Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /* Own header. */
10 #include <klm/modules/KLMDQM/KLMDQMModule.h>
12 /* KLM headers. */
13 #include <klm/dataobjects/KLMChannelIndex.h>
14 #include <klm/dataobjects/KLMDigitRaw.h>
16 /* ROOT headers. */
17 #include <TDirectory.h>
19 using namespace Belle2;
24  HistoModule(),
25  m_DAQInclusion{nullptr},
26  m_TimeRPC{nullptr},
27  m_TimeScintillatorBKLM{nullptr},
28  m_TimeScintillatorEKLM{nullptr},
29  m_PlaneBKLMPhi{nullptr},
30  m_PlaneBKLMZ{nullptr},
31  m_PlaneEKLM{nullptr},
32  m_MaskedChannelsPerSector{nullptr},
33  m_DigitsKLM{nullptr},
34  m_DigitsRPC{nullptr},
35  m_DigitsScintillatorBKLM{nullptr},
36  m_DigitsScintillatorEKLM{nullptr},
37  m_DigitsMultiStripBKLM{nullptr},
38  m_DigitsMultiStripEKLM{nullptr},
39  m_TriggerBitsBKLM{nullptr},
40  m_TriggerBitsEKLM{nullptr},
41  m_DigitsAfterLERInj{nullptr},
42  m_TriggersLERInj{nullptr},
43  m_DigitsAfterHERInj{nullptr},
44  m_TriggersHERInj{nullptr},
45  m_ChannelArrayIndex{&(KLMChannelArrayIndex::Instance())},
46  m_SectorArrayIndex{&(KLMSectorArrayIndex::Instance())},
47  m_ElementNumbers{&(KLMElementNumbers::Instance())},
48  m_eklmElementNumbers{&(EKLMElementNumbers::Instance())}
49 {
50  setDescription("KLM data quality monitor.");
52  addParam("histogramDirectoryName", m_HistogramDirectoryName,
53  "Directory for KLM DQM histograms in ROOT file.",
54  std::string("KLM"));
55  addParam("RPCTimeMin", m_RPCTimeMin,
56  "Min time for RPC time histogram.", double(-1223.5));
57  addParam("RPCTimeMax", m_RPCTimeMax,
58  "Max time for RPC time histogram.", double(-199.5));
59  addParam("BKLMScintTimeMin", m_BKLMScintTimeMin,
60  "Min time for BKLM scintillator time histogram.", double(-5300));
61  addParam("BKLMScintTimeMax", m_BKLMScintTimeMax,
62  "Max time for BKLM scintillator time histogram.", double(-4300));
63  addParam("EKLMScintTimeMin", m_EKLMScintTimeMin,
64  "Min time for EKLM scintillator time histogram.", double(-5300));
65  addParam("EKLMScintTimeMax", m_EKLMScintTimeMax,
66  "Max time for EKLM scintillator time histogram.", double(-4300));
67 }
70 {
72  for (KLMChannelIndex& klmSector : klmIndex) {
73  KLMSectorNumber sector = klmSector.getKLMSectorNumber();
74  KLMSectorNumber sectorIndex = m_SectorArrayIndex->getIndex(sector);
75  if (m_ChannelHits[sectorIndex] != nullptr)
76  delete[] m_ChannelHits[sectorIndex];
77  }
79  for (KLMChannelIndex& klmSection : klmIndex) {
80  KLMSubdetectorNumber subdetector = klmSection.getSubdetector();
81  if (subdetector == KLMElementNumbers::c_EKLM) {
82  KLMSectionNumber section = klmSection.getSection();
83  if (m_Spatial2DHitsEKLM[section - 1] != nullptr)
84  delete[] m_Spatial2DHitsEKLM[section - 1];
85  }
86  }
87 }
90 {
91  TDirectory* oldDirectory, *newDirectory;
92  oldDirectory = gDirectory;
93  newDirectory = oldDirectory->mkdir(m_HistogramDirectoryName.c_str());
94  newDirectory->cd();
95  /* DAQ inclusion. */
96  m_DAQInclusion = new TH1F("daq_inclusion", "Is KLM included in DAQ?", 2, 0.0, 2.0);
97  m_DAQInclusion->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "No");
98  m_DAQInclusion->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "Yes");
99  /* Time histograms. */
100  m_TimeRPC = new TH1F("time_rpc", "RPC hit time", 128, m_RPCTimeMin, m_RPCTimeMax);
101  m_TimeRPC->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time, ns");
103  new TH1F("time_scintillator_bklm", "Scintillator hit time (BKLM)",
105  m_TimeScintillatorBKLM->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time, ns");
