9 #include <hlt/softwaretrigger/calculations/SkimSampleCalculator.h>
11 #include <hlt/softwaretrigger/calculations/utilities.h>
13 #include <analysis/utility/PCmsLabTransform.h>
14 #include <analysis/utility/ReferenceFrame.h>
16 #include <analysis/ClusterUtility/ClusterUtils.h>
17 #include <analysis/ContinuumSuppression/FoxWolfram.h>
18 #include <analysis/dataobjects/Particle.h>
20 #include <analysis/variables/AcceptanceVariables.h>
21 #include <analysis/variables/BelleVariables.h>
22 #include <analysis/variables/ECLVariables.h>
23 #include <analysis/variables/FlightInfoVariables.h>
25 #include <framework/geometry/B2Vector3.h>
27 #include <mdst/dataobjects/HitPatternCDC.h>
28 #include <mdst/dataobjects/KLMCluster.h>
29 #include <mdst/dataobjects/PIDLikelihood.h>
30 #include <mdst/dataobjects/SoftwareTriggerResult.h>
31 #include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
32 #include <mdst/dataobjects/TrackFitResult.h>
34 #include <reconstruction/dataobjects/CDCDedxTrack.h>
37 #include <TDatabasePDG.h>
40 using namespace SoftwareTrigger;
43 m_pionParticles(
"pi+:skim"), m_gammaParticles(
"gamma:skim"), m_pionHadParticles(
"pi+:hadb"), m_pionTauParticles(
44 m_KsParticles(
"K_S0:merged"), m_LambdaParticles(
"Lambda0:merged"), m_DstParticles(
"D*+:d0pi"), m_offIpParticles(
45 m_filterL1TrgNN(
46 m_BpParticles(
"B+:BtoCharmForHLT"), m_BzParticles(
71 getRho(gammaWithMaximumRho));
74 getRho(trackWithMaximumRho));
77 const double& rhoOfECLClusterWithSecondMaximumRho = getRhoOfECLClusterWithMaximumRhoBelow(
79 rhoOfECLClusterWithMaximumRho);
81 const double& rhoOfTrackWithMaximumRho = getRho(trackWithMaximumRho);
82 const double& rhoOfTrackWithSecondMaximumRho = getRho(trackWithSecondMaximumRho);
83 const double& rhoOfGammaWithMaximumRho = getRho(gammaWithMaximumRho);
84 const double& rhoOfGammaWithSecondMaximumRho = getRho(gammaWithSecondMaximumRho);
88 calculationResult[
"EC1CMSLE"] = rhoOfECLClusterWithMaximumRho;
91 calculationResult[
"EC2CMSLE"] = rhoOfECLClusterWithSecondMaximumRho;
94 calculationResult[
"EC12CMSLE"] = rhoOfECLClusterWithMaximumRho + rhoOfECLClusterWithSecondMaximumRho;
106 calculationResult[
"P1CMSBhabhaLE"] = rhoOfTrackWithMaximumRho;
109 calculationResult[
"P1OEbeamCMSBhabhaLE"] = rhoOfTrackWithMaximumRho / BeamEnergyCMS();
112 calculationResult[
"P2CMSBhabhaLE"] = rhoOfTrackWithSecondMaximumRho;
115 calculationResult[
"P2OEbeamCMSBhabhaLE"] = rhoOfTrackWithSecondMaximumRho / BeamEnergyCMS();
118 calculationResult[
"P12CMSBhabhaLE"] = rhoOfTrackWithMaximumRho + rhoOfTrackWithSecondMaximumRho;
121 calculationResult[
"G1CMSBhabhaLE"] = rhoOfGammaWithMaximumRho;
123 calculationResult[
"G1OEbeamCMSBhabhaLE"] = rhoOfGammaWithMaximumRho / BeamEnergyCMS();
126 calculationResult[
"G2CMSBhabhaLE"] = rhoOfGammaWithSecondMaximumRho;
128 calculationResult[
"G2OEbeamCMSBhabhaLE"] = rhoOfGammaWithSecondMaximumRho / BeamEnergyCMS();
131 calculationResult[
"G12CMSBhabhaLE"] = rhoOfGammaWithMaximumRho + rhoOfGammaWithSecondMaximumRho;
133 calculationResult[
"G12OEbeamCMSBhabhaLE"] =
134 (rhoOfGammaWithMaximumRho + rhoOfGammaWithSecondMaximumRho) / BeamEnergyCMS();
139 if (gammaWithMaximumRho) {
140 calculationResult[
"ENeutralLE"] = getRho(gammaWithMaximumRho);
142 calculationResult[
"ENeutralLE"] = -1;
148 return particle.getECLCluster() != nullptr;
150 calculationResult[
"nECLMatchTracksLE"] = numberOfTracksWithECLMatch;
153 double neclClusters = -1.;
154 double eneclClusters = 0.;
158 double EsumGamma = 0.;
160 const unsigned int numberOfECLClusters = std::count_if(eclClusters.
