9 #include <cdc/modules/cdcDigitizer/CDCDigitizerModule.h>
10 #include <cdc/modules/cdcDigitizer/EDepInGas.h>
11 #include <cdc/utilities/ClosestApproach.h>
13 #include <framework/datastore/RelationArray.h>
15 #include <framework/gearbox/Unit.h>
16 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
28 CDCDigitizerModule::CDCDigitizerModule() :
29 m_cdcgp(), m_gcp(), m_aCDCSimHit(), m_posFlag(0),
30 m_driftLength(0.0), m_flightTime(0.0), m_globalTime(0.0),
31 m_tdcBinWidth(1.0), m_tdcBinWidthInv(1.0),
32 m_tdcResol(0.9825), m_driftV(4.0e-3),
33 m_driftVInv(250.0), m_propSpeedInv(27.25), m_align(true)
44 "Name of output array for trigger. Can contain several hits per wire, "
45 "if they correspond to different time windows of 32ns.",
46 string(
50 "Name of relation between MCParticles and CDCSimHits used",
52 "Name of relation between the CDCSimHits and the CDCHits used",
54 "Optional name of relation between the first MCParticles and CDCHits used",
56 "Optional name of relation between all MCParticles and CDCHits used",
61 "If true, a simple x-t with a constant velocity is used for the drift-length to -time conversion",
64 addParam(
"Fraction of first Gaussian used to smear drift length in cm", 1.0);
65 addParam(
"Mean value of first Gaussian used to smear drift length in cm", 0.0000);
66 addParam(
"Resolution of first Gaussian used to smear drift length in cm", 0.0130);
67 addParam(
"Mean value of second Gaussian used to smear drift length in cm", 0.0000);
68 addParam(
"Resolution of second Gaussian used to smear drift length in cm", 0.0000);
72 "If false, drift length will not be smeared.",
75 "Magnitude (w) of trigger timing jitter (ns). The trigger timing is randuminzed uniformly in a time window of [-w/2, +w/2].",
78 addParam(
"A switch for time-walk (pulse-heght dep. delay); true: on; false: off",
80 "A switch used to control adding propagation delay in the wire into the final drift time or not; this is for signal hits.",
82 "The same switch but for beam bg. hits.",
84 "A switch used to control adding time of flight into the final drift time or not; this is for signal hits.",
86 "The same switch but for beam bg. hits.",
89 "Output the 2nd hit if exists in the time window. Note that it is not well-simulated at all, partly because no cross-talk betw. channels is simulated.",
93 "A switch for sense wire sag effect; true: drift-time is calculated with the sag taken into account; false: not. Here, sag means the perturbative part which corresponds to alignment in case of wire-position. The main part (corresponding to design+displacement in wire-position) is taken into account in FullSim; you can control it via CDCJobCntlParModifier.",
100 "TDC threshold (dE in eV) for Layers#8-56. The value corresponds to He-C2H6 gas", 250.);
102 "Same as TDCThreshold4Outer but for Layers#0-7,", 150.);
104 "Mode for extracting energy deposit in gas from energy deposit in gas+wire; =0: scaling using electron density; 1: scaling using most probab. energy deposit; 2: similar to 2 but slightly different; 3: extraction based on probability; 4: regeneration following probability",
109 "Threshold for ADC-count (in unit of count). ADC-count < threshold is treated as count=0.", 2);
110 addParam(
"Lower edge of time window in ns; valid only for UseDB4FEE=false", -100.);
111 addParam(
"Upper edge of time window in ns for the normal-cell layers; valid only for UseDB4FEE=false",
113 addParam(
"Upper edge of time window in ns for the small-cell layers; valid only for UseDB4FEE=false",
121 addParam(
"Fetch and use FEE params. from database or not",
128 addParam(
"Randomize timing with other sub-detectors; valid only for Synchronization=false",
133 "L1 trigger timing offset in count, [0,7] in a trigger bin. The defaut value is from exp14, while the value from exp12 is 2. This run dependence may be taken into account later if needed",
145 "Additional fudge factor for space resol. (common to all cells)", 1.);
148 "Degree of space charge effect on timing threshold; specify the range [0,1]; =1: full effect on threshold; =0: no effect",
151 addParam(
"A switch for crosstalk; true: on; false: off",
