidationVertexm_validationV0s
 V0ValidationVertex collection (optional)
StoreArray< RecoTrackm_copiedRecoTracks
 copied RecoTracks collection
double m_vertexDistanceCut = 0
 cut on the transverse radius
double m_vertexChi2Cut = 0
 Chi2 cut.
std::map< int, std::pair< double, double > > m_invMassCuts
 invariant mass cuts, key = abs(PDG)
int m_fitterMode = 1
 fitter mode
bool m_validation = false
 validation flag
genfit::GFRaveVertex m_fittedVertex
 last successfully fitted vertex
double m_momentum = 0
 momentum of last successfully fitted vertex
double m_invMass = 0
 invariant mass of last successfully fitted vertex
FittedTrack m_trkPlus
 positively charged track data of last successfully fitted vertex
FittedTrack m_trkMinus
 negatively charged track data of last successfully fitted vertex

Detailed Description

Improved V0 fitter class.

Definition at line 30 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EInnerHitBits

enum EInnerHitBits

Bits used to signal that track has hits inside the V0 vertex.


positive track has inner hits


negative track has inner hits

Definition at line 139 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

139 {
140 c_BitTrackPlus = 0x1,
141 c_BitTrackMinus = 0x2
142 };
@ c_BitTrackMinus
negative track has inner hits
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:141
@ c_BitTrackPlus
positive track has inner hits
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:140

◆ ErrorStatus

enum ErrorStatus

Error status codes returned by the vertexFit method.


no track representation for given PDG code


vertex fit failed


track extrapolation failed


fitted vertex not passing the cuts

Definition at line 128 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

128 {
130 c_VertexFitFailed = -3,
132 c_NotSelected = -1
133 };
@ c_NoTrackRepresentation
no track representation for given PDG code
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:129
@ c_NotSelected
fitted vertex not passing the cuts
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:132
@ c_VertexFitFailed
vertex fit failed
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:130
@ c_ExtrapolationFailed
track extrapolation failed
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:131

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NewV0Fitter()

NewV0Fitter ( const std::string &  trackFitResultsName = "",
const std::string &  v0sName = "",
const std::string &  v0ValidationVerticesName = "",
const std::string &  recoTracksName = "",
const std::string &  copiedRecoTracksName = "CopiedRecoTracks",
bool  enableValidation = false 


trackFitResultsNamename of the StoreArray TrackFitResults
v0sNamename of the StoreArray V0s
v0ValidationVerticesNamename of the StoreArray V0ValidationVertex
recoTracksNamename of the StoreArray RecoTracks
copiedRecoTracksNamename of the StoreArray of copied RecoTracks
enableValidationon true store additional data for validation

Definition at line 27 of file

30 : m_recoTracksName(recoTracksName), m_validation(enableValidation)
32 B2ASSERT("V0Fitter: material effects not set up. Please use SetupGenfitExtrapolationModule.",
33 genfit::MaterialEffects::getInstance()->isInitialized());
34 B2ASSERT("V0Fitter: magnetic field not set up. Please use SetupGenfitExtrapolationModule.",
35 genfit::FieldManager::getInstance()->isInitialized());
38 m_trackFitResults.isRequired(trackFitResultsName);
45 if (m_validation) {
46 m_validationV0s.registerInDataStore(v0ValidationVerticesName, DataStore::c_ErrorIfAlreadyRegistered);
47 m_v0s.registerRelationTo(m_validationV0s);
48 }
@ c_WriteOut
Object/array should be saved by output modules.
Definition: DataStore.h:70
@ c_ErrorIfAlreadyRegistered
If the object/array was already registered, produce an error (aborting initialisation).
Definition: DataStore.h:72
StoreArray< V0ValidationVertex > m_validationV0s
V0ValidationVertex collection (optional)
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:235
StoreArray< RecoTrack > m_copiedRecoTracks
copied RecoTracks collection
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:236
bool m_validation
validation flag
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:243
StoreArray< V0 > m_v0s
V0s collection.
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:234
StoreArray< TrackFitResult > m_trackFitResults
TrackFitResults collection.
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:233
std::string m_recoTracksName
name of the RecoTracks collection
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:231
StoreArray< RecoTrack > m_recoTracks
RecoTracks collection.
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:232
static void registerRequiredRelations(StoreArray< RecoTrack > &recoTracks, std::string const &pxdHitsStoreArrayName="", std::string const &svdHitsStoreArrayName="", std::string const &cdcHitsStoreArrayName="", std::string const &bklmHitsStoreArrayName="", std::string const &eklmHitsStoreArrayName="", std::string const &recoHitInformationStoreArrayName="")
Convenience method which registers all relations required to fully use a RecoTrack.
bool isRequired(const std::string &name="")
Ensure this array/object has been registered previously.
bool registerInDataStore(DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut)
Register the object/array in the DataStore.
bool registerRelationTo(const StoreArray< TO > &toArray, DataStore::EDurability durability=DataStore::c_Event, DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Register a relation to the given StoreArray.
Definition: StoreArray.h:140

