Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #pragma once
12 #include <tracking/dataobjects/FilterID.h>
14 // 2-hit:
15 #include <tracking/vxdCaTracking/TwoHitFilters.h>
16 // 3-hit:
17 #include <tracking/vxdCaTracking/ThreeHitFilters.h>
18 // 4-hit:
19 #include <tracking/vxdCaTracking/FourHitFilters.h>
21 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
23 #include <string>
25 #include <framework/geometry/B2Vector3.h>
28 namespace Belle2 {
35  template<class PointType>
37  public:
40  XHitFilterFactory(double x = 0, double y = 0, double z = 0, double mField = 1.5) :
41  m_virtualIP(x, y, z)
42  {
45  }
50  /* XHitFilterFactory() : m_virtualIP(0, 0, 0) {}*/
58  using TwoHitFunction = typename std::function<double(const PointType&, const PointType&)>;
61  using ThreeHitFunction = typename std::function<double(const PointType&, const PointType&, const PointType&)>;
64  using FourHitFunction = typename std::function<double(const PointType&, const PointType&, const PointType&, const PointType&)>;
69  TwoHitFunction get2HitInterface(std::string variableName)
70  {
71  XHitFilterType varType = FilterID::getTypeEnum(variableName);
72  return get2HitInterface(varType);
73  }
79  {
80  // prepare stuff for 2-hit-filters:
81  auto prepareStuff = [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> void {
82  B2Vector3D tOuterHit(outerHit.X(), outerHit.Y(), outerHit.Z());
83  B2Vector3D tInnerHit(innerHit.X(), innerHit.Y(), innerHit.Z());
84  m_twoHit.resetValues(tOuterHit, tInnerHit);
85  };
88  if (variableType == FilterID::distance3D) {
89  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
90  prepareStuff(outerHit, innerHit);
91  return m_twoHit.calcDist3D();
92  };
93  }
95  if (variableType == FilterID::distanceXY) {
96  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
97  prepareStuff(outerHit, innerHit);
98  return m_twoHit.calcDistXY();
99  };
100  }
102  if (variableType == FilterID::distanceZ) {
103  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
104  prepareStuff(outerHit, innerHit);
105  return m_twoHit.calcDistZ();
106  };
107  }
109  if (variableType == FilterID::slopeRZ) {
110  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
111  prepareStuff(outerHit, innerHit);
112  return m_twoHit.calcSlopeRZ();
113  };
114  }
116  if (variableType == FilterID::normedDistance3D) {
117  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
118  prepareStuff(outerHit, innerHit);
119  return m_twoHit.calcNormedDist3D();
120  };
121  }
123  // prepare stuff for 2+1-hit-filters
124  auto prepareStuffHiOc = [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> void {
125  B2Vector3D tOuterHit(outerHit.X(), outerHit.Y(), outerHit.Z());
126  B2Vector3D tInnerHit(innerHit.X(), innerHit.Y(), innerHit.Z());
127  m_threeHit.resetValues(tOuterHit, tInnerHit, m_virtualIP);
128  };
132  if (variableType == FilterID::anglesHighOccupancy3D) {
133  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
134  prepareStuffHiOc(outerHit, innerHit);
135  return m_threeHit.calcAngle3D();
136  };
137  }
139  if (variableType == FilterID::anglesHighOccupancyXY) {
140  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
141  prepareStuffHiOc(outerHit, innerHit);
142  return m_threeHit.calcAngleXY();
143  };
144  }
146  if (variableType == FilterID::anglesHighOccupancyRZ) {
147  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
148  prepareStuffHiOc(outerHit, innerHit);
149  return m_threeHit.calcAngleRZ();
150  };
151  }
153  if (variableType == FilterID::distanceHighOccupancy2IP) {
154  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
155  prepareStuffHiOc(outerHit, innerHit);
156  return m_threeHit.calcCircleDist2IP();
157  };
158  }
160  if (variableType == FilterID::deltaSlopeHighOccupancyRZ) {
161  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
162  prepareStuffHiOc(outerHit, innerHit);
163  return m_threeHit.calcDeltaSlopeRZ();
164  };
165  }
167  if (variableType == FilterID::pTHighOccupancy) {
168  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
169  prepareStuffHiOc(outerHit, innerHit);
170  return m_threeHit.calcPt();
171  };
172  }
174  if (variableType == FilterID::helixParameterHighOccupancyFit) {
175  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
176  prepareStuffHiOc(outerHit, innerHit);
178  };
179  }
183  B2ERROR(" XHitFilterAdapter-2Hit: given name (raw/full): " << variableType <<
184  "/" << FilterID::getTypeName(variableType) <<
185  " is not known, returning dummy function with 0.0 as a result instead!");
187  return [&](const PointType&, const PointType&) -> double { return 0.0; };
188  }
193  ThreeHitFunction get3HitInterface(std::string variableName)
194  {
195  XHitFilterType varType = FilterID::getTypeEnum(variableName);
196  return get3HitInterface(varType);
197  }
203  {
204  // prepare stuff for 3-hit-filters
205  auto prepareStuff3Hit = [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & centerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> void {
206  B2Vector3D tOuterHit(outerHit.X(), outerHit.Y(), outerHit.Z());
207  B2Vector3D tCenterHit(centerHit.X(), centerHit.Y(), centerHit.Z());
208  B2Vector3D tInnerHit(innerHit.X(), innerHit.Y(), innerHit.Z());
209  m_threeHit.resetValues(tOuterHit, tCenterHit, tInnerHit);
210  };
213  if (variableType == FilterID::angles3D) {
214  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & centerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
215  prepareStuff3Hit(outerHit, centerHit, innerHit);
216  return m_threeHit.calcAngle3D();
217  };
218  }
220  if (variableType == FilterID::anglesRZ) {
221  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & centerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
222  prepareStuff3Hit(outerHit, centerHit, innerHit);
223  return m_threeHit.calcAngleRZ();
224  };
225  }
227  if (variableType == FilterID::anglesXY) {
228  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & centerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
229  prepareStuff3Hit(outerHit, centerHit, innerHit);
230  return m_threeHit.calcAngleXY();
231  };
232  }
234  if (variableType == FilterID::deltaSlopeRZ) {
235  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & centerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
236  prepareStuff3Hit(outerHit, centerHit, innerHit);
237  return m_threeHit.calcDeltaSlopeRZ();
238  };
239  }
241  if (variableType == FilterID::pT) {
242  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & centerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
243  prepareStuff3Hit(outerHit, centerHit, innerHit);
244  return m_threeHit.calcPt();
245  };
246  }
248  if (variableType == FilterID::distance2IP) {
249  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & centerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
250  prepareStuff3Hit(outerHit, centerHit, innerHit);
251  return m_threeHit.calcCircleDist2IP();
252  };
253  }
255  if (variableType == FilterID::helixParameterFit) {
256  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & centerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
257  prepareStuff3Hit(outerHit, centerHit, innerHit);
259  };
260  }
262  if (variableType == FilterID::deltaSOverZ) {
263  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & centerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
264  prepareStuff3Hit(outerHit, centerHit, innerHit);
265  return m_threeHit.calcDeltaSOverZ();
266  };
267  }
269  if (variableType == FilterID::deltaSlopeZOverS) {
270  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & centerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
271  prepareStuff3Hit(outerHit, centerHit, innerHit);
273  };
274  }
277  // prepare stuff for 3+1-hit-filters
278  auto prepareStuff4Hit = [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & centerHit,
279  const PointType & innerHit) -> void {
280  B2Vector3D tOuterHit(outerHit.X(), outerHit.Y(), outerHit.Z());
281  B2Vector3D tCenterHit(centerHit.X(), centerHit.Y(), centerHit.Z());
282  B2Vector3D tInnerHit(innerHit.X(), innerHit.Y(), innerHit.Z());
283  m_fourHit.resetValues(tOuterHit, tCenterHit, tInnerHit, m_virtualIP);
284  };
287  if (variableType == FilterID::deltapTHighOccupancy) {
288  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & centerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
289  prepareStuff4Hit(outerHit, centerHit, innerHit);
290  return m_fourHit.calcDeltapT();
291  };
292  }
294  if (variableType == FilterID::deltaDistanceHighOccupancy2IP) {
295  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & centerHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
296  prepareStuff4Hit(outerHit, centerHit, innerHit);
298  };
299  }
302  B2ERROR(" XHitFilterAdapter-3Hit: given name (raw/full): " << variableType <<
303  "/" << FilterID::getTypeName(variableType) <<
304  " is not known, returning dummy function with 0.0 as a result instead!");
306  return [&](const PointType&, const PointType&, const PointType&) -> double { return 0.0; };
307  }
312  FourHitFunction get4HitInterface(std::string variableName)
313  {
314  XHitFilterType varType = FilterID::getTypeEnum(variableName);
315  return get4HitInterface(varType);
316  }
322  {
324  // prepare stuff for 4-hit-filters
325  auto prepareStuff4Hit = [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & outerCenterHit,
326  const PointType & innerCenterHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> void {
327  B2Vector3D tOuterHit(outerHit.X(), outerHit.Y(), outerHit.Z());
328  B2Vector3D tOuterCenterHit(outerCenterHit.X(), outerCenterHit.Y(), outerCenterHit.Z());
329  B2Vector3D tInnerCenterHit(innerCenterHit.X(), innerCenterHit.Y(), innerCenterHit.Z());
330  B2Vector3D tInnerHit(innerHit.X(), innerHit.Y(), innerHit.Z());
331  m_fourHit.resetValues(tOuterHit, tOuterCenterHit, tInnerCenterHit, tInnerHit);
332  };
335  if (variableType == FilterID::deltapT) {
336  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & outerCenterHit,
337  const PointType & innerCenterHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
338  prepareStuff4Hit(outerHit, outerCenterHit, innerCenterHit, innerHit);
339  return m_fourHit.calcDeltapT();
340  };
341  }
343  if (variableType == FilterID::deltaDistance2IP) {
344  return [ = ](const PointType & outerHit, const PointType & outerCenterHit,
345  const PointType & innerCenterHit, const PointType & innerHit) -> double {
346  prepareStuff4Hit(outerHit, outerCenterHit, innerCenterHit, innerHit);
348  };
349  }
352  B2ERROR(" XHitFilterAdapter-4Hit: given name (raw/full): " << variableType <<
353  "/" << FilterID::getTypeName(variableType) <<
354  " is not known, returning dummy function with 0.0 as a result instead!");
356  return [&](const PointType&, const PointType&, const PointType&, const PointType&) -> double { return 0.0; };
357  }
361  protected:
368  };
370 }
static filterTypes getTypeEnum(const std::string &filterString)
returns type of given name, needed for compatibility with other modules.
Definition: FilterID.h:240
static std::string getTypeName(filterTypes filterType)
returns name of given type, needed for compatibility with other modules
filterTyoes contains enums assigning unique values for each filter type allowing fast filter type rec...
Definition: FilterID.h:31
@ distanceHighOccupancy2IP
string name of filter d2IP high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:44
@ deltaDistance2IP
string name of filter dd2IP
Definition: FilterID.h:69
@ distance2IP
string name of filter d2IP
Definition: FilterID.h:56
@ deltaSlopeHighOccupancyRZ
string name of filter dslopeRZ high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:45
@ anglesHighOccupancy3D
string name of filter a3D high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:41
@ deltapT
string name of filter dPt
Definition: FilterID.h:68
@ distanceXY
string name of filter dXY
Definition: FilterID.h:34
@ anglesXY
string name of filter aXY
Definition: FilterID.h:53
@ normedDistance3D
string name of filter nd3D
Definition: FilterID.h:37
@ slopeRZ
string name of filter slopeRZ
Definition: FilterID.h:36
@ distance3D
string name of filter d3D
Definition: FilterID.h:33
@ anglesHighOccupancyXY
string name of filter aXY high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:42
@ helixParameterFit
string name of filter helix Paramater Fit
Definition: FilterID.h:57
@ deltaSlopeRZ
string name of filter dslopeRZ
Definition: FilterID.h:54
@ deltaDistanceHighOccupancy2IP
string name of filter dd2IP high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:64
@ helixParameterHighOccupancyFit
string name of filter hFit high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:47
@ deltapTHighOccupancy
string name of filter dPt high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:63
@ pTHighOccupancy
string name of filter pT high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:46
@ angles3D
string name of filter a3D
Definition: FilterID.h:51
@ anglesRZ
string name of filter aRZ
Definition: FilterID.h:52
@ deltaSlopeZOverS
deltaSlopeZOverS Filter
Definition: FilterID.h:59
@ distanceZ
string name of filter dZ
Definition: FilterID.h:35
@ deltaSOverZ
deltaSOverZ Filter
Definition: FilterID.h:58
@ pT
string name of filter pT
Definition: FilterID.h:55
@ anglesHighOccupancyRZ
string name of filter aRZ high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:43
The class 'FourHitFilters' bundles filter methods using 4 hits which are stored in B2Vector3Ds.
double calcDeltaDistCircleCenter()
calculates ddist2IP-value directly (ddist2IP= difference in magnitude of the points of closest approa...
double calcDeltapT()
calculates dpt-value (dpt= difference in transverse momentum of 2 subsets of the hits),...
void resetMagneticField(const double magneticFieldStrength=1.5)
Overrides Constructor-Setup for magnetic field.
void resetValues(const B2Vector3D &outer, const B2Vector3D &outerCenter, const B2Vector3D &innerCenter, const B2Vector3D &inner)
Overrides Constructor-Setup.
The class 'ThreeHitFilters' bundles filter methods using 3 hits which are stored in B2Vector3Ds.
double calcAngle3D()
calculates the angle between the hits/vectors (3D), returning unit: none (calculation for degrees is ...
double calcDeltaSOverZ()
calculates the helixparameter describing the deviation in arc length per unit in z.
void resetValues(const B2Vector3D &outerHit, const B2Vector3D &centerHit, const B2Vector3D &innerHit)
Overrides Constructor-Setup.
double calcPt()
calculates the estimation of the transverse momentum of the 3-hit-tracklet, returning unit: GeV/c
double calcDeltaSlopeRZ()
calculates deviations in the slope of the inner segment and the outer segment, returning unit: none
double calcAngleRZ()
calculates the angle between the hits/vectors (RZ), returning unit: none (calculation for degrees is ...
double calcDeltaSlopeZOverS()
compares the "slopes" z over arc length.
double calcCircleDist2IP()
calculates the distance of the point of closest approach of circle to the IP, returning unit: cm
void resetMagneticField(const double magneticFieldStrength=1.5)
Overrides Constructor-Setup for magnetic field.
double calcHelixParameterFit()
calculates the helixparameter describing the deviation in z per unit angle, returning unit: none
double calcAngleXY()
calculates the angle between the hits/vectors (XY), returning unit: none (calculation for degrees is ...
The class 'TwoHitFilters' bundles filter methods using 2 hits which are stored in B2Vector3Ds.
Definition: TwoHitFilters.h:22
double calcNormedDist3D() const
calculates the normed distance between the hits (3D), return unit: none
Definition: TwoHitFilters.h:81
double calcDist3D() const
calculates the distance between the hits (3D), returning unit: cm^2 for speed optimization
Definition: TwoHitFilters.h:55
double calcDistXY() const
calculates the distance between the hits (XY), returning unit: cm^2 for speed optimization
Definition: TwoHitFilters.h:61
double calcSlopeRZ() const
calculates the angle of the slope of the hits in RZ, returnValue = theta = atan(r/z)
Definition: TwoHitFilters.h:70
double calcDistZ() const
calculates the distance between the hits (Z only), returning unit: cm
Definition: TwoHitFilters.h:67
void resetValues(const B2Vector3D &outerHit, const B2Vector3D &innerHit)
Overrides Constructor-Setup.
Definition: TwoHitFilters.h:46
The factory serves as an interface between all x-hit-filters and a user only knowing their name (in s...
ThreeHitFunction get3HitInterface(std::string variableName)
For given name of a variableType a function for the corresponding Filter is returned.
typename std::function< double(const PointType &, const PointType &, const PointType &, const PointType &)> FourHitFunction
typedef for more readable function-type - to be used for 4-hit-selectionVariables.
B2Vector3D m_virtualIP
contains global coordinates of virtual interaction point.
FourHitFilters m_fourHit
contains all 4-hit-filters.
XHitFilterFactory(double x=0, double y=0, double z=0, double mField=1.5)
constructor where virtual IP has been passed
ThreeHitFunction get3HitInterface(XHitFilterType variableType)
For given name of a variableType a function for the corresponding Filter is returned.
ThreeHitFilters m_threeHit
contains all 3-hit-filters.
FourHitFunction get4HitInterface(XHitFilterType variableType)
For given name of a variableType a function for the corresponding Filter is returned.
typename std::function< double(const PointType &, const PointType &)> TwoHitFunction
typedef for more readable function-type - to be used for 2-hit-selectionVariables.
TwoHitFunction get2HitInterface(std::string variableName)
For given name of a variableType a function for the corresponding Filter is returned.
FilterID::filterTypes XHitFilterType
constructor where nothing has been passed
FourHitFunction get4HitInterface(std::string variableName)
For given name of a variableType a function for the corresponding Filter is returned.
typename std::function< double(const PointType &, const PointType &, const PointType &)> ThreeHitFunction
typedef for more readable function-type - to be used for 3-hit-selectionVariables.
TwoHitFilters m_twoHit
contains all 2-hit-filters.
TwoHitFunction get2HitInterface(XHitFilterType variableType)
For given name of a variableType a function for the corresponding Filter is returned.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.