9 #ifndef CDCTriggerHoughETFModule_H
10 #define CDCTriggerHoughETFModule_H
12 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
19 #include <root/TVector2.h>
21 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
22 #include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
23 #include <trg/cdc/dataobjects/CDCTriggerSegmentHit.h>
24 #include <trg/cdc/dataobjects/CDCTriggerTrack.h>
25 #include <trg/cdc/dataobjects/CDCTriggerHoughCluster.h>
26 #include <framework/dataobjects/BinnedEventT0.h>
34 typedef std::pair<unsigned short, TVector2>
36 typedef std::map<int, cdcPair>
50 unsigned short _slcount,
unsigned _id):
78 return (a.getCoord().first.X() == b.getCoord().first.X() &&
79 a.getCoord().first.Y() == b.getCoord().first.Y());
94 virtual void event()
105 double x1_s,
double x2_s,
double y1_s,
double y2_s,
107 unsigned ix_s,
unsigned iy_s);
132 const std::vector<CDCTriggerHoughCand>& candidates,
133 std::vector<CDCTriggerHoughCand>& merged,
134 std::vector<CDCTriggerHoughCand>& rejected,
135 unsigned short nSLmax)
141 void mergeIdList(std::vector<unsigned>& merged, std::vector<unsigned>& a, std::vector<unsigned>& b);
147 bool connectedLR(
unsigned patternL,
unsigned patternR);
149 bool connectedUD(
unsigned patternD,
unsigned patternU);
172 double x1,
double x2,
double y1,
double y2,
178 void selectHits(std::vector<unsigned>& list, std::vector<unsigned>& selected,
179 std::vector<unsigned>& unselected);
181 int getSector(
int id,
int sl);
182 std::vector<int> sectorTimingList();
183 std::vector<int> highPassTimingList();
184 int calcEventTiming();
185 int median(std::vector<int> v);
186 int medianInTimeWindow(std::vector<int> v);
309 const int NTS [9] = {160, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384};
311 const int NSEC [9] = {16, 0, 16, 0, 16, 0, 8, 0, 8};
coord2dPair coord
Coordinate of rectangle for this candidate.
unsigned short SLcount
Super layer count (number of hits from different super layers).
coord2dPair getCoord() const
Get rectangle coordinates.
std::vector< unsigned > getIdList() const
Get Index list.
unsigned getID() const
Get candidate number.
std::vector< unsigned > hitList
list of hit indices contained in the Hough cell
unsigned id
candidate number, for debugging.
unsigned short getSLcount() const
Get super layer count.
CDCTriggerHoughCand(std::vector< unsigned > &_list, coord2dPair _coord, unsigned short _slcount, unsigned _id)
Constructor for hough candidates.
std::string m_EventTimeName
Name of the StoreObject containing the trigger event time.
int NSecOffset[9]
Number of sector offset of each super layer.
std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > houghCand
Hough Candidates.
bool connectedLR(unsigned patternL, unsigned patternR)
Check for left/right connection of patterns in 2 x 2 squares.
unsigned topRightCorner(unsigned pattern)
Find the top right corner within 2 x 2 square.
std::string m_testFilename
filename for test output for firmware debugging
int fastInterceptFinder(cdcMap &hits, double x1_s, double x2_s, double y1_s, double y2_s, unsigned iterations, unsigned ix_s, unsigned iy_s)
Fast intercept finder Divide Hough plane recursively to find cells with enough crossing lines.
bool m_useHighPassTimingList
Use associated fastest timings track-by-track.
unsigned m_minCells
minimum number of cells in a cluster to form a track
std::ofstream testFile
filestream for test output for firmware debugging
bool connectedUD(unsigned patternD, unsigned patternU)
Check for up/down connection of patterns in 2 x 2 squares.
unsigned maxIterations
number of iterations for the fast peak finder, smallest n such that 2^(n+1) > max(nCellsPhi,...
unsigned m_minHitsShort
short tracks require hits in the first minHitsShort super layers to form a candidate
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize the module and check module parameters.
unsigned m_nCellsR
number of Hough cells in 1/r
int m_shiftPt
shift the Hough plane in 1/r to avoid curvature 0 tracks < 0: shift in negative direction (negative h...
virtual void event() override
Run tracking.