107  new TH1F("time_scintillator_eklm", "Scintillator hit time (EKLM)",
109  m_TimeScintillatorEKLM->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time, ns");
110  /* Number of hits per plane. */
111  m_PlaneBKLMPhi = new TH1F("plane_bklm_phi",
112  "BKLM plane occupancy (#phi readout)",
113  240, 0.5, 240.5);
114  m_PlaneBKLMPhi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Layer number");
115  m_PlaneBKLMZ = new TH1F("plane_bklm_z",
116  "BKLM plane occupancy (z readout)",
117  240, 0.5, 240.5);
118  m_PlaneBKLMZ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Layer number");
119  m_PlaneEKLM = new TH1F("plane_eklm", "EKLM plane occupancy (both readouts)", 208, 0.5, 208.5);
120  m_PlaneEKLM->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Plane number");
121  /* Number of hits per channel. */
122  int nChannelHistograms =
127  KLMChannelNumber* firstChannelNumbers =
128  new KLMChannelNumber[nChannelHistograms + 1];
129  int i = 0;
131  for (KLMChannelIndex& klmSector : klmIndex) {
132  KLMChannelIndex klmChannel(klmSector);
134  KLMChannelNumber channel = klmChannel.getKLMChannelNumber();
135  firstChannelNumbers[i] = m_ChannelArrayIndex->getIndex(channel);
136  if (klmSector.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM) {
138  klmChannel.getSection(), klmChannel.getSector(), 8, 0, 1);
139  firstChannelNumbers[i + 1] = m_ChannelArrayIndex->getIndex(channel);
140  i += 2;
141  } else {
142  int layerIncrease = (klmSector.getSection() == 1) ? 4 : 5;
144  klmChannel.getSection(), klmChannel.getSector(),
145  1 + layerIncrease, 1, 1);
146  firstChannelNumbers[i + 1] = m_ChannelArrayIndex->getIndex(channel);
148  klmChannel.getSection(), klmChannel.getSector(),
149  1 + layerIncrease * 2, 1, 1);
150  firstChannelNumbers[i + 2] = m_ChannelArrayIndex->getIndex(channel);
151  i += 3;
152  }
153  }
154  firstChannelNumbers[nChannelHistograms] = m_ChannelArrayIndex->getNElements();
155  i = 0;
157  for (KLMChannelIndex& klmSector : klmIndex) {
158  int nHistograms;
159  if (klmSector.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM)
160  nHistograms = m_ChannelHitHistogramsBKLM;
161  else
162  nHistograms = m_ChannelHitHistogramsEKLM;
163  KLMSectorNumber sector = klmSector.getKLMSectorNumber();
164  KLMSectorNumber sectorIndex = m_SectorArrayIndex->getIndex(sector);
165  m_ChannelHits[sectorIndex] = new TH1F*[nHistograms];
166  for (int j = 0; j < nHistograms; j++) {
167  std::string name =
168  "strip_hits_subdetector_" + std::to_string(klmSector.getSubdetector()) +
169  "_section_" + std::to_string(klmSector.getSection()) +
170  "_sector_" + std::to_string(klmSector.getSector()) +
171  "_" + std::to_string(j);
172  std::string title = "Sector " + std::to_string(klmSector.getSector()) + " -- " +
173  m_ElementNumbers->getSectorDAQName(klmSector.getSubdetector(), klmSector.getSection(), klmSector.getSector());
174  m_ChannelHits[sectorIndex][j] = new TH1F(
175  name.c_str(), title.c_str(),
176  firstChannelNumbers[i + 1] - firstChannelNumbers[i],
177  firstChannelNumbers[i] - 0.5, firstChannelNumbers[i + 1] - 0.5);
178  i++;
179  }
180  }
181  delete[] firstChannelNumbers;
182  /* Masked channels per sector:
183  * it is defined here, but filled by the analysis module. */
185  m_MaskedChannelsPerSector = new TH1F("masked_channels", "Number of masked channels per sector",
186  totalSectors, -0.5, totalSectors - 0.5);
188  for (KLMChannelIndex& klmSector : klmIndex) {
189  std::string label = m_ElementNumbers->getSectorDAQName(klmSector.getSubdetector(), klmSector.getSection(), klmSector.getSector());