162 "Effective energy (keV) needed for one electron production for gas gain smearing; average for alpha- and beta-sources.",
171 "Switch to store all MCRelations for the first three SimHits instead of only the first",
173 #if defined(CDC_DEBUG)
175 cout <<
"CDCDigitizer constructor" << endl;
218 if ((*m_fEElectronicsFromDB).isValid()) {
222 B2FATAL(
"CDCDigitizer:: CDCFEElectronics not valid !");
240 if ((*m_runGainFromDB).isValid()) {
243 B2FATAL(
"CDCDedxRunGain invalid!");
247 if ((*m_gain0FromDB).isValid()) {
250 B2FATAL(
"CDCDedxScaleFactor invalid!");
254 if ((*m_wireGainFromDB).isValid()) {
258 B2FATAL(
"CDCDedxWireGain invalid!");
264 if ((*m_xTalkFromDB).isValid()) {
266 B2FATAL(
"CDCCrossTalkLibrary invalid!");
271 if ((*m_corrToThresholdFromDB).isValid()) {
273 B2FATAL(
"CDCCorrToThresholds invalid!");
276 #if defined(CDC_DEBUG)
278 cout <<
"CDCDigitizer initialize" << endl;
282 cout <<
"m_driftV= " <<
m_driftV << endl;
297 B2FATAL(
"CDCEDepToADCConversion payloads are unavailable!");
316 if (m_tSimMode < 0 || m_tSimMode > 3) B2FATAL(
"invalid timing sim. mode= " <<
329 map<WireID, SignalInfo> signalMap;
330 map<WireID, SignalInfo>::iterator iterSignalMap;
332 map<WireID, unsigned short> adcMap;
333 map<WireID, unsigned short>::iterator iterADCMap;
338 map<pair<WireID, unsigned>,
SignalInfo> signalMapTrg;
339 map<pair<WireID, unsigned>,
SignalInfo>::iterator iterSignalMapTrg;
342 map<WireID, std::set<int>> particleMap;
343 map<WireID, std::set<int>>::iterator iterParticleMap;
353 B2DEBUG(
"SimClockState unavailable so switched the mode from synchro to random.");
356 trigBin = gRandom->Integer(4);
358 if (trigBin < 0 || trigBin > 3) B2ERROR(
"Invalid trigger bin; must be an integer [0,3]!");
363 for (
unsigned short bd = 1; bd < c_nBoards; ++bd) {
366 B2DEBUG(
m_debugLevel, bd <<
" " << tMinInCount <<
" " << tMaxInCount);
377 B2DEBUG(
"Number of CDCSimHits in the current event: " << nHits);
378 for (
int iHits = 0; iHits < nHits; ++iHits) {
410 if ((bwpAlign - bwp).Mag() == 0. && (fwpAlign - fwp).Mag() == 0.)
m_align =
420 double bckYSag = bwp.
421 double forYSag = fwp.
445 double deltaTime = 0.;
455 double dDdt =
467 double hitDriftTime =
getDriftTime(hitDriftLength, addTof, addDelay);
475 hitDriftTime += trigTiming;
485 if (hitDriftTime < tMin || hitDriftTime > tMax)
496 double convFactorForThreshold = 1;
498 unsigned short adcCount = 0;
502 if (adcCount < adcTh) adcCount = 0;
504 if (iterADCMap == adcMap.end()) {
505 adcMap.insert(make_pair(
m_wireID, adcCount));
508 iterADCMap->second += adcCount;
514 double dEThreshold = 0.;
522 B2DEBUG(
"hitdE,dEThreshold,driftLength " << hitdE <<
" " << dEThreshold <<
" " << hitDriftLength);
524 if (hitdE < dEThreshold) {
525 B2DEBUG(
"Below Ethreshold: " << hitdE <<
" " << dEThreshold);
530 unsigned short trigWindow = floor((hitDriftTime - tMin) *
m_tdcBinWidthInv / 32);
531 iterSignalMapTrg = signalMapTrg.find(make_pair(
m_wireID, trigWindow));
532 if (iterSignalMapTrg == signalMapTrg.end()) {
535 signalMapTrg.insert(make_pair(make_pair(
m_wireID, trigWindow),
538 if (hitDriftTime < iterSignalMapTrg->second.m_driftTime) {
539 iterSignalMapTrg->second.m_driftTime = hitDriftTime;
540 iterSignalMapTrg->second.m_simHitIndex = iHits;
543 iterSignalMapTrg->second.m_charge += adcCount;
557 if (eff < gRandom->Uniform())
561 const double a = bwpAlign.
562 const double b = bwpAlign.
563 const double c = bwpAlign.
564 const B2Vector3D fmbAlign = fwpAlign - bwpAlign;
565 const double lmn = 1. / fmbAlign.
566 const double l = fmbAlign.
X() * lmn;
567 const double m = fmbAlign.
Y() * lmn;
568 const double n = fmbAlign.
Z() * lmn;
573 double sub = l * dx + m * dy + n * dz;
574 const double driftLFromIn =
sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz - sub * sub);
579 sub = l * dx + m * dy + n * dz;
580 const double driftLFromOut =
sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz - sub * sub);
582 const double maxDriftL = std::max(driftLFromIn, driftLFromOut);
584 B2DEBUG(
"driftLFromIn= " << driftLFromIn <<
" driftLFromOut= " << driftLFromOut <<
" minDriftL= " << minDriftL <<
589 iterSignalMap = signalMap.find(
592 iterParticleMap = particleMap.find(
596 if (rels.
