Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <tracking/trackFindingVXD/trackQualityEstimators/QualityEstimatorCircleFit.h>
10 #include <tracking/trackFindingVXD/utilities/CalcCurvatureSignum.h>
12 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
14 #include <TMath.h>
15 #include <cmath>
17 using namespace Belle2;
19 double QualityEstimatorCircleFit::estimateQuality(std::vector<SpacePoint const*> const& measurements)
20 {
21  if (measurements.size() < 4) {
22  if (measurements.size() == 3) return 0.2; // Arbitrary value to prevent excluding measurements with 3 hits later on.
23  else return 0;
24  }
25  // Calculates Curvature: True means clockwise, False means counterclockwise.
26  // TODO this is not an optimized approach; just to get things to work.
27  // CalcCurvature could be integrated into the looping over the hits which CircleFit does anyhow.
29  bool clockwise = *(m_results.curvatureSign) >= 0;
31  double stopper = 0.000000001;
32  double meanX = 0, meanY = 0, meanX2 = 0, meanY2 = 0, meanR2 = 0, meanR4 = 0, meanXR2 = 0, meanYR2 = 0, meanXY = 0; //mean values
33  double sumWeights = 0, divisor/*, weightNormalizer = 0*/; // sumWeights is sum of weights, divisor is 1/sumWeights;
34  double tuningParameter = 1.; //0.02; // this parameter is for internal tuning of the weights, 1 means no influence of parameter.
36  // looping over all hits and do the division afterwards
37  for (const SpacePoint* hit : measurements) {
38  double weight = 1. / (sqrt(hit->getPositionError().X() * hit->getPositionError().X() + hit->getPositionError().Y() *
39  hit->getPositionError().Y()) * tuningParameter);
40  sumWeights += weight;
41  if (std::isnan(weight) or std::isinf(weight)) {
42  B2ERROR("QualityEstimators::circleFit, chosen sigma is 'nan': " << weight << ", setting arbitrary error: "
43  << stopper << ")"); weight = stopper;
44  }
45  double x = hit->getPosition().X();
46  double y = hit->getPosition().Y();
47  double x2 = x * x;
48  double y2 = y * y;
49  double r2 = x2 + y2;
50  meanX += x * weight;
51  meanY += y * weight;
52  meanXY += x * y * weight;
53  meanX2 += x2 * weight;
54  meanY2 += y2 * weight;
55  meanXR2 += x * r2 * weight;
56  meanYR2 += y * r2 * weight;
57  meanR2 += r2 * weight;
58  meanR4 += r2 * r2 * weight;
59  }
60  divisor = 1. / sumWeights;
61  meanX *= divisor;
62  meanY *= divisor;
63  meanXY *= divisor;
64  meanY2 *= divisor;
65  meanX2 *= divisor;
66  meanXR2 *= divisor;
67  meanYR2 *= divisor;
68  meanR2 *= divisor;
69  meanR4 *= divisor;
71  // covariances:
72  double covXX = meanX2 - meanX * meanX;
73  double covXY = meanXY - meanX * meanY;
74  double covYY = meanY2 - meanY * meanY;
75  double covXR2 = meanXR2 - meanX * meanR2;
76  double covYR2 = meanYR2 - meanY * meanR2;
77  double covR2R2 = meanR4 - meanR2 * meanR2;
79  if (covR2R2 == 0) {
80  return 0; // TODO could be problematic if it is pretty near to 0
81  }
83  // q1, q2: helping variables, to make the code more readable
84  double q1 = covR2R2 * covXY - covXR2 * covYR2;
85  double q2 = covR2R2 * (covXX - covYY) - covXR2 * covXR2 + covYR2 * covYR2;
87  // physical meaning: phi value of the point of closest approach of the fitted circle to the origin
88  double pocaPhi = 0.5 * atan2(2. * q1, q2);
90  double sinPhi = sin(pocaPhi);
91  double cosPhi = cos(pocaPhi);
92  double kappa = (sinPhi * covXR2 - cosPhi * covYR2) / covR2R2;
93  double delta = -kappa * meanR2 + sinPhi * meanX - cosPhi * meanY;
94  double rootTerm = sqrt(1. - 4.*delta * kappa);
95  // rho = curvature in X-Y-plane = 1/radius of fitting circle, used for pT-calculation
96  double curvature = 2.*kappa / (rootTerm);
97  double pocaD = 2.*delta / (1. + rootTerm);
99  // Checks if the random Curvature of CircleFit corresponds to CalcCurvature and adjust the results accordingly.
100  if ((curvature < 0 && clockwise) || (curvature > 0 && !clockwise)) {
101  // this is according to eq. 23 in the paper of Karimäki
102  curvature = -curvature;
103  pocaD = -pocaD;
104  //TODO ..and swap correlation Terms V_rho_phi and V_rho_d (which are not implemented anyway)
105  }
106  double radius = 1. / curvature;
107  double absRadius = fabs(radius);
108  double pt = calcPt(absRadius);
109 = pt;
110  m_results.pocaD = pocaD;
112  // Estimating theta of the track with the theta of the innermost hit.
113  // Otherwise the track is solely a circle without theta information.
114  double innermostHitTheta = 0.;
115  double innermostHitRadiusSquared = 100000000;
116  for (const SpacePoint* hit : measurements) {
117  if (hit->getPosition().Perp2() < innermostHitRadiusSquared) {
118  innermostHitRadiusSquared = hit->getPosition().Perp2();
119  innermostHitTheta = hit->getPosition().Theta();
120  }
121  }
122  // Account for precision when checking equality of innermostHitTheta with 0
123  double pz = (innermostHitTheta <= 1e-6 ? 0 : pt / tan(innermostHitTheta));
124  // Both p and pmag are only rough estimates based and by far not accutate!
125  m_results.p = B2Vector3D(pt * cosPhi, pt * sinPhi, pz);
126  m_results.pmag = sqrt(pt * pt + pz * pz);
128  double chi2 = sumWeights * (1. + curvature * pocaD) * (1. + curvature * pocaD)
129  * (sinPhi * sinPhi * covXX - 2.*sinPhi * cosPhi * covXY + cosPhi * cosPhi * covYY - kappa * kappa * covR2R2);
131  m_results.chiSquared = chi2;
133  return TMath::Prob(chi2, measurements.size() - 3);
134 }
QualityEstimationResults m_results
Result of the quality estimation This is stored as a member variable, because some values may be calc...
double calcPt(double const radius) const
Returns a value for the transverse momentum in GeV calculated from a provided radius.
virtual double estimateQuality(std::vector< SpacePoint const * > const &measurements) final
Minimal implementation of the quality estimation Calculates quality indicator in range [0,...
SpacePoint typically is build from 1 PXDCluster or 1-2 SVDClusters.
Definition: SpacePoint.h:42
B2Vector3< double > B2Vector3D
typedef for common usage with double
Definition: B2Vector3.h:516
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
double tan(double a)
tan for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:31
short calcCurvatureSignum(std::vector< SpacePoint const * > const &measurements)
Calculate curvature based on triplets of measurements.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
std::optional< double > pt
transverse momentum estimate from the QE
std::optional< short > curvatureSign
direction of curvature as obtained by the QE
std::optional< double > pocaD
distance to the z-axis of the POCA
std::optional< double > chiSquared
chi squared value obtained by the fit of the QE
std::optional< B2Vector3D > p
momentum vector estimate from the QE
std::optional< double > pmag
momentum magnitute estimate from the QE