Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
ROIFinder Class Referenceabstract

Findlet for performing the simple SVDHoughTracking ROI calculation. More...

#include <ROIFinder.h>

Inheritance diagram for ROIFinder:
Collaboration diagram for ROIFinder:

Public Types

using IOTypes = std::tuple< AIOTypes... >
 Types that should be served to apply on invokation.
using IOVectors = std::tuple< std::vector< AIOTypes >... >
 Vector types that should be served to apply on invokation.

Public Member Functions

 ROIFinder ()
 Constructor for adding the subfindlets.
 ~ROIFinder ()
 Default desctructor.
void exposeParameters (ModuleParamList *moduleParamList, const std::string &prefix) override
 Expose the parameters of the sub findlets.
void apply (const std::vector< SpacePointTrackCand > &finalTracks) override
 Function to call all the sub-findlets. More...
void initialize () override
 Initialize the StoreArrays. More...
void beginRun () override
 Initialize the BField.
void beginEvent () override
 Clear the object pools.
virtual std::string getDescription ()
 Brief description of the purpose of the concret findlet.
virtual void apply (ToVector< AIOTypes > &... ioVectors)=0
 Main function executing the algorithm.
void endRun () override
 Receive and dispatch signal for the end of the run.
void terminate () override
 Receive and dispatch Signal for termination of the event processing.

Protected Types

using ToVector = typename ToVectorImpl< T >::Type
 Short hand for ToRangeImpl.

Protected Member Functions

void addProcessingSignalListener (ProcessingSignalListener *psl)
 Register a processing signal listener to be notified.
int getNProcessingSignalListener ()
 Get the number of currently registered listeners.

Private Types

using Super = TrackFindingCDC::Findlet< const SpacePointTrackCand >
 Parent class.

Private Attributes

bool m_calculateROI = false
 Calculate ROI in this findlet?
std::string m_storePXDInterceptsName = "SVDHoughPXDIntercepts"
 Name of the PXDIntercepts StoreArray.
std::string m_storeROIsName = "SVDHoughROIs"
 Name of the ROIs StoreArray.
StoreArray< PXDInterceptm_storePXDIntercepts
 PXDIntercepts StoreArray.
StoreArray< ROIidm_storeROIs
 ROIs StoreArray.
bool m_refit = true
 Refit the tracks with m_ROIFitMethod.
bool m_addVirtualIP = true
 Add a virtual IP for the refit?
std::string m_ROIFitMethod = "helixFit"
 Refit with this estimator, options are circleFit, tripletFit, helixFit.
std::unique_ptr< QualityEstimatorBasem_estimator
 pointer to the selected QualityEstimator
double m_tolerancePhi = 0.15
 Allowed tolerance (in radians) phi to create intercepts per sensor.
double m_toleranceZ = 0.5
 Allowed tolerance (in cm) in z to create intercepts per sensor.
double m_radiusCorrectionFactorL1 = -2.0
 Correction factor for radial bias for L1: factor * charge / radius.
double m_radiusCorrectionFactorL2 = -5.0
 Correction factor for radial bias for L2: factor * charge / radius.
double m_sinPhiCorrectionFactor = 0.0
 Correction factor for the sin(phi) modulation.
double m_cosPhiCorrectionFactor = 0.0
 Correction factor for the cos(phi) modulation.
double m_zPositionCorrectionFactor = 1.0
 Correction factor for the z position.
double m_minimumROISizeUL1 = 40
 Minimum size of ROI in u-direction on L1 in pixel.
double m_minimumROISizeVL1 = 40
 Minimum size of ROI in v-direction on L1 in pixel.
double m_minimumROISizeUL2 = 35
 Minimum size of ROI in u-direction on L2 in pixel.
double m_minimumROISizeVL2 = 30
 Minimum size of ROI in v-direction on L2 in pixel.
double m_multiplierUL1 = 500
 Multiplier term in ROI size estimation For u: size = multiplier * 1/R + minimumROISize For v: size = (1 + abs(tan(lambda)) * multiplier) + minimumROISize Multiplier term for u-direction on L1.
double m_multiplierUL2 = 600
 Multiplier term for u-direction on L2.
double m_multiplierVL1 = 0.8
 Multiplier term for v-direction on L1.
double m_multiplierVL2 = 0.8
 Multiplier term for v-direction on L2.
unsigned short m_maximumROISizeU = 100
 maximum ROI size in u in pixel
unsigned short m_maximumROISizeV = 100
 maximum ROI size in v in pixel
const double c_centerZShiftLayer1 [2] = {3.68255, -0.88255}
 Shift of the center of the active area of each sensor in a ladder of layer 1 For use of mhp_z > (lengh/-2)+shiftZ && mhp_z < (lengh/2)+shiftZ.
const double c_centerZShiftLayer2 [2] = {5.01455, -1.21455}
 Shift of the center of the active area of each sensor in a ladder of layer 2 For use of mhp_z > (lengh/-2)+shiftZ && mhp_z < (lengh/2)+shiftZ.
const double c_sensorMinY = -0.36
 PXD is shifted to create the windmill structure. More...
const double c_sensorMaxY = 0.89
 Maximum y coordinate if x-axis is perpendicular to the sensor:
const double c_activeSensorWidth = (c_sensorMaxY - c_sensorMinY)
 PXD sensors in L1 and L2 have the same size in u direction (=width):
const double c_shiftY = (c_sensorMaxY + c_sensorMinY) / 2.0
 Shift of the center position in y if the x-axis is perpendicular to the sensor:
const double c_layerRadius [2] = {1.42854, 2.21218}
 Radius of the two layers.
const double c_activeSensorLength [2] = {4.48, 6.144}
 Length of the active region for L1 and L2.
const double c_ladderPhiL1 [8] = {0., 0.25 * M_PI, M_PI_2, 0.75 * M_PI, M_PI, -0.75 * M_PI, -M_PI_2, -0.25 * M_PI}
 Phi values of the ladders of L1.
const double c_ladderPhiL2 [12] = {0., 1. / 6. * M_PI, 1. / 3. * M_PI, M_PI_2, 2. / 3. * M_PI, 5. / 6. * M_PI, M_PI, -5. / 6. * M_PI, -2. / 3. * M_PI, -M_PI_2, -1. / 3. * M_PI, -1. / 6. * M_PI}
 Phi values of the ladders of L2.
double m_bFieldZ = 1.5
 BField in Tesla.
B2Vector3D m_BeamSpotPosition
 B2Vector3D actually contining the BeamSpot position. This will be used as the starting point of the extrapolation.
B2Vector3D m_BeamSpotPositionError
 B2Vector3D actually contining the BeamSpot position error.
std::vector< ProcessingSignalListener * > m_subordinaryProcessingSignalListeners
 References to subordinary signal processing listener contained in this findlet.
bool m_initialized = false
 Flag to keep track whether initialization happend before.
bool m_terminated = false
 Flag to keep track whether termination happend before.
std::string m_initializedAs
 Name of the type during initialisation.

Detailed Description

Findlet for performing the simple SVDHoughTracking ROI calculation.

Definition at line 33 of file ROIFinder.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ apply()

void apply ( const std::vector< SpacePointTrackCand > &  finalTracks)

Function to call all the sub-findlets.

Loop over both PXD layer

Loop over all ladders of layer

Loop over both modules of a ladder

Lower left corner

Upper right corner

Definition at line 179 of file

180 {
181  // If no ROIs shall be calculated, return rightaway and don't do anything
182  if (not m_calculateROI) {
183  return;
184  }
186  for (auto& track : finalTracks) {
187  // do nothing if the SpacePointTrackCand is not active
188  if (!track.hasRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_isActive)) {
189  continue;
190  }
192  QualityEstimationResults refittedTrackEstimate;
193  if (m_refit) {
194  auto sortedHits = track.getSortedHits();
196  if (m_addVirtualIP) {
197  SpacePoint virtualIPSpacePoint = SpacePoint(m_BeamSpotPosition, m_BeamSpotPositionError, {0.5, 0.5}, {false, false},
199  sortedHits.push_back(&virtualIPSpacePoint);
200  }
202  std::sort(sortedHits.begin(), sortedHits.end(),
203  [](const SpacePoint * a, const SpacePoint * b) {return a->getPosition().Perp() < b->getPosition().Perp(); });
205  refittedTrackEstimate = m_estimator->estimateQualityAndProperties(sortedHits);
206  }
208  std::vector<PXDIntercept> thisTracksIntercepts;
209  thisTracksIntercepts.reserve(8);
211  B2Vector3D momentumEstimate = track.getMomSeed();
212  if (m_refit) {
213  momentumEstimate = *refittedTrackEstimate.p;
214  }
216  const double trackPhi = momentumEstimate.Phi();
217  const double trackTheta = momentumEstimate.Theta();
218  const double tanTrackLambda = tan(M_PI_2 - trackTheta);
219  const double trackRadius = momentumEstimate.Perp() / (0.00299792458 * m_bFieldZ) ;
220  const double trackCharge = track.getChargeSeed();
223  for (int layer = 1; layer <= 2; layer++) {
224  const double sensorPerpRadius = c_layerRadius[layer - 1];
227  for (int ladder = 1; ladder <= (layer == 1 ? 8 : 12); ladder++) {
228  const double sensorPhi = (layer == 1) ? c_ladderPhiL1[ladder - 1] : c_ladderPhiL2[ladder - 1];
229  const double rotatedBeamSpotX = m_BeamSpotPosition.X() * cos(sensorPhi) + m_BeamSpotPosition.Y() * sin(sensorPhi);
230  const double rotatedBeamSpotY = -m_BeamSpotPosition.X() * sin(sensorPhi) + m_BeamSpotPosition.Y() * cos(sensorPhi);
232  // in the rotated coordinate the sensor is perpendicular to the x axis at position sensorLocalX
233  const double sensorLocalX = sensorPerpRadius - rotatedBeamSpotX;
235  double phiDiff = trackPhi - sensorPhi;
236  if (phiDiff < -M_PI) {
237  phiDiff += 2. * M_PI;
238  }
239  if (phiDiff > M_PI) {
240  phiDiff -= 2. * M_PI;
241  }
243  // Don't try to extrapolate if track direction and sensor are too different (in phi)
244  // this should speed up the calculation as wrong combinations are not checked at all.
245  // Two values to check both the outgoing (0.3) and incoming (0.8) arm.
246  if (fabs(phiDiff) > 0.25 * M_PI and fabs(phiDiff) < 0.75 * M_PI) {
247  continue;
248  }
249  if (fabs(phiDiff) > 0.75 * M_PI and fabs(tanTrackLambda) > 0.2 /*and fabs(trackRadius) > 20*/) {
250  continue;
251  }
254  // relative phi value of the track center compared to the rotated
255  // coordinate system defined by the (rotated) line perpendicular
256  // to the sensor (with length sensorPerpRadius)
257  double relTrackCenterPhi = 0;
258  if (trackCharge < 0) {
259  relTrackCenterPhi = trackPhi - M_PI_2 - sensorPhi;
260  } else if (trackCharge > 0) {
261  relTrackCenterPhi = trackPhi + M_PI_2 - sensorPhi;
262  }
263  const double xCenter = trackRadius * cos(relTrackCenterPhi);
264  const double yCenter = trackRadius * sin(relTrackCenterPhi);
266  // continue if radicant of sqrt is negative
267  if ((trackRadius * trackRadius - (sensorLocalX - xCenter) * (sensorLocalX - xCenter)) < 0) {
268  continue;
269  }
270  const double ytmp = sqrt(trackRadius * trackRadius - (sensorLocalX - xCenter) * (sensorLocalX - xCenter));
271  const double yplus = yCenter + ytmp + rotatedBeamSpotY;
272  const double yminus = yCenter - ytmp + rotatedBeamSpotY;
274  const double correctionterm = ((layer == 1 ? m_radiusCorrectionFactorL1 : m_radiusCorrectionFactorL2) * trackCharge /
275  trackRadius) +
276  m_sinPhiCorrectionFactor * sin(trackPhi) +
277  m_cosPhiCorrectionFactor * cos(trackPhi);
279  const double localUPositionPlus = yplus - c_shiftY + correctionterm;
280  const double localUPositionMinus = yminus - c_shiftY + correctionterm;
281  const double toleranceRPhi = m_tolerancePhi * sensorLocalX;
283  // if the hit for sure is out of reach of the current ladder, continue
284  if (not(yplus >= c_sensorMinY - toleranceRPhi and yplus <= c_sensorMaxY + toleranceRPhi) and
285  not(yminus >= c_sensorMinY - toleranceRPhi and yminus <= c_sensorMaxY + toleranceRPhi)) {
286  continue;
287  }
289  // estimate the z coordinate of the extrapolation on this layer
290  const double z = sensorLocalX * tanTrackLambda - m_BeamSpotPosition.Z();
291  const double zPlus = sqrt(sensorLocalX * sensorLocalX + yplus * yplus) * tanTrackLambda * m_zPositionCorrectionFactor -
293  const double zMinus = sqrt(sensorLocalX * sensorLocalX + yminus * yminus) * tanTrackLambda * m_zPositionCorrectionFactor -
297  for (int sensor = 1; sensor <= 2; sensor++) {
299  const double shiftZ = (layer == 1) ? c_centerZShiftLayer1[sensor - 1] : c_centerZShiftLayer2[sensor - 1];
301  double localVPosition = z - shiftZ;
302  double localVPositionPlus = zPlus - shiftZ;
303  double localVPositionMinus = zMinus - shiftZ;
304  // check whether z intersection possibly is on sensor to be checked, only continue with the rest of calculations if that's the case
305  if (localVPosition >= ((-c_activeSensorLength[layer - 1] / 2.0) - m_toleranceZ) and
306  localVPosition <= ((c_activeSensorLength[layer - 1] / 2.0) + m_toleranceZ)) {
308  const VxdID sensorID = VxdID(layer, ladder, sensor);
310  // check for first option of the intersection
311  if (localUPositionPlus >= -c_activeSensorWidth / 2.0 - toleranceRPhi and
312  localUPositionPlus <= c_activeSensorWidth / 2.0 + toleranceRPhi) {
313  PXDIntercept intercept;
314  intercept.setCoorU(localUPositionPlus);
315  intercept.setCoorV(localVPositionPlus);
316  intercept.setVxdID(sensorID);
317  m_storePXDIntercepts.appendNew(intercept);
318  thisTracksIntercepts.push_back(intercept);
319  }
320  // check for second option of the intersection
321  if (localUPositionMinus >= -c_activeSensorWidth / 2.0 - toleranceRPhi and
322  localUPositionMinus <= c_activeSensorWidth / 2.0 + toleranceRPhi) {
323  PXDIntercept intercept;
324  intercept.setCoorU(localUPositionMinus);
325  intercept.setCoorV(localVPositionMinus);
326  intercept.setVxdID(sensorID);
327  m_storePXDIntercepts.appendNew(intercept);
328  thisTracksIntercepts.push_back(intercept);
329  }
330  }
331  }
332  }
333  }
335  const double omega = 1. / trackRadius;
336  unsigned short uSizeL1 = (unsigned short)(m_multiplierUL1 * omega + m_minimumROISizeUL1);
337  unsigned short uSizeL2 = (unsigned short)(m_multiplierUL2 * omega + m_minimumROISizeUL2);
338  unsigned short vSizeL1 = (unsigned short)((1. + fabs(tanTrackLambda) * m_multiplierVL1) * m_minimumROISizeVL1);
339  unsigned short vSizeL2 = (unsigned short)((1. + fabs(tanTrackLambda) * m_multiplierVL2) * m_minimumROISizeVL2);
340  for (auto& intercept : thisTracksIntercepts) {
341  const VxdID& interceptSensorID = intercept.getSensorID();
343  double uCoordinate = intercept.getCoorU();
344  double vCoordinate = intercept.getCoorV();
346  const PXD::SensorInfo* currentSensor = dynamic_cast<const PXD::SensorInfo*>(&VXD::GeoCache::get(interceptSensorID));
348  int interceptUCell = currentSensor->getUCellID(uCoordinate, vCoordinate, false);
349  int interceptVCell = currentSensor->getVCellID(vCoordinate, false);
350  int nUCells = currentSensor->getUCells();
351  int nVCells = currentSensor->getVCells();
353  unsigned short uSize = (interceptSensorID.getLayerNumber() == 1 ? uSizeL1 : uSizeL2);
354  unsigned short vSize = (interceptSensorID.getLayerNumber() == 1 ? vSizeL1 : vSizeL2);
355  if (uSize > m_maximumROISizeU) {
356  uSize = m_maximumROISizeU;
357  }
358  if (vSize > m_maximumROISizeV) {
359  vSize = m_maximumROISizeV;
360  }
363  short uCellDownLeft = interceptUCell - uSize / 2;
364  short vCellDownLeft = interceptVCell - vSize / 2;
367  short uCellUpRight = interceptUCell + uSize / 2;
368  short vCellUpRight = interceptVCell + vSize / 2;
370  if (uCellDownLeft >= nUCells or vCellDownLeft >= nVCells or uCellUpRight < 0 or vCellUpRight < 0) {
371  continue;
372  }
374  if (uCellDownLeft < 0) {
375  uCellDownLeft = 0;
376  }
377  if (vCellDownLeft < 0) {
378  vCellDownLeft = 0;
379  }
381  // minimum cell id is 0, maximum is nCells - 1
382  if (uCellUpRight >= nUCells) {
383  uCellUpRight = nUCells - 1;
384  }
385  if (vCellUpRight >= nVCells) {
386  vCellUpRight = nVCells - 1;
387  }
389  m_storeROIs.appendNew(ROIid(uCellDownLeft, uCellUpRight, vCellDownLeft, vCellUpRight, interceptSensorID));
390  }
392  }
393 }
DataType Phi() const
The azimuth angle.
Definition: B2Vector3.h:151
DataType Z() const
access variable Z (= .at(2) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:435
DataType Theta() const
The polar angle.
Definition: B2Vector3.h:153
DataType X() const
access variable X (= .at(0) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:431
DataType Y() const
access variable Y (= .at(1) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:433
DataType Perp() const
The transverse component (R in cylindrical coordinate system).
Definition: B2Vector3.h:200
PXDIntercept stores the U,V coordinates and uncertainties of the intersection of a track with an PXD ...
Definition: PXDIntercept.h:22
Specific implementation of SensorInfo for PXD Sensors which provides additional pixel specific inform...
Definition: SensorInfo.h:23
ROIid stores the U and V ids and the sensor id of the Region Of Interest.
Definition: ROIid.h:25
@ c_isActive
bit 11: SPTC is active (i.e.
SpacePoint typically is build from 1 PXDCluster or 1-2 SVDClusters.
Definition: SpacePoint.h:42
void setVxdID(VxdID::baseType user_vxdID)
set the sensor ID
Definition: VXDIntercept.h:75
void setCoorU(double user_coorU)
set the U coordinate of the intercept
Definition: VXDIntercept.h:68
void setCoorV(double user_coorV)
set the V coordinate of the intercept
Definition: VXDIntercept.h:69
double getCoorV() const
return the V coordinate of the intercept
Definition: VXDIntercept.h:60
VxdID::baseType getSensorID() const
return the sensor ID
Definition: VXDIntercept.h:66
double getCoorU() const
return the U coordinate of the intercept
Definition: VXDIntercept.h:59
static const SensorInfoBase & get(Belle2::VxdID id)
Return a reference to the SensorInfo of a given SensorID.
Definition: GeoCache.h:139
int getVCells() const
Return number of pixel/strips in v direction.
Any type of VXD Sensor.
int getUCells() const
Return number of pixel/strips in u direction.
int getVCellID(double v, bool clamp=false) const
Return the corresponding pixel/strip ID of a given v coordinate.
int getUCellID(double u, double v=0, bool clamp=false) const
Return the corresponding pixel/strip ID of a given u coordinate.
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
baseType getLayerNumber() const
Get the layer id.
Definition: VxdID.h:96
double m_radiusCorrectionFactorL2
Correction factor for radial bias for L2: factor * charge / radius.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:98
unsigned short m_maximumROISizeV
maximum ROI size in v in pixel
Definition: ROIFinder.h:133
double m_minimumROISizeUL1
Minimum size of ROI in u-direction on L1 in pixel.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:110
const double c_ladderPhiL2[12]
Phi values of the ladders of L2.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:159
B2Vector3D m_BeamSpotPosition
B2Vector3D actually contining the BeamSpot position. This will be used as the starting point of the e...
Definition: ROIFinder.h:166
bool m_calculateROI
Calculate ROI in this findlet?
Definition: ROIFinder.h:61
double m_multiplierVL1
Multiplier term for v-direction on L1.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:126
double m_radiusCorrectionFactorL1
Correction factor for radial bias for L1: factor * charge / radius.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:96
const double c_centerZShiftLayer2[2]
Shift of the center of the active area of each sensor in a ladder of layer 2 For use of mhp_z > (leng...
Definition: ROIFinder.h:142
double m_minimumROISizeVL2
Minimum size of ROI in v-direction on L2 in pixel.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:116
double m_multiplierUL2
Multiplier term for u-direction on L2.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:124
const double c_centerZShiftLayer1[2]
Shift of the center of the active area of each sensor in a ladder of layer 1 For use of mhp_z > (leng...
Definition: ROIFinder.h:139
double m_multiplierVL2
Multiplier term for v-direction on L2.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:128
StoreArray< ROIid > m_storeROIs
ROIs StoreArray.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:71
double m_sinPhiCorrectionFactor
Correction factor for the sin(phi) modulation.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:100
const double c_activeSensorLength[2]
Length of the active region for L1 and L2.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:155
const double c_sensorMaxY
Maximum y coordinate if x-axis is perpendicular to the sensor:
Definition: ROIFinder.h:147
const double c_ladderPhiL1[8]
Phi values of the ladders of L1.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:157
double m_tolerancePhi
Allowed tolerance (in radians) phi to create intercepts per sensor.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:87
const double c_layerRadius[2]
Radius of the two layers.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:153
bool m_addVirtualIP
Add a virtual IP for the refit?
Definition: ROIFinder.h:77
StoreArray< PXDIntercept > m_storePXDIntercepts
PXDIntercepts StoreArray.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:69
B2Vector3D m_BeamSpotPositionError
B2Vector3D actually contining the BeamSpot position error.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:168
bool m_refit
Refit the tracks with m_ROIFitMethod.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:75
double m_zPositionCorrectionFactor
Correction factor for the z position.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:105
double m_cosPhiCorrectionFactor
Correction factor for the cos(phi) modulation.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:102
std::unique_ptr< QualityEstimatorBase > m_estimator
pointer to the selected QualityEstimator
Definition: ROIFinder.h:82
double m_bFieldZ
BField in Tesla.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:162
double m_minimumROISizeVL1
Minimum size of ROI in v-direction on L1 in pixel.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:112
const double c_shiftY
Shift of the center position in y if the x-axis is perpendicular to the sensor:
Definition: ROIFinder.h:151
const double c_sensorMinY
PXD is shifted to create the windmill structure.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:145
double m_minimumROISizeUL2
Minimum size of ROI in u-direction on L2 in pixel.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:114
unsigned short m_maximumROISizeU
maximum ROI size in u in pixel
Definition: ROIFinder.h:131
double m_multiplierUL1
Multiplier term in ROI size estimation For u: size = multiplier * 1/R + minimumROISize For v: size = ...
Definition: ROIFinder.h:122
double m_toleranceZ
Allowed tolerance (in cm) in z to create intercepts per sensor.
Definition: ROIFinder.h:89
const double c_activeSensorWidth
PXD sensors in L1 and L2 have the same size in u direction (=width):
Definition: ROIFinder.h:149
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
double tan(double a)
tan for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:31
Container for complete fit/estimation results.
std::optional< B2Vector3D > p
momentum vector estimate from the QE

◆ initialize()

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the StoreArrays.

Create the store arrays.

Reimplemented from CompositeProcessingSignalListener.

Definition at line 112 of file

Member Data Documentation

◆ c_sensorMinY

const double c_sensorMinY = -0.36

PXD is shifted to create the windmill structure.

Minimum y coordinate if x-axis is perpendicular to the sensor:

Definition at line 145 of file ROIFinder.h.

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