Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include <display/modules/display/DisplayModule.h>
10 #include <framework/dataobjects/DisplayData.h>
11 #include <display/DisplayUI.h>
12 #include <display/EVEVisualization.h>
13 #include <display/EveGeometry.h>
14 #include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
15 #include <mdst/dataobjects/TrackFitResult.h>
16 #include <simulation/dataobjects/MCParticleTrajectory.h>
18 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
19 #include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
20 #include <framework/gearbox/Gearbox.h>
21 #include <framework/core/Path.h>
23 #include <tracking/dataobjects/RecoTrack.h>
24 #include <tracking/dataobjects/RecoHitInformation.h>
25 #include <genfit/GFRaveVertex.h>
27 #include <TApplication.h>
28 #include <TEveManager.h>
30 using namespace Belle2;
32 REG_MODULE(Display);
34 DisplayModule::DisplayModule() : Module(), m_display(0), m_visualizer(0)
35 {
36  setDescription("Interactive visualisation of Monte Carlo, intermediate and reconstructed objects, plus geometry. See for detailed documentation.");
38  addParam("options", m_options,
39  "Drawing options for RecoTracks, a combination of DHMP. See EVEVisualization::setOptions or the example for an explanation.",
40  std::string("MH"));
41  addParam("showMCInfo", m_showMCInfo, "Show Monte Carlo information (MCParticles, SimHits)", true);
42  addParam("assignHitsToPrimaries", m_assignToPrimaries,
43  "If true, hits created by secondary particles (after scattering, decay-in-flight, ...) will be assigned to the original primary particle.",
44  false);
45  addParam("showAllPrimaries", m_showAllPrimaries,
46  "If true, all primary MCParticles will be shown, regardless of wether hits are produced.", true);
47  addParam("hideSecondaries", m_hideSecondaries, "If true, secondary MCParticles (and hits created by them) will not be shown.",
48  false);
49  addParam("showCharged", m_showCharged,
50  "If true, all charged MCParticles will be shown, including secondaries (implies disabled assignHitsToPrimaries). May be slow.",
51  true);
52  addParam("showNeutrals", m_showNeutrals,
53  "If true, all neutral MCParticles will be shown, including secondaries (implies disabled assignHitsToPrimaries). May be slow.",
54  true);
55  addParam("showTrackLevelObjects", m_showTrackLevelObjects,
56  "If true, fitted Tracks, GFRave Vertices and ECLCluster objects will be shown in the display.", true);
57  addParam("showRecoTracks", m_showRecoTracks,
58  "If true, track candidates (RecoTracks) and reconstructed hits will be shown in the display.", false);
59  addParam("showCDCHits", m_showCDCHits,
60  "If true, CDCHit objects will be shown as drift cylinders (shortened, z position set to zero).", false);
61  addParam("showTriggerObjects", m_showTriggerObjects,
62  "If true, CDCHit objects will be assigned to trigger segments and trigger tracks will be shown.", false);
63  addParam("showKLM2dHits", m_showKLM2dHits,
64  "If true, KLMHit2d objects will be shown in the display.", true);
65  addParam("showARICHHits", m_showARICHHits,
66  "If true, ARICHHit objects will be shown.", false);
67  addParam("automatic", m_automatic,
68  "Non-interactively save visualisations for each event. Note that this still requires an X server, but you can use the 'Xvfb' dummy server by running basf2 using 'xvfb-run -s \"-screen 0 640x480x24\" basf2 ...' to run headless.",
69  false);
70  addParam("fullGeometry", m_fullGeometry,
71  "Show full geometry instead of simplified shapes. Further details can be enabled by changing the VisLevel option for Eve -> Scenes -> Geometry Scene -> Top_1.",
72  false);
73  addParam("hideObjects", m_hideObjects,
74  "Objects which are to be hidden (can be manually re-enabled in tree view). Names correspond to the object names in the 'Event'. (Note that this won't work for objects somewhere deep in the tree, only for those immediately below 'Event'.)", {});
75  addParam("customGeometryExtractPath", m_customGeometryExtractPath, "Path to custom file with geometry extract.", std::string(""));
76  addParam("hideVolumes", m_hideVolumes,
77  "List of volumes to be hidden (can be re-enabled in Eve panel / Geometry scene. The volume and all its daughters will be hidden.", {});
78  addParam("deleteVolumes", m_deleteVolumes,
79  "List of volumes to be deleted. The volume and all its daughters will be deleted completely. Uses Regular Expressions (RE)! If the expression starts with '#', only daughters are removed (# is removed for RE)", {});
80  addParam("playOnStartup", m_playOnStartup,
81  "When launching the event display, immediately start advancing through events. Useful for control room uses etc.", false);
84  //create gApplication so we can use graphics support. Needs to be done before ROOT has a chance to do it for us.
