5.5. Additional Functions#

basf2.find_file((str)filename[, (str)data_type=''[, (bool)silent=False]]) str :#

Try to find a file and return its full path

If data_type is empty this function will try to find the file

  1. in $BELLE2_LOCAL_DIR,


  3. relative to the current working directory.

Other known data_type values are


Example data for examples and tutorials. Will try to find the file


  2. relative to the current working directory


Data for Validation purposes. Will try to find the file in


  2. relative to the current working directory

Added in version release-03-00-00.

  • filename (str) – relative filename to look for, either in a central place or in the current working directory

  • data_type (str) – case insensitive data type to find. Either empty string or one of "examples" or "validation"

  • silent (bool) – If True don’t print any errors and just return an empty string if the file cannot be found

basf2.get_file_metadata((str)arg1) object :#

Return the FileMetaData object for the given output file.

basf2.get_random_seed() str :#

Return the current random seed


Adds the standard output stream to the list of logging destinations. The shell logging destination is added to the list by the framework by default.

basf2.log_to_file(filename, append=False)[source]#

Adds a text file to the list of logging destinations.

  • filename – The path and filename of the text file

  • append – Should the logging system append the messages to the end of the file (True) or create a new file for each event processing session (False). Default is False.


Resets the logging by removing all logging destinations

basf2.set_nprocesses((int)arg1) None :#

Sets number of worker processes for parallel processing.

Can be overridden using the -p argument to basf2.


Setting this to 1 will have one parallel worker job which is almost always slower than just running without parallel processing but is still provided to allow debugging of parallel execution.


nproc (int) – number of worker processes. 0 to disable parallel processing.

basf2.set_random_seed((object)seed) None :#

Set the random seed. The argument can be any object and will be converted to a string using the builtin str() function and will be used to initialize the random generator.

basf2.set_streamobjs((list)arg1) None :#

Set the names of all DataStore objects which should be sent between the parallel processes. This can be used to improve parallel processing performance by removing objects not required.