190  KLMSectorNumber sector = klmSector.getKLMSectorNumber();
191  KLMSectorNumber sectorIndex = m_SectorArrayIndex->getIndex(sector);
192  m_MaskedChannelsPerSector->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(sectorIndex + 1, label.c_str());
193  }
194  /* Number of digits. */
195  m_DigitsKLM = new TH1F("digits_klm", "Number of KLM digits",
196  250.0, 0.0, 250.0);
197  m_DigitsKLM->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of digits");
198  m_DigitsRPC = new TH1F("digits_rpc", "Number of RPC digits",
199  250.0, 0.0, 250.0);
200  m_DigitsRPC->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of digits");
201  m_DigitsScintillatorBKLM = new TH1F("digits_scintillator_bklm", "Number of scintillator digits (BKLM)",
202  250.0, 0.0, 250.0);
203  m_DigitsScintillatorBKLM->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of digits");
204  m_DigitsScintillatorEKLM = new TH1F("digits_scintillator_eklm", "Number of scintillator digits (EKLM)",
205  250.0, 0.0, 250.0);
206  m_DigitsScintillatorEKLM->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of digits");
207  m_DigitsMultiStripBKLM = new TH1F("digits_multi_bklm", "Number of multi-strip digits (BKLM)",
208  50.0, 0.0, 50.0);
209  m_DigitsMultiStripBKLM->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of multi-strip digits");
210  m_DigitsMultiStripEKLM = new TH1F("digits_multi_eklm", "Number of multi-strip digits (EKLM)",
211  50.0, 0.0, 50.0);
212  m_DigitsMultiStripEKLM->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of multi-strip digits");
213  /* Trigger bits. */
214  m_TriggerBitsBKLM = new TH1F("trigger_bits_bklm", "Trigger bits of multi-strip digits (BKLM)",
215  (double)c_0x1, (double)c_0x8, (double)c_0x1 + 1.0);
216  m_TriggerBitsBKLM->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(c_0x8, "0x8");
217  m_TriggerBitsBKLM->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(c_0x4, "0x4");
218  m_TriggerBitsBKLM->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(c_0x2, "0x2");
219  m_TriggerBitsBKLM->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(c_0x1, "0x1");
220  m_TriggerBitsEKLM = new TH1F("trigger_bits_eklm", "Trigger bits of multi-strip digits (EKLM)",
221  (double)c_0x1, (double)c_0x8, (double)c_0x1 + 1.0);
222  m_TriggerBitsEKLM->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(c_0x8, "0x8");
223  m_TriggerBitsEKLM->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(c_0x4, "0x4");
224  m_TriggerBitsEKLM->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(c_0x2, "0x2");
225  m_TriggerBitsEKLM->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(c_0x1, "0x1");
226  /* Number of digits after injection */
227  /* For the histograms below, we use the same style as for other subdetectors. */
228  m_DigitsAfterLERInj = new TH1F("KLMOccInjLER", "KLM digits after LER injection / Time;Time [#mus];Number of KLM digits / (5 #mus)",
229  4000, 0, 20000);
230  m_TriggersLERInj = new TH1F("KLMTrigInjLER", "Triggers after KER injection / Time;Time [#mus];Number of triggers / (5 #mus)",
231  4000, 0, 20000);
232  m_DigitsAfterHERInj = new TH1F("KLMOccInjHER", "KLM digits after HER injection / Time;Time [#mus];Number of KLM digits / (5 #mus)",
233  4000, 0, 20000);
234  m_TriggersHERInj = new TH1F("KLMTrigInjHER", "Triggers after HER injection / Time;Time [#mus];Number of triggers / (5 #mus)",
235  4000, 0, 20000);
236  /* Spatial distribution of EKLM 2d hits per layer. */
238  for (KLMChannelIndex& klmSection : klmIndex) {
