Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
10 #include <framework/gearbox/Unit.h>
12 #include <ecl/geometry/ECLGeometryPar.h>
13 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLSimHit.h>
14 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLHit.h>
16 #include "trg/ecl/TrgEclDigitizer.h"
19 #include "trg//ecl/dataobjects/TRGECLDigi0.h"
20 #include "trg/ecl/dataobjects/TRGECLWaveform.h" // by shebalin
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <math.h>
24 #include <TRandom.h>
26 using namespace std;
27 using namespace Belle2;
28 //using namespace TRG;
29 //
30 //
31 //
32 TrgEclDigitizer::TrgEclDigitizer():
33  TimeRange(0), _waveform(0), _FADC(1), _BeambkgTag(0)
34 {
35  MatrixParallel.clear();
36  MatrixSerial.clear();
38  _TCMap = new TrgEclMapping();
39  _DataBase = new TrgEclDataBase();
41  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
42  TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm] = 0;
43  TCTiming_tot[iTCIdm] = 0;
44  for (int iTime = 0; iTime < 80; iTime++) {
45  TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime] = 0;
46  TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTime] = 0;
47  TCBkgContribution[iTCIdm][iTime] = 0;
48  TCSigContribution[iTCIdm][iTime] = 0;
49  TCBeambkgTag[iTCIdm][iTime] = 0;
50  }
52  for (int iii = 0; iii < 60 ; iii++) {
53  TCRawEnergy[iTCIdm][iii] = 0;
54  TCRawTiming[iTCIdm][iii] = 0;
55  TCRawBkgTag[iTCIdm][iii] = 0;
56  }
57  for (int iii = 0; iii < 64 ; iii++) {
58  WaveForm[iTCIdm][iii] = 0;
59  }
60  }
61 }
62 //
63 //
64 //
66 {
67  delete _TCMap;
68  delete _DataBase;
69 }
70 //
71 //
72 //
74 void
75 TrgEclDigitizer::setup(int SourceOfTC)
76 {
78  // prepare Matrix for Noise generation
79  _DataBase-> readNoiseLMatrix(MatrixParallel, MatrixSerial);
81  // Set TC data
82  // SourceOfTC => 1=ECLHit, 2=ECLSimHit, 3=ECLHit+TRGECLBGTCHit
83  // ("1:=ECLHit" is used for signal w/o bkg, and real time background monitor)
84  getTCHit(SourceOfTC);
86  return;
87 }
88 //
89 //
90 //
91 void
93 {
95  std::vector< std::vector<float> > E_cell(8736, std::vector<float>(80, 0.0));
96  std::vector< std::vector<float> > T_ave(8736, std::vector<float>(80, 0.0));
97  std::vector< std::vector<float> > Tof_ave(8736, std::vector<float>(80, 0.0));
98  std::vector< std::vector<float> > beambkg_tag(8736, std::vector<float>(80, 0.0));
100  int nBinTime = 80;
101  TimeRange = 4000; // -4us ~ 4us
102  //-------------------------------------------------------------------
103  // read Xtal data
104  //---------------------------------------------------------------------
105  if (SourceOfTC == 1) { // read ECLHit table
107  StoreArray<ECLHit> eclHitArray("ECLHits");
109  int nHits_hit = eclHitArray.getEntries();
110  //
111  for (int iHits = 0; iHits < nHits_hit; iHits++) {
112  // Get a hit
113  ECLHit* aECLHit = eclHitArray[iHits];
114  int beambkg = aECLHit->getBackgroundTag();
116  // Hit geom. info
117  int hitCellId = aECLHit->getCellId() - 1;
118  float hitE = aECLHit->getEnergyDep() / Unit::GeV;
119  float aveT = aECLHit->getTimeAve(); // ns :time from IP to PD
120  if (aveT < - TimeRange || aveT > TimeRange) {continue;} //Choose - TimeRange ~ TimeTange
121  int TimeIndex = (int)((aveT + TimeRange) / 100); //Binning : -4000 = 1st bin ~ 4000 80th bin.
123  int iTCIdm = _TCMap->getTCIdFromXtalId(hitCellId + 1) - 1;
124  TCEnergy[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += hitE;
125  TCTiming[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += hitE * aveT;
126  if (beambkg > 0) {TCBkgContribution[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += hitE ;}
127  else if (beambkg == 0) {TCSigContribution[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += hitE;}
129  }
130  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
131  for (int iTime = 0; iTime < nBinTime; iTime++) {
133  if (TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime] < 1e-9) {continue;}// 0.01MeV cut
134  /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
135  double maxbkgE = 0;
136  /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
137  int maxbkgtag = 0;
138  TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTime] /= TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime];
139  if (_BeambkgTag == 1) {
140  if (TCBkgContribution[iTCIdm][iTime] < TCSigContribution[iTCIdm][iTime]) {
141  TCBeambkgTag[iTCIdm][iTime] = 0; //signal Tag : 0
142  } else {
143  for (int iXtalIdm = 0; iXtalIdm < 8736; iXtalIdm++) {
144  int iTCId = _TCMap->getTCIdFromXtalId(iXtalIdm + 1) - 1;
145  if (iTCIdm != iTCId) {continue;}
146  if (maxbkgE < E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime]) {
147  maxbkgE = E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime];
148  maxbkgtag = beambkg_tag[iXtalIdm][iTime];
149  }
150  }
151  TCBeambkgTag[iTCIdm][iTime] = maxbkgtag;
152  }
153  }
154  }
155  }
156  }
159  if (SourceOfTC == 2) { // read ECLSimHit
161  //=====================
162  // Loop over all hits of steps
163  //=====================
164  StoreArray<ECLSimHit> eclArray("ECLSimHits");
165  int nHits = eclArray.getEntries();
166  //
167  for (int iHits = 0; iHits < nHits; iHits++) {
168  // Get a hit
169  ECLSimHit* aECLSimHit = eclArray[iHits];
171  int hitCellId = aECLSimHit->getCellId() - 1;
172  float hitE = aECLSimHit->getEnergyDep() / Unit::GeV;
173  float hitTOF = aECLSimHit->getFlightTime() / Unit::ns;
175  G4ThreeVector t = aECLSimHit->getPosIn(); // [cm], Hit position in Xtal (based on from IP)
176  ROOT::Math::XYZVector HitInPos(t.x(), t.y(), t.z()); // = aECLSimHit->getPosIn(); // [cm], Hit position in Xtal (based on from IP)
177  ROOT::Math::XYZVector PosCell = eclp->GetCrystalPos(hitCellId);// [cm], Xtal position (based on from IP)