size() != 0) {
599 mcIndex = int(mcparticle->
604 if (iterParticleMap == particleMap.end()) {
605 std::set<int> vecmc = {mcIndex};
606 particleMap.insert(make_pair(
m_wireID, vecmc));
608 iterParticleMap->second.insert(mcIndex);
613 if (iterSignalMap == signalMap.end()) {
616 signalMap.insert(make_pair(
SignalInfo(iHits, hitDriftTime, adcCount, maxDriftL, minDriftL)));
620 if (hitDriftTime < iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime) {
621 iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime3 = iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime2;
622 iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex3 = iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex2;
623 iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime2 = iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime;
624 iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex2 = iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex;
625 iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime = hitDriftTime;
626 iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex = iHits;
627 B2DEBUG(
"hitDriftTime of current Signal: " << hitDriftTime <<
", hitDriftLength: " << hitDriftLength);
628 }
else if (hitDriftTime < iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime2) {
629 iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime3 = iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime2;
630 iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex3 = iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex2;
631 iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime2 = hitDriftTime;
632 iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex2 = iHits;
633 }
else if (hitDriftTime < iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime3) {
634 iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime3 = hitDriftTime;
635 iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex3 = iHits;
639 iterSignalMap->second.m_charge += adcCount;
642 if (iterSignalMap->second.m_maxDriftL < maxDriftL) iterSignalMap->second.m_maxDriftL = maxDriftL;
643 if (iterSignalMap->second.m_minDriftL > minDriftL) iterSignalMap->second.m_minDriftL = minDriftL;
644 B2DEBUG(
"maxDriftL in struct= " << iterSignalMap->second.m_maxDriftL <<
"minDriftL in struct= " <<
645 iterSignalMap->second.m_minDriftL);
653 unsigned int iCDCHits = 0;
657 for (iterSignalMap = signalMap.begin(); iterSignalMap != signalMap.end(); ++iterSignalMap) {
662 iterADCMap = adcMap.find(iterSignalMap->first);
663 unsigned short adcCount = iterADCMap != adcMap.end() ? iterADCMap->second : 0;
677 iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime +=
getTimeWalk(iterSignalMap->first, adcCount);
682 iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime < 0.) {
687 unsigned short tdcCount =
static_cast<unsigned short>((
getPositiveT0(iterSignalMap->first) - iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime) *
691 double deltaDL = iterSignalMap->second.m_maxDriftL - iterSignalMap->second.m_minDriftL;
697 unsigned short tot = std::min(std::round(5.92749 * deltaDL + 2.59706),
699 tot = std::min(
static_cast<int>(adcCount /
702 CDCHit* firstHit =
m_cdcHits.appendNew(tdcCount, adcCount, iterSignalMap->first, 0, tot);
705 cdcSimHitsToCDCHits.
add(iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex, iCDCHits);
709 if (rels.
size() != 0) {
712 double weight = rels.
718 iterParticleMap = particleMap.find(iterSignalMap->first);
719 if (iterParticleMap != particleMap.end()) {
720 std::set<int> vv = iterParticleMap->second;
721 for (std::set<int>::iterator it = vv.begin(); it != vv.end(); ++it) {
733 if (iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex >= 0) {
735 if (rels1.
size() != 0) {
738 double weight = rels1.
744 if (iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex2 >= 0) {
746 if (rels2.
size() != 0) {
749 double weight = rels2.
755 if (iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex3 >= 0) {
757 if (rels3.
size() != 0) {
760 double weight = rels3.
769 if (
m_output2ndHit && iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex2 >= 0) {
770 unsigned short tdcCount2 =
static_cast<unsigned short>((
getPositiveT0(iterSignalMap->first) - iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime2) *
772 if (tdcCount2 != tdcCount) {
773 CDCHit* secondHit =
m_cdcHits.appendNew(tdcCount2, adcCount, iterSignalMap->first, 0, tot);
786 cdcSimHitsToCDCHits.
add(iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex2, iCDCHits);
791 if (rels.
size() != 0) {
794 double weight = rels.
799 if (iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex3 >= 0) {
800 unsigned short tdcCount3 =
static_cast<unsigned short>((
getPositiveT0(iterSignalMap->first) - iterSignalMap->second.m_driftTime3) *
803 if (tdcCount3 != tdcCount) {
804 CDCHit* secondHit =
m_cdcHits.appendNew(tdcCount3, adcCount, iterSignalMap->first, 0, tot);
813 cdcSimHitsToCDCHits.
add(iterSignalMap->second.m_simHitIndex3, iCDCHits);
818 if (rels.
size() != 0) {
821 double weight = rels.
842 for (iterSignalMapTrg = signalMapTrg.begin(); iterSignalMapTrg != signalMapTrg.end(); ++iterSignalMapTrg) {
851 unsigned short adcCount = iterSignalMapTrg->second.m_charge;
852 unsigned short tdcCount =
853 static_cast<unsigned short>((
getPositiveT0(iterSignalMapTrg->first.first) -
855 const CDCHit* cdcHit =
m_cdcHits4Trg.appendNew(tdcCount, adcCount, iterSignalMapTrg->first.first);
858 m_simHits[iterSignalMapTrg->second.m_simHitIndex]->addRelationTo(cdcHit);
860 if (rels.
size() != 0) {
863 double weight = rels.
