Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/filters/segmentPair/FitlessSegmentPairVarSet.h>
10 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/eventdata/tracks/CDCSegmentPair.h>
11 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/eventdata/segments/CDCSegment2D.h>
13 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/topology/CDCWire.h>
15 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/numerics/Angle.h>
17 using namespace Belle2;
18 using namespace TrackFindingCDC;
21 {
22  if (not ptrSegmentPair) return false;
24  const CDCSegmentPair& segmentPair = *ptrSegmentPair;
26  const CDCSegment2D* ptrFromSegment = segmentPair.getFromSegment();
27  const CDCSegment2D* ptrToSegment = segmentPair.getToSegment();
29  const CDCSegment2D& fromSegment = *ptrFromSegment;
30  const CDCSegment2D& toSegment = *ptrToSegment;
32  const CDCSegment2D* ptrAxialSegment = segmentPair.getAxialSegment();
33  const CDCSegment2D& axialSegment = *ptrAxialSegment;
35  const CDCSegment2D* ptrStereoSegment = segmentPair.getStereoSegment();
36  const CDCSegment2D& stereoSegment = *ptrStereoSegment;
38  // Segment fit should have been done at this point
39  const CDCTrajectory2D& fromFit = fromSegment.getTrajectory2D();
40  const CDCTrajectory2D& toFit = toSegment.getTrajectory2D();
41  const CDCTrajectory2D& axialFit = axialSegment.getTrajectory2D();
42  // const CDCTrajectory2D& stereoFit = stereoSegment.getTrajectory2D();
44  finitevar<named("from_ndf")>() = fromFit.getNDF();
45  finitevar<named("to_ndf")>() = toFit.getNDF();
47  finitevar<named("from_chi2_over_ndf")>() = fabs(fromFit.getChi2() / fromFit.getNDF());
48  finitevar<named("to_chi2_over_ndf")>() = fabs(toFit.getChi2() / toFit.getNDF());
50  finitevar<named("from_p_value")>() = fromFit.getPValue();
51  finitevar<named("to_p_value")>() = toFit.getPValue();
53  // Direction agreement
54  using namespace NPerigeeParameterIndices;
55  const double fromCurv = fromFit.isFitted() ? fromFit.getCurvature() : NAN;
56  const double fromCurvVar = fromFit.getLocalVariance(c_Curv);
58  const double toCurv = toFit.isFitted() ? toFit.getCurvature() : NAN;
59  const double toCurvVar = toFit.getLocalVariance(c_Curv);
61  const double deltaCurvVar = fromCurvVar + toCurvVar;
62  const double avgPrecision = 1 / fromCurvVar + 1 / toCurvVar;
63  const double deltaCurvSigma = std::sqrt(deltaCurvVar);
65  finitevar<named("abs_avg_curv")>() = std::fabs(toCurv / toCurvVar + fromCurv / fromCurvVar) / avgPrecision;
66  finitevar<named("delta_curv_var")>() = deltaCurvVar;
67  finitevar<named("delta_curv")>() = toCurv - fromCurv;
68  finitevar<named("delta_curv_pull")>() = (toCurv - fromCurv) / deltaCurvSigma;
70  // Hits
71  const CDCRecoHit2D& fromFirstHit = fromSegment.front();
72  const CDCRecoHit2D& fromLastHit = fromSegment.back();
73  const CDCRecoHit2D& toFirstHit = toSegment.front();
74  const CDCRecoHit2D& toLastHit = toSegment.back();
76  const Vector2D fromHitPos = fromLastHit.getRecoPos2D();
77  const Vector2D toHitPos = toFirstHit.getRecoPos2D();
79  // Fit
80  const Vector2D fromFitPos = fromFit.getClosest(fromHitPos);
81  const Vector2D toFitPos = toFit.getClosest(toHitPos);
82  const Vector2D fromFitMom = fromFit.getFlightDirection2D(fromHitPos);
83  const Vector2D toFitMom = toFit.getFlightDirection2D(toHitPos);
85  const Vector2D fromOtherFitMom = toFit.getFlightDirection2D(fromHitPos);
86  const Vector2D toOtherFitMom = fromFit.getFlightDirection2D(toHitPos);
88  const double deltaPosPhi = fromFitPos.angleWith(toFitPos);
89  const double deltaMomPhi = fromFitMom.angleWith(toFitMom);
90  const double deltaAlpha = AngleUtil::normalised(deltaMomPhi - deltaPosPhi);
92  finitevar<named("delta_pos_phi")>() = deltaPosPhi;
93  finitevar<named("delta_mom_phi")>() = deltaMomPhi;
95  finitevar<named("from_delta_mom_phi")>() = fromFitMom.angleWith(fromOtherFitMom);
96  finitevar<named("to_delta_mom_phi")>() = toFitMom.angleWith(toOtherFitMom);
97  finitevar<named("delta_alpha")>() = deltaAlpha;
99  // Reconstructed quantities
100  // One of the fitted positions corresponds to the axial hit and one to the stereo hit.