85  if ((!gApplication) || (gApplication->TestBit(TApplication::kDefaultApplication))) {
86  new TApplication("ROOT_application", 0, 0);
87  }
88 }
92 {
93  //optional inputs
94  StoreArray<MCParticle> MCParticles; MCParticles.isOptional();
95  StoreArray<MCParticleTrajectory> MCParticleTrajectorys; MCParticleTrajectorys.isOptional();
96  StoreArray<CDCSimHit> CDCSimHits; CDCSimHits.isOptional();
97  StoreArray<PXDSimHit> PXDSimHits; PXDSimHits.isOptional();
98  StoreArray<SVDSimHit> SVDSimHits; SVDSimHits.isOptional();
99  StoreArray<KLMSimHit> KLMSimHits; KLMSimHits.isOptional();
100  StoreArray<ECLCluster> ECLClusters; ECLClusters.isOptional();
101  StoreArray<KLMCluster> KLMClusters; KLMClusters.isOptional();
102  StoreArray<KLMHit2d> KLMHit2ds; KLMHit2ds.isOptional();
103  StoreArray<Track> Tracks; Tracks.isOptional();
104  StoreArray<TrackFitResult> TrackFitResults; TrackFitResults.isOptional();
105  StoreArray<RecoTrack> RecoTracks; RecoTracks.isOptional();
106  StoreArray<genfit::GFRaveVertex> GFRaveVertexs; GFRaveVertexs.isOptional();
107  StoreObjPtr<DisplayData> DisplayDatas; DisplayDatas.isOptional();
108  StoreArray<PXDCluster> PXDClusters; PXDClusters.isOptional();
109  StoreArray<SVDCluster> SVDClusters; SVDClusters.isOptional();
110  StoreArray<CDCHit> CDCHits; CDCHits.isOptional();
111  StoreArray<CDCTriggerSegmentHit> CDCTriggerSegmentHits; CDCTriggerSegmentHits.isOptional();
112  StoreArray<ARICHHit> ARICHHits; ARICHHits.isOptional();
113  StoreArray<TOPDigit> TOPDigits; TOPDigits.isOptional();
114  StoreArray<ROIid> ROIids; ROIids.isOptional();
115  StoreArray<RecoHitInformation::UsedPXDHit> UsedPXDHits; UsedPXDHits.isOptional();
116  StoreArray<RecoHitInformation::UsedSVDHit> UsedSVDHits; UsedSVDHits.isOptional();
117  StoreArray<RecoHitInformation::UsedCDCHit> UsedCDCHits; UsedCDCHits.isOptional();
120  if (hasCondition())
122  m_display->addParameter("Show MC info", getParam<bool>("showMCInfo"), 0);
123  {
124  //MC-specific parameters
125  m_display->addParameter("Assign hits to primary particles", getParam<bool>("assignHitsToPrimaries"), 1);
126  m_display->addParameter("Show all primaries", getParam<bool>("showAllPrimaries"), 1);
127  m_display->addParameter("Show all charged particles", getParam<bool>("showCharged"), 1);
128  m_display->addParameter("Show all neutral particles", getParam<bool>("showNeutrals"), 1);
129  m_display->addParameter("Hide secondaries", getParam<bool>("hideSecondaries"), 1);
130  }
131  m_display->addParameter("Show candidates and rec. hits", getParam<bool>("showRecoTracks"), 0);
132  m_display->addParameter("Show tracks, vertices, gammas", getParam<bool>("showTrackLevelObjects"), 0);
134  if (!m_fullGeometry and Gearbox::getInstance().exists("Detector/Name")) {
135  std::string detectorName = Gearbox::getInstance().getString("Detector/Name");
136  if (detectorName != "Belle2Detector") {
137  B2INFO("Non-standard detector '" << detectorName << "' used, switching to full geometry.");
138  m_fullGeometry = true;
139  }
140  }
141  if (m_fullGeometry) {
142  //pass some parameters to DisplayUI to be able to change them at run time
143  m_display->addParameter("Show full geometry", getParam<bool>("fullGeometry"), 0);
144  }
155 }
160 {
161  setReturnValue(false);
162  if (!gEve) {
163  //window closed?