896 const unsigned short leftRight =
912 #if defined(CDC_DEBUG)
914 cout <<
"CDCDigitizerModule::smearDriftLength" << endl;
916 cout <<
"dDdt,resolution= " << dDdt <<
" " << resolution << endl;
920 double newDL = gRandom->Gaus(driftLength + mean, resolution);
921 while (newDL <= 0.) newDL = gRandom->Gaus(driftLength + mean, resolution);
937 const unsigned short leftRight =
943 #if defined(CDC_DEBUG)
945 cout <<
"CDCDigitizerModule::getdDdt" << endl;
946 cout <<
"**layer= " << layer << endl;
947 cout <<
"alpha= " << 180.*alpha / M_PI << std::endl;
950 for (
int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
953 cout << t <<
" " << d << endl;
959 for (
int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
962 cout << t <<
" " << d << endl;
987 #if defined(CDC_DEBUG)
989 cout <<
"CDCDigitizerModule::getDriftTime" << endl;
994 const unsigned short leftRight =
1010 double propLength = (
m_posWire - backWirePos).Mag();
1023 #if defined(CDC_DEBUG)
1029 #if defined(CDC_DEBUG)
1040 unsigned short& adcCount,
double& convFactorForThreshold)
1042 static double conv00 = (100.0 / 3.2);
1043 convFactorForThreshold = conv00;
1045 if (dEinGeV <= 0. || dx <= 0.)
1047 const unsigned short layer = wid.
1048 const unsigned short cell = wid.
1051 double conv = conv00;
1060 convFactorForThreshold = conv;
1063 if (convFactorForThreshold > 0.) {
1066 convFactorForThreshold = conv00;
1072 if (20 <= nElectrons) {
1073 relGain = std::max(0., gRandom->Gaus(1.,
sqrt(1. / (nElectrons * (1. +
1074 }
else if (1 <= nElectrons) {
1075 for (
int i = 1; i <= nElectrons; ++i) {
1078 relGain /= nElectrons;
1092 adcCount =
static_cast<unsigned short>(std::round(conv * dEInkeV));
1105 gRandom->RndmArray(2, urndm);
1106 x = xmax * urndm[0];
1109 y = ymax * urndm[1];
1122 const double convF = gA / gD / adcBW;
1124 B2DEBUG(
"L1TRGLatency= " << el1TrgLatency);
1129 int mode = (fp.getBoardID() == -1) ? 1 : 0;
1130 int iNBoards =
1134 for (
int bdi = 1; bdi < iNBoards; ++bdi) {
1140 m_tdcThresh[bdi] = convF * (off - fp.getTDCThreshInMV());
1149 int bdi = fpp.getBoardID();
1150 if (mode == 0 && bdi == 0)
1151 if (mode == 1 && bdi == -1)
1152 if (bdi < 0 || bdi >= iNBoards) B2FATAL(
"CDCDigitizer:: Invalid no. of FEE board!");
1158 m_tdcThresh[bdi] = convF * (off - fpp.getTDCThreshInMV());
1165 for (
int bdi = 1; bdi < iNBoards; ++bdi) {
1178 const int nLyrs = c_maxNSenseLayers;
1180 int nGoodL[nLyrs] = {};
1181 float wgL[nLyrs] = {};
1182 int nGoodSL[c_nSuperLayers] = {};
1183 float wgSL[c_nSuperLayers] = {};
1187 for (
int lyr = 0; lyr < nLyrs; ++lyr) {
1189 for (
int w = 0; w < nWs; ++w) {
1191 float wg = (*m_wireGainFromDB)->getWireGain(iw);
1206 for (
int lyr = 0; lyr < nLyrs; ++lyr) {
1207 if (nGoodL[lyr] > 0) wgL[lyr] /= nGoodL[lyr];
1208 B2DEBUG(
"lyr,ngood,gain= " << lyr <<
" " << nGoodL[lyr] <<
" " << wgL[lyr]);
1211 for (
unsigned int sl = 0; sl < c_nSuperLayers; ++sl) {
1212 if (nGoodSL[sl] > 0) wgSL[sl] /= nGoodSL[sl];
1213 B2DEBUG(
"slyr,ngood,gain= " << sl <<
" " << nGoodSL[sl] <<
" " << wgSL[sl]);
1221 B2FATAL(
"No good wires !");
1223 B2DEBUG(
"ngoodAll,gain= " << nGoodAll <<
" " << wgAll);
1226 for (
int lyr = 0; lyr < nLyrs; ++lyr) {
1228 for (
int w = 0; w < nWs; ++w) {
1241 for (
int lyr = 0; lyr < nLyrs; ++lyr) {
1243 for (
int w = 0; w < nWs; ++w) {
"Gain for lyr and wire " << lyr <<
" " << w <<
"not > 0. Strange! Replace it with " << wgAll <<
1252 m_runGain = (*m_runGainFromDB)->getRunGain();
1253 double cgain = (*m_gain0FromDB)->getScaleFactor();
1256 for (
int lyr = 0; lyr < nLyrs; ++lyr) {
1258 for (
int w = 0; w < nWs; ++w) {
1268 map<WireID, XTalkInfo> xTalkMap;
1269 map<WireID, XTalkInfo> xTalkMap1;
1270 map<WireID, XTalkInfo>::iterator iterXTalkMap1;
1273 int OriginalNoOfHits =
"2nd TDC hit found, but not ready for it!");
1279 WireID wid(aHit.getID());
1281 short tdcCount = aHit.getTDCCount();
1282 short adcCount = aHit.getADCCount();
1283 short tot = aHit.getTOT();
1286 const vector<pair<short, asicChannel>> xTalks = (*m_xTalkFromDB)->getLibraryCrossTalk(channel, tdcCount, adcCount, tot);
