Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * External Contributor: Wouter Hulsbergen *
5  * *
6  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
7  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
8  **************************************************************************/
10 #include <analysis/dataobjects/Particle.h>
12 #include <analysis/VertexFitting/TreeFitter/InternalParticle.h>
13 #include <analysis/VertexFitting/TreeFitter/FitParams.h>
14 #include <analysis/VertexFitting/TreeFitter/HelixUtils.h>
15 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
16 #include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
17 #include <mdst/dataobjects/V0.h>
19 using std::vector;
21 namespace TreeFitter {
23  inline bool sortByType(const ParticleBase* lhs, const ParticleBase* rhs)
24  {
25  int lhstype = lhs->type() ;
26  int rhstype = rhs->type() ;
27  bool rc = false ;
28  if (lhstype == rhstype &&
29  lhstype == ParticleBase::TFParticleType::kRecoTrack) {
31  rc = lhs->particle()->getMomentum().Rho() > rhs->particle()->getMomentum().Rho();
32  } else if (lhs->particle() && rhs->particle() && lhs->particle()->getNDaughters() > 0 &&
33  rhs->particle()->getNDaughters() > 0) {
34  rc = lhs->nFinalChargedCandidates() > rhs->nFinalChargedCandidates();
35  } else {
36  rc = lhstype < rhstype;
37  }
38  return rc;
39  }
42  const ParticleBase* mother,
43  const ConstraintConfiguration& config,
44  bool forceFitAll
45  ) :
46  ParticleBase(particle, mother, &config),// config pointer here to allow final states not to have it
47  m_massconstraint(false),
48  m_beamconstraint(false),
49  m_lifetimeconstraint(false),
50  m_isconversion(false),
51  m_automatic_vertex_constraining(config.m_automatic_vertex_constraining)
52  {
53  if (particle) {
54  for (auto daughter : particle->getDaughters()) {
55  addDaughter(daughter, config, forceFitAll);
56  }
57  } else {
58  B2ERROR("Trying to create an InternalParticle from NULL. This should never happen.");
59  }
61  m_massconstraint = std::find(config.m_massConstraintListPDG.begin(), config.m_massConstraintListPDG.end(),
62  std::abs(m_particle->getPDGCode())) != config.m_massConstraintListPDG.end();
64  m_beamconstraint = (std::abs(m_particle->getPDGCode()) == config.m_beamConstraintPDG);
67  // if this is a hadronically decaying resonance it is useful to constraint the decay vertex to its mothers decay vertex.
68  //
69  m_shares_vertex_with_mother = std::find(config.m_fixedToMotherVertexListPDG.begin(),
70  config.m_fixedToMotherVertexListPDG.end(),
71  std::abs(m_particle->getPDGCode())) != config.m_fixedToMotherVertexListPDG.end() && this->mother();
73  // use geo constraint if this particle is in the list to constrain
74  m_geo_constraint = std::find(config.m_geoConstraintListPDG.begin(),
75  config.m_geoConstraintListPDG.end(),
76  std::abs(m_particle->getPDGCode())) != config.m_geoConstraintListPDG.end() && this->mother() && !m_shares_vertex_with_mother;
77  } else {
80  }
81  }
84  {
86  return lhs->particle()->getMomentum().Rho() > rhs->particle()->getMomentum().Rho();
87  }
90  {
91  ErrCode status ;
92  for (auto daughter : m_daughters) {
93  status |= daughter->initMotherlessParticle(fitparams);
94  }
96  int posindex = posIndex();
97  // FIXME update this and check if this position is already initialised
98  // lower stream vertices might be better
99  if (hasPosition()) {
100  fitparams.getStateVector().segment(posindex, 3) = Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1>::Zero(3);
102  std::vector<ParticleBase*> alldaughters;
103  ParticleBase::collectVertexDaughters(alldaughters, posindex);
105  std::vector<ParticleBase*> vtxdaughters;