Member Function Documentation

◆ copyRecoTrack()

RecoTrack * copyRecoTrack ( const RecoTrack origRecoTrack,
const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &  state 

Make a copy of reco track.

statemeasured state for the track fit seeding
a copy of source

Definition at line 396 of file

398 RecoTrack* newRecoTrack = origRecoTrack->copyToStoreArrayUsing(m_copiedRecoTracks,
399 ROOT::Math::XYZVector(state.getPos()),
400 ROOT::Math::XYZVector(state.getMom()),
401 state.getCharge(),
402 state.get6DCov(), state.getTime());
403 newRecoTrack->addHitsFromRecoTrack(origRecoTrack);
404 newRecoTrack->addRelationTo(origRecoTrack);
405 return newRecoTrack;
This is the Reconstruction Event-Data Model Track.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:79
size_t addHitsFromRecoTrack(const RecoTrack *recoTrack, unsigned int sortingParameterOffset=0, bool reversed=false, std::optional< double > optionalMinimalWeight=std::nullopt)
Add all hits from another RecoTrack to this RecoTrack.
RecoTrack * copyToStoreArrayUsing(StoreArray< RecoTrack > &storeArray, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &position, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &momentum, short charge, const TMatrixDSym &covariance, double timeSeed) const
Append a new RecoTrack to the given store array and copy its general properties, but not the hits the...
void addRelationTo(const RelationsInterface< BASE > *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Add a relation from this object to another object (with caching).

◆ extrapolateToVertex()

int extrapolateToVertex ( genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &  statePlus,
genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &  stateMinus,
const genfit::GFRaveVertex &  vertex 

Extrapolation of both tracks to the vertex.

On success the return value indicates if tracks have inner hits (see EInnerHitBits).

statePlusmeasured state of positively charged track from which the extrapolation is performed [in/out]
stateMinusmeasured state of negatively charged track from which the extrapolation is performed [in/out]
value >= 0 on success, value < 0 on failure

extrapolate the first (innermost) hit to the V0 vertex position the value will be positive (negative) if the direction of the extrapolation is (counter)momentum-wise

plus track has hits inside the V0 vertex.

minus track has hits inside the V0 vertex.

This shouldn't ever happen, but I can see the extrapolation code trying several windings before giving up, so this happens occasionally. Something more stable would perhaps be desirable.

Definition at line 286 of file

289 try {
292 double extralengthPlus = statePlus.extrapolateToPoint(vertex.getPos());
293 double extralengthMinus = stateMinus.extrapolateToPoint(vertex.getPos());
294 unsigned status = 0;
295 if (extralengthPlus > 0) status |= c_BitTrackPlus;
296 if (extralengthMinus > 0) status |= c_BitTrackMinus;
297 return status;
298 } catch (...) {
302 B2DEBUG(22, "Could not extrapolate track to vertex.");
304 }

◆ fitAndStore()

bool fitAndStore ( const Track trackPlus,
const Track trackMinus,
const Const::ParticleType v0Hypothesis,
bool &  isForceStored,
bool &  isHitRemoved 

Fit V0 with given hypothesis and store results if fit is successful.

trackPluspositively charged track
trackMinusnegatively charged track
v0HypothesisV0 hypothesis
isForceStoredtrue if V0 is forced to store when hit removal failed [out]
isHitRemovedtrue if inner hits have been removed (or at least tried to be removed) [out]
true on success

Initialize status flags and result storage

Get related recoTracks

PDG codes actually used in track fitting

initial vertex fit

try to refit tracks by removing inner hits and refit the vertex

Usually this procedure converges in up to 3 iterations (mostly in a single iteration), but for a small fraction of track pairs it does not converge at all, so we set the limit at 5.