164  B2WARNING("Display window closed, continuing with next module. (hit Ctrl+C to exit)");
165  return;
166  }
170  //secondaries cannot be shown if they are merged into primaries
173  B2WARNING("assignHitsToPrimaries and showCharged/showNeutrals can not be used together!");
174  }
178  if (m_showMCInfo) {
179  //gather MC particles
180  StoreArray<MCParticle> mcparticles;
182  for (const MCParticle& part : mcparticles) {
183  if ((m_showAllPrimaries and part.hasStatus(MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle))
184  or (m_showCharged and TMath::Nint(part.getCharge()) != 0)
185  or (m_showNeutrals and TMath::Nint(part.getCharge()) == 0)) {
186  m_visualizer->addMCParticle(&part);
187  }
188  }
189  }
191  //gather simhits
196  }
199  if (m_showRecoTracks) {
200  //add all possible track candidate arrays
201  const auto recoTrackArrays = StoreArray<RecoTrack>::getArrayList();
202  for (std::string colName : recoTrackArrays) {
203  StoreArray<RecoTrack> recoTracks(colName);
204  for (const RecoTrack& recoTrack : recoTracks) {
205  if (colName != "RecoTracksMpl") {
206  m_visualizer->addTrackCandidate(colName, recoTrack);
207  } else {
208  m_visualizer->addTrackCandidateImproved(colName, recoTrack);
209  }
210  }
211  }
217  //add remaining recohits
218  m_visualizer->addUnassignedRecoHits(pxdStoreArray);
219  m_visualizer->addUnassignedRecoHits(svdStoreArray);
220  m_visualizer->addUnassignedRecoHits(cdcStoreArray);
222  StoreArray<ROIid> ROIs;
223  for (int i = 0 ; i < ROIs.getEntries(); i++)
224  m_visualizer->addROI(ROIs[i]);
225  //well, non-standard names are used for testbeams?
226  StoreArray<ROIid> testbeamROIs("ROIs");
227  for (int i = 0 ; i < testbeamROIs.getEntries(); i++)
228  m_visualizer->addROI(testbeamROIs[i]);
229  }
232  StoreArray<CDCHit> cdchits;
233  for (auto& hit : cdchits)
235  }
237  if (m_showTriggerObjects) {
238  const auto arrayList = StoreArray<CDCTriggerSegmentHit>::getArrayList();
239  for (const auto& i : arrayList) {
241  for (auto& hit : tshits)
243  }
245  //add all possible track candidate arrays
246  const auto trgTrackArrays = StoreArray<CDCTriggerTrack>::getArrayList();
247  for (std::string colName : trgTrackArrays) {
248  StoreArray<CDCTriggerTrack> trgTracks(colName);
249  for (const CDCTriggerTrack& trgTrack : trgTracks) {
250  m_visualizer->addCDCTriggerTrack(colName, trgTrack);
251  }
252  }
253  }
255  if (m_showKLM2dHits) {
256  StoreArray<KLMHit2d> klmHits;
257  for (auto& hit : klmHits) {
258  if (hit.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM)
259  m_visualizer->addBKLMHit2d(&hit);
260  else
261  m_visualizer->addEKLMHit2d(&hit);
262  }
263  }
265  if (m_showARICHHits) {
266  StoreArray<ARICHHit> arichhits;
267  for (auto& hit : arichhits)
268  m_visualizer->addARICHHit(&hit);
269  }
272  //gather track-level objects
273  StoreArray<Track> tracks;
274  for (const Track& track : tracks)
275  m_visualizer->addTrack(&track);
278  const int nVertices = vertices.getEntries();
279  for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++) {
280  m_visualizer->addVertex(vertices[i]);
281  }
283  StoreArray<ECLCluster> clusters;
284  for (const ECLCluster& cluster : clusters) {
285  if (cluster.hasHypothesis(ECLCluster::EHypothesisBit::c_nPhotons)) {
286  if (m_showMCInfo) {
287  //make sure we add particles producing these
288  const MCParticle* mcpart = cluster.getRelated<MCParticle>();
289  if (mcpart)
290  m_visualizer->addMCParticle(mcpart);
291  }
293  m_visualizer->addECLCluster(&cluster);
294  }
295  }
297  StoreArray<KLMCluster> klmclusters;
298  for (const KLMCluster& cluster : klmclusters) {
299  if (m_showMCInfo) {
300  //make sure we add particles producing these
301  const MCParticle* mcpart = cluster.getRelated<MCParticle>();
302  if (mcpart)
303  m_visualizer->addMCParticle(mcpart);
304  }
306  m_visualizer->addKLMCluster(&cluster);
307  }
310  }
312  //all hits/tracks are added, finish visual representations
315  StoreObjPtr<DisplayData> displayData;
316  if (displayData) {
317  m_visualizer->showUserData(*displayData);
318  m_display->showUserData(*displayData);
319  }
322  bool reshow = m_display->startDisplay();
324  if (!m_display->cumulativeIsOn()) {
325  m_visualizer->clearEvent(); //clean up internal state of visualiser
326  }
327  m_display->clearEvent(); //clean up event scene, incl. projections
329  //reprocess current event (maybe some options changed)
330  if (reshow)
331  event();
332 }
336 {
337  if (gEve) {
338  gEve->Terminate();
339  }
341  delete m_visualizer;
342  delete m_display;
343 }
Track created by the CDC trigger.