178  ROOT::Math::XYZVector VecCell = eclp->GetCrystalVec(hitCellId);
179  float local_pos_r = 15.0 - (HitInPos - PosCell).Dot(VecCell);
180  if (hitTOF < - TimeRange || hitTOF > TimeRange) {continue;}
181  int TimeIndex = (int)((hitTOF + TimeRange) / 100);
182  E_cell[hitCellId][TimeIndex] = E_cell[hitCellId][TimeIndex] + hitE;
183  T_ave[hitCellId][TimeIndex] = T_ave[hitCellId][TimeIndex] + hitE * local_pos_r;
184  Tof_ave[hitCellId][TimeIndex] = Tof_ave[hitCellId][TimeIndex] + hitE * hitTOF;
185  }
186  //
187  //
188  //
189  //===============
190  // Xtal energy and timing (0-8us, 0.2us interval, 40 bins)
191  //===============
192  for (int iECLCell = 0; iECLCell < 8736; iECLCell++) {
193  for (int TimeIndex = 0; TimeIndex < nBinTime; TimeIndex++) {
195  if (E_cell[iECLCell][TimeIndex] < 1e-9) {continue;} // 0.01MeV cut
197  T_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex] = T_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex] / E_cell[iECLCell][TimeIndex];
198  T_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex] =
199  6.05 +
200  0.0749 * T_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex] -
201  0.00112 * T_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex] * T_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex];
202  Tof_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex] = Tof_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex] / E_cell[iECLCell][TimeIndex];
204  } // 40bins, Time interval = 200ns
205  }
206  //
207  //
208  //
209  for (int iXtalIdm = 0; iXtalIdm < 8736; iXtalIdm++) {
210  int iTCIdm = _TCMap->getTCIdFromXtalId(iXtalIdm + 1) - 1;
211  for (int iTime = 0; iTime < nBinTime; iTime++) {
213  if (E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime] < 1e-9) {continue;} // 0.01MeV cut
214  TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime] += E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime];
215  TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTime] += E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime] * (T_ave[iXtalIdm][iTime]);
216  if (beambkg_tag[iXtalIdm][iTime] > 0) {TCBkgContribution[iTCIdm][iTime] += E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime];}
217  if (beambkg_tag[iXtalIdm][iTime] == 0) {TCSigContribution[iTCIdm][iTime] += E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime];}
219  }
220  }
221  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
222  for (int iTime = 0; iTime < nBinTime; iTime++) {
223  /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
224  double maxbkgE = 0;
225  /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
226  int maxbkgtag = 0;
228  if (TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime] < 1e-9) {continue;} // 0.01MeV cut
229  TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTime] /= TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime];
230  if (_BeambkgTag == 1) {
231  if (TCBkgContribution[iTCIdm][iTime] < TCSigContribution[iTCIdm][iTime]) {
232  TCBeambkgTag[iTCIdm][iTime] = 0; //signal Tag : 0
233  } else {
234  for (int iXtalIdm = 0; iXtalIdm < 8736; iXtalIdm++) {
235  int iTCId = _TCMap->getTCIdFromXtalId(iXtalIdm + 1) - 1;
236  if (iTCIdm != iTCId) {continue;}
237  if (maxbkgE < E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime]) {
238  maxbkgE = E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime];
239  maxbkgtag = beambkg_tag[iXtalIdm][iTime];
240  }
241  }
242  TCBeambkgTag[iTCIdm][iTime] = maxbkgtag;
243  }
244  }
245  }
247  }
249  }
250  //--------------------------------------------------------
251  //
252  //--------------------------------------------------------
253  if (SourceOfTC == 3) {
255  StoreArray<ECLHit> eclHitArray("ECLHits");
257  int nHits_hit = eclHitArray.getEntries();
258  // signal hit
259  for (int iHits = 0; iHits < nHits_hit; iHits++) {
260  // Get a hit
261  ECLHit* aECLHit = eclHitArray[iHits];
262  // Hit geom. info
263  int hitCellId = aECLHit->getCellId() - 1;
264  float hitE = aECLHit->getEnergyDep() / Unit::GeV;
265  float aveT = aECLHit->getTimeAve(); // ns :time from IP to PD
266  // Choose - TimeRange ~ TimeTange
267  if (aveT < - TimeRange || aveT > TimeRange) {continue;}
268  // Binning : -4000 = 1st bin ~ 4000 80th bin.
269  int TimeIndex = (int)((aveT + TimeRange) / 100);
271  int iTCIdm = _TCMap->getTCIdFromXtalId(hitCellId + 1) - 1;
272  TCEnergy[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += hitE;
273  TCTiming[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += hitE * aveT;
274  }
275  // background hit
276  StoreArray<TRGECLBGTCHit> m_trgeclBGTCHits("TRGECLBGTCHits_beamBG");
277  for (const TRGECLBGTCHit& ttt : m_trgeclBGTCHits) {
278  // TC timing
279  double tcbg_t = ttt.getTimeAve();
280  // Timing cut
281  if (abs(tcbg_t) > TimeRange) continue;
282  //Binning : -4000 = 1st bin ~ 4000 80th bin.
283  int TimeIndex = (int)((tcbg_t + TimeRange) / 100);
284  // TC energy
285  double tcbg_e = ttt.getEnergyDep();
286  // TC ID index
287  int iTCIdm = ttt.getTCId() - 1;
288  // TC energy and timing
289  double tc_e = TCEnergy[iTCIdm][TimeIndex];
290  double tc_t = TCTiming[iTCIdm][TimeIndex];
291  TCEnergy[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += tcbg_e;
292  TCTiming[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += (tcbg_e * tcbg_t + tc_e * tc_t);
293  }
294  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
295  for (int iTime = 0; iTime < nBinTime; iTime++) {
296  TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTime] /= TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime];
297  }
298  }
299  }
300  //--------------------------
301  // TC energy and timing in t=0-1us as true values.
