Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <geometry/dbobjects/MagneticFieldComponent3D.h>
11 namespace {
27  template<int ORDER = 4> constexpr double fast_atan2_minimax(double y, double x)
28  {
29  static_assert(ORDER >= 1 && ORDER <= 6, "fast_atan2_minimax: Only orders 1-6 are supported");
30  constexpr double pi4 = M_PI / 4, pi2 = M_PI / 2;
31  const double ax = std::abs(x), ay = std::abs(y);
32  const double z = (ax - ay) / (ay + ax);
33  const double v = std::abs(z), v2 = v * v;
34  double p0{0}, p1{0};
35  if (ORDER == 2) {
36  p0 = 0.273;
37  } else if (ORDER == 3) {
38  p0 = 0.2447;
39  p1 = 0.0663;
40  } else if (ORDER == 4) {
41  // 4th order polynomial minimax approximation
42  // max error <=2.57373e-05 rad (0.00147464 deg)
43  constexpr double c4[] = {
44  +0.2132675884368258,
45  +0.23481662556227,
46  -0.2121597649928347,
47  +0.0485854027042442
48  };
49  p0 = c4[0] + v2 * c4[2];
50  p1 = c4[1] + v2 * c4[3];
51  } else if (ORDER == 5) {
52  // 5th order polynomial minimax approximation
53  // max error <=7.57429e-06 rad (0.000433975 deg)
54  constexpr double c5[] = {
55  +0.2141439315495107,
56  +0.2227491783659812,
57  -0.1628994411740733,
58  -0.02778537455524869,
59  +0.03962954416153075
60  };
61  p0 = c5[0] + v2 * (c5[2] + v2 * c5[4]);
62  p1 = c5[1] + v2 * (c5[3]);
63  } else if (ORDER == 6) {
64  // 6th order polynomial minimax approximation
65  // max error <=4.65134e-07 rad (2.66502e-05 deg)
66  constexpr double c6[] = {
67  +0.2145843590230225,
68  +0.2146820003230985,
69  -0.116250549812964,
70  -0.1428509550362758,
71  +0.1660612278047719,
72  -0.05086851503449636
73  };
74  p0 = c6[0] + v2 * (c6[2] + v2 * (c6[4]));
75  p1 = c6[1] + v2 * (c6[3] + v2 * (c6[5]));
76  }
77  double phi = (z + 1) * pi4 - (z * (v - 1)) * (p0 + v * p1);
78  phi = pi2 - copysign(phi, x);
79  return copysign(phi, y);
80  }
81 }
84 namespace Belle2 {
89  ROOT::Math::XYZVector MagneticFieldComponent3D::getField(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& pos) const
90  {
91  using std::get;
106  auto getIndexWeight = [this](double value, int coordinate) -> std::tuple<unsigned int, double> {
107  double weight = value * m_invgridPitch[coordinate];
108  auto index = static_cast<unsigned int>(weight);
109  index = std::min(index, static_cast<unsigned int>(m_mapSize[coordinate] - 2));
110  weight -= index;
111  return std::make_tuple(index, weight);
112  };
114  const double z = pos.Z();
115  const double r2 = pos.Perp2();
117  // Calculate the lower index of the point in the Z grid
118  // Note that z coordinate is inverted to match ANSYS frame
119  const auto iz = getIndexWeight(m_maxZ - z, 2);
121  // directly on z axis: get B-field values from map in cartesian system assuming phi=0, so Bx = Br and By = Bphi
122  if (r2 == 0) return interpolate(0, 0, get<0>(iz), 0, 0, get<1>(iz));
124  const double r = std::sqrt(r2);
125  const auto ir = getIndexWeight(r - m_minR, 0);
127  // Calculate the lower index of the point in the Phi grid
128  const double ay = std::abs(pos.Y());
129  const auto iphi = getIndexWeight(fast_atan2_minimax<4>(ay, pos.X()), 1);
131  // Get B-field values from map in cylindrical coordinates
132  ROOT::Math::XYZVector b = interpolate(get<0>(ir), get<0>(iphi), get<0>(iz), get<1>(ir), get<1>(iphi), get<1>(iz));
133  // and convert it to cartesian
134  const double norm = 1 / r;
135  const double s = ay * norm;
136  const double c = pos.X() * norm;
137  // Flip sign of By if y<0
138  const double sgny = (pos.Y() >= 0) - (pos.Y() < 0);
139  // in cartesian system
140  return ROOT::Math::XYZVector(-(b.X() * c - b.Y() * s), -sgny * (b.X() * s + b.Y() * c), b.Z());
141  }
143  ROOT::Math::XYZVector MagneticFieldComponent3D::interpolate(unsigned int ir, unsigned int iphi, unsigned int iz,
144  double wr1, double wphi1, double wz1) const
145  {
146  const unsigned int strideZ = m_mapSize[0] * m_mapSize[1];
147  const unsigned int strideR = m_mapSize[1];
149  const double wz0 = 1 - wz1;
150  const double wr0 = 1 - wr1;
151  const double wphi0 = 1 - wphi1;
152  const unsigned int j000 = iz * strideZ + ir * strideR + iphi;
153  const unsigned int j001 = j000 + 1;
154  const unsigned int j010 = j000 + strideR;
155  const unsigned int j011 = j001 + strideR;
156  const unsigned int j100 = j000 + strideZ;
157  const unsigned int j101 = j001 + strideZ;
158  const unsigned int j110 = j010 + strideZ;
159  const unsigned int j111 = j011 + strideZ;
160  const double w00 = wphi0 * wr0;
161  const double w10 = wphi0 * wr1;
162  const double w01 = wphi1 * wr0;
163  const double w11 = wphi1 * wr1;
164  const std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZVector>& B = m_bmap;
165  return
166  (B[j000] * w00 + B[j001] * w01 + B[j010] * w10 + B[j011] * w11) * wz0 +
167  (B[j100] * w00 + B[j101] * w01 + B[j110] * w10 + B[j111] * w11) * wz1;
168  }
170 }
int m_mapSize[3]
number of bins in r, phi and z
float m_maxZ
maximal Z for which this field is present
std::vector< ROOT::Math::XYZVector > m_bmap
magnetic field strength
float m_invgridPitch[3]
inverted grid pitch in r, phi and z
float m_minR
minimal R=sqrt(x^2+y^2) for which this field is present
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
ROOT::Math::XYZVector interpolate(unsigned int ir, unsigned int iphi, unsigned int iz, double wr, double wphi, double wz) const
Linear interpolate the magnetic field inside a bin.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getField(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &pos) const override
return the field assuming we are inside the active region as returned by inside()
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
const std::vector< double > v2
MATLAB generated random vector.