9 #include <trg/cdc/modules/houghETF/CDCTriggerHoughETFModule.h>
11 #include <cdc/geometry/CDCGeometryPar.h>
12 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
13 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
19 #include <root/TMatrix.h>
22 #define CDC_SUPER_LAYERS 9
37 CDCTriggerHoughETFModule::CDCTriggerHoughETFModule() :
51 "Name of the output StoreObjPtr.",
57 "Use priority timing instead of fastest timing.",
60 "Use associated fastest timings track-by-track",
63 "0: Nth fastest fastest time."
64 "1: median of all timings."
65 "2: median of timings in timing window.",
68 "When t0CalcMethod == 0: Nth fastest ft is used as T0. (i.e. 0 is fastest)",
71 "When t0CalcMethod == 2: start time of time window relative to median. (in ns)",
74 "When t0CalcMethod == 2: end time of time window relative to median. (in ns)",
79 "Name of the input StoreArray of CDCTriggerSegmentHits.",
82 "Name of the StoreArray holding the tracks found in the Hough tracking.",
83 string(
85 "Name of the StoreArray holding the clusters formed in the Hough plane.",
88 "Number of Hough cells in phi (limits: [-180, 180]). Must be an even number.",
91 "Number of Hough cells in 1/r. Must be an even number.",
95 "Hough plane limits in 1/r are [-1/r(minPt), 1/r(minPt)]", (
97 "Shift the Hough plane by 1/4 cell size in 1/r to avoid "
98 "curvature 0 tracks (<0: shift in negative direction, "
99 "0: no shift, >0: shift in positive direction).", 0);
102 "Minimum hits from different super layers required in a peak cell.",
105 "Minimum hits required required in a peak cell for a short track"
106 " (must be in the first minHitsShort super layers).",
109 "Peaks with less than minCells connected cells are ignored.",
112 "Switch to remove cells connected to a cell with higher super layer count.",
115 "Definition for connected cells. 4: direct (left/right/top/bottom), "
116 "6: direct + 2 diagonal (top right/bottom left), "
117 "8: direct + all diagonal (top right/top left/bottom right/bottom left)",
120 "Switch to skip second priority hits.",
122 "If true, use wire position of priority cell in track segment, "
123 "otherwise use wire position of center cell.",
125 "Switch to check separately for a hit in the innermost superlayer.",
127 "Switch for saving Hough plane as TMatrix in DataStore. "
128 "0: don't store anything, 1: store only peaks, 2: store full plane "
129 "(will increase runtime).", (
131 "use nested pattern algorithm to find clusters",
133 "maximum number of 2 x 2 squares in cluster for pattern algorithm",
136 "maximum number of 2 x 2 squares in cluster for pattern algorithm",
139 "Switch for creating relations to hits in the pattern algorithm. "
140 "If true, create relations from cluster corners, otherwise "
141 "from estimated cluster center (might not have relations).",
144 "If not empty, a file with input (hits) and output (tracks) "
145 "for each event is written (for firmware debugging).",
148 "Switch to send only the first found track and suppress the "
149 "subsequent clones.",
152 "Set certain time offset for ETFHough simulation"
153 "Default as -10", -10);
176 for (
int iSL = 0; iSL < 9; ++iSL) {
178 nTS += cdc.nWiresInLayer(layerId);
180 for (
int priority = 0; priority < 2; ++ priority) {
181 radius[iSL][priority] = cdc.senseWireR(layerId + priority);
183 layerId += (iSL > 0 ? 6 : 7);
186 for (
int sl = 1; sl < 9; sl++) {
195 B2INFO(
"2D finder will exit with the first track candidate in time.");
