Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <pxd/modules/pxdDQM/PXDDQMEfficiencyNtupleSelftrackModule.h>
10 #include <tracking/dataobjects/ROIid.h>
12 #include <pxd/reconstruction/PXDPixelMasker.h>
13 #include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
14 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
15 #include <framework/geometry/VectorUtil.h>
17 #include "TMatrixDSym.h"
18 using namespace Belle2;
20 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
21 // Register the Module
22 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
23 REG_MODULE(PXDDQMEfficiencyNtupleSelftrack);
25 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
26 // Implementation
27 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
30  m_vxdGeometry(VXD::GeoCache::getInstance())
31 {
32  // Set module properties
33  setDescription("Create basic histograms for PXD efficiency");
35  // setPropertyFlags(c_ParallelProcessingCertified);// for ntuple not certified!!!
37  // Parameter definitions
38  addParam("pxdClustersName", m_pxdClustersName, "name of StoreArray with PXD cluster", std::string(""));
39  addParam("recoTracksName", m_recoTracksName, "name of StoreArray with RecoTracks", std::string(""));
40  addParam("tracksName", m_tracksName, "name of StoreArray with Tracks", std::string(""));
41  addParam("ROIsName", m_ROIsName, "name of the list of HLT ROIs, if available in output", std::string(""));
42  addParam("useAlignment", m_useAlignment, "if true the alignment will be used", true);
43  addParam("pCut", m_pcut, "Set a cut on the track fit p-value (0=no cut)", double(0));
44  addParam("minSVDHits", m_minSVDHits, "Number of SVD hits required in a track to be considered", 0u);
45  addParam("momCut", m_momCut, "Set a cut on the track momentum in GeV/c, 0 disables", double(0));
46  addParam("pTCut", m_pTCut, "Set a cut on the track pT in GeV/c, 0 disables", double(0));
47  addParam("maskedDistance", m_maskedDistance, "Distance inside which no masked pixel or sensor border is allowed", int(10));
48 }
52 {
53  auto dir = gDirectory;
54  if (m_tuple) {
55  if (m_file) { // no file -> no write to file
56  m_file->cd();
57  }
58  m_tuple->Write();
59  delete m_tuple;
60  m_tuple = nullptr;
61  }
62  if (m_file) {
63  m_file->Write();
64  m_file->Close();
65  delete m_file;
66  m_file = nullptr;
67  }
68  dir->cd();
69 }
73 {
74  m_file = new TFile("test.root", "recreate");
75  if (m_file) m_file->cd();
76  m_tuple = new TNtuple("effcontrol", "effcontrol",
77  "vxdid:u:v:p:pt:distu:distv:sigu:sigv:dist:inroi:clborder:cldead:matched:z0:d0:svdhits:charge:phi:costheta");
79  //register the required arrays
80  //Register as optional so validation for cases where they are not available still succeeds, but module will not do any meaningful work without them
83  m_tracks.isOptional(m_tracksName);
84  m_ROIs.isOptional(m_ROIsName);
85 }
89 {
90  if (!m_pxdclusters.isValid()) {
91  B2INFO("PXDClusters array is missing, no efficiencies");
92  return;
93  }
94  if (!m_recoTracks.isValid()) {
95  B2INFO("RecoTrack array is missing, no efficiencies");
96  return;
97  }
98  if (!m_tracks.isValid()) {
99  B2INFO("Track array is missing, no efficiencies");
100  return;
101  }
103  for (auto& track : m_tracks) {
104  RelationVector<RecoTrack> recoTrack = track.getRelationsTo<RecoTrack>(m_recoTracksName);
105  if (!recoTrack.size()) continue;
107  auto a_track = recoTrack[0];
108  //If fit failed assume position pointed to is useless anyway
109  if (!a_track->wasFitSuccessful()) continue;
111  if (a_track->getNumberOfSVDHits() < m_minSVDHits) continue;
113  const genfit::FitStatus* fitstatus = a_track->getTrackFitStatus();
114  if (fitstatus->getPVal() < m_pcut) continue;
116  genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane trackstate;
117  trackstate = a_track->getMeasuredStateOnPlaneFromFirstHit();
118  if (trackstate.getMom().Mag() < m_momCut) continue;
119  if (trackstate.getMom().Pt() < m_pTCut) continue;