239  KLMSubdetectorNumber subdetector = klmSection.getSubdetector();
240  if (subdetector == KLMElementNumbers::c_EKLM) {
241  KLMSectionNumber section = klmSection.getSection();
242  int maximalLayerNumber = m_eklmElementNumbers->getMaximalDetectorLayerNumber(section);
243  m_Spatial2DHitsEKLM[section - 1] = new TH2F*[maximalLayerNumber];
244  std::string sectionName = (section == EKLMElementNumbers::c_ForwardSection) ? "Forward" : "Backward";
245  for (int j = 1; j <= maximalLayerNumber; ++j) {
246  std::string name = "spatial_2d_hits_subdetector_" + std::to_string(subdetector) +
247  "_section_" + std::to_string(section) +
248  "_layer_" + std::to_string(j);
249  std::string title = "Endcap " + sectionName + " , Layer " + std::to_string(j);
250  /* Use bins with a size of 10 cm per side. */
251  m_Spatial2DHitsEKLM[section - 1][j - 1] = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(),
252  340 * 2 / 10, -340, 340,
253  340 * 2 / 10, -340, 340);
254  m_Spatial2DHitsEKLM[section - 1][j - 1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X coordinate [cm]");
255  m_Spatial2DHitsEKLM[section - 1][j - 1]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y coordinate [cm]");
256  }
257  }
258  }
259  oldDirectory->cd();
260 }
263 {
265  m_RawFtsws.isOptional();
266  m_RawKlms.isOptional();
267  m_Digits.isOptional();
268  m_BklmHit1ds.isOptional();
269  m_Hit2ds.isOptional();
270 }
273 {
274  /* DAQ inclusion. */
275  m_DAQInclusion->Reset();
276  if (m_RawKlms.isValid())
277  m_DAQInclusion->Fill("Yes", 1);
278  else
279  m_DAQInclusion->Fill("No", 1);
280  /* Time. */
281  m_TimeRPC->Reset();
282  m_TimeScintillatorBKLM->Reset();
283  m_TimeScintillatorEKLM->Reset();
284  /* Plane hits. */
285  m_PlaneEKLM->Reset();
286  m_PlaneBKLMPhi->Reset();
287  m_PlaneBKLMZ->Reset();
288  /* Channel hits. */
290  for (KLMChannelIndex& klmSector : klmIndex) {
291  int nHistograms;
292  if (klmSector.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM)
293  nHistograms = m_ChannelHitHistogramsBKLM;
294  else
295  nHistograms = m_ChannelHitHistogramsEKLM;
296  KLMSectorNumber sector = klmSector.getKLMSectorNumber();
297  KLMSectorNumber sectorIndex = m_SectorArrayIndex->getIndex(sector);
298  for (int j = 0; j < nHistograms; j++)
299  m_ChannelHits[sectorIndex][j]->Reset();
300  }
301  /* Digits. */
302  m_DigitsKLM->Reset();
303  m_DigitsRPC->Reset();
304  m_DigitsScintillatorBKLM->Reset();
305  m_DigitsScintillatorEKLM->Reset();
306  m_DigitsMultiStripBKLM->Reset();
307  m_DigitsMultiStripEKLM->Reset();
308  /* Trigger bits. */
309  m_TriggerBitsBKLM->Reset();
310  m_TriggerBitsEKLM->Reset();
311  /* Injection information. */
312  m_DigitsAfterLERInj->Reset();
313  m_TriggersLERInj->Reset();
314  m_DigitsAfterHERInj->Reset();
315  m_TriggersHERInj->Reset();
316  /* Spatial 2D hits distributions. */
318  for (KLMChannelIndex& klmSection : klmIndex) {
319  KLMSubdetectorNumber subdetector = klmSection.getSubdetector();
320  if (subdetector == KLMElementNumbers::c_EKLM) {
321  KLMSectionNumber section = klmSection.getSection();
322  int maximalLayerNumber =
324  for (int j = 1; j <= maximalLayerNumber; ++j)
325  m_Spatial2DHitsEKLM[section - 1][j - 1]->Reset();
326  }
327  }
328 }
331 {
332  int nDigits = m_Digits.getEntries();
333  int nDigitsRPC = 0, nDigitsScintillatorBKLM = 0, nDigitsScintillatorEKLM = 0;
334  int nDigitsMultiStripBKLM = 0, nDigitsMultiStripEKLM = 0;
335  for (const KLMDigit& digit : m_Digits) {
336  /*
337  * Reject digits that are below the threshold (such digits may appear
338  * for simulated events).