1288 int nXTalks = xTalks.size();
1289 for (
int i = 0; i < nXTalks; ++i) {
1290 const unsigned short tdcCount4XTalk = xTalks[i].second.TDC;
1292 B2DEBUG(
"\n" <<
" signal: " << channel <<
" " << tdcCount <<
" " << adcCount <<
" " << tot);
1294 B2DEBUG(
"xtalk: " << xTalks[i].first <<
" " << tdcCount4XTalk <<
" " << xTalks[i].second.ADC <<
" " <<
1295 xTalks[i].second.TOT);
1302 if (LLOfTDC <= tdcCount4XTalk && tdcCount4XTalk <= ULOfTDC) {
1303 const unsigned short status = 0;
1304 xTalkMap.insert(make_pair(widx,
XTalkInfo(tdcCount4XTalk, xTalks[i].second.ADC, xTalks[i].second.TOT, status)));
1315 for (
const auto& aHit : xTalkMap) {
1318 iterXTalkMap1 = xTalkMap1.find(wid);
1319 unsigned short tdcCount = aHit.second.m_tdc;
1320 unsigned short adcCount = aHit.second.m_adc;
1321 unsigned short tot = aHit.second.m_tot;
1322 unsigned short status = aHit.second.m_status;
1324 if (iterXTalkMap1 == xTalkMap1.end()) {
1325 xTalkMap1.insert(make_pair(wid,
XTalkInfo(tdcCount, adcCount, tot, status)));
1328 if (tdcCount < iterXTalkMap1->second.m_tdc) {
1329 iterXTalkMap1->second.m_tdc = tdcCount;
1332 iterXTalkMap1->second.m_adc += adcCount;
1333 iterXTalkMap1->second.m_tot += tot;
1339 for (
const auto& aX : xTalkMap1) {
1341 const unsigned short tdc4Bg = aX.second.m_tdc;
1342 const unsigned short adc4Bg = aX.second.m_adc;
1343 const unsigned short tot4Bg = aX.second.m_tot;
1344 const unsigned short status4Bg = aX.second.m_status;
1346 for (
int iHit = 0; iHit < OriginalNoOfHits; ++iHit) {
1348 if (aH.
getID() != aX.first.getEWire()) {
1354 const unsigned short tot4Sg = aH.
1360 if (tdc4Sg < tdc4Bg) {
1364 for (
int i = relSimHits.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
1365 relSimHits.remove(i);
1368 for (
int i = relMCParticles.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
1369 relMCParticles.remove(i);
1379 unsigned short s1 = tdc4Sg;
1380 unsigned short s2 = tdc4Bg;
1381 unsigned short w1 = tot4Sg;
1382 unsigned short w2 = tot4Bg;
1383 if (tdc4Sg < tdc4Bg) {
1391 const unsigned short e1 = s1 - w1;
1392 const unsigned short e2 = s2 - w2;
1395 double pulseW = w1 + w2;
1398 }
else if (e1 <= s2) {
1412 m_cdcHits.appendNew(tdc4Bg, adc4Bg, aX.first, status4Bg, tot4Bg);
1413 B2DEBUG(
"appended tdc,adc,tot,wid,status= " << tdc4Bg <<
" " << adc4Bg <<
" " << tot4Bg <<
" " << aX.first <<
DataType Z() const
access variable Z (= .at(2) without boundary check)
DataType X() const
access variable X (= .at(0) without boundary check)
DataType Y() const
access variable Y (= .at(1) without boundary check)
DataType Mag() const
The magnitude (rho in spherical coordinate system).
B2Vector3< DataType > Unit() const
Unit vector parallel to this.
void SetY(DataType y)
set Y/2nd-coordinate
double m_tdcThreshold4Inner
TDC threshold for inner layers in unit of eV.
double m_driftV
Nominal drift velocity (in cm/ns)
double Polya(double xmax=10)
Generate randum number according to Polya distribution.
unsigned short m_boardID
FEE board ID.
int m_eDepInGasMode
Mode for extracting dE(gas) from dE(gas+wire)
double m_tMaxInner
Upper edge of time window in ns for the inner layers.
double getdDdt(double driftLength)
The method to get dD/dt.
bool m_outputNegativeDriftTime
A switch to output negative drift time to CDCHit.
unsigned short m_widthOfTimeWindowInCount[c_nBoards]
Width of time window.
bool m_extraADCSmearing
Swtich for extra ADC smearing.
int m_debugLevel
Debug level.
bool m_includeEarlyXTalks
Flag to switch on/off xtalks earlier than the hit.
void makeSignalsAfterShapers(const WireID &wid, double edep, double dx, double costh, unsigned short &adcCount, double &convFactorForThreshold)
Function to make signals after shapers.
double m_propSpeedInv
int m_trgTimingOffsetInCount
Trigger timing offset in unit of count.
bool m_addInWirePropagationDelay4Bg
A switch used to control adding propagation delay into the total drift time or not for beam bg.
double getSemiTotalGain(int clayer, int cell) const
Return semi-total gain of the specified wire.
bool m_useDB4RunGain
Fetch run gain from DB.