302  //--------------------------
303  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
304  for (int iTime = 40; iTime < 50; iTime++) {
305  TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm] += TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime];
306  TCTiming_tot[iTCIdm] += TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTime] * TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime];
307  }
308  TCTiming_tot[iTCIdm] /= TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm];
309  }
311  return;
312 }
313 //
314 //
315 //
316 void
317 TrgEclDigitizer::digitization01(std::vector<std::vector<double>>& TCDigiE,
318  std::vector<std::vector<double>>& TCDigiT)
319 {
320  TCDigiE.clear();
321  TCDigiE.resize(576, vector<double>(64, 0));
322  TCDigiT.clear();
323  TCDigiT.resize(576, vector<double>(64, 0));
325  //
326  double cut_energy_tot = 0.03; // [GeV]
327  int nbin_pedestal = 4; // = nbin_pedestal*fam_sampling_interval [ns] in total
328  double fam_sampling_interval = 125; // [ns]
329  int NSampling = 64; // # of sampling array
332  std::vector< std::vector<float> > noise_pileup(576, std::vector<float>(64, 0.0)); // [GeV]
333  std::vector< std::vector<float> > noise_parallel(576, std::vector<float>(64, 0.0)); // [GeV]
334  std::vector< std::vector<float> > noise_serial(576, std::vector<float>(64, 0.0)); // [GeV]
335  std::vector<float> X_pr(64, 0.0);
336  std::vector<float> X_sr(64, 0.0);
339  // (Make sampling time random between FAM sampling intervals)
340  double random_sampling_correction = 0; // [ns]
341  random_sampling_correction = gRandom->Rndm() * fam_sampling_interval;
342  //==================
343  // (01)Signal digitization
344  //==================
345  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
346  for (int iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < 80; iTimeBin++) {
348  if (TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTimeBin] < 0.0001) {continue;} // 0.1MeV cut on TC bin_energy
349  for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
350  // inputTiming is in [us] <-- Be careful, here is NOT [ns]
351  double inputTiming
352  = (-TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTimeBin] - TimeRange + (-nbin_pedestal + iSampling) * fam_sampling_interval) * 0.001;
353  inputTiming += random_sampling_correction * 0.001;
354  if (inputTiming < 0 || inputTiming > 2.0) {continue;} // Shaping in t0 ~t0+ 2.0 us
355  if (_FADC == 1) {
357  TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling] += interFADC(inputTiming) * TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTimeBin];
358  } else {
359  TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling] += SimplifiedFADC(0, inputTiming) * TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTimeBin];
360  }
361  }
363  for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
364  TCDigiT[iTCIdm][iSampling] = (-nbin_pedestal + iSampling - TimeRange / fam_sampling_interval) * fam_sampling_interval;
365  TCDigiT[iTCIdm][iSampling] += random_sampling_correction;
366  }
367  }
368  }
369  //
370  //
371  //
372  if (0) {
373  FILE* f_out_dat = fopen("ztsim.no_noise.dat", "w");
374  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
375  if (TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm] < cut_energy_tot) { continue; } // TC energy_tot cut
376  fprintf(f_out_dat, "%5i %8.5f %8.5f %8.1f ",
377  iTCIdm + 1, TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm], TCEnergy[iTCIdm][0], TCDigiT[iTCIdm][0]);
378  for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
379  fprintf(f_out_dat, "%7.4f ", TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling]);
380  }
381  fprintf(f_out_dat, "\n");
382  }
383  fclose(f_out_dat);
384  }
385  //==================
386  // (01)noise embedding
387  //==================
388  double tmin_noise = -4; // orignal
389  double tgen = 10.3; // orignal
390  int bkg_level = 1030;
391  double ttt0 = 0; // [us]
392  /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
393  double ttt1 = 0; // [us]
394  /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
395  double ttt2 = 0; // [us]
396  //
397  double frac_pileup = 0.035; // pileup noise fraction?
398  double frac_parallel = 0.023; // parralel noise fraction?
399  double frac_serial = 0.055; // serial noise fraction?
400  double times_pileup = 1; // noise scale based on Belle noise.
401  double times_parallel = 3.15; // noise scale
402  double times_serial = 3.15; // noise scale
404  double corr_pileup = times_pileup * frac_pileup * sqrt(fam_sampling_interval * 0.001);
405  double corr_parallel = times_parallel * frac_parallel * sqrt(fam_sampling_interval * 0.001);
406  double corr_serial = times_serial * frac_serial * sqrt(fam_sampling_interval * 0.001);
409  if (0) {
410  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
411  if (TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm] < cut_energy_tot) { continue; } // TC energy_tot cut
412  for (int jjj = 0; jjj < bkg_level; jjj++) {
413  ttt0 = -(tmin_noise + tgen * gRandom->Rndm()); // [us]
414  ttt1 = -(tmin_noise + tgen * gRandom->Rndm()); // [us]
415  ttt2 = -(tmin_noise + tgen * gRandom->Rndm()); // [us]
416  for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
417  // (pile-up noise)
418  if (ttt0 > 0) { TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling] += SimplifiedFADC(0, ttt0) * corr_pileup * 0.001; }
419  // (parallel noise)
420  if (ttt1 > 0) { TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling] += SimplifiedFADC(1, ttt1) * corr_parallel; }
421  // (serial noise)
422  if (ttt2 > 0) { TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling] += SimplifiedFADC(2, ttt2) * corr_serial; }
423  ttt0 += fam_sampling_interval * 0.001;
424  ttt1 += fam_sampling_interval * 0.001;
425  ttt2 += fam_sampling_interval * 0.001;
426  }
427  }
428  }
429  }
430  if (1) { //use L Matrix
431  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
433  for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
434  X_pr[iSampling] = gRandom ->Gaus(0, 1);
435  X_sr[iSampling] = gRandom ->Gaus(0, 1);
436  }
438  for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
439  for (int jSampling = 0; jSampling < NSampling; jSampling++) {
440  noise_parallel[iTCIdm][iSampling] += 10 * corr_parallel * MatrixParallel[iSampling][jSampling] * X_pr[jSampling];
441  noise_serial[iTCIdm][iSampling] += 10 * corr_serial * MatrixSerial[iSampling][jSampling] * X_sr[jSampling];
442  }
443  }
445  for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
447  TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling] += noise_pileup[iTCIdm][iSampling] + noise_parallel[iTCIdm][iSampling] +
448  noise_serial[iTCIdm][iSampling];
449  }
450  }
451  if (0) {
452  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) { //Only Pile-up noise use old method.