107  vector<RecoTrack*> trkdaughters;
108  for (auto daughter : alldaughters) {
109  if (daughter->type() == ParticleBase::TFParticleType::kRecoTrack) {
110  trkdaughters.push_back(static_cast<RecoTrack*>(daughter));
111  } else if (daughter->hasPosition()
112  && fitparams.getStateVector()(daughter->posIndex()) != 0) {
113  vtxdaughters.push_back(daughter);
114  }
115  }
117  if (trkdaughters.size() >= 2) {
119  auto v0 = particle()->getV0();
120  auto dummy_vertex = ROOT::Math::XYZVector(0, 0, 0);
122  bool initWithV0 = false;
123  if (v0 && v0->getFittedVertexPosition() != dummy_vertex) {
124  auto part_dau1 = particle()->getDaughter(0);
125  auto part_dau2 = particle()->getDaughter(1);
127  auto recotrack_dau1 = std::find_if(trkdaughters.begin(), trkdaughters.end(),
128  [&part_dau1](RecoTrack * rt) { return rt->particle()->getMdstArrayIndex() == part_dau1->getMdstArrayIndex(); });
129  auto recotrack_dau2 = std::find_if(trkdaughters.begin(), trkdaughters.end(),
130  [&part_dau2](RecoTrack * rt) { return rt->particle()->getMdstArrayIndex() == part_dau2->getMdstArrayIndex(); });
132  if (recotrack_dau1 == trkdaughters.end() || recotrack_dau2 == trkdaughters.end()) {
133  B2WARNING("V0 daughter particles do not match with RecoTracks.");
134  } else {
135  double X_V0(v0->getFittedVertexX()), Y_V0(v0->getFittedVertexY()), Z_V0(v0->getFittedVertexZ());
136  fitparams.getStateVector()(posindex) = X_V0;
137  fitparams.getStateVector()(posindex + 1) = Y_V0;
138  fitparams.getStateVector()(posindex + 2) = Z_V0;
140  Belle2::Helix helix1 = v0->getTrackFitResults().first->getHelix();
141  Belle2::Helix helix2 = v0->getTrackFitResults().second->getHelix();
143  (*recotrack_dau1)->setFlightLength(helix1.getArcLength2DAtXY(X_V0, Y_V0));
144  (*recotrack_dau2)->setFlightLength(helix2.getArcLength2DAtXY(X_V0, Y_V0));
146  initWithV0 = true;
147  }
148  }
150  if (!initWithV0) {
151  std::sort(trkdaughters.begin(), trkdaughters.end(), compTrkTransverseMomentum);
153  RecoTrack* dau1 = trkdaughters[0];
154  RecoTrack* dau2 = trkdaughters[1];
156  Belle2::Helix helix1 = dau1->particle()->getTrackFitResult()->getHelix();
157  Belle2::Helix helix2 = dau2->particle()->getTrackFitResult()->getHelix();
159  double flt1(0), flt2(0);
161  HelixUtils::helixPoca(helix1, helix2, flt1, flt2, v, m_isconversion);
163  fitparams.getStateVector()(posindex) = v.X();
164  fitparams.getStateVector()(posindex + 1) = v.Y();
165  fitparams.getStateVector()(posindex + 2) = v.Z();
167  dau1->setFlightLength(flt1);
168  dau2->setFlightLength(flt2);
169  }
171  } else if (false && trkdaughters.size() + vtxdaughters.size() >= 2) {
172  // TODO switched off waiting for refactoring of init1 and init2 functions (does not affect performance)
173  } else if (mother() && mother()->posIndex() >= 0) {
174  const int posindexmother = mother()->posIndex();
175  const int dim = m_config->m_originDimension; //TODO access mother
176  fitparams.getStateVector().segment(posindex, dim) = fitparams.getStateVector().segment(posindexmother, dim);
177  } else {
179  fitparams.getStateVector().segment(posindex, 3) = Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 3>::Zero(3);
180  }
181  }
183  for (auto daughter : m_daughters) {
184  daughter->initParticleWithMother(fitparams);
185  }
187  initMomentum(fitparams);
188  return status;
189  }
192  {
193  int posindex = posIndex();
194  if (hasPosition() &&
195  mother() &&
196  fitparams.getStateVector()(posindex) == 0 &&
197  fitparams.getStateVector()(posindex + 1) == 0 && \
198  fitparams.getStateVector()(posindex + 2) == 0) {
199  const int posindexmom = mother()->posIndex();
200  const int dim = m_config->m_originDimension; //TODO access mother?