bool m_showCDCHits
If true, CDCHit objects will be shown as drift cylinders (shortened, z position set to zero).
Definition: DisplayModule.h:81
bool m_showTriggerObjects
If true, CDCHit objects will be assigned to trigger segments and trigger tracks will be shown.
Definition: DisplayModule.h:84
bool m_showTrackLevelObjects
If true, fitted RecoTracks, GFRave Vertices and ECLGamma objects will be shown in the display.
Definition: DisplayModule.h:75
Constructor. Sets all the module parameters.
bool m_showRecoTracks
Whether to show RecoTracks.
Definition: DisplayModule.h:78
bool m_showKLM2dHits
If true, KLMHit2d objects will be shown in the display.
Definition: DisplayModule.h:87
void initialize() override
Sets up geometry if needed.
bool m_automatic
Non-interactively save visualizations for each event.
Definition: DisplayModule.h:93
void event() override
Show various reconstructed or simulated objects in the event viewer until the next event is requested...
std::vector< std::string > m_deleteVolumes
List of volumes to be deleted.
void terminate() override
Terminate gEve to avoid problems with root's cleanup.
bool m_showAllPrimaries
If true, all primary MCParticles will be shown, regardless of wether hits are produced.
Definition: DisplayModule.h:63
bool m_showNeutrals
If true, all neutral primary and secondary MCParticles will be shown, regardless of wether hits are p...
Definition: DisplayModule.h:72
bool m_showCharged
If true, all charged primary and secondary MCParticles will be shown, regardless of wether hits are p...
Definition: DisplayModule.h:69
EVEVisualization * m_visualizer
Pointer to visualizer.
bool m_showMCInfo
Show Monte Carlo information (MCParticles, SimHits).
Definition: DisplayModule.h:57
bool m_fullGeometry
Show full geometry instead of simplified shapes.
Definition: DisplayModule.h:96
bool m_showARICHHits
If true, ARICHHit objects will be shown as squares, corresponding to channel pixels.
Definition: DisplayModule.h:90
std::string m_options
List of drawing options, see EVEVisualization::setOptions()
Definition: DisplayModule.h:54
DisplayUI * m_display
pointer to actual display
bool m_hideSecondaries
If true, secondary MCParticles (and hits created by them) will not be shown.
Definition: DisplayModule.h:66
bool m_playOnStartup
Start the module advancing through events.
Definition: DisplayModule.h:99
std::vector< std::string > m_hideVolumes
List of volumes to be hidden (can be re-enabled in Eve panel / Geometry scene.
bool m_assignToPrimaries
If true, hits created by secondary particles (e.g.
Definition: DisplayModule.h:60
std::string m_customGeometryExtractPath
Path to custom file with geometry extract.
std::vector< std::string > m_hideObjects
objects which are to be hidden (can be manually re-enabled in tree view).
Control TEve browser user interface.
Definition: DisplayUI.h:41
void clearEvent()
remove all event data in current event.
void hideObjects(const std::vector< std::string > &names)
hide objects with the given names.
Definition: DisplayUI.h:112
bool getReturnValue() const
Return value for current event, only makes sense if allowFlaggingEvents(true) was called.
bool cumulativeIsOn() const
If true, DisplayModule shouldn't clear previous data (i.e.
Definition: DisplayUI.h:148
void addParameter(const std::string &label, ModuleParam< bool > &param, int level)
Generate UI elements so the given module parameter can be changed at run time.
bool startDisplay()
Start interactive display for current event.
void showUserData(const DisplayData &displayData)
Add user-defined data (histograms, etc.).
void allowFlaggingEvents(const std::string &description="")
Show control for flagging events (to set module return value).