453  if (TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm] < cut_energy_tot) { continue; } // TC energy_tot cut
454  for (int jjj = 0; jjj < bkg_level; jjj++) {
455  ttt0 = -(tmin_noise + tgen * gRandom->Rndm()); // [us]
456  for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
457  // (pile-up noise)
458  if (ttt0 > 0) { TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling] += SimplifiedFADC(0, ttt0) * corr_pileup * 0.001; }
459  ttt0 += fam_sampling_interval * 0.001;
460  }
461  }
462  }
463  }
464  }
466  if (_waveform == 1) {
468  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
469  for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
470  WaveForm[iTCIdm][iSampling] = TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling];
471  }
473  }
474  }
476 }
477 void
478 TrgEclDigitizer::digitization02(std::vector<std::vector<double>>& TCDigiE, std::vector<std::vector<double>>& TCDigiT)
479 {
480  //===============
481  // (03)Signal digitization (w/ 12ns interval for method-0)
482  //===============
483  TCDigiE.clear();
484  TCDigiE.resize(576, vector<double>(666, 0));
485  TCDigiT.clear();
486  TCDigiT.resize(576, vector<double>(666, 0));
487  double cut_energy_tot = 0.03; // [GeV]
488  int nbin_pedestal = 100;
489  float fam_sampling_interval = 12; // [ns]
491  std::vector< std::vector<float> > TCDigiEnergy(576, std::vector<float>(666, 0.0)); // [GeV]
492  std::vector< std::vector<float> > TCDigiTiming(576, std::vector<float>(666, 0.0)); // [ns]
493  int NSampling = 666;
495  // Make sampling time random between FAM sampling intervals
496  float random_sampling_correction = 0; // [ns]
497  random_sampling_correction = gRandom->Rndm() * fam_sampling_interval;
498  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
499  if (TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm] < cut_energy_tot) {continue;} // TC energy_tot cut
500  for (int iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < 80; iTimeBin++) {
501  if (TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTimeBin] < 0.0001) { continue; } // 0.1 MeV cut on TC bin_energy
502  for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
503  // inputTiming is in [us] <-- Be careful, here is NOT [ns]
504  float inputTiming
505  = (-TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTimeBin] - TimeRange + (-nbin_pedestal + iSampling) * fam_sampling_interval) * 0.001;
507  inputTiming += random_sampling_correction * 0.001;
508  if (inputTiming < 0 || inputTiming > 2.0) {continue;} // Shaping in t0 ~t0+ 2.0 us
510  TCDigiEnergy[iTCIdm][iSampling] += FADC(0, inputTiming) * TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTimeBin];
511  }
512  }
513  for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
514  TCDigiTiming[iTCIdm][iSampling] = (-nbin_pedestal + iSampling - TimeRange / fam_sampling_interval) * fam_sampling_interval;
515  TCDigiTiming[iTCIdm][iSampling] += random_sampling_correction;
516  }
517  }
518  //==================
519  // (03)noise embedding
520  //==================
522  double tmin_noise = -4; // orignal
523  double tgen = 10.3; //
524  int bkg_level = 1030;
525  double ttt0 = 0; // [us]
526  double ttt1 = 0; // [us]
527  double ttt2 = 0; // [us]
528  //double frac_pileup = 0.035; // pileup noise fraction?
529  //double frac_parallel = 0.023; // parralel noise fraction?
530  //double frac_serial = 0.055; // serial noise fraction?
531  //double times_pileup = 1; // noise scale based on Belle noise.
532  //double times_parallel = 1; // noise scale
533  //double times_serial = 1; // noise scale
534  //double corr_pileup = times_pileup * frac_pileup * sqrt(fam_sampling_interval * 0.001);
535  //double corr_parallel = times_parallel * frac_parallel * sqrt(fam_sampling_interval * 0.001);
536  //double corr_serial = times_serial * frac_serial * sqrt(fam_sampling_interval * 0.001);
537  double corr_pileup = 0.011068;
538  double corr_parallel = 0.00727324;
539  double corr_serial = 0.0173925;
542  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
543  if (TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm] < cut_energy_tot) { continue; } // 1 MeV TC energy cut
544  for (int jjj = 0; jjj < bkg_level; jjj++) {
545  ttt0 = -(tmin_noise + tgen * gRandom->Rndm()); // [us]
546  ttt1 = -(tmin_noise + tgen * gRandom->Rndm()); // [us]
547  ttt2 = -(tmin_noise + tgen * gRandom->Rndm()); // [us]
548  for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
549  // (pile-up noise)
550  if (ttt0 > 0) { TCDigiEnergy[iTCIdm][iSampling] += FADC(0, ttt0) * corr_pileup * 0.001; }
551  // (parallel noise)
552  if (ttt1 > 0) { TCDigiEnergy[iTCIdm][iSampling] += FADC(1, ttt1) * corr_parallel; }
553  // (serial noise)
554  if (ttt2 > 0) { TCDigiEnergy[iTCIdm][iSampling] += FADC(2, ttt2) * corr_serial; }
555  ttt0 += fam_sampling_interval * 0.001;
556  ttt1 += fam_sampling_interval * 0.001;
557  ttt2 += fam_sampling_interval * 0.001;
558  }
559  }
560  }
562 }
563 //
564 //
565 //
566 void
568 {
569  //---------------
570  // Root Output
571  //---------------
572  int m_hitNum = 0;
573  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
574  for (int iBinTime = 0; iBinTime < 80; iBinTime++) {
575  if (TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iBinTime] < 0.001) {continue;}
576  StoreArray<TRGECLDigi0> TCDigiArray;
577  TCDigiArray.appendNew();
578  m_hitNum = TCDigiArray.getEntries() - 1;
580  TCDigiArray[m_hitNum]->setEventId(m_nEvent);
581  TCDigiArray[m_hitNum]->setTCId(iTCIdm + 1);
582  TCDigiArray[m_hitNum]->setiBinTime(iBinTime);
583  TCDigiArray[m_hitNum]->setRawEnergy(TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iBinTime]);
584  TCDigiArray[m_hitNum]->setRawTiming(TCTiming[iTCIdm][iBinTime]);
585  TCDigiArray[m_hitNum]->setBeamBkgTag(TCBeambkgTag[iTCIdm][iBinTime]);
586  }
587  }
589  if (_waveform == 1) {
590  StoreArray<TRGECLWaveform> TCWaveformArray;
591  for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
592  if (iTCIdm == 80) iTCIdm = 512; // skip barrel
593  int tc_phi_id = _TCMap->getTCPhiIdFromTCId(iTCIdm + 1);
594  int tc_theta_id = _TCMap->getTCThetaIdFromTCId(iTCIdm + 1);
595  TRGECLWaveform* newWf =
596  TCWaveformArray.appendNew(iTCIdm + 1, WaveForm[iTCIdm]);
597  newWf->setThetaPhiIDs(tc_theta_id, tc_phi_id);
598  }
600  }
603  return;
604 }
605 //
606 //
607 //
608 double
610 {
612  std::vector<double> SignalAmp;
613  std::vector<double> SignalTime;
615  SignalAmp.clear();
616  SignalTime.clear();
618  timing = timing * 1000;
619  int startbin = (int)(timing) / 12;
620  int endbin = startbin + 1;
622  SignalAmp = { 0, 3.47505e-06, 0.000133173, 0.000939532, 0.00337321, 0.00845977, 0.0170396, 0.0296601, 0.0465713, 0.0677693, 0.0930545, 0.122086, 0.154429, 0.189595, 0.227068, 0.266331, 0.306882, 0.348243, 0.389971, 0.431664, 0.472959, 0.513539, 0.553127, 0.59149, 0.628431, 0.663791, 0.697445, 0.729297, 0.759281, 0.787354, 0.813494, 0.837698, 0.859982, 0.880372, 0.898908, 0.915639, 0.930622, 0.943919, 0.955598, 0.965731, 0.97439, 0.98165, 0.987587, 0.992275, 0.995788, 0.9982, 0.999581, 1, 0.999525, 0.998219, 0.996143, 0.993356, 0.989846, 0.985364, 0.979439, 0.971558, 0.961304, 0.948421, 0.932809, 0.914509, 0.893664, 0.870494, 0.845267, 0.818279, 0.789837, 0.76025, 0.729815, 0.698815, 0.667511, 0.636141, 0.604919, 0.574035, 0.543654, 0.513915, 0.484939, 0.456822, 0.429643, 0.403462, 0.378324, 0.354259, 0.331286, 0.309412, 0.288633, 0.26894, 0.250316, 0.232736, 0.216174, 0.200597, 0.185972, 0.172262, 0.159428, 0.147431, 0.136232, 0.12579, 0.116067, 0.107022, 0.0986191, 0.0908193, 0.0835871, 0.0768874, 0.0706867, 0.0649528, 0.0596551, 0.0547641, 0.0502523, 0.0460932, 0.042262, 0.0387353, 0.0354909, 0.0325082, 0.0297677, 0.0272511, 0.0249416, 0.0228232, 0.020881, 0.0191014, 0.0174714, 0.0159792, 0.0146138, 0.0133649, 0.012223, 0.0111793, 0.0102258, 0.00935504, 0.00856, 0.00783438, 0.00717232, 0.00656842, 0.00601773, 0.00551567, 0.00505807, 0.00464106, 0.00426114, 0.00391506, 0.00359985, 0.0033128, 0.00305143, 0.00281346, 0.00259681, 0.00239957, 0.00222002, 0.00205655, 0.00190773, 0.00177223, 0.00164885, 0.00153648, 0.00143413, 0.00134087, 0.00125589, 0.00117842, 0.00110777, 0.00104332, 0.000984488, 0.000930766, 0.000881678, 0.000836798, 0.000795734, 0.000758134, 0.000723677, 0.00069207, 0.000663051, 0.000636377, 0.000611832, 0.000589219, 0.000568358, 0.000549086, 0.000531258, 0.000514738, 0.000499407, 0.000485156, 0.000471884, 0.000459502, 0.00044793, 0.000437092, 0.000426923, 0.000417363, 0.000408356, 0.000399853, 0.000391811, 0.000384187, 0.000376946, 0.000370055, 0.000363483, 0.000357203, 0.000351192, 0.000345426, 0.000339886, 0.000334554, 0.000329413, 0.000324448, 0.000319645, 0.000314993, 0.000310481, 0.000306098, 0.000301836, 0.000297686, 0.00029364, 0.000289693, 0.000285837, 0.000282068, 0.00027838, 0.000274768, 0.000271229, 0.000267759, 0.000264354, 0.000261011, 0.000257727, 0.000254499, 0.000251326, 0.000248204, 0.000245132, 0.000242108, 0.000239131, 0.000236198, 0.000233308, 0.00023046, 0.000227653, 0.000224885, 0.000222155, 0.000219463, 0.000216807, 0.000214187, 0.000211602, 0.00020905, 0.000206532, 0.000204046, 0.000201593, 0.00019917, 0.000196779, 0.000194417, 0.000192085, 0.000189782, 0.000187508, 0.000185262, 0.000183044, 0.000180853, 0.000178689, 0.000176552, 0.000174441, 0.000172355, 0.000170295, 0.00016826, 0.000166249, 0.000164263, 0.000162301, };
624  SignalTime = { 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 156, 168, 180, 192, 204, 216, 228, 240, 252, 264, 276, 288, 300, 312, 324, 336, 348, 360, 372, 384, 396, 408, 420, 432, 444, 456, 468, 480, 492, 504, 516, 528, 540, 552, 564, 576, 588, 600, 612, 624, 636, 648, 660, 672, 684, 696, 708, 720, 732, 744, 756, 768, 780, 792, 804, 816, 828, 840, 852, 864, 876, 888, 900, 912, 924, 936, 948, 960, 972, 984, 996, 1008, 1020, 1032, 1044, 1056, 1068, 1080, 1092, 1104, 1116, 1128, 1140, 1152, 1164, 1176, 1188, 1200, 1212, 1224, 1236, 1248, 1260, 1272, 1284, 1296, 1308, 1320, 1332, 1344, 1356, 1368, 1380, 1392, 1404, 1416, 1428, 1440, 1452, 1464, 1476, 1488, 1500, 1512, 1524, 1536, 1548, 1560, 1572, 1584, 1596, 1608, 1620, 1632, 1644, 1656, 1668, 1680, 1692, 1704, 1716, 1728, 1740, 1752, 1764, 1776, 1788, 1800, 1812, 1824, 1836, 1848, 1860, 1872, 1884, 1896, 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052, 2064, 2076, 2088, 2100, 2112, 2124, 2136, 2148, 2160, 2172, 2184, 2196, 2208, 2220, 2232, 2244, 2256, 2268, 2280, 2292, 2304, 2316, 2328, 2340, 2352, 2364, 2376, 2388, 2400, 2412, 2424, 2436, 2448, 2460, 2472, 2484, 2496, 2508, 2520, 2532, 2544, 2556, 2568, 2580, 2592, 2604, 2616, 2628, 2640, 2652, 2664, 2676, 2688, 2700, 2712, 2724, 2736, 2748, 2760, 2772, 2784, 2796, 2808, 2820, 2832, 2844, 2856, 2868, 2880, 2892, 2904, 2916, 2928, };
627  double E_out = 0;
628  if (timing < 0 || timing > 2928) {return E_out;}
630  if (timing > SignalTime[startbin] && timing < SignalTime[endbin]) {
631  E_out = (((SignalAmp[endbin] - SignalAmp[startbin])) / (SignalTime[endbin] - SignalTime[startbin])) *
632  (timing - SignalTime[startbin]) + SignalAmp[startbin];
633  return E_out;
634  } else {
635  E_out = 0;
636  }
639  return E_out;
641 }
642 //
643 //
644 //
645 double
647  double timing)
648 {
650  //--------------------------------------
651  //
652  // o "timing" unit is [us]
653  // o flag_gen = 0(=signal), 1(=parallel), 2(=serial)
654  // o return value(PDF) is [GeV]
655  //
656  //--------------------------------------
657  double tsh, dd;
658  static double tc, tc2, tsc, tris, b1, b2;
659  static double amp, dft, as;
660  static double td, t1, t2;
662  static int ifir = 0;
664  if (ifir == 0) {
666  td = 0.10; // diff time ( 0.10)
667  t1 = 0.10; // integ1 real ( 0.10)
668  b1 = 30.90; // integ1 imag ( 30.90)
669  t2 = 0.01; // integ2 real ( 0.01)
670  b2 = 30.01; // integ2 imag ( 30.01)
671  double ts = 1.00; // scint decay ( 1.00)
672  dft = 0.600; // diff delay ( 0.600)
673  as = 0.548; // diff frac ( 0.548)
674  //
675  amp = 1.0;
676  tris = 0.01;
677  tsc = ts;
678  //
679  int im = 0;
680  int ij = 0;
681  int fm = 0;
682  tc = 0;
683  double tt = u_max(u_max(td, t1), u_max(t2, ts)) * 2;
684  int flag_once = 0;
685  while (flag_once == 0) {
686  double dt = tt / 1000;
687  double tm = 0;
688  for (int j = 1; j <= 1000; j++) {
689  tc2 = tc - dft;
690  double fff =
691  (ShapeF(tc, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsc) -
692  ShapeF(tc, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tris) * 0.01) -
693  (ShapeF(tc2, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsc) -
694  ShapeF(tc2, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tris) * 0.01) * as;
695  if (fff > fm) {
696  fm = fff;
697  tm = tc;
698  im = j;
699  }
700  tc = tc + dt;
701  }
702  if (im >= 1000) {
703  tt = 2 * tt;
704  flag_once = 0;
705  continue;
706  }
707  if (ij == 0) {
708  ij = 1;
709  tc = 0.99 * tm;
710  dt = tm * 0.02 / 1000;
711  flag_once = 0;
712  continue;
713  }
714  flag_once = 1;
715  }
716  amp = 1.0 / fm;
717  ifir = 1;
718  }
719  //
720  //
721  double pdf = 0;
722  if (flag_gen == 0) {
723  //-----<signal>
724  tc2 = timing - dft;
725  pdf = amp * (
726  (ShapeF(timing, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsc) -
727  ShapeF(timing, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tris) * 0.01) -
728  (ShapeF(tc2, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsc) -
729  ShapeF(tc2, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tris) * 0.01) * as);
730  } else if (flag_gen == 1) {
731  //-----<parallel>
732  tc2 = timing - dft;
733  tsh = 0.001;
734  pdf = amp * (
735  ShapeF(timing, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsh) -
736  ShapeF(tc2, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsh) * as);
737  pdf = pdf * 0.001; // GeV
738  } else {
739  //-----<serial>
740  tc2 = timing - dft;
741  tsh = 0.001;
742  pdf = amp * (
743  ShapeF(timing, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsh) -
744  ShapeF(tc2, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsh) * as);
745  //
746  tc = timing - 0.01;
747  if (tc < 0) { tc = 0; }
748  dd = timing - tc;
749  tc2 = tc - dft;
750  pdf = (amp * (
751  ShapeF(tc, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsh) -
752  ShapeF(tc2, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsh) * as) - pdf) / dd;
753  pdf = pdf * 0.001; // GeV
754  }
756  return pdf;
757 }
758 //
759 //
760 //
761 double
763  double t01,
764  double tb1,
765  double t02,
766  double tb2,
767  double td1,
768  double ts1)
769 {
770  double dr;
771  double dzna;
772  double das1, das0, dac0;
773  double dcs0s, dsn0s, dcs0d, dsn0d;
774  double dcs1s, dsn1s, dcs1d, dsn1d;
776  double sv123 = 0.0;
777  if (t00 < 0) return 0;
779  dr = (ts1 - td1) / td1;
780  if (fabs(dr) <= 1.0e-5) {
781  if (ts1 > td1) { ts1 = td1 * 1.00001; }
782  else { ts1 = td1 * 0.99999; }
783  }
784  //
785  dr = (pow((t01 - t02), 2) + pow((tb1 - tb2), 2)) / (pow((t01), 2) + pow((tb1), 2));
786  if (dr <= 1.e-10) {
787  if (t01 < t02) { t01 = t02 / 1.00001; }
788  else { t01 = t02 / 0.99999; }
789  }
790  if (t00 <= 0.0) return 0;
791  //
792  //
793  //
794  double a1 = 1 / t01;
795  double a2 = 1 / tb1;
796  double b1 = 1 / t02;
797  double b2 = 1 / tb2;
798  double c1 = 1 / td1;
799  double c2 = 1 / ts1;
801  das0 = b2 * (pow((b1 - a1), 2) + (b2 + a2) * (b2 - a2));
802  dac0 = -2 * (b1 - a1) * a2 * b2;
803  das1 = a2 * (pow((b1 - a1), 2) - (b2 + a2) * (b2 - a2));
805  dsn0s = ((c2 - a1) * das0 - (-a2) * dac0) / (pow(a2, 2) + pow((c2 - a1), 2));
806  dcs0s = ((-a2) * das0 + (c2 - a1) * dac0) / (pow(a2, 2) + pow((c2 - a1), 2));
808  dsn1s = ((c2 - b1) * das1 - (-b2) * (-dac0)) / (pow(b2, 2) + pow((c2 - b1), 2));
809  dcs1s = ((-b2) * das1 + (c2 - b1) * (-dac0)) / (pow(b2, 2) + pow((c2 - b1), 2));
811  dsn0d = ((c1 - a1) * das0 - (-a2) * dac0) / (pow(a2, 2) + pow((c1 - a1), 2));
812  dcs0d = ((-a2) * das0 + (c1 - a1) * dac0) / (pow(a2, 2) + pow((c1 - a1), 2));
814  dsn1d = ((c1 - b1) * das1 - (-b2) * (-dac0)) / (pow(b2, 2) + pow((c1 - b1), 2));
815  dcs1d = ((-b2) * das1 + (c1 - b1) * (-dac0)) / (pow(b2, 2) + pow((c1 - b1), 2));
816  //
817  //
818  //
819  dzna = (pow((b1 - a1), 2) + pow((b2 - a2), 2)) * (pow((b1 - a1), 2) + pow((a2 + b2), 2));
821  sv123 = (
822  (dcs0s + dcs1s) * exp(-c2 * t00) * (-1) +
823  (dcs0d + dcs1d) * exp(-c1 * t00) +
824  ((dsn0s - dsn0d) * sin(a2 * t00) + (dcs0s - dcs0d) * cos(a2 * t00)) * exp(-a1 * t00) +
825  ((dsn1s - dsn1d) * sin(b2 * t00) + (dcs1s - dcs1d) * cos(b2 * t00)) * exp(-b1 * t00)
826  )
827  / dzna / (1 / c2 - 1 / c1);
829  return sv123;
830 }
832 //
833 //
834 //
837 double
839  double timing)
840 {
842  //--------------------------------------
843  //
844  // o "timing" unit is [us]
845  // o flag_gen = 0(=signal), 1(=parallel), 2(=serial)
846  // o return value(PDF) is [GeV]
847  // o Generate signal shape using a simplified function.
848  //
849  //
850  //--------------------------------------
851  double tsh, dd;
852  static double tc, tc2, tsc, tris;
853  static double amp, dft, as;
856  // int im, ij;
858  static int ifir = 0;
860  if (ifir == 0) {
862  const double td = 0.10; // diff time ( 0.10)
863  const double t1 = 0.10; // integ1 real ( 0.10)
864  // b1 = 30.90; // integ1 imag ( 30.90)
865  const double t2 = 0.01; // integ2 real ( 0.01)
866  // b2 = 30.01; // integ2 imag ( 30.01)
867  double ts = 1.00; // scint decay ( 1.00)
868  dft = 0.600; // diff delay ( 0.600)
869  as = 0.548; // diff frac ( 0.548)
870  //
871  amp = 1.0;
872  tris = 0.01;
873  // ts0 = 0.0;
874  tsc = ts;
875  double fm = 0;
876  //
877  int im = 0;
878  int ij = 0;
879  tc = 0;
880  double tt = u_max(u_max(td, t1), u_max(t2, ts)) * 2;
881  int flag_once = 0;
882  while (flag_once == 0) {
883  double dt = tt / 1000;
885  double tm = 0;
886  for (int j = 1; j <= 1000; j++) {
887  tc2 = tc - dft;
888  double fff =
889  (ShapeF(tc, tsc) -
890  ShapeF(tc, tris) * 0.01) -
891  (ShapeF(tc2, tsc) -
892  ShapeF(tc2, tris) * 0.01) * as;
893  if (fff > fm) {
894  fm = fff;
895  tm = tc;
896  im = j;
897  }
898  tc = tc + dt;
899  }
900  if (im >= 1000) {
901  tt = 2 * tt;
902  flag_once = 0;
903  continue;
904  }
905  if (ij == 0) {
906  ij = 1;
907  tc = 0.99 * tm;
908  dt = tm * 0.02 / 1000;
909  flag_once = 0;
910  continue;
911  }
912  flag_once = 1;
913  }
914  amp = 1.0 / fm;
915  ifir = 1;
916  }
917  //
918  //
919  double pdf = 0;
920  if (flag_gen == 0) {
921  //-----<signal>
922  tc2 = timing - dft;
923  pdf = amp * (
924  (ShapeF(timing, tsc) -
925  ShapeF(timing, tris) * 0.01) -
926  (ShapeF(tc2, tsc) -
927  ShapeF(tc2, tris) * 0.01) * as);
928  } else if (flag_gen == 1) {
929  //-----<parallel>
930  tc2 = timing - dft;
931  tsh = 0.001;
932  pdf = amp * (
933  ShapeF(timing, tsh) -
934  ShapeF(tc2, tsh) * as);
935  pdf = pdf * 0.001; // GeV
936  } else {
937  //-----<serial>
938  tc2 = timing - dft;
939  tsh = 0.001;
940  pdf = amp * (
941  ShapeF(timing, tsh) -
942  ShapeF(tc2, tsh) * as);
943  //
944  tc = timing - 0.01;
945  if (tc < 0) { tc = 0; }
946  dd = timing - tc;
947  tc2 = tc - dft;
948  pdf = (amp * (
949  ShapeF(tc, tsh) -
950  ShapeF(tc2, tsh) * as) - pdf) / dd;
951  pdf = pdf * 0.001; // GeV
952  }
954  return pdf;
955 }
958 double TrgEclDigitizer::ShapeF(double t00, double ts1)
959 {
960  static const double realNaN = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
962  double dzna;
963  // double das1,das0,dac0;
964  double dcs0s = realNaN, dsn0s = realNaN, dcs0d, dsn0d;
965  double dcs1s = realNaN, dsn1s = realNaN, dcs1d, dsn1d;
966  double a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2 = realNaN;
967  double sv123 = 0.0;
969  if (t00 <= 0.0) return 0;
973  a1 = 10 ;
974  a2 = 0.0323625 ;
975  b1 = 100;
976  b2 = 0.0333222;
977  c1 = 10;
979  if (ts1 == 1) {
980  c2 = 1;
981  dsn0s = -29.9897;
982  dcs0s = -0.08627;
984  dsn1s = -2.64784;
985  dcs1s = -0.00285194;
986  }
987  if (ts1 == 0.01) {
988  c2 = 100;
989  dsn0s = 2.999 ;
990  dcs0s = -0.00323517;
992  dsn1s = 5.82524;
993  dcs1s = -7866.7;
994  }
995  if (ts1 == 0.001) {
996  c2 = 1000;
997  dsn0s = 0.272636;
998  dcs0s = -0.000204983;
1000  dsn1s = 0.291262;
1001  dcs1s = 0.000204894;
1002  }
1004  dsn0d = -5.998;
1005  dcs0d = -8340.22;
1007  dsn1d = -2.91262;
1008  dcs1d = -0.00323517;
1009  //
1010  //
1011  //
1012  dzna = 6.561e+07;
1014  sv123 = (
1015  (dcs0s + dcs1s) * exp(-c2 * t00) * (-1) +
1016  (dcs0d + dcs1d) * exp(-c1 * t00) +
1017  ((dsn0s - dsn0d) * sin(a2 * t00) + (dcs0s - dcs0d) * cos(a2 * t00)) * exp(-a1 * t00) +
1018  ((dsn1s - dsn1d) * sin(b2 * t00) + (dcs1s - dcs1d) * cos(b2 * t00)) * exp(-b1 * t00)
1019  )
1020  / dzna / (1 / c2 - 1 / c1);
1022  return sv123;
1023 }
1024 //
1025 //
1026 //
1027 double
1028 TrgEclDigitizer::u_max(double aaa, double bbb)
1029 {
1030  if (aaa > bbb) { return aaa; }
1031  else { return bbb; }
1032 }
1033 //
1034 //
1035 //
Class to store simulated hits which equate to average of ECLSImHit on crystals input for digitization...
Definition: ECLHit.h:25
double getTimeAve() const
Get average time.
Definition: ECLHit.h:75
int getCellId() const
Get Cell ID.
Definition: ECLHit.h:65
double getEnergyDep() const
Get deposit energy.
Definition: ECLHit.h:70
ClassECLSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the ECL.
Definition: ECLSimHit.h:29
int getCellId() const
Get Cell ID.
Definition: ECLSimHit.h:86
double getFlightTime() const
Get Flight time from IP.
Definition: ECLSimHit.h:101
double getEnergyDep() const
Get Deposit energy.
Definition: ECLSimHit.h:106
G4ThreeVector getPosIn() const
Get Position.
Definition: ECLSimHit.h:121
The Class for ECL Geometry Parameters.
static ECLGeometryPar * Instance()
Static method to get a reference to the ECLGeometryPar instance.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector GetCrystalPos(int cid)
The Position of crystal.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector GetCrystalVec(int cid)
The direction of crystal.
virtual unsigned short getBackgroundTag() const
Get background tag.
Definition: SimHitBase.h:46
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
T * appendNew()
Construct a new T object at the end of the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:246
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
Example Detector.
Definition: TRGECLBGTCHit.h:24
Digitize result.
void setThetaPhiIDs(int thid, int phid)
Set Theta and Phi Id of TC.
class TrgEclDataBase;
int _FADC
Flag of choosing the method of waveform generation function 0: use simplifiedFADC,...
double TCTiming_tot[576]
TC Timing converted from Xtarl Timing [GeV].
virtual ~TrgEclDigitizer()
void save(int)
save fitting result into tables
double TCBkgContribution[576][80]
Beambackground contribution.
void setup(int)
setup fam module
double WaveForm[576][64]
TC Energy converted from Xtarl Energy [GeV].
double TCRawTiming[576][60]
Input TC timing[ns]
double TCEnergy[576][80]
TC Energy converted from Xtarl Energy [GeV].
double TCSigContribution[576][80]
Signal contribution.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > MatrixParallel
Noise Matrix of Parallel and Serial Noise.
TrgEclDataBase * _DataBase
Object of DataBase.
double TCTiming[576][80]
TC Timing converted from Xtarl Timing [GeV].
double TCRawBkgTag[576][60]
Input Beambackground tag
double interFADC(double)
Faster FADC using interpolation.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > MatrixSerial
Noise Low triangle Matrix of Serial noise
double TCRawEnergy[576][60]
Input TC energy[GeV].
double TimeRange
time range(default : -4000 ~ 4000 ns )
int _BeambkgTag
Flag of saving beam background tag or not.
double FADC(int, double)
double SimplifiedFADC(int, double)
void digitization01(std::vector< std::vector< double >> &, std::vector< std::vector< double >> &)
fit method, digi with 125ns interval
double u_max(double, double)
Find max value between 2 vals;.
int _waveform
Flag of waveform table.
int TCBeambkgTag[576][80]
Beambackground tag.
double ShapeF(double, double, double, double, double, double, double)
return shape using FADC function
void getTCHit(int)
get TC Hits from Xtal hits
TrgEclMapping * _TCMap
Object of TC Mapping.
double TCEnergy_tot[576]
TC Energy converted from Xtarl Energy [GeV].
void digitization02(std::vector< std::vector< double >> &, std::vector< std::vector< double >> &)
original no fit method, digi with 12ns interval
A class of TC Mapping.
Definition: TrgEclMapping.h:26
int getTCThetaIdFromTCId(int)
get [TC Theta ID] from [TC ID]
int getTCIdFromXtalId(int)
get [TC ID] from [Xtal ID]
int getTCPhiIdFromTCId(int)
get [TC Phi ID] from [TC ID]
static const double ns
Standard of [time].
Definition: Unit.h:48
static const double GeV
Standard of [energy, momentum, mass].
Definition: Unit.h:51
static const double realNaN
constant for double NaN
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.