Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
10// Description : A class to represent CDC.
16#include <math.h>
17#include <TRandom.h>
18#include <iostream>
19#include <fstream>
20#include "framework/datastore/StoreArray.h"
21#include "framework/datastore/RelationArray.h"
22#include "rawdata/dataobjects/RawDataBlock.h"
23#include "rawdata/dataobjects/RawCOPPER.h"
24#include <rawdata/dataobjects/RawTRG.h>
25#include "cdc/geometry/CDCGeometryPar.h"
26#include "cdc/dataobjects/CDCHit.h"
27#include "cdc/dataobjects/CDCSimHit.h"
28#include "mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h"
29#include "trg/trg/Debug.h"
30#include "trg/trg/Time.h"
31#include "trg/trg/State.h"
32#include "trg/trg/Signal.h"
33#include "trg/trg/Channel.h"
34#include "trg/trg/Utilities.h"
35#include "trg/cdc/dataobjects/CDCTriggerSegmentHit.h"
36#include "trg/cdc/dataobjects/CDCTriggerTrack.h"
37#include "trg/trg/dataobjects/TRGTiming.h"
38#include "trg/cdc/TRGCDC.h"
39#include "trg/cdc/Wire.h"
40#include "trg/cdc/Layer.h"
41#include "trg/cdc/WireHit.h"
42#include "trg/cdc/WireHitMC.h"
43#include "trg/cdc/TrackMC.h"
44#include "trg/cdc/Relation.h"
45#include "trg/cdc/TRGCDCTrack.h"
46#include "trg/cdc/Segment.h"
47#include "trg/cdc/SegmentHit.h"
48#include "trg/cdc/LUT.h"
49#include "trg/cdc/FrontEnd.h"
50#include "trg/cdc/Merger.h"
51#include "trg/cdc/TrackSegmentFinder.h"
52#include "trg/cdc/Tracker2D.h"
53#include "trg/cdc/PerfectFinder.h"
54#include "trg/cdc/HoughFinder.h"
55#include "trg/cdc/Hough3DFinder.h"
56#include "trg/cdc/Fitter3D.h"
57#include "trg/cdc/Fitter3DUtility.h"
58#include "trg/cdc/Link.h"
59#include "trg/cdc/EventTime.h"
60#include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
61#include <framework/geometry/B2Vector3.h>
62#include <TObjString.h>
65//#define NOT_SEND
66//#define DUMMY_DATA
67#define TIME_MONITOR
68//#define MULTIPLE_SEND
70#define SEND_BY_WRITEV
73#include "trg/cdc/DisplayRphi.h"
74#include "trg/cdc/DisplayHough.h"
75namespace Belle2_TRGCDC {
76 Belle2::TRGCDCDisplayRphi* D = 0;
78using namespace Belle2_TRGCDC;
81#define P3D HepGeom::Point3D<double>
83using namespace std;
85namespace Belle2 {
91 string
92 TRGCDC::name(void) const
93 {
94 return "TRGCDC";
95 }
97 string
98 TRGCDC::version(void) const
99 {
100 return string("TRGCDC 5.39");
101 }
104 TRGCDC::_cdc = 0;
107 TRGCDC::getTRGCDC(const string& configFile,
108 unsigned simulationMode,
109 unsigned fastSimulationMode,
110 unsigned firmwareSimulationMode,
111 int firmwareSimulationStart,
112 int firmwareSimulationStop,
113 bool makeRootFile,
114 bool perfect2DFinder,
115 bool perfect3DFinder,
116 const string& innerTSLUTFile,
117 const string& outerTSLUTFile,
118 const string& rootTRGCDCFile,
119 const string& rootFitter3DFile,
120 unsigned houghFinderPeakMin,
121 const string& houghMappingFilePlus,
122 const string& houghMappingFileMinus,
123 unsigned houghDoit,
124 bool fLogicLUTTSF,
125 bool fLRLUT,
126 bool fFitter3Dsmclr,
127 bool fFitter3Ds2DFit,
128 bool fFitter3Ds2DFitDrift,
129 double inefficiency,
130 bool fileTSF,
131 bool fileETF,
132 int fverETF,
133 bool fprintFirmETF,
134 bool fileHough3D,
135 int finder3DMode,
136 bool fileFitter3D,
137 bool fXtSimpleFitter3D,
138 double TdcBinWidth,
139 int trgCDCDataInputMode,
140 const string& cdchitCollectionName)
141 {
142 if (_cdc) {
143 //delete _cdc;
144 _cdc = 0;
145 }
147 if (configFile != "good-bye") {
148 _cdc = new TRGCDC(configFile,
149 simulationMode,
150 fastSimulationMode,
154 makeRootFile,
155 perfect2DFinder,
157 innerTSLUTFile,
158 outerTSLUTFile,
159 rootTRGCDCFile,
160 rootFitter3DFile,
161 houghFinderPeakMin,
162 houghMappingFilePlus,
163 houghMappingFileMinus,
164 houghDoit,
165 fLogicLUTTSF,
166 fLRLUT,
167 fFitter3Dsmclr,
168 fFitter3Ds2DFit,
169 fFitter3Ds2DFitDrift,
170 inefficiency,
171 fileTSF,
172 fileETF,
173 fverETF,
174 fprintFirmETF,
175 fileHough3D,
176 finder3DMode,
177 fileFitter3D,
178 fXtSimpleFitter3D,
179 TdcBinWidth,
180 trgCDCDataInputMode,
181 cdchitCollectionName);
182 } else {
183 cout << "TRGCDC::getTRGCDC ... good-bye" << endl;
184 // delete _cdc;
185 _cdc = 0;
186 }
188 return _cdc;
189 }
193 {
194 if (! _cdc)
195 cout << "TRGCDC::getTRGCDC !!! TRGCDC is not created yet" << endl;
196 return _cdc;
197 }
199 vector<TCTrack*>
201 {
202 return _trackList2D;
203 }
205 vector<TCTrack*>
207 {
208 return _trackList2DFitted;
209 }
211 vector<TCTrack*>
213 {
214 return _trackList3D;
215 }
217 TRGCDC::TRGCDC(const string& configFile,
218 unsigned simulationMode,
219 unsigned fastSimulationMode,
220 unsigned firmwareSimulationMode,
221 int firmwareSimulationStart,
222 int firmwareSimulationStop,
223 bool makeRootFile,
224 bool perfect2DFinder,
225 bool perfect3DFinder,
226 const string& innerTSLUTFile,
227 const string& outerTSLUTFile,
228 const string& rootTRGCDCFile,
229 const string& rootFitter3DFile,
230 unsigned houghFinderPeakMin,
231 const string& houghMappingFilePlus,
232 const string& houghMappingFileMinus,
233 unsigned houghDoit,
234 bool fLogicLUTTSF,
235 bool fLRLUT,
236 bool fFitter3Dsmclr,
237 bool fFitter3Ds2DFit,
238 bool fFitter3Ds2DFitDrift,
239 double inefficiency,
240 bool fileTSF,
241 bool fileETF,
242 int fverETF,
243 bool fprintFirmETF,
244 bool fileHough3D,
245 int finder3DMode,
246 bool fileFitter3D,
247 bool fXtSimpleFitter3D,
248 double TdcBinWidth,
249 int trgCDCDataInputMode,
250 const string& cdchitCollectionName):
251 _debugLevel(0),
252 _configFilename(configFile),
253 _simulationMode(simulationMode),
254 _fastSimulationMode(fastSimulationMode),
255 _firmwareSimulationMode(firmwareSimulationMode),
256 _firmwareSimulationStart(firmwareSimulationStart),
257 _firmwareSimulationStop(firmwareSimulationStop),
258 _returnValue(0),
259 _makeRootFile(makeRootFile),
260 _perfect2DFinder(perfect2DFinder),
261 _perfect3DFinder(perfect3DFinder),
262 _innerTSLUTFilename(innerTSLUTFile),
263 _outerTSLUTFilename(outerTSLUTFile),
264 _rootTRGCDCFilename(rootTRGCDCFile),
265 _rootFitter3DFilename(rootFitter3DFile),
266 _fLogicLUTTSF(fLogicLUTTSF),
267 _fLRLUT(fLRLUT),
268 _fFitter3Dsmclr(fFitter3Dsmclr),
269 _fFitter3Ds2DFit(fFitter3Ds2DFit),
270 _fFitter3Ds2DFitDrift(fFitter3Ds2DFitDrift),
271 _inefficiency(inefficiency),
272 _fileTSF(fileTSF),
273 _fileETF(fileETF),
274 _fverETF(fverETF),
275 _fprintFirmETF(fprintFirmETF),
276 _fileHough3D(fileHough3D),
277 _finder3DMode(finder3DMode),
278 _fileFitter3D(fileFitter3D),
279 _fXtSimpleFitter3D(fXtSimpleFitter3D),
280 _fudgeFactor(1.),
281 _width(0),
282 _r(0),
283 _r2(0),
284 _clock("CDCTrigger system clock", 0, 125. / TdcBinWidth),
285 _clockFE("CDCFE TDC clock", _clock, 8),
286 _clockTDC("CDCTrigger TDC clock (after mergers)", _clock, 4),
287 _clockD("CDCTrigger data clock", _clock, 1, 4),
288 _clockUser3125("CDCTrigger Aurora user clock (3.125Gbps)",
289 _clock, 25, 20),
290 _clockUser6250("CDCTrigger Aurora user clock (6.250Gbps)",
291 _clock, 50, 20),
292 _offset(5.3),
293 _pFinder(0),
294 _hFinder(0),
295 _h3DFinder(0),
296 _fitter3D(0),
297 _eventTime(0),
298 _trgCDCDataInputMode(trgCDCDataInputMode),
299 _cdchitCollectionName(cdchitCollectionName)
300 {
302 TRGDebug::enterStage("TRGCDC constructor");
305 int argc = 0;
306 char** argv = 0;
307 Gtk::Main main_instance(argc, argv);
308 if (! D)
309 D = new TCDisplayRphi();
310 D->clear();
311 D->show();
312 cout << "TRGCDC ... GTK initialized" << endl;
315 //...Clock summary...
316 _clock.dump();
317 _clockFE.dump();
318 _clockTDC.dump();
319 _clockD.dump();
321 //...Firmware simulation time window...
323 TRGTime fall = rise;
326"Firmware simulation window in FE clock");
329 //...Time window in other clocks...
335 cout << "In " << << endl;
336 cout << " Start : "
338 << endl;
339 cout << " Stop : "
341 << endl;
342 cout << "In " << << endl;
343 cout << " Start : "
345 << endl;
346 cout << " Stop : "
348 << endl;
349 cout << "In " << << endl;
350 cout << " Start : " << _firmwareSimulationStartDataClock << endl;
351 cout << " Stop : " << _firmwareSimulationStopDataClock << endl;
353 if (TRGDebug::level()) {
354 cout << "TRGCDC ... TRGCDC initializing with " << _configFilename
355 << endl
356 << "mode=0x" << hex << _simulationMode << dec << endl;
357 }
359 initialize(houghFinderPeakMin,
360 houghMappingFilePlus,
361 houghMappingFileMinus,
362 houghDoit);
364 if (TRGDebug::level()) {
365 cout << "TRGCDC ... TRGCDC created with " << _configFilename << endl;
366 }
368 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC constructor");
369 }
371 void
372 TRGCDC::initialize(unsigned houghFinderPeakMin,
373 const string& houghMappingFilePlus,
374 const string& houghMappingFileMinus,
375 unsigned houghDoit)
376 {
378 TRGDebug::enterStage("TRGCDC initialize");
380 //...CDC...
382 const unsigned nLayers = m_cdcp->nWireLayers();
384 //...Loop over layers...
385 int superLayerId = -1;
386 vector<TRGCDCLayer*>* superLayer;
387 unsigned lastNWires = 0;
388 int lastShifts = -1000;
389 int ia = -1;
390 int is = -1;
391 int ias = -1;
392 int iss = -1;
393 unsigned nWires = 0;
394 float fwr = 0;
395 unsigned axialStereoSuperLayerId = 0;
396 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nLayers; i++) {
397 const unsigned nWiresInLayer = m_cdcp->nWiresInLayer(i);
399 //...Axial or stereo?...
400 int nShifts = m_cdcp->nShifts(i);
401 bool axial = true;
402 if (nShifts != 0)
403 axial = false;
405 unsigned axialStereoLayerId = 0;
406 if (axial) {
407 ++ia;
408 axialStereoLayerId = ia;
409 } else {
410 ++is;
411 axialStereoLayerId = is;
412 }
414 if (TRGDebug::level() > 1) {
415 cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "No " << i << " nWiresInLayer: "
416 << nWiresInLayer << " axial: " << axial << " nShifts: "
417 << nShifts << endl;
418 }
420 //...Is this in a new super layer?...
421 if ((lastNWires != nWiresInLayer) || (lastShifts != nShifts)) {
422 ++superLayerId;
423 superLayer = new vector<TRGCDCLayer*>;
424 _superLayers.push_back(superLayer);
425 if (axial) {
426 ++ias;
428 _axialSuperLayers.push_back(superLayer);
429 } else {
430 ++iss;
433 }
434 lastNWires = nWiresInLayer;
435 lastShifts = nShifts;
436 }
438 if (TRGDebug::level() > 1) {
439 cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "(lastNWires,nWiresInLayer) "
440 << lastNWires << " " << nWiresInLayer << endl;
441 cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "(lastShifts,nShifts) " << lastShifts
442 << " " << nShifts << endl;
443 cout << "superLayerId: " << superLayerId << endl;
444 cout << "ia: " << ia << " is: " << is << " ias: " << ias
445 << " iss: " << iss << endl;
446 }
448 //...Calculate radius...
449 const float swr = m_cdcp->senseWireR(i);
450 if (i < nLayers - 1)
451 fwr = m_cdcp->fieldWireR(i);
452 else
453 fwr = swr + (swr - m_cdcp->fieldWireR(i - 1));
454 const float innerRadius = swr - (fwr - swr);
455 const float outerRadius = swr + (fwr - swr);
457 if (TRGDebug::level() > 1)
458 cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "lyr " << i << ", in=" << innerRadius
459 << ", out=" << outerRadius << ", swr=" << swr << ", fwr"
460 << fwr << endl;
462 //...New layer...
465 _superLayers[superLayerId]->size(),
466 axialStereoLayerId,
469 nShifts,
470 M_PI * m_cdcp->senseWireR(i)
471 * m_cdcp->senseWireR(i)
472 / double(nWiresInLayer),
473 nWiresInLayer,
474 innerRadius,
475 outerRadius);
476 _layers.push_back(layer);
477 superLayer->push_back(layer);
478 if (axial)
479 _axialLayers.push_back(layer);
480 else
481 _stereoLayers.push_back(layer);
483 //...Loop over all wires in a layer...
484 for (unsigned j = 0; j < nWiresInLayer; j++) {
485 const P3D fp = P3D(m_cdcp->wireForwardPosition(i, j).x(),
487 m_cdcp->wireForwardPosition(i, j).z());
488 const P3D bp = P3D(m_cdcp->wireBackwardPosition(i, j).x(),
490 m_cdcp->wireBackwardPosition(i, j).z());
491 TCWire* tw = new TCWire(nWires++, j, *layer, fp, bp, _clockFE);
492 if (_simulationMode & 1)
493 tw->_signal.clock(_clockTDC);
494 _wires.push_back(tw);
495 layer->push_back(tw);
496 }
497 }
499 //...event Time...
500 _eventTime.push_back(new TCEventTime(*this, _fileETF));
501 _eventTime.back()->initialize();
503 //...Make TSF's...