ECL cluster data.
Definition: ECLCluster.h:27
@ c_nPhotons
CR is split into n photons (N1)
Produces visualisation for MCParticles, simhits, genfit::Tracks, geometry and other things.
void clearEvent()
clear event data.
void setOptions(const std::string &opts)
Set the display options.
void addSimHits(const StoreArray< T > &hits)
Add all entries in the given 'hits' array (and the corresponding MCParticles) to the event scene.
void setHideSecondaries(bool on)
If true, secondary MCParticles (and hits created by them) will not be shown.
void setAssignToPrimaries(bool on)
If true, hits created by secondary particles (e.g.
void addTrackCandidateImproved(const std::string &collectionName, const RecoTrack &recoTrack)
Add a RecoTrack, but use stored genfit track representation to make visualisation objects.
void addCDCHit(const CDCHit *hit, bool showTriggerHits=false)
show CDCHits directly.
void addBKLMHit2d(const KLMHit2d *bklm2dhit)
Add a reconstructed 2d hit in the BKLM.
void addVertex(const genfit::GFRaveVertex *vertex)
Add a vertex point and its covariance matrix.
void addCDCTriggerTrack(const std::string &collectionName, const CDCTriggerTrack &track)
Add a CDCTriggerTrack.
void addCDCTriggerSegmentHit(const std::string &collectionName, const CDCTriggerSegmentHit *hit)
show outline of track segments.
void addECLCluster(const ECLCluster *cluster)
Add a reconstructed cluster in the ECL.
void makeTracks()
Create visual representation of all tracks.
void addUnassignedRecoHits(const StoreArray< T > &hits)
After adding recohits for tracks/candidates, this function adds the remaining hits in a global collec...
void addTrack(const Belle2::Track *belle2Track)
Add this genfit::Track to event data.
void addEKLMHit2d(const KLMHit2d *eklm2dhit)
Add a reconstructed 2d hit in the EKLM.
void addARICHHit(const ARICHHit *hit)
Add recontructed hit in ARICH.
void showUserData(const DisplayData &displayData)
Add user-defined data (labels, points, etc.)
void addTOPDigits(const StoreArray< TOPDigit > &digits)
Add TOPDigits (shown aggregated per module).
void addROI(const ROIid *roi)
Add a Region Of Interest, computed by the PXDDataReduction module.
void addKLMCluster(const KLMCluster *cluster)
Add a reconstructed cluster in the KLM.
MCTrack * addMCParticle(const MCParticle *particle)
Return MCTrack for given particle, add it if it doesn't exist yet.
void addTrackCandidate(const std::string &collectionName, const RecoTrack &recoTrack)
Add a RecoTrack, to evaluate track finding.
virtual std::string getString(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false) override
Get the parameter path as a string.
Definition: Gearbox.h:123
KLM cluster data.
Definition: KLMCluster.h:28
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32
@ c_PrimaryParticle
bit 0: Particle is primary particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:47
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setReturnValue(int value)
Sets the return value for this module as integer.
bool hasCondition() const
Returns true if at least one condition was set for the module.
Definition: Module.h:311
const ModuleCondition * getCondition() const
Return a pointer to the first condition (or nullptr, if none was set)
Definition: Module.h:314
std::string getPathString() const override
return the module name.
This is the Reconstruction Event-Data Model Track.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:79
bool isOptional(const std::string &name="")
Tell the DataStore about an optional input.
static std::vector< std::string > getArrayList(DataStore::EDurability durability=DataStore::c_Event)
Return list of array names with matching type.
Definition: StoreArray.h:275
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
Class that bundles various TrackFitResults.
Definition: Track.h:25
Register the Module.
static Gearbox & getInstance()
Return reference to the Gearbox instance.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
void addGeometry(EType visMode)
Add TGeo geometry to Eve (only needs to be done once.)
void setDeleteVolumes(const std::vector< std::string > &volumes)
List of volumes to be removed.
void setVisualisationMode(EType visMode)
switch to given visualisation mode.
void setCustomExtractPath(const std::string &extractPath)
Set custom path to the geometry extract (to change originally hard-coded value)
void setHideVolumes(const std::vector< std::string > &volumes)
List of volumes to be hidden (can be re-enabled in Eve panel / Geometry scene.
@ c_Full
Full geometry converted from Geant4 (use this for non-standard Belle II setups!).
Definition: EveGeometry.h:26
@ c_Simplified
a simplified Belle II geometry.
Definition: EveGeometry.h:27
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.