StoreArray< CDCTriggerSegmentHit > m_segmentHits
list of track segment hits
std::string m_outputCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray containing the tracks found by the Hough tracking.
unsigned m_nCellsPhi
number of Hough cells in phi
StoreArray< CDCTriggerSegmentHit > m_hits
list of input track segment hits
bool m_usePriority
switch between priority position and center position of track segment
short m_timeWindowEnd
End time of time window relative to median.
bool m_clusterPattern
switch for clustering algorithm (if true use nested patterns)
unsigned short countSL(bool *)
count the number of super layers with hits
double maxR
Hough plane limit in 1/r [1/cm].
virtual void terminate() override
Clean up.
bool m_hitRelationsFromCorners
switch for creating relations to hits in the pattern clustering algorithm.
std::vector< std::vector< CDCTriggerSegmentHit * > > associatedTSHitsList
list of fastest timing of TS associated with Track
StoreObjPtr< TMatrix > m_houghPlane
matrix containing the Hough plane
unsigned m_storePlane
switch to save the Hough plane in DataStore (0: don't save, 1: save only peaks, 2: save full plane)
bool m_ignore2nd
switch to skip second priority hits
bool inList(const CDCTriggerHoughCand &a, const std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &list) const
Check if candidate is in list.
unsigned m_connect
number of neighbors to check for connection (4: direct, 6: direct + upper right and lower left corner...
double shiftR
Hough plane shift in 1/r [1/cm].
void findAllCrossingHits(std::vector< unsigned > &list, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, const cdcMap &inputMap)
Find all hits in inputMap whose Hough curve crosses the rectangle with corners (x1,...
unsigned nCells
number of cells for the fast peak finder: 2^(maxIterations + 1).
void selectHits(std::vector< unsigned > &list, std::vector< unsigned > &selected, std::vector< unsigned > &unselected)
Select one hit per super layer.
bool m_suppressClone
switch to send only the first found track and suppress the subsequent clones
unsigned m_t0CalcMethod
Switch method to determine the event timing.
double radius[9][2]
Radius of the CDC layers with priority wires (2 per super layer).
StoreArray< CDCTriggerTrack > m_tracks
list of found tracks
cdcMap hitMap
map of TS hits containing <iHit, <iSL, (x, y)>> with iHit: hit index in StoreArray iSL: super layer i...
int m_offset
offset for ETF simulation
unsigned m_arrivalOrder
arrival order of fastest timing used as t0 (effective when t0CalcMEthod == 0)
unsigned m_clusterSizeX
maximum cluster size for pattern algorithm
double m_minPt
Hough plane limit in Pt [GeV].
void mergeIdList(std::vector< unsigned > &merged, std::vector< unsigned > &a, std::vector< unsigned > &b)
Merge lists a and b and put the result in merged.
bool connected(const CDCTriggerHoughCand &a, const CDCTriggerHoughCand &b) const
Check if candidates are connected.
unsigned bottomLeftCorner(unsigned pattern)
Find the bottom left corner within 2 x 2 square.
const int NSEC[9]
Number of sector in each super layer.
bool m_requireSL0
switch to check separately for a hit in the innermost super layer
short m_timeWindowBegin
Start time of time window relative to median.
unsigned m_minHits
minimum number of hits from different super layers in a Hough cell to form a candidate
StoreArray< CDCTriggerHoughCluster > m_clusters
list of clusters in the Hough map
void addNeighbors(const CDCTriggerHoughCand ¢er, const std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &candidates, std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &merged, std::vector< CDCTriggerHoughCand > &rejected, unsigned short nSLmax) const
Recursive function to add combine connected cells.
const int NTS[9]
Number of track segments in each super layers.
bool shortTrack(bool *)
check the short track condition (= hits in the inner super layers rather than any super layers)
StoreObjPtr< BinnedEventT0 > m_eventTime
StoreObjPtr holding the event time.
bool connectedDiag(unsigned patternLD, unsigned patternRU)
Check for diagonal connected of patterns in 2 x 2 squares.
unsigned topRightSquare(std::vector< unsigned > &pattern)
Find the top right square within a cluster of 2 x 2 squares In case of ambiguity, top is favored over...
unsigned TSoffset[10]
Number of track segments up to super layer.
std::string m_clusterCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray containing the clusters formed in the Hough plane.
bool m_storeTracks
Switch to save the 2D Hough track reconstructed in this module.
std::string m_hitCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray containing the input track segment hits.
bool patternClustering(const cdcMap &inputMap)
Combine Hough candidates to tracks by a fixed pattern algorithm.
bool m_onlyLocalMax
switch to ignore candidates connected to cells with higher super layer count
bool m_usePriorityTiming
Switch to use priority timing instead of fastest timing.
unsigned m_clusterSizeY
maximum cluster size for pattern algorithm
void connectedRegions()
Combine Hough candidates to tracks by merging connected cells.
bool operator==(const DecayNode &node1, const DecayNode &node2)
Compare two Decay Nodes: They are equal if All daughter decay nodes are equal or one of the daughter ...
std::map< int, cdcPair > cdcMap
Map of <counter, cdcPair>, for hits with indices.
std::pair< unsigned short, TVector2 > cdcPair
Pair of <iSuperLayer, (x, y)>, for hits in conformal space.
std::pair< TVector2, TVector2 > coord2dPair
Hough Tuples.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.