121  const TrackFitResult* ptr2 = track.getTrackFitResultWithClosestMass(Const::pion);
122  if (!ptr2) {
123  B2ERROR("expect a track fit result for mass");
124  continue;
125  }
127  //loop over all PXD sensors to get the intersections
128  std::vector<VxdID> sensors = m_vxdGeometry.getListOfSensors();
129  for (VxdID& aVxdID : sensors) {
131  if (info.getType() != VXD::SensorInfoBase::PXD) continue;
132  //Search for intersections of the track with all PXD layers
133  //Traditional (aka the person before did it like this) method
134  //If there is a way to find out sensors crossed by a track directly, that would most likely be faster
136  bool isgood = false;
137  //true = track intersects current sensor
138  double sigu(-9999);
139  double sigv(-9999);
140  ROOT::Math::XYZVector intersec_buff = getTrackInterSec(info, *a_track, isgood, sigu, sigv);
142  if (!isgood) {
143  continue;//track does not go through this sensor-> nothing to measure anyway
144  } else {
146  double u_fit = intersec_buff.X();
147  double v_fit = intersec_buff.Y();
149  int ucell_fit = info.getUCellID(intersec_buff.X());
150  int vcell_fit = info.getVCellID(intersec_buff.Y());
152  bool closeToBoarder = false;
153  if (isCloseToBorder(ucell_fit, vcell_fit, m_maskedDistance)) {
154  closeToBoarder = true;
155  }
157  bool closeToDead = false;
158  if (isDeadPixelClose(ucell_fit, vcell_fit, m_maskedDistance, aVxdID)) {
159  closeToDead = true;
160  }
162  bool fitInsideROI = false;
163  if (m_ROIs.isValid()) {
164  //Check if the intersection is inside a ROI
165  //If not, even if measured the cluster was thrown away->Not PXD's fault
166  for (auto& roit : m_ROIs) {
167  if (aVxdID != roit.getSensorID()) {
168  continue; //ROI on other sensor
169  }
171  if (ucell_fit < roit.getMaxUid()
172  && ucell_fit > roit.getMinUid()
173  && vcell_fit < roit.getMaxVid()
174  && vcell_fit > roit.getMinVid()) {
175  fitInsideROI = true;
176  }
177  }
178  }
180  //Now check if the sensor measured a hit here
182  int bestcluster = findClosestCluster(aVxdID, intersec_buff);
183  double du_clus = 0;
184  double dv_clus = 0;
185  double d_clus = 0;
186  float charge = 0;
187  bool matched = false;
188  if (bestcluster >= 0) {
189  double u_clus = m_pxdclusters[bestcluster]->getU();
190  double v_clus = m_pxdclusters[bestcluster]->getV();
192  //is the closest cluster close enough to the track to count as measured?
193  TVector3 dist_clus(u_fit - u_clus, v_fit - v_clus, 0);
194  du_clus = u_fit - u_clus;
195  dv_clus = v_fit - v_clus;
196  d_clus = dist_clus.Mag();
197  charge = m_pxdclusters[bestcluster]->getCharge();
198  matched = true;
199  }
200  float fill[22] = {float((int)aVxdID), float(u_fit), float(v_fit), float(trackstate.getMom().Mag()), float(trackstate.getMom().Pt()),
201  float(du_clus), float(dv_clus), float(sigu), float(sigv), float(d_clus),
202  float(fitInsideROI), float(closeToBoarder), float(closeToDead), float(matched),
203  float(ptr2->getZ0()), float(ptr2->getD0()), float(a_track->getNumberOfSVDHits()),
204  charge, float(trackstate.getMom().Phi()), float(trackstate.getMom().CosTheta())
205  };
206  m_tuple->Fill(fill);
207  }
208  }
209  }
210 }
214 ROOT::Math::XYZVector
216  bool& isgood, double& du, double& dv)
217 {
218  //will be set true if the intersect was found
219  isgood = false;
221  ROOT::Math::XYZVector intersec(99999999, 9999999, 0); //point outside the sensor
225  //adopted (aka stolen) from tracking/modules/pxdClusterRescue/PXDClusterRescueROIModule
226  try {
227  // get sensor plane
228  ROOT::Math::XYZVector zeroVec(0, 0, 0);
229  ROOT::Math::XYZVector uVec(1, 0, 0);
230  ROOT::Math::XYZVector vVec(0, 1, 0);
232  genfit::DetPlane* sensorPlane = new genfit::DetPlane();
233  sensorPlane->setO(XYZToTVector(pxdSensorInfo.pointToGlobal(zeroVec, m_useAlignment)));
234  sensorPlane->setUV(XYZToTVector(pxdSensorInfo.vectorToGlobal(uVec, m_useAlignment)),
235  XYZToTVector(pxdSensorInfo.vectorToGlobal(vVec, m_useAlignment)));
237  //boost pointer (will be deleted automatically ?!?!?)