339  */
340  if (!digit.isGood())
341  continue;
342  if (digit.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_EKLM) {
343  nDigitsScintillatorEKLM++;
344  int section = digit.getSection();
345  int sector = digit.getSector();
346  int layer = digit.getLayer();
347  int plane = digit.getPlane();
348  int strip = digit.getStrip();
349  if (not digit.isMultiStrip()) {
350  KLMSectorNumber klmSector = m_ElementNumbers->sectorNumberEKLM(section, sector);
351  KLMSectorNumber klmSectorIndex = m_SectorArrayIndex->getIndex(klmSector);
352  KLMChannelNumber channel = m_ElementNumbers->channelNumberEKLM(section, sector, layer, plane, strip);
353  KLMChannelNumber channelIndex = m_ChannelArrayIndex->getIndex(channel);
354  for (int j = 0; j < m_ChannelHitHistogramsEKLM; j++) {
355  double xMin = m_ChannelHits[klmSectorIndex][j]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
356  double xMax = m_ChannelHits[klmSectorIndex][j]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
357  if ((xMin > channelIndex) || (xMax < channelIndex))
358  continue;
359  m_ChannelHits[klmSectorIndex][j]->Fill(channelIndex);
360  }
361  } else
362  nDigitsMultiStripEKLM++;
363  int planeGlobal = m_eklmElementNumbers->planeNumber(section, layer, sector, plane);
364  m_PlaneEKLM->Fill(planeGlobal);
365  m_TimeScintillatorEKLM->Fill(digit.getTime());
366  if (digit.isMultiStrip()) {
367  KLMDigitRaw* digitRaw = digit.getRelated<KLMDigitRaw>();
368  if (digitRaw) {
369  uint16_t triggerBits = digitRaw->getTriggerBits();
370  if ((triggerBits & 0x1) != 0)
371  m_TriggerBitsEKLM->Fill(c_0x1);
372  if ((triggerBits & 0x2) != 0)
373  m_TriggerBitsEKLM->Fill(c_0x2);
374  if ((triggerBits & 0x4) != 0)
375  m_TriggerBitsEKLM->Fill(c_0x4);
376  if ((triggerBits & 0x8) != 0)
377  m_TriggerBitsEKLM->Fill(c_0x8);
378  }
379  }
380  } else if (digit.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM) {
381  int section = digit.getSection();
382  int sector = digit.getSector();
383  int layer = digit.getLayer();
384  int plane = digit.getPlane();
385  int strip = digit.getStrip();
386  if (not digit.isMultiStrip()) {
387  KLMSectorNumber klmSector = m_ElementNumbers->sectorNumberBKLM(section, sector);
388  KLMSectorNumber klmSectorIndex = m_SectorArrayIndex->getIndex(klmSector);
389  KLMChannelNumber channel = m_ElementNumbers->channelNumberBKLM(section, sector, layer, plane, strip);
390  KLMChannelNumber channelIndex = m_ChannelArrayIndex->getIndex(channel);
391  for (int j = 0; j < m_ChannelHitHistogramsBKLM; j++) {
392  double xMin = m_ChannelHits[klmSectorIndex][j]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
393  double xMax = m_ChannelHits[klmSectorIndex][j]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
394  if ((xMin > channelIndex) || (xMax < channelIndex))
395  continue;
396  m_ChannelHits[klmSectorIndex][j]->Fill(channelIndex);
397  }
398  } else
399  nDigitsMultiStripBKLM++;
400  if (digit.inRPC()) {
401  nDigitsRPC++;
402  m_TimeRPC->Fill(digit.getTime());
403  } else {
404  nDigitsScintillatorBKLM++;
405  m_TimeScintillatorBKLM->Fill(digit.getTime());
406  }
407  if (digit.isMultiStrip()) {
408  KLMDigitRaw* digitRaw = digit.getRelated<KLMDigitRaw>();
409  if (digitRaw) {
410  uint16_t triggerBits = digitRaw->getTriggerBits();
411  if ((triggerBits & 0x1) != 0)
412  m_TriggerBitsBKLM->Fill(c_0x1);
413  if ((triggerBits & 0x2) != 0)
414  m_TriggerBitsBKLM->Fill(c_0x2);
415  if ((triggerBits & 0x4) != 0)
416  m_TriggerBitsBKLM->Fill(c_0x4);
417  if ((triggerBits & 0x8) != 0)
418  m_TriggerBitsBKLM->Fill(c_0x8);
419  }
420  }
421  } else
422  B2FATAL("Not a BKLM or a EKLM digit, something went really wrong.");
423  }
424  for (const BKLMHit1d& hit1d : m_BklmHit1ds) {
425  int section = hit1d.getSection();
426  int sector = hit1d.getSector();
427  int layer = hit1d.getLayer();
428  int layerGlobal = BKLMElementNumbers::layerGlobalNumber(
429  section, sector, layer);
430  if (hit1d.isPhiReadout())
431  m_PlaneBKLMPhi->Fill(layerGlobal);
432  else
433  m_PlaneBKLMZ->Fill(layerGlobal);
434  }
435  /* Digits. */
436  m_DigitsKLM->Fill((double)nDigits);