504 const unsigned nWiresInTS[2] = {15, 11};
505 const int shape[2][30] = {
506 {
507 -2, 0, // relative layer id, relative wire id
508 -1, -1, // assuming layer offset 0.0, not 0.5
509 -1, 0,
510 0, -1,
511 0, 0,
512 0, 1,
513 1, -2,
514 1, -1,
515 1, 0,
516 1, 1,
517 2, -2,
518 2, -1,
519 2, 0,
520 2, 1,
521 2, 2
522 //-2, 0, // relative layer id, relative wire id
523 //-1, 0, // assuming layer offset 0.5, not 0.0
524 //-1, 1,
525 //0, -1,
526 //0, 0,
527 //0, 1,
528 //1, -1,
529 //1, -0,
530 //1, 1,
531 //1, 2,
532 //2, -2,
533 //2, -1,
534 //2, 0,
535 //2, 1,
536 //2, 2
537 },
538 {
539 -2, -1,
540 -2, 0,
541 -2, 1,
542 -1, -1,
543 -1, 0,
544 0, 0,
545 1, -1,
546 1, 0,
547 2, -1,
548 2, 0,
549 2, 1,
550 0, 0,
551 0, 0,
552 0, 0,
553 0, 0
554 }
555 };
556 const int layerOffset[2] = {5, 2};
557 unsigned id = 0;
558 unsigned idTS = 0;
559 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nSuperLayers(); i++) {
560 unsigned tsType = 0;
561 if (i)
562 tsType = 1;
564// const unsigned nLayers = _superLayers[i]->size(); //'nLayers' shadows a previous local
565// if (nLayers < 5) {
566 if (_superLayers[i]->size() < 5) {
567 cout << "TRGCDC !!! can not create TS because "
568 << "#layers is less than 5 in super layer " << i
569 << endl;
570 continue;
571 }
573 //...TS layer... w is a central wire
574 const TCCell& ww = *(*_superLayers[i])[layerOffset[tsType]]->front();
575 TRGCDCLayer* layer = new TRGCDCLayer(id++, ww);
576 _tsLayers.push_back(layer);
578 //...Loop over all wires in a central wire layer...
579 const unsigned nWiresInLayer = ww.layer().nCells();
580 for (unsigned j = 0; j < nWiresInLayer; j++) {
581 const TCWire& w =
582 *(TCWire*)(*(*_superLayers[i])[layerOffset[tsType]])[j];
584 const unsigned localId = w.localId();
585 const unsigned layerId = w.layerId();
586 vector<const TCWire*> cells;
588 for (unsigned k = 0; k < nWiresInTS[tsType]; k++) {
589 const unsigned laid = layerId + shape[tsType][k * 2];
590 const unsigned loid = localId + shape[tsType][k * 2 + 1];
592 const TCWire* c = wire(laid, loid);
593 if (! c)
594 cout << "TRGCDC !!! no such a wire for TS : "
595 << "layer id=" << laid << ", local id=" << loid
596 << endl;
598 cells.push_back(c);
599 }
601 TRGCDCSegment* ts;
602 if (w.superLayerId()) {
603 ts = new TRGCDCSegment(idTS++,
604 *layer,
605 w,
606 _clockD,
608 cells);
609 } else {
610 ts = new TRGCDCSegment(idTS++,
611 *layer,
612 w,
613 _clockD,
615 cells);
616 }
617 ts->initialize();
619 //...Store it...
620 _tss.push_back(ts);
621 _tsSL[i].push_back(ts);
622 layer->push_back(ts);
623 }
624 }
626 //...Fill caches...
627 if (_width) delete [] _width;
628 if (_r) delete [] _r;
629 if (_r2) delete [] _r2;
630 _width = new float[nSuperLayers()];
631 _r = new float[nSuperLayers() + 1];
632 _r2 = new float[nSuperLayers() + 1];
633 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nSuperLayers(); i++) {
634 const vector<TRGCDCLayer*>& slayer = *_superLayers[i];
635 _width[i] = M_PI * 2 / float(slayer.back()->nCells());
636 _r[i] = slayer[0]->innerRadius();
637 _r2[i] = _r[i] * _r[i];
638 if (i == (nSuperLayers() - 1)) {
639 _r[i + 1] = slayer.back()->outerRadius();
640 _r2[i + 1] = _r[i + 1] * _r[i + 1];
641 }
643 if (TRGDebug::level() > 9) {
644 const TCCell& wi = *slayer[0]->front();
645 const unsigned layerId = wi.layerId();
646 cout << layerId << "," << m_cdcp->senseWireR(layerId) << ","
647 << m_cdcp->fieldWireR(layerId) << endl;
648 cout << " super layer " << i << " radius=" << _r[i]
649 << "(r^2=" << _r2[i] << ")" << endl;
650 }
651 }
653 //...Track Segment Finder...
654 _tsFinder = new TSFinder(*this, _fileTSF, _fLogicLUTTSF);
656 //...Perfect 2D Finder...
657 _pFinder = new TCPFinder("Perfect2DFinder", *this);
659 //...Perfect 3D Finder...
660 _p3DFinder = 0;
662 //...Hough 2D Finder...
663 _hFinder = new TCHFinder("HoughFinder",
664 *this,
665 houghFinderPeakMin,
666 houghMappingFilePlus,
667 houghMappingFileMinus,
668 houghDoit);
670 //...Hough 3D Finder...
671 _h3DFinder = new TCH3DFinder(*this, _fileHough3D, _finder3DMode);
673 //...3D fitter...
674 map<string, bool> flags = {
675 {"fLRLUT", _fLRLUT},
676 {"fmcLR", _fFitter3Dsmclr},
677 {"f2DFit", _fFitter3Ds2DFit},
678 {"f2DFitDrift", _fFitter3Ds2DFitDrift},
679 {"fRootFile", _fileFitter3D},
680 {"fXtSimple", _fXtSimpleFitter3D}
681 };
682 _fitter3D = new TCFitter3D("Fitter3D",
684 *this,
685 flags);
688 //...For module simulation (Front-end)...
689 configure();
691 //...Initialize root file...
692 if (_makeRootFile) {
693 m_file = new TFile((char*)_rootTRGCDCFilename.c_str(), "RECREATE");
694 //m_file = new TFile("TRGCDC.root", "RECREATE");
695 m_tree = new TTree("m_tree", "tree");
696 m_treeAllTracks = new TTree("m_treeAllTracks", "treeAllTracks");
698 m_fitParameters = new TClonesArray("TVectorD");
699 m_mcParameters = new TClonesArray("TVectorD");
700 m_mcTrack4Vector = new TClonesArray("TLorentzVector");
701 m_mcTrackVertexVector = new TClonesArray("TVector3");
702 m_mcTrackStatus = new TClonesArray("TVectorD");
703 // m_parameters2D = new TClonesArray("TVectorD");
705 m_tree->Branch("fitParameters", &m_fitParameters, 32000, 0);
706 m_tree->Branch("mcParameters", &m_mcParameters, 32000, 0);
707 m_treeAllTracks->Branch("mcTrack4Vector", &m_mcTrack4Vector, 32000, 0);
708 m_treeAllTracks->Branch("mcTrackVertexVector", &m_mcTrackVertexVector, 32000, 0);
709 m_treeAllTracks->Branch("mcTrackStatus", &m_mcTrackStatus, 32000, 0);
711 m_evtTime = new TClonesArray("TVectorD");
712 m_treeAllTracks->Branch("evtTime", &m_evtTime, 32000, 0);
714 _tree2D = new TTree("tree2D", "2D Tracks");
715 _tracks2D = new TClonesArray("TVectorD");
716 _tree2D->Branch("track parameters", & _tracks2D, 32000, 0);
718 //...Initialize firmware ROOT input
719 //m_minCDCTdc = 9999;
720 //m_maxCDCTdc = 0;
721 //m_minTRGTdc = 9999;
722 //m_maxTRGTdc = 0;
724 m_treeROOTInput = new TTree("m_treeROOTInput", "treeRootInput");
725 //m_CDCTRGTimeMatch = new TClonesArray("TVectorD");
726 m_rootCDCHitInformation = new TClonesArray("TVectorD");
727 m_rootTRGHitInformation = new TClonesArray("TVectorD");
728 m_rootTRGRawInformation = new TClonesArray("TObjString");
729 //m_treeROOTInput->Branch("CDCTRGTimeMatch", &m_CDCTRGTimeMatch,32000,0);
730 m_treeROOTInput->Branch("rootCDCHitInformation", &m_rootCDCHitInformation, 32000, 0);
731 m_treeROOTInput->Branch("rootTRGHitInformation", &m_rootTRGHitInformation, 32000, 0);
732 m_treeROOTInput->Branch("rootTRGRawInformation", &m_rootTRGRawInformation, 32000, 0);
733 }
735 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC initialize");
736 }
738 void
740 {
741 TRGDebug::enterStage("TRGCDC terminate");
743 if (_tsFinder) {
745 }
746 if (_eventTime.back()) {
747 _eventTime.back()->terminate();
748 }
749 if (_fitter3D) {
751 }
752 if (_hFinder) {
754 }
755 if (_h3DFinder) {
757 }
758 if (_makeRootFile) {
759 m_file->Write();
760 m_file->Close();
761 }
763 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC terminate");
764 }
766 void
767 TRGCDC::dump(const string& msg) const
768 {
769 TRGDebug::enterStage("TRGCDC dump");
771 if (msg.find("name") != string::npos ||
772 msg.find("version") != string::npos ||
773 msg.find("detail") != string::npos ||
774 msg == "") {
775 cout << name() << "(CDC version=" << versionCDC() << ", "
776 << version() << ") ";
777 }
778 if (msg.find("detail") != string::npos ||
779 msg.find("state") != string::npos) {
780 cout << "Debug Level=" << _debugLevel;
781 }
782 cout << endl;
784 string tab(" ");
786 if (msg == "" || msg.find("geometry") != string::npos) {
787 //...Get information..."
788 unsigned nLayer = _layers.size();
789 cout << " version : " << version() << endl;
790 cout << " cdc version: " << versionCDC() << endl;
791 cout << " # of wires : " << _wires.size() << endl;
792 cout << " # of layers: " << nLayer << endl;
793 cout << " super layer information" << endl;
794 cout << " # of super layers() = "
795 << nSuperLayers() << endl;
796 cout << " # of Axial super layers = "
797 << nAxialSuperLayers() << endl;
798 cout << " # of Stereo super layers = "
799 << nStereoSuperLayers() << endl;
801 if (msg.find("superLayers") != string::npos) {
802 cout << " super layer detail" << endl;
803 cout << " id #layers (stereo type)" << endl;
804 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nSuperLayers(); ++i) {
805 const unsigned n = _superLayers[i]->size();
806 cout << " " << i << " " << n << " (";
807 for (unsigned j = 0; j < n; j++) {
808 cout << (* _superLayers[i])[0]->stereoType();
809 }
810 cout << ")" << endl;
811 }
812 }
814 cout << " layer information" << endl;
815 cout << " # of Axial layers = "
816 << nAxialLayers() << endl;
817 cout << " # of Stereo layers = "
818 << nStereoLayers() << endl;
820 if (msg.find("layers") != string::npos) {
821 cout << " layer detail" << endl;
822 cout << " id type sId #wires lId asId assId"
823 << endl;
824 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nLayers(); ++i) {
825 const TRGCDCLayer& l = *_layers[i];
826 cout << " " << i
827 << " " << l.stereoType()
828 << " " << l.superLayerId()
829 << " " << l.nCells()
830 << " " << l.localLayerId()
831 << " " << l.axialStereoLayerId()
832 << " " << l.axialStereoSuperLayerId()
833 << endl;
834 }
835 }
837 if (msg.find("wires") != string::npos) {
838 cout << " wire information" << endl;
839 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nWires(); i++)
840 (_wires[i])->dump("neighbor", tab);
841 }
843 return;
844 }
845 if (msg.find("hits") != string::npos) {
846 cout << " hits : " << _hits.size() << endl;
847 for (unsigned i = 0; i < (unsigned) _hits.size(); i++)
848 _hits[i]->dump("mc drift", tab);
849 }
850 if (msg.find("axialHits") != string::npos) {
851 cout << " hits : " << _axialHits.size() << endl;
852 for (unsigned i = 0; i < (unsigned) _axialHits.size(); i++)
853 _axialHits[i]->dump("mc drift", tab);
854 }
855 if (msg.find("stereoHits") != string::npos) {
856 cout << " hits : " << _stereoHits.size() << endl;
857 for (unsigned i = 0; i < (unsigned) _stereoHits.size(); i++)
858 _stereoHits[i]->dump("mc drift", tab);
859 }
860 if (msg.find("trgWireHits") != string::npos) {
861 const string dumpOption = "trigger detail";
862 cout << " wire hits" << endl;
863 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nWires(); i++) {
864 const TCWire& w = *wire(i);
865 if (w.signal().active())
866 w.dump(dumpOption, TRGDebug::tab(4));
867 }
868 }
869 if (msg.find("trgWireCentralHits") != string::npos) {
870 const string dumpOption = "trigger detail";
871 cout << " wire hits" << endl;
872 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nSegments(); i++) {
873 const TCSegment& s = segment(i);
874 if (s.wires()[5]->signal().active())
875 s.wires()[5]->dump(dumpOption, TRGDebug::tab(4));
876 }
877 }
878 if (msg.find("trgTSHits") != string::npos) {
879 const string dumpOption = "trigger detail";
880 cout << " TS hits" << endl;
881 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nSegments(); i++) {
882 const TCSegment& s = segment(i);
883 if (s.signal().active())
884 s.dump(dumpOption, TRGDebug::tab(4));
885 }
886 }
888 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC dump");
889 }
891 const TCWire*
892 TRGCDC::wire(unsigned id) const
893 {
894 if (id < nWires())
895 return _wires[id];
896 return 0;
897 }
899 const TCWire*
900 TRGCDC::wire(unsigned layerId, int localId) const
901 {
902 if (layerId < nLayers())
903 return (TCWire*) & _layers[layerId]->cell(localId);
904 return 0;
905 }
907// const TCWire *
908// TRGCDC::wire(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> & p) const {
909// float r = p.mag();
910// float phi = p.phi();
911// return wire(r, phi);
912// }
914 const TCWire*
915 TRGCDC::wire(float, float) const
916 {
917 //...Not implemented yet...
918 return _wires[0];
920 // // cout << "r,phi = " << r << "," << p << endl;
922 // // unsigned id = 25;
923 // // bool ok = false;
924 // // const TRGCDCLayer * l;
925 // // while (! ok) {
926 // // l = layer(id);
927 // // if (! l) return 0;
929 // // const geocdc_layer * geo = l->geocdc();
930 // // if (geo->m_r + geo->m_rcsiz2 < r) ++id;
931 // // else if (geo->m_r - geo->m_rcsiz1 > r) --id;
932 // // else ok = true;
933 // // }
934 // // float dPhi = 2. * M_PI / float(l->nCells());
935 // // if (l->geocdc()->m_offset > 0.) p -= dPhi / 2.;
936 // // unsigned localId = unsigned(phi(p) / dPhi);
937 // // return l->wire(localId);
938 // }
939 }
941 void
943 {
944 TRGDebug::enterStage("TRGCDC clear");
946 TCWHit::removeAll();
947 TCSHit::removeAll();
948 TCLink::removeAll();
950 // for (unsigned i = 0; i < _hits.size(); i++)
951 // delete _hits[i];
952 for (unsigned i = 0; i < _hitsMC.size(); i++)
953 delete _hitsMC[i];
954 // for (unsigned i = 0; i < _badHits.size(); i++)
955 // delete _badHits[i];
956 // for (unsigned i = 0; i < _segmentHits.size(); i++)
957 // delete _segmentHits[i];
959 for (unsigned i = 0; i < _wires.size(); i++) {
960 TCWire* w = _wires[i];
961 w->clear();
962 }
963 for (unsigned i = 0; i < _tss.size(); i++) {
964 TCSegment* s = _tss[i];
965 s->clear();
966 }
967 _hitWires.clear();
968 _hits.clear();
969 _axialHits.clear();
970 _stereoHits.clear();
971 _badHits.clear();
972 _hitsMC.clear();
973 _segmentHits.clear();
974 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 9; i++)
977 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC clear");
978 }
980 void
983 void
985 {
986 _trackList2D.clear();
987 _trackList2DFitted.clear();
988 _trackList3D.clear();
990 TRGDebug::enterStage("TRGCDC update");
992 if (_trgCDCDataInputMode != 0) {
994 } else {
996 //...Clear old information...
997 // fastClear();
998 clear();
1000 //...CDCSimHit...
1001 StoreArray<CDCSimHit> SimHits;
1002 if (! SimHits) {
1003 if (TRGDebug::level())
1004 cout << "TRGCDC !!! can not access to CDCSimHits" << endl;
1005 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC update");
1006 return;
1007 }
1008 const unsigned n = SimHits.getEntries();
1010 //...CDCHit...