101  const CDCRecoHit2D& nearAxialHit = toFirstHit.isAxial() ? toFirstHit : fromLastHit;
102  const CDCRecoHit2D& farStereoHit = not fromFirstHit.isAxial() ? fromFirstHit : toLastHit;
103  const CDCRecoHit2D& nearStereoHit = not toFirstHit.isAxial() ? toFirstHit : fromLastHit;
105  const CDCWire& farStereoWire = farStereoHit.getWire();
106  const WireLine& farWireLine = farStereoWire.getWireLine();
108  const CDCWire& nearStereoWire = nearStereoHit.getWire();
109  const WireLine& nearWireLine = nearStereoWire.getWireLine();
111  const Vector3D nearAxialRecoPos = nearAxialHit.reconstruct3D(axialFit);
112  const Vector3D farStereoRecoPos = farStereoHit.reconstruct3D(axialFit);
113  const double farZ = farStereoRecoPos.z();
115  const Vector3D nearStereoRecoPos = nearStereoHit.reconstruct3D(axialFit);
116  const double nearZ = nearStereoRecoPos.z();
118  const double stereoArcLength2D =
119  axialFit.calcArcLength2DBetween(nearStereoRecoPos.xy(),
120  farStereoRecoPos.xy());
122  const double arcLength2DGap =
123  axialFit.calcArcLength2DBetween(nearAxialRecoPos.xy(),
124  nearStereoRecoPos.xy());
126  finitevar<named("reco_arc_length_gap")>() = fabs(arcLength2DGap);
127  finitevar<named("stereo_arc_length")>() = fabs(stereoArcLength2D);
129  finitevar<named("near_reco_z")>() = nearZ;
130  finitevar<named("near_z_bound_factor")>() = nearWireLine.outOfZBoundsFactor(nearZ);
132  finitevar<named("far_reco_z")>() = farZ;
133  finitevar<named("far_z_bound_factor")>() = farWireLine.outOfZBoundsFactor(farZ);
135  finitevar<named("coarse_tanl")>() = (farZ - nearZ) / stereoArcLength2D;
137  finitevar<named("stereo_rel_size")>() = fabs(stereoSegment.size() / stereoArcLength2D);
139  finitevar<named("arc_length_front_offset")>() =
140  (fromFit.getArcLength2DFrontOffset(fromSegment, toSegment)
141  + toFit.getArcLength2DFrontOffset(fromSegment, toSegment)) / 2;
143  finitevar<named("arc_length_back_offset")>() =
144  (fromFit.getArcLength2DBackOffset(fromSegment, toSegment)
145  + toFit.getArcLength2DBackOffset(fromSegment, toSegment)) / 2;
147  finitevar<named("from_arc_length_total")>() = toFit.getTotalArcLength2D(fromSegment);
148  finitevar<named("to_arc_length_total")>() = fromFit.getTotalArcLength2D(toSegment);
150  finitevar<named("arc_length_gap")>() =
151  (fromFit.getArcLength2DGap(fromSegment, toSegment)
152  + toFit.getArcLength2DGap(fromSegment, toSegment)) / 2;
154  return true;
155 }
Class representing a two dimensional reconstructed hit in the central drift chamber.
Definition: CDCRecoHit2D.h:47
bool isAxial() const
Indicator if the underlying wire is axial.