DBObjPtr< CDCCrossTalkLibrary > * m_xTalkFromDB
Pointer to cross-talk from DB.
double m_analogGain
analog gain (V/pC)
double m_tdcBinWidthInv
m_tdcBinWidth^-1 (in ns^-1)
float m_uprEdgeOfTimeWindow[c_nBoards]
Upper edge of time-window.
double m_tMin
Lower edge of time window in ns.
bool m_output2ndHit
A switch to output 2nd hit.
int m_adcThreshold
Threshold for ADC in unit of count.
double m_resolution2
Resolution of the second Gassian used to smear drift length.
bool m_addTimeOfFlight
A switch used to control adding time of flight into the total drift time or not.
double m_trigTimeJitter
Magnitude of trigger timing jitter (ns).
void initialize() override
Initialize variables, print info, and start CPU clock.
double smearDriftLength(double driftLength, double dDdt)
Method used to smear the drift length.
std::string m_MCParticlesToSimHitsName
Relation for origin of incoming SimHits.
void addXTalk()
Add crosstalk.
double m_digitalGain
digital gain (V/pC)
double m_totalFudgeFactor
total fudge factor for space resol.
std::string m_OptionalAllMCParticlesToHitsName
Relation name for optional matching of all MCParticles.
bool m_addInWirePropagationDelay
A switch used to control adding propagation delay into the total drift time or not.
bool m_align
A switch to control alignment.
void event() override
Actual digitization of all hits in the CDC.
unsigned short m_trgDelayInCount[c_nBoards]
Trigger delay in frontend electronics in count.
double m_globalTime
global time of this hit
bool m_doSmearing
A switch to control drift length smearing.
std::string m_inputCDCSimHitsName
Input array name.
DBObjPtr< CDCDedxWireGain > * m_wireGainFromDB
Pointer to wire gain from DB.
B2Vector3D m_posWire
wire position of this hit
bool m_addTimeOfFlight4Bg
A switch used to control adding time of flight into the total drift time or not for beam bg.
bool m_addXTalk
Flag to switch on/off crosstalk.
bool m_addTimeWalk
A switch used to control adding time-walk delay into the total drift time or not.
bool m_treatNegT0WiresAsGood
A switch for negative-t0 wires.
double m_addFudgeFactorForSigma
additional fudge factor for space resol.
bool m_matchAllMCParticles
A switch to match all particles to a hit, regardless wether they produced a hit or not.
bool m_useDB4EDepToADC
Fetch edep-to-ADC conversion params.
std::string m_SimHitsTOCDCHitsName
Relation for outgoing CDCHits.
int m_offsetForTriggerBin
Input to getCDCTriggerBin(offset)
void setSemiTotalGain()
Set semi-total gain (from DB)
double m_driftLength
drift length of this hit
double m_tdcResol
TDC resolution (in ns)
int m_tSimMode
Timing simulation mode.
bool m_useDB4FEE
Fetch FEE params from DB.
double m_adcBinWidth
ADC bin width (mV)
double m_runGain
run gain.
double m_thetaOfPolya
theta of Polya function for gas gain smearing
bool m_matchFirstMCParticles
A switch to match first three MCParticles, not just the one with smallest drift time.
bool m_spaceChargeEffect
Space charge effect.
double m_driftVInv
m_driftV^-1 (in ns/cm)
StoreArray< CDCSimHit > m_simHits
CDCSimHit array.
DBObjPtr< CDCCorrToThresholds > * m_corrToThresholdFromDB
Pointer to threshold correction from DB.
std::string m_OptionalFirstMCParticlesToHitsName
Relation name for optional matching of up to first three MCParticles.
StoreArray< CDCHit > m_cdcHits4Trg
CDCHit4trg array.
float m_semiTotalGain[c_maxNSenseLayers][c_maxNDriftCells]
total gain per wire
DBObjPtr< CDCDedxRunGain > * m_runGainFromDB
Pointer to run gain from DB.
double m_degOfSPEOnThreshold
Degree of space charge effect on timing threshold.
bool m_randomization
Flag to switch on/off timing randmization.
CDCSimHit * m_aCDCSimHit
Pointer to CDCSimHit.
WireID m_wireID
WireID of this hit.