1012 if (! CDCHits) {
1013 if (TRGDebug::level())
1014 cout << "TRGCDC !!! can not access to CDCHits" << endl;
1015 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC update");
1016 return;
1017 }
1018 const unsigned nHits = CDCHits.getEntries();
1020 //...MCParticle...
1021 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcParticles;
1022 if (! mcParticles) {
1023 if (TRGDebug::level())
1024 cout << "TRGCDC !!! can not access to MCParticles" << endl;
1025 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC update");
1026 return;
1027 }
1029 //...Relations...
1030 RelationArray rels(SimHits, CDCHits);
1031 const unsigned nRels = rels.getEntries();
1032 RelationArray relsMC(mcParticles, CDCHits);
1033 const unsigned nRelsMC = relsMC.getEntries();
1035 //...Loop over CDCHits...
1036 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nHits; i++) {
1037 const CDCHit& h = *CDCHits[i];
1038 double tmp = gRandom->Uniform(0.0, 1.0) / (double(RAND_MAX));
1039 if (tmp < _inefficiency)
1040 continue;
1042 // //...Check validity (skip broken channel)...
1043 // if (! (h->m_stat & CellHitFindingValid)) continue;
1045 //...Get CDCSimHit... This is expensive. Should be moved outside.
1046 unsigned iSimHit = 0;
1047 for (unsigned j = 0; j < nRels; j++) {
1048 const unsigned k = rels[j].getToIndices().size();
1049 for (unsigned l = 0; l < k; l++) {
1050 if (rels[j].getToIndex(l) == i)
1051 iSimHit = rels[j].getFromIndex();
1052 }
1054 if (TRGDebug::level())
1055 if (k > 1)
1056 cout << "TRGCDC::update !!! CDCSimHit[" << iSimHit
1057 << "] has multiple CDCHit(" << k << " hits)" << endl;
1058 }
1060 //...Get MCParticle... This is expensive, again.
1061 // (Getting the first MCParticle only)
1062 unsigned iMCPart = 0;
1063 for (unsigned j = 0; j < nRelsMC; j++) {
1064 const unsigned k = relsMC[j].getToIndices().size();
1065 for (unsigned l = 0; l < k; l++) {
1066 if (relsMC[j].getToIndex(l) == i) {
1067 iMCPart = relsMC[j].getFromIndex();
1068 break;
1069 }
1070 }
1072 if (TRGDebug::level())
1073 if (k > 1)
1074 cout << "TRGCDC::update !!! MCParticle[" << iMCPart
1075 << "] has multiple CDCHit(" << k << " hits)" << endl;
1076 }
1078 //...Wire...
1079 int t_layerId;
1080 if (h.getISuperLayer() == 0) t_layerId = h.getILayer();
1081 else t_layerId = h.getILayer() + 6 * h.getISuperLayer() + 2;
1082 const unsigned layerId = t_layerId;
1083 const unsigned wireId = h.getIWire();
1084 const TCWire& w = * static_cast<const TCWire*>(wire(layerId, wireId));
1086 //...TDC count...
1087 B2INFO("t0:" << m_cdcp->getT0(WireID(h.getID())) <<
1088 "binwidth:" << m_cdcp->getTdcBinWidth() <<
1089 "tdc count:" << h.getTDCCount());
1090 const int tdcCount = floor(m_cdcp->getT0(WireID(h.getID())) / m_cdcp->getTdcBinWidth()
1091 - h.getTDCCount() + 0.5);
1093 //...Drift length from TDC...
1094 const float driftLength = tdcCount * m_cdcp->getTdcBinWidth() * m_cdcp->getNominalDriftV();
1095 const float driftLengthError = 0.013;
1097 //...Trigger timing...
1098 TRGTime rise = TRGTime(tdcCount, true, _clockFE,;
1099 if (_simulationMode & 1)
1100 rise.clock(_clockTDC);
1101 TRGTime fall = rise;
1102 fall.shift(1).reverse();
1103 if (_simulationMode & 1)
1104 w._signal |= TRGSignal(rise & fall);
1105 else
1106 w._signal |= (TRGSignal(rise & fall) & _firmwareSimulationWindow);
1109 //...Left/right...
1110 const int LRflag = SimHits[iSimHit]->getPosFlag();
1112 //...TCWireHit...
1113 TCWHit* hit = new TCWHit(w,
1114 i,
1115 iSimHit,
1116 iMCPart,
1117 driftLength,
1118 driftLengthError,
1119 driftLength,
1120 driftLengthError,
1121 LRflag,
1122 1);
1123 hit->state(CellHitFindingValid | CellHitFittingValid);
1125 //...Store a hit...
1126 if (!(*_layers[layerId])[wireId]->hit())
1127 ((TCWire*)(*_layers[layerId])[wireId])->hit(hit);
1128 _hits.push_back(hit);
1129 if (w.axial()) _axialHits.push_back(hit);
1130 else _stereoHits.push_back(hit);
1132 //...Debug...
1133 if (TRGDebug::level() > 2) {
1134 w._signal.dump("", TRGDebug::tab());
1135 cout << TRGDebug::tab(4) << "CDCHit TDC count="
1136 << h.getTDCCount() << std::endl;
1137 }
1138 }
1140 //...Track segment... This part is moved to ::simulate().
1142 //...Hit classification...
1143 // _hits.sort(TCWHit::sortByWireId);
1146 if (TRGDebug::level()) {
1147 cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "#CDCSimHit=" << n << ",#CDCHit="
1148 << nHits << endl;
1149 }
1151 if (TRGDebug::level() > 2) {
1152 // StoreArray<CDCSimHit> simHits("CDCSimHits"); //TODO variable is not used, is it ok?
1153 _clock.dump("detail", TRGDebug::tab());
1154 _clockFE.dump("detail", TRGDebug::tab());
1155 if (TRGDebug::level() > 10) {
1156 for (unsigned i = 0; i < _hits.size(); i++) {
1157 const TCWHit& h = *_hits[i];
1158 h.dump("detail", TRGDebug::tab(4));
1159 }
1160 } else {
1161 //unsigned nh = 10; //TODO these two lines have no impact
1162 //if (nh > _hits.size()) nh = _hits.size();
1163 cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "Dump of the first " << n
1164 << " hits of a wire" << endl;
1165 for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1166 const TCWHit& h = *_hits[i];
1167 h.dump("detail", TRGDebug::tab(4));
1168 }
1169 }
1170 }
1172 }
1174 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC update");
1175 }
1178 void
1180 {
1181 TRGDebug::enterStage("TRGCDC updateByData");
1183 //...Clear old information...
1184 clear();
1186 // There is a 1 window difference between slow control parameter and actual data.
1187 // For SPrint-8 data
1188 int cdcDelay = 101;
1189 int nCDCWindows = 28 + 1;
1190 // For Fuji hall data
1191 //int cdcDelay = 87;
1192 //int nCDCWindows = 32+1;
1193 // For Fuji hall matching data
1194 //int cdcDelay = 79;
1195 //int nCDCWindows = 47+1;
1197 // For TRG parameters
1198 unsigned nTRGWindows = 48;
1199 int nTrgBitsInWindow = 352;
1201 vector<string> trgInformations;
1203 // ##### Store data into a common binary format #####
1204 // inBinaryData[iBoard][iWord]
1205 vector<vector<unsigned> > inBinaryData;
1206 // Get data using Belle2Link
1207 if (inputMode == 1) {
1209 int nCdcBitsInWindow = 1536;
1210 //[FIXME] Getting data from ROOT file is fixed to 2 CDC FE, 1 TRG board.
1211 // Data should be in CDCFE0, CDCFE1, TRG sequence.
1213 // For Fuji data
1214 // Get data from root file.
1215 StoreArray<RawDataBlock> raw_datablkarray;
1216 // One block is one event. Take only first block = event.
1217 // Copper board 0 is for two CDC FE and one TRG.
1218 int iBlock = 0;
1219 int iCopper = 0;
1220 //cout<<"Number of blocks: "<<raw_cdcarray.getEntries()<<endl;
1221 //cout<<"Number of Copper: "<<raw_cdcarray[iBlock]->GetNumEntries()<<endl;
1222 int* temp_buf = raw_datablkarray[ iBlock ]->GetBuffer(iCopper);
1223 int nwords = raw_datablkarray[ iBlock ]->GetBlockNwords(iCopper);
1224 int malloc_flag = 0;
1225 int num_nodes = 1;
1226 int num_events = 1;
1227 RawCOPPER* raw_copper;
1228 RawCOPPER raw_copper_buf;
1229 raw_copper_buf.SetBuffer(temp_buf, nwords, malloc_flag, num_nodes, num_events);
1230 raw_copper = &raw_copper_buf;
1233 //StoreArray<RawCDC> raw_cdcarray;
1234 //int iBlock = 0;
1235 //int iCopper = 0;
1236 //RawCOPPER* raw_copper = raw_cdcarray[iBlock];
1239 //printf("*******Start of BODY**********\n");
1240 //printf("\n%.8d : ", 0);
1241 //for (int j = 0; j < raw_copper->GetBlockNwords(iCopper); j++) {
1242 // printf("0x%.8x ", (raw_copper->GetBuffer(iCopper))[ j ]);
1243 // if ((j + 1) % 10 == 0) {
1244 // printf("\n%.8d : ", j + 1);
1245 // }
1246 //}
1247 //printf("*******End of BODY**********\n");
1249 // Number of words for data
1250 int daqHeader = 32;
1251 int cdcHeader = 5;
1252 int cdcTrailer = 2;
1253 int trgHeader = 1;
1254 //int trgTrailer = 1;
1255 // 3 for event data. -1 for lost word in DAQ. Each window is 48 words.
1256 int widthCDCFEData = 3 - 1 + nCdcBitsInWindow / 32 * nCDCWindows;
1257 int widthTRGData = nTrgBitsInWindow / 32 * nTRGWindows;
1259 // Remove headers and trailer from data.
1260 // rawBinaryData[iBoard][iWord]
1261 // CDCFE0, CDCFE1, TSF sequence.
1262 vector<vector<unsigned> > rawBinaryData;
1263 for (int iFe = 0; iFe < 2; iFe++) {
1264 int startCDCData = daqHeader + cdcHeader + (iFe * (widthCDCFEData + cdcTrailer + cdcHeader)) + 1;
1265 // 1 is due to missing data.
1266 vector<unsigned> t_feData(widthCDCFEData + 1);
1267 // Loop over all the words for CDC FE data
1268 for (int iWord = 0; iWord < widthCDCFEData; iWord++) {
1269 t_feData[iWord] = (raw_copper->GetBuffer(iCopper))[iWord + startCDCData];
1270 }
1271 // Fill with 0 for last missing data
1272 t_feData[widthCDCFEData] = 0;
1273 rawBinaryData.push_back(t_feData);
1274 }
1275 vector<unsigned> t_trgData(widthTRGData);
1276 // Loop over all the words for TRG data
1277 int startTRGData = daqHeader + 2 * (cdcHeader + widthCDCFEData + cdcTrailer) + trgHeader + 1;
1278 for (int iWord = 0; iWord < widthTRGData; iWord++) {
1279 t_trgData[iWord] = (raw_copper->GetBuffer(iCopper))[iWord + startTRGData];
1280 }
1281 rawBinaryData.push_back(t_trgData);
1283 //for(unsigned iBoard=0; iBoard<rawBinaryData.size(); iBoard++){
1284 // cout<<"Board"<<iBoard<<endl;
1285 // for(unsigned iWord=0; iWord<rawBinaryData[iBoard].size(); iWord++){
1286 // cout<<setfill('0')<<setw(8)<<hex<<rawBinaryData[iBoard][iWord];
1287 // }
1288 // cout<<dec<<endl;
1289 //}
1291 // Shift all binary data by 8 bits to the right for two CDC FE data
1292 for (unsigned iBoard = 0; iBoard < 2; iBoard++) {
1293 unsigned t_buf = 0;
1294 // 1 is due to missing data
1295 vector<unsigned> t_feData(widthCDCFEData + 1);
1296 for (unsigned iWord = 0; iWord < rawBinaryData[iBoard].size(); iWord++) {
1297 unsigned t_value = t_buf + (rawBinaryData[iBoard][iWord] >> 8);
1298 t_buf = rawBinaryData[iBoard][iWord] << 24;
1299 t_feData[iWord] = t_value;
1300 }
1301 inBinaryData.push_back(t_feData);
1302 }
1303 inBinaryData.push_back(rawBinaryData[2]);
1305 //for(unsigned iBoard=0; iBoard<inBinaryData.size(); iBoard++){
1306 // cout<<"Board"<<iBoard<<endl;
1307 // for(unsigned iWord=0; iWord<inBinaryData[iBoard].size(); iWord++){
1308 // cout<<setfill('0')<<setw(8)<<hex<<inBinaryData[iBoard][iWord];
1309 // }
1310 // cout<<dec<<endl;
1311 //}
1312 } else if (inputMode == 2) {
1313 // get data from Belle2Link
1314 StoreArray<RawTRG> raw_trgarray;
1315 for (int i = 0; i < raw_trgarray.getEntries(); i++) {
1316 cout << "\n===== DataBlock(RawTRG) : Block # " << i << endl;
1317 for (int j = 0; j < raw_trgarray[ i ]->GetNumEntries(); j++) {
1318 RawCOPPER* raw_copper = raw_trgarray[ i ];
1319 vector<vector<unsigned> > rawBinaryData;
1320 // Loop over 4 FINESSEs
1321 for (int iFinesse = 0; iFinesse < 4; iFinesse++) {
1322 int bufferNwords = raw_copper->GetDetectorNwords(j, iFinesse);
1323 if (bufferNwords > 0) {
1324 printf("===== Detector Buffer(FINESSE # %i) 0x%x words \n", iFinesse, bufferNwords);
1325 vector<unsigned> t_copperData(raw_copper->GetDetectorNwords(j, iFinesse));
1326 // Loop over all the words for board data
1327 for (int iWord = 0; iWord < bufferNwords; iWord++) {
1328 t_copperData[iWord] = (raw_copper->GetDetectorBuffer(j, iFinesse))[iWord];
1329 }
1330 rawBinaryData.push_back(t_copperData);
1331 inBinaryData.push_back(t_copperData);
1333 }
1334 }
1335 }
1336 }
1339 //for(unsigned iBoard=0; iBoard<inBinaryData.size(); iBoard++){
1340 // cout<<"Board"<<iBoard<<endl;
1341 // for(unsigned iWord=0; iWord<inBinaryData[iBoard].size(); iWord++){
1342 // cout<<setfill('0')<<setw(8)<<hex<<inBinaryData[iBoard][iWord];
1343 // }
1344 // cout<<dec<<endl;
1345 //}
1346 } else {
1347 cout << "[ERROR} TRGCDCDataInputMode is incorrect! No simulation will be done." << endl;
1348 return;
1349 }
1351 // #####Separate binary into meaningful data#####
1352 // CDC
1353 // cdcTrgTiming[iFE]
1354 vector<unsigned> cdcTrgTiming(2);
1355 for (unsigned iFe = 0; iFe < 2; iFe++) {
1356 cdcTrgTiming[iFe] = (inBinaryData[iFe][1]) >> 16;
1357 if (cdcTrgTiming[iFe] >= 32768) cout << "CDC trigger timing error. TDC is larger than 0x8000" << endl;
1358 }
1360 //for(unsigned iFe=0; ieE<2; iFe++){
1361 // cout<<"FE"<<iFe<<" TRG Timing: "<<setfill('0')<<setw(8)<<hex<<cdcTrgTiming[0]<<dec<<endl;
1362 //}
1363 // [iHit] [0]: layerId, [1]: wireId, [2]: adc, [3]: tdc, [4]: FE trg timing
1364 vector<vector<unsigned>> hitCdcData;
1365 // Store information according to window,FE,Wire
1366 for (int iWindow = 0; iWindow < nCDCWindows; iWindow++) {
1367 for (int iFE = 0; iFE < 2; iFE++) {
1368 for (int iWire = 0; iWire < 48; iWire++) {
1369 unsigned t_adc;
1370 unsigned t_tdc;
1371 unsigned t_layerId = 3 * iFE + ((iWire / 8) % 3);
1372 unsigned t_wireId = 8 * (iWire / 24) + iWire % 8;
1373 // Take 16 bits according to wire.