begin(), eclClusters.
162 return (eclcluster.hasHypothesis(
163 ECLCluster::EHypothesisBit::c_nPhotons)
164 and eclcluster.getEnergy(
165 ECLCluster::EHypothesisBit::c_nPhotons) > 0.1);
167 neclClusters = numberOfECLClusters;
169 for (
int ncl = 0; ncl < eclClusters.
getEntries(); ncl++) {
173 if (!eclClusters[ncl]->getRelatedFrom<Track>()) {
176 EsumGamma += V4Gamma_CMS.E();
177 PzGamma += V4Gamma_CMS.Pz();
182 calculationResult[
"nECLClustersLE"] = neclClusters;
184 int nb2bcc_PhiHigh = 0;
185 int nb2bcc_PhiLow = 0;
188 for (
int i = 0; i < eclClusters.
getEntries() - 1; i++) {
192 double Eg1 = V4g1.E();
193 for (
int j = i + 1; j < eclClusters.
getEntries(); j++) {
197 double Eg2 = V4g2.E();
202 double deltphi = fabs(V3g1.
DeltaPhi(V3g2) * TMath::RadToDeg());
203 double Tsum = Thetag1 + Thetag2;
204 if (deltphi > 170. && (Eg1 > 0.25 && Eg2 > 0.25)) nb2bcc_PhiHigh++;
205 if (deltphi > 170. && (Eg1 < 0.25 || Eg2 < 0.25)) nb2bcc_PhiLow++;
206 if (deltphi > 160. && (Tsum > 160. && Tsum < 200.)) nb2bcc_3D++;
210 calculationResult[
"nB2BCCPhiHighLE"] = nb2bcc_PhiHigh;
211 calculationResult[
"nB2BCCPhiLowLE"] = nb2bcc_PhiLow;
212 calculationResult[
"nB2BCC3DLE"] = nb2bcc_3D;
216 double angleGTLE = -10.;
217 if (gammaWithMaximumRho) {
219 if (trackWithMaximumRho) {
221 const double theta1 = V3g1.
222 if (angleGTLE < theta1) angleGTLE = theta1;
224 if (trackWithSecondMaximumRho) {
226 const double theta2 = V3g1.
227 if (angleGTLE < theta2) angleGTLE = theta2;
231 calculationResult[
"AngleGTLE"] = angleGTLE;
234 double angleG1G2CMSLE = -10.;
235 if (gammaWithMaximumRho) {
236 const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector& V4p1 = gammaWithMaximumRho->
237 if (gammaWithSecondMaximumRho) {
238 const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector& V4p2 = gammaWithSecondMaximumRho->
241 angleG1G2CMSLE = V3p1.
245 calculationResult[
"AngleG1G2CMSLE"] = angleG1G2CMSLE;
248 double maxAngleTTLE = -10.;
251 const double jPsiMasswindow = 0.11;
253 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i <
m_pionParticles->getListSize() - 1; i++) {
255 for (
unsigned int j = i + 1; j <
m_pionParticles->getListSize(); j++) {
257 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector V4p1 = par1->
258 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector V4p2 = par2->
259 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector V4pSum = V4p1 + V4p2;
261 const double mSum = V4pSum.M();
262 const double JpsidM = mSum - TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(443)->Mass();
263 if (abs(JpsidM) < jPsiMasswindow && chSum == 0) nJpsi++;
266 const double temp = V3p1.