DBObjPtr< CDCDedxScaleFactor > * m_gain0FromDB
Pointer to overall gain factor from DB.
double m_effWForGasGainSmearing
Effective energy (keV) for one electron prod.
bool m_issue2ndHitWarning
Flag to switch on/off a warning on the 2nd TDC hit.
double getPositiveT0(const WireID &)
Modify t0 for negative-t0 case.
double m_tdcThreshold4Outer
TDC threshold for outer layers in unit of eV.
double m_tdcThresholdOffset
Offset for TDC(digital) threshold (mV)
double m_fraction
Fraction of the first Gaussian used to smear drift length.
int m_debugLevel4XTalk
Debug level for crosstalk.
int m_shiftOfTimeWindowIn32Count
Shift of time window for synchronization in 32count.
unsigned short m_posFlag
left or right flag of this hit
std::string m_outputCDCHitsName4Trg
Output array name for trigger.
StoreArray< CDCHit > m_cdcHits
CDCHit array.
double m_mean1
Mean value of the first Gassian used to smear drift length.
bool m_synchronization
Flag to switch on/off timing synchronization.
float m_lowEdgeOfTimeWindow[c_nBoards]
Lower edge of time-window.
double getDriftTime(double driftLength, bool addTof, bool addDelay)
The method to get drift time based on drift length.
std::string m_outputCDCHitsName
Output array name.
float m_tdcThresh[c_nBoards]
Threshold for timing-signal.
B2Vector3D m_momentum
3-momentum of this hit
StoreArray< MCParticle > m_mcParticles
Set edep-to-ADC conversion params.
bool m_gasGainSmearing
Swtich for gas gain smearing.
double m_tMaxOuter
Upper edge of time window in ns for the outer layers.
DBArray< CDCFEElectronics > * m_fEElectronicsFromDB
Pointer to FE electronics params.
double m_resolution1
Resolution of the first Gassian used to smear drift length.
B2Vector3D m_posTrack
track position of this hit
bool m_useSimpleDigitization
Use float Gaussian Smearing instead of proper digitization.
CDC::CDCGeometryPar * m_cdcgp
Cached Pointer to CDCGeometryPar.
double m_overallGainFactor
Overall gain factor.
void setFEElectronics()
Set FEE parameters (from DB)
double m_mean2
Mean value of the second Gassian used to smear drift length.
double m_tdcBinWidth
Width of a TDC bin (in ns)
CDC::CDCGeoControlPar * m_gcp
Cached pointer to CDCGeoControlPar.
bool m_correctForWireSag
A switch to control wire sag.
StoreObjPtr< SimClockState > m_simClockState
generated hardware clock state
double m_flightTime
flight time of this hit
float m_adcThresh[c_nBoards]
Threshold for FADC.
Database object for Fron-endt electronics params.
Class containing the result of the unpacker in raw data and the result of the digitizer in simulation...
void setTDCCount(short tdcCount)
Setter for TDC count.
void set2ndHitFlag()
Setter for 2nd hit flag.
short getTDCCount() const
Getter for TDC count.
void setTOT(unsigned short tot)
Setter for TOT.
unsigned short getID() const
Getter for encoded wire number.
unsigned short getStatus() const
Getter for CDCHit status.
void setADCCount(unsigned short adcCount)
Setter for ADC count.
unsigned short getADCCount() const
Getter for integrated charge.
unsigned short getTOT() const
Getter for TOT.
void setOtherHitIndices(CDCHit *otherHit)
Setter for the other hit indices.
void setStatus(unsigned short status)
Setter for CDCHit status.
int getPDGCode() const
The method to get PDG code.
double getStepLength() const
The method to get step length.
double getFlightTime() const
The method to get flight time.
B2Vector3D getPosWire() const
The method to get position on wire.
float getGlobalTime() const override
The method to get global time.
WireID getWireID() const
Getter for WireID object.
double getEnergyDep() const
The method to get deposited energy.
B2Vector3D getPosTrack() const
The method to get position on the track.
double getDriftLength() const
The method to get drift length.
B2Vector3D getMomentum() const
The method to get momentum.
B2Vector3D getPosIn() const
The method to get position of pre-step.
B2Vector3D getPosOut() const
The method to get position of post-step.
int getLeftRightPassageRaw() const
The method to get new left/right info. for digitization.
int getSenseWireZposMode() const
Get sense wire z position mode.
static CDCGeoControlPar & getInstance()
Static method to get a reference to the CDCGeoControlPar instance.
The Class for CDC Geometry Parameters.
double getTimeWalk(const WireID &wID, unsigned short adcCount) const
Returns time-walk.
double getNominalPropSpeed() const
Return the nominal propagation speed of the sense wire (default: 27.25 cm/nsec).
double getTheta(const B2Vector3D &momentum) const
Returns track incident angle (theta in rad.).
unsigned short getBoardID(const WireID &wID) const
Returns frontend board id. corresponding to the wire id.