238  genfit::SharedPlanePtr sensorPlaneSptr(sensorPlane);
240  // do extrapolation
241  gfTrackState.extrapolateToPlane(sensorPlaneSptr);
242  } catch (genfit::Exception& gfException) {
243  B2WARNING("Fitting failed: " << gfException.getExcString());
244  isgood = false;
245  return intersec;
246  } catch (...) {
247  B2WARNING("Fitting failed: for some reason");
248  isgood = false;
249  return intersec;
250  }
252  //local position
253  intersec = pxdSensorInfo.pointToLocal(ROOT::Math::XYZVector(gfTrackState.getPos()), m_useAlignment);
255  //try to get the momentum
256  B2DEBUG(1, "Fitted momentum on the plane p = " << gfTrackState.getMom().Mag());
258  // no tolerance currently! Maybe one should be added!
259  double tolerance = 0.0;
260  bool inside = pxdSensorInfo.inside(intersec.X(), intersec.Y(), tolerance, tolerance);
262  // get intersection point in local coordinates with covariance matrix
263  TMatrixDSym covMatrix = gfTrackState.getCov(); // 5D with elements q/p,u',v',u,v in plane system
265  // get ROI by covariance matrix and local intersection point
266  du = std::sqrt(covMatrix(3, 3));
267  dv = std::sqrt(covMatrix(4, 4));
269  if (inside) isgood = true;
271  return intersec;
272 }
275 int
276 PXDDQMEfficiencyNtupleSelftrackModule::findClosestCluster(const VxdID& avxdid, ROOT::Math::XYZVector intersection)
277 {
278  int closest = -1;
279  double mindist = 999999999999; //definitely outside of the sensor
283  //loop the clusters
284  for (int iclus = 0; iclus < m_pxdclusters.getEntries(); iclus++) {
285  //Do not consider as different if only segment differs!
286  //As of this writing segment is never filled for clusters, but just to be sure
287  VxdID clusterID = m_pxdclusters[iclus]->getSensorID();
288  if (avxdid.getLayerNumber() != clusterID.getLayerNumber() ||
289  avxdid.getLadderNumber() != clusterID.getLadderNumber() ||
290  avxdid.getSensorNumber() != clusterID.getSensorNumber()) {
291  continue;
292  }
293  //only cluster on the correct sensor and direction should survive
295  double u = m_pxdclusters[iclus]->getU();
296  double v = m_pxdclusters[iclus]->getV();
297  ROOT::Math::XYZVector current(u, v, 0);
299  //2D dist sqared
300  double dist = (intersection - current).R();
301  if (dist < mindist) {
302  closest = iclus;
303  mindist = dist;
304  }
305  }
307  return closest;
309 }
311 bool PXDDQMEfficiencyNtupleSelftrackModule::isCloseToBorder(int u, int v, int checkDistance)
312 {
314  if (u - checkDistance < 0 || u + checkDistance >= 250 ||
315  v - checkDistance < 0 || v + checkDistance >= 768) {
316  return true;
317  }
318  return false;
319 }
321 bool PXDDQMEfficiencyNtupleSelftrackModule::isDeadPixelClose(int u, int v, int checkDistance, const VxdID& moduleID)
322 {
324  //Iterate over square around the intersection to see if any close pixel is dead
325  for (int u_iter = u - checkDistance; u_iter <= u + checkDistance ; ++u_iter) {
326  for (int v_iter = v - checkDistance; v_iter <= v + checkDistance ; ++v_iter) {
327  if (PXD::PXDPixelMasker::getInstance().pixelDead(moduleID, u_iter, v_iter)
328  || !PXD::PXDPixelMasker::getInstance().pixelOK(moduleID, u_iter, v_iter)) {
329  return true;
330  }
331  }
332  }
333  return false;
334 }
double R
typedef autogenerated by FFTW
static const ChargedStable pion
charged pion particle
Definition: Const.h:652
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void initialize() override final
initializes the need store arrays, trees and histograms
bool isCloseToBorder(int u, int v, int checkDistance)
is it close to the border
unsigned int m_minSVDHits
Required hits in SVD strips for tracks.