267 if (maxAngleTTLE < temp) maxAngleTTLE = temp;
272 if (nJpsi != 0) Jpsi = 1;
274 calculationResult[
"maxAngleTTLE"] = maxAngleTTLE;
275 calculationResult[
"Jpsi"] = Jpsi;
278 double maxAngleGGLE = -10.;
284 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector V4p1 = par1->
285 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector V4p2 = par2->
288 const double temp = V3p1.
289 if (maxAngleGGLE < temp) maxAngleGGLE = temp;
294 calculationResult[
"maxAngleGGLE"] = maxAngleGGLE;
299 const double& momentum = p.getMomentumMagnitude();
300 const double& r_rho = getRho(&p);
301 const ECLCluster* eclTrack = p.getECLCluster();
303 const double& energyOverMomentum = eclTrack->getEnergy(
304 ECLCluster::EHypothesisBit::c_nPhotons) / momentum;
305 double r_rhotoebeam = r_rho / BeamEnergyCMS();
306 return (r_rhotoebeam) > 0.35 && energyOverMomentum > 0.8;
311 calculationResult[
"nEidLE"] = nEidLE;
315 const double visibleEnergyTracks = std::accumulate(m_pionParticles->begin(), m_pionParticles->end(), 0.0,
316 [](
const double & visibleEnergy,
const Particle & p) {
317 return visibleEnergy + p.getMomentumMagnitude();
320 const double visibleEnergyGammas = std::accumulate(m_gammaParticles->begin(), m_gammaParticles->end(), 0.0,
321 [](
const double & visibleEnergy,
const Particle & p) {
322 return visibleEnergy + p.getMomentumMagnitude();
325 calculationResult[
"VisibleEnergyLE"] = visibleEnergyTracks + visibleEnergyGammas;
328 const double eTotTracks = std::accumulate(m_pionParticles->begin(), m_pionParticles->end(), 0.0,
329 [](
const double & eTot,
const Particle & p) {
330 const ECLCluster* eclCluster = p.getECLCluster();
332 const double eclEnergy = eclCluster->getEnergy(
333 ECLCluster::EHypothesisBit::c_nPhotons);
334 if (eclEnergy > 0.1) {
335 return eTot + eclCluster->getEnergy(
336 ECLCluster::EHypothesisBit::c_nPhotons);
342 const double eTotGammas = std::accumulate(m_gammaParticles->begin(), m_gammaParticles->end(), 0.0,
343 [](
const double & eTot,
const Particle & p) {
344 return eTot + p.getEnergy();
346 double Etot = eTotTracks + eTotGammas;
347 calculationResult[
"EtotLE"] = Etot;
351 double numMaxLayerKLM = -1.;
352 double numSecMaxLayerKLM = -1.;
355 for (
const auto& klmCluster : klmClusters) {
356 double klmClusterLayer = klmCluster.getLayers();
357 if (numMaxLayerKLM < klmClusterLayer) {
358 numSecMaxLayerKLM = numMaxLayerKLM;
359 numMaxLayerKLM = klmClusterLayer;
360 }
else if (numSecMaxLayerKLM < klmClusterLayer)
361 numSecMaxLayerKLM = klmClusterLayer;
364 calculationResult[
"N1KLMLayer"] = numMaxLayerKLM;
365 calculationResult[
"N2KLMLayer"] = numSecMaxLayerKLM;
369 if (trackWithMaximumRho) charget1 = trackWithMaximumRho->getCharge();
371 if (trackWithSecondMaximumRho) charget2 = trackWithSecondMaximumRho->getCharge();
373 double Bhabha2Trk = 0.;
374 int ntrk_bha = m_pionParticles->getListSize();
375 double rp1ob = rhoOfTrackWithMaximumRho / BeamEnergyCMS();
376 double rp2ob = rhoOfTrackWithSecondMaximumRho / BeamEnergyCMS();
377 bool bhabha2trk_tag =
378 ntrk_bha >= 2 && maxAngleTTLE > 2.88 && nEidLE >= 1 && rp1ob > 0.35 && rp2ob > 0.35 && (Etot) > 4.0
379 && (abs(charget1) == 1 && abs(charget2) == 1 && (charget1 + charget2) == 0);
380 if (bhabha2trk_tag) Bhabha2Trk = 1;
381 calculationResult[
"Bhabha2Trk"] = Bhabha2Trk;