1374 t_adc = ((inBinaryData[iFE][iWire / 2 + iWindow * 48 + 3] << (16 * (iWire % 2))) >> 16);
1375 t_tdc = ((inBinaryData[iFE][iWire / 2 + iWindow * 48 + 24 + 3] << (16 * (iWire % 2))) >> 16);
1376 if (t_tdc != 0) {
1377 if (t_tdc >= 32768) {
1378 // Calculate TDC.
1379 t_tdc -= 32768;
1380 // Round down and go back cdcDelay+nCDCWindows windows
1381 unsigned startTiming;
1382 if (unsigned(cdcTrgTiming[iFE] / 32) * 32 > (unsigned)(cdcDelay + nCDCWindows) * 32) {
1383 startTiming = unsigned(cdcTrgTiming[iFE] / 32) * 32 - (cdcDelay + nCDCWindows) * 32;
1384 } else {
1385 startTiming = unsigned(cdcTrgTiming[iFE] / 32) * 32 + 32768 - (cdcDelay + nCDCWindows) * 32;
1386 }
1387 if (t_tdc > startTiming) t_tdc -= startTiming;
1388 else t_tdc += 32768 - startTiming;
1389 // Fill data
1390 vector<unsigned> t_hitCdcData(5);
1391 t_hitCdcData[0] = t_layerId;
1392 t_hitCdcData[1] = t_wireId;
1393 t_hitCdcData[2] = t_adc;
1394 t_hitCdcData[3] = t_tdc;
1395 t_hitCdcData[4] = cdcTrgTiming[iFE];
1396 hitCdcData.push_back(t_hitCdcData);
1397 } else {
1398 cout << "CDC TDC data error. TDC is smaller than 0x8000. " << hex << t_tdc << dec << endl;
1399 continue;
1400 }
1401 } // end tdc hit
1402 } // wire loop
1403 } // fe loop
1404 } // window loop
1406 //for(unsigned iHit=0; iHit<hitCdcData.size(); iHit++){
1407 // cout<<"["<<hitCdcData[iHit][0]<<"]["<<hitCdcData[iHit][1]<<"]: "<<hitCdcData[iHit][2]<<", "<<hitCdcData[iHit][3]<<endl;
1408 //}
1409 // TRG
1410 // Save data into string
1411 stringstream t_trgWindow;
1412 for (unsigned iWord = 0; iWord < inBinaryData[2].size(); iWord++) {
1413 t_trgWindow << setw(8) << setfill('0') << hex << inBinaryData[2][iWord];
1414 if (iWord % 11 == 10) {
1415 trgInformations.push_back(t_trgWindow.str());
1416 t_trgWindow.str("");
1417 }
1418 }
1419 // Save data into hits
1420 // [iHit] [0]: layerId, [1]: wireId, [2]: window timing, [3]: priority timing
1421 // priority timing = -1 : No timing
1422 vector<vector<int> > hitTrgData;
1423 for (unsigned iWindow = 0; iWindow < nTRGWindows; iWindow++) {
1424 // Change binary into TRGState
1425 vector<unsigned> t_trgData(inBinaryData[2].begin() + 11 * iWindow, inBinaryData[2].begin() + 11 * iWindow + 11);
1426 TRGState t_trgState(t_trgData, 1);
1427 TRGState t_mergerState = t_trgState.subset(96, 256);
1428 TRGState t_hitMap = t_mergerState.subset(0, 80);
1429 TRGState t_priorityMap = t_mergerState.subset(32, 16);
1430 TRGState t_secondPriorityMap = t_mergerState.subset(48, 16);
1431 TRGState t_secondHitFlag = t_mergerState.subset(208, 16);
1432 TRGState t_priorityTiming = t_mergerState.subset(80, 64);
1433 TRGState t_fastestTiming = t_mergerState.subset(144, 64);
1434 //cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"] HM: "<<t_hitMap<<endl;
1435 //cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"] PHM: "<<t_priorityMap<<endl;
1436 //cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"] SHM: "<<t_secondPriorityMap<<endl;
1437 //cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"] SPF: "<<t_secondHitFlag<<endl;
1438 //cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"] PT: "<<setfill('0')<<setw(16)<<hex<<(unsigned long long) (t_priorityTiming)<<dec<<endl;
1439 //cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"] FT: "<<setfill('0')<<setw(16)<<hex<<(unsigned long long) (t_fastestTiming)<<dec<<endl;
1440 for (unsigned iWire = 0; iWire < t_hitMap.size(); iWire++) {
1441 unsigned t_layerId = iWire / 16;
1442 unsigned t_wireId = iWire % 16;
1443 if (t_hitMap[iWire] == 1) {
1444 vector<int> t_hitTrgData(4);
1445 t_hitTrgData[0] = t_layerId;
1446 t_hitTrgData[1] = t_wireId;
1447 t_hitTrgData[2] = iWindow;
1448 // Calculate priority timing
1449 if (t_layerId == 2) {
1450 t_hitTrgData[3] = (unsigned)t_priorityTiming.subset(4 * t_wireId, 4);
1451 //cout<<"["<<t_layerId<<"]["<<t_wireId<<"]: "<<iWindow<<", "<<t_hitTrgData[3]<<endl;
1452 } else if (t_layerId == 3) {
1453 // [1] Priority hit, [0] secondaryLR
1454 TRGState t_leftInformation(2);
1455 TRGState t_rightInformation(2);
1456 TRGState t_priorityHits(2);
1457 TRGState t_secondaryLR(2);
1458 if (t_wireId != 15) {
1459 t_priorityHits = t_priorityMap.subset(t_wireId, 2);
1460 t_secondaryLR = t_secondHitFlag.subset(t_wireId, 2);
1461 t_leftInformation.set(1, t_priorityMap.subset(t_wireId + 1, 1));
1462 t_leftInformation.set(0, t_secondHitFlag.subset(t_wireId + 1, 1));
1463 t_rightInformation.set(1, t_priorityMap.subset(t_wireId, 1));
1464 t_rightInformation.set(0, t_secondHitFlag.subset(t_wireId, 1));
1465 } else {
1466 t_priorityHits.set(0, t_priorityMap.subset(t_wireId, 1));
1467 t_priorityHits.set(1, 0);
1468 t_secondaryLR.set(0, t_secondHitFlag.subset(t_wireId, 1));
1469 t_secondaryLR.set(1, 0);
1470 t_leftInformation.set(1, 1);
1471 t_leftInformation.set(0, 0);
1472 t_rightInformation.set(1, t_priorityMap.subset(t_wireId, 1));
1473 t_rightInformation.set(0, t_secondHitFlag.subset(t_wireId, 1));
1474 }
1475 //cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"]["<<t_layerId<<"]["<<t_wireId<<"] PriorityHits: "<<t_priorityHits<<endl;
1476 //cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"]["<<t_layerId<<"]["<<t_wireId<<"] SecondaryLR: "<<t_secondaryLR<<endl;
1477 //cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"]["<<t_layerId<<"]["<<t_wireId<<"] Combine0: "<<t_leftInformation<<endl;
1478 //cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"]["<<t_layerId<<"]["<<t_wireId<<"] Combine1: "<<t_rightInformation<<endl;
1479 int secondaryFlag = -1;
1480 if ((unsigned)t_leftInformation == (unsigned)TRGState("00", 0)) secondaryFlag = 0;
1481 if ((unsigned)t_leftInformation == (unsigned)TRGState("01", 0)) secondaryFlag = 1;
1482 //cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"]["<<t_layerId<<"]["<<t_wireId<<"] SecondaryFlag: "<<secondaryFlag<<" timing: ";
1483 if (secondaryFlag != -1) {
1484 if (t_wireId + (1 - secondaryFlag) < 16) {
1485 //int t_priorityTiming = strtol(priorityTiming.substr(15-t_wireId-(1-secondaryFlag),1).c_str(),0,16);
1486 unsigned t_secondaryTiming = (unsigned)t_priorityTiming.subset(4 * (t_wireId + (1 - secondaryFlag)), 4);
1487 t_hitTrgData[3] = t_secondaryTiming;
1488 //cout<<t_secondaryTiming<<endl;
1489 } else {
1490 cout << "Error in TRGDATA for secondary priority hits" << endl;
1491 }
1492 //cout<<"Layer3end"<<endl;
1493 } else {
1494 t_hitTrgData[3] = -1;
1495 //cout<<"-1"<<endl;
1496 }
1497 } else {
1498 t_hitTrgData[3] = -1;
1499 }
1500 hitTrgData.push_back(t_hitTrgData);
1501 } // wire is hit
1502 } // wire loop
1503 } // window loop
1505 //if(hitTrgData.size()) cout<<"TRG: "<<endl;
1506 //for(unsigned iHit=0; iHit<hitTrgData.size(); iHit++){
1507 // cout<<"["<<hitTrgData[iHit][0]<<"]["<<hitTrgData[iHit][1]<<"]: "<<hitTrgData[iHit][2]*32+hitTrgData[iHit][3]*2<<"("<<hitTrgData[iHit][2]<<","<<hitTrgData[iHit][3]<<")"<<endl;;
1508 //}
1509 //if(hitTrgData.size()) {
1510 // for(unsigned iWindow=0; iWindow<nTRGWindows; iWindow++){
1511 // vector<unsigned> t_trgData(inBinaryData[2].begin()+11*iWindow, inBinaryData[2].begin()+11*iWindow+11);
1512 // TRGState t_trgState(t_trgData,1);
1513 // TRGState t_mergerState = t_trgState.subset(96, 256);
1514 // TRGState t_hitMap = t_mergerState.subset(0,80);
1515 // TRGState t_priorityMap = t_mergerState.subset(32,16);
1516 // TRGState t_secondPriorityMap = t_mergerState.subset(48,16);
1517 // TRGState t_secondHitFlag= t_mergerState.subset(208,16);
1518 // TRGState t_priorityTiming = t_mergerState.subset(80,64);
1519 // TRGState t_fastestTiming = t_mergerState.subset(144,64);
1520 // cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"] HM: "<<t_hitMap<<endl;
1521 // cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"] PHM: "<<t_priorityMap<<endl;
1522 // cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"] SHM: "<<t_secondPriorityMap<<endl;
1523 // cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"] SPF: "<<t_secondHitFlag<<endl;
1524 // cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"] PT: "<<setfill('0')<<setw(16)<<hex<<(unsigned long long) (t_priorityTiming)<<dec<<endl;
1525 // cout<<"["<<iWindow<<"] FT: "<<setfill('0')<<setw(16)<<hex<<(unsigned long long) (t_fastestTiming)<<dec<<endl;
1526 // }
1527 //}
1529 const int trgOutput = 2;
1530 // Store TRG data to TRGSignalBundle.
1531 // 1 is FE output. 2 is Merger output. 3 is TRG output.
1532 //...Clock...
1533 const TRGClock& dClock = TRGCDC::getTRGCDC()->dataClock();
1534 // Create signal bundle
1535 TRGSignalBundle* allTrgData;
1536 allTrgData = new TRGSignalBundle(string("TRGData"), dClock);
1537 // Create signal vector. Need to create signals for of signal vector.
1538 TRGSignalVector* trgData;
1539 trgData = new TRGSignalVector(string("TRGData"), dClock, nTrgBitsInWindow);
1540 // Loop over data and fill TRGSignalVector
1541 for (unsigned iWindow = 0; iWindow < nTRGWindows; iWindow++) {
1542 vector<unsigned> t_trgData(inBinaryData[2].begin() + 11 * iWindow, inBinaryData[2].begin() + 11 * iWindow + 11);
1543 TRGState t_trgState(t_trgData, 1);
1544 trgData->set(t_trgState, iWindow);
1545 }
1546 if (allTrgData) {
1547 allTrgData->push_back(trgData);
1548 // Clean up memory
1549 for (unsigned i = 0; i < allTrgData->size(); i++) delete (*allTrgData)[i];
1550 delete allTrgData;
1551 }
1554 // Save CDC hit data and TRG hit data to ROOT file.
1555 if (_makeRootFile) {
1556 saveTRGRawInformation(trgInformations);
1557 saveCDCHitInformation(hitCdcData);
1558 // cppcheck-suppress knownConditionTrueFalse
1559 if (trgOutput == 2) {
1560 saveTRGHitInformation(hitTrgData);
1561 }
1562 m_treeROOTInput->Fill();
1563 }
1565 // Update CDC wires using data. Start from layer 50.
1566 for (unsigned iHit = 0; iHit < hitCdcData.size(); iHit++) {
1567 unsigned t_layerId = hitCdcData[iHit][0] + 50;
1568 unsigned t_wireId = hitCdcData[iHit][1];
1569 int t_rawTdc = hitCdcData[iHit][2];
1570 const TCWire& currentWire = *static_cast<const TCWire*>(wire(t_layerId, t_wireId));
1572 // Update currentWire._signal
1573 TRGTime rise = TRGTime(t_rawTdc, true, _clockFE,;
1574 TRGTime fall = rise;
1575 fall.shift(1).reverse();
1576 if ( {
1577 currentWire._signal = currentWire.signal() | TRGSignal(rise & fall);
1579 } else {
1580 currentWire._signal = TRGSignal(rise & fall);
1583 // Make TCWireHit and store in _layers.
1584 // [FIXME] TCWireHit can not accept wire being hit two times.
1585 TCWHit* hit = new TCWHit(currentWire, 0, 0, 0, t_rawTdc, 0, t_rawTdc, 0, 0, 1);
1586 hit->state(CellHitFindingValid | CellHitFittingValid);
1587 ((TCWire*)(*_layers[t_layerId])[t_wireId])->hit(hit);
1588 _hits.push_back(hit);
1589 if (currentWire.axial()) _axialHits.push_back(hit);
1590 else _stereoHits.push_back(hit);
1591 }
1592 //cout<<"iLayer, iWire, iHit: "<<t_layerId<<" "<<t_wireId<<" "<<iHit<<endl;
1593 //currentWire.signal().dump();
1595 } // End updating CDC wires
1597 //...Hit classification...
1600 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC updateByData");
1601 }
1603 void
1605 {
1606 TRGDebug::enterStage("TRGCDC classification");
1608 unsigned n = _hits.size();
1610 for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1611 TCWHit* h = _hits[i];
1612 const TCWire& w = h->wire();
1613 unsigned state = h->state();
1615 //...Cache pointers to a neighbor...
1616 const TCWire* neighbor[7];
1617 for (unsigned j = 0; j < 7; j++) neighbor[j] = w.neighbor(j);
1619 //...Decide hit pattern...
1620 unsigned pattern = 0;
1621 for (unsigned j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
1622 if (neighbor[j])
1623 if (neighbor[j]->hit())
1624 pattern += (1 << j);
1625 }
1626 state |= (pattern << CellHitNeighborHit);
1628 //...Check isolation...
1629 const TCWHit* hr1 = neighbor[2]->hit();
1630 const TCWHit* hl1 = neighbor[3]->hit();
1631 if ((hr1 == 0) && (hl1 == 0)) {
1632 state |= CellHitIsolated;
1633 } else {
1634 const TCWHit* hr2 = neighbor[2]->neighbor(2)->hit();
1635 const TCWHit* hl2 = neighbor[3]->neighbor(3)->hit();
1636 if (((hr2 == 0) && (hr1 != 0) && (hl1 == 0)) ||
1637 ((hl2 == 0) && (hl1 != 0) && (hr1 == 0)))
1638 state |= CellHitIsolated;
1639 }
1641 //...Check continuation...
1642 // unsigned superLayer = w.superLayerId();
1643 bool previous = false;
1644 bool next = false;
1645 if (neighbor[0] == 0) previous = true;
1646 else {
1647 if ((neighbor[0]->hit()) || neighbor[1]->hit())
1648 previous = true;
1649 // if (m_smallcell && w.layerId() == 3)
1650 // if (neighbor[6]->hit())
1651 // previous = true;
1652 }
1653 if (neighbor[5] == 0) next = true;
1654 else {
1655 if ((neighbor[4]->hit()) || neighbor[5]->hit())
1656 next = true;
1657 }
1658 // if (previous && next) state |= CellHitContinuous;
1659 if (previous || next) state |= CellHitContinuous;
1661 //...Solve LR locally...