StoreArray< PXDCluster > m_pxdclusters
store array of pxd clusters
int findClosestCluster(const VxdID &vxdid, ROOT::Math::XYZVector intersection)
find the closest cluster
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getTrackInterSec(const VXD::SensorInfoBase &pxdSensorInfo, const RecoTrack &aTrack, bool &isgood, double &du, double &dv)
helper functions to do some of the calculations
bool isDeadPixelClose(int u, int v, int checkDistance, const VxdID &moduleID)
is a dead pixel close
void terminate() override final
terminate , save tuple to file if needed
void event() override final
main function which fills trees and histograms
std::string m_pxdClustersName
name of the store array of pxd clusters
std::string m_recoTracksName
name of the store array of recotracks
int m_maskedDistance
Distance inside which no dead pixel or module border is allowed.
StoreArray< RecoTrack > m_recoTracks
store array of reco tracks
Constructor: Sets the description, the properties and the parameters of the module.
std::string m_tracksName
name of the store array of tracks
static PXDPixelMasker & getInstance()
Main (and only) way to access the PXDPixelMasker.
This is the Reconstruction Event-Data Model Track.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:79
const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane & getMeasuredStateOnPlaneFromFirstHit(const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr) const
Return genfit's MeasuredStateOnPlane for the first hit in a fit useful for extrapolation of measureme...
Class for type safe access to objects that are referred to in relations.
size_t size() const
Get number of relations.
bool isOptional(const std::string &name="")
Tell the DataStore about an optional input.
bool isValid() const
Check wether the array was registered.
Definition: StoreArray.h:288
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
Values of the result of a track fit with a given particle hypothesis.
double getD0() const
Getter for d0.
double getZ0() const
Getter for z0.
const std::vector< VxdID > getListOfSensors() const
Get list of all sensors.
const SensorInfoBase & getSensorInfo(Belle2::VxdID id) const
Return a referecne to the SensorInfo of a given SensorID.
Base class to provide Sensor Information for PXD and SVD.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector pointToLocal(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &global, bool reco=false) const
Convert a point from global to local coordinates.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector pointToGlobal(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &local, bool reco=false) const
Convert a point from local to global coordinates.
bool inside(double u, double v, double uTolerance=DBL_EPSILON, double vTolerance=DBL_EPSILON) const
Check wether a given point is inside the active area.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector vectorToGlobal(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &local, bool reco=false) const
Convert a vector from local to global coordinates.
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
baseType getSensorNumber() const
Get the sensor id.
Definition: VxdID.h:100
baseType getLadderNumber() const
Get the ladder id.
Definition: VxdID.h:98
baseType getLayerNumber() const
Get the layer id.
Definition: VxdID.h:96
Detector plane.
Definition: DetPlane.h:59
Exception class for error handling in GENFIT (provides storage for diagnostic information)
Definition: Exception.h:48
Class where important numbers and properties of a fit can be stored.
Definition: FitStatus.h:80
#StateOnPlane with additional covariance matrix.
Register the Module.
static constexpr auto XYZToTVector
Helper function to convert XYZVector to TVector3.
Definition: VectorUtil.h:24
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
std::shared_ptr< genfit::DetPlane > SharedPlanePtr
Shared Pointer to a DetPlane.