3.4.11. B2BII#

The b2bii package in basf2 converts Belle MDST files (basf data format) to Belle II MDST (basf2 data format). This enables performing physics analysis using data collected with Belle detector with the analysis software and algorithms developed for the analysis of data collected with the Belle II detector. It allows for estimation and validation of performances of various advanced algorithms being developed for Belle II (such as Full Event Interpretation, Flavour Tagger, Tag Vertex, …).

B2BII converter#

The b2bii convert reads and converts Belle MDST within basf2, and the converted data can be then analysed within the same job, without any intermediate steps.

The workflow is illustrated in this figure:

  • Read Belle MDST file.

  • Apply momentum or energy corrections in the objects.

  • Save objects in basf2 format

  • Time for basf2 analysis!

MC samples#

As the Belle detector geometry is not implemented in basf2, one needs to either use the official Belle MC samples or generate own signal MC using basf. The information of generating Belle MC can be found here

Generic MC

Generic MC is the official MC samples at Belle, which was generated with run-dependent beam background. There are multiple streams of these samples, and each stream contains the same amount of events as present in the real Belle data.

But which types of MC samples are exactly there? Similar to Belle II MC, there are also different categories of Belle MC:

  • Generic \(B\) samples : charged (\(B^+ B^-\)) and mixed (\(B^{0}\overline{B}^{0}\))

  • Continuum samples : uds, charm

  • Y(5S) samples : bsbs, nonbsbs

Generic \(B\) samples only contain decay modes with \(b \to c\) quark transitions, and have been generated based on the decay tables at


How to find Generic MC samples?

You can find the sample(s) you want through Belle File Search Engine


Belle File Search Engine is only accessible within KEK domain or via VPN. Or look in the SSH - Secure Shell tutorial for a way to access it via SSH forwarding.

The Belle File Search Engine

Fig. 3.29 The Belle File Search Engine#

By specifying Exp No, Event Type, Data Type, and Stream No, Event Type means different MC types (charged, mixed, uds, .. ). Data Type is for different energy runs (on-resonance, off-resonance, …). In total there are 10 streams of Generic \(B\) samples and 6 streams of continuum samples.

You can either use the file list (physical path) or URL as input file list for b2bii jobs.


Belle File Search Engine is also for data files.

See also

More information about official MC and data can be found here

Rare MC

Just from this name you can guess that this type of MC aims for rarer processes, such as \(b \to u \ell \nu\), \(e^+ e^- \to \tau^+ \tau^-\)

Rare \(B\) MC was generated with an experiment-dependent beam energy, but not run-dependent (i.e. The same beam energy and IP profile in the same experiment).

The location of those special MC files can be found here.

Signal MC

As there is no Belle detector description, you can only use basf to produce signal MC samples.

Now we will learn how to use the mcproduzh package to generate signal MC in Belle. This package was developed by “U”shiroda-san, A. “Z”upanc, and “H”orii-san, and it consists of generation, simulation, and reconstruction based on evtgen and gsim scripts (gsim is Belle slang for the simulated detector response that results from the use of Geant3 within the Belle analysis software framework basf – the output of gsim scripts are Belle mdst files).

It will create MC samples for a list of experiments, normalized by their \(N(B\overline{B})\) or integrated luminosity.

The beam energy, IP profile, and detector configuration of this MC will be experiment-dependent, but not run-dependent. Moreover, RunNo for these events will be set to 0, hence it doesn’t work for off-resonance or \(\Upsilon(nS)\).

First step: copy the file and unzip it

cp /home/belle/capid/public/B2SKW/mc/mcproduzh.tar.gz your_working_directory
tar -zxvf mcproduzh.tar.gz

There will be two directories evtgen and gsim, and one file READER.

Second step: generate events according to a decay table

Go to your evtgen directory

cd mcproduzh/evtgen

./runEvtgen nBB.txt [user-decay-table].dec [module-param-config].conf \
   [TotalNomberOfEvents] [EventsPerJob]

[module-param-config].conf is for evtgen module configuration setting. There are config setting examples in the package. For B analysis, just choose Y4S.conf for your jobs.

In this step, you will get *.gen files stored in the mcproduzh/evtgen/gen directory.

Finally, run the simulation and produce the mdst file. Go to gsim directory

cd mcproduzh/gsim/

./runGsimReco.csh "[absolutePathToEvtgenGeneratorFiles/]"


The path to the evtgen files has to be an absolute path!

