8.6. b2bii functions#

8.6.1. b2biiConversion#

b2biiConversion.convertBelleMdstToBelleIIMdst(inputBelleMDSTFile, applySkim=True, saveResultExtraInfo=False, useBelleDBServer=None, convertBeamParameters=True, generatorLevelReconstruction=False, generatorLevelMCMatching=False, path=None, entrySequences=None, matchType2E9oE25Threshold=-1.1, enableNisKsFinder=True, HadronA=True, HadronB=True, enableRecTrg=False, enableEvtcls=True, SmearTrack=2, enableLocalDB=True, convertNbar=False)[source]#

Loads Belle MDST file and converts in each event the Belle MDST dataobjects to Belle II MDST data objects and loads them to the StoreArray.

  • inputBelleMDSTFile (str) – Name of the file(s) to be loaded.

  • applySkim (bool) – Apply skim conditions in B2BIIFixMdst.

  • saveResultExtraInfo (bool) – Save B2BIIFixMdst module return value as EventExtraInfo.

  • useBelleDBServer (str) – None to use the recommended BelleDB server.

  • convertBeamParameters (bool) – Convert beam parameters or use information stored in Belle II database.

  • generatorLevelReconstruction (bool) – Enables to bypass skims and corrections applied in B2BIIFixMdst.

  • generatorLevelMCMatching (bool) – Enables to switch MCTruth matching to generator-level particles. This is recommended for analyses with gammas in the final state.

  • path (basf2.Path) – Path to add modules in.

  • entrySequences (list(str)) – The number sequences (e.g. 23:42,101) defining the entries which are processed for each inputFileName.

  • matchType2E9oE25Threshold (float) – Clusters with a E9/E25 value above this threshold are classified as neutral even if tracks are matched to their connected region (matchType == 2 in basf).

  • enableNisKsFinder (bool) – Enables to convert nisKsFinder information.

  • HadronA (bool) – Enables to switch on HadronA skim in B2BIIFixMdst module.

  • HadronB (bool) – Enables to switch on HadronB skim in B2BIIFixMdst module.

  • enableRecTrg (bool) – Enables to convert RecTrg_summary3 table.

  • enableEvtcls (bool) – Enables to convert Evtcls and Evtcls_hadronic tables.

  • SmearTrack (float) – Smear the MC tracks to match real data. Apart from the recommended default value of 2 it can also be set to 1. Details about the difference between those two options can be found here. Set to 0 to skip smearing (automatically set to 0 internally for real data).

  • enableLocalDB (bool) – Enables to use local payloads.

  • convertNbar (bool) – Enables conversion of anti-n0:mdst.


Handle process_url style requests. If url is a list just return it without looking at it. If the url starts with http(s):// return the list of files provided by that url, otherwise check if a file with the name given as url exists and return this as a list with one item. If not such file exists return an empty list

>>> parse_process_url(["foo", "bar"])
['foo', 'bar']
>>> parse_process_url("/dev/null")
>>> parse_process_url("missing_file.mdst")
>>> parse_process_url("http://bweb3.cc.kek.jp/mdst.php?ex=55&rs=1&re=5&skm=HadronBorJ&dt=on_resonance&bl=caseB")         

Some files are missing and thus marked with “### LOST ###”, make sure we don’t pick them up

>>> parse_process_url("http://bweb3.cc.kek.jp/mdst.php?ex=65&rs=1&re=30&skm=ypipi")

If the URL cannot be found an error is raised and an empty list is returned. Also for other http errors or non existing urls

>>> parse_process_url("http://httpbin.org/status/404")
>>> parse_process_url("http://httpbin.org/status/500")
>>> parse_process_url("http://nosuchurl")

Sets the Belle DB server to the one recommended in /sw/belle/local/var/belle_postgres_server.

If the user does not have the access rights to the above file, the can01 server is set by default.

8.6.2. b2biiMonitors#

b2biiMonitors.addBeamParamsConversionMonitors(outputRootFile='b2biiBeamParamsConversionMonitors.root', path=None)[source]#

In each event saves HER, LER, CMS, x-angle to histograms for monitoring purposes: e.g. to be compared with same distributions obtained within BASF.