437  m_DigitsRPC->Fill((double)nDigitsRPC);
438  m_DigitsScintillatorBKLM->Fill((double)nDigitsScintillatorBKLM);
439  m_DigitsScintillatorEKLM->Fill((double)nDigitsScintillatorEKLM);
440  if (nDigitsMultiStripBKLM > 0)
441  m_DigitsMultiStripBKLM->Fill((double)nDigitsMultiStripBKLM);
442  if (nDigitsMultiStripEKLM > 0)
443  m_DigitsMultiStripEKLM->Fill((double)nDigitsMultiStripEKLM);
444  /* Injection information. */
445  for (RawFTSW& rawFtsw : m_RawFtsws) {
446  unsigned int difference = rawFtsw.GetTimeSinceLastInjection(0);
447  if (difference != 0x7FFFFFFF) {
448  /* 127 MHz clock ticks to us, inexact rounding. */
449  float differenceInUs = difference / 127.;
450  if (rawFtsw.GetIsHER(0)) {
451  m_DigitsAfterHERInj->Fill(differenceInUs, nDigits);
452  m_TriggersHERInj->Fill(differenceInUs);
453  } else {
454  m_DigitsAfterLERInj->Fill(differenceInUs, nDigits);
455  m_TriggersLERInj->Fill(differenceInUs);
456  }
457  }
458  /*
459  * Usually, only one RawFTSW object is stored per event.
460  * If there are more, ignore the others.
461  */
462  break;
463  }
464  /* Spatial 2D hits distributions. */
465  for (const KLMHit2d& hit2d : m_Hit2ds) {
466  if (hit2d.getSubdetector() != KLMElementNumbers::c_EKLM)
467  continue;
468  int section = hit2d.getSection();
469  int layer = hit2d.getLayer();
470  m_Spatial2DHitsEKLM[section - 1][layer - 1]->Fill(hit2d.getPositionX(), hit2d.getPositionY());
471  }
472 }
475 {
476 }
479 {
480 }
static constexpr int getMaximalSectorGlobalNumber()
Get maximal sector global number.
static int layerGlobalNumber(int section, int sector, int layer)
Get layer global number.
Store one reconstructed BKLM 1D hit as a ROOT object.
Definition: BKLMHit1d.h:30
EKLM element numbers.
int getMaximalDetectorLayerNumber(int section) const
Get maximal detector layer number.
int planeNumber(int section, int layer, int sector, int plane) const
Get plane number.
static constexpr int getMaximalSectorGlobalNumberKLMOrder()
Get maximal sector global number with KLM ordering (section, sector).
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Definition: HistoModule.h:29
KLM channel array index.
KLM channel index.
int getSection() const
Get section.
int getSector() const
Get sector.
KLMChannelNumber getKLMChannelNumber() const
Get KLM channel number.
void setIndexLevel(enum IndexLevel indexLevel)
Set index level.
double m_BKLMScintTimeMin
Min time for BKLM Scint.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:119
TH1F * m_DigitsMultiStripEKLM
Number of multi-strip digits: EKLM scintillators.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:178
StoreArray< RawFTSW > m_RawFtsws
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:214
const int m_ChannelHitHistogramsEKLM
Number of channel hit histograms per sector for EKLM.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:110
TH1F * m_PlaneBKLMPhi
Plane occupancy: BKLM, phi readout.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:146
TH1F * m_TriggerBitsBKLM
Trigger bits: BKLM scintillators.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:181
TH1F * m_TimeScintillatorEKLM
Time: EKLM scintillators.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:143
double m_RPCTimeMax
Max time for RPC.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:116
StoreArray< KLMDigit > m_Digits
KLM digits.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:220
double m_RPCTimeMin
Min time for RPC.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:113
void initialize() override
TH1F * m_DigitsScintillatorEKLM
Number of digits: EKLM scintillators.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:172
TH1F ** m_ChannelHits[EKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorGlobalNumberKLMOrder()+BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorGlobalNumber()]
Number of hits per channel.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:157
TH1F * m_TimeRPC
Time: BKLM RPCs.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:137
TH1F * m_DigitsKLM
Number of digits: whole KLM.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:163
void event() override
This method is called for each event.