Now you have MDST files produced in the mcproduzh/gsim/mdst/ directory.


Try to generate a MC sample with 1000 \(B^{+} \to \overline{D}^{0}(\to K^{+} \pi^{-}) \pi^{+}\) events.



cd <your_working_directory>/mcproduzh/evtgen
./runEvtgen nBB-Y4S.txt BptoD0pip-D0toKpi.dec Y4S.conf 1000 1000


cd ../gsim
./runGsimReco.csh <your_working_directory>/mcproduzh/evtgen/gen/

More information about MC can be found here.

Analysis with b2bii#

With Belle MDST in hand, you can use it for your first b2bii analysis. It is very simple, just replace inputMdst in your script with two simple lines:

Now we can use basf2 and analysis tools in basf2 to perform analyses over Belle MDST files.

The relations between basf and basf2 objects are shown in this figure:


However, there are still many differences between the Belle detector and the Belle II detector, as well as basf and basf2. Therefore, we can’t simply use the same basf2 steering files, small modifications are needed.

Charged Final State Particles

basf and basf2 use different Helix parameterisations, however there exist a well defined transformation from one parameterisation to the other. Belle MDST stores in addition to the five helix parameters also the reference point (or pivot point), which is assumed to be always point (0,0,0) in the case of Belle II MDST.

Despite the different parameterisations, charged final state particles can still be reconstructed using fillParticleList function in basf2. But due to the different definition, as well as detector, it is not recommended to use Belle II style PID in b2bii.

basf provided three different packages for PID:

  • atc_pid (KID) to separate kaons and pions, but also used for proton id

  • eID (electron ID) to separate electrons from hadrons

  • muid (muon ID) to separate muons from hadrons

Each of them in its own way combined information collected from various subdetector systems (CDC, ACC, TOF, ECL, KLM). The combination of individual likelihoods from each sub detector system is in some cases (eID) combined with the usage of external information, such as a priori probabilities of each particle type that is read from the Belle DB. Due to this fact the Belle-like PID probabilities can not be reproduced in basf2 from the raw likelihoods.

Alternatively, we can use the following predefined Belle-style PID variables to reproduce them:



Kaon vs pion


electron vs hadron


muon likelihood


muon likelihood quality flag



Try to create a list of \(K^{+}\) with \(\text{KID}>0.6\), and another list of \(\pi^{+}\) with \(\text{KID}<0.4\).


import basf2
import modularAnalysis as ma

mypath = basf2.create_path()
ma.fillParticleList('K+:sig', 'atcPIDBelle(3,2)>0.6', path=mypath)
ma.fillParticleList('pi+:sig', 'atcPIDBelle(3,2)<0.4', path=mypath)

Neutral Final State Particles

Belle MDST has two additional data types: mdst_gamma and mdst_pi0, for which there exist no equivalent data type in the Belle II MDST format. In other words, photons and \(\pi^0\) particles are already created in basf. During the conversion, b2bii converter by default creates gamma:mdst and pi0:mdst.


Don’t use fillParticleList to create photon candidates and don’t reconstruct \(\pi^0\) candidates from pairs of two photons by yourself.


Reconstruct the decay \(D^0 \to K^{-} \pi^{+} \pi^{0}\) with mass between 1.7 to 2.0 GeV in a b2bii analysis.


Always use premade particle lists for neutrals!


ma.reconstructDecay('D0:Kpipi0 -> K-:sig pi+:sig pi0:mdst', '1.7 < M < 2.0', path=mypath)

V0 Particles

As mentioned in Charged Final State Particles, all charged tracks are parametrised with a helix with the reference point set to (0,0,0) in basf2. This is not optimal in the case of V0s whose decay vertices can be far away from the origin. Therefore, all V0 candidates from the Mdst_Vee2 table in basf are converted to Particles and saved in the particle lists K_S0:mdst, Lambda0:mdst, and gamma:v0mdst.

The created particles have momentum and decay vertex position set to values given in Belle’s Mdst_Vee2 table and their daughters particles with momentum and position at the pivot equal to V0 decay vertex. In addition, the quality indicators for \(K_{S}^{0}\) and \(\Lambda^{0}\) can be used by simply calling goodBelleKshort and goodBelleLambda, respectively.


Select good Kshort from K_S0:mdst list.


Use cutAndCopyList to select candidates from an existing list.


ma.cutAndCopyList('K_S0:good', 'K_S0:mdst', cut='goodBelleKshort', path=mypath)


KLMClusters (Mdst_KLM_Cluster) and Klongs (Mdst_Klong) are converted. The Klongs are stored in the default K_L0:mdst.