save the results

Definition at line 83 of file

87 isForceStored = false;
88 isHitRemoved = false;
89 m_trkPlus.recoTrack = nullptr;
90 m_trkMinus.recoTrack = nullptr;
93 const RecoTrack* recoTrackPlus = trackPlus->getRelated<RecoTrack>(m_recoTracksName);
94 if (not recoTrackPlus) return false;
95 const RecoTrack* recoTrackMinus = trackMinus->getRelated<RecoTrack>(m_recoTracksName);
96 if (not recoTrackMinus) return false;
99 auto trackHypotheses = getTrackHypotheses(v0Hypothesis);
100 auto ptypeTrackPlus = trackPlus->getTrackFitResultWithClosestMass(trackHypotheses.first)->getParticleType();
101 auto ptypeTrackMinus = trackMinus->getTrackFitResultWithClosestMass(trackHypotheses.second)->getParticleType();
102 int pdgTrackPlus = std::abs(ptypeTrackPlus.getPDGCode());
103 int pdgTrackMinus = std::abs(ptypeTrackMinus.getPDGCode());
106 int status = vertexFit(recoTrackPlus, recoTrackMinus, pdgTrackPlus, pdgTrackMinus, v0Hypothesis);
107 if (status < 0) return false;
109 if (m_fitterMode > 0) {
111 const RecoTrack* origRecoTrackPlus = recoTrackPlus;
112 const RecoTrack* origRecoTrackMinus = recoTrackMinus;
113 int counter = 0;
114 while (status != 0 and counter < 5) {
115 counter++;
118 const RecoTrack* trkPlus = recoTrackPlus;
119 if (status & c_BitTrackPlus) {
120 trkPlus = removeHitsAndRefit(origRecoTrackPlus, recoTrackPlus, ptypeTrackPlus);
121 if (not trkPlus) return false;
122 isHitRemoved = true;
123 }
124 const RecoTrack* trkMinus = recoTrackMinus;
125 if (status & c_BitTrackMinus) {
126 trkMinus = removeHitsAndRefit(origRecoTrackMinus, recoTrackMinus, ptypeTrackMinus);
127 if (not trkMinus) return false;
128 isHitRemoved = true;
129 }
130 if (trkPlus == recoTrackPlus and trkMinus == recoTrackMinus) break; // vertex fit already done, so exit the loop
131 status = vertexFit(trkPlus, trkMinus, pdgTrackPlus, pdgTrackMinus, v0Hypothesis);
132 if (status < 0) break; // save the results of the last successful iteration
133 recoTrackPlus = trkPlus;
134 recoTrackMinus = trkMinus;
135 }
137 isForceStored = (status != 0);
138 }
141 int sharedCluster = isInnermostClusterShared(recoTrackPlus, recoTrackMinus);
142 const auto* fitPlus = saveTrackFitResult(m_trkPlus, sharedCluster);
143 if (not fitPlus) return false;
144 const auto* fitMinus = saveTrackFitResult(m_trkMinus, sharedCluster);
145 if (not fitMinus) return false;
147 auto* v0 = m_v0s.appendNew(std::make_pair(trackPlus, fitPlus),
148 std::make_pair(trackMinus, fitMinus),
149 m_fittedVertex.getPos().X(), m_fittedVertex.getPos().Y(), m_fittedVertex.getPos().Z());
151 if (m_validation) {
152 auto* validationV0 = m_validationV0s.appendNew(std::make_pair(trackPlus, fitPlus),
153 std::make_pair(trackMinus, fitMinus),
154 ROOT::Math::XYZVector(m_fittedVertex.getPos()),
155 m_fittedVertex.getCov(),
157 m_fittedVertex.getChi2());
158 v0->addRelationTo(validationV0);
159 }
161 return true;
FittedTrack m_trkPlus
positively charged track data of last successfully fitted vertex
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:250
double m_momentum
momentum of last successfully fitted vertex
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:248
const TrackFitResult * saveTrackFitResult(const FittedTrack &trk, int sharedInnermostCluster)
Append track fit result to the collection.
int isInnermostClusterShared(const RecoTrack *recoTrackPlus, const RecoTrack *recoTrackMinus)
Returns bit flags indicating that the innermost cluster is shared between both tracks.
genfit::GFRaveVertex m_fittedVertex
last successfully fitted vertex
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:247
static std::pair< Const::ParticleType, Const::ParticleType > getTrackHypotheses(const Const::ParticleType &v0Hypothesis)
Returns daughter particle types for a given V0 hypothesis.
double m_invMass
invariant mass of last successfully fitted vertex
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:249
int m_fitterMode
fitter mode
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:242
FittedTrack m_trkMinus
negatively charged track data of last successfully fitted vertex
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:251
int vertexFit(const RecoTrack *recoTrackPlus, const RecoTrack *recoTrackMinus, int pdgTrackPlus, int pdgTrackMinus, const Const::ParticleType &v0Hypothesis)
Performs a vertex fit.
const RecoTrack * removeHitsAndRefit(const RecoTrack *origRecoTrack, const RecoTrack *lastRecoTrack, const Const::ParticleType &ptype)
Remove track inner hits and refit the track.
T * getRelated(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the object to or from which this object has a relation.
Const::ParticleType getParticleType() const
Getter for ParticleType of the mass hypothesis of the track fit.
const TrackFitResult * getTrackFitResultWithClosestMass(const Const::ChargedStable &requestedType) const
Return the track fit for a fit hypothesis with the closest mass.
const RecoTrack * recoTrack
reco track
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:38

◆ fitGFRaveVertex()

bool fitGFRaveVertex ( genfit::Track &  trackPlus,
genfit::Track &  trackMinus,
genfit::GFRaveVertex &  vertex 