1662 if ((pattern == 34) || (pattern == 42) ||
1663 (pattern == 40) || (pattern == 10) ||
1664 (pattern == 35) || (pattern == 50))
1665 state |= CellHitPatternRight;
1666 else if ((pattern == 17) || (pattern == 21) ||
1667 (pattern == 20) || (pattern == 5) ||
1668 (pattern == 19) || (pattern == 49))
1669 state |= CellHitPatternLeft;
1671 //...Store it...
1672 h->state(state);
1673 }
1675 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC classification");
1676 }
1678 vector<const TCWHit*>
1680 {
1681 vector<const TCWHit*> t;
1682 t.assign(_axialHits.begin(), _axialHits.end());
1683 return t;
1685 // if (! mask) return _axialHits;
1686 // else if (mask == CellHitFindingValid) return _axialHits;
1687 // cout << "TRGCDC::axialHits !!! unsupported mask given" << endl;
1688 // return _axialHits;
1689 }
1691 vector<const TCWHit*>
1693 {
1694 vector<const TCWHit*> t;
1695 t.assign(_stereoHits.begin(), _stereoHits.end());
1696 return t;
1698 // if (! mask) return _stereoHits;
1699 // else if (mask == CellHitFindingValid) return _stereoHits;
1700 // cout << "TRGCDC::stereoHits !!! unsupported mask given" << endl;
1701 // return _stereoHits;
1702 }
1704 vector<const TCWHit*>
1705 TRGCDC::hits(void) const
1706 {
1707 vector<const TCWHit*> t;
1708 t.assign(_hits.begin(), _hits.end());
1709 return t;
1711 // if (! mask) return _hits;
1712 // else if (mask == CellHitFindingValid) return _hits;
1713 // cout << "TRGCDC::hits !!! unsupported mask given" << endl;
1714 // return _hits;
1715 }
1717// vector<const TCWHit *>
1718// TRGCDC::badHits(void) const {
1719// vector<const TCWHit *> t;
1720// t.assign(_badHits.begin(), _badHits.end());
1721// return t;
1723// //cnv if (! updated()) update();
1724// // if (_badHits.length()) return _badHits;
1726// // //...Loop over RECCDC_WIRHIT bank...
1727// // x unsigned nReccdc = BsCouTab(RECCDC_WIRHIT);
1728// // for (unsigned i = 0; i < nReccdc; i++) {
1729// // x struct reccdc_wirhit * h =
1730// // (struct reccdc_wirhit *)
1731// // BsGetEnt(RECCDC_WIRHIT, i + 1, BBS_No_Index);
1733// // //...Check validity...
1734// // if (h->m_stat & CellHitFindingValid) continue;
1736// // //...Obtain a pointer to GEOCDC...
1737// // x geocdc_wire * g =
1738// // (geocdc_wire *) BsGetEnt(GEOCDC_WIRE, h->m_geo, BBS_No_Index);
1740// // //...Get a pointer to a TRGCDCWire...
1741// // TCWire * w = _wires[g->m_ID - 1];
1743// // //...Create TCWHit...
1744// // _badHits.append(new TCWHit(w, h, _fudgeFactor));
1745// // }
1747// // return _badHits;
1748// }
1750 vector<const TCWHitMC*>
1751 TRGCDC::hitsMC(void) const
1752 {
1753 vector<const TCWHitMC*> t;
1754 t.assign(_hitsMC.begin(), _hitsMC.end());
1755 return t;
1756 }
1758 string
1759 TRGCDC::wireName(unsigned wireId) const
1760 {
1761 string as = "-";
1762 const TCWire* const w = wire(wireId);
1763 if (w) {
1764 if (w->stereo())
1765 as = "=";
1766 } else {
1767 return "invalid_wire(" + TRGUtil::itostring(wireId) + ")";
1768 }
1769 return TRGUtil::itostring(layerId(wireId)) + as + TRGUtil::itostring(localId(wireId));
1770 }
1772 unsigned
1773 TRGCDC::localId(unsigned id) const
1774 {
1775 cout << "TRGCDC::localId !!! this function is not tested yet"
1776 << endl;
1777 unsigned iLayer = 0;
1778 unsigned nW = 0;
1779 bool nextLayer = true;
1780 while (nextLayer) {
1781 unsigned nWLast = nW;
1782 nW += layer(iLayer++)->nCells();
1783 if (id < (nW - 1))
1784 return id - nWLast;
1785 if (nW >= nWires())
1786 nextLayer = false;
1787 }
1788 cout << "TRGCDC::localId !!! no such a wire (id=" << id << endl;
1790 }
1792 unsigned
1793 TRGCDC::layerId(unsigned id) const
1794 {
1795 cout << "TRGCDC::layerId !!! this function is not tested yet"
1796 << endl;
1797 unsigned iLayer = 0;
1798 unsigned nW = 0;
1799 bool nextLayer = true;
1800 while (nextLayer) {
1801 nW += layer(iLayer++)->nCells();
1802 if (id < (nW - 1))
1803 return iLayer - 1;
1804 if (nW >= nWires())
1805 nextLayer = false;
1806 }
1807 cout << "TRGCDC::layerId !!! no such a wire (id=" << id << endl;
1809 }
1811 unsigned
1812 TRGCDC::layerId(unsigned, unsigned) const
1813 {
1814 cout << "TRGCDC::layerId !!! this function is not implemented yet"
1815 << endl;
1817 }
1819 unsigned
1820 TRGCDC::superLayerId(unsigned id) const
1821 {
1822 unsigned iLayer = 0;
1823 unsigned nW = 0;
1824 bool nextLayer = true;
1825 while (nextLayer) {
1826 const vector<TRGCDCLayer*>& sl = *superLayer(iLayer);
1827 const unsigned nLayers = sl.size();
1828 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nLayers; i++)
1829 nW += sl[i]->nCells();
1831 if (id < (nW - 1))
1832 return iLayer;
1833 if (nW >= nWires())
1834 nextLayer = false;
1835 }
1836 cout << "TRGCDC::superLayerId !!! no such a wire (id=" << id
1837 << endl;
1839 }
1841 unsigned
1842 TRGCDC::localLayerId(unsigned id) const
1843 {
1844 unsigned iLayer = 0;
1845 unsigned nW = 0;
1846 bool nextLayer = true;
1847 while (nextLayer) {
1848 const vector<TRGCDCLayer*>& sl = *superLayer(iLayer);
1849 const unsigned nLayers = sl.size();
1850 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nLayers; i++) {
1851 nW += sl[i]->nCells();
1852 if (id < (nW - 1))
1853 return i;
1854 }
1856 if (nW >= nWires())
1857 nextLayer = false;
1858 }
1859 cout << "TRGCDC::localLayerId !!! no such a wire (id=" << id
1860 << endl;
1862 }
1864 unsigned
1865 TRGCDC::axialStereoSuperLayerId(unsigned aors, unsigned i) const
1866 {
1867 unsigned is = 99;
1868 // cout << "aors,i= " << aors <<" "<< i << std::endl;
1869 if (aors == 0) { //axial
1870 if (i <= 7) {
1871 is = 0;
1872 } else if (i <= 13) {
1873 is = 1;
1874 } else if (i <= 19) {
1875 is = 2;
1876 } else if (i <= 25) {
1877 is = 3;
1878 } else if (i <= 31) {
1879 is = 4;
1880 }
1881 } else if (aors == 1) { //stereo
1882 if (i <= 5) {
1883 is = 0;
1884 } else if (i <= 11) {
1885 is = 1;
1886 } else if (i <= 17) {
1887 is = 2;
1888 } else if (i <= 23) {
1889 is = 3;
1890 }
1891 }
1893 assert(is != 99);
1894 return is;
1895 }
1897// void
1898// TRGCDC::driftDistance(TLink & l,
1899// const TTrack & t,
1900// unsigned flag,
1901// float t0Offset) {
1903// //...No correction...
1904// if (flag == 0) {
1905// if (l.hit()) {
1906// // l.drift(0, l.hit()->drift(0));
1907// // l.drift(1, l.hit()->drift(1));
1908// // l.dDrift(0, l.hit()->dDrift(0));
1909// // l.dDrift(1, l.hit()->dDrift(1));
1910// l.drift(l.hit()->drift(0), 0);
1911// l.drift(l.hit()->drift(1), 1);
1912// l.dDrift(l.hit()->dDrift(0), 0);
1913// l.dDrift(l.hit()->dDrift(1), 1);
1914// }
1915// else {
1916// // l.drift(0, 0.);
1917// // l.drift(1, 0.);
1918// // l.dDrift(0, 0.);
1919// // l.dDrift(1, 0.);
1920// l.drift(0., 0);
1921// l.drift(0., 1);
1922// l.dDrift(0., 0);
1923// l.dDrift(0., 1);
1924// }
1926// return;
1927// }
1929// //...TOF correction...
1930// float tof = 0.;
1931// if (flag && 1) {
1932// int imass = 3;
1933// float tl = t.helix().a()[4];
1934// float f = sqrt(1. + tl * tl);
1935// float s = fabs(t.helix().curv()) * fabs(l.dPhi()) * f;
1936// float p = f / fabs(t.helix().a()[2]);
1937// calcdc_tof2_(& imass, & p, & s, & tof);
1938// }
1940// //...T0 correction....
1941// if (! (flag && 2)) t0Offset = 0.;
1943// //...Propagation corrections...
1944// const TCWHit & h = * l.hit();
1945// int wire = h.wire()->id();
1946// HepGeom::Vector3D<double> tp = t.helix().momentum(l.dPhi());
1947// float p[3] = {tp.x(), tp.y(), tp.z()};
1948// const HepGeom::Point3D<double> & onWire = l.positionOnWire();
1949// float x[3] = {onWire.x(), onWire.y(), onWire.z()};
1950// //cnv float time = h.reccdc()->m_tdc + t0Offset - tof;
1951// float time = 0;
1952// float dist;
1953// float edist;
1954// int prop = (flag & 4);
1956// //...Calculation with left side...
1957// int side = -1;
1958// if (side == 0) side = -1;
1959// calcdc_driftdist_(& prop,
1960// & wire,
1961// & side,
1962// p,
1963// x,
1964// & time,
1965// & dist,
1966// & edist);
1967// // l.drift(0, dist);
1968// // l.dDrift(0, edist);
1969// l.drift(dist, 0);
1970// l.dDrift(edist, 0);
1972// //...Calculation with left side...
1973// side = 1;
1974// calcdc_driftdist_(& prop,
1975// & wire,
1976// & side,
1977// p,
1978// x,
1979// & time,
1980// & dist,
1981// & edist);
1982// // l.drift(1, dist);
1983// // l.dDrift(1, edist);
1984// l.drift(dist, 1);
1985// l.dDrift(edist, 1);
1987// //...tan(lambda) correction...
1988// if (flag && 8) {
1989// float tanl = abs(p[2]) / tp.perp();
1990// float c;
1991// if ((tanl >= 0.0) && (tanl < 0.5)) c = -0.48 * tanl + 1.3;
1992// else if ((tanl >= 0.5) && (tanl < 1.0)) c = -0.28 * tanl + 1.2;
1993// else if ((tanl >= 1.0) && (tanl < 1.5)) c = -0.16 * tanl + 1.08;
1994// else c = 0.84;
1996// // l.dDrift(0, l.dDrift(0) * c);
1997// // l.dDrift(1, l.dDrift(1) * c);
1998// l.dDrift(l.dDrift(0) * c, 0);
1999// l.dDrift(l.dDrift(1) * c, 1);
2000// }
2001// }
2004 {
2005 TRGDebug::enterStage("TRGCDC destructor");
2006 clear();
2008 delete [] _width;
2009 delete [] _r;
2010 delete [] _r2;
2012 if (_tsFinder) delete _tsFinder;
2013 if (_hFinder)
2014 delete _hFinder;
2015 if (_h3DFinder)
2016 delete _h3DFinder;
2017 if (_fitter3D)
2018 delete _fitter3D;
2021 if (D)
2022 delete D;
2023 cout << "TRGCDC ... rphi displays deleted" << endl;
2026 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC destructor");
2027 }
2029 bool
2030 TRGCDC::neighbor(const TCWire& w0, const TCWire& w1) const
2031 {
2032 const int lyr0 = w0.layerId();
2033 const int lyr1 = w1.layerId();
2034 const int lyr = lyr0 - lyr1;
2036 if (abs(lyr) > 1) return false;
2037 if (w0.superLayerId() != w1.superLayerId()) return false;
2039 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
2040 if (w0.neighbor(i)) {
2041 if (w0.neighbor(i)->id() ==
2042 return true;
2043 }
2044 }
2045 return false;
2046 }
2048 void
2050 {
2051 TRGDebug::enterStage("TRGCDC simulate");
2053 const bool fast = (_simulationMode & 1);
2054 const bool firm = (_simulationMode & 2);
2055 if (fast)
2057 if (firm)
2060 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC simulate");
2061 }
2063 void
2065 {
2066 TRGDebug::enterStage("TRGCDC fastSimulation");
2069 D->beginningOfEvent();
2072 //...Options...
2073 const bool trackSegmentSimulationOnly = _fastSimulationMode & 1;
2074 const bool trackSegmentClockSimulation = _fastSimulationMode & 2;
2076 //...TSF simulation...
2078 trackSegmentClockSimulation,
2081 _eventTime.back()->doit(_fverETF, _fprintFirmETF);
2083 if (_segmentHits.size() == 0) setReturnValue(TSF, 1);
2085 if (trackSegmentSimulationOnly) {
2086 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC fastSimulation");
2087 return;
2088 }
2091 // dump("hits");
2092 string stg = "fast simulation results";
2093 string inf = "#segments=" + TRGUtilities::itostring(segmentHits().size());
2094 D->clear();
2095 D->stage(stg);
2096 D->information(inf);
2097 D->area().append(hits());
2098 D->area().append(segmentHits());
2099 D->show();
2100 D->run();
2103 //...2D finder and fitter...
2104 if (_perfect2DFinder)
2106 else
2108 if (_trackList2D.size() == 0) setReturnValue(find2D, 1);
2109 if (_trackList2DFitted.size() == 0) setReturnValue(fit2D, 1);
2111 //cout<<"s3D"<<endl;
2112 //...Stereo finder...
2115 //...Check tracks...
2116 if (TRGDebug::level()) {
2117 for (unsigned i = 0; i < _trackList3D.size(); i++) {
2118 const TCTrack& t = *_trackList3D[i];
2119 cout << "> links=" << t.links().size() << endl;
2120 t.dump();
2121 }
2122 }
2124 //...Check relations...
2125 if (TRGDebug::level()) {
2126 for (unsigned i = 0; i < _trackList3D.size(); i++) {
2127 // trackList[i]->relation().dump();
2128 _trackList3D[i]->dump();
2129 }
2130 }
2132 //...Event Time... In ns scale.
2133 // [FIXME] This does nothing.
2134 _eventTime.back()->getT0();
2136 //...3D tracker...