Don’t use fillParticleList to create Klong candidates.


Use the final task in First steering file lesson as a template, try to convert it to your first b2bii analysis script.

This time, let’s reconstruct \(B^{-} \to D^{0} \pi^{-}\) with \(D^{0} \to K^{-}\pi^{+}\pi^{0}\).

Apply the same PID selections for your \(K\) and \(\pi\) as in the earlier exercise.

In the end, save the PID (Belle-style electronID, muonID, and KID), with other variables for all particles in the decay chain to the ntuple.

You can use this line to get the example file:

basf2.find_file('b2bii_input_evtgen_exp_07_BptoD0pip-D0toKpipi0-0.mdst', 'examples', False)


First steering file lesson is your best friend!

Remember always using premade particle lists for neutrals, Don’t forget to use Belle-style PID for charged particles.


#!/usr/bin/env python3

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see LICENSE.md.                  #

import os

import basf2 as b2
import modularAnalysis as ma
import variables as va
import variables.collections as vc
import variables.utils as vu
from b2biiConversion import convertBelleMdstToBelleIIMdst

os.environ["USE_GRAND_REPROCESS_DATA"] = "1"
os.environ["PGUSER"] = "g0db"

# Convert
main = b2.create_path()
inputfile = b2.find_file(
    "b2bii_input_evtgen_exp_07_BptoD0pip-D0toKpipi0-0.mdst", "examples", False
convertBelleMdstToBelleIIMdst(inputfile, path=main)

# Only charged final state particles need to be loaded. The neutral particles
# gamma, pi0, K_S0, K_L0, and Lambda0 are already loaded to the 'gamma:mdst',
# 'pi0:mdst', 'K_S0:mdst', 'K_L0:mdst', and 'Lambda0:mdst' particle lists,
# respectively.
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:sig", "atcPIDBelle(3,2)<0.4", path=main)
ma.fillParticleList("K+:sig", "atcPIDBelle(3,2)>0.6", path=main)

# The Belle PID variables are: atcPIDBelle(sigHyp, bkgHyp), muIDBelle, and eIDBelle
va.variables.addAlias("Lkpi", "atcPIDBelle(3,2)")

# Now, let's really reconstruct a B decay with an intermediate D meson:
    "D0:Kpipi0 -> K-:sig pi+:sig pi0:mdst", cut="1.7 < M < 2.0", path=main
    "B+:D0pi -> anti-D0:Kpipi0 pi+:sig",
    cut="4.8 < Mbc >5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.15",

ma.matchMCTruth("B+:D0pi", path=main)

# create and fill flat Ntuple with MCTruth and kinematic information
# Create list of variables to save into the output file
b_vars = []

standard_vars = vc.kinematics + vc.mc_kinematics + vc.mc_truth + vc.inv_mass
b_vars += vc.deltae_mbc
b_vars += standard_vars

# Variables for D0 and all final state particles (kaons, pions, neutral pions)
b_vars += vu.create_aliases_for_selected(
    "B+ -> [ ^D0 -> ^K- ^pi+ ^pi0] ^pi+",
    prefix=["D0", "K", "pip1", "pi0", "pip2"],

# Variables for charged final states (kaons, pions)
belle1pid = (
    ["eIDBelle", "muIDBelleQuality", "muIDBelle", "Lkpi"]
    + vc.track
    + vc.track_hits

b_vars += vu.create_aliases_for_selected(
    belle1pid, "B+ -> [ D0 -> ^K- ^pi+ pi0] ^pi+", prefix=["K", "pip1", "pip2"]

    "B+:D0pi", b_vars, filename="B2BII_B2D0pi_D2Kpipi0.root", path=main

# progress


# Print call statistics

Key points

  • Making basf2 process Belle data is as easy as adding convertBelleMdstToBelle2Mdst() to the top of your steering file.

  • Be careful with particle lists and variables in your analysis.

  • Never use fillParticleList to create neutral final state particles!!

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If you get stuck or have any questions to the online book material, the #starterkit-workshop channel in our chat is full of nice people who will provide fast help.

Refer to Collaborative Tools. for other places to get help if you have specific or detailed questions about your own analysis.

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  • typos (where?)

  • missing bits of information (what?)

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  • etc.

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Author of this lesson

Chia-Ling Hsu