Genfit Rave vertex fit called by vertexFit method.

trackPluspositively charged genfit track
trackMinusnegatively charged genfit track
vertexfitted vertex [out]
true on success

Definition at line 254 of file

256 VertexVector vertexVector;
257 std::vector<genfit::Track*> trackPair {&trackPlus, &trackMinus};
259 try {
261 logCapture("V0Fitter GFRaveVertexFactory", LogConfig::c_Debug, LogConfig::c_Debug);
262 logCapture.start();
264 genfit::GFRaveVertexFactory vertexFactory;
265 vertexFactory.findVertices(&vertexVector.v, trackPair);
266 } catch (...) {
267 B2ERROR("V0Fitter: exception during vertex fit.");
268 return false;
269 }
271 if (vertexVector.size() != 1) {
272 B2DEBUG(21, "Vertex fit failed. Size of vertexVector not 1, but: " << vertexVector.size());
273 return false;
274 }
276 if ((*vertexVector[0]).getNTracks() != 2) {
277 B2DEBUG(20, "Wrong number of tracks in vertex.");
278 return false;
279 }
281 vertex = *vertexVector[0];
282 return true;
Capture stdout and stderr and convert into log messages.
Definition: IOIntercept.h:226
@ c_Debug
Debug: for code development.
Definition: LogConfig.h:26
Need this container for exception-safe cleanup, GFRave's interface isn't exception-safe as is.
Definition: VertexVector.h:24
std::vector< genfit::GFRaveVertex * > v
Fitted vertices.
Definition: VertexVector.h:42
size_t size() const noexcept
Return size of vertex vector.
Definition: VertexVector.h:36

◆ getTrackHypotheses()

std::pair< Const::ParticleType, Const::ParticleType > getTrackHypotheses ( const Const::ParticleType v0Hypothesis)

Returns daughter particle types for a given V0 hypothesis.

v0HypothesisV0 hypothesis
a pair of daughter particle types

Definition at line 67 of file

69 if (v0Hypothesis == Const::Kshort) {
70 return std::make_pair(Const::pion, Const::pion);
71 } else if (v0Hypothesis == Const::photon) {
72 return std::make_pair(Const::electron, Const::electron);
73 } else if (v0Hypothesis == Const::Lambda) {
74 return std::make_pair(Const::proton, Const::pion);
75 } else if (v0Hypothesis == Const::antiLambda) {
76 return std::make_pair(Const::pion, Const::proton);
77 }
78 B2FATAL("V0Fitter: given V0 hypothesis not available.");
79 return std::make_pair(Const::invalidParticle, Const::invalidParticle); // return something to avoid triggering cppcheck
static const ParticleType Lambda
Lambda particle.
Definition: Const.h:679
static const ChargedStable pion
charged pion particle
Definition: Const.h:661
static const ParticleType antiLambda
Anti-Lambda particle.
Definition: Const.h:680
static const ChargedStable proton
proton particle
Definition: Const.h:663
static const ParticleType invalidParticle
Invalid particle, used internally.
Definition: Const.h:681
static const ParticleType Kshort
K^0_S particle.
Definition: Const.h:677
static const ParticleType photon
photon particle
Definition: Const.h:673
static const ChargedStable electron
electron particle
Definition: Const.h:659

◆ getTrackRepresentation()

const genfit::AbsTrackRep * getTrackRepresentation ( const RecoTrack recoTrack,
int  pdgCode 

Returns track representation for a given PDG code.

pdgCodePDG code
track representation on success or nullptr on failure

Definition at line 229 of file

231 const auto* rep = recoTrack->getTrackRepresentationForPDG(pdgCode);
232 if (rep and recoTrack->wasFitSuccessful(rep)) return rep;
234 B2ERROR("V0Fitter: track hypothesis with closest mass not available. Should never happen!");
235 return nullptr;
bool wasFitSuccessful(const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr) const
Returns true if the last fit with the given representation was successful.
genfit::AbsTrackRep * getTrackRepresentationForPDG(int pdgCode) const
Return an already created track representation of the given reco track for the PDG.

◆ initializeCuts()

void initializeCuts ( double  vertexDistanceCut,
double  vertexChi2Cut,
const std::tuple< double, double > &  invMassRangeKshort,
const std::tuple< double, double > &  invMassRangeLambda,
const std::tuple< double, double > &  invMassRangePhoton 

Initialization of cuts applied during the fit and store process.

vertexDistanceCutcut on the transverse radius to cut-off vertices within the beam pipe
vertexChi2Cutcut on the vertex chi^2
invMassRangeKshortselection mass window for Ks
invMassRangeLambdaselection mass window for Lambda
invMassRangePhotonselection mass window for converted gamma