201  fitparams.getStateVector().segment(posindex, dim) = fitparams.getStateVector().segment(posindexmom, dim);
202  }
203  return initTau(fitparams);
204  }
207  {
208  int momindex = momIndex();
209  fitparams.getStateVector().segment(momindex, 4) = Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 1>::Zero(4);
211  for (auto daughter : m_daughters) {
212  int daumomindex = daughter->momIndex();
213  int maxrow = daughter->hasEnergy() ? 4 : 3;
215  double e2 = fitparams.getStateVector().segment(daumomindex, maxrow).squaredNorm();
216  fitparams.getStateVector().segment(momindex, maxrow) += fitparams.getStateVector().segment(daumomindex, maxrow);
218  if (maxrow == 3) {
219  double mass = daughter->particle()->getPDGMass();
220  fitparams.getStateVector()(momindex + 3) += std::sqrt(e2 + mass * mass);
221  }
222  }
223  return ErrCode(ErrCode::Status::success);
224  }
227  {
228  ErrCode status;
229  ParticleBase::initCovariance(fitparams);
230  for (auto daughter : m_daughters) {
231  status |= daughter->initCovariance(fitparams);
232  }
233  return status;
234  }
238  Projection& p) const
239  {
240  const int momindex = momIndex();
242  // `this` always has an energy row
243  p.getResiduals().segment(0, 4) = fitparams.getStateVector().segment(momindex, 4);
245  for (int imom = 0; imom < 4; ++imom) {
246  p.getH()(imom, momindex + imom) = 1;
247  }
249  for (const auto daughter : m_daughters) {
250  const int daumomindex = daughter->momIndex();
251  const Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 3> p3_vec = fitparams.getStateVector().segment(daumomindex, 3);
253  // three momentum is easy just subtract the vectors
254  p.getResiduals().segment(0, 3) -= p3_vec;
256  // energy depends on the parametrisation!
257  if (daughter->hasEnergy()) {
258  p.getResiduals()(3) -= fitparams.getStateVector()(daumomindex + 3);
259  p.getH()(3, daumomindex + 3) = -1; // d/dE -E
260  } else {
261  // m^2 + p^2 = E^2
262  // so
263  // E = sqrt(m^2 + p^2)
264  const double mass = daughter->particle()->getPDGMass();
265  const double p2 = p3_vec.squaredNorm();
266  const double energy = std::sqrt(mass * mass + p2);
267  p.getResiduals()(3) -= energy;
269  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
270  // d/dpx_i sqrt(m^2 + p^2)
271  p.getH()(3, daumomindex + i) = -1 * p3_vec(i) / energy;
272  }
273  }
275  // this has to be in any case
276  // d/dp_i p_i
277  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
278  p.getH()(i, daumomindex + i) = -1;
279  }
280  }
281  return ErrCode(ErrCode::Status::success);
282  }
286  Projection& p) const
287  {
289  const int momindex = momIndex() ;
291  const Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 1> fitMomE = fitparams.getStateVector().segment(momindex, 4);
293  p.getResiduals() = m_config->m_beamMomE - fitMomE;
295  for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {
296  p.getH()(row, momindex + row) = -1;
297  }
299  p.getV() = m_config->m_beamCovariance;
301  return ErrCode(ErrCode::Status::success) ;
302  }
306  const FitParams& fitparams,
307  Projection& p) const
308  {
309  ErrCode status;
310  switch (type) {
311  case Constraint::mass:
312  status |= projectMassConstraint(fitparams, p);
313  break;
314  case Constraint::geometric:
315  status |= projectGeoConstraint(fitparams, p);
316  break;
317  case Constraint::kinematic:
318  status |= projectKineConstraint(fitparams, p);
319  break;
320  case Constraint::beam:
321  status |= projectBeamConstraint(fitparams, p);
322  break;
323  default:
324  status |= ParticleBase::projectConstraint(type, fitparams, p);
325  }
327  return status;
328  }
331  {
332  // for example B0 and D* can share the same vertex
333  return m_shares_vertex_with_mother ? this->mother()->posIndex() : index();
334  }
337  {
338  // { x, y, z, tau, px, py, pz, E }
339  // the last 4 always exists for composite particles
340  // tau index only exist with a vertex and geo constraint
341  //
342  if (m_shares_vertex_with_mother) { return 4; }
343  else if (!m_geo_constraint) { return 7; }
344  else { return 8; }
345  }
348  {
350  return m_geo_constraint ? index() + 3 : -1;
351  }
354  {
359  if (m_geo_constraint && !m_shares_vertex_with_mother) { return this->index() + 4; }
361  if (m_shares_vertex_with_mother) { return this->index(); }
363  if (!m_geo_constraint) {return index() + 3 ;}
365  // this will crash the initialisation
366  return -1;
367  }
370  {
371  // does this particle have a position index (decayvertex)
372  // true in any case
373  return true;
374  }
377  int depth) const
378  {
380  for (auto daughter : m_daughters) {
381  daughter->addToConstraintList(list, depth - 1);
382  }
383  if (tauIndex() >= 0 && m_lifetimeconstraint) {
384  list.push_back(Constraint(this, Constraint::lifetime, depth, 1));
385  }
386  if (momIndex() >= 0) {
387  list.push_back(Constraint(this, Constraint::kinematic, depth, 4, 3));
388  }
389  if (m_geo_constraint) {
390  assert(m_config);
391  const int dim = m_config->m_originDimension == 2 && std::abs(m_particle->getPDGCode()) == m_config->m_headOfTreePDG ? 2 : 3;
392  list.push_back(Constraint(this, Constraint::geometric, depth, dim, 3));
393  }
394  if (m_massconstraint) {
395  list.push_back(Constraint(this, Constraint::mass, depth, 1, 3));
396  }
397  if (m_beamconstraint) {
398  assert(m_config);
399  list.push_back(Constraint(this, Constraint::beam, depth, 4, 3));
400  }
402  }
404  std::string InternalParticle::parname(int thisindex) const
405  {
406  int id = thisindex;
407  if (!mother() && id >= 3) {++id;}
408  return ParticleBase::parname(id);
409  }
412  {
413  for (const auto daughter : m_daughters) {
414  daughter->forceP4Sum(fitparams);
415  }
416  const int momindex = momIndex();
417  if (momindex > 0) {
418  const int dim = hasEnergy() ? 4 : 3;
419  Projection p(fitparams.getDimensionOfState(), dim);
420  projectKineConstraint(fitparams, p);
421  fitparams.getStateVector().segment(momindex, dim) -= p.getResiduals().segment(0, dim);
422  }
423  }
425 }
DataType Z() const
access variable Z (= .at(2) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:435
DataType X() const
access variable X (= .at(0) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:431
DataType Y() const
access variable Y (= .at(1) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:433
Helix parameter class.
Definition: Helix.h:48
Class to store reconstructed particles.
Definition: Particle.h:75
const V0 * getV0() const
Returns the pointer to the V0 object that was used to create this Particle (if ParticleType == c_V0).
int getPDGCode(void) const
Returns PDG code.
Definition: Particle.h:426
std::vector< Belle2::Particle * > getDaughters() const
Returns a vector of pointers to daughter particles.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentum() const
Returns momentum vector.
Definition: Particle.h:526
const TrackFitResult * getTrackFitResult() const
Returns the pointer to the TrackFitResult that was used to create this Particle (ParticleType == c_Tr...
const Particle * getDaughter(unsigned i) const
Returns a pointer to the i-th daughter particle.
Helix getHelix() const
Conversion to framework Helix (without covariance).
const int m_originDimension
dimension of the origin constraint and ALL geometric gcosntraints
Eigen::Matrix< double, 4, 1 > m_beamMomE
Beam four-momentum.
int m_headOfTreePDG
PDG code of the head particle.
Eigen::Matrix< double, 4, 4 > m_beamCovariance
Beam Covariance.
class to manage the order of constraints and their filtering
Definition: Constraint.h:20
type of constraints the order of these constraints is important: it is the order in which they are ap...