383 double Bhabha1Trk = 0.;
384 double rc1ob = rhoOfGammaWithMaximumRho / BeamEnergyCMS();
385 double rc2ob = rhoOfGammaWithSecondMaximumRho / BeamEnergyCMS();
386 bool bhabha1trk_tag = ntrk_bha == 1 && rp1ob > 0.35 && rc1ob > 0.35 && angleGTLE > 2.618;
387 if (bhabha1trk_tag) Bhabha1Trk = 1;
388 calculationResult[
"Bhabha1Trk"] = Bhabha1Trk;
391 bool gg_tag = ntrk_bha <= 1 && nEidLE == 0 && rc1ob > 0.35 && rc2ob > 0.2 && Etot > 4.0 && maxAngleGGLE > 2.618;
392 if (gg_tag) ggSel = 1;
393 calculationResult[
"GG"] = ggSel;
396 double BhabhaECL = 0.;
398 for (
int i = 0; i < eclClusters.getEntries() - 1; i++) {
404 double Eg1ob = V4g1.E() / (2 * BeamEnergyCMS());
405 for (
int j = i + 1; j < eclClusters.getEntries(); j++) {
410 double Eg2ob = V4g2.E() / (2 * BeamEnergyCMS());
413 double Thetag1 = V4g1.
Theta() * TMath::RadToDeg();
414 double Thetag2 = V4g2.Theta() * TMath::RadToDeg();
415 double deltphi = fabs(V3g1.
DeltaPhi(V3g2) * TMath::RadToDeg());
416 double Tsum = Thetag1 + Thetag2;
417 if ((deltphi > 165. && deltphi < 178.5) && (Eg1ob > 0.4 && Eg2ob > 0.4 && (Eg1ob > 0.45 || Eg2ob > 0.45)) && (Tsum > 178.
418 && Tsum < 182.)) BhabhaECL = 1;
421 calculationResult[
"BhabhaECL"] = BhabhaECL;
425 const double lowdEdxEdge = 0.70, highdEdxEdge = 1.30;
426 const double lowEoPEdge = 0.70, highEoPEdge = 1.30;
428 if (m_pionParticles->getListSize() == 2) {
431 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < m_pionParticles->getListSize() - 1; i++) {
433 Particle* part1 = m_pionParticles->getParticle(i);
434 if (!part1)
436 const auto chargep1 = part1->
437 if (abs(chargep1) != 1)
440 if (!eclTrack1)
445 if (energyOverMomentum1 <= lowEoPEdge || energyOverMomentum1 >= highEoPEdge)
448 if (!track1)
451 if (!trackFit1)
455 if (!dedxTrack1)
458 for (
unsigned int j = i + 1; j < m_pionParticles->getListSize(); j++) {
460 Particle* part2 = m_pionParticles->getParticle(j);
461 if (!part2)
463 const auto chargep2 = part2->
464 if (abs(chargep2) != 1 || (chargep1 + chargep2 != 0))
467 if (!eclTrack2)
472 if (energyOverMomentum2 <= lowEoPEdge || energyOverMomentum2 >= highEoPEdge)
475 if (!track2)
478 if (!trackFit2)
482 if (!dedxTrack2)
487 if ((p1_dedxnosat > lowdEdxEdge && p1_dedxnosat < highdEdxEdge) || (p2_dedxnosat > lowdEdxEdge
488 && p2_dedxnosat < highdEdxEdge))radee = 1;
494 calculationResult[
"Radee"] = radee;
497 double mumutight = 0.;
498 double eMumuTotGammas = 0.;
501 int nGammas = m_gammaParticles->getListSize();
503 for (
int t = 0; t < nGammas; t++) {
504 const Particle* part = m_gammaParticles->getParticle(t);
506 eMumuTotGammas += frame.getMomentum(part).E();
510 nTracks = tracks.getEntries();
515 if (m_pionParticles->getListSize() == 2) {
518 for (
unsigned int k = 0; k < m_pionParticles->getListSize() - 1; k++) {
520 Particle* part1 = m_pionParticles->getParticle(k);
521 if (!part1)
523 const auto chargep1 = part1->
524 if (abs(chargep1) != 1)
527 if (!eclTrack1)
531 if (!track1)
534 if (!trackFit1)
536 const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector V4p1 = trackFit1->
539 const double p1MomLab = V4p1.P();
540 double highestP = p1MomLab;
544 if (p1Pid) p1hasKLMid = p1Pid->
545 const double p1isInCDC = Variable::inCDCAcceptance(part1);
546 const double p1clusPhi = Variable::eclClusterPhi(part1);
548 const double Pp1 = V3p1.