Definition at line 53 of file

59 m_vertexDistanceCut = vertexDistanceCut;
60 m_vertexChi2Cut = vertexChi2Cut;
61 m_invMassCuts[22] = std::make_pair(std::get<0>(invMassRangePhoton), std::get<1>(invMassRangePhoton));
62 m_invMassCuts[310] = std::make_pair(std::get<0>(invMassRangeKshort), std::get<1>(invMassRangeKshort));
63 m_invMassCuts[3122] = std::make_pair(std::get<0>(invMassRangeLambda), std::get<1>(invMassRangeLambda));
double m_vertexDistanceCut
cut on the transverse radius
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:238
double m_vertexChi2Cut
Chi2 cut.
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:239
std::map< int, std::pair< double, double > > m_invMassCuts
invariant mass cuts, key = abs(PDG)
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:240

◆ isInnermostClusterShared()

int isInnermostClusterShared ( const RecoTrack recoTrackPlus,
const RecoTrack recoTrackMinus 

Returns bit flags indicating that the innermost cluster is shared between both tracks.

Bit 0 is set if U cluster is shared, bit 1 is set if V cluster is shared, and both if shared cluster is PXD.

recoTrackPluspositively charged track
recoTrackMinusnegatively charged track
bit flags

Definition at line 409 of file

411 const auto& recoHitInformationsPlus = recoTrackPlus->getRecoHitInformations(true); // true to get sorted hits info
412 std::vector<RecoHitInformation*> innerHitsPlus;
413 for (const auto& hitInfo : recoHitInformationsPlus) {
414 if (hitInfo->useInFit()) innerHitsPlus.push_back(hitInfo);
415 if (innerHitsPlus.size() == 2) break;
416 }
417 if (innerHitsPlus.empty()) return 0;
419 const auto& recoHitInformationsMinus = recoTrackMinus->getRecoHitInformations(true); // true to get sorted hits info
420 std::vector<RecoHitInformation*> innerHitsMinus;
421 for (const auto& hitInfo : recoHitInformationsMinus) {
422 if (hitInfo->useInFit()) innerHitsMinus.push_back(hitInfo);
423 if (innerHitsMinus.size() == 2) break;
424 }
425 if (innerHitsMinus.empty()) return 0;
427 if (innerHitsPlus.front()->getTrackingDetector() != innerHitsMinus.front()->getTrackingDetector()) return 0;
429 if (innerHitsPlus.front()->getTrackingDetector() == RecoHitInformation::c_PXD) {
430 const auto* clusterPlus = innerHitsPlus.front()->getRelatedTo<PXDCluster>();
431 const auto* clusterMinus = innerHitsMinus.front()->getRelatedTo<PXDCluster>();
432 if (clusterPlus and clusterPlus == clusterMinus) return 0x03; // PXD cluster the same: set both bits
433 return 0;
434 }
436 int flag = 0;
437 VxdID sensorID = 0;
438 if (innerHitsPlus.front()->getTrackingDetector() == RecoHitInformation::c_SVD) {
439 const auto* clusterPlus = innerHitsPlus.front()->getRelatedTo<SVDCluster>();
440 const auto* clusterMinus = innerHitsMinus.front()->getRelatedTo<SVDCluster>();
441 if (clusterPlus and clusterPlus == clusterMinus) {
442 sensorID = clusterPlus->getSensorID();
443 if (clusterPlus->isUCluster()) flag = 0x01; // SVD U-cluster the same: set first bit
444 else flag = 0x02; // SVD V-cluster the same: set second bit
445 }
446 }
448 if (innerHitsPlus.size() != 2 or innerHitsMinus.size() != 2) return flag;
450 if (innerHitsPlus.back()->getTrackingDetector() == RecoHitInformation::c_SVD) {
451 const auto* clusterPlus = innerHitsPlus.back()->getRelatedTo<SVDCluster>();
452 const auto* clusterMinus = innerHitsMinus.back()->getRelatedTo<SVDCluster>();
453 if (clusterPlus and clusterPlus == clusterMinus and clusterPlus->getSensorID() == sensorID) {
454 if (clusterPlus->isUCluster()) flag |= 0x01; // SVD U-cluster the same: set first bit
455 else flag |= 0x02; // SVD V-cluster the same: set second bit
456 }
457 }
459 return flag;
The PXD Cluster class This class stores all information about reconstructed PXD clusters The position...
Definition: PXDCluster.h:30
std::vector< RecoHitInformation * > getRecoHitInformations(bool getSorted=false) const
Return a list of all RecoHitInformations associated with the RecoTrack.
TO * getRelatedTo(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the object to which this object has a relation.
The SVD Cluster class This class stores all information about reconstructed SVD clusters.
Definition: SVDCluster.h:29
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33

◆ removeHitsAndRefit()

const RecoTrack * removeHitsAndRefit ( const RecoTrack origRecoTrack,
const RecoTrack lastRecoTrack,
const Const::ParticleType ptype 

Remove track inner hits and refit the track.