Wire position set.
void getWireSagEffect(EWirePosition set, unsigned layerID, unsigned cellID, double zw, double &ywb_sag, double &ywf_sag) const
Compute effects of the sense wire sag.
double getAlpha(const B2Vector3D &posOnWire, const B2Vector3D &momentum) const
Returns track incident angle in rphi plane (alpha in rad.).
ushort getOffsetOfFirstLayer() const
Get the offset of the first layer.
const B2Vector3D wireForwardPosition(uint layerId, int cellId, EWirePosition set=c_Base) const
Returns the forward position of the input sense wire.
bool isDeadWire(const WireID &wid, double &eff)
Inquire if the wire is dead.
const WireID getWireID(unsigned short bd, unsigned short ch) const
Returns wire id. corresponding to the board-and-cannel ids.
double getDriftV(double dt, unsigned short layer, unsigned short lr, double alpha=0., double theta=0.5 *M_PI) const
Get the realistic drift velocity.
const B2Vector3D wireBackwardPosition(uint layerId, int cellId, EWirePosition set=c_Base) const
Returns the backward position of the input sense wire.
double getTdcBinWidth() const
Return TDC bin width (nsec).
float getT0(const WireID &wireID) const
Returns t0 parameter of the specified sense wire.
double getSigma(double dist, unsigned short layer, unsigned short lr, double alpha=0., double theta=0.5 *M_PI) const
Return the basic resolution of drift length (cm).
double getFudgeFactorForSigma(unsigned short target) const
Return the fuge factor for space resol.
unsigned nWiresInLayer(int layerId) const
Returns wire numbers in a layer.
double getBwdDeltaZ(unsigned short layerID) const
Return backward 'deltaZ'.
double getEDepToADCSigma(unsigned short layer, unsigned short cell)
Return sigma for extra smearing of edep to ADC conversion.
double getNominalDriftV() const
Return the nominal drift velocity of He-ethane gas (default: 4.0x10^-3 cm/nsec).
double getMeanT0() const
Returns the mean t0 over all wires.
double getPropSpeedInv(const unsigned int layerID) const
Get the inversel of propagation speed in the sense wire.
double getEDepToADCConvFactor(unsigned short layer, unsigned short cell, double edep, double dx, double costh)
Return edep-to-ADC conversion factor.
double getDriftTime(double dist, unsigned short layer, unsigned short lr, double alpha, double theta) const
Return the drift time to the sense wire.
double getDriftLength(double dt, unsigned short layer, unsigned short lr, double alpha=0., double theta=0.5 *M_PI, bool calculateMinTime=true, double minTime=0.) const
Return the drift dength to the sense wire.
bool isBadWire(const WireID &wid)
Inquire if the wire is totally-dead.
int getMaterialDefinitionMode() const
Return mode for material definition.
static CDCGeometryPar & Instance(const CDCGeometry *=nullptr)
Static method to get a reference to the CDCGeometryPar instance.
ushort getOffsetOfFirstSuperLayer() const
Get the offset of the first super layer.
unsigned short getChannelID(const WireID &wID) const
Returns frontend channel id. corresponding to the wire id.
unsigned short getNewLeftRightRaw(const B2Vector3D &posOnWire, const B2Vector3D &posOnTrack, const B2Vector3D &momentum) const
Returns new left/right_raw.
double getEDepToADCMainFactor(unsigned short layer, unsigned short cell, double costh=0)
Return edep-to-ADC conversion main factor (in count/keV)
The Class for Energy deposit in the gas.
static EDepInGas & getInstance()
Static method to get a reference to the EDepInGas instance.
double getEDepInGas(int mode, int pdg, double p, double dx, double e3) const
Return the energy deosite in the gas.
void addCallback(std::function< void(const std::string &)> callback, bool onDestruction=false)
Add a callback method.
Class for accessing arrays of objects in the database.
Class for accessing objects in the database.
@ c_WriteOut
Object/array should be saved by output modules.
@ c_Event
Different object in each event, all objects/arrays are invalidated after event() function has been ca...
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
int getIndex() const
Get 1-based index of the particle in the corresponding MCParticle list.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Low-level class to create/modify relations between StoreArrays.
void add(index_type from, index_type to, weight_type weight=1.0)
Add a new element to the relation.
Class for type safe access to objects that are referred to in relations.
size_t size() const
Get number of relations.
float weight(int index) const
Get weight with index.
void addRelationTo(const RelationsInterface< BASE > *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Add a relation from this object to another object (with caching).
RelationVector< FROM > getRelationsFrom(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the relations that point from another store array to this object.
virtual unsigned short getBackgroundTag() const
Get background tag.
bool registerRelationTo(const StoreArray< TO > &toArray, DataStore::EDurability durability=DataStore::c_Event, DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Register a relation to the given StoreArray.
static const double keV
static const double eV
static const double cm
Standard units with the value = 1.
Class to identify a wire inside the CDC.
unsigned short getICLayer() const
Getter for continuous layer numbering.
unsigned short getIWire() const
Getter for wire within the layer.
unsigned short getISuperLayer() const
Getter for Super-Layer.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T ¶mVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
double ClosestApproach(const B2Vector3D &bwp, const B2Vector3D &fwp, const B2Vector3D &posIn, const B2Vector3D &posOut, B2Vector3D &hitPosition, B2Vector3D &wirePosition)
Returns a closest distance between a track and a wire.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Structure for saving the signal information.
Structure for saving the x-talk information.