549 const double Thetap1 = (V3p1).Theta() * TMath::RadToDeg();
550 const double Phip1 = (V3p1).Phi() * TMath::RadToDeg();
554 const bool goodTrk1 = enECLTrack1 > 0 && enECLTrack1 < 0.5 && p1CDChits > 0
555 && ((p1hasKLMid == 0 && enECLTrack1 < 0.25 && p1MomLab < 2.0) || p1hasKLMid == 1) && p1isInCDC == 1;
558 for (
unsigned int l = k + 1; l < m_pionParticles->getListSize(); l++) {
560 Particle* part2 = m_pionParticles->getParticle(l);
561 if (!part2)
563 const auto chargep2 = part2->
564 if (abs(chargep2) != 1 || (chargep1 + chargep2 != 0))
567 if (!eclTrack2)
571 if (!track2)
574 if (!trackFit2)
576 const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector V4p2 = trackFit2->
579 const double p2MomLab = V4p2.P();
580 double lowestP = p2MomLab;
584 if (p2Pid) p2hasKLMid = p2Pid->
585 const double p2isInCDC = Variable::inCDCAcceptance(part2);
586 const double p2clusPhi = Variable::eclClusterPhi(part2);
588 const double Pp2 = V3p2.
589 const double Thetap2 = (V3p2).Theta() * TMath::RadToDeg();
590 const double Phip2 = (V3p2).Phi() * TMath::RadToDeg();
592 const double acopPhi = fabs(180 - fabs(Phip1 - Phip2));
593 const double acopTheta = fabs(fabs(Thetap1 + Thetap2) - 180);
597 const bool goodTrk2 = enECLTrack2 > 0 && enECLTrack2 < 0.5 && p2CDChits > 0
598 && ((p2hasKLMid == 0 && enECLTrack2 < 0.25 && p2MomLab < 2.0) || p2hasKLMid == 1) && p2isInCDC == 1;
600 double eTotMumuTracks = enECLTrack1 + enECLTrack2;
601 double EMumutot = eTotMumuTracks + eMumuTotGammas;
603 bool mumutight_tag = enECLTrack1 < 0.5 && enECLTrack2 < 0.5 && EMumutot < 2 && acopPhi < 10 && acopTheta < 10 && nTracks == 2
604 && Pp1 > 0.5 && Pp2 > 0.5;
606 if (mumutight_tag) mumutight = 1;
608 if (p1MomLab < p2MomLab) {
613 double diffPhi = p1clusPhi - p2clusPhi;
614 if (fabs(diffPhi) > M_PI) {
615 if (diffPhi > M_PI) {
616 diffPhi = diffPhi - 2 * M_PI;
618 diffPhi = 2 * M_PI + diffPhi;
622 const double recoilP = fr.getMomentum(pIN - V4p1 - V4p2).P();
624 const bool radmumu_tag = nTracks < 4 && goodTrk1 == 1 && goodTrk2 == 1 && highestP > 1 && lowestP < 3 && (p1hasKLMid == 1
625 || p2hasKLMid == 1) && abs(diffPhi) >= 0.5 * M_PI && recoilP > 0.1 && (enECLTrack1 <= 0.25 || enECLTrack2 <= 0.25);
627 if (radmumu_tag) radmumu = 1;
633 calculationResult[
"MumuTight"] = mumutight;
634 calculationResult[
"Radmumu"] = radmumu;
637 double EsumPiHad = 0;
639 int nHadTracks = m_pionHadParticles->getListSize();
643 std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZVector> m_pionHadv3;
645 for (
int nPiHad = 0; nPiHad < nHadTracks; nPiHad++) {
646 Particle* parPiHad = m_pionHadParticles->getParticle(nPiHad);
649 EsumPiHad += V4PiHad.E();
650 PzPiHad += V4PiHad.Pz();
653 double visibleEnergyCMSnorm = (EsumPiHad + EsumGamma) / (BeamEnergyCMS() * 2.0);
654 double EsumCMSnorm = eneclClusters / (BeamEnergyCMS() * 2.0);
655 double PzTotCMSnorm = (PzPiHad + PzGamma) / (BeamEnergyCMS() * 2.0);
657 bool hadronb_tag = nHadTracks >= 3 && visibleEnergyCMSnorm > 0.2 && abs(PzTotCMSnorm) < 0.5 && neclClusters > 1