On success return the refitted one, otherwise return the track of last iteration (or the original one if no hits need to be removed).

origRecoTrackoriginal track
lastRecoTracktrack at last hit-removal iteration
ptypeparticle type for refit
refitted track on success, lastRecoTrack on failure, origRecoTrack if no hits removed

This shouldn't ever happen, but I can see the extrapolation code trying several windings before giving up, so this happens occasionally. Something more stable would perhaps be desirable.

Definition at line 308 of file

311 // make a copy of useInFit flags
312 std::vector<bool> useInFit;
313 const auto& recoHitInformations = origRecoTrack->getRecoHitInformations(true); // true to get sorted hits info
314 useInFit.reserve(recoHitInformations.size());
315 for (const auto& hitInfo : recoHitInformations) useInFit.push_back(hitInfo->useInFit());
317 // get track representation for a given particle
318 const auto* rep = getTrackRepresentation(origRecoTrack, abs(ptype.getPDGCode()));
319 if (not rep) return lastRecoTrack;
321 // remove inner hits by setting useInFit flags to false
322 int removedHits = 0;
323 unsigned firstHit = 0;
324 for (unsigned i = 0; i < recoHitInformations.size(); i++) {
325 const auto& hitInfo = recoHitInformations[i];
326 if (not hitInfo->useInFit()) continue;
327 try {
328 auto state = origRecoTrack->getMeasuredStateOnPlaneFromRecoHit(hitInfo, rep); // a copy of
329 double extraLength = state.extrapolateToPoint(m_fittedVertex.getPos());
330 if (extraLength > 0) {
331 useInFit[i] = false;
332 removedHits++;
333 } else {
334 firstHit = i;
335 break;
336 }
337 } catch (NoTrackFitResult()) {
338 B2WARNING("V0Fitter exception: no FitterInfo assigned for TrackPoint created from this RecoHit.");
339 useInFit[i] = false;
340 removedHits++;
341 continue;
342 } catch (...) {
346 B2DEBUG(22, "Could not extrapolate track to vertex when removing inner hits.");
347 return lastRecoTrack;
348 }
349 }
351 if (m_fitterMode == 2) {
352 // remove SVD hits if there is only one or two left just after the vertex
353 std::vector<unsigned> svdIndex;
354 for (unsigned i = 0; i < useInFit.size(); i++) {
355 if (not useInFit[i]) continue;
356 const auto& hitInfo = recoHitInformations[i];
357 if (hitInfo->getTrackingDetector() == RecoHitInformation::c_SVD) svdIndex.push_back(i);
358 else break;
359 }
360 if (not svdIndex.empty() and svdIndex.size() < 3) {
361 for (unsigned i : svdIndex) {
362 useInFit[i] = false;
363 removedHits++;
364 }
365 }
366 }
368 if (removedHits == 0) return origRecoTrack; // in this case track doesn't need to be refitted
370 // count remaining hits and return if there is no hope for the fit to succeed
371 int nHits = 0;
372 for (auto x : useInFit) if (x) nHits++;
373 if (nHits < 5) return lastRecoTrack;
375 // make a copy of recoTrack
376 const auto& state = origRecoTrack->getMeasuredStateOnPlaneFromRecoHit(recoHitInformations[firstHit], rep);
377 auto* recoTrack_copy = copyRecoTrack(origRecoTrack, state);
379 // set useInFit flags in a copy of recoTrack
380 const auto& recoHitInfos = recoTrack_copy->getRecoHitInformations(true); // true to get sorted hits info
381 if (recoHitInfos.size() != useInFit.size()) {
382 B2ERROR("V0Fitter: copied recoTrack has different number of hits than the original one");
383 return lastRecoTrack;
384 }
385 for (unsigned i = 0; i < recoHitInfos.size(); i++) recoHitInfos[i]->setUseInFit(useInFit[i]);
387 // fit a copy of recoTrack
388 TrackFitter fitter;
389 bool ok =*recoTrack_copy, ptype);
390 if (not ok) return lastRecoTrack;
392 return recoTrack_copy;
int getPDGCode() const
PDG code.
Definition: Const.h:473
const genfit::AbsTrackRep * getTrackRepresentation(const RecoTrack *recoTrack, int pdgCode)
Returns track representation for a given PDG code.
RecoTrack * copyRecoTrack(const RecoTrack *origRecoTrack, const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &state)
Make a copy of reco track.
const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane & getMeasuredStateOnPlaneFromRecoHit(const RecoHitInformation *recoHitInfo, const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr) const
Return genfit's MeasuredStateOnPlane on plane for associated with one RecoHitInformation.
Algorithm class to handle the fitting of RecoTrack objects.
Definition: TrackFitter.h:121

◆ saveTrackFitResult()

const TrackFitResult * saveTrackFitResult ( const FittedTrack trk,
int  sharedInnermostCluster 