2138 //_fitter3D->doitComplex(_trackList3D);
2139 //cout<<"e3D"<<endl;
2141 // Notify if track's debugValue is not 0
2142 {
2143 // For any track
2144 int t_debugValue = 0;
2145 for (unsigned iTrack = 0; iTrack < _trackList3D.size(); iTrack++) {
2146 t_debugValue |= _trackList3D[iTrack]->getDebugValue(TRGCDCTrack::EDebugValueType::any);
2147 }
2149 //int t_debugValue = TRGCDCTrack::EDebugValueType::any;
2150 //for(unsigned iTrack = 0; iTrack<_trackList3D.size(); iTrack++) {
2151 // t_debugValue &= _trackList3D[iTrack]->getDebugValue(TRGCDCTrack::EDebugValueType::any);
2152 //}
2153 setReturnValue(t_debugValue | getReturnValue());
2154 }
2156 if (TRGDebug::level() > 1) {
2157 for (unsigned iTrack = 0; iTrack < _trackList3D.size(); iTrack++) {
2158 const TCTrack& aTrack = *_trackList3D[iTrack];
2159 if (aTrack.fitted()) {
2160 double fitPt =;
2161 double fitPhi0 = aTrack.helix().phi0();
2162 int fitCharge = aTrack.charge();
2163 if (fitCharge < 0) {
2164 fitPhi0 -= M_PI;
2165 if (fitPhi0 < 0) fitPhi0 += 2 * M_PI;
2166 }
2167 double fitZ0 = aTrack.helix().dz();
2168 double fitCot = aTrack.helix().tanl();
2169 cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "Track[" << iTrack << "]: charge=" << fitCharge
2170 << " pt=" << fitPt << " phi_c=" << fitPhi0
2171 << " z0=" << fitZ0 << " cot=" << fitCot << endl;
2172 const TCRelation& trackRelation = aTrack.relation();
2173 const MCParticle& trackMCParticle = trackRelation.mcParticle(0);
2174 int mcCharge = trackMCParticle.getCharge();
2175 double mcPt = trackMCParticle.getMomentum().Rho();
2176 double mcPhi0 = 0.0;
2177 if (mcCharge > 0) mcPhi0 = trackMCParticle.getMomentum().Phi() - M_PI / 2;
2178 if (mcCharge < 0) mcPhi0 = trackMCParticle.getMomentum().Phi() + M_PI / 2;
2179 // Change range to [0,2pi]
2180 if (mcPhi0 < 0) mcPhi0 += 2 * M_PI;
2181 // Calculated impact position
2182 ROOT::Math::XYZVector vertex = trackMCParticle.getVertex();
2183 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector vector4 = trackMCParticle.get4Vector();
2184 ROOT::Math::XYVector helixCenter;
2185 ROOT::Math::XYZVector impactPosition;
2186 Fitter3DUtility::findImpactPosition(&vertex, &vector4, mcCharge, helixCenter, impactPosition);
2187 double mcZ0 = impactPosition.Z();
2188 double mcCot = trackMCParticle.getMomentum().z() / trackMCParticle.getMomentum().Rho();
2189 cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "Track[" << iTrack << "]: mcCharge=" << mcCharge
2190 << " mcPt=" << mcPt << " mcPhi_c=" << mcPhi0
2191 << " mcZ0=" << mcZ0 << " mcCot=" << mcCot << endl;
2192 }
2193 }
2194 }
2196 if (TRGDebug::level()) {
2197 cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "Number of 2D tracks : "
2198 << _trackList2D.size() << endl;
2199 cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "Number of 2D fitted tracks : "
2200 << _trackList2DFitted.size() << endl;
2201 cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "Number of 3D tracks : "
2202 << _trackList3D.size() << endl;
2203 }
2206 // dump("hits");
2207 vector<const TCTrack*> t2;
2208 t2.assign(_trackList2D.begin(), _trackList2D.end());
2209 vector<const TCTrack*> t2f;
2210 t2f.assign(_trackList2DFitted.begin(), _trackList2DFitted.end());
2211 vector<const TCTrack*> t3;
2212 t3.assign(_trackList3D.begin(), _trackList3D.end());
2213 D->endOfEvent();
2214 stg = "fast simulation results";
2215 inf = "red:2D, blue:2DF, green:3D";
2216 D->clear();
2217 D->stage(stg);
2218 D->information(inf);
2219 D->area().append(hits());
2220 D->area().append(segmentHits());
2221 D->area().append(t2, Gdk::Color("red"));
2222 D->area().append(t2f, Gdk::Color("blue"));
2223 D->area().append(t3, Gdk::Color("green"));
2224 D->show();
2225 D->run();
2227 // unsigned iFront = 0;
2228 // while (const TCFrontEnd * f = _cdc.frontEnd(iFront++)) {
2229 // D->clear();
2230 // D->beginEvent();
2231 // D->area().append(* f);
2232 // D->run();
2233 // }
2234 // unsigned iMerger = 0;
2235 // while (const TCMerger * f = _cdc.merger(iMerger++)) {
2236 // D->clear();
2237 // D->beginEvent();
2238 // D->area().append(* f);
2239 // D->run();
2240 // }
2243 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC fastSimulation");
2244 return;
2245 }
2247 void
2248 TRGCDC::storeSimulationResults(string collection2Dfinder,
2249 string collection2Dfitter,
2250 string collection3Dfitter)
2251 {
2252 TRGDebug::enterStage("TRGCDC storeSimulationResults");
2254 // hits
2255 if (!(_fastSimulationMode & 2)) {
2256 StoreArray<CDCTriggerSegmentHit> storeSegmentHits;
2258 for (unsigned its = 0; its < _segmentHits.size(); ++its) {
2259 const TCSHit* segmentHit = _segmentHits[its];
2260 const CDCHit* priorityHit = cdcHits[segmentHit->iCDCHit()];
2261 const TCSegment* segment = static_cast<const TCSegment*>(&segmentHit->cell());
2262 const CDCTriggerSegmentHit* storeHit =
2263 storeSegmentHits.appendNew(*priorityHit,
2264 segment->id(),
2269 segment->foundTime());
2270 _tss[segment->id()]->addStoreHit(storeHit);
2271 // relation to all CDCHits in segment
2272 for (unsigned iw = 0; iw < segment->wires().size(); ++iw) {
2273 const TRGCDCWire* wire = (TRGCDCWire*)(*segment)[iw];
2274 if (wire->signal().active()) {
2275 // priority wire has relation weight 2
2276 double weight = (wire == &(segment->priority())) ? 2. : 1.;
2277 storeHit->addRelationTo(cdcHits[wire->hit()->iCDCHit()], weight);
2278 }
2279 }
2280 // relation to MCParticles (same as priority hit)
2282 for (unsigned imc = 0; imc < mcrel.size(); ++imc) {
2283 mcrel[imc]->addRelationTo(storeHit, mcrel.weight(imc));
2284 }
2285 }
2286 }
2287 // event time
2288 StoreObjPtr<TRGTiming> eventTime("CDCTriggerEventTime");
2289 eventTime.construct(Const::CDC, getEventTime());
2290 // 2D finder tracks
2291 StoreArray<CDCTriggerTrack> storeTracks2Dfinder(collection2Dfinder);
2292 for (unsigned itr = 0; itr < _trackList2D.size(); ++itr) {
2293 const TCTrack* track2D = _trackList2D[itr];
2294 double phi0 = remainder(track2D->helix().phi0() + M_PI_2, 2. * M_PI);
2295 double omega = track2D->charge() / track2D->helix().radius();
2296 const CDCTriggerTrack* track =
2297 storeTracks2Dfinder.appendNew(phi0, omega, 0.);
2298 // relation to SegmentHits
2299 vector<TRGCDCLink*> links = track2D->links();
2300 for (unsigned its = 0; its < links.size(); ++its) {
2301 const TRGCDCSegment* segment = static_cast<const TRGCDCSegment*>(links[its]->cell());
2302 const vector<const CDCTriggerSegmentHit*> storeHits = segment->storeHits();
2303 for (unsigned ihit = 0; ihit < storeHits.size(); ++ihit) {
2304 track->addRelationTo(storeHits[ihit]);
2305 }
2306 }
2307 }
2308 // 2D fitter tracks
2309 StoreArray<CDCTriggerTrack> storeTracks2Dfitter(collection2Dfitter);
2310 for (unsigned itr = 0; itr < _trackList2DFitted.size(); ++itr) {
2311 const TCTrack* track2D = _trackList2DFitted[itr];
2312 if (!track2D->fitted()) continue;
2313 double phi0 = remainder(track2D->helix().phi0() + M_PI_2, 2. * M_PI);
2314 double omega = track2D->charge() / track2D->helix().radius();
2315 double chi2 = track2D->get2DFitChi2();
2316 const CDCTriggerTrack* track =
2317 storeTracks2Dfitter.appendNew(phi0, omega, chi2);
2318 // relation to SegmentHits
2319 vector<TRGCDCLink*> links = track2D->links();
2320 for (unsigned its = 0; its < links.size(); ++its) {
2321 const TRGCDCSegment* segment = static_cast<const TRGCDCSegment*>(links[its]->cell());
2322 const vector<const CDCTriggerSegmentHit*> storeHits = segment->storeHits();
2323 for (unsigned ihit = 0; ihit < storeHits.size(); ++ihit) {
2324 track->addRelationTo(storeHits[ihit]);
2325 }
2326 }
2327 // relation to 2D finder, assuming same order in tracklist
2328 if (storeTracks2Dfinder.getEntries() > 0)
2329 storeTracks2Dfinder[itr]->addRelationTo(track);
2330 }
2331 // 3D tracks
2332 StoreArray<CDCTriggerTrack> storeTracks3Dfitter(collection3Dfitter);
2333 for (unsigned itr = 0; itr < _trackList3D.size(); ++itr) {
2334 const TCTrack* track3D = _trackList3D[itr];
2335 if (!track3D->fitted()) continue;
2336 double phi0 = remainder(track3D->helix().phi0() + M_PI_2, 2. * M_PI);
2337 double omega = 1. / track3D->helix().radius();
2338 double chi2 = track3D->get2DFitChi2();
2339 double z = track3D->helix().dz();
2340 double cot = track3D->helix().tanl();
2341 double chi3 = track3D->get3DFitChi2();
2342 const CDCTriggerTrack* track =
2343 storeTracks3Dfitter.appendNew(phi0, omega, chi2, z, cot, chi3);
2344 // relation to SegmentHits
2345 vector<TRGCDCLink*> links = track3D->links();
2346 for (unsigned its = 0; its < links.size(); ++its) {
2347 const TRGCDCSegment* segment = static_cast<const TRGCDCSegment*>(links[its]->cell());
2348 const vector<const CDCTriggerSegmentHit*> storeHits = segment->storeHits();
2349 for (unsigned ihit = 0; ihit < storeHits.size(); ++ihit) {
2350 track->addRelationTo(storeHits[ihit]);
2351 }
2352 }
2353 // relation to 2D finder, assuming same order in tracklist
2354 if (storeTracks2Dfinder.getEntries() > 0)
2355 storeTracks2Dfinder[itr]->addRelationTo(track);
2356 }
2358 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC storeSimulationResults");
2359 return;
2360 }
2362 void
2364 {
2366 D->beginningOfEvent();
2369 TRGDebug::enterStage("TRGCDC firmwareSimulation");
2371 //...Wire level simulation is in update().
2373 //...Front ends...
2374 const unsigned nFronts = _fronts.size();
2375 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nFronts; i++) {
2376 //...Skip inner-most FE because they have no contribution to TRG
2377 if (i < 10)
2378 continue;
2380 //...FE simulation...
2381 _fronts[i]->simulate();
2382 }
2384 //...Mergers...
2385 const unsigned nMergers = _mergers.size();
2386 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nMergers; i++) {
2387 _mergers[i]->simulate();
2388 }
2390 //...TSFs...
2391 const unsigned nTSFBoards = _tsfboards.size();
2392 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nTSFBoards; i++) {
2393 //iw _tsfboards[i]->simulateBoard();
2394 // _tsfboards[i]->simulate();
2395 _tsfboards[i]->simulate2();
2396 }
2398 //...Event Time... In ns scale.
2399 // [FIXME] Not really firmware mode. Just for display.
2400 int t_eventTime = _eventTime.back()->getT0();
2401 // Update WireHit driftTime using eventTime
2402 // [FIXME] This method is a temorary method. Next time change everything inside EventTime class.
2403 //cout<<"Hit timing ";
2404 for (unsigned iHits = 0; iHits < _hits.size(); iHits++) {
2405 //cout<<"["<<_hits[iHits]->wire().layerId()<<"]["<<_hits[iHits]->wire().localId()<<"]: "<<(_hits[iHits]->drift(0))<<" ";
2406 _hits[iHits]->setDriftTime((_hits[iHits]->drift(0) - t_eventTime) / 250, 0);
2407 _hits[iHits]->setDriftTime((_hits[iHits]->drift(1) - t_eventTime) / 250, 1);
2408 }
2409 //cout<< endl;
2410 //cout<<"Event timing: "<<t_eventTime<<endl;
2412 //...Tracker2D...
2413 const unsigned nTracker2Ds = _tracker2Ds.size();
2414 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nTracker2Ds; i++) {
2415 _tracker2Ds[i]->simulate();
2416 }
2419 dump("hits");
2420 D->endOfEvent();
2421 string stg = "Firmware simulation";
2422 string inf = " ";
2423 D->clear();
2424 D->stage(stg);
2425 D->information(inf);
2426 D->area().append(hits());
2427 D->area().append(segmentHits());
2428 D->show();
2429 D->run();
2430 // unsigned iFront = 0;
2431 // while (const TCFrontEnd * f = _cdc.frontEnd(iFront++)) {
2432 // D->clear();
2433 // D->beginEvent();
2434 // D->area().append(* f);
2435 // D->run();
2436 // }
2437 // unsigned iMerger = 0;
2438 // while (const TCMerger * f = _cdc.merger(iMerger++)) {
2439 // D->clear();
2440 // D->beginEvent();
2441 // D->area().append(* f);
2442 // D->run();
2443 // }
2446 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC firmwareSimulation");
2447 }
2449 void
2451 {
2452 TRGDebug::enterStage("TRGCDC configure");
2454 //...Open configuration file...
2455 ifstream infile(_configFilename.c_str(), ios::in);
2456 if ( {
2457 cout << "TRGCDC !!! can not open file" << endl
2458 << " " << _configFilename << endl;
2459 return;
2460 }
2462 //...Read configuration data...
2463 char b[800];
2464 unsigned lines = 0;
2465 unsigned lastSl = 0;
2466 unsigned lastMergerLocalId = 0;
2467 while (! infile.eof()) {
2468 infile.getline(b, 800);
2469 const string l(b);
2470 string cdr = l;
2472 bool skip = false;
2473 unsigned wid = 0;
2474 unsigned lid = 0;
2475 unsigned fid = 0;
2476 unsigned mid = 0;
2477 unsigned tid = 0;
2478 // cppcheck-suppress knownConditionTrueFalse
2479 if (lid != 0) mid = lid + tid; //jb
2480 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
2481 const string car = TRGUtil::carstring(cdr);
2482 cdr = TRGUtil::cdrstring(cdr);
2484 if (car == "#") {
2485 skip = true;
2486 break;
2487 } else if (car == "CDC") {
2488 skip = true;
2489 break;
2490 }
2492 if (i == 0) {
2493 wid = atoi(car.c_str());
2494 } else if (i == 1) {
2495 lid = atoi(car.c_str());
2496 } else if (i == 2) {
2497 fid = atoi(car.c_str());
2498 } else if (i == 3) {
2499 mid = atoi(car.c_str());
2500 } else if (i == 4) {
2501 tid = atoi(car.c_str());
2502 }
2503 }
2505 if (skip)
2506 continue;
2507 if (lines != wid)
2508 continue;
2510 //...Super layer ID...
2511 const unsigned sl = _wires[wid]->superLayerId();
2512 if (sl != lastSl)
2513 lastMergerLocalId = 0;
2515 //...Make a front-end board if necessary...
2516 bool newFrontEnd = false;
2517 TCFrontEnd* f = 0;
2518 if (fid < _fronts.size())
2519 f = _fronts[fid];
2520 if (! f) {
2521 newFrontEnd = true;
2522 const string name = "CDCFrontEnd" + TRGUtil::itostring(fid);
2523 TCFrontEnd::boardType t;
2524 if (sl == 0) {
2525 if (_wires[wid]->localLayerId() < 5)
2526 t = TCFrontEnd::innerInside;
2527 else
2528 t = TCFrontEnd::innerOutside;
2529 } else {
2530 if (_wires[wid]->localLayerId() < 3)
2531 t = TCFrontEnd::outerInside;
2532 else
2533 t = TCFrontEnd::outerOutside;
2534 }
2535 f = new TCFrontEnd(name, t, _clock, _clockD, _clockUser3125);
2537 _fronts.push_back(f);
2538 }
2539 f->push_back(_wires[wid]);
2541 //...Make a merger board if necessary... 2013,0908: physjg: I
2542 // think this should be done only when a new frontboard is
2543 // created. i.e., inlcuded in the if(!f) { .... } block.