658 && EsumCMSnorm > 0.1 && EsumCMSnorm < 0.8;
663 fw.calculateBasicMoments();
664 double R2 = fw.getR(2);
665 if (R2 < 0.4) hadronb1 = 1;
666 if (hadronb1 && nHadTracks >= 5) hadronb2 = 1;
669 calculationResult[
"HadronB"] = hadronb;
670 calculationResult[
"HadronB1"] = hadronb1;
671 calculationResult[
"HadronB2"] = hadronb2;
676 const double KsMassLow = 0.468;
677 const double KsMassHigh = 0.528;
679 if (m_KsParticles.isValid()) {
680 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < m_KsParticles->getListSize(); i++) {
681 const Particle* mergeKsCand = m_KsParticles->getParticle(i);
682 const double isKsCandGood = Variable::goodBelleKshort(mergeKsCand);
683 const double KsCandMass = mergeKsCand->
684 if (KsCandMass > KsMassLow && KsCandMass < KsMassHigh && isKsCandGood == 1.) nKshort++;
688 if (nKshort != 0) Kshort = 1;
690 calculationResult[
"Kshort"] = Kshort;
696 const double visibleEnergyCMS = visibleEnergyCMSnorm * BeamEnergyCMS() * 2.0;
697 const unsigned int n_particles = m_pionHadParticles->getListSize();
699 if (n_particles >= 2) {
700 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < n_particles - 1; i++) {
701 Particle* par1 = m_pionHadParticles->getParticle(i);
702 for (
unsigned int j = i + 1; j < n_particles; j++) {
703 Particle* par2 = m_pionHadParticles->getParticle(j);
705 const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector V4p1 = par1->
706 const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector V4p2 = par2->
707 const double opAng = V4p1.Theta() + V4p2.Theta();
708 const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector V4pSum = V4p1 + V4p2;
710 const double ptCMS = V4pSumCMS.Pt();
711 const double pzCMS = V4pSumCMS.Pz();
712 const double mSum = V4pSum.M();
714 const bool fourLepCand = chSum == 0 && (V4p1.P() > 0.4 && V4p2.P() > 0.4) && cos(opAng) > -0.997 && ptCMS < 0.15 && abs(pzCMS) < 2.5
717 if (fourLepCand) nFourLep++;
722 if (nFourLep != 0 && visibleEnergyCMS < 6) fourLep = 1;
724 calculationResult[
"FourLep"] = fourLep;
727 unsigned int nLambda = 0;
729 if (m_LambdaParticles.isValid()) {
730 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < m_LambdaParticles->getListSize(); i++) {
731 const Particle* mergeLambdaCand = m_LambdaParticles->getParticle(i);
732 const double flightDist = Variable::flightDistance(mergeLambdaCand);
733 const double flightDistErr = Variable::flightDistanceErr(mergeLambdaCand);
734 const double flightSign = flightDist / flightDistErr;
737 const double protMom = protCand->
738 const double pionMom = pionCand->
739 const double asymPDaughters = (protMom - pionMom) / (protMom + pionMom);
740 if (flightSign > 10 && asymPDaughters > 0.41) nLambda++;
745 calculationResult[
"Lambda"] = 1;
747 calculationResult[
"Lambda"] = 0;
751 unsigned int nDstp1 = 0;
752 unsigned int nDstp2 = 0;
753 unsigned int nDstp3 = 0;
754 unsigned int nDstp4 = 0;
756 if (m_DstParticles.isValid() && (ntrk_bha >= 3 && Bhabha2Trk == 0)) {