Append track fit result to the collection.

trktrack data
sharedInnermostClusterbit flags of shared innermost clusters
track fit result

Definition at line 463 of file

466 const auto* recoTrack = trk.recoTrack;
467 if (not recoTrack) {
468 B2ERROR("V0Fitter: bug in saving track fit result, recoTrack is nullptr");
469 return nullptr;
470 }
472 auto hitPatternCDC = TrackBuilder::getHitPatternCDCInitializer(*recoTrack);
473 auto hitPatternVXD = TrackBuilder::getHitPatternVXDInitializer(*recoTrack);
474 if (sharedInnermostCluster > 0) {
475 auto pattern = HitPatternVXD(hitPatternVXD);
476 pattern.setInnermostHitShareStatus(sharedInnermostCluster);
477 hitPatternVXD = pattern.getInteger();
478 }
479 double Bz = BFieldManager::getFieldInTesla({0, 0, 0}).Z();
480 const auto& state = trk.state;
482 auto* fit = m_trackFitResults.appendNew(ROOT::Math::XYZVector(state.getPos()), ROOT::Math::XYZVector(state.getMom()),
483 state.get6DCov(), state.getCharge(), trk.ptype, trk.pValue,
484 Bz, hitPatternCDC, hitPatternVXD, trk.Ndf);
485 return fit;
static ROOT::Math::XYZVector getFieldInTesla(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &pos)
return the magnetic field at a given position in Tesla.
Definition: BFieldManager.h:61
Hit pattern of the VXD within a track.
Definition: HitPatternVXD.h:37
static uint32_t getHitPatternVXDInitializer(const RecoTrack &recoTrack, const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr)
Get the HitPattern in the VXD.
static uint64_t getHitPatternCDCInitializer(const RecoTrack &recoTrack, const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr)
Get the HitPattern in the CDC.

◆ setCardinalRep()

bool setCardinalRep ( genfit::Track &  gfTrack,
int  pdgCode 

Sets cardinal representation of a given genfit track and PDG code.

gfTrackgenfit track [in/out]
pdgCodePDG code
true on success

Definition at line 239 of file

241 const auto& reps = gfTrack.getTrackReps();
242 for (unsigned id = 0; id < reps.size(); id++) {
243 if (abs(reps[id]->getPDG()) == pdgCode) {
244 gfTrack.setCardinalRep(id);
245 return true;
246 }
247 }
249 B2ERROR("V0Fitter: cannot set cardinal representation for PDG = " << pdgCode);
250 return false;

◆ setFitterMode()

void setFitterMode ( int  fitterMode)

Setter for the fitter mode.

0: store V0 at the first vertex fit, regardless of inner hits 1: remove hits inside the V0 vertex position (default) 2: mode 1 + don't use SVD hits if there is only one available SVD hit-pair

fitterModefitter mode

Definition at line 101 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

101{m_fitterMode = fitterMode;}

◆ vertexFit()

int vertexFit ( const RecoTrack recoTrackPlus,
const RecoTrack recoTrackMinus,
int  pdgTrackPlus,
int  pdgTrackMinus,
const Const::ParticleType v0Hypothesis 

Performs a vertex fit.

On success the return value indicates if tracks have inner hits or not (see EInnerHitBits). On failure it returns ErrorStatus code.

recoTrackPluspositively charged track
recoTrackMinusnegatively charged track
pdgTrackPlusPDG code used in the fit of positively charged track (closest mass to V0 daughter)
pdgTrackMinusPDG code used in the fit of negatively charged track (closest mass to V0 daughter)
v0HypothesisV0 hypothesis
value >= 0 on success, value < 0 on failure