214 testFile << StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData>()->getEvent() <<
" "
230 if (iSL % 2)
234 phi += 0.5 * (((
m_segmentHits[iHit]->getPriorityPosition() >> 1) & 1)
240 TVector2 pos(cos(phi) / r, sin(phi) / r);
241 hitMap.insert(std::make_pair(iHit, std::make_pair(iSL, pos)));
261 B2DEBUG(50,
"extending Hough plane to " <<
maxIterations <<
" iterations, "
262 <<
nCells <<
" cells: phi in ["
263 << -rectX * 180. / M_PI <<
", " << rectX * 180. / M_PI
264 <<
"] deg, 1/r in [" << -rectY +
shiftR <<
", " << rectY +
shiftR <<
"] /cm");
281 typedef pair<int, cdcPair> cdcHitPair;
283 typedef vector<cdcHitPair> cdcSeqMap;
287 seqHitMap.push_back(hit);
289 sort(seqHitMap.begin(), seqHitMap.end(), [
this](cdcHitPair i, cdcHitPair j) {
290 return m_segmentHits[i.first]->foundTime() < m_segmentHits[j.first]->foundTime();
292 auto seqHitItr = seqHitMap.begin();
294 vector<bool> layerHit(CDC_SUPER_LAYERS,
297 short firstTick =
m_segmentHits[(*seqHitMap.begin()).first]->foundTime() / period + 1;
298 short lastTick =
m_segmentHits[(*(seqHitMap.end() - 1)).first]->foundTime() / period + 1;
300 for (
auto tick = firstTick * period; tick < lastTick * period; tick += period) {
302 for (
auto itr = seqHitItr; itr < seqHitMap.end(); ++itr) {
303 cdcHitPair currentHit = *itr;
305 if (count(layerHit.begin(), layerHit.end(),
true) >=
m_minHits &&
310 layerHit[
m_segmentHits[currentHit.first]->getISuperLayer()] =
312 copy_n(seqHitItr, nHitInCycle, inserter(fastHitMap, fastHitMap.end()));
314 B2DEBUG(20,
"at tick " << tick <<
", number of candidates: " <<
316 B2DEBUG(10,
"found a track at clock " << tick <<
" with "
317 << fastHitMap.size() <<
320 advance(seqHitItr, nHitInCycle);
326 B2DEBUG(10,
"found a track with " <<
hitMap.size() <<
343 testFile << round(2 * ix) / 2. <<
" " << round(2 * iy) / 2. <<
" "
344 <<
m_tracks[i]->getChargeSign() << endl;
348 for (
unsigned ihit = 0; ihit < hits.size(); ++ihit) {
349 unsigned short iSL = hits[ihit]->getISuperLayer();
351 << hits[ihit]->getPriorityPosition() <<
" "
352 << hits.weight(ihit) << endl;
void addBinnedEventT0(int eventT0, Const::EDetector detector)
Store a binned event t0 for the given detector replacing any other hypothesis for this detector.
std::string m_EventTimeName
Name of the StoreObject containing the trigger event time.
int NSecOffset[9]
Number of sector offset of each super layer.
std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > houghCand
Hough Candidates.
std::string m_testFilename
filename for test output for firmware debugging
int fastInterceptFinder(cdcMap &hits, double x1_s, double x2_s, double y1_s, double y2_s, unsigned iterations, unsigned ix_s, unsigned iy_s)
Fast intercept finder Divide Hough plane recursively to find cells with enough crossing lines.
bool m_useHighPassTimingList
Use associated fastest timings track-by-track.
unsigned m_minCells
minimum number of cells in a cluster to form a track
std::ofstream testFile
filestream for test output for firmware debugging
unsigned maxIterations
number of iterations for the fast peak finder, smallest n such that 2^(n+1) > max(nCellsPhi,...
unsigned m_minHitsShort
short tracks require hits in the first minHitsShort super layers to form a candidate
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize the module and check module parameters.
unsigned m_nCellsR
number of Hough cells in 1/r
int m_shiftPt
shift the Hough plane in 1/r to avoid curvature 0 tracks < 0: shift in negative direction (negative h...
virtual void event() override
Run tracking.
