4.4. Tools which will provide you help#

4.4.1. b2help-modules: List available basf2 modules and ask about their details#

This returns either all available modules within basf2 or returs specific information about a module when requested.


b2help-modules will return the full list of available modules. b2help-modules PACKAGE will return a list of modules associated with the given PACKAGE name. b2help-modules MODULENAME will return specific information about the module with the name MODULENAME.

usage: b2help-modules [-h] [module]

Required Arguments


Get information specific to the requested module.

4.4.2. b2help-particles: List particles used in the event generator#

Utility to list and search the particle data known to the Belle II Software.

Just calling this program will print a list of all known particles which can be searched by name and mass using command line arguments

usage: b2help-particles [-h] [--min-mass MIN] [--max-mass MAX]
                        [--include-width N] [--regex] [-s {pdg,name,mass}]
                        [-r] [--pdg PDG]

Required Arguments


Optional name to search for in particles



Minimum mass for all particles to print


Maximum mass for all particles to print


When searching for particles by mass this argument can be given to include all particles which fullfill the mass search within (mass +- N*width)


If given the name will be interpreted as a python regular expression

-s, --sort

Possible choices: pdg, name, mass

sort the list by the given value

-r, --reverse

reverse sorting if given


If given show particles with the given PDG Code

4.4.3. b2help-recommendation: Tool to print analysis recommendations#

Outputs recommendation for data/MC corrections and systematics, use tags to navigate.

usage: b2help-recommendation [-h] (-mc {MC15,MC16} | -l LOCALFILE)
                             [-t TAGS [TAGS ...]] [-gt GLOBALTAG]
                             [-f {rst,color_rst}] [-p PAYLOAD]
                             [--n_tag_columns N_TAG_COLUMNS] [--no-pager] [-c]


-mc, --mccampaign

Possible choices: MC15, MC16

Show recommendations for this MC campaign and the corresponding data processing

-l, --localfile

If one wants to check a json file locally.

-t, --tags

Filter tools by specific tags. The ‘all’ tag allows to show all information.

-gt, --globaltag

Global tag name, if one wants to check another recommendation

-f, --format

Possible choices: rst, color_rst

Output format

-p, --payload

Payload name, if one wants to check another recommendation


Number of columns for tag printing


Disable output scrolling, which is done by Pager

-c, --convert

For developers. Convert the localfile to a payload.

4.4.4. b2help-variables: List available variables in the analysis package#

This command returns a description of the variables which are available in the Analysis package of basf2.

  • To display all available variables,


  • To get a description of specific variables,

    b2help-variables --variables M Mbc isSignal

  • To get only the data type of the variables,

    b2help-variables --variables M Mbc isSignal --only_type

usage: b2help-variables [-h] [--no-pager]
                        [--variables VARIABLES [VARIABLES ...]] [--only_type]



Use a pager to show output or print to terminal.


Input variables to be displayed.


Show only the data type of the variable. This option requires the variable names with the --variables option.

4.4.5. b2help-print-fei-mode-names: List available FEI modes for a given particle#

This command returns a ordered list of available FEI channels.

  • To display all available channels for B+ hadronic,

    b2help-print-fei-mode-names B+ -had

  • To display all available channels for B0 hadronic,

    b2help-print-fei-mode-names B0 -had

  • To display all available channels for B+ semileptonic,

    b2help-print-fei-mode-names B+ -sl

  • To display all available channels for B0 semileptonic,

    b2help-print-fei-mode-names B0 -sl

It works for daughter particles as well, such as D0, D+, etc.

usage: b2help-print-fei-mode-names [-h] (--hadronic | --semileptonic)

Required Arguments


Particle name


--hadronic, -had

Use only hadronic mode names

--semileptonic, -sl

Use only semileptonic mode names


Do not print numbers of the modes

4.4.6. b2help-print-mcparticles: Print the MCParticles in the input mdst file#

This command prints the MCParticles of the input mdst file and outputs an ntuple including __MCDecayString__. Default output file name is ntuple.root.

You can use any of basf2’s options, e.g. -o, -n, and --skip-events. Specifically, -i is required to select the input mdst file.

usage: b2help-print-mcparticles [-h] [-i INPUT]

Required Arguments

-i INPUT, --input INPUT

input mdst file name

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit