Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
CDCTriggerHoughETFModule Class Reference

#include <CDCTriggerHoughETFModule.h>

Inheritance diagram for CDCTriggerHoughETFModule:
Collaboration diagram for CDCTriggerHoughETFModule:

Public Types

enum  EModulePropFlags {
  c_Input = 1 ,
  c_Output = 2 ,
  c_ParallelProcessingCertified = 4 ,
  c_HistogramManager = 8 ,
  c_InternalSerializer = 16 ,
  c_TerminateInAllProcesses = 32 ,
  c_DontCollectStatistics = 64
 Each module can be tagged with property flags, which indicate certain features of the module. More...
typedef ModuleCondition::EAfterConditionPath EAfterConditionPath
 Forward the EAfterConditionPath definition from the ModuleCondition.

Public Member Functions

 CDCTriggerHoughETFModule ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the module and check module parameters.
virtual void event () override
 Run tracking. More...
virtual void terminate () override
 Clean up.
int fastInterceptFinder (cdcMap &hits, double x1_s, double x2_s, double y1_s, double y2_s, unsigned iterations, unsigned ix_s, unsigned iy_s)
 Fast intercept finder Divide Hough plane recursively to find cells with enough crossing lines. More...
unsigned short countSL (bool *)
 count the number of super layers with hits More...
bool shortTrack (bool *)
 check the short track condition (= hits in the inner super layers rather than any super layers) More...
void connectedRegions ()
 Combine Hough candidates to tracks by merging connected cells. More...
void addNeighbors (const CDCTriggerHoughCand &center, const std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &candidates, std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &merged, std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &rejected, unsigned short nSLmax) const
 Recursive function to add combine connected cells. More...
bool inList (const CDCTriggerHoughCand &a, const std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &list) const
 Check if candidate is in list.
bool connected (const CDCTriggerHoughCand &a, const CDCTriggerHoughCand &b) const
 Check if candidates are connected.
void mergeIdList (std::vector< unsigned > &merged, std::vector< unsigned > &a, std::vector< unsigned > &b)
 Merge lists a and b and put the result in merged.
bool patternClustering (const cdcMap &inputMap)
 Combine Hough candidates to tracks by a fixed pattern algorithm. More...
bool connectedLR (unsigned patternL, unsigned patternR)
 Check for left/right connection of patterns in 2 x 2 squares.
bool connectedUD (unsigned patternD, unsigned patternU)
 Check for up/down connection of patterns in 2 x 2 squares.
bool connectedDiag (unsigned patternLD, unsigned patternRU)
 Check for diagonal connected of patterns in 2 x 2 squares.
unsigned topRightSquare (std::vector< unsigned > &pattern)
 Find the top right square within a cluster of 2 x 2 squares In case of ambiguity, top is favored over right @ return index of corner within pattern vector.
unsigned topRightCorner (unsigned pattern)
 Find the top right corner within 2 x 2 square. More...
unsigned bottomLeftCorner (unsigned pattern)
 Find the bottom left corner within 2 x 2 square. More...
void findAllCrossingHits (std::vector< unsigned > &list, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, const cdcMap &inputMap)
 Find all hits in inputMap whose Hough curve crosses the rectangle with corners (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) and add the hit indices to list.
void selectHits (std::vector< unsigned > &list, std::vector< unsigned > &selected, std::vector< unsigned > &unselected)
 Select one hit per super layer. More...
int getSector (int id, int sl)
std::vector< int > sectorTimingList ()
std::vector< int > highPassTimingList ()
int calcEventTiming ()
int median (std::vector< int > v)
int medianInTimeWindow (std::vector< int > v)
virtual std::vector< std::string > getFileNames (bool outputFiles)
 Return a list of output filenames for this modules. More...
virtual void beginRun ()
 Called when entering a new run. More...
virtual void endRun ()
 This method is called if the current run ends. More...
const std::string & getName () const
 Returns the name of the module. More...
const std::string & getType () const
 Returns the type of the module (i.e. More...
const std::string & getPackage () const
 Returns the package this module is in.
const std::string & getDescription () const
 Returns the description of the module.
void setName (const std::string &name)
 Set the name of the module. More...
void setPropertyFlags (unsigned int propertyFlags)
 Sets the flags for the module properties. More...
LogConfiggetLogConfig ()
 Returns the log system configuration.
void setLogConfig (const LogConfig &logConfig)
 Set the log system configuration.
void setLogLevel (int logLevel)
 Configure the log level.
void setDebugLevel (int debugLevel)
 Configure the debug messaging level.
void setAbortLevel (int abortLevel)
 Configure the abort log level.
void setLogInfo (int logLevel, unsigned int logInfo)
 Configure the printed log information for the given level. More...
void if_value (const std::string &expression, const std::shared_ptr< Path > &path, EAfterConditionPath afterConditionPath=EAfterConditionPath::c_End)
 Add a condition to the module. More...
void if_false (const std::shared_ptr< Path > &path, EAfterConditionPath afterConditionPath=EAfterConditionPath::c_End)
 A simplified version to add a condition to the module. More...
void if_true (const std::shared_ptr< Path > &path, EAfterConditionPath afterConditionPath=EAfterConditionPath::c_End)
 A simplified version to set the condition of the module. More...
bool hasCondition () const
 Returns true if at least one condition was set for the module.
const ModuleConditiongetCondition () const
 Return a pointer to the first condition (or nullptr, if none was set)
const std::vector< ModuleCondition > & getAllConditions () const
 Return all set conditions for this module.
bool evalCondition () const
 If at least one condition was set, it is evaluated and true returned if at least one condition returns true. More...
std::shared_ptr< PathgetConditionPath () const
 Returns the path of the last true condition (if there is at least one, else reaturn a null pointer). More...
Module::EAfterConditionPath getAfterConditionPath () const
 What to do after the conditional path is finished. More...
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Path > > getAllConditionPaths () const
 Return all condition paths currently set (no matter if the condition is true or not).
bool hasProperties (unsigned int propertyFlags) const
 Returns true if all specified property flags are available in this module. More...
bool hasUnsetForcedParams () const
 Returns true and prints error message if the module has unset parameters which the user has to set in the steering file.
const ModuleParamListgetParamList () const
 Return module param list.
template<typename T >
ModuleParam< T > & getParam (const std::string &name) const
 Returns a reference to a parameter. More...
bool hasReturnValue () const
 Return true if this module has a valid return value set.
int getReturnValue () const
 Return the return value set by this module. More...
std::shared_ptr< PathElementclone () const override
 Create an independent copy of this module. More...
std::shared_ptr< boost::python::list > getParamInfoListPython () const
 Returns a python list of all parameters. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void exposePythonAPI ()
 Exposes methods of the Module class to Python.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void def_initialize ()
 Wrappers to make the methods without "def_" prefix callable from Python. More...
virtual void def_beginRun ()
 Wrapper method for the virtual function beginRun() that has the implementation to be used in a call from Python.
virtual void def_event ()
 Wrapper method for the virtual function event() that has the implementation to be used in a call from Python.
virtual void def_endRun ()
 This method can receive that the current run ends as a call from the Python side. More...
virtual void def_terminate ()
 Wrapper method for the virtual function terminate() that has the implementation to be used in a call from Python.
void setDescription (const std::string &description)
 Sets the description of the module. More...
void setType (const std::string &type)
 Set the module type. More...
template<typename T >
void addParam (const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
 Adds a new parameter to the module. More...
template<typename T >
void addParam (const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description)
 Adds a new enforced parameter to the module. More...
void setReturnValue (int value)
 Sets the return value for this module as integer. More...
void setReturnValue (bool value)
 Sets the return value for this module as bool. More...
void setParamList (const ModuleParamList &params)
 Replace existing parameter list.

Protected Attributes

StoreObjPtr< BinnedEventT0m_eventTime
 StoreObjPtr holding the event time.
std::string m_EventTimeName
 Name of the StoreObject containing the trigger event time.
bool m_storeTracks
 Switch to save the 2D Hough track reconstructed in this module.
StoreArray< CDCTriggerSegmentHitm_hits
 list of input track segment hits
std::vector< std::vector< CDCTriggerSegmentHit * > > associatedTSHitsList
 list of fastest timing of TS associated with Track
bool m_usePriorityTiming
 Switch to use priority timing instead of fastest timing.
bool m_useHighPassTimingList
 Use associated fastest timings track-by-track.
unsigned m_t0CalcMethod
 Switch method to determine the event timing.
unsigned m_arrivalOrder
 arrival order of fastest timing used as t0 (effective when t0CalcMEthod == 0)
short m_timeWindowBegin
 Start time of time window relative to median. More...
short m_timeWindowEnd
 End time of time window relative to median. More...
std::string m_hitCollectionName
 Name of the StoreArray containing the input track segment hits.
std::string m_outputCollectionName
 Name of the StoreArray containing the tracks found by the Hough tracking.
std::string m_clusterCollectionName
 Name of the StoreArray containing the clusters formed in the Hough plane.
unsigned m_nCellsPhi
 number of Hough cells in phi
unsigned m_nCellsR
 number of Hough cells in 1/r
double m_minPt
 Hough plane limit in Pt [GeV].
int m_shiftPt
 shift the Hough plane in 1/r to avoid curvature 0 tracks < 0: shift in negative direction (negative half is larger) 0: no shift (same limits for negative and positive half)

0: shift in positive direction (positive half is larger)

double maxR = 0.
 Hough plane limit in 1/r [1/cm]. More...
double shiftR = 0.
 Hough plane shift in 1/r [1/cm]. More...
unsigned maxIterations = 0
 number of iterations for the fast peak finder, smallest n such that 2^(n+1) > max(nCellsPhi, nCellsR). More...
unsigned nCells = 0
 number of cells for the fast peak finder: 2^(maxIterations + 1). More...
unsigned m_minHits
 minimum number of hits from different super layers in a Hough cell to form a candidate
unsigned m_minHitsShort
 short tracks require hits in the first minHitsShort super layers to form a candidate
unsigned m_minCells
 minimum number of cells in a cluster to form a track
bool m_onlyLocalMax
 switch to ignore candidates connected to cells with higher super layer count
unsigned m_connect
 number of neighbors to check for connection (4: direct, 6: direct + upper right and lower left corner, 8: direct + all corners)
bool m_ignore2nd
 switch to skip second priority hits
bool m_usePriority
 switch between priority position and center position of track segment
bool m_requireSL0
 switch to check separately for a hit in the innermost super layer
bool m_suppressClone
 switch to send only the first found track and suppress the subsequent clones
unsigned m_storePlane
 switch to save the Hough plane in DataStore (0: don't save, 1: save only peaks, 2: save full plane)
bool m_clusterPattern
 switch for clustering algorithm (if true use nested patterns)
unsigned m_clusterSizeX
 maximum cluster size for pattern algorithm
unsigned m_clusterSizeY
 maximum cluster size for pattern algorithm
bool m_hitRelationsFromCorners
 switch for creating relations to hits in the pattern clustering algorithm. More...
int m_offset = 0
 offset for ETF simulation
std::string m_testFilename
 filename for test output for firmware debugging
std::ofstream testFile
 filestream for test output for firmware debugging
cdcMap hitMap
 map of TS hits containing <iHit, <iSL, (x, y)>> with iHit: hit index in StoreArray iSL: super layer index More...
std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCandhoughCand
 Hough Candidates.
double radius [9][2] = {{0.}}
 Radius of the CDC layers with priority wires (2 per super layer). More...
unsigned TSoffset [10] = {0}
 Number of track segments up to super layer. More...
const int NTS [9] = {160, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384}
 Number of track segments in each super layers.
const int NSEC [9] = {16, 0, 16, 0, 16, 0, 8, 0, 8}
 Number of sector in each super layer.
int NSecOffset [9] = {0}
 Number of sector offset of each super layer.
StoreArray< CDCTriggerSegmentHitm_segmentHits
 list of track segment hits
StoreArray< CDCTriggerTrackm_tracks
 list of found tracks
StoreArray< CDCTriggerHoughClusterm_clusters
 list of clusters in the Hough map
StoreObjPtr< TMatrix > m_houghPlane
 matrix containing the Hough plane

Private Member Functions

std::list< ModulePtrgetModules () const override
 no submodules, return empty list
std::string getPathString () const override
 return the module name.
void setParamPython (const std::string &name, const boost::python::object &pyObj)
 Implements a method for setting boost::python objects. More...
void setParamPythonDict (const boost::python::dict &dictionary)
 Implements a method for reading the parameter values from a boost::python dictionary. More...

Private Attributes

std::string m_name
 The name of the module, saved as a string (user-modifiable)
std::string m_type
 The type of the module, saved as a string.
std::string m_package
 Package this module is found in (may be empty).
std::string m_description
 The description of the module.
unsigned int m_propertyFlags
 The properties of the module as bitwise or (with |) of EModulePropFlags.
LogConfig m_logConfig
 The log system configuration of the module.
ModuleParamList m_moduleParamList
 List storing and managing all parameter of the module.
bool m_hasReturnValue
 True, if the return value is set.
int m_returnValue
 The return value.
std::vector< ModuleConditionm_conditions
 Module condition, only non-null if set.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 86 of file CDCTriggerHoughETFModule.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EModulePropFlags

enum EModulePropFlags

Each module can be tagged with property flags, which indicate certain features of the module.


This module is an input module (reads data).


This module is an output module (writes data).


This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data store, in particular, the module must not write any files.)


This module is used to manage histograms accumulated by other modules.


This module is an internal serializer/deserializer for parallel processing.


When using parallel processing, call this module's terminate() function in all processes().

This will also ensure that there is exactly one process (single-core if no parallel modules found) or at least one input, one main and one output process.


No statistics is collected for this module.

Definition at line 77 of file Module.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CDCTriggerHoughETFModule()


Definition at line 37 of file

37  : Module()
38 {
39  //Set module properties
40  setDescription("Hough tracking algorithm for CDC trigger.");
43  // Define module parameters
44  // 2D ETF specified parameters
45  // ----- PARAMETERS : GRL t0 finder with fastest priority timing (current at 2020.2.7)-----
46  // t0CalcMethod = 0
47  // usePriorityPosition = true
48  // arrivalOrder = 0
49  //
50  addParam("outputEventTimeName", m_EventTimeName,
51  "Name of the output StoreObjPtr.",
52  string(""));
53  addParam("storeTracks", m_storeTracks,
54  "store tracks",
55  false);
56  addParam("usePriorityTiming", m_usePriorityTiming,
57  "Use priority timing instead of fastest timing.",
58  true);
59  addParam("useHighPassTimingList", m_useHighPassTimingList,
60  "Use associated fastest timings track-by-track",
61  true);
62  addParam("t0CalcMethod", m_t0CalcMethod,
63  "0: Nth fastest fastest time."
64  "1: median of all timings."
65  "2: median of timings in timing window.",
66  (unsigned)(0));
67  addParam("arrivalOrder", m_arrivalOrder,
68  "When t0CalcMethod == 0: Nth fastest ft is used as T0. (i.e. 0 is fastest)",
69  (unsigned)(0));
70  addParam("timeWindowBegin", m_timeWindowBegin,
71  "When t0CalcMethod == 2: start time of time window relative to median. (in ns)",
72  (short)(40));
73  addParam("timeWindowEnd", m_timeWindowEnd,
74  "When t0CalcMethod == 2: end time of time window relative to median. (in ns)",
75  (short)(0));
77  //common as CDCTrigger2DFinderModule
78  addParam("hitCollectionName", m_hitCollectionName,
79  "Name of the input StoreArray of CDCTriggerSegmentHits.",
80  string(""));
81  addParam("outputCollectionName", m_outputCollectionName,
82  "Name of the StoreArray holding the tracks found in the Hough tracking.",
83  string("TRGCDCETFTracks"));
84  addParam("clusterCollectionName", m_clusterCollectionName,
85  "Name of the StoreArray holding the clusters formed in the Hough plane.",
86  string(""));
87  addParam("nCellsPhi", m_nCellsPhi,
88  "Number of Hough cells in phi (limits: [-180, 180]). Must be an even number.",
89  (unsigned)(160));
90  addParam("nCellsR", m_nCellsR,
91  "Number of Hough cells in 1/r. Must be an even number.",
92  (unsigned)(34));
93  addParam("minPt", m_minPt,
94  "Minimum Pt [GeV]. "
95  "Hough plane limits in 1/r are [-1/r(minPt), 1/r(minPt)]", (double)(0.3));
96  addParam("shiftPt", m_shiftPt,
97  "Shift the Hough plane by 1/4 cell size in 1/r to avoid "
98  "curvature 0 tracks (<0: shift in negative direction, "
99  "0: no shift, >0: shift in positive direction).", 0);
101  addParam("minHits", m_minHits,
102  "Minimum hits from different super layers required in a peak cell.",
103  (unsigned)(4));
104  addParam("minHitsShort", m_minHitsShort,
105  "Minimum hits required required in a peak cell for a short track"
106  " (must be in the first minHitsShort super layers).",
107  (unsigned)(4));
108  addParam("minCells", m_minCells,
109  "Peaks with less than minCells connected cells are ignored.",
110  (unsigned)(2));
111  addParam("onlyLocalMax", m_onlyLocalMax,
112  "Switch to remove cells connected to a cell with higher super layer count.",
113  false);
114  addParam("connect", m_connect,
115  "Definition for connected cells. 4: direct (left/right/top/bottom), "
116  "6: direct + 2 diagonal (top right/bottom left), "
117  "8: direct + all diagonal (top right/top left/bottom right/bottom left)",
118  (unsigned)(6));
119  addParam("ignore2ndPriority", m_ignore2nd,
120  "Switch to skip second priority hits.", false);
121  addParam("usePriorityPosition", m_usePriority,
122  "If true, use wire position of priority cell in track segment, "
123  "otherwise use wire position of center cell.", true);
124  addParam("requireSL0", m_requireSL0,
125  "Switch to check separately for a hit in the innermost superlayer.", false);
126  addParam("storeHoughPlane", m_storePlane,
127  "Switch for saving Hough plane as TMatrix in DataStore. "
128  "0: don't store anything, 1: store only peaks, 2: store full plane "
129  "(will increase runtime).", (unsigned)(0));
130  addParam("clusterPattern", m_clusterPattern,
131  "use nested pattern algorithm to find clusters", true);
132  addParam("clusterSizeX", m_clusterSizeX,
133  "maximum number of 2 x 2 squares in cluster for pattern algorithm",
134  (unsigned)(3));
135  addParam("clusterSizeY", m_clusterSizeY,
136  "maximum number of 2 x 2 squares in cluster for pattern algorithm",
137  (unsigned)(3));
138  addParam("hitRelationsFromCorners", m_hitRelationsFromCorners,
139  "Switch for creating relations to hits in the pattern algorithm. "
140  "If true, create relations from cluster corners, otherwise "
141  "from estimated cluster center (might not have relations).", false);
143  addParam("testFilename", m_testFilename,
144  "If not empty, a file with input (hits) and output (tracks) "
145  "for each event is written (for firmware debugging).", string(""));
147  addParam("suppressClone", m_suppressClone,
148  "Switch to send only the first found track and suppress the "
149  "subsequent clones.", false);
151  addParam("offset", m_offset,
152  "Set certain time offset for ETFHough simulation"
153  "Default as -10", -10);
154 }
std::string m_EventTimeName
Name of the StoreObject containing the trigger event time.
std::string m_testFilename
filename for test output for firmware debugging
bool m_useHighPassTimingList
Use associated fastest timings track-by-track.
unsigned m_minCells
minimum number of cells in a cluster to form a track
unsigned m_minHitsShort
short tracks require hits in the first minHitsShort super layers to form a candidate
unsigned m_nCellsR
number of Hough cells in 1/r
int m_shiftPt
shift the Hough plane in 1/r to avoid curvature 0 tracks < 0: shift in negative direction (negative h...
std::string m_outputCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray containing the tracks found by the Hough tracking.
unsigned m_nCellsPhi
number of Hough cells in phi
bool m_usePriority
switch between priority position and center position of track segment
short m_timeWindowEnd
End time of time window relative to median.
bool m_clusterPattern
switch for clustering algorithm (if true use nested patterns)
bool m_hitRelationsFromCorners
switch for creating relations to hits in the pattern clustering algorithm.
unsigned m_storePlane
switch to save the Hough plane in DataStore (0: don't save, 1: save only peaks, 2: save full plane)
bool m_ignore2nd
switch to skip second priority hits
unsigned m_connect
number of neighbors to check for connection (4: direct, 6: direct + upper right and lower left corner...
bool m_suppressClone
switch to send only the first found track and suppress the subsequent clones
unsigned m_t0CalcMethod
Switch method to determine the event timing.
int m_offset
offset for ETF simulation
unsigned m_arrivalOrder
arrival order of fastest timing used as t0 (effective when t0CalcMEthod == 0)
unsigned m_clusterSizeX
maximum cluster size for pattern algorithm
double m_minPt
Hough plane limit in Pt [GeV].
bool m_requireSL0
switch to check separately for a hit in the innermost super layer
short m_timeWindowBegin
Start time of time window relative to median.
unsigned m_minHits
minimum number of hits from different super layers in a Hough cell to form a candidate
std::string m_clusterCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray containing the clusters formed in the Hough plane.
bool m_storeTracks
Switch to save the 2D Hough track reconstructed in this module.
std::string m_hitCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray containing the input track segment hits.
bool m_onlyLocalMax
switch to ignore candidates connected to cells with higher super layer count
bool m_usePriorityTiming
Switch to use priority timing instead of fastest timing.
unsigned m_clusterSizeY
maximum cluster size for pattern algorithm
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560

Member Function Documentation

◆ addNeighbors()

void addNeighbors ( const CDCTriggerHoughCand center,
const std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &  candidates,
std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &  merged,
std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &  rejected,
unsigned short  nSLmax 
) const

Recursive function to add combine connected cells.

All candidates are compared to center. Connected candidates are added to the merged list. If the module option onlyLocalMax is on, connected cells with SLcount lower than the cluster maximum are added to the rejected list instead. The function is called recursively for all connected candidates.

centerstarting candidate
candidateslist of candidates compared to center
mergedlist for storing all candidates belonging to the cluster
rejectedlist for storing rejected candidates (connected, but lower SLcount, not in any other cluster either)
nSLmaxhighest SLcount for this cluster

Definition at line 292 of file

297 {
298  for (unsigned icand = 0; icand < candidates.size(); ++icand) {
299  B2DEBUG(120, "compare center " << center.getID()
300  << " to " << candidates[icand].getID());
301  if (inList(candidates[icand], merged) || inList(candidates[icand], rejected)) {
302  B2DEBUG(120, " " << candidates[icand].getID() << " already in list");
303  continue;
304  }
305  bool reject = inList(center, rejected);
306  if (connected(center, candidates[icand])) {
307  if (m_onlyLocalMax && candidates[icand].getSLcount() < nSLmax) {
308  B2DEBUG(100, " lower than highest SLcount, rejected");
309  rejected.push_back(candidates[icand]);
310  } else if (m_onlyLocalMax && !reject && candidates[icand].getSLcount() > nSLmax) {
311  B2DEBUG(100, " new highest SLcount, clearing list");
312  nSLmax = candidates[icand].getSLcount();
313  for (unsigned imerged = 0; imerged < merged.size(); ++imerged) {
314  rejected.push_back(merged[imerged]);
315  }
316  merged.clear();
317  merged.push_back(candidates[icand]);
318  } else if (m_onlyLocalMax && candidates[icand].getSLcount() > center.getSLcount()) {
319  B2DEBUG(100, " connected to rejected cell, skip");
320  continue;
321  } else if (m_onlyLocalMax && reject) {
322  B2DEBUG(100, " connected to rejected cell, rejected");
323  rejected.push_back(candidates[icand]);
324  } else {
325  B2DEBUG(100, " connected");
326  merged.push_back(candidates[icand]);
327  }
328  vector<CDCTriggerHoughCand> cpyCand = candidates;
329  cpyCand.erase(cpyCand.begin() + icand);
330  addNeighbors(candidates[icand], cpyCand, merged, rejected, nSLmax);
331  }
332  }
333 }
unsigned getID() const
Get candidate number.
unsigned short getSLcount() const
Get super layer count.
bool inList(const CDCTriggerHoughCand &a, const std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &list) const
Check if candidate is in list.
bool connected(const CDCTriggerHoughCand &a, const CDCTriggerHoughCand &b) const
Check if candidates are connected.
void addNeighbors(const CDCTriggerHoughCand &center, const std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &candidates, std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &merged, std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &rejected, unsigned short nSLmax) const
Recursive function to add combine connected cells.
int getID(const std::vector< double > &breaks, double t)
get id of the time point t
Definition: calibTools.h:60

◆ beginRun()

virtual void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Called at the beginning of each run, the method gives you the chance to change run dependent constants like alignment parameters, etc.

This method can be implemented by subclasses.

Reimplemented in DQMHistOutputToEPICSModule, DQMHistInjectionModule, DQMHistAnalysisTRGModule, DQMHistAnalysisRunNrModule, DQMHistAnalysisRooFitExampleModule, DQMHistAnalysisPXDTrackChargeModule, DQMHistAnalysisPXDReductionModule, DQMHistAnalysisPXDInjectionModule, DQMHistAnalysisPXDEffModule, DQMHistAnalysisPXDDAQModule, DQMHistAnalysisPXDCMModule, DQMHistAnalysisPXDChargeModule, DQMHistAnalysisEpicsOutputModule, DQMHistAnalysisDeltaTestModule, DQMHistAnalysisDeltaEpicsMonObjExampleModule, vxdDigitMaskingModule, VXDDQMExpressRecoModule, TrackingAbortDQMModule, PXDROIFinderAnalysisModule, PXDdigiFilterModule, PXDclusterFilterModule, SVDUnpackerDQMModule, SVDDQMInjectionModule, SVDDQMExpressRecoModule, SVDDQMDoseModule, SVDDQMClustersOnTrackModule, DetectorOccupanciesDQMModule, TTDDQMModule, PXDUnpackerModule, PXDPackerModule, PXDDigitizerModule, PXDTrackClusterDQMModule, PXDROIDQMModule, PXDRawDQMModule, PXDRawDQMCorrModule, PXDInjectionDQMModule, PXDGatedModeDQMModule, PXDGatedDHCDQMModule, PXDDQMExpressRecoModule, PXDDQMEfficiencySelftrackModule, PXDDQMEfficiencyModule, PXDDQMCorrModule, PXDDQMClustersModule, PXDDAQDQMModule, PXDMCBgTupleProducerModule, PXDBgTupleProducerModule, PyModule, ECLDQMInjectionModule, V0ObjectsDQMModule, DelayDQMModule, DAQMonitorModule, DQMHistSnapshotsModule, DQMHistDeltaHistoModule, DQMHistComparitorModule, DQMHistAnalysisTRGECLModule, DQMHistAnalysisTrackingHLTModule, DQMHistAnalysisTOPModule, DQMHistAnalysisSVDOnMiraBelleModule, DQMHistAnalysisSVDGeneralModule, DQMHistAnalysisSVDEfficiencyModule, DQMHistAnalysisSVDDoseModule, DQMHistAnalysisPXDFitsModule, DQMHistAnalysisPXDERModule, DQMHistAnalysisOutputRelayMsgModule, DQMHistAnalysisOutputMonObjModule, DQMHistAnalysisOutputFileModule, DQMHistAnalysisMiraBelleModule, DQMHistAnalysisKLM2Module, DQMHistAnalysisKLMModule, DQMHistAnalysisIPModule, DQMHistAnalysisInputTestModule, DQMHistAnalysisInputRootFileModule, DQMHistAnalysisInputPVSrvModule, DQMHistAnalysisHLTModule, DQMHistAnalysisExampleFlagsModule, DQMHistAnalysisExampleModule, DQMHistAnalysisEventT0TriggerJitterModule, DQMHistAnalysisEventT0EfficiencyModule, DQMHistAnalysisEpicsExampleModule, DQMHistAnalysisECLSummaryModule, DQMHistAnalysisECLShapersModule, DQMHistAnalysisECLConnectedRegionsModule, DQMHistAnalysisECLModule, DQMHistAnalysisDAQMonObjModule, DQMHistAnalysisCDCMonObjModule, DQMHistAnalysisCDCDedxModule, VXDMisalignmentModule, TRGRAWDATAModule, TRGTOPWaveformPlotterModule, TRGTOPUnpackerWaveformModule, TRGTOPUnpackerModule, TRGTOPTRD2TTSConverterModule, TRGTOPDQMModule, KLMTriggerModule, TRGGRLUnpackerModule, TRGGRLDQMModule, TRGGRLProjectsModule, TRGGRLModule, TRGGRLMatchModule, TRGGDLUnpackerModule, TRGGDLSummaryModule, TRGGDLDSTModule, TRGGDLDQMModule, TRGGDLModule, TRGECLUnpackerModule, TRGECLTimingCalModule, TRGECLRawdataAnalysisModule, TRGECLQAMModule, TRGECLEventTimingDQMModule, TRGECLDQMModule, TRGECLBGTCHitModule, TRGECLModule, TRGECLFAMModule, MCMatcherTRGECLModule, CDCTriggerUnpackerModule, TRGCDCTSStreamModule, TRGCDCTSFUnpackerModule, TRGCDCTSFDQMModule, TRGCDCT3DUnpackerModule, TRGCDCT3DDQMModule, TRGCDCT3DConverterModule, TRGCDCT2DDQMModule, TRGCDCETFUnpackerModule, TRGCDCModule, CDCTriggerTSFModule, CDCTriggerNDFinderModule, CDCTriggerNeuroDQMOnlineModule, CDCTriggerNeuroDQMModule, FindletModule< AFindlet >, FindletModule< TrackFinderAutomaton >, FindletModule< FacetCreator >, FindletModule< CKFToCDCFromEclFindlet >, FindletModule< AxialTrackCreatorMCTruth >, FindletModule< AxialStraightTrackFinder >, FindletModule< CKFToCDCFindlet >, FindletModule< CKFToSVDSeedFindlet >, FindletModule< SegmentLinker >, FindletModule< TrackCreatorSegmentTripleAutomaton >, FindletModule< TrackCreatorSegmentPairAutomaton >, FindletModule< SegmentOrienter >, FindletModule< SegmentCreatorFacetAutomaton >, FindletModule< TrackFinderSegmentTripleAutomaton >, FindletModule< SegmentFinderFacetAutomaton >, FindletModule< CKFToSVDFindlet >, FindletModule< TrackRejecter >, FindletModule< SegmentCreatorMCTruth >, FindletModule< TrackFinderCosmics >, FindletModule< TrackExporter >, FindletModule< SuperClusterCreator >, FindletModule< AsicBackgroundLibraryCreator >, FindletModule< HitBasedT0Extractor >, FindletModule< TrackFinderSegmentPairAutomaton >, FindletModule< ClusterPreparer >, FindletModule< AxialTrackFinderHough >, FindletModule< CosmicsTrackMergerFindlet >, FindletModule< TrackOrienter >, FindletModule< TrackLinker >, FindletModule< TrackFinder >, FindletModule< SegmentPairCreator >, FindletModule< MonopoleAxialTrackFinderLegendre >, FindletModule< HitReclaimer >, FindletModule< ClusterRefiner< BridgingWireHitRelationFilter > >, FindletModule< AxialTrackFinderLegendre >, FindletModule< AxialTrackCreatorSegmentHough >, FindletModule< TrackQualityEstimator >, FindletModule< StereoHitFinder >, FindletModule< CKFToPXDFindlet >, FindletModule< WireHitPreparer >, FindletModule< TrackFlightTimeAdjuster >, FindletModule< TrackCreatorSingleSegments >, FindletModule< SegmentRejecter >, FindletModule< SegmentFitter >, FindletModule< SegmentTripleCreator >, FindletModule< SegmentTrackCombiner >, FindletModule< vxdHoughTracking::SVDHoughTracking >, FindletModule< MCVXDCDCTrackMergerFindlet >, FindletModule< TrackCombiner >, FindletModule< MonopoleStereoHitFinder >, FindletModule< DATCONFPGAFindlet >, FindletModule< WireHitBackgroundDetector >, FindletModule< AxialSegmentPairCreator >, FindletModule< WireHitCreator >, FindletModule< TrackQualityAsserter >, FindletModule< MonopoleStereoHitFinderQuadratic >, FindletModule< ClusterBackgroundDetector >, FindletModule< CDCTrackingEventLevelMdstInfoFillerFindlet >, VXDTFTrainingDataCollectorModule, TrackFinderVXDCellOMatModule, TrackFinderVXDBasicPathFinderModule, SegmentNetworkProducerModule, SectorMapBootstrapModule, VXDQualityEstimatorMVAModule, VXDQETrainingDataCollectorModule, QualityEstimatorVXDModule, VXDSimpleClusterizerModule, TrackFinderVXDAnalizerModule, SecMapTrainerVXDTFModule, SecMapTrainerBaseModule, TrackQualityEstimatorMVAModule, TrackQETrainingDataCollectorModule, V0findingPerformanceEvaluationModule, TrackingPerformanceEvaluationModule, HitXPModule, EffPlotsModule, TrackFinderMCTruthRecoTracksModule, TrackCreatorModule, SVDROIFinderModule, SVDROIFinderAnalysisModule, SPTCvirtualIPRemoverModule, SPTCmomentumSeedRetrieverModule, PXDROIFinderModule, MuidModule, MCTrackCandClassifierModule, MCV0MatcherModule, BeamSpotMonitorModule, FlipQualityModule, ExtModule, DQMHistoModuleBase, TOPXTalkChargeShareSetterModule, TOPWaveformFeatureExtractorModule, TOPUnpackerModule, TOPTimeRecalibratorModule, TOPTimeBaseCalibratorModule, TOPTBCComparatorModule, TOPRawDigitConverterModule, TOPPackerModule, TOPNtupleModule, TOPModuleT0CalibratorModule, TOPMCTrackMakerModule, TOPLaserCalibratorModule, TOPInterimFENtupleModule, TOPLaserHitSelectorModule, TOPGainEfficiencyCalculatorModule, TOPDQMModule, TOPDoublePulseGeneratorModule, TOPTriggerDigitizerModule, TOPDigitizerModule, TOPChannelT0MCModule, TOPChannelMaskerModule, TOPBunchFinderModule, TOPBackgroundModule, SVDUnpackerModule, SVDTimeGroupingModule, SVDSpacePointCreatorModule, SVDTriggerQualityGeneratorModule, SVDEventInfoSetterModule, SVDDigitizerModule, SVD3SamplesEmulatorModule, SVDRecoDigitCreatorModule, SVDMissingAPVsClusterCreatorModule, SVDDataFormatCheckModule, SVDCoGTimeEstimatorModule, SVDClusterizerModule, SVDShaperDigitsFromTracksModule, SVDPerformanceTTreeModule, SVDPerformanceModule, SVDOccupancyAnalysisModule, SVDMaxStripTTreeModule, SVDClusterFilterModule, SVDClusterEvaluationTrueInfoModule, SVDClusterEvaluationModule, SVDB4CommissioningPlotsModule, SVDPackerModule, svdDumpModule, SVDDQMHitTimeModule, SVDTimeCalibrationsMonitorModule, SVDPositionErrorScaleFactorImporterModule, SVDLocalCalibrationsMonitorModule, SVDLocalCalibrationsCheckModule, SVDLatencyCalibrationModule, SVDHotStripFinderModule, SVDClusterCalibrationsMonitorModule, SVDBackgroundModule, MaterialScanModule, FullSimModule, PIDNtupleModule, MdstPIDModule, KlongValidationModule, KLMExpertModule, ECLExpertModule, DataWriterModule, EventT0DQMModule, CDCDedxValidationModule, CDCDedxDQMModule, Convert2RawDetModule, PXDClusterizerModule, PXDPerformanceModule, PXDClustersFromTracksModule, PXDRawDQMChipsModule, PXDBackgroundModule, AWESOMEBasicModule, MVAPrototypeModule, MVAMultipleExpertsModule, MVAExpertModule, KLMUnpackerModule, KLMScintillatorSimulatorModule, KLMReconstructorModule, KLMPackerModule, KLMDQM2Module, KLMDQMModule, KLMDigitTimeShifterModule, KLMDigitizerModule, KLMClustersReconstructorModule, KLMClusterEfficiencyModule, KLMClusterAnaModule, EKLMDataCheckerModule, BKLMTrackingModule, BKLMSimHistogrammerModule, BKLMDigitAnalyzerModule, BKLMAnaModule, StatisticsTimingHLTDQMModule, SoftwareTriggerHLTDQMModule, SoftwareTriggerModule, ExportGeometryModule, CreateFieldMapModule, KKGenInputModule, OverrideGenerationFlagsModule, EvtGenInputModule, EvtGenDecayModule, TxModule, RxModule, SeqRootOutputModule, SeqRootInputModule, StatisticsSummaryModule, HistoManagerModule, GearboxModule, RandomBarrierModule, ProgressModule, IoVDependentConditionModule, EventLimiterModule, EventInfoPrinterModule, SwitchDataStoreModule, SubEventModule, HistoModule, ECLWaveformFitModule, ECLUnpackerModule, ECLSplitterN2Module, ECLSplitterN1Module, ECLShowerShapeModule, ECLShowerCorrectorModule, ECLShowerCalibratorModule, ECLPackerModule, ECLLOMModule, ECLLocalRunCalibratorModule, ECLLocalMaximumFinderModule, ECLHitDebugModule, ECLFinalizerModule, ECLDQMOutOfTimeDigitsModule, ECLDQMEXTENDEDModule, ECLDQMConnectedRegionsModule, ECLDQMModule, EclDisplayModule, ECLDigitizerPureCsIModule, ECLDigitizerModule, ECLDigitCalibratorModule, ECLDataAnalysisModule, ECLCRFinderModule, ECLCovarianceMatrixModule, ECLClusterPSDModule, ECLChargedPIDMVAModule, ECLChargedPIDDataAnalysisValidationModule, ECLChargedPIDDataAnalysisModule, ECLChargedPIDModule, ECLBackgroundModule, PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleModule, PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleHadronModule, PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleDstModule, PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleDst2Module, PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleBhabhaModule, PhysicsObjectsDQMModule, IPDQMModule, DQMHistAnalysisInputModule, StorageSerializerModule, StorageDeserializerModule, SeqRootMergerModule, PartialSeqRootReaderModule, Ds2RawFileModule, Rbuf2RbufModule, Rbuf2DsModule, RawInputModule, Raw2DsModule, FastRbuf2DsModule, EvReductionModule, Ds2RbufModule, Ds2RawModule, CertifyParallelModule, SerializerModule, MonitorDataCOPPERModule, GenRawSendModule, DeSerializerPXDModule, ElapsedTimeModule, HLTDQM2ZMQModule, ReceiveEventModule, Ds2SampleModule, TrackAnaModule, MonitorDataModule, DqmHistoManagerModule, TxSocketModule, RxSocketModule, DAQPerfModule, CDCUnpackerModule, CDCRecoTrackFilterModule, CDCPackerModule, CDCDQMModule, cdcDQM7Module, CDCCRTestModule, CDCCosmicAnalysisModule, QcsmonitorStudyModule, QcsmonitorDigitizerModule, PlumeDigitizerModule, PindiodeStudyModule, PinDigitizerModule, TPCStudyModule, TpcDigitizerModule, MicrotpcStudyModule, He3tubeStudyModule, He3DigitizerModule, FANGSStudyModule, FANGSDigitizerModule, DosiStudyModule, DosiDigitizerModule, CsIStudyModule, CsiStudy_v2Module, CsiModule, CsIDigitizerModule, CsiDigitizer_v2Module, ClawsStudyModule, ClawsDigitizerModule, ClawStudyModule, ClawDigitizerModule, BgoStudyModule, BgoDigitizerModule, BeamDigitizerModule, BeamabortStudyModule, ReprocessorModule, NtuplePhase1_v6Module, AnalysisPhase1StudyModule, BGOverlayInputModule, BeamBkgTagSetterModule, BeamBkgMixerModule, BeamBkgHitRateMonitorModule, BeamBkgGeneratorModule, BelleMCOutputModule, B2BIIMdstInputModule, B2BIIFixMdstModule, B2BIIConvertMdstModule, B2BIIConvertBeamParamsModule, B2BIIMCParticlesMonitorModule, ARICHReconstructorModule, ARICHRateCalModule, ARICHDQMModule, ARICHDigitizerModule, arichBtestModule, TreeFitterModule, TagVertexModule, PhotonEfficiencySystematicsModule, ParticleVertexFitterModule, LowEnergyPi0VetoExpertModule, LowEnergyPi0IdentificationExpertModule, CurlTaggerModule, ChargedPidMVAMulticlassModule, ChargedPidMVAModule, EnergyBiasCorrectionModule, CosmicsAlignmentValidationModule, EventsOfDoomBusterModule, CalibrationCollectorModule, GetEventFromSocketModule, SrsensorModule, QcsmonitorModule, PlumeModule, PindiodeModule, Ph1sustrModule, Ph1bpipeModule, MicrotpcModule, He3tubeModule, FANGSModule, DosiModule, CLAWSModule, ClawModule, CaveModule, BgoModule, BeamabortModule, and ARICHBackgroundModule.

Definition at line 147 of file Module.h.

◆ bottomLeftCorner()

unsigned bottomLeftCorner ( unsigned  pattern)

Find the bottom left corner within 2 x 2 square.

In case of ambiguity left corner is returned. x . -> return this one . x @ return index of corner within pattern

Definition at line 808 of file

◆ clone()

std::shared_ptr< PathElement > clone ( ) const

Create an independent copy of this module.

Note that parameters are shared, so changing them on a cloned module will also affect the original module.

Implements PathElement.

Definition at line 179 of file

◆ connectedRegions()

void connectedRegions ( )

Combine Hough candidates to tracks by merging connected cells.

The track coordinate is the center of gravity of the resulting cell cluster.

Definition at line 181 of file

◆ countSL()

unsigned short countSL ( bool *  layer)

count the number of super layers with hits

arrayof hit/no hit for all super layers

Definition at line 31 of file

◆ def_endRun()

virtual void def_endRun ( )

This method can receive that the current run ends as a call from the Python side.

For regular C++-Modules that forwards the call to the regular endRun() method.

Reimplemented in PyModule.

Definition at line 439 of file Module.h.

◆ def_initialize()

virtual void def_initialize ( )

Wrappers to make the methods without "def_" prefix callable from Python.

Overridden in PyModule. Wrapper method for the virtual function initialize() that has the implementation to be used in a call from Python.

Reimplemented in PyModule.

Definition at line 420 of file Module.h.

◆ endRun()

virtual void endRun ( void  )

This method is called if the current run ends.

Use this method to store information, which should be aggregated over one run.

This method can be implemented by subclasses.

Reimplemented in DQMHistOutputToEPICSModule, DQMHistAnalysisTRGModule, DQMHistAnalysisRooFitExampleModule, DQMHistAnalysisPXDTrackChargeModule, DQMHistAnalysisPXDChargeModule, DQMHistAnalysisEpicsOutputModule, DQMHistAnalysisDeltaTestModule, DQMHistAnalysisDeltaEpicsMonObjExampleModule, vxdDigitMaskingModule, TrackSetEvaluatorHopfieldNNDEVModule, SVDUnpackerDQMModule, PyModule, DQMHistSnapshotsModule, DQMHistDeltaHistoModule, DQMHistComparitorModule, DQMHistAnalysisTRGGDLModule, DQMHistAnalysisTRGECLModule, DQMHistAnalysisTOPModule, DQMHistAnalysisSVDOnMiraBelleModule, DQMHistAnalysisSVDGeneralModule, DQMHistAnalysisSVDEfficiencyModule, DQMHistAnalysisSVDDoseModule, DQMHistAnalysisPXDFitsModule, DQMHistAnalysisOutputRelayMsgModule, DQMHistAnalysisOutputMonObjModule, DQMHistAnalysisOutputFileModule, DQMHistAnalysisMonObjModule, DQMHistAnalysisMiraBelleModule, DQMHistAnalysisKLM2Module, DQMHistAnalysisKLMModule, DQMHistAnalysisInputTestModule, DQMHistAnalysisInputPVSrvModule, DQMHistAnalysisHLTMonObjModule, DQMHistAnalysisExampleFlagsModule, DQMHistAnalysisExampleModule, DQMHistAnalysisEpicsExampleModule, DQMHistAnalysisECLSummaryModule, DQMHistAnalysisECLShapersModule, DQMHistAnalysisECLOutOfTimeDigitsModule, DQMHistAnalysisECLConnectedRegionsModule, DQMHistAnalysisECLModule, DQMHistAnalysisDAQMonObjModule, DQMHistAnalysisCDCMonObjModule, DQMHistAnalysisCDCDedxModule, DQMHistAnalysisARICHMonObjModule, DQMHistAnalysisARICHModule, TRGRAWDATAModule, TRGTOPWaveformPlotterModule, TRGTOPUnpackerWaveformModule, TRGTOPUnpackerModule, TRGTOPTRD2TTSConverterModule, TRGTOPDQMModule, KLMTriggerModule, TRGGRLUnpackerModule, TRGGRLDQMModule, TRGGRLProjectsModule, TRGGRLModule, TRGGRLMatchModule, TRGGDLUnpackerModule, TRGGDLSummaryModule, TRGGDLDSTModule, TRGGDLDQMModule, TRGGDLModule, TRGECLUnpackerModule, TRGECLTimingCalModule, TRGECLRawdataAnalysisModule, TRGECLQAMModule, TRGECLDQMModule, TRGECLBGTCHitModule, TRGECLModule, TRGECLFAMModule, MCMatcherTRGECLModule, TRGCDCTSStreamModule, TRGCDCTSFUnpackerModule, TRGCDCTSFDQMModule, TRGCDCT3DUnpackerModule, TRGCDCT3DDQMModule, TRGCDCT3DConverterModule, TRGCDCT2DDQMModule, TRGCDCETFUnpackerModule, TRGCDCModule, CDCTriggerNDFinderModule, CDCTriggerNeuroDQMOnlineModule, CDCTriggerNeuroDQMModule, FindletModule< AFindlet >, FindletModule< TrackFinderAutomaton >, FindletModule< FacetCreator >, FindletModule< CKFToCDCFromEclFindlet >, FindletModule< AxialTrackCreatorMCTruth >, FindletModule< AxialStraightTrackFinder >, FindletModule< CKFToCDCFindlet >, FindletModule< CKFToSVDSeedFindlet >, FindletModule< SegmentLinker >, FindletModule< TrackCreatorSegmentTripleAutomaton >, FindletModule< TrackCreatorSegmentPairAutomaton >, FindletModule< SegmentOrienter >, FindletModule< SegmentCreatorFacetAutomaton >, FindletModule< TrackFinderSegmentTripleAutomaton >, FindletModule< SegmentFinderFacetAutomaton >, FindletModule< CKFToSVDFindlet >, FindletModule< TrackRejecter >, FindletModule< SegmentCreatorMCTruth >, FindletModule< TrackFinderCosmics >, FindletModule< TrackExporter >, FindletModule< SuperClusterCreator >, FindletModule< AsicBackgroundLibraryCreator >, FindletModule< HitBasedT0Extractor >, FindletModule< TrackFinderSegmentPairAutomaton >, FindletModule< ClusterPreparer >, FindletModule< AxialTrackFinderHough >, FindletModule< CosmicsTrackMergerFindlet >, FindletModule< TrackOrienter >, FindletModule< TrackLinker >, FindletModule< TrackFinder >, FindletModule< SegmentPairCreator >, FindletModule< MonopoleAxialTrackFinderLegendre >, FindletModule< HitReclaimer >, FindletModule< ClusterRefiner< BridgingWireHitRelationFilter > >, FindletModule< AxialTrackFinderLegendre >, FindletModule< AxialTrackCreatorSegmentHough >, FindletModule< TrackQualityEstimator >, FindletModule< StereoHitFinder >, FindletModule< CKFToPXDFindlet >, FindletModule< WireHitPreparer >, FindletModule< TrackFlightTimeAdjuster >, FindletModule< TrackCreatorSingleSegments >, FindletModule< SegmentRejecter >, FindletModule< SegmentFitter >, FindletModule< SegmentTripleCreator >, FindletModule< SegmentTrackCombiner >, FindletModule< vxdHoughTracking::SVDHoughTracking >, FindletModule< MCVXDCDCTrackMergerFindlet >, FindletModule< TrackCombiner >, FindletModule< MonopoleStereoHitFinder >, FindletModule< DATCONFPGAFindlet >, FindletModule< WireHitBackgroundDetector >, FindletModule< AxialSegmentPairCreator >, FindletModule< WireHitCreator >, FindletModule< TrackQualityAsserter >, FindletModule< MonopoleStereoHitFinderQuadratic >, FindletModule< ClusterBackgroundDetector >, FindletModule< CDCTrackingEventLevelMdstInfoFillerFindlet >, VXDTFTrainingDataCollectorModule, SectorMapBootstrapModule, NoKickCutsEvalModule, VXDSimpleClusterizerModule, TrackFinderVXDAnalizerModule, SecMapTrainerVXDTFModule, SecMapTrainerBaseModule, V0findingPerformanceEvaluationModule, TrackingPerformanceEvaluationModule, HitXPModule, EffPlotsModule, TrackFinderMCTruthRecoTracksModule, SVDROIFinderModule, SVDROIFinderAnalysisModule, SVDROIDQMModule, SPTCvirtualIPRemoverModule, SPTCmomentumSeedRetrieverModule, RT2SPTCConverterModule, PXDROIFinderModule, MCSlowPionPXDROICreatorModule, MuidModule, MCTrackCandClassifierModule, MCV0MatcherModule, GenfitVisModule, ExtModule, TOPXTalkChargeShareSetterModule, TOPWaveformQualityPlotterModule, TOPWaveformFeatureExtractorModule, TOPUnpackerModule, TOPTimeBaseCalibratorModule, TOPTBCComparatorModule, TOPRawDigitConverterModule, TOPPackerModule, TOPNtupleModule, TOPMCTrackMakerModule, TOPLaserCalibratorModule, TOPInterimFENtupleModule, TOPLaserHitSelectorModule, TOPGainEfficiencyCalculatorModule, TOPDoublePulseGeneratorModule, TOPTriggerDigitizerModule, TOPChannelT0MCModule, TOPBackgroundModule, SVDUnpackerModule, SVDTriggerQualityGeneratorModule, SVD3SamplesEmulatorModule, SVDRecoDigitCreatorModule, SVDDataFormatCheckModule, SVDCoGTimeEstimatorModule, SVDClusterizerModule, SVDShaperDigitsFromTracksModule, SVDPerformanceModule, SVDOccupancyAnalysisModule, SVDClusterFilterModule, SVDClusterEvaluationTrueInfoModule, SVDClusterEvaluationModule, SVDB4CommissioningPlotsModule, SVDPackerModule, svdDumpModule, SVDTimeCalibrationsMonitorModule, SVDPositionErrorScaleFactorImporterModule, SVDLocalCalibrationsMonitorModule, SVDLatencyCalibrationModule, SVDHotStripFinderModule, SVDClusterCalibrationsMonitorModule, SVDBackgroundModule, FullSimModule, PIDNtupleModule, MdstPIDModule, KlongValidationModule, DataWriterModule, CDCDedxValidationModule, CDCDedxDQMModule, Root2BinaryModule, PrintEventRateModule, PrintDataModule, Convert2RawDetModule, PXDPerformanceModule, PXDClustersFromTracksModule, PXDBackgroundModule, AWESOMEBasicModule, KLMUnpackerModule, KLMScintillatorSimulatorModule, KLMReconstructorModule, KLMPackerModule, KLMDQM2Module, KLMDQMModule, KLMDigitizerModule, KLMClustersReconstructorModule, KLMClusterEfficiencyModule, EKLMDataCheckerModule, BKLMTrackingModule, BKLMSimHistogrammerModule, BKLMDigitAnalyzerModule, BKLMAnaModule, OverrideGenerationFlagsModule, EvtGenDecayModule, ZMQTxWorkerModule, ZMQTxInputModule, TxModule, RxModule, SeqRootOutputModule, SeqRootInputModule, StatisticsSummaryModule, HistoManagerModule, RandomBarrierModule, EventInfoPrinterModule, SwitchDataStoreModule, SubEventModule, HistoModule, ECLWaveformFitModule, ECLUnpackerModule, ECLSplitterN2Module, ECLSplitterN1Module, ECLShowerShapeModule, ECLShowerCorrectorModule, ECLShowerCalibratorModule, ECLPackerModule, ECLLOMModule, ECLLocalRunCalibratorModule, ECLLocalMaximumFinderModule, ECLHitDebugModule, ECLFinalizerModule, ECLDQMEXTENDEDModule, ECLDQMModule, EclDisplayModule, ECLDigitizerPureCsIModule, ECLDigitizerModule, ECLDigitCalibratorModule, ECLDataAnalysisModule, ECLCRFinderModule, ECLCovarianceMatrixModule, ECLClusterPSDModule, ECLChargedPIDDataAnalysisValidationModule, ECLChargedPIDDataAnalysisModule, ECLChargedPIDModule, ECLBackgroundModule, PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleModule, PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleHadronModule, PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleDstModule, PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleDst2Module, PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleBhabhaModule, PhysicsObjectsDQMModule, DQMHistAnalysisInputModule, StorageSerializerModule, StorageRootOutputModule, StorageDeserializerModule, SeqRootMergerModule, PartialSeqRootReaderModule, Ds2RawFileModule, Rbuf2RbufModule, Rbuf2DsModule, RawInputModule, Raw2DsModule, FastRbuf2DsModule, EvReductionModule, Ds2RbufModule, Ds2RawModule, CertifyParallelModule, SerializerModule, Root2RawModule, MonitorDataCOPPERModule, GenRawSendModule, DeSerializerPXDModule, ElapsedTimeModule, HLTDs2ZMQModule, HLTDQM2ZMQModule, ReceiveEventModule, Ds2SampleModule, TrackAnaModule, MonitorDataModule, DqmHistoManagerModule, TxSocketModule, RxSocketModule, DAQPerfModule, CDCUnpackerModule, CDCRecoTrackFilterModule, CDCPackerModule, CDCDQMModule, cdcDQM7Module, CDCCRTestModule, CDCCosmicAnalysisModule, QcsmonitorStudyModule, QcsmonitorDigitizerModule, PlumeDigitizerModule, PindiodeStudyModule, PinDigitizerModule, TPCStudyModule, TpcDigitizerModule, MicrotpcStudyModule, He3tubeStudyModule, He3DigitizerModule, FANGSStudyModule, FANGSDigitizerModule, DosiStudyModule, DosiDigitizerModule, CsIStudyModule, CsiStudy_v2Module, CsiModule, CsIDigitizerModule, CsiDigitizer_v2Module, ClawsStudyModule, ClawsDigitizerModule, ClawStudyModule, ClawDigitizerModule, BgoStudyModule, BgoDigitizerModule, BeamDigitizerModule, BeamabortStudyModule, ReprocessorModule, NtuplePhase1_v6Module, AnalysisPhase1StudyModule, BGOverlayInputModule, BeamBkgTagSetterModule, BeamBkgMixerModule, BeamBkgHitRateMonitorModule, BeamBkgGeneratorModule, BelleMCOutputModule, B2BIIMdstInputModule, B2BIIConvertMdstModule, B2BIIMCParticlesMonitorModule, ARICHDQMModule, arichBtestModule, LowEnergyPi0VetoExpertModule, LowEnergyPi0IdentificationExpertModule, CurlTaggerModule, CosmicsAlignmentValidationModule, AlignDQMModule, CalibrationCollectorModule, GetEventFromSocketModule, SrsensorModule, QcsmonitorModule, PlumeModule, PindiodeModule, Ph1sustrModule, Ph1bpipeModule, MicrotpcModule, He3tubeModule, FANGSModule, DosiModule, CLAWSModule, ClawModule, CaveModule, BgoModule, and BeamabortModule.

Definition at line 166 of file Module.h.

◆ evalCondition()

bool evalCondition ( ) const

If at least one condition was set, it is evaluated and true returned if at least one condition returns true.

If no condition or result value was defined, the method returns false. Otherwise, the condition is evaluated and true returned, if at least one condition returns true. To speed up the evaluation, the condition strings were already parsed in the method if_value().

True if at least one condition and return value exists and at least one condition expression was evaluated to true.

Definition at line 96 of file

◆ event()

void event ( void  )

Run tracking.

Pair of <counter, cdcPair>, for hits with indices

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 202 of file

◆ fastInterceptFinder()

int fastInterceptFinder ( cdcMap hits,
double  x1_s,
double  x2_s,
double  y1_s,
double  y2_s,
unsigned  iterations,
unsigned  ix_s,
unsigned  iy_s 

Fast intercept finder Divide Hough plane recursively to find cells with enough crossing lines.

hitsmap of hit coordinates in conformal space
x1_s,x2_s,y1_s,y2_slimits of starting rectangle
iterationscurrent iteration index
ix_s,iy_sindices of starting rectangle

Definition at line 64 of file

◆ getAfterConditionPath()

Module::EAfterConditionPath getAfterConditionPath ( ) const

What to do after the conditional path is finished.

(defaults to c_End if no condition is set)

Definition at line 133 of file

◆ getConditionPath()

std::shared_ptr< Path > getConditionPath ( ) const

Returns the path of the last true condition (if there is at least one, else reaturn a null pointer).

Definition at line 113 of file

◆ getFileNames()

virtual std::vector<std::string> getFileNames ( bool  outputFiles)

Return a list of output filenames for this modules.

This will be called when basf2 is run with "--dry-run" if the module has set either the c_Input or c_Output properties.

If the parameter outputFiles is false (for modules with c_Input) the list of input filenames should be returned (if any). If outputFiles is true (for modules with c_Output) the list of output files should be returned (if any).

If a module has sat both properties this member is called twice, once for each property.

The module should return the actual list of requested input or produced output filenames (including handling of input/output overrides) so that the grid system can handle input/output files correctly.

This function should return the same value when called multiple times. This is especially important when taking the input/output overrides from Environment as they get consumed when obtained so the finalized list of output files should be stored for subsequent calls.

Reimplemented in RootOutputModule, StorageRootOutputModule, and RootInputModule.

Definition at line 134 of file Module.h.

◆ getName()

const std::string& getName ( ) const

Returns the name of the module.

This can be changed via e.g. set_name() in the steering file to give more useful names if there is more than one module of the same type.

For identifying the type of a module, using getType() (or type() in Python) is recommended.

Definition at line 187 of file Module.h.

◆ getParamInfoListPython()

std::shared_ptr< boost::python::list > getParamInfoListPython ( ) const

Returns a python list of all parameters.

Each item in the list consists of the name of the parameter, a string describing its type, a python list of all default values and the description of the parameter.

A python list containing the parameters of this parameter list.

Definition at line 279 of file

◆ getReturnValue()

int getReturnValue ( ) const

Return the return value set by this module.

This value is only meaningful if hasReturnValue() is true

Definition at line 381 of file Module.h.

◆ getType()

const std::string & getType ( ) const

Returns the type of the module (i.e.

class name minus 'Module')

Definition at line 41 of file

◆ hasProperties()

bool hasProperties ( unsigned int  propertyFlags) const

Returns true if all specified property flags are available in this module.

propertyFlagsOred EModulePropFlags which should be compared with the module flags.

Definition at line 160 of file

◆ if_false()

void if_false ( const std::shared_ptr< Path > &  path,
EAfterConditionPath  afterConditionPath = EAfterConditionPath::c_End 

A simplified version to add a condition to the module.

Please note that successive calls of this function will add more than one condition to the module. If more than one condition results in true, only the last of them will be used.

Please be careful: Avoid creating cyclic paths, e.g. by linking a condition to a path which is processed before the path where this module is located in.

It is equivalent to the if_value() method, using the expression "<1". This method is meant to be used together with the setReturnValue(bool value) method.

pathShared pointer to the Path which will be executed if the return value is false.
afterConditionPathWhat to do after executing 'path'.

Definition at line 85 of file

◆ if_true()

void if_true ( const std::shared_ptr< Path > &  path,
EAfterConditionPath  afterConditionPath = EAfterConditionPath::c_End 

A simplified version to set the condition of the module.

Please note that successive calls of this function will add more than one condition to the module. If more than one condition results in true, only the last of them will be used.

Please be careful: Avoid creating cyclic paths, e.g. by linking a condition to a path which is processed before the path where this module is located in.

It is equivalent to the if_value() method, using the expression ">=1". This method is meant to be used together with the setReturnValue(bool value) method.

pathShared pointer to the Path which will be executed if the return value is true.
afterConditionPathWhat to do after executing 'path'.

Definition at line 90 of file

◆ if_value()

void if_value ( const std::string &  expression,
const std::shared_ptr< Path > &  path,
EAfterConditionPath  afterConditionPath = EAfterConditionPath::c_End 

Add a condition to the module.

Please note that successive calls of this function will add more than one condition to the module. If more than one condition results in true, only the last of them will be used.

See or ModuleCondition for a description of the syntax.

Please be careful: Avoid creating cyclic paths, e.g. by linking a condition to a path which is processed before the path where this module is located in.

expressionThe expression of the condition.
pathShared pointer to the Path which will be executed if the condition is evaluated to true.
afterConditionPathWhat to do after executing 'path'.

Definition at line 79 of file

◆ patternClustering()

bool patternClustering ( const cdcMap inputMap)

Combine Hough candidates to tracks by a fixed pattern algorithm.

The Hough plane is first divided in 2 x 2 squares, then squares are combined.

Definition at line 490 of file

◆ selectHits()

void selectHits ( std::vector< unsigned > &  list,
std::vector< unsigned > &  selected,
std::vector< unsigned > &  unselected 

Select one hit per super layer.

listinput list of hit Ids
selectedselected hit Ids are added to selected
unselectedthe rest of the hit Ids are added to unselected

Definition at line 456 of file

◆ setDescription()

void setDescription ( const std::string &  description)

Sets the description of the module.

descriptionA description of the module.

Definition at line 214 of file

◆ setLogInfo()

void setLogInfo ( int  logLevel,
unsigned int  logInfo 

Configure the printed log information for the given level.

logLevelThe log level (one of LogConfig::ELogLevel)
logInfoWhat kind of info should be printed? ORed combination of LogConfig::ELogInfo flags.

Definition at line 73 of file

◆ setName()

void setName ( const std::string &  name)

Set the name of the module.

The module name is set when using the REG_MODULE macro, but the module can be renamed before calling process() using the set_name() function in your steering file.
nameThe name of the module

Definition at line 214 of file Module.h.

◆ setParamPython()

void setParamPython ( const std::string &  name,
const boost::python::object &  pyObj 

Implements a method for setting boost::python objects.

The method supports the following types: list, dict, int, double, string, bool The conversion of the python object to the C++ type and the final storage of the parameter value is done in the ModuleParam class.

nameThe unique name of the parameter.
pyObjThe object which should be converted and stored as the parameter value.

Definition at line 234 of file

◆ setParamPythonDict()

void setParamPythonDict ( const boost::python::dict &  dictionary)

Implements a method for reading the parameter values from a boost::python dictionary.

The key of the dictionary has to be the name of the parameter and the value has to be of one of the supported parameter types.

dictionaryThe python dictionary from which the parameter values are read.

Definition at line 249 of file

◆ setPropertyFlags()

void setPropertyFlags ( unsigned int  propertyFlags)

Sets the flags for the module properties.

propertyFlagsbitwise OR of EModulePropFlags

Definition at line 208 of file

◆ setReturnValue() [1/2]

void setReturnValue ( bool  value)

Sets the return value for this module as bool.

The bool value is saved as an integer with the convention 1 meaning true and 0 meaning false. The value can be used in the steering file to divide the analysis chain into several paths.

valueThe value of the return value.

Definition at line 227 of file

◆ setReturnValue() [2/2]

void setReturnValue ( int  value)

Sets the return value for this module as integer.

The value can be used in the steering file to divide the analysis chain into several paths.

valueThe value of the return value.

Definition at line 220 of file

◆ setType()

void setType ( const std::string &  type)

Set the module type.

Only for use by internal modules (which don't use the normal REG_MODULE mechanism).

Definition at line 48 of file

◆ shortTrack()

bool shortTrack ( bool *  layer)

check the short track condition (= hits in the inner super layers rather than any super layers)

arrayof hit/no hit for all super layers

Definition at line 42 of file

◆ topRightCorner()

unsigned topRightCorner ( unsigned  pattern)

Find the top right corner within 2 x 2 square.

In case of ambiguity right corner is returned. x . . x -> return this one @ return index of corner within pattern

Definition at line 790 of file

Member Data Documentation

◆ hitMap

cdcMap hitMap

map of TS hits containing <iHit, <iSL, (x, y)>> with iHit: hit index in StoreArray iSL: super layer index

(x, y): coordinates in conformal space

Definition at line 300 of file CDCTriggerHoughETFModule.h.

◆ m_hitRelationsFromCorners

bool m_hitRelationsFromCorners

switch for creating relations to hits in the pattern clustering algorithm.

true: create relations for all hits passing through the corners of a cluster, false: create relations for all hits passing though the estimated center of the cluster (can be 0 hits if center is not part of the cluster)

Definition at line 285 of file CDCTriggerHoughETFModule.h.

◆ m_timeWindowBegin

short m_timeWindowBegin

Start time of time window relative to median.

(in ns) (effective when t0CalcMEthod == 2)

Definition at line 213 of file CDCTriggerHoughETFModule.h.

◆ m_timeWindowEnd

short m_timeWindowEnd

End time of time window relative to median.

(in ns) (effective when t0CalcMEthod == 2)

Definition at line 216 of file CDCTriggerHoughETFModule.h.

◆ maxIterations

unsigned maxIterations = 0

number of iterations for the fast peak finder, smallest n such that 2^(n+1) > max(nCellsPhi, nCellsR).

Initialized at 0 by the SW shifter

Definition at line 242 of file CDCTriggerHoughETFModule.h.

◆ maxR

double maxR = 0.

Hough plane limit in 1/r [1/cm].

Initialized at 0 by the SW shifter

Definition at line 237 of file CDCTriggerHoughETFModule.h.

◆ nCells

unsigned nCells = 0

number of cells for the fast peak finder: 2^(maxIterations + 1).

Initialized at 0 by the SW shifter

Definition at line 244 of file CDCTriggerHoughETFModule.h.

◆ radius

double radius[9][2] = {{0.}}

Radius of the CDC layers with priority wires (2 per super layer).

Initialized at 0 by the SW shifter

Definition at line 305 of file CDCTriggerHoughETFModule.h.

◆ shiftR

double shiftR = 0.

Hough plane shift in 1/r [1/cm].

Initialized at 0 by the SW shifter

Definition at line 239 of file CDCTriggerHoughETFModule.h.

◆ TSoffset

unsigned TSoffset[10] = {0}

Number of track segments up to super layer.

Initialized at 0 by the SW shifter

Definition at line 307 of file CDCTriggerHoughETFModule.h.

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