  • outputRootFile – name of the output ROOT file to which the histograms are saved.

  • path – modules are added to this path

b2biiMonitors.addConvertedPhotonConversionMonitors(outputRootFile='b2biiConvertedPhotonConversionMonitors.root', path=None)[source]#

Creates copies of gamma particles from ‘gamma:v0mdst’ ParticleList and fills them to a new ParticleList called ‘gamma:v0_b2bii_monitor’. For each gamma candidate several quantities are stored to histograms with ‘VariablesToHistogram’ module for monitoring purposes: e.g. to be compared with same distributions obtained within BASF.

  • outputRootFile – name of the output ROOT file to which the histograms are saved.

  • path – modules are added to this path

b2biiMonitors.addKlongConversionMonitors(outputRootFile='b2biiKlongConversionMonitors.root', path=None)[source]#

Creates copies of KLong particles from ‘K_L0:mdst’ ParticleList and fills them to a new ParticleList called ‘K_L0:b2bii_monitor’. For each Klong candidate several quantities are stored to histograms with ‘VariablesToHistogram’ module for monitoring purposes: e.g. to be compared with same distributions obtained within BASF.

  • outputRootFile – name of the output ROOT file to which the histograms are saved.

  • path – modules are added to this path

b2biiMonitors.addKshortConversionMonitors(outputRootFile='b2biiKshortConversionMonitors.root', path=None)[source]#

Creates copies of KShort particles from ‘K_S0:mdst’ ParticleList and fills them to a new ParticleList called ‘K_S0:b2bii_monitor’. For each KShort candidate several quantities are stored to histograms with ‘VariablesToHistogram’ module for monitoring purposes: e.g. to be compared with same distributions obtained within BASF.

  • outputRootFile – name of the output ROOT file to which the histograms are saved.

  • path – modules are added to this path

b2biiMonitors.addLambda0ConversionMonitors(outputRootFile='b2biiLambda0ConversionMonitors.root', path=None)[source]#

Creates copies of Lambda0 particles from ‘Lambda0:mdst’ ParticleList and c.c. and fills them to a new ParticleList called ‘Lambda0:b2bii_monitor’. For each Lambda0 candidate several quantities are stored to histograms with ‘VariablesToHistogram’ module for monitoring purposes: e.g. to be compared with same distributions obtained within BASF.

  • outputRootFile – name of the output ROOT file to which the histograms are saved.

  • path – modules are added to this path

b2biiMonitors.addMCParticlesConversionMonitors(outputRootFile='b2biiMCParticlesConversionMonitors.root', path=None)[source]#

‘HistoManager’ and ‘B2BIIMCParticlesMonitor’ modules create and fill the monitoring histograms using all MCParticles.

  • outputRootFile – name of the output ROOT file to which the histograms are saved.

  • path – modules are added to this path

b2biiMonitors.addNeutralsConversionMonitors(gammaOutputRootFile='b2biiGammaConversionMonitors.root', neutralPiOutputRootFile='b2biiPi0ConversionMonitors.root', MCneutralPiOutputRootFile='b2biiMCPi0ConversionMonitors.root', path=None)[source]#

Creates ‘gamma:b2bii_monitor’ and ‘pi0:b2bii_monitor’ from already existing ‘gamma:mdst’ and ‘pi0:mdst’ ParticleList and fills it with all converted neutral gammas. For each object several quantities are stored to histograms with ‘VariablesToHistogram’ module for monitoring purposes: e.g. to be compared with same distributions obtained within BASF.

  • outputRootFile – name of the output ROOT file to which the histograms are saved.

  • path – modules are added to this path

b2biiMonitors.addTrackConversionMonitors(outputRootFile='b2biiTrackConversionMonitors.root', path=None)[source]#

Creates ‘pi+:b2bii_monitor’ ParticleLists and fills it with all converted charged tracks as charged pions. For each charged pion (track) several quantities are stored to histograms with ‘VariablesToHistogram’ module for monitoring purposes: e.g. to be compared with same distributions obtained within BASF.

  • outputRootFile – name of the output ROOT file to which the histograms are saved.

  • path – modules are added to this path