2544 // Or I can put this part inside the new FrontEnd creation
2545 // part, well, seems not good in coding
2546 //
2547 bool newMerger = false;
2548 TCMerger* m = nullptr;
2549 if (newFrontEnd) {
2550 if (mid != 99999) {
2551 if (mid < _mergers.size())
2552 m = _mergers[mid];
2553 if (! m) {
2554 newMerger = true;
2555 const string name = "CDCMerger" + TRGUtil::itostring(sl) +
2556 "-" + TRGUtil::itostring(lastMergerLocalId);
2557 TCMerger::unitType mt;
2558 if (sl == 0)
2559 mt = TCMerger::innerType;
2560 else
2561 mt = TCMerger::outerType;
2562 m = new TCMerger(name,
2563 mt,
2564 _clock,
2565 _clockD,
2568 _mergers.push_back(m);
2569 ++lastMergerLocalId;
2570 lastSl = sl;
2571 //cout << "new merger : " << name << endl;
2572 }
2573 m->push_back(f);
2574 }
2576 //...Make Aurora channel...
2577 if (f && m) {
2578 const string n = f->name() + string("-") + m->name();
2579 TRGChannel* ch = new TRGChannel(n, *f, *m);
2580 f->appendOutput(ch);
2581 m->appendInput(ch);
2582 }
2583 }
2585 //...Make a TSF board if necessary...
2586 if (newMerger) {
2587 TSFinder* t = 0;
2588 if (tid != 99999) {
2589 if (tid < _tsfboards.size())
2590 t = _tsfboards[tid];
2591 if (!t) {
2592 const string name = "CDCTSFBoard" + TRGUtil::itostring(tid);
2593 TSFinder::boardType tt;
2594 if (_wires[wid]->superLayerId() == 0)
2595 tt = TSFinder::innerType;
2596 else
2597 tt = TSFinder::outerType;
2598 t = new TSFinder(*this,
2599 name,
2600 tt,
2601 _clock,
2602 _clockD,
2605 _tsSL[tid]);
2606 _tsfboards.push_back(t);
2607 }
2608 t->push_back(m);
2609 }
2611 if (m && t) {
2612 const string n = m->name() + string("-") + t->name();
2613 TRGChannel* chmt = new TRGChannel(n, *m, *t);
2614 m->appendOutput(chmt);
2615 t->appendInput(chmt);
2616 }
2617 }
2619 ++lines;
2620 }
2621 infile.close();
2623 //...Make a 2D finder...
2624 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
2625 const string name = "CDC2DBoard" + TRGUtil::itostring(i);
2626 TCTracker2D* t = new TCTracker2D(name,
2627 _clock,
2628 _clockD,
2631 _tracker2Ds.push_back(t);
2632 for (unsigned j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
2633 TCTSFinder* tsf = _tsfboards[j];
2634 const string n = tsf->name() + string("-") + t->name();
2635 TRGChannel* ch = new TRGChannel(n, *tsf, *t);
2636 tsf->appendOutput(ch);
2637 t->appendInput(ch);
2638 }
2639 const string n = t->name() + string("-") + "CDC3DBoard" + TRGUtil::itostring(i);
2640 TRGChannel* ch = new TRGChannel(n, *t, *t);
2641 // last (* t) should be 3D tracker in future
2642 t->appendOutput(ch);
2643 }
2645 //...For debug...
2646 if (TRGDebug::level()) {
2647 cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "TSF configuration" << endl;
2648 for (unsigned i = 0; i < _tsfboards.size(); i++) {
2649 const TSFinder& t = *_tsfboards[i];
2650 t.dump("detail", TRGDebug::tab() + " ");
2651 }
2652 cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "Tracker2D configuration" << endl;
2653 for (unsigned i = 0; i < _tracker2Ds.size(); i++) {
2654 const TCTracker2D& t = *_tracker2Ds[i];
2655 t.dump("detail", TRGDebug::tab() + " ");
2656 }
2657 }
2659 TRGDebug::leaveStage("TRGCDC configure");
2660 }
2662 const TRGCDCSegment&
2663 TRGCDC::segment(unsigned lid, unsigned id) const
2664 {
2665 return *(const TRGCDCSegment*)(* _tsLayers[lid])[id];
2666 }
2668//jb void
2669//jb TRGCDC::perfect3DFinder(vector<TCTrack*> trackList) const {
2671//jb TRGDebug::enterStage("Perfect 3D Finder");
2672//jb if (TRGDebug::level())
2673//jb cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "givenTrk#=" << trackList.size() << endl;
2675//jb //...Track loop....
2676//jb for (unsigned j = 0; j < trackList.size(); j++) {
2678//jb //...G4 trackID...
2679//jb TCTrack * trk = trackList[j];
2680//jb unsigned id = trackList[j]->relation().contributor(0);
2681//jb vector<const TCSHit*> tsList[9];
2683//jb //...Segment loop...
2684//jb const vector<const TCSHit*> hits = segmentHits();
2685//jb for (unsigned i = 0; i < hits.size(); i++) {
2686//jb const TCSHit & ts = * hits[i];
2687//jb if (ts.segment().axial()) continue;
2688//jb if (! ts.signal().active()) continue;
2689//jb const TCWHit * wh = ts.segment().center().hit();
2690//jb if (! wh) continue;
2691//jb const unsigned trackId = wh->iMCParticle();
2693//jb if (id == trackId)
2694//jb tsList[wh->wire().superLayerId()].push_back(& ts);
2695//jb }
2697//jb if (TRGDebug::level()) {
2698//jb cout << TRGDebug::tab() << "trk#" << j << endl;
2699//jb for (unsigned k = 0; k < 9; k++) {
2700//jb if (k % 2) {
2701//jb cout << TRGDebug::tab(4) << "superlayer " << k << ":";
2702//jb for (unsigned l = 0; l < tsList[k].size(); l++) {
2703//jb if (l)
2704//jb cout << ",";
2705//jb cout << tsList[k][l]->cell().name();
2706//jb }
2707//jb cout << endl;
2708//jb }
2709//jb }
2710//jb }
2712//jb //...Select best one in each super layer...
2713//jb for (unsigned i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
2714//jb const TCSHit * best = 0;
2715//jb if (tsList[i].size() == 0) {
2716//jb continue;
2717//jb } else if (tsList[i].size() == 1) {
2718//jb best = tsList[i][0];
2719//jb } else {
2720//jb int timeMin = 99999;
2721//jb for (unsigned k = 0; k < tsList[i].size(); k++) {
2722//jb const TRGSignal & signal = tsList[i][k]->signal();
2723//jb const TRGTime & t = * signal[0];
2724//jb if (t.time() < timeMin) {
2725//jb timeMin = t.time();
2726//jb best = tsList[i][k];
2727//jb }
2728//jb }
2729//jb }
2730//jb //trk->append(new TCLink(0,
2731//jb // best,
2732//jb // best->cell().xyPosition()));
2733//jb }
2735//jb if (TRGDebug::level())
2736//jb trk->dump("", "> ");
2738//jb }
2740//jb TRGDebug::leaveStage("Perfect 3D Finder");
2741//jb }
2743 int TRGCDC::getEventTime(void) const
2744 {
2745 return _eventTime.back()->getT0();
2746 }
2748 void TRGCDC::setReturnValue(EReturnValueType const& moduleName, bool flag)
2749 {
2750 if (flag) _returnValue |= moduleName;
2751 else _returnValue &= ~moduleName;
2752 }
2754 int TRGCDC::getReturnValue(EReturnValueType const& moduleName) const
2755 {
2756 return _returnValue & moduleName;
2757 }
2760 void TRGCDC::saveCDCHitInformation(vector<vector<unsigned>>& hitWiresFromCDC)
2761 {
2762 TClonesArray& rootCDCHitInformation = *m_rootCDCHitInformation;
2763 rootCDCHitInformation.Clear();
2764 for (unsigned iHit = 0; iHit < hitWiresFromCDC.size(); iHit++) {
2765 TVectorD t_rootCDCHitInformation(5);
2766 t_rootCDCHitInformation[0] = hitWiresFromCDC[iHit][0];
2767 t_rootCDCHitInformation[1] = hitWiresFromCDC[iHit][1];
2768 t_rootCDCHitInformation[2] = hitWiresFromCDC[iHit][2];
2769 t_rootCDCHitInformation[3] = hitWiresFromCDC[iHit][3];
2770 t_rootCDCHitInformation[4] = hitWiresFromCDC[iHit][4];
2771 new (rootCDCHitInformation[iHit]) TVectorD(t_rootCDCHitInformation);
2772 } // End of hit loop
2773 }
2775 void TRGCDC::saveTRGHitInformation(vector<vector<int>>& hitWiresFromTRG)
2776 {
2777 TClonesArray& rootTRGHitInformation = *m_rootTRGHitInformation;
2778 rootTRGHitInformation.Clear();
2779 for (unsigned iHit = 0; iHit < hitWiresFromTRG.size(); iHit++) {
2780 TVectorD t_rootTRGHitInformation(4);
2781 t_rootTRGHitInformation[0] = hitWiresFromTRG[iHit][0];
2782 t_rootTRGHitInformation[1] = hitWiresFromTRG[iHit][1];
2783 t_rootTRGHitInformation[2] = hitWiresFromTRG[iHit][2];
2784 t_rootTRGHitInformation[3] = hitWiresFromTRG[iHit][3];
2785 new (rootTRGHitInformation[iHit]) TVectorD(t_rootTRGHitInformation);
2786 } // End of hit loop
2787 }
2789 void TRGCDC::saveTRGRawInformation(vector<string >& trgInformations)
2790 {
2791 TClonesArray& rootTRGRawInformation = *m_rootTRGRawInformation;
2792 rootTRGRawInformation.Clear();
2793 for (unsigned iWindow = 0; iWindow < trgInformations.size(); iWindow++) {
2794 TObjString t_rootTRGRawInformation;
2795 t_rootTRGRawInformation.SetString(trgInformations[iWindow].c_str());
2796 new (rootTRGRawInformation[iWindow]) TObjString(t_rootTRGRawInformation);
2797 } // End of hit loop
2798 }
2800//void TRGCDC::saveCDCTRGTimeMatchInformation(vector<vector<map<int, int> > >& hitTimingComp) {
2802// TClonesArray& CDCTRGTimeMatch = *m_CDCTRGTimeMatch;
2803// CDCTRGTimeMatch.Clear();
2804// int nTotalHits = 0;
2805// for(unsigned iLayer=0; iLayer<5; iLayer++){
2806// for(unsigned iWire=0; iWire<16; iWire++){
2807// for(map<int, int>::iterator it = hitTimingComp[iLayer][iWire].begin(); it != hitTimingComp[iLayer][iWire].end(); it++){
2808// TVectorD t_CDCTRGTimeMatch(4);
2809// t_CDCTRGTimeMatch[0] = iLayer;
2810// t_CDCTRGTimeMatch[1] = iWire;
2811// t_CDCTRGTimeMatch[2] = (*it).first;
2812// t_CDCTRGTimeMatch[3] = (*it).second;
2813// new(CDCTRGTimeMatch[nTotalHits++]) TVectorD(t_CDCTRGTimeMatch);
2814// }
2815// } // End of wire loop
2816// } // End of layer loop
2820 unsigned
2821 TRGCDC::nSegments(unsigned id) const
2822 {
2823 if (id < _tsLayers.size())
2824 return _tsLayers[id]->size();
2825 return 0;
2826 }
2829} // namespace Belle2
DataType y() const
access variable Y (= .at(1) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:427
DataType z() const
access variable Z (= .at(2) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:429
DataType x() const
access variable X (= .at(0) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:425
Class containing the result of the unpacker in raw data and the result of the digitizer in simulation...
Definition: CDCHit.h:40
Combination of several CDCHits to a track segment hit for the trigger.
This class is the interface between TSim/basf2 TSF module and the firmware simulation core of XSim/IS...
Track created by the CDC trigger.
int nShifts(int layerId) const
Returns number shift.
double fieldWireR(int layerId) const
Returns radius of field wire in each layer.
const B2Vector3D wireForwardPosition(uint layerId, int cellId, EWirePosition set=c_Base) const
Returns the forward position of the input sense wire.
const B2Vector3D wireBackwardPosition(uint layerId, int cellId, EWirePosition set=c_Base) const
Returns the backward position of the input sense wire.
double getTdcBinWidth() const
Return TDC bin width (nsec).
float getT0(const WireID &wireID) const
Returns t0 parameter of the specified sense wire.
unsigned nWiresInLayer(int layerId) const
Returns wire numbers in a layer.
double getNominalDriftV() const
Return the nominal drift velocity of He-ethane gas (default: 4.0x10^-3 cm/nsec).
static CDCGeometryPar & Instance(const CDCGeometry *=nullptr)
Static method to get a reference to the CDCGeometryPar instance.
unsigned nWireLayers() const
Returns a number of wire layers.
double senseWireR(int layerId) const
Returns radius of sense wire in each layer.
double zOffsetWireLayer(unsigned i) const
Returns the offset of z of the wire layer i.
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getVertex() const
Return production vertex position, shorthand for getProductionVertex().
Definition: MCParticle.h:183
float getCharge() const
Return the particle charge defined in TDatabasePDG.
ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector get4Vector() const
Return 4Vector of particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:207
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentum() const
Return momentum.
Definition: MCParticle.h:198
The Raw COPPER class This class stores data received by COPPER via belle2linkt Data from all detector...
Definition: RawCOPPER.h:52
void SetBuffer(int *bufin, int nwords, int delete_flag, int num_events, int num_nodes) OVERRIDE_CPP17
set buffer ( delete_flag : m_buffer is freeed( = 0 )/ not freeed( = 1 ) in Destructer )
virtual int * GetBuffer(int n)
get nth buffer pointer
Definition: RawDataBlock.h:53
Low-level class to create/modify relations between StoreArrays.
Definition: RelationArray.h:62
int getEntries() const
Get the number of elements.
Class for type safe access to objects that are referred to in relations.
size_t size() const
Get number of relations.
float weight(int index) const
Get weight with index.
void addRelationTo(const RelationsInterface< BASE > *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Add a relation from this object to another object (with caching).
RelationVector< FROM > getRelationsFrom(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the relations that point from another store array to this object.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
T * appendNew()
Construct a new T object at the end of the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:246
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
bool construct(Args &&... params)
Construct an object of type T in this StoreObjPtr, using the provided constructor arguments.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:119
A class to represent a cell layer.
Definition: Layer.h:33
A class to represent a wire in CDC.
Definition: Segment.h:39
A class to represent a wire in CDC.
Definition: Wire.h:56
The instance of TRGCDC is a singleton.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:69
TClonesArray * m_fitParameters
3D fit
Definition: TRGCDC.h:747
bool _fileFitter3D
Switch for Fitter3D.root file.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:602
std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > _trackList3D
Track list for 3D fitted tracks.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:542
float * _r
R of cell.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:668
std::vector< TRGCDCTracker2D * > _tracker2Ds
CDC 2D finder boards.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:708
bool _fFitter3Ds2DFitDrift
Switch to us wire 2D fit or drift 2D fit.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:578
int _firmwareSimulationStopDataClock
Firmware simulation stop clock in CDCTRG data clock.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:530
std::vector< TRGCDCWireHit * > _axialHits
CDC hits on axial wires.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:635
bool _fFitter3Ds2DFit
Switch to us 2D fit or Hough finder results.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:575
unsigned _simulationMode
Simulation mode.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:502
TClonesArray * m_rootTRGRawInformation
[0]: iLayer, [1]: iWire, [2]: Timing(CDC), [3]: MatchNumber MatchNumber: 1: Only CDC,...
Definition: TRGCDC.h:788
std::string _configFilename
CDC trigger configuration filename.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:499
TTree * m_tree
root tree for reconstructed 3D tracks
Definition: TRGCDC.h:738
std::vector< std::vector< TRGCDCLayer * > * > _superLayers
Super layers.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:608
unsigned _fastSimulationMode
Fast simulation mode.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:505
TTree * m_treeAllTracks
root tree for MC tracks
Definition: TRGCDC.h:741
std::vector< TRGCDCWire * > _hitWires
Wires with a hit.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:629
std::vector< TRGCDCSegment * > _tsSL[9]
Track Segments.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:650
int _trgCDCDataInputMode
Switch for TRG CDC input mode.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:768
std::string _cdchitCollectionName
name of the CDCHit DataStore array used as input
Definition: TRGCDC.h:771
int _debugLevel
Debug level.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:493
void perfect3DFinder(std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > trackList) const
fills stereo TSs to tracks using MC info.
std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > _trackList2DFitted
Track list for 2D fitted tracks.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:539
int _finder3DMode
Sets mode of 3DFinder.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:599
std::vector< TRGCDCTrackSegmentFinder * > _tsfboards
CDC trigger tsf boards.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:705
bool _fXtSimpleFitter3D
Switch for using simple x-t curve or non-linear x-t curve. 0: non-linear 1: simple.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:605
TClonesArray * m_mcParameters
Definition: TRGCDC.h:750
float * _width
Cell width in radian.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:665
std::string _outerTSLUTFilename
The filename of LUT for outer track segments.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:557
std::string _innerTSLUTFilename
The filename of LUT for the inner-most track segments.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:554
bool _fLogicLUTTSF
Switch for logic or LUT TSF.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:566
int _fverETF
Switch for selecting ETF version.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:590
std::vector< TRGCDCWireHitMC * > _hitsMC
MC info. of CDC hits.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:644
TClonesArray * m_mcTrackVertexVector
MC vertex.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:756
std::vector< TRGCDCSegment * > _tss
Track Segments.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:647
const bool _perfect2DFinder
Switch to activate perfect 2D finder.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:548
bool _fileHough3D
Switch for Hough3D.root file.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:596
std::vector< TRGCDCLayer * > _stereoLayers
Stereo layers.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:623
const TRGClock _clockD
CDC trigger data clock.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:684
bool _fileTSF
Switch for TSF.root file.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:584
bool _fileETF
Switch for ETF.root file.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:587
std::vector< std::vector< TRGCDCLayer * > * > _stereoSuperLayers
Stereo super layers.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:614
std::string _rootTRGCDCFilename
The filename of root file for TRGCDC.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:560
std::vector< TRGCDCSegmentHit * > _segmentHits
Track Segments with hits.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:656
std::vector< TRGCDCLayer * > _tsLayers
Track Segment layers.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:653
TTree * m_treeROOTInput
Debugging members for firmware ROOT input.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:779
std::vector< TRGCDCWireHit * > _badHits
Bad CDC hits.(not used now)
Definition: TRGCDC.h:641
bool _makeRootFile
Switch for TRGCDC.root file.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:545
Enum for returnValue types.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:74
int _returnValue
Return value for trg cdc module;.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:533
std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > _trackList2D
Track list by 2D finding.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:536
bool _fprintFirmETF
Switch for printing Firmware inputs for ETF.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:593
TRGCDCHoughFinder * _hFinder
Hough finder.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:720
TRGCDCTrackSegmentFinder * _tsFinder
Track Segement Finder.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:711
std::vector< TRGCDCEventTime * > _eventTime
Definition: TRGCDC.h:729
TClonesArray * m_mcTrack4Vector
MC track.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:753
TRGSignal _firmwareSimulationWindow
Firmware simulation time window in FE.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:524
std::vector< TRGCDCWire * > _wires
All wires.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:626
TClonesArray * m_rootTRGHitInformation
[0]: iLayer, [1]: iWire, [2]: window number, [3]: priority timing
Definition: TRGCDC.h:783
std::vector< TRGCDCLayer * > _layers
All layers.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:617
const TRGClock _clock
CDC trigger system clock.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:674
TClonesArray * m_mcTrackStatus
MC track status.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:759
double _inefficiency
Hit inefficiency parameter.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:581
TClonesArray * m_evtTime
Event time.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:762
TFile * m_file
root file
Definition: TRGCDC.h:735
TRGCDCFitter3D * _fitter3D
3D fitter.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:726
std::vector< TRGCDCFrontEnd * > _fronts
CDC front-end boards.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:699
float * _r2
R^2 of cell.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:671
std::vector< TRGCDCSegmentHit * > _segmentHitsSL[9]
Track Segments with hits in each super layer.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:659
std::vector< TRGCDCWireHit * > _stereoHits
CDC hits on stereo wires.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:638
int _firmwareSimulationStop
Fimrware simulation stop clock in FE.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:521
int _firmwareSimulationStart
Fimrware simulation start clock in FE.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:518
TRGCDCPerfectFinder * _pFinder
Perfect 2D finder.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:714
std::vector< std::vector< TRGCDCLayer * > * > _axialSuperLayers
Axial super layers.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:611
TClonesArray * _tracks2D
2D track information
Definition: TRGCDC.h:765
std::vector< TRGCDCLayer * > _axialLayers
Axial layers.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:620
TRGCDCPerfectFinder * _p3DFinder
Perfect 3D finder.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:717
CDC::CDCGeometryPar * m_cdcp
returns a pointer to CDCGeometryPar
Definition: TRGCDC.h:252
TRGCDCHough3DFinder * _h3DFinder
Hough 3D finder.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:723
const TRGClock _clockUser3125
CDC trigger user clock for Aurora 3.125 Gbps.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:687
std::vector< TRGCDCWireHit * > _hits
CDC hits.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:632
const TRGClock _clockFE
CDC front end clock. Resolution is CDC TdcBinWidth.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:677
std::string _rootFitter3DFilename
The filename of root file for Fitter3D.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:563
bool _fFitter3Dsmclr
Switch for MC L/R information in Fitter3D.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:572
std::vector< TRGCDCMerger * > _mergers
CDC trigger merger boards.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:702
bool _fLRLUT
Switch for the LR LUT in Fitter3D.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:569
const TRGClock _clockUser6250
CDC trigger user clock for Aurora 6.250 Gbps.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:690
TTree * _tree2D
root tree for 2D tracks
Definition: TRGCDC.h:744
const TRGClock _clockTDC
CDC trigger TDC clock.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:681
int _firmwareSimulationStartDataClock
Firmware simulation start clock in CDCTRG data clock.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:527
TClonesArray * m_rootCDCHitInformation
[0]: iLayer, [1]: iWire, [2]: CDCADC, [3]: CDCTDC, [4]: CDC FE TRG timing
Definition: TRGCDC.h:781
A class to represent a serial link between trigger hardware modules.
Definition: Channel.h:24
A class to represent a digitized signal. Unit is nano second.
Definition: Clock.h:38
A class to represent a bundle of SignalVectors.
Definition: SignalBundle.h:26
A class to represent a bundle of digitized signals.
Definition: SignalVector.h:26
A class to represent a digitized signal. Unit is nano second.
Definition: Signal.h:23
A class to represent a state of multi bits.
Definition: State.h:24
A class to represent a signal timing in the trigger system.
Definition: Time.h:25
Class to identify a wire inside the CDC.
Definition: WireID.h:34
static void findImpactPosition(ROOT::Math::XYZVector *mcPosition, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector *mcMomentum, int charge, ROOT::Math::XYVector &helixCenter, ROOT::Math::XYZVector &impactPosition)
MC calculation functions Calculates the impact position of track.
int GetDetectorNwords(int n, int finesse_num)
get Detector buffer length
Definition: RawCOPPER.h:657
int * GetDetectorBuffer(int n, int finesse_num)
get Detector buffer
Definition: RawCOPPER.h:681
std::vector< const TRGCDCSegmentHit * > segmentHits(void) const
returns a list of TRGCDCSegmentHit.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:996
std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > getTrackList2DFitted(void)
returns 2D fitted track list.
unsigned nAxialLayers(void) const
return # of axial layers.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:884
unsigned size(void) const
returns bit size.
Definition: State.h:149
unsigned localId(unsigned wireId) const
returns local ID in a layer. This function is expensive.
void configure(void)
configures trigger modules for firmware simulation.
static std::string tab(void)
returns tab spaces.
const TRGSignalVector & set(const TRGState &, int clockPosition)
sets state at given clock.
static TRGCDC * getTRGCDC(void)
returns TRGCDC object.
void setReturnValue(EReturnValueType const &moduleName, bool flag)
sets return value for trg cdc module.
unsigned layerId(unsigned wireId) const
returns layer ID. This function is expensive.
std::string name(void) const
simulates track segment decisions.
void initialize()
unsigned localLayerId(unsigned wireId) const
returns local layer ID in a super layer. This function is expensive.
void fastClear(void)
clears TRGCDC information.
double absoluteTime(int clockPosition) const
returns absolute time of clock position
int priorityPosition(void) const
return priority cell position in TSHit. 0: no hit, 3: 1st priority, 1: 2nd right, 2: 2nd left
std::string wireName(unsigned wireId) const
returns wire name.
int FindAndFit(std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList2D, std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList2DFitted)
do track finding and fitting (wrapper that can choose between different versions).
TRGState subset(unsigned i, unsigned n) const
returns subset from i with n bits.
float fastestTime(void) const
return fastest time in TSHit.
TRGCDC(const std::string &configFile, unsigned simulationMode, unsigned fastSimulationMode, unsigned firmwareSimulationMode, int firmwareSimulationStart, int firmwareSimulationStop, bool makeRootFile, bool perfect2DFinder, bool perfect3DFinder, const std::string &innerTSLUTFile, const std::string &outerTSLUTFile, const std::string &rootTRGCDCFile, const std::string &rootFitter3DFile, unsigned houghFinderPeakMin, const std::string &houghMappingFilePlus, const std::string &houghMappingFileMinus, unsigned houghDoit, bool fLogicLUTTSF, bool fLRLUT, bool fFitter3Dsmclr, bool fFitter3Ds2DFit, bool fFitter3Ds2DFitDrift, double inefficiecny, bool fileTSF, bool fileETF, int fverETF, bool fprintFirmETF, bool fileHough3D, int finder3DMode, bool fileFitter3D, bool fXtSimpleFitter3D, double TdcBinWidth, int trgCDCDataInputMode, const std::string &cdchitCollectionName)
unsigned id(void) const
returns id.
Definition: Cell.h:200
int doit(std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList)
Does track fitting.
const TRGClock & clock(void) const
returns clock.
Definition: Time.h:149
int doit(std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackListClone, std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList)
do track finding.
unsigned localLayerId(void) const
returns local layer id in a super layer.
Definition: Layer.h:173
void terminate(void)
terminates when run is finished
TRGTime & reverse(void)
reverse edge.
Definition: Time.h:141
int getValue(unsigned) const
get LUT Values
const std::string & name(void) const
returns name.
Definition: Signal.h:188
static void enterStage(const std::string &stageName)
Declare that you enter new stage.
bool neighbor(const TRGCDCWire &w0, const TRGCDCWire &w1) const
returns true if w0 and w1 are neighbor.
unsigned superLayerId(void) const
returns super layer id.
Definition: Layer.h:166
virtual ~TRGCDC()
void saveTRGHitInformation(std::vector< std::vector< int > > &)
Save functions for ROOT.
void terminate()
const std::string stereoType(void) const
returns "A" or "U" or "V" depending on stereo type.
Definition: Layer.h:238
const TRGSignal & signal(void) const override
returns an input to the trigger. This is sync'ed to 1GHz clock.
Definition: Wire.h:242
std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > getTrackList3D(void)
returns 3D track list (fitted).
static std::string itostring(int i)
converts int to string. (Use boost::lexical_cast)
const TRGCDCWire & priority(void) const
returns priority wire.
unsigned nAxialSuperLayers(void) const
return # of axial super layers.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:891
unsigned axialStereoSuperLayerId(void) const
returns id of axial or stereo super layer id.
Definition: Layer.h:224
const TRGState & set(unsigned position, bool state=true)
sets state at bit i.
Definition: State.h:305
std::vector< const TRGCDCWireHitMC * > hitsMC(void) const
returns a list of TRGCDCWireHitMC.
const TRGClock & dataClock(void) const
returns the data clock.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:982
unsigned nSegments(void) const
returns # of track segments.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:954
TRGTime & shift(int unit)
delays by clock unit.
Definition: Time.h:163
const TRGCDCWireHit * hit(void) const
returns a pointer to a TRGCDCWireHit.
Definition: Wire.h:153
unsigned axialStereoSuperLayerId(unsigned axialStereo, unsigned axialStereoLayerId) const
returns axialStereo super layer ID. This function is expensive.
unsigned firmwareSimulationMode(void) const
returns firmware simulation mode.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:1091
unsigned nSuperLayers(void) const
returns # of super layers.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:870
int firmwareSimulationStart(void) const
returns start clock of the firmware simulation in FE clock.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:1112
unsigned nStereoLayers(void) const
returns # of stereo layers.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:877
void initialize(void)
initilize variables.
unsigned lutPattern(void) const
hit pattern containing bit for priority position
std::string versionCDC(void) const
returns CDC version.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:856
void initialize(unsigned houghFinderPeakMin, const std::string &houghMappingFilePlus, const std::string &houghMappingFileMinus, unsigned houghDoit)
initializes CDC geometry.
const TRGCDCSegment & segment(unsigned id) const
returns a track segment.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:933
void saveTRGRawInformation(std::vector< std::string > &)
Save functions for ROOT.
const TRGCDCLUT * LUT(void) const
returns LUT
Definition: Segment.h:258
unsigned nLayers(void) const
return # of layers.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:905
int getEventTime(void) const
returns bad hits(finding invalid hits).
const std::vector< TRGCDCLayer * > * superLayer(unsigned id) const
returns a pointer to a super-layer.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:835
void dump(const std::string &message) const
dumps debug information.
std::vector< const TRGCDCWireHit * > stereoHits(void) const
returns a list of stereo hits.
const std::vector< const CDCTriggerSegmentHit * > storeHits(void) const
returns a pointer to a CDCTriggerSegmentHit.
Definition: Segment.h:251
unsigned iCDCHit(void) const
returns an index to CDCHit.
Definition: CellHit.h:360
std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > getTrackList2D(void)
returns 2D track list (no fit).
std::vector< const TRGCDCWireHit * > axialHits(void) const
returns a list of axial hits.
unsigned superLayerId(unsigned wireId) const
returns super layer ID. This function is expensive.
void doit(std::vector< TRGCDCSegment * > &tss, const bool trackSegmentClockSimulation, std::vector< TRGCDCSegmentHit * > &segmentHits, std::vector< TRGCDCSegmentHit * > *segmentHitsSL)
Member functions of doing TSF.
static int level(void)
returns the debug level.
unsigned axialStereoLayerId(void) const
returns id of axial or stereo id.
Definition: Layer.h:217
std::vector< const TRGCDCWireHit * > hits(void) const
returns a list of TRGCDCWireHit.
int getReturnValue(void) const
gets return value for trg cdc module.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:1098
bool active(void) const
returns true if there is a signal.
Definition: Signal.h:277
const std::vector< const TRGCDCWire * > & wires(void) const
returns a vector containing pointers to a wire.
Definition: Segment.h:198
float priorityTime(void) const
return priority time in TSHit.
static TRGCDC * _cdc
CDC trigger singleton.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:490
const TRGCDCLayer * layer(unsigned id) const
returns a pointer to a layer. 0 will be returned if 'id' is invalid.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:828
void update()
updates TRGCDC wire information. clear() is called in this function.
int position(double timing) const
returns clock position.
static void leaveStage(const std::string &stageName)
Declare that you leave a stage.
unsigned nCells(void) const
returns # of cells.
Definition: Layer.h:194
unsigned nStereoSuperLayers(void) const
returns # of stereo super layers.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:898
void fastSimulation(void)
Fast simulation.
float foundTime(void) const
return found time in TSHit.
std::string version(void) const
returns version.
unsigned nWires(void) const
return # of wires.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:863
void simulate(void)
fast trigger simulation.
void clear(void)
clears all TRGCDC hit information.
void saveCDCHitInformation(std::vector< std::vector< unsigned > > &)
Save functions for ROOT.
void doit(std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > const &trackList2D, std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList3D)
Member functions.
void firmwareSimulation(void)
Firmware simulation.
void classification(void)
classify hits.
void updateByData(int inputMode)
updates TRGCDC wire information by Hardware data 0: From CDC FE ASCII file (Implementing) 1: From CDC...
void storeSimulationResults(std::string collection2Dfinder, std::string collection2Dfitter, std::string collection3Dfitter)
Save results of fast simulation to data store (segment hits & tracks).
void dump(const std::string &message="", const std::string &pre="") const
dumps contents.
int firmwareSimulationStop(void) const
returns stop clock of the firmware simulation in FE clock.
Definition: TRGCDC.h:1119
const TRGCDCWire * wire(unsigned wireId) const
returns a pointer to a wire.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.