const KLMElementNumbers * m_ElementNumbers
KLM element numbers.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:208
double m_EKLMScintTimeMax
Max time for EKLM Scint.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:128
const int m_ChannelHitHistogramsBKLM
Number of channel hit histograms per sector for BKLM.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:107
TH1F * m_TriggerBitsEKLM
Trigger bits: EKLM scintillators.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:184
void endRun() override
This method is called if the current run ends.
const EKLMElementNumbers * m_eklmElementNumbers
Element numbers.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:211
double m_BKLMScintTimeMax
Max time for BKLM Scint.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:122
void terminate() override
This method is called at the end of the event processing.
TH1F * m_PlaneBKLMZ
Plane occupancy: BKLM, z readout.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:149
TH1F * m_TimeScintillatorBKLM
Time: BKLM scintillators.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:140
TH1F * m_DigitsRPC
Number of digits: BKLM RPCs.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:166
TH1F * m_TriggersHERInj
Histogram to be used for normalization of occupancy after HER injection.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:196
void beginRun() override
Called when entering a new run.
TH1F * m_DigitsAfterHERInj
Number of KLM Digits after LER injection.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:193
TH1F * m_DigitsScintillatorBKLM
Number of digits: BKLM scintillators.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:169
TH1F * m_TriggersLERInj
Histogram to be used for normalization of occupancy after LER injection.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:190
TH1F * m_DigitsMultiStripBKLM
Number of multi-strip digits: BKLM scintillators.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:175
const KLMSectorArrayIndex * m_SectorArrayIndex
KLM sector array index.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:205
StoreArray< BKLMHit1d > m_BklmHit1ds
BKLM 1d hits.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:223
TH1F * m_DigitsAfterLERInj
Number of KLM Digits after LER injection.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:187
TH1F * m_DAQInclusion
KLM DAQ inclusion.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:134
StoreArray< RawKLM > m_RawKlms
Raw KLM.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:217
TH1F * m_PlaneEKLM
Plane occupancy: EKLM.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:152
TH2F ** m_Spatial2DHitsEKLM[EKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectionNumber()]
Spatial distribution of EKLM 2d hits per layer.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:199
TH1F * m_MaskedChannelsPerSector
Masked channels per sector.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:160
double m_EKLMScintTimeMin
Min time for EKLM Scint.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:125
const KLMChannelArrayIndex * m_ChannelArrayIndex
KLM channel array index.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:202
std::string m_HistogramDirectoryName
Directory for KLM DQM histograms in ROOT file.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:131
void defineHisto() override
Definition of the histograms.
StoreArray< KLMHit2d > m_Hit2ds
KLM 2d hits.
Definition: KLMDQMModule.h:226
Class to store the raw words from the unpacker, digit-by-digit.
Definition: KLMDigitRaw.h:29
uint16_t getTriggerBits()
Get trigger bits.
Definition: KLMDigitRaw.h:159
KLM digit (class representing a digitized hit in RPCs or scintillators).
Definition: KLMDigit.h:29
uint16_t getNElements() const
Get number of elements.
uint16_t getIndex(uint16_t number) const
Get element index.
KLM element numbers.
KLMSectorNumber sectorNumberEKLM(int section, int sector) const
Get sector number for EKLM.
KLMChannelNumber channelNumberBKLM(int section, int sector, int layer, int plane, int strip) const
Get channel number for BKLM.
KLMSectorNumber sectorNumberBKLM(int section, int sector) const
Get sector number for BKLM.
std::string getSectorDAQName(int subdetector, int section, int sector) const
Get DAQ name for a given sector.
KLMChannelNumber channelNumberEKLM(int section, int sector, int layer, int plane, int strip) const
Get channel number for EKLM.
KLM 2d hit.
Definition: KLMHit2d.h:33
KLM sector array index.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
The Raw FTSW class.
Definition: RawFTSW.h:30
T * getRelated(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the object to or from which this object has a relation.
Register the Module.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
uint16_t KLMSectorNumber
Sector number.
uint16_t KLMChannelNumber
Channel number.
uint16_t KLMSubdetectorNumber
Subdetector number.
uint16_t KLMSectionNumber
Section number.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.