Definition at line 165 of file

169 // get track representations for given PDG codes and check their existance
171 const auto* plusRepresentation = getTrackRepresentation(recoTrackPlus, pdgTrackPlus);
172 if (not plusRepresentation) return c_NoTrackRepresentation;
174 const auto* minusRepresentation = getTrackRepresentation(recoTrackMinus, pdgTrackMinus);
175 if (not minusRepresentation) return c_NoTrackRepresentation;
177 // make copies of genfit tracks which will be passed to vertex fit and set the cardinal representations
179 auto gfTrackPlus = recoTrackPlus->getGenfitTrack(); // a copy of
180 if (not setCardinalRep(gfTrackPlus, pdgTrackPlus)) return c_NoTrackRepresentation;
182 auto gfTrackMinus = recoTrackMinus->getGenfitTrack(); // a copy of
183 if (not setCardinalRep(gfTrackMinus, pdgTrackMinus)) return c_NoTrackRepresentation;
185 // fit vertex
187 genfit::GFRaveVertex vert;
188 if (not fitGFRaveVertex(gfTrackPlus, gfTrackMinus, vert)) return c_VertexFitFailed;
189 auto vertexPos = ROOT::Math::XYZVector(vert.getPos());
191 // apply cuts on the vertex
193 if (vertexPos.Rho() < m_vertexDistanceCut) return c_NotSelected;
194 if (vert.getChi2() > m_vertexChi2Cut) return c_NotSelected;
196 // apply cut on the invariant mass
198 const auto& p1 = vert.getParameters(0)->getMom();
199 const auto& p2 = vert.getParameters(1)->getMom();
200 auto trackHypotheses = getTrackHypotheses(v0Hypothesis);
201 double mass1 = trackHypotheses.first.getMass();
202 double mass2 = trackHypotheses.second.getMass();
203 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector fourVec1(p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z(), mass1);
204 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector fourVec2(p2.X(), p2.Y(), p2.Z(), mass2);
205 double invMass = (fourVec1 + fourVec2).M();
206 int pdgCode = abs(v0Hypothesis.getPDGCode());
207 const auto& cuts = m_invMassCuts[pdgCode];
208 if (invMass < cuts.first or invMass > cuts.second) return c_NotSelected;
210 // extrapolate tracks to fitted vertex; the return status, if positive, indicates whether there are inner hits
212 auto statePlus = recoTrackPlus->getMeasuredStateOnPlaneFromFirstHit(plusRepresentation); // a copy of
213 auto stateMinus = recoTrackMinus->getMeasuredStateOnPlaneFromFirstHit(minusRepresentation); // a copy of
214 int status = extrapolateToVertex(statePlus, stateMinus, vert);
215 if (status < 0) return c_ExtrapolationFailed;
217 // save fitted vertex and tracks
219 m_fittedVertex = vert;
220 m_momentum = (fourVec1 + fourVec2).P();
221 m_invMass = invMass;
222 m_trkPlus.set(recoTrackPlus, trackHypotheses.first, statePlus, plusRepresentation);
223 m_trkMinus.set(recoTrackMinus, trackHypotheses.second, stateMinus, minusRepresentation);
225 return status;
int extrapolateToVertex(genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &statePlus, genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &stateMinus, const genfit::GFRaveVertex &vertex)
Extrapolation of both tracks to the vertex.
bool setCardinalRep(genfit::Track &gfTrack, int pdgCode)
Sets cardinal representation of a given genfit track and PDG code.
bool fitGFRaveVertex(genfit::Track &trackPlus, genfit::Track &trackMinus, genfit::GFRaveVertex &vertex)
Genfit Rave vertex fit called by vertexFit method.
const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane & getMeasuredStateOnPlaneFromFirstHit(const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr) const
Return genfit's MeasuredStateOnPlane for the first hit in a fit useful for extrapolation of measureme...
const genfit::Track & getGenfitTrack() const
Returns genfit track.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:505
void set(const RecoTrack *recoTrk, const Const::ParticleType &hypo, const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &mSoP, const genfit::AbsTrackRep *rep)
Sets the data members.
Definition: NewV0Fitter.h:51

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_copiedRecoTracks

StoreArray<RecoTrack> m_copiedRecoTracks

copied RecoTracks collection

Definition at line 236 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_fittedVertex

genfit::GFRaveVertex m_fittedVertex

last successfully fitted vertex

Definition at line 247 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_fitterMode

int m_fitterMode = 1

fitter mode

Definition at line 242 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_invMass

double m_invMass = 0

invariant mass of last successfully fitted vertex

Definition at line 249 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_invMassCuts

std::map<int, std::pair<double, double> > m_invMassCuts

invariant mass cuts, key = abs(PDG)

Definition at line 240 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_momentum

double m_momentum = 0

momentum of last successfully fitted vertex

Definition at line 248 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_recoTracks

StoreArray<RecoTrack> m_recoTracks

RecoTracks collection.

Definition at line 232 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_recoTracksName

std::string m_recoTracksName

name of the RecoTracks collection

Definition at line 231 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_trackFitResults

StoreArray<TrackFitResult> m_trackFitResults

TrackFitResults collection.

Definition at line 233 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_trkMinus

FittedTrack m_trkMinus

negatively charged track data of last successfully fitted vertex

Definition at line 251 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_trkPlus

FittedTrack m_trkPlus

positively charged track data of last successfully fitted vertex

Definition at line 250 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_v0s

StoreArray<V0> m_v0s

V0s collection.

Definition at line 234 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_validation

bool m_validation = false

validation flag

Definition at line 243 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_validationV0s

StoreArray<V0ValidationVertex> m_validationV0s

V0ValidationVertex collection (optional)

Definition at line 235 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_vertexChi2Cut

double m_vertexChi2Cut = 0

Chi2 cut.

Definition at line 239 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

◆ m_vertexDistanceCut

double m_vertexDistanceCut = 0

cut on the transverse radius

Definition at line 238 of file NewV0Fitter.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: