Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /* Own header. */
10 #include <ecl/modules/eclDQM/eclDQM.h>
12 /* ECL headers. */
13 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLCalDigit.h>
14 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLDigit.h>
15 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLDsp.h>
16 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLElementNumbers.h>
17 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLTrig.h>
18 #include <ecl/geometry/ECLGeometryPar.h>
19 #include <ecl/mapper/ECLChannelMapper.h>
21 /* Basf2 headers. */
22 #include <analysis/dataobjects/ParticleList.h>
23 #include <analysis/VariableManager/Manager.h>
24 #include <analysis/variables/ECLVariables.h>
25 #include <framework/core/HistoModule.h>
26 #include <framework/dataobjects/EventMetaData.h>
27 #include <framework/gearbox/Unit.h>
28 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
29 #include <mdst/dataobjects/TRGSummary.h>
31 /* Boost headers. */
32 #include <boost/format.hpp>
33 #include <boost/range/combine.hpp>
34 #include <boost/range/adaptor/indexed.hpp>
36 /* ROOT headers. */
37 #include <TDirectory.h>
38 #include <TH1F.h>
39 #include <TH2F.h>
40 #include <TProfile.h>
42 /* C++ headers. */
43 #include <iostream>
44 #include <iterator>
45 #include <cmath>
46 #include <stdexcept>
49 using namespace Belle2;
50 using namespace ECL;
52 using namespace boost::adaptors;
57  : HistoModule(),
58  m_calibrationThrApsd("ECL_FPGA_StoreWaveform")
59 {
60  //Set module properties.
62  "Primary module for ECL Data Quality Monitor.\n"
63  "This module provides a large set of low-level histograms: occupancy, time distribution, number of saved waveforms, etc.");
64  setPropertyFlags(c_ParallelProcessingCertified); // specify parallel processing.
66  m_WaveformOption = {"psd", "logic", "rand", "dphy", "other"};
68  addParam("histogramDirectoryName", m_histogramDirectoryName,
69  "histogram directory in ROOT file", std::string("ECL"));
70  addParam("EnergyUpperThr", m_EnergyUpperThr, "Upper threshold of energy deposition in event, [GeV]", 20.0 * Belle2::Unit::GeV);
71  addParam("HitThresholds", m_HitThresholds, "Thresholds to display hit occupancy, MeV", std::vector<double> {0, 5, 10, 50});
72  addParam("TotalEnergyThresholds", m_TotalEnergyThresholds, "Thresholds to display total energy, MeV", std::vector<double> {0, 5, 7});
73  addParam("TimingThresholds", m_TimingThresholds, "Thresholds (MeV) to display ECL timing", std::vector<double> {5, 10, 50});
74  addParam("HitNumberUpperlimits", m_HitNumberUpperLimits,
75  "Upper limit (# of hits) to display hit multiplicity", std::vector<double> {10000, 1000, 700, 200});
76  addParam("WaveformOption", m_WaveformOption, "Option (all,psd,logic,rand,dphy,other) to display waveform flow",
78  addParam("DPHYTTYP", m_DPHYTTYP,
79  "Flag to control trigger of delayed bhabha events; 0 - select events by 'bha_delay' trigger bit, 1 - select by TTYP_DPHY", false);
80  addParam("PI0PListName", m_pi0PListName, "Name of the pi0 particle list", std::string("pi0:eclDQM"));
81 }
84 {
85 }
89 {
90  TDirectory* oldDir = gDirectory;
92  // Create a separate histogram directory and cd into it.
94  TDirectory* dirDAQ = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(oldDir->Get(m_histogramDirectoryName.c_str()));
95  if (!dirDAQ) dirDAQ = oldDir->mkdir(m_histogramDirectoryName.c_str());
96  dirDAQ->cd();
98  //1D histograms creation.
99  h_evtot = new TH1F("event", "Total event bank", 1, 0, 1);
101  h_quality = new TH1F("quality", "Fit quality flag. 0-good, 1-integer overflow, 2-low amplitude, 3-bad chi2", 4, 0, 4);
102  h_quality->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Quality flag");
103  h_quality->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("ECL hits count");
104  h_quality->SetFillColor(kPink - 4);
106  h_quality_other = new TH1F("quality_other", "Fit quality flag for unexpectedly saved waveforms", 4, 0, 4);
107  h_quality_other->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Quality flag. 0-good,1-int overflow,2-low amplitude,3-bad chi2");
108  h_quality_other->SetFillColor(kPink - 4);
110  h_bad_quality = new TH1F("bad_quality", "Fraction of hits with bad chi2 (qual=3) and E > 1 GeV vs Cell ID",
112  h_bad_quality->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Cell ID");
113  h_bad_quality->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("ECL hits count");
115  h_trigtag1 = new TH1F("trigtag1", "Consistency b/w global event number and trigger tag. 0-good, 1-DQM error", 2, 0, 2);
116  h_trigtag1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Flag value");
117  h_trigtag1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events count");
118  h_trigtag1->SetDrawOption("hist");
119  h_trigtag1->SetFillColor(kPink - 4);
121  h_adc_hits = new TH1F("adc_hits", "Fraction of high-energy hits (E > 50 MeV)", 1001, 0, 1.001);
122  h_adc_hits->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Fraction");
123  h_adc_hits->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events count");
125  h_time_crate_Thr1GeV_large = new TH1F("time_crate_Thr1GeV_large",
126  "Number of hits with timing outside #pm 100 ns per Crate ID (E > 1 GeV)",
127  52, 1, 53);
128  h_time_crate_Thr1GeV_large->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Crate ID (same as ECLCollector ID)");
129  h_time_crate_Thr1GeV_large->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("ECL hits count");
131  for (const auto& id : m_HitThresholds) {
132  std::string h_name, h_title;
133  h_name = str(boost::format("cid_Thr%1%MeV") % id);
134  h_title = str(boost::format("Occupancy per Cell ID (E > %1% MeV)") % id);
135  TH1F* h = new TH1F(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(),
137  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Cell ID");
138  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Occupancy (hits / events_count)");
139  h_cids.push_back(h);
140  }
142  for (const auto& id : m_TotalEnergyThresholds) {
143  std::string h_name, h_title;
144  h_name = str(boost::format("edep_Thr%1%MeV") % id);
145  h_title = str(boost::format("Total energy (thr = %1% MeV)") % id);
146  TH1F* h = new TH1F(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(), (int)(100 * m_EnergyUpperThr), 0, m_EnergyUpperThr);
147  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Energy, [GeV]");
148  h_edeps.push_back(h);
149  }
151  for (const auto& id : m_TimingThresholds) {
152  std::string h_bar_name, h_bar_title;
153  std::string h_end_name, h_end_title;
154  h_bar_name = str(boost::format("time_barrel_Thr%1%MeV") % id);
155  h_bar_title = str(boost::format("Reconstructed time for ECL barrel (E > %1% MeV)") % id);
156  h_end_name = str(boost::format("time_endcaps_Thr%1%MeV") % id);
157  h_end_title = str(boost::format("Reconstructed time for ECL endcaps (E > %1% MeV)") % id);
158  TH1F* h_time_barrel = new TH1F(h_bar_name.c_str(), h_bar_title.c_str(), 206, -1030, 1030);
159  TH1F* h_time_endcap = new TH1F(h_end_name.c_str(), h_end_title.c_str(), 206, -1030, 1030);
160  h_time_barrel->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time, [ns]");
161  h_time_endcap->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time, [ns]");
162  h_time_barrels.push_back(h_time_barrel);
163  h_time_endcaps.push_back(h_time_endcap);
164  }
166  for (const auto& id : boost::combine(m_HitThresholds, m_HitNumberUpperLimits)) {
167  double id1 = 0, id2 = 0;
168  boost::tie(id1, id2) = id;
169  std::string h_name, h_title;
170  h_name = str(boost::format("ncev_Thr%1%MeV") % id1);
171  h_title = str(boost::format("Number of hits in event (E > %1% MeV)") % id1);
172  TH1F* h = new TH1F(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(), id2, 0, id2);
173  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of hits");
174  h_ncevs.push_back(h);
175  }
177  for (int i = 0; i < ECL_CRATES; i++) {
178  int crate = i + 1;
179  std::string h_name, h_title;
180  h_name = str(boost::format("time_crate_%1%_Thr1GeV") % (crate));
181  h_title = str(boost::format("Reconstructed time for ECL crate #%1% with E > 1 GeV") % (crate));
182  TH1F* h = new TH1F(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(), 400, -100, 100);
183  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time [ns]");
184  h_time_crate_Thr1GeV.push_back(h);
185  }
187  for (const auto& id : m_WaveformOption) {
188  if (id != "all" && id != "psd" && id != "logic" && id != "rand" && id != "dphy" && id != "other")
189  B2WARNING("Waveform Options are not correctly assigned. They must be 'all', 'psd', 'logic', 'rand', 'dphy', 'other'!");
190  std::string h_title;
191  std::string h_cell_name;
192  if (id == "other") h_title = "Unexpectedly saved waveforms";
193  if (id == "psd") h_title = "#frac{Saved}{Expected} waveforms for high-energy hits (E > 50 MeV)";
194  if (id == "logic") h_title = "#frac{Saved}{Expected} waveforms for every 1000th event";
195  if (id == "rand") h_title = "#frac{Saved}{Expected} waveforms for random trigger events";
196  if (id == "dphy") h_title = "#frac{Saved}{Expected} waveforms for delayed bhabha (DPHY) events";
197  if (id == "all") h_title = "#frac{Saved}{Expected} waveforms for all events";
198  h_cell_name = str(boost::format("wf_cid_%1%") % (id));
199  TH1F* h_cell = new TH1F(h_cell_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(),
201  h_cell->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Cell ID");
202  if (id == "psd") {
203  h_cell_psd_norm = new TH1F("psd_cid", "Normalization to psd hits for cid",
205  }
206  if (id == "logic") {
207  h_evtot_logic = new TH1F("event_logic", "Event bank for logic", 1, 0, 1);
208  }
209  if (id == "rand") {
210  h_evtot_rand = new TH1F("event_rand", "Event bank for rand", 1, 0, 1);
211  }
212  if (id == "dphy") {
213  h_evtot_dphy = new TH1F("event_dphy", "Event bank for dphy", 1, 0, 1);
214  }
215  h_cells.push_back(h_cell);
216  }
218  //2D histograms creation.
220  h_trigtag2_trigid = new TH2F("trigtag2_trigid", "Internal data consistency vs crate. 0-good, 1-data corruption",
221  52, 1, 53, 11, -1, 10);
222  h_trigtag2_trigid->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Crate ID (same as ECLCollector ID)");
223  h_trigtag2_trigid->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Data consistency flag");
225  h_pedmean_cellid = new TProfile("pedmean_cellid", "Pedestal vs Cell ID",
227  h_pedmean_cellid->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Cell ID");
228  h_pedmean_cellid->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Ped. average (ADC units, #approx 0.05 MeV)");
230  h_pedrms_cellid = new TProfile("pedrms_cellid", "Pedestal stddev vs Cell ID",
232  h_pedrms_cellid->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Cell ID");
233  h_pedrms_cellid->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Ped. stddev (ADC units, #approx 0.05 MeV)");
235  h_pedrms_thetaid = new TProfile("pedrms_thetaid", "Pedestal stddev vs #theta ID",
236  68, 0, 68);
237  h_pedrms_thetaid->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta ID (0-12=FWD, 59-67=BWD endcap)");
238  h_pedrms_thetaid->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Ped. stddev (ADC units, #approx 0.05 MeV)");
240  h_trigtime_trigid = new TH2F("trigtime_trigid", "Trigger time vs Crate ID", 52, 1, 53, 145, 0, 145);
241  h_trigtime_trigid->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Crate ID (same as ECLCollector ID)");
242  h_trigtime_trigid->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Trigger time (only even, 0-142)");
244  h_pi0_mass = new TH1F("ecl_pi0_mass", "ecl_pi0_mass", 120, 0.08, 0.20);
246  //cd into parent directory.
248  oldDir->cd();
249 }
252 {
253  REG_HISTOGRAM; // required to register histograms to HistoManager.
254  m_ECLDigits.isRequired();
255  m_ECLCalDigits.isOptional();
256  m_ECLTrigs.isOptional();
257  m_ECLDsps.isOptional();
258  m_l1Trigger.isOptional();
260  if (!mapper.initFromDB()) B2FATAL("ECL DQM: Can't initialize eclChannelMapper");
262  ecltot.resize(m_TotalEnergyThresholds.size());
263  nhits.resize(m_HitNumberUpperLimits.size());
267  v_totalthrApsd.resize((m_calibrationThrApsd->getCalibVector()).size());
268  for (size_t i = 0; i < v_totalthrApsd.size(); i++) v_totalthrApsd[i] = (int)(m_calibrationThrApsd->getCalibVector())[i];
269 }
272 {
273  h_evtot->Reset();
274  h_evtot_logic->Reset();
275  h_evtot_rand->Reset();
276  h_evtot_dphy->Reset();
277  h_quality->Reset();
278  h_quality_other->Reset();
279  h_bad_quality->Reset();
280  h_trigtag1->Reset();
281  h_adc_hits->Reset();
283  h_cell_psd_norm->Reset();
284  std::for_each(h_cids.begin(), h_cids.end(), [](auto & it) {it->Reset();});
285  std::for_each(h_edeps.begin(), h_edeps.end(), [](auto & it) {it->Reset();});
286  std::for_each(h_time_barrels.begin(), h_time_barrels.end(), [](auto & it) {it->Reset();});
287  std::for_each(h_time_endcaps.begin(), h_time_endcaps.end(), [](auto & it) {it->Reset();});
288  std::for_each(h_ncevs.begin(), h_ncevs.end(), [](auto & it) {it->Reset();});
289  std::for_each(h_cells.begin(), h_cells.end(), [](auto & it) {it->Reset();});
290  for (int i = 0; i < ECL_CRATES; i++) h_time_crate_Thr1GeV[i]->Reset();
291  h_trigtag2_trigid->Reset();
292  h_pedmean_cellid->Reset();
293  h_pedrms_cellid->Reset();
294  h_pedrms_thetaid->Reset();
295  h_trigtime_trigid->Reset();
296  h_pi0_mass->Reset();
297 }
300 {
301  int trigtag1 = 0;
302  int NDigits = 0;
303  for (auto& value : ecltot) value = 0;
304  for (auto& value : nhits) value = 0;
305  bool bhatrig = false;
307  if (m_l1Trigger.isValid() && m_DPHYTTYP) bhatrig = m_l1Trigger->getTimType() == TRGSummary::ETimingType::TTYP_DPHY;
308  else if (m_l1Trigger.isValid() && !m_DPHYTTYP) {
309  try { bhatrig = m_l1Trigger->testInput("bha_delay"); }
310  catch (const std::exception&) { bhatrig = false; }
311  }
313  m_iEvent = -1;
314  if (m_eventmetadata.isValid()) {
315  if (m_eventmetadata->getErrorFlag() != 0x10) {
316  m_iEvent = m_eventmetadata->getEvent();
317  h_evtot->Fill(0);
318  for (const auto& id : m_WaveformOption) {
319  if (id == "logic" && m_iEvent % 1000 == 999) h_evtot_logic->Fill(0);
320  if (id == "rand" && isRandomTrigger()) h_evtot_rand->Fill(0);
321  if (id == "dphy" && bhatrig) h_evtot_dphy->Fill(0);
322  }
323  }
324  }
326  for (auto& aECLDigit : m_ECLDigits) {
327  int i = aECLDigit.getCellId() - 1;
328  h_quality->Fill(aECLDigit.getQuality()); //Fit quality histogram filling.
329  if (aECLDigit.getAmp() > 2.e04 && aECLDigit.getQuality() == 3) h_bad_quality->Fill(aECLDigit.getCellId());
330  if (aECLDigit.getAmp() >= (v_totalthrApsd[i] / 4 * 4)) NDigits ++;
331  for (const auto& id : m_WaveformOption) {
332  if (id != "psd") continue;
333  else if (id == "psd" && (m_iEvent % 1000 == 999 ||
334  isRandomTrigger() ||
335  bhatrig ||
336  aECLDigit.getAmp() < (v_totalthrApsd[i] / 4 * 4))) continue;
337  h_cell_psd_norm->Fill(aECLDigit.getCellId());
338  }
339  }
341  for (auto& aECLTrig : m_ECLTrigs) {
342  double itrg = aECLTrig.getTimeTrig();
343  //trigger time conversion to acceptable units in range (0, ..., 142).
344  //one trigger time clock corresponds to 0.567/144*1000 = 3.93 ns
345  int tg = (int)itrg - 2 * ((int)itrg / 8);
346  h_trigtime_trigid->Fill(aECLTrig.getTrigId(), tg); //Trigger time histogram filling.
347  trigtag1 += aECLTrig.getTrigTag();
348  h_trigtag2_trigid->Fill(aECLTrig.getTrigId(), aECLTrig.getTrigTagQualityFlag()); //Data consistency histogram filling.
349  }
351  if (m_ECLTrigs.getEntries() > 0) {
352  int flagtag = 1;
353  trigtag1 /= m_ECLTrigs.getEntries();
354  int compar = (65535 & m_iEvent);
355  if (compar == trigtag1) flagtag = 0;
356  h_trigtag1->Fill(flagtag); //Trigger tag flag #1 histogram filling.
357  }
359  for (auto& aECLCalDigit : m_ECLCalDigits) {
360  int cid = aECLCalDigit.getCellId();
361  double energy = aECLCalDigit.getEnergy(); //get calibrated energy.
362  double timing = aECLCalDigit.getTime(); //get calibrated time.
364  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_HitThresholds.size(); i++) {
365  auto thrGeV = m_HitThresholds[i] / 1000.;
366  if (energy > thrGeV) {
367  h_cids[i]->Fill(cid);
368  nhits[i] += 1;
369  }
370  }
372  for (const auto& thr : m_TotalEnergyThresholds | indexed(0)) {
373  auto thrGeV = thr.value() / 1000.;
374  if (energy > thrGeV) ecltot[thr.index()] += energy;
375  }
377  for (const auto& thr : m_TimingThresholds | indexed(0)) {
378  auto thrGeV = thr.value() / 1000.;
379  if (energy > thrGeV) {
380  if (cid > ECL_FWD_CHANNELS && cid <= ECL_FWD_CHANNELS + ECL_BARREL_CHANNELS) h_time_barrels[thr.index()]->Fill(timing);
381  else h_time_endcaps[thr.index()]->Fill(timing);
382  }
383  }
385  if (energy > 1.000 && std::abs(timing) < 100.) h_time_crate_Thr1GeV[mapper.getCrateID(cid) - 1]->Fill(timing);
386  if (energy > 1.000 && std::abs(timing) > 100.) h_time_crate_Thr1GeV_large->Fill(mapper.getCrateID(cid));
387  }
389  for (const auto& h : h_edeps | indexed(0)) {
390  h.value()->Fill(ecltot[h.index()]);
391  }
393  for (const auto& h : h_ncevs | indexed(0)) {
394  h.value()->Fill(nhits[h.index()]);
395  }
397  for (auto& aECLDsp : m_ECLDsps) {
398  int i = aECLDsp.getCellId() - 1; //get number of Cell ID in m_DspArray.
399  aECLDsp.getDspA(m_DspArray[i]);
400  m_PedestalMean[i] = 0;
401  m_PedestalRms[i] = 0;
403  for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) m_PedestalMean[i] += m_DspArray[i][j];
404  m_PedestalMean[i] /= 16;
405  h_pedmean_cellid->Fill(aECLDsp.getCellId(), m_PedestalMean[i]); //Pedestal Avg histogram filling.
407  for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) m_PedestalRms[i] += pow(m_DspArray[i][j] - m_PedestalMean[i], 2);
408  m_PedestalRms[i] = sqrt(m_PedestalRms[i] / 15.);
409  h_pedrms_cellid->Fill(aECLDsp.getCellId(), m_PedestalRms[i]); //Pedestal stddev histogram filling.
410  m_geom->Mapping(i);
413  ECLDigit* aECLDigit = ECLDigit::getByCellID(aECLDsp.getCellId());
415  for (const auto& iter : m_WaveformOption | indexed(0)) {
416  const auto& index = iter.index();
417  const auto& wf_opt = iter.value();
418  if (wf_opt != "all" && wf_opt != "psd" && wf_opt != "logic" && wf_opt != "rand" && wf_opt != "dphy" && wf_opt != "other") continue;
419  else if (wf_opt == "psd" && (m_iEvent % 1000 == 999 || isRandomTrigger() || bhatrig ||
420  !aECLDigit || aECLDigit->getAmp() < (v_totalthrApsd[i] / 4 * 4))) continue;
421  else if (wf_opt == "logic" && m_iEvent % 1000 != 999) continue;
422  else if (wf_opt == "rand" && (m_iEvent % 1000 == 999 || !isRandomTrigger())) continue;
423  else if (wf_opt == "dphy" && (m_iEvent % 1000 == 999 || !bhatrig)) continue;
424  else if (wf_opt == "other" && (m_iEvent % 1000 == 999 || isRandomTrigger() || bhatrig ||
425  (aECLDigit && aECLDigit->getAmp() >= (v_totalthrApsd[i] / 4 * 4)))) continue;
426  h_cells[index]->Fill(aECLDsp.getCellId());
427  if (wf_opt == "other" && aECLDigit) h_quality_other->Fill(aECLDigit->getQuality());
428  }
429  }
430  if (m_ECLDigits.getEntries() > 0)
431  h_adc_hits->Fill((double)NDigits / (double)m_ECLDigits.getEntries()); //Fraction of high-energy hits
434 }
437 {
438 }
442 {
443 }
446 {
447  if (!m_l1Trigger.isValid()) return false;
448  return m_l1Trigger->getTimType() == TRGSummary::ETimingType::TTYP_RAND ||
449  m_l1Trigger->getTimType() == TRGSummary::ETimingType::TTYP_POIS;
450 }
453 {
454  const std::string trg_identifier = "software_trigger_cut&skim&accept_hadron";
456  if (!result.isValid()) return false;
458  // check if trigger identifier is available
459  const std::map<std::string, int>& results = result->getResults();
460  if (results.find(trg_identifier) == results.end()) return false;
461  // apply software trigger
462  const bool accepted = (result->getResult(trg_identifier) == SoftwareTriggerCutResult::c_accept);
463  if (!accepted) return false;
466  if (!particles.isValid()) return false;
468  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < particles->getListSize(); i++) {
469  const Particle* part = particles->getParticle(i);
470  auto inv_mass = Variable::eclClusterOnlyInvariantMass(part);
471  h_pi0_mass->Fill(inv_mass);
472  }
474  return true;
475 }
double m_PedestalMean[ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals]
Pedestal average values.
Definition: eclDQM.h:132
TH1F * h_trigtag1
Histogram: Trigger tag flag #1.
Definition: eclDQM.h:151
std::vector< double > nhits
Container for channel multiplicity.
Definition: eclDQM.h:124
bool fillInvMassHistogram()
Fill entries for pi0 invariant mass distribution.
TH1F * h_bad_quality
Histogram: Cell IDs w/ bad fit quality flag.
Definition: eclDQM.h:149
double m_PedestalRms[ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals]
Pedestal rms error values.
Definition: eclDQM.h:134
Flag to select events triggered by delayed bhabha.
Definition: eclDQM.h:107
std::vector< double > m_TimingThresholds
Parameters for timing histograms.
Definition: eclDQM.h:116
TH1F * h_adc_hits
Histogram: Fraction of digits above ADC threshold.
Definition: eclDQM.h:153
StoreArray< ECLDsp > m_ECLDsps
StoreArray ECLDsp.
Definition: eclDQM.h:92
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize the module.
virtual ~ECLDQMModule()
StoreArray< ECLCalDigit > m_ECLCalDigits
StoreArray ECLCalDigit.
Definition: eclDQM.h:96
StoreObjPtr< TRGSummary > m_l1Trigger
StoreObjPtr TRGSummary
Definition: eclDQM.h:86
TH1F * h_cell_psd_norm
Histogram: Normalize to psd hits for CellID.
Definition: eclDQM.h:172
virtual void event() override
Event processor.
TH2F * h_trigtime_trigid
Histogram: Trigger time vs.
Definition: eclDQM.h:176
< derived from HistoModule class.
std::vector< TH1F * > h_edeps
Histogram vector: Total energy.
Definition: eclDQM.h:162
virtual void endRun() override
Call when a run ends.
std::vector< TH1F * > h_ncevs
Histogram vector: Channel multiplicity.
Definition: eclDQM.h:168
virtual void terminate() override
TH1F * h_evtot
Histogram: Total event no (auxiliary) to normalize hit map .
Definition: eclDQM.h:137
int m_iEvent
Global event number.
Definition: eclDQM.h:101
ECL::ECLGeometryPar * m_geom
Definition: eclDQM.h:82
StoreArray< ECLDigit > m_ECLDigits
StoreArray ECLDigit.
Definition: eclDQM.h:90
std::vector< double > ecltot
Container for energy.
Definition: eclDQM.h:122
std::vector< TH1F * > h_time_barrels
Histogram vector: Reconstructed time for barrel.
Definition: eclDQM.h:164
double m_EnergyUpperThr
Upper threshold of energy deposition in event, [GeV].
Definition: eclDQM.h:105
TProfile * h_pedmean_cellid
Histogram: Pedestal Average vs.
Definition: eclDQM.h:180
TH1F * h_evtot_rand
Histogram: Event no for rand (auxiliary) to normalize rand waveform flow.
Definition: eclDQM.h:141
std::vector< TH1F * > h_time_crate_Thr1GeV
Histogram vector: Reconstructed signal time for all ECL crates above the threshold = 1 GeV.
Definition: eclDQM.h:174
TH1F * h_time_crate_Thr1GeV_large
Histogram: Entries with crate time offsets > 100 ns (E > 1 GeV).
Definition: eclDQM.h:155
virtual void beginRun() override
Call when a run begins.
std::string m_histogramDirectoryName
Histogram directory in ROOT file.
Definition: eclDQM.h:103
ECL::ECLChannelMapper mapper
ECL channel mapper.
Definition: eclDQM.h:88
TH1F * h_evtot_logic
Histogram: Event no for logic (auxiliary) to normalize logic waveform flow.
Definition: eclDQM.h:139
std::vector< double > m_HitNumberUpperLimits
Parameters for number of hits histograms.
Definition: eclDQM.h:118
std::vector< double > m_TotalEnergyThresholds
Parameters for histograms w/ total energy.
Definition: eclDQM.h:114
TProfile * h_pedrms_thetaid
Histogram: Pedestal rms error vs.
Definition: eclDQM.h:184
std::vector< std::string > m_WaveformOption
Parameters for waveform histograms.
Definition: eclDQM.h:120
int m_DspArray[ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals][31]
WF sampling points for digit array.
Definition: eclDQM.h:130
TH1F * h_evtot_dphy
Histogram: Event no for dphy (auxiliary) to normalize dphy waveform flow.
Definition: eclDQM.h:143
std::vector< double > m_HitThresholds
Parameters for hit occ.
Definition: eclDQM.h:112
TH1F * h_quality
Histogram: Fit quality flag (0 - good, 1 - large amplitude, 3 - bad chi2).
Definition: eclDQM.h:145
StoreArray< ECLTrig > m_ECLTrigs
StoreArray ECLTrig.
Definition: eclDQM.h:94
StoreObjPtr< EventMetaData > m_eventmetadata
StoreObjPtr EventMetaData.
Definition: eclDQM.h:84
TH2F * h_trigtag2_trigid
Histogram: Trigger tag flag #2 vs.
Definition: eclDQM.h:178
std::vector< int > v_totalthrApsd
Vector to store psd wf amplitude threshold.
Definition: eclDQM.h:126
TH1F * h_pi0_mass
Histogram: pi0 mass.
Definition: eclDQM.h:157
TH1F * h_quality_other
Histogram: Fit quality flag for waveform type 'other'.
Definition: eclDQM.h:147
std::vector< TH1F * > h_cids
Histogram vector: Hit map.
Definition: eclDQM.h:160
TProfile * h_pedrms_cellid
Histogram: Pedestal rms error vs.
Definition: eclDQM.h:182
std::string m_pi0PListName
Name of the pi0 particle list.
Definition: eclDQM.h:109
DBObjPtr< ECLCrystalCalib > m_calibrationThrApsd
PSD waveform amplitude threshold.
Definition: eclDQM.h:98
std::vector< TH1F * > h_cells
Histogram vector: Waveforms vs CellID.
Definition: eclDQM.h:170
bool isRandomTrigger()
virtual void defineHisto() override
Function to define histograms.
std::vector< TH1F * > h_time_endcaps
Histogram vector: Reconstructed time for endcaps.
Definition: eclDQM.h:166
Class to store ECL digitized hits (output of ECLDigi) relation to ECLHit filled in ecl/modules/eclDig...
Definition: ECLDigit.h:24
int getAmp() const
Get Fitting Amplitude.
Definition: ECLDigit.h:70
int getQuality() const
Get Fitting Quality.
Definition: ECLDigit.h:80
static ECLDigit * getByCellID(int cid)
Find ECLDigit by Cell ID using linear search.
bool initFromDB()
Initialize channel mapper from the conditions database.
int getCrateID(int iCOPPERNode, int iFINESSE, bool pcie40=false)
Get crate number by given COPPER node number and FINESSE number.
static ECLGeometryPar * Instance()
Static method to get a reference to the ECLGeometryPar instance.
void Mapping(int cid)
Mapping theta, phi Id.
int GetThetaID()
Get Theta Id.
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Definition: HistoModule.h:29
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
Class to store reconstructed particles.
Definition: Particle.h:75
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
static const double GeV
Standard of [energy, momentum, mass].
Definition: Unit.h:51
Register the Module.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
@ c_accept
Accept this event.
const int c_NCrystals
Number of crystals.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.