757 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < m_DstParticles->getListSize(); i++) {
758 const Particle* allDstCand = m_DstParticles->getParticle(i);
759 const double dstDecID = allDstCand->
760 if (dstDecID == 1.) nDstp1++;
761 if (dstDecID == 2.) nDstp2++;
762 if (dstDecID == 3.) nDstp3++;
763 if (dstDecID == 4.) nDstp4++;
769 calculationResult[
"Dstp1"] = 1;
771 calculationResult[
"Dstp1"] = 0;
775 calculationResult[
"Dstp2"] = 1;
777 calculationResult[
"Dstp2"] = 0;
781 calculationResult[
"Dstp3"] = 1;
783 calculationResult[
"Dstp3"] = 0;
787 calculationResult[
"Dstp4"] = 1;
789 calculationResult[
"Dstp4"] = 0;
793 calculationResult[
"nTracksOffIP"] = m_offIpParticles->getListSize();
796 calculationResult[
"NeuroTRG"] = 0;
797 calculationResult[
"GammaGammaFilter"] = 0;
801 const std::map<std::string, int>& nonPrescaledResults = filter_result->getNonPrescaledResults();
802 if (nonPrescaledResults.find(m_filterL1TrgNN) != nonPrescaledResults.end()) {
804 if (hasNN) calculationResult[
"NeuroTRG"] = 1;
806 const bool ggEndcap = (filter_result->getNonPrescaledResult(
"software_trigger_cut&filter&ggEndcapLoose") ==
808 const bool ggBarrel = (filter_result->getNonPrescaledResult(
"software_trigger_cut&filter&ggBarrelLoose") ==
810 if (ggEndcap || ggBarrel) calculationResult[
"GammaGammaFilter"] = 1;
815 double mumuHighMass = 0.;
817 if (trackWithMaximumRho && trackWithSecondMaximumRho) {
819 double eclE1 = 0., eclE2 = 0.;
821 const auto charge1 = trackWithMaximumRho->getCharge();
822 const auto charge2 = trackWithSecondMaximumRho->getCharge();
823 const auto chSum = charge1 + charge2;
825 const ECLCluster* eclTrack1 = trackWithMaximumRho->getECLCluster();
831 const ECLCluster* eclTrack2 = trackWithSecondMaximumRho->getECLCluster();
839 const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector V4pSum = V4p1 + V4p2;
840 const double mSum = V4pSum.M();
842 const double thetaSumCMS = (V4p1.Theta() + V4p2.Theta()) * TMath::RadToDeg();
843 const double phi1CMS = V4p1.Phi() * TMath::RadToDeg();
844 const double phi2CMS = V4p2.Phi() * TMath::RadToDeg();
846 double diffPhi = phi1CMS - phi2CMS;
847 if (fabs(diffPhi) > 180) {
849 diffPhi = diffPhi - 2 * 180;
851 diffPhi = 2 * 180 + diffPhi;
854 const double delThetaCMS = fabs(fabs(thetaSumCMS) - 180);
855 const double delPhiCMS = fabs(180 - fabs(diffPhi));
857 const bool mumuHighMassCand = chSum == 0 && (mSum > 8. && mSum < 12.) && hasClus > 0 && eclE1 <= 1
858 && eclE2 <= 1 && delThetaCMS < 10 && delPhiCMS < 10;
860 if (mumuHighMassCand) mumuHighMass = 1;
864 calculationResult[
"MumuHighM"] = mumuHighMass;
867 calculationResult[
"Bp"] = 0;
868 calculationResult[
"Bz"] = 0;
870 if (m_BpParticles.isValid() && (ntrk_bha >= 3 && Bhabha2Trk == 0)) {
871 calculationResult[
"Bp"] = m_BpParticles->getListSize() >= 1;
874 if (m_BzParticles.isValid() && (ntrk_bha >= 3 && Bhabha2Trk == 0)) {
875 calculationResult[
"Bz"] = m_BzParticles->getListSize() >= 1;
DataType Theta() const
The polar angle.
DataType DeltaPhi(const B2Vector3< DataType > &v) const
returns phi in the interval [-PI,PI)
DataType Mag() const
The magnitude (rho in spherical coordinate system).
DataType Angle(const B2Vector3< DataType > &q) const
The angle w.r.t.
Debug output for CDCDedxPID module.
double getDedxNoSat() const
Get dE/dx truncated mean without the saturation correction for this track.
Class to provide momentum-related information from ECLClusters.
const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector Get4MomentumFromCluster(const ECLCluster *cluster, ECLCluster::EHypothesisBit hypo)
Returns four momentum vector.
static const ChargedStable pion
charged pion particle
bool hasHypothesis(EHypothesisBit bitmask) const
Return if specific hypothesis bit is set.
double getEnergy(EHypothesisBit hypothesis) const
Return Energy (GeV).
@ c_nPhotons
CR is split into n photons (N1)
Class to calculate the Fox-Wolfram moments up to order 8.
unsigned short getNHits() const
Get the total Number of CDC hits in the fit.
Class to collect log likelihoods from TOP, ARICH, dEdx, ECL and KLM aimed for output to mdst includes...
bool isAvailable(Const::PIDDetectorSet set) const
Check whether PID information from a given set of detectors is available.
Class to store reconstructed particles.
const Track * getTrack() const
Returns the pointer to the Track object that was used to create this Particle (ParticleType == c_Trac...
const ECLCluster * getECLCluster() const
Returns the pointer to the ECLCluster object that was used to create this Particle (if ParticleType =...
const PIDLikelihood * getPIDLikelihood() const
Returns the pointer to the PIDLikelihood object that is related to the Track, which was used to creat...
double getCharge(void) const
Returns particle charge.
ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector get4Vector() const
Returns Lorentz vector.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentum() const
Returns momentum vector.
double getMomentumMagnitude() const
Returns momentum magnitude.
double getP() const
Returns momentum magnitude (same as getMomentumMagnitude but with shorter name)
const Particle * getDaughter(unsigned i) const
Returns a pointer to the i-th daughter particle.
double getExtraInfo(const std::string &name) const
Return given value if set.
double getMass() const
Returns invariant mass (= nominal for FS particles)
static const ReferenceFrame & GetCurrent()
Get current rest frame.
StoreObjPtr< ParticleList > m_pionParticles
Internal storage of the tracks as particles.
StoreObjPtr< ParticleList > m_gammaParticles
Internal storage of the ECL clusters as particles.
StoreObjPtr< ParticleList > m_BzParticles
Internal storage of the B0's.
StoreObjPtr< ParticleList > m_LambdaParticles
Internal storage of the Lambda0's.
StoreObjPtr< ParticleList > m_pionHadParticles
Internal storage of the tracks as particles (definition for hadronb).
void requireStoreArrays() override
Require the particle list. We do not need more here.
void doCalculation(SoftwareTriggerObject &calculationResult) override
Actually write out the variables into the map.
Set the default names for the store object particle lists.
StoreObjPtr< ParticleList > m_KsParticles
Internal storage of the K_S0's.
StoreObjPtr< ParticleList > m_DstParticles
Internal storage of the D*'s.
StoreObjPtr< ParticleList > m_pionTauParticles
Internal storage of the tracks as particles (definition for tau skims).
StoreObjPtr< ParticleList > m_BpParticles
Internal storage of the B+'s.
StoreObjPtr< ParticleList > m_offIpParticles
Internal storage of the tracks for alignment calibration.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
bool isValid() const
Check wether the array was registered.
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
iterator end()
Return iterator to last entry +1.
iterator begin()
Return iterator to first entry.
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
bool isValid() const
Check whether the object was created.
Values of the result of a track fit with a given particle hypothesis.
ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector get4Momentum() const
Getter for the 4Momentum at the closest approach of the track in the r/phi projection.
HitPatternCDC getHitPatternCDC() const
Getter for the hit pattern in the CDC;.
Class that bundles various TrackFitResults.
@ c_accept
Accept this event.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.