StoreArray< CDCTriggerSegmentHit > m_segmentHits
list of track segment hits
std::string m_outputCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray containing the tracks found by the Hough tracking.
unsigned m_nCellsPhi
number of Hough cells in phi
bool m_usePriority
switch between priority position and center position of track segment
short m_timeWindowEnd
End time of time window relative to median.
bool m_clusterPattern
switch for clustering algorithm (if true use nested patterns)
double maxR
Hough plane limit in 1/r [1/cm].
virtual void terminate() override
Clean up.
bool m_hitRelationsFromCorners
switch for creating relations to hits in the pattern clustering algorithm.
std::vector< std::vector< CDCTriggerSegmentHit * > > associatedTSHitsList
list of fastest timing of TS associated with Track
StoreObjPtr< TMatrix > m_houghPlane
matrix containing the Hough plane
unsigned m_storePlane
switch to save the Hough plane in DataStore (0: don't save, 1: save only peaks, 2: save full plane)
bool m_ignore2nd
switch to skip second priority hits
unsigned m_connect
number of neighbors to check for connection (4: direct, 6: direct + upper right and lower left corner...
double shiftR
Hough plane shift in 1/r [1/cm].
unsigned nCells
number of cells for the fast peak finder: 2^(maxIterations + 1).
bool m_suppressClone
switch to send only the first found track and suppress the subsequent clones
unsigned m_t0CalcMethod
Switch method to determine the event timing.
double radius[9][2]
Radius of the CDC layers with priority wires (2 per super layer).
StoreArray< CDCTriggerTrack > m_tracks
list of found tracks
cdcMap hitMap
map of TS hits containing <iHit, <iSL, (x, y)>> with iHit: hit index in StoreArray iSL: super layer i...
int m_offset
offset for ETF simulation
unsigned m_arrivalOrder
arrival order of fastest timing used as t0 (effective when t0CalcMEthod == 0)
unsigned m_clusterSizeX
maximum cluster size for pattern algorithm
double m_minPt
Hough plane limit in Pt [GeV].
const int NSEC[9]
Number of sector in each super layer.
bool m_requireSL0
switch to check separately for a hit in the innermost super layer
short m_timeWindowBegin
Start time of time window relative to median.
unsigned m_minHits
minimum number of hits from different super layers in a Hough cell to form a candidate
StoreArray< CDCTriggerHoughCluster > m_clusters
list of clusters in the Hough map
StoreObjPtr< BinnedEventT0 > m_eventTime
StoreObjPtr holding the event time.
unsigned TSoffset[10]
Number of track segments up to super layer.
std::string m_clusterCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray containing the clusters formed in the Hough plane.
bool m_storeTracks
Switch to save the 2D Hough track reconstructed in this module.
std::string m_hitCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray containing the input track segment hits.
bool patternClustering(const cdcMap &inputMap)
Combine Hough candidates to tracks by a fixed pattern algorithm.
bool m_onlyLocalMax
switch to ignore candidates connected to cells with higher super layer count
bool m_usePriorityTiming
Switch to use priority timing instead of fastest timing.
unsigned m_clusterSizeY
maximum cluster size for pattern algorithm
void connectedRegions()
Combine Hough candidates to tracks by merging connected cells.
Combination of several CDCHits to a track segment hit for the trigger.
The Class for CDC Geometry Parameters.
static CDCGeometryPar & Instance(const CDCGeometry *=nullptr)
Static method to get a reference to the CDCGeometryPar instance.
static const double speedOfLight
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
void setReturnValue(int value)
Sets the return value for this module as integer.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Class for type safe access to objects that are referred to in relations.
bool isRequired(const std::string &name="")
Ensure this array/object has been registered previously.
bool registerInDataStore(DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut)
Register the object/array in the DataStore.
bool create(bool replace=false)
Create a default object in the data store.
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
bool registerRelationTo(const StoreArray< TO > &toArray, DataStore::EDurability durability=DataStore::c_Event, DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Register a relation to the given StoreArray.
bool isValid() const
Check whether the object was created.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T ¶mVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
std::map< int, cdcPair > cdcMap
Map of <counter, cdcPair>, for hits with indices.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.