Definition: Constraint.h:27
abstract errorocode be aware that the default is success
Definition: ErrCode.h:14
Class to store and manage fitparams (statevector)
Definition: FitParams.h:20
Eigen::Matrix< double, -1, 1, 0, MAX_MATRIX_SIZE, 1 > & getStateVector()
getter for the fit parameters/statevector
Definition: FitParams.h:65
int getDimensionOfState() const
get the states dimension
Definition: FitParams.h:80
static double helixPoca(const Belle2::Helix &helix1, const Belle2::Helix &helix2, double &flt1, double &flt2, Belle2::B2Vector3D &vertex, bool parallel=false)
POCA between two tracks.
virtual void forceP4Sum(FitParams &) const override
enforce conservation of momentum sum
virtual int tauIndex() const override
tau index in fit params only if it has a mother
bool m_isconversion
is conversion
virtual std::string parname(int index) const override
ErrCode projectKineConstraint(const FitParams &, Projection &) const
project kinematical constraint
virtual int dim() const override
space reserved in fit params, if has mother then it has tau
bool m_beamconstraint
has beam constraint
bool m_massconstraint
has mass constraint
ErrCode projectBeamConstraint(const FitParams &, Projection &) const
project beam four momentum constraint
virtual ErrCode initCovariance(FitParams &) const override
init covariance
virtual int type() const override
bool m_automatic_vertex_constraining
automatically figure out if mother and particle vertex should be the same and also add geometric cons...
virtual bool hasEnergy() const override
has energy in fitparams
virtual bool hasPosition() const override
has position index
ErrCode projectConstraint(const Constraint::Type type, const FitParams &fitparams, Projection &p) const override
find out which constraint it is and project
virtual ErrCode initParticleWithMother(FitParams &fitparams) override
init particle in case it has a mother
virtual int momIndex() const override
momentum index in fit params depending on whether it has a mother
ErrCode initMomentum(FitParams &fitparams) const
init momentum of *this and daughters
virtual void addToConstraintList(constraintlist &list, int depth) const override
add to constraint list
virtual ErrCode initMotherlessParticle(FitParams &fitparams) override
init particle in case it has no mother
static bool compTrkTransverseMomentum(const RecoTrack *lhs, const RecoTrack *rhs)
compare transverse track momentum
virtual int posIndex() const override
position index in fit params
InternalParticle(Belle2::Particle *particle, const ParticleBase *mother, const ConstraintConfiguration &config, bool forceFitAll)
bool m_lifetimeconstraint
has lifetime constraint
bool m_geo_constraint
use a geo metric constraint
bool m_shares_vertex_with_mother
shares vertex with mother, that means decay vertex = productionvertex
base class for all particles
Definition: ParticleBase.h:25
Belle2::Particle * particle() const
get basf2 particle
Definition: ParticleBase.h:92
ErrCode initTau(FitParams &par) const
initialises tau as a length
virtual ParticleBase * addDaughter(Belle2::Particle *, const ConstraintConfiguration &config, bool forceFitAll=false)
add daughter
virtual ErrCode projectMassConstraint(const FitParams &, Projection &) const
project mass constraint abstract
const ConstraintConfiguration * m_config
has all the constraint config
Definition: ParticleBase.h:204
virtual std::string parname(int index) const
get name of parameter i
virtual ErrCode projectConstraint(Constraint::Type, const FitParams &, Projection &) const
project constraint.
bool m_isStronglyDecayingResonance
decay length less than 1 micron
Definition: ParticleBase.h:201
virtual ErrCode initCovariance(FitParams &) const
init covariance matrix
Belle2::Particle * m_particle
pointer to framework type
Definition: ParticleBase.h:192
virtual ErrCode projectGeoConstraint(const FitParams &, Projection &) const
project geometrical constraint
virtual int posIndex() const
get vertex index (in statevector!)
Definition: ParticleBase.h:122
int index() const
get index
Definition: ParticleBase.h:95
std::vector< ParticleBase * > m_daughters
daughter container
Definition: ParticleBase.h:198
void collectVertexDaughters(std::vector< ParticleBase * > &particles, int posindex)
get vertex daughters
std::vector< Constraint > constraintlist
Definition: ParticleBase.h:52
const ParticleBase * mother() const
getMother() / hasMother()
Definition: ParticleBase.h:98
class to store the projected residuals and the corresponding jacobian as well as the covariance matri...
Definition: Projection.h:18
representation of all charged final states FIXME rename since this name is taken in tracking
Definition: RecoTrack.h:18
void setFlightLength(double flt)
setter for the flight length
Definition: RecoTrack.h:64
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28