Definition: CDCRecoHit2D.h:163
Vector3D reconstruct3D(const CDCTrajectory2D &trajectory2D, const double z=0) const
Reconstruct the three dimensional position (especially of stereo hits) by determinating the z coordin...
Vector2D getRecoPos2D() const
Getter for the position in the reference plane.
Definition: CDCRecoHit2D.h:238
const CDCWire & getWire() const
Getter for the wire the reconstructed hit assoziated to.
Definition: CDCRecoHit2D.h:175
A reconstructed sequence of two dimensional hits in one super layer.
Definition: CDCSegment2D.h:39
Class representing a pair of one reconstructed axial segement and one stereo segment in adjacent supe...
const CDCSegment2D * getAxialSegment() const
Getter for the axial segment.
const CDCSegment2D * getFromSegment() const
Getter for the from segment.
const CDCSegment2D * getStereoSegment() const
Getter for the stereo segment.
const CDCSegment2D * getToSegment() const
Getter for the to segment.
CDCTrajectory2D & getTrajectory2D() const
Getter for the two dimensional trajectory fitted to the segment.
Definition: CDCSegment.h:69
Particle trajectory as it is seen in xy projection represented as a circle.
double getTotalArcLength2D(const AHits &hits) const
Calculates the perpendicular travel distance from the first position of the hits to the last position...
double getChi2() const
Getter for the chi2 value of the circle fit.
double calcArcLength2DBetween(const Vector2D &fromPoint, const Vector2D &toPoint) const
Calculate the travel distance between the two given positions Returns the travel distance on the traj...
double getPValue() const
Getter for p-value.
bool isFitted() const
Checks if the circle is already set to a valid value.
double getLocalVariance(EPerigeeParameter i) const
Getter for an individual diagonal element of the covariance matrix of the local helix parameters.
double getArcLength2DGap(const AFromHits &fromHits, const AToHits &toHits) const
Calculates the perpendicular travel distance from the last position of the fromHits to the first posi...
Vector2D getClosest(const Vector2D &point) const
Calculates the closest approach on the trajectory to the given point.
double getArcLength2DBackOffset(const AFromHits &fromHits, const AToHits &toHits) const
Calculates the perpendicular travel distance from the last position of the fromHits to the last posit...
Vector2D getFlightDirection2D(const Vector2D &point) const
Get the unit direction of flight at the given point, where arcLength2D = 0.
double getArcLength2DFrontOffset(const AFromHits &fromHits, const AToHits &toHits) const
Calculates the perpendicular travel distance from the first position of the fromHits to the first pos...
size_t getNDF() const
Getter for the number of degrees of freedom of the circle fit.
double getCurvature() const
Getter for the curvature as seen from the xy projection.
Class representing a sense wire in the central drift chamber.
Definition: CDCWire.h:58
const WireLine & getWireLine() const
Getter for the wire line represenation of the wire.
Definition: CDCWire.h:188
bool extract(const CDCSegmentPair *ptrSegmentPair) final
Generate and assign the contained variables.
constexpr static int named(const char *name)
Getter for the index from the name.
Definition: VarSet.h:78
AssignFinite< Float_t > finitevar()
Reference getter for the value of the ith variable. Transforms non-finite values to finite value.
Definition: VarSet.h:130
A two dimensional vector which is equipped with functions for correct handeling of orientation relat...
Definition: Vector2D.h:35
double angleWith(const Vector2D &rhs) const
The angle between this and rhs.
Definition: Vector2D.h:209
A three dimensional vector.
Definition: Vector3D.h:33
const Vector2D & xy() const
Getter for the xy projected vector ( reference ! )
Definition: Vector3D.h:508
double z() const
Getter for the z coordinate.
Definition: Vector3D.h:496
A three dimensional limited line represented by its closest approach to the z-axes (reference positio...
Definition: WireLine.h:31
double outOfZBoundsFactor(double z) const
Returns the amount how much the given z position is outside the bounds in units of the wire length.
Definition: WireLine.h:142
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
static double normalised(const double angle)
Normalise an angle to lie in the range from [-pi, pi